Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Mar 1967, p. 21

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sewers for Re- 0 a.m., of the nt will metery. sing the ted at m. Fri- ER at the tal this Fisher, The de- nce the es cashire, was a ind the resident she re- in En- | Public reorge's rch, the oyee of depart+ rs. She cal 222, wa and will be \nderson ., March 1 Mount aks, George's he serv- ¥ p for Ib b. 26, at 10 Wind- he Arm t 2 p.m., piewt a astor nent was efery re Earl Horace ks, Ell hall. KER for Stew- nd Road lip, who 27, was Anderson Pa, at lucted by rman, of f Christ nterment 'emetery. » William erly, Wil- her, Wal- Stephens. VELL k. (CP)--~ erson. of ated here Rehabili- says he he casual : "fast on particular very ace ell INS MS winter-to- oked skims ew, hi-rise everyone green, hot 3: Jr. Miss . Size 13 >) In coins for each dents add 'inly SIZE, STYLE E ADAMS, ya Times, ont Street ire a JOY See 115 terns, fab- ew Spring- talog. Gift vattern in ucted bv ; vastor of Church ' va * OTTAWA (CP)--The Animals, a British rock 'n' roll quintet that often drives teen-agers wild with their antics on stage, drove them wild Wednesday night by staying off the stage. It took police more than an hour to stop a riot by an estimated 2,500 youngsters at the mid - town Coliseum after the long-haired musicians left quietly for New York without performing after an apparent pay dispute. The crowd had little warning that the show was not going to go on, When the scheduled starting time passed without any activ- ity, they started chanting: "We want the Animals." But later, when they noticed that the stage was _ being FOR LIFE From Age 65 Here is a plain to provide for your family if you should die, er for your retirement years if you survive... ROGER WOLFE UNIT MANAGER 723-2883 725-4563 By completing the enquiry form below, you ean ebtain details sulteble te your personal situ- etion, SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY of CANADA Oshewe Shopping Centre NAME ..ccccccececumerecestnes |, OCCUPATION ... onenccemessere " l t It | ADDRESS weeseessessenver seen U it t t ' "Animals" Stay Off Ottawa Stage' » Teen - Agers Erupt To Violence The Times, which hitherto) © supported the pound as unit, to-| Kxoct Date of Birth .. sven | day switches its editorial bless-| 99 KING E. PHONE 725-5833 |ing to the 10-shilling system and | cleared, they stopped chanting and started throwing chairs. The. trouble spread quickly through the converted arena and within minutes the stage was pulled down, floorboards ripped up and windows smashed. Police arrested 25 persons be- jfore calming the crowd. No refunds were made at the door but police organized a re- turn of ticket stubs so specta- tors can apply for refunds later. Sicotte Denies [He Offered Deal MONTREAL (CP) -- Louis Sicotte denied under cross-ex- amination Wednesday having |offered a 'deal' to two police- jmen and a fire insurance in- vestigator if they helped in col- lecting $125,000 insurance money on Sicotte's Montana Inn at Pointe-aux-Chenes, Que., gut- Itea by flames early in 1965. Sicotte was testifying at the jtrial of 11 policemen and four fire insurance investigators charged with torturing Mr. Si- jcotte in October, 1965, during jan investigation of arson cases. | Defence lawyer Jean Bienve- jnue asked the witness whether} it was true he had offered a deal to S. Sgt. Paul.- Emile Picard and Sgt. Marcel Ste. Marie of provincial police and fire investigator Gilles Gasse. The "deal" as described by the lawyer was that the three would help collect the insurance money in exchange for a run- down on province-wide arson and shady adjusting activities in Quebec. TEEN-AGERS SURVEY the damage done to a port- able stage during a riot in Ottawa's coliseum Wednes- RIOT AFTERMATH day night because a Brit- ish singing group, the Ani- mals, failed to make a scheduled appearance. An _ announcement said they re- "No," Sicotte replied empha- tically. "Isn't it true that Sgt. Picard became so indignant about your proposition that he ordered you to get out?" Sicotte said Picard did fly into a rage suddenly, but he had no idea why. 'Tory Liberals | Due To Protest! By JOSEPH MacSWEEN LONDON (CP) -- Tory and Liberal members are due to protest in the Commons today that the government still does not get the point about decimal coinage and currency. Despite a wave of dissent, the Labor government published dnesday a bill providing for a 1971 changeover from Brit- ain's ancient system of pounds, shillings and pence to decimal money. But the pound sterling would remain as the country's major monetary unit on the basis of £1 ($3) equal to 100 new pen- nies. There would be at least five denominations in the new coinage on a five-penny, 10- penny basis, Shillings would vanish. Critics are not fighting the principle of decimal but they are convinced that a pound unit would be inflationary. Instead, they want a 10-shilling unit, equal to 100 pennies or cents. The presentation of the bill Wednesday by James Callag- , |han, chancellor of the excheq- uer, was the worst blow yet suf- fered by the 10-shilling support- ers since Callaghan produced a white paper Dec, 12. TAKEN ON URGENCY The whole question has taken on urgency in view of Britain's new ardor for joining the Euro- pean Common Market unless it is once more vetoed by French President de Gaulle. The Daily Telegraph pub- FISH IS FERTILE A large female muskellunge lays two quarts of eggs, num- bering about 120,000. NOW SHOWING second thoughts as well. | "The Times also stresses that \letters from readers indicate a large majority against the }pound system. The same trend jis apparent in letters to other jnewspapers, notably the Finan- cial Times, which also supports the 10-shilling way. LONDON (CP)--Ontario to- bacco growers came under British pressure Wednesday to expand production and allow auction prices to fall. In a meeting with a delega- tion of the Ontario Flue - Cured Tobacco Growers Marketing Board, British representatives said they would like to buy "rather more' Canadian to- bacco next year than in the cur- rent crop year ending this month -- provided price and} quality are '"'satisfactory." | At the same time, a Canadian Statement said: "The British manufacturers expressed the, view that the Canadians needed to provide adequate quantities of suitable leaf for both domes- tic and export requirements if British buyers are to look to Canada for continuity of sup- ply." George Demeyere, chairman; of the Ontario board, described | the meeting as satisfactory. A| more specific result would emerge in about one month when individual British buyers provide indications of quantities they are likely to seek in next winter's auctions of the 1967 Ca- nadian crop. British buyers, through their Tobacco Advisory Committee, London Tobacco Growers Asked To Allow Prices To Fall' have been providing the On- tario board with advance "in- dications" of quantities they would seek to buy at auction in the coming year to help the Ca- nadians decide each May how many. acres to plant under On- tario's controlled produ ction system, INDICATE TARGET The target quantity indicated 1966 crop was 55,500,000 pounds |--up from 39,000,000 pounds two years earlier. However, a British spokes- man said final figures from the November - to - March Ontario auctions might show actual purchases fell short of the tar- get because of high prices, which have reached averages of 72 and 73 cents a pound, com- | pared with an average of about 56 cents two years ago. A British informant explained | the British buyers' position as being "If the Canadian price is too high, we won't be com- mitted in advance on the quan- tity we will buy." The informant said 'They would like to see the Canadians grow enough tobacco to stabil- jize the market at a lower aver- lage price." He suggested some- |- | | ; jkeep prices down is based on by the British buyers for the! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, March 2, 1967 27 MUMMY HOLDS HEX LONDON (CP)--The curse of the pharaohs is holding up a movie about ancient Egypt, thinks producer Ann Todd. A jscene of her standing by a Ontario growers could produce|Sarcophagus in the British Mu- about 250,000,000 pounds if pres- S°U™ had to be taken four times because she. came out ent tobacco acreage was used!pright blue on the first three to capacity. lengths of film. British pressure on Canadian ww wwww growers to produce enough to % FRIDAY + The Big Fun Dance The Sounds of the Big Beat The Place to Meet LITTLE CAESAR And The Consul Admission $1.50 Dancing 9 to 12:30 |where around 65 cents a pound would be reasonable. Last year's Canadian crop was an estimated 215,000,000 pounds--up from about 165,000,- 000 pounds the previous year anxiety about the loss of its rel- atively cheap source of supply in Rhodesia. Economic sanc- tions imposed on the white-mi-| nority Rhodesian regime for the last 16 months have forced Brit- ish buyers to increase purch- ases in Canada and the United States IZZA Phone 723-0241 or 728-0192 F Breath fused. to appear because they had not been paid in advance. No serious injur- jes were reported. (CP Wirephoto) | KEEP UP PRESENTS | Oslo, the capital of Norway, has presented a large Christ- mas tree to London every year for 20 years. GUM BECOMES GEM | The sticky coating on sar- dines' scales is used industri- ally to make artificial jewelry. ._ Helicoptet Gana Canada _ ie | | WILL || STARR DEN CLA SANDRA BALD JONES -- Presen' ST. Tickets now on sale: Audit- orium Box Office; Bolahood's Sporshaven; Jim Bishop's Sporting Goods; Marty's Rec- ord Centre; The Disc Shop, Shopping Centre; Whitby Orena: Jury and Lovell's, Bowmanville, | _cotland GEORGE CORMACK & IRENE SHARP ANDREW'S SOCIETY Of - ruespay MARCH {4th 8:30 P.M, NIS NCY JIMMY NEIL JOHN CRAWFORD ited by -- TUESDAY March 14th 8:30 P.M. Addit... . 2.00 Children 1.00 BUS SERVICE From Bond -- Sim coe At: 7:30 ~ 8:00 - 8:30 ex} DOHA GIVIG 3 ane ee Oe 59 TODAY, mc THORNTON ROAD SOUTH OFF KING STREET WEST 1 i \\ stig 'i Li O R WIN 25.00 IN FREE GROCERIES EACH WEEK IN THE GROCERY BONANZA N PANAVISION@ Color by DELUXE SHOW TIMES WEEKNIGHTS 7 and 9:10 Sat. from 1 and Sun. from 2 lishes a Gallup poll inquiry to- day indicating that 47 per cent of those interviewed want a 10- | shilling unit compared with 31) per cent for the pound. urges the government to have WANTED! PEOPLE TO ENJOY McMurray's Famous BIG "M" BURGERS TASTY FLAKY ENGLISH STYLE FISH 'N CHIPS Come As You Are.» Home Service . - service. McMurray"s '- DRIVE-IN-RESTAURANT CHEVROLET TO OLDSMOBILE LTD. GM A REALLY GOOD PLACE A FINER USED CAR 300 DUNDAS ST, EAST @ WHITBY @ PHONE 668-3304 BUY WHYTE BROS. Furniture and Upholstery FOR ALL YOUR FURNISHING NEEDS Automotive Trim 55 King St. E. 623-5252 THERE IS A DIFFERENCE Better Washing & Bathing Whiter, Cleaner and Softer Clothes. Softer and Cleaner Baths with No j Bathtub Ring. Gall CULLIGAN 668-2200 For Pure Filtered Soft Water b | BEAVER LUMBER co. LTD: Nestor NO RESERVATIONS NECESSARY! |... HELD OVER BY PUBLIC DEMAND! THERE'S STILL TE TO THRILL TO THE HAPPIEST SOUND IN ALL THE WORLD! The Most Popular Picture Of Our Time! WINNER OF 5 ACADEMY AWARDS Including 'Best Picture"! SSecoseoeearesersessseesecses "RODGERS oH map , r 96. 50UN ne ey De Loxe domme oe xu ANDREWS -eo-oree PLUMMER, JIGHARD HAYDN | *sesceamcasere| ELEANOR PARKER $ fs sect ROBERT WISE| RICHARD RODGERS $ OSCAR HAMMERSTEIN II | ERNEST LEHMAN 3 SOOreOS RS ePLOREHOB SSF OH SH ES*2OS SS C288 Soccces SUSPENDED | EVENINGS 8:00 P.M, MATINEES 2:00 P.M. ETA EVENINGS (Sun, thru Thurs.) ....... 1.78 EVENINGS (Fri, and Set.) ... . 2.00 MATINEES (Wednesday) ... os. 1.25 MATINEES (Sat. and Sun.) ........+ 1.50 All Prices Tax Included COME SPY WITH Yuunt FAVORITE | U.N.C.L.E. s! (OW THE BIG SCREEN INCOLOR) SSllCSS O2 6008H HS GOH 6S SS OHFL88SSHHSLO OHS 7ORSTE0® 'ROBERT YAUSHN-SENTABERGER- DAVID MCALLUM @ ADDED ATTRACTION @ IS THIS THE GIRL NEXT DOOR? M-C-Mprasenrrs A MARTIN MELCHER: i FREEMAN --_ it 'TAYLOR: GODFREY "Home Improvement Headquarters" 668-5818 " 419 Dundas €. Whitby | "WHY DO IT YOURSELF" CALL Joe .Kozak FINISHING CARPENTER Custom Kitchen When Your On The Move Call HEARD'S TAXI and CARTAGE Cabinets 124 Brock St., Whitby -- 668-3732 Radio Equipped for Your Convenience || Bathroom Vonities Reerection Rooms & Bers 1084 Simece N, 723-1991 . Eot in Your Cor'... Or Take . Phone 728-2291 for advance PADDY'S MARKET Furniture and Appliances USED WASHER PARTS & REPAIRS CALL TODAY Complete Line of Beatty-Thor- Crosley Appliances HAMPTON 263-2241 Each week for the next 26 weeks there will appeor throughout the advertisements on this feature the letters forming the name of @ famous person or place. All you are required to do Is read each advertisement very carefully, pick out the letters and identify thot person or place. Send your answer along with your name and address to the GROCERY BONANZA EDITOR, ¢/o The Oshawa SUZANNE HAIRSTYLING "Colour Specialists" Call eg 725-4541 he Mrs, S$. Lemieux, Prop, 5 John W. Oshawa Times, no later than 4 p.m. Tuesday of each. week. The first correct answer drawn will receive, compliments of the sponsoring business, and Duffy's Super Market, the grand weekly prize of 25.00 in free groceries, Enter today. Last Week's Answer .. . SALT LAKE CITY Mrs. Arthur Sanders 604 Devon Street Oshawa, Ontario BESTWAY MOTORS Complete Repairs And Service Te VOLKSWAGENS R Dundas et Centre, Whitby 668-4792 SISTER'S RESTAURANT featuring HOME- COOKED MEALS & {} PASTRIES 150 WILLIAM E. Quick Short Order Service 154 WILLIAM E. Simcoe St. N. At Taunton Rd. DUFFY'S le "The Home of Better Food Values'! 948 Simcoe Ny "We Deliver' --- Open until 10 p.m, for your-ehopring conrc SUPER MARKE Guernsey Gold 2% .. ics. Fas-9a7 omy Milk Ideal Dairy Products JUG MILK 58° i y cll FONDA JASON ROBGRDS Dea" ONES pg ~ MICHAES GO AHEAD-- MacsAINE sn CAINE pore "Gi A MBIT" DONT TELL THE TECHNICOLOR» BEGINNING! \ AUNIVERSAL PICTURE SANS J (Pst 1S AER wom: ROSEMARY MURDHYpecunicovor= FROM WARNER BROS. BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:00 P.M. - WN CAR HEATERS -@ NO EXTRA CHARGE '

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