sc SS ES ET TE GLANCE. ROUND THE GLOBE Alberta Given Pat On Back "== ee a awe . 4 4 Sm |Wingham ........ 20 30 |Trenton ....+..42- 20 30 For Plan By Ontario Govt. Milder Air In All Of Ontario iis 2 2 8 eee Be Labor Party Warns Wilson By THE CANADIA NPRESS Alberta was given a pat on the back in the Ontario legisla- | The three resolutions sug- gested Ontario's hospital insur- ance plan should be extended to 'Moderate Temperatures e Of Far East Revolt Brewin ture Wednesday but the west-|cover nursing home care for|, TORONTO (CP) -- Official) White River, Cochrane, west~ ? erners replied with a rap on|the chronically - ill and elderly.|forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m.jern James Bay regions: Cloudy Boaw 0, ry the knuckles. } dn other degisiatures- EST: ; -- with occasional snow LONDON (AP) -- Observers H 7 The exchange was mostly a 7 a Synopsis: All of.Ontario is injand drifting snow today clear- say Labor party leaders have University Draft New Democratic Party affair, | St. John's--Finance Minister|a strong southerly flow ofjing partially and turning colder} "THE MOST PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE" warned Prime Minister Wilson LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- The! Norm Davison (NDP--Hamil- F. W. Rowe told a 20-minute|milder air. Temperatures will/by late afternoon. Mainly sunny) that a revolt is brewing in his University of Western Ontario ton East) lauded Alberta's nurs-|Session of the Newfoundland continue to moderate today andjon Friday. Winds southerly 20 ; party against Britain's military Sity wlesdeteas ing home plan, which he said|legislature the province's afternoon temperatures wil 1|shifting to north 20 tonight. ' role in the Middle and Far today released the final draft) .«;¢ recognized by Ottawa as el-|1967-68 budget, postponed twice climb to the high 30s across} Ottawa and region: Clouding by Kassinger East. on an act to reform its govern- igible for cost - sharing under|by delayed preparation of esti- southern Ontario and to aroundjover today with flurries in the Observers said Wednesday ing bodies. Faculty and students|the federal Hospital Insurance| mates, will be tabled in the Jeg-/30 in the north. The strongjafternoon. Turning milder. Fri- i the development could force will be represented on the board|4nd Diagnostic Services Act." |islature March 15.--- southerly winds and the warm-jday cloudy becoming sunny by The Location Wileon to consider cuts in' the : H ; 4 : it = ; ing trend are due to a weather|noon and turning colder, Winds GAI co $6,000,000 HOO LGA e) detenee of governors and senate in a FF e he speaking on a resolu Hall ax Premier Robert/gisturbance moving through|light becoming southerly 20 this| . budget, and consequently com- major departure from tradi-| srovide = de eit Bs Stanfield introduced a bill in|Northern Ontario. As this storm|afternoon and northwesterly 15| The Setting A local pel a reappraisal of British tional university government. chronically-ill ned elderly per. the Nova Scotia legislature call-/moves into Quebec later today,|Friday afternoon. : f i elie ri relations with the United States. Faculty members are given| sons. po ll 'saulen te Gace oar gilge Bry Gui Forecast temperatures The advanced method of construction Hees ce The warning to Wilson came fur seats on the 23-member| Meanwhile Highway Minister|tt is an aniendment to the Friday. y wor overnight, high Friday Tt, Q ali and ed six ars sch vig ee board and a voting majority on oeialet Gg Sond a ae Teachers' Pension Act. | Regional forecasts valid until' st. 'Thomas'. as FA 32 ey eras : y 's : ure was horrifie 'y idni ; wat noeeeeeadiens . 0 give ij vote in the House of Commons the 74-seat senate, the academic." statement in the Ontario]. Quebec --Premier Daniel mente rcay: The Beauty of the Homes Pickering Tuesday night for the govern- policy-maker. Students, who ac- house, attributed to an NDP besoin told -- Quebec legis- rng? St. peng Lake Erie, it wouldr ment's defence policy. tively campaigned for three member, who felt it all right|!ature's committee on private|Lake Huron, Niagara, Lake On- UT ri I would Included in that policy is a board seats and 17 senate seats, to drive after a few drinks, | Dills that the province will pro-|tario, southern Georgian Bay A OMATIC Are Unquesi ionable aie sizable British air, land and : rei: vide $10,000,000 in aid to Que-|regions, Windsor, London, Ham- . . mind if oe Ae will be represented by a non- MPP NOT IDENTIFIED bec City, a step that should|ilton, Toronto: Mainly cloudy TRANSMISSION Without Comparison Anat vee agli China ore Prd student on the 0 and three) We did not identify the On-\avert the need for higher city|and milder today. Cloudy and a shy gs ing $1 500.000.000 yearly. seats on the senate. jtario member, but sald '"'there| 'axes. little colder Friday. Winds| CENTSE In Oshawa what all , pee seer aa a Used C S l will be boys and girls who willl Regina--The Liberal govern-|Southerly 20, to 25 today and | say in co ag tone ging i ie PRIME MINISTER WILSON sed Var nales gets of this statement." ment of Premier Ross Thatcher "Stun Girls tab Hati.|{ 1038 Simeoe St N. 728-7339 | 10 different Model Homes with Delightful Styling ing. I d ritain has its hands full in Warned ue "Spread the news across the|survived igs second non-confi- i i 4 | ; ; f agains Aden, a British-ruled political) | _ VANDORF. Vlicsiey rex nation that it Is not all right,"|dence motton of the current/°U"tn. Killaloe, Algoma' re- Of all Transmission {| @Md Breathtaking Interior are on display now. Oleksuik, area on the Arabian Peninsuia,| . lommended legislation to make he said. 'The first drink starts|session, defeating a CCF oppo- eleud na Hrsg Sudbury: Q/ Repairs Could've Been lot of pe where British troops are try- Sows Restrained sale of used cars unlawful with-|!mpairment." sition attempt 29 to 27. Progres- Octadlonal it ft eng yoend /O Avoided by Preven- || if what h oo Se erase God ore. KITCHENER (CP) -- Farm-|out a thorough check and certif- Legislatures also sat in New- tis Paastoon tele as Mar-|to a few showers in the after: Every 25,000 Mi co 10 eee NAAEY HOMES See -- : ile é ' i lication by a qualified repair- foundland, Nova Scotia, Sas-|tin Pederson joined the 26 CCF ' | Leas Ai - pare the country for Fe ae eee agg erred spent og nok craig . . |katchewan, and British Colum-|members. One Liberal member teal eet snd ear aan CLEAN, THESE HOMES ARE SHOWN BY Bicaenee de ge ragga ge meng (8 they cause flesh wounds ,a| 'The jury ruled accidental thelr eee bills committee ig pact hap Ne Heng southerly 25 becoming' north 20 Reconditioned APPOINTMENT ONLY if |humane_ society official said)death of two men in a highway| : ciiee4 . "tonight. a Far East, the Britisn| Wednesday: jaccident, but stated the faulty| In Ontario, Mr. Davison's res- oe Timagami region: Cloudy and Teemnnatentans SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. --_ 123 2265 * Mere Wallace Koegler, superin-|condition of the car, which had|Olution was one of three pre-| Victorla--The British Colum-| milder with occasional snow and|f For Chev., Pontiacs (Cdn.) Exchange 4 ec pro ams are many, but MEltendent for the Grand Valley|been ruled unfit for the road,|sented on the same issue. The/bia legislature approved esti-|drifting snow today. Mostly|} $125 Plus Installation end Fluid. e cog ig Aine -- region of the Ontario Humane|was a contributing factor. jothers were from Jack Harris|mates of the attorney - gen-|cloudy and colder tonight and SEER VELA BRUNE AMI STE EE AE RR RR fps ictagen Se ebout aL Society, said the practice of} James F. Dowling, 25, of Tor- (PC ---Beaches) and Murrayjeral's department, totalling/ Friday. Winds southerly 25 be- All Work Guaranteed ton jin Vietnam, without part-|resiraining sows is becoming s0lonto and Alberta Ingarra, 43, of Cunt (L--Huron). $23,049,774. \coming north 20 tonight. | AA TEE RATT STEIN RE n T b se common that Agriculture Min-|Whitchurch Township, were he Labor abstention was the|ister william Stewart is being|killed Dec. 30,when their 14- OTTAWA pocthag Dd red Wilson since he! approached in an effort to curb|year-old car crashed into the ter Pearso vg ack 0 power 8 yearit, abetitent of a railway over- cabinet dis ae government's margin in : P : and the Commons sagged to 39 from a| ee an average of about 90, bring- 4 Car Defect _ nohe uf a Conservative LANSING, Mich. (AP)--Olds- moment, | cries for its resignation. |mobile division of General Mot- there may 1 . ors warned Wednesday of po- tees that Trading Stamps tential steering arm trouble on Bank of N some 1967 - model -cars and -- give up co TORONTO (CP) -- Attorney- asked owners of more than 2,000 ener cence: bag hehe Me 2 new cars to have them fixed. . outlaw trading stamps is F mi awaiting detailed consideration Be ong yes Mone Ph Med a before being introduced in the breaking, causing a loss of legislature. : steering control on 1967-model $40 F Mr. Wishart said in an inter- 88s and 98s built between Jan. view that he did not present the: 15 and Feb, 8 this year. ST. JOH bill to a Progressive Conserva-; "One or more of the four bolts brief to th pclae or Peds Paes may not meet Oldsmobile's mons comr ae ae metallurgical specifications and prices Wec discussed the legislation with-| could break," the company family of t out reaching a decision. } paid ' . children in The attorney - general gave i spend $40 1 notice of the legislation Feb. 20. dis ria pony Hen ng Br basic food He said Wednesday he has no} cohich in fiehly babl healthy diet t h it fi d be NOUS OEMS which is highly improbable -- plans to pus hada then a loss of steering control Another .¢ cause he is concentrating on| JUDY LAMARSH could result." home here ge hind for discussions of Free TV: wy costs $22,50( s department's estimates. buyer needs : Chrysler Layoff of $7,000-$8, Leadership Race Free TV WINDSOR, Ont. (CP)--Chry- ip ann OTTAWA (CP)--Senator Wal-| OTTAWA (CP)--State Secre-/Sler Canada Ltd. has an: Newfoundlar ciation that lace McCutcheon, former Con-|tary Judy LaMarsh servative trade minister, has|Wednesday that the CBC placed own office. "It has been a CBC practice for some years to make sets to announce his candidacy shortly. He has confirmed, how- ever, that he plans to resign his $15,000-a-year Senate seat at the next federal election to run for a Commons seat in the Tor- onto area. offices and individuals," Miss LaMarsh said in a Commons re- ply to a written question from confirmed|nounced the layoff of 180 of its available as a courtesy to these|year, a layoff in mid-January Walker Metal division employ- ees here, effective after the last plant. : When the company announced the expansion program last! was indicated but the company has maintained normal produc- tion until now. family of si: "not go ov done nothing to discourage/free color TV sets in the resi-|~ ty speculation that he will enter/dences of the prime minister shift Friday. spokesman the Conservative leader ship|and Governor-General. Main cause of the layoff, a versity's We Tace, Sets also were assigned to|spokesman said, was a cutback: basic new » The 60-year-old Toronto finan-|members of the CBC board of|in production of the 170-cubic could be bo cler has refused to confirm or|directors, the Canadian repre-|inch engine and a $3,800,000,000 an income ¢ deny press reports that he plans|sentative of the BBC and to her modernization program for the Commissio nis raised Sea D Reach Senator McCutcheon joined|Opposition Leader Diefenbaker. the Diefenbaker cabinet as} Several weeks ago, Miss La- Hamilton Strike HALIFAX trade minister and was ap-|Marsh reported to the Com-, toll in a se pointed to the Senate on Aug./mons that the CBC had spent) HAMILTON (CP)--A_ strike tie vedi ednesd: 9, 1962, after resigning as head of the Argus Corp., a holdingjthe homes and offices of em- company controlled by million-|ployees who needed them as aire industrialist E. P. Taylor.'part of their work. HERE and THERE $80,250 on.107 color TV sets for of 635 employees of Otis Ele- vator Co, Ltd. ended here Wed- nesday, less than 24 hours after it began when the workers voted to accept a new two- year contract. Members of 7062 United Steel- was abando1 man crew of fishing vesse The Halifa Bonnie ran the Halifax last Tuesday |workers of America, went on her 18-man HAM lstrike at 10 p.m. Tuesday. DUE sgpabhada | ROTARY CLUE y Union representatives sa id vag ipa rans OF s 3 ran agrou Nancy Taylor, North Ho oi a baba leagoy Bag been! 9 men, at a meeting Wednes- Fourchu on Central School; Janet Turner, P of the Rotary], "« i 7 j|Club of Bowmanville by accla-|4@¥, afternoon, voted | "over- Cape Breton Cartwright Central School and : 3 8°) whelmingly"' i i mation. gly" to accept the con 10-man crew. Marilyn Knox, M. J. Hobbs tract. idi for 38-cent- 2 Senior School, Hampton, were} Sigler a poh Jeet @ she Male ; wi i | MINOR INJURIES Jan-hour wage package increase Maureen an¢ the winners in the Durham th iod County Publi: Speaki t|, An Oshawa boy was taken to|°Ver te Period. the Grand Bz pia ioe Spenser hospital Thursday 'afternoon| Terms of the contract were py Sern at Orono. Misses Taylor and : ; in =e t : ' after being struck by a car|settled during an all-night bar- man crew Ww urner will take part in the|/> oo ° Sener of Olwe Ave.(gaining session Tuesday in Tor- \ @ | U.S. Coast G tpt sheng be held March) vue and Oshawa Boulevard but|onto, involving representatives " pages hag sommavens hen pres dpe vicgg Nina Stee oe gay é : | la ANVILLE EVENT jwith only minor injuries, Police /!€ Gepartment of labor. L : a. re ' ; F . : | One of the centennial events|Said Randy Farrow, 7, of 378| Becker's introduced the 3-quart jug in 1957. The milk busi- To do this, we built the most modern milk j prom! : i - ;1;|Oshawa Blvd. S., jumped int ' * f processing owners, to d to be held in Bowmanville will » jumped into .'S - ness hasn't been the same since lant in Canad d introd ici fete? their wages f be a three-choir music festival|tte, Path of a car driven by . 1 ces ; plant in Canada, and introduced the most efficient distri- Donations in the town hall April 14. The ichael Hrico of 241 Olive Ave. rae Ontario Trust When we brought in the jug, we also brought the price --_ bution system in the business. So not only do you get the oe ae clude Mrs. Jan J 7 ; | ' : , : . ° ; ova Scotia, Drogas chat of osha, te progUNIOR FARMERS Ml & Savings Corporation of milk down with a thud. People found that if they bought --_best quality milk, you also get it fresher. (Much of the milk land. and? choir of M. J. Hobbs Senior| iy Manan f : i i i : ) Hs uring in. oo alle ey Migated til scence department of RETIREMENT their milk at Becker's, they could slice about 30% off their you buy at Becker's was still in the cow 24 hours earlier.) -- manila Legion Glee Ci. I the speaker at, the: annual a nee And from the moment it leaves the farm until it's sold, jbanquet of the Durham County i Jae! | Fa . e CA an goddange PAY, ]umiot Farmers being held Mar SAVINGS PLAN u ' ag 1H wa on. in ad Becker's milk is under constant refrigeration. a is week that|11 at M i ° * * ee) ls rock tal at ak Maple, Grove United Hl save income Tax ond " oday, Becker's has over stores in the Toronto area. We sell a lot of things besides milk at Becker's. And ADVERTIS and Rubber Co. plant at Bow-|the role of 'education in agr- provides Retirement Incame ere's probably one around the corner from you. Obvi- you pay no more for them than you'd pay anywhere else manville to! 701,892 in| cult d its relati . : . : ' ' . 1966, a gain of $281,000 over thelthe University of Guekn *" sectgpieeeie oma mr ane of people realized they had found a friend. So you're not paying a premium just because we stay open a18 Byron previous year. Employment at : ae lo loading fees er charges i i i i ; H ' ° . A pa prekaed On iocina joo toy he te ot only : pipet ey mney of milk down in the first evenings. No major chain undersells Becker's. : 951 Oe 1966 Nineteen suggestions re pe Bea ie es place, we've been holding it down ever tines: Even today, If you've yet to make your first visit to a Becker's store, : sme. Toe rent ourcased| FQUR SEASON'S TRAVEL| Hf + nse x= ws i) a liniincda ne there's one other thing that might surprise you. The Sentra million wo goods an a oBange us -delj H <t ' ies tah 16h Snttet soars ' ecient single quarts o jome~ elivered milk. This in spite storekeepers actually talk to you. It's part of an old- SOLD es during the year. on their SUNTOURS | Ritciel rome pure of the fact that we've given our farmers a better fashioned thing called personal service. NEWCASTLE ICE TOUR to A CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST deal all along to ensure that you are getting the Which is a revolutionary idea itself, in this d ni ach The new artificial ice plant] PY PO 467 | best milk there is available. and age : ia) ogi at the Newcastle Community | | & SAVINGS CORPORATION ge. an, [een @ : i] | our Arena was given a royal send-: Every Friday (7:00:p.m.), Bus ] 19 Simcoe Street North aly set off last Saturday night. Reeve |f leaving for 3 days. Every Mon- | 723-5221 3 apologize for | Earl Walton performed the rib- | id be 5 Villey goat, Peking | 23 King Street West, i) put up FOR bon cutting ceremony. | All aceomibaation, transno rio 623-2527 we haven't tin ORONO LIBRARY |[ tion, passes; return included. jj} 7 signs. The Orono Public Library has , | OPEN For an appoin pons aie 8 eel FOUR SEASON $ TRAVEL Heir THE JUG MILK STORE home eall an presen y the Women's Can. | 57 King St. E. ans : ay si ide Realtor' adian Club of Toronto, The) award was in the amount " ' 4 Phone 576-3131 |