Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Mar 1967, p. 19

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ut! Wented R RE ANT )U 1owcase re- SELECT, ELOP men ement posi- everything uccess and srofessional rity blocks, MERIT and INTERNA- VY -- the 4 -~ with top, importont HONESTY, AND EF- BE BOND- ly special- enses paid. specialized rofessional per week ning, | full established ess. s and pro- agerial po- who quali- BRKICH 4] -- $3 pm. \RTMENT AN 'Jd Pottern hawa area. ervision of ottern pro- 9 produc- calculating e write giv- ication and 1 |MES R- ER red by ex- Must hove ade 11 ed- ind receiv- to accept | ewn a e. fr @ good pportunity ply giving 9329 IMES T and AKER -Time wages and e Y 12 \KER id fixtures, Our, ITY. Large 1 local resident kground. In ras ew, please sub> rsonal history, to Box 48756, with a large 5 to 35, salary latest training ade 12 educa- awa Times, OTIVE Uphol- aft interior rae ployment. Box Ontario. Paying guests, ) ad-writer to >male d ER growing y in Osh- by area, to quoli- 1 or ladies Part time $ custom. gs. Areas Oshawa, te box nes, janitors of by. Telephone "can make t% ler, Can be. For interview -------------- i, tiving be in Street, tr elephone 7s. y renting thay and place in mes, a] A REAL MONEY MAKER © MORE FOR YOUR MONEY \ blestone patio. Listed at $17,- | mortgaging possibilities. x e ~ SPLIT LEVEL HOME X @ Almost new 3 bedroom! MORTGAGES ARRANGED | 'split-level home with lovely bow! | inspect, call El Thompson 728 » mony opportunities. See it soon. 6 LOW DOWN PAYMENT GUIDE REALTY LTD. 16 Simcoe St. S. 723-5281 ° VACANT LOT 1 @ at the corner of No. 35) Highway and 6th Concession. 100' x 280'. Price only $1,300. with $500. down. If you like counrty living, call Steven Eng- lert, 728-5581 for more par- ticulors: : e DOWNTOWN I! @ One of the best locations for the family who needs to be close to schools, churches, shop- ping and tronsporation. Quebec St. meets all these requirements. Seven room, 2. storey brick home, oil heat and garage. Extra) kitchen. Price $16,950. with) reasonable terms. Give us a call tonight. e TRIPLEX 11! @ Three apartments, 3 sep- arate kitchens and bathrooms. Home in excellent condition, was remodelled o few years ago. Modern heating system. Double gcrage. Can be seen anytime,| call now for on inspection. Price $27,000. e FAMILY HOME | IV @ with lots of room for} Mother, Dad and all the kiddies. | 4 bedroom brick home, good] sized modern kitchen, separate dining room. Living room has} notural fireplace. Accessible to schools, churches and shopping Price $16,900. Call us now. cy WHY PAY RENT ? V @ when you can be the proud) owner of this 22 storey brick! home, live in one apartment with o rental from the other two. A terrific buy for only $3,000. down. Vendor is most anxious to sell. Gall us today and make an offer. VI @ Excellent income-produc- ing property located on Simcoe St. S. 8 suites produce $860. monthly. Very reasonably priced $12,000. down payment requir- ed, Call us for all particulars. Vil @ A pace setting home in on opproved residential district, we are pleased to offer for sale this 4 bedroom brick home, with family sized living room, dining room, kitchen, 2 bathrooms. New furnace. Price $16,500. Give us a call today. SCHOOLS, SCHOOLS, »SCHOOLS VIII @ This brick bugalow must surely be the most strategically located to all kinds of schools. Public, Junior, Senior, Separate or High. Usual appurtenances. Nicely fenced and good mar- 500. Your offer invited, Good window in living room. Extra large kitchen with lots of cup- boards, built-in stove and oven 6%4% mortgage carries for $110. monthly including taxes e R.R. 1 TYRONE X @ 155 acres, 14 miles from » Oshawa, terms con be arranged » for 4 B piece bath. There's 5 drive shed, garage, hydro, well, this 5 bedroom home, a born, cistern, pond sufficient to. supply 50 head cattle. 130 acres for! cultivation, 20 acres hardwood bush. For on appointment to| 4731 or Len Bissell, 725-2070.| e OOK WHAT WE FOUND XI @ a beautiful new oebet hog attached garage, 3 bedrooms,| large kitchen with mahogany) trim. Two room apartment with} bath in basement with private entrance. This home offers XII @ for this 2 bedroom home, suitable for small family or re-| tired couple, close to schools) and bus, garage and paved drive. Completely remodelled kitchen. Down payment of $2,- 000. See it today. @ BUILDING SITE XII1 @ This property consists of; 10 acres or more. A short dis- tance from Brooklin. Property is fenced. Priced at $10,000 with good terms. Phone Jack Grahom, 728-2634 _ tonight, plon an early start to build in the spring. & Coll 723-5281 for full porticulars. Open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Vernon Corson 723-9785 Steve Englert 728-5581 Allan Bertrand 985-7251 Ernest Mueller 728-0208 El. Ann Thompson 728-4731 Wolter Mittler 576-2345 Marilyn Fitzgerald 668-5313 Roy Flintoff 725-3454 Morris Fogel 723-2563 Jack Graham: 728-2634 Cecil Elliott 725-9442 Leon Manitius 728-2754 Leonord Bissell 725-2070 Judi Knocker 723-8771 Kathryn Armstrong 723-1884 Italo Bortolussi 723-6329 Jean Peacock 725-4330 George Nymeyer 728-4241 Lloyd Corson 723-2537 Lucas Peacock 725-4330 Dick Young 723-7183 GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 16-Simece St. 8. SCHOFIELD-AKER REALTOR LIMITED Servicing Oshawa and District for over 31. years 723-2265 PRICED RIGHT ot $16,900 -- with just $3,- 000 down -- this immaculate 5 room brick bungalow has a well treed lot with garden orea, paved drive. Hardwood and corlon floors. Give us a call, we'll tell you more, SO MUCH FOR SO. LITTLE 11 year old brick split level home in excellent condition. Large living room, spacious kitchen, 3 bright bedrooms, enclosed patio. Close to schools and shopping. Asking $15,500. Call now and ar- range your inspection. CHARMING LOCATION and convenient to schools and shopping. Four year old, 5 room brick bungalow with large recreation room, broad- loom in living room and very clean. Full price $16,900. GET THE MOST FOR YOUR MONEY Situated in a quiet residential area this ranch brick bunga- low has L-shoped living and dining room; fireplace; rec room with extra 2 pc. bath, 3 bedrooms and a few more excellent features. Owner will take very reasonable down payment and hold one mort- gage for the balonce. Full price $19,500 LIVE BETTER IN YOUR OWN HOME Only $3,000 down poyment for this 3 bedroom bungalow with spacious living room, good size kitchen and all in immaculate condition. Locat- ed near schools. Low taxes. Call to-nite for an appoint- ment to inspect, THIS SHOULD APPEAL TO YOU Ranch bungalow in choice northwest area on a very spacious lot, with fenced backyard, living room with fireplace, dining room, lovely kitchen. Broadloom plus many more extras. Near high school, SUITABLE FOR A LARGE FAMILY this excellent 2 storey home with attached gorage hos four bedrooms, 4 pc. bath- room with vanity, plus extra 2 pc. washroom, extra large kitchen, living room, dining room. Walkout basement. Lo- cated in north area close to schools. For full particulars Call 723-2265 Marg Hall 723-1358 Irene Brown 725-3867 George Twaites 723-2008 Mike Belmonte 725-8300 Me! Dale 623-5638 Maible Boudreau 728-2233 Ed Drumm 725-9345 Willard Johnston 728-1066 Irwin Cruikshanks. 728-5205 Reg Aker 725-0201 Bill McFeeters 725-1726 OPEN DAILY 9 TILL 9 Members of the O.D.R.E.B. WE LIST and SELL M.L.S. 360 King St. West, Oshowa JACK ) Paved drive. L-shaped living and ' dining area. Phone for on ap pointment to inspect. | LTD., REALTOR Bowmanville 623-2503 GRENFELL ST. 4 bedroom 1% storey home. Close to shopping centre. $14,300. -- Terms. EAST END Modern 3 bedroom brick home. Attached garage. Close to King St. $19,900. Terms. 1,900 DOWN 4 bedroom brick home. 2 baths. Rec. room, Extra bldg. lot. Newcastle. $11,900. NEWCASTLE 1400 sq. ft. brick home on North St. Wall to wall broad- loom in living room and din- ing room, Stone fireplace. Electric heat. Asking $19,- 900. -- Terms. $3,000 DOWN For large 2 storey brick home on Mill St., Newcastle. Large treed !ot. Some fruit trees. COTTAGE LOT 100' x 150' on Pine Lake at West Guilford (Haliburton). Only $1,400. --- Terms. BARBER SHOP Three chairs, fully equipped. Doing excellent business in town near Oshawa. $4,500, 10 ACRE LOTS Monvers Rd. near Bowman- ville. $7,500 each -- $1,500 down DAIRY FARM 260 acres near Cobourg. Shipping 800 |b. daily to Don- lands. 41 can cooler with 2 ton compressor. New Surge milk parlor, $45,000. 13 ACRE ORCHARD 3 bedroom brick home. Barns. 10' x 18' furnished cottage. Tractor, sprayer, etc. includ- ed, All marketable variety of apples and pear trees. Valu- able location at north end of Bowmanville. Asking $40,- 000. Dorothy Vivian 263-2138 Garnet Ricord 623-7397 Harold Peck, Blackstock 986-4252 Milford McDonald 623-3911 Wilf Hawke, Orono 983-5274 Howerd Wight 423-2524 jPlaze. | CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST RALPH SCHOFIELD SUPERVISOR Residential Building Let Fully serviced, northwest Oshawe, 50' x 113', one of the few remaining good loca- tions in north end, Asking $6,500 or make your offer. $4,000 Down Comfortable well kept 3 bed- room bungalow with large picture window in living room and attractive finished rec room. Close to schools, bus and Boys' Club. Open to of- fers. Immaculate -- Asking $21,000 3 bedroom brick bungalow not yet 2 years old. This isa fine quality house in beauti- ful condition. Exceptionally large attached garage. Love- ly landscaping. Quite spacious rooms and beautiful open kit- chen. This home is bound to impress you so call at once for inspection Low Taxes We can't explain it but the taxes are only $168 on this charming 3 bedroom bungo- low in Zion -- East of Osh- awa. The large, long living room is very attractive and the entire home is in excel- lent condition, Priced to sell ot $13,200. Try $2,500 down Reduced North central Oshawa. Large 2% storey older brick home has to be sold quickly and will go much below value. Phone at once for details, Cadillac-King Street You'll fall in love with this attractive 2 bedroom brick bungalow with its cozy fire- place in the living room and the added comfort of its sep- arate dining room, Call early for full information. Very reasonably priced. OUR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE MAY HELP YOU SELL OR BUY LIST WITH CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL Tom Houston 668-4416 Allan Thompson 728-2870 Harvey Hogan 655-3663 Gront Burns 942-3733 Ralph Schofield 725-5067 Office Phone 723-5221 H. KEITH LTD. REALTOR ONTARIO'S RESALE SPECIALISTS MAKE $25,000 YEARLY Variety and service store do- ing largest business in eastern Ontario. Over $200,000 year- ly gross. Owner retiring to Florida, One small price in- cludes business, - equipment, separate buildings, stock, Will sell on terms to a go-getter. For confidential information call Doug Carmichsel, 723- 7463. EXECUTIVE---FOUR BEDROOMS Stone and brick better built five year old, includes den, two washrooms, dining room. Stevenson's Road N. Owner will sell to responsible buyer on easy terms. Call Doug Carmichael 723-7463. LESLIE ST, TRADE Two family home, separate facilities, owner might accept your share in your home os part payment, Coll Franco Miananelli 725-4841. BARBER SHOP Be a real cut-up in this thriv- ing little business, no com- petition, exclusive shopping Present owner cannot handle present tremendous business. Call Franco Mion- anelli 725-484]. GENUINE SACRIFICE Owner says sell this beautiful five room brick bungalow, at- tached garage, two wash- rooms, excellent basement apartment. Located on exclu- sive west Labrador Dr. Walk- out basement, finished rec. room. Overlooking all of Osh- awa. Call Idso Wiersma 728- 5683. HALF ACRE No payment worries here, two apartment _ split-level, situated in Zion, See 20 miles from your rooftop patio. Sell- ing $5,000 below cost.. Call Idso Wiersma 728-5683. 20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Reol Estate For Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale |20--Reel Estate for Sale 20--Real Estate for Scle |20--Real Estate for Sale | GORDON Osborne REAL ESTATE LTD. 218 DUNDAS ST. E. WHITBY No, 2 Highway Dial 668-8826 GREEN HOUSE and living quarters combined on a large fot in Oshawa. "Only those with ambition to succeed should apply for this money maker. 26 ACRES in the Town of Whitby. Come into our office and discuss the price. | ANDERSON HIGH is within sight of this well kept frame home. The separ- ate dining room, the large family sized kitchen are just a few attributes of this family home. The tot is 100' by 233' with plenty of shrubs. and trees. Make appointment to see. MUST BE SOLD Sharbot St., Oshawa, A five room brick bungalow with walkout basement, oil heat ond possession within 30. days or less. Don't wait. | ANNES ST. BBY'S Real Sstate Ltd. 728-7576 NORTHWEST Asking $18,900 for this 6 room brick bungalow on a well landscaped lot. Home in excellent condition. Finished bedroom in basement plus rec room, This is an attractive home. $1,000 DOWN Two storey home with 5 rooms, completely broadioom- ed. Full asking price only $12,900. Immediate posses- sion. RAVINE LOT Building lot 60 x 255. with flowing creek adjacent to property. Excellent for a walk-out basement. Excellent homes in area. Inspect: these homes and others by calling Nick Siblock at 728-7576. ' $6,000 and pay $98.00, prin- cipal, interest and taxes on N.H.A. mortgage. A recrea- tion room and an extra wash room are added for your com- fort here. Call tonite, BACK SPLIT $15,500 full price with a 614% mortgage. Carries for $109.92, principal, interest and taxes. Five lovely rooms, oil heated, on a fenced fot, 4 BEDROOMS $13,700 is the low price be- ing asked for a clean well kept six room home with gar- age and all fenced in yard, LN Vanden Broek 668-2675 | Clare Shank 723-5145 | Barbara Reynolds 723-1887 |George Sullivan 668-6226 | Marlow Hancock 723-0288 J GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. 155 SIMCOE ST. $. 723-8144 $1,500 DOWN Athol St. E.,.2¥% storey brick with private drive and gorage. New furnace and new coloured bath fixtures. Car- ries for $120. monthly. Te see call Pauline Beal. OWNER TRANSFERED G. M. employee. Laid off. Must sell this three bedroom brick home in northeast Osh- awa, Call Shirley Moskal to- day for more information. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Snack Bar in ideal location. Equipment included in pur- chase price. Asking $29,500. Open to offers. To see call Ethel Tranter. SPLIT LEVEL -- 6% 9% Lovely 3 bedroom home, 2 years old an in A-1 condition. Built-in stove and oven, din- ing room, rec room plus many extras. Carries for only $120 including toxes. Priced to sell ot $21,950. This one won't last. Act now call Tina Del- Gobbo today. SPECIAL -- 4 BEDROOM Full price $14,900. Excel- lent location, 1% storey brick home. See tonight. Ask for Margoret Lee. STOP LOOKING ! You'll love this 4 bedroom bungalow with attached gar- oge in northeost. Large liv- ing room, hollywood kitchen, breath - taking view of the city plus much, much. more. Priced at $22,900. N.H.A. financing at 614%. Don't wait for Spring. Do it now. Call Tina DelGebbo tonight. Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m, AFTER HOURS CALL: Ethel Tronter 728-5917 Tina DelGobbo 728-1859 Margaret Lee 723-2894 Shirley Moskal 723-4134 Pauline Beal 725-0239 Helen Bryant 723-5369 Dolores Ross 728-1964 DOUGLAS J. M. BULLIED REALTOR 333 King Street West 723-1168 "ARLINGTON" 3 bedroom brick home on quiet street just off Simcoe St. north. Close to schools, shopping ond hospitel. Ask- ing $16,500 and vendor will hold one mortgage. Phone to- day. "4 BEDROOMS" Large centre hall 2 storey home in quiet area near S. J. Phillips School. 24 foot living room with fireplace and separate dining room moke this an ideal family home. Asking $17,900. "5% %"" MORTGAGE Immaculate 3 bedroom home with finished rec room. and bor in' quiet area near shop- ping and transportation. Many extras included in this 12 year old brick bungalow. "$2,500 DOWN" Buys o 3 bedroom brick bung- alow in quiet area near shop- ping and schools. Complete with large ree room and bar. Asking-$14,500, | ra McMULLAN & Co., KEITH PETERS REALTY LTD.,: 728-7328 103 KING STREET EAST Realtor VANCOUVER COURT New bungalow close to Civic Auditorium, well constructed home, plastered walis, com- pletely decorated, ceremie tiled bathroom with vanity and coloured fixtures, Holly- wood kitchen, foctory made cupboards, corlon in kitchen end bath, extra half bath roughed in, large fruit cellar, 2 aluminum storm doors, storms ond screens, NHA mortgage 634%. Call Earle Allen 725-7782. WEST END Close to schools and shopping, 4 bed- rooms or rent 2 rooms as sep- orate apartment and have a comfortable 2 bedroom home with a nice recreation room in basement. Call Morley Burgess 723-0049. TWO FAMILY BRICK -- Sep- arote kitchens, is and en- trance, private drive ond gar- age, hardwood floors, forced air oil heating,. each family now paying $80 a month. Cadillac north area. Phone Bill Ratcliffe 655-4457. $7,000 CASH -- 2 bedroom home in country situated on | acre of land close to bus ser- vice. Don't let this siip by. Call Bob Johnson 728-2548. CASH BUYER for a suitable ranch style bungolow _ for client, Call Bob Johnson 728- 2548. [Realtor 1120 Dundas West |WHITBY 668-6201 OSHAWA | OSHAWA NORTH WEST | AREA | | Rod Kruger 723-7900 Bob Johnston 725-6788 Roy Foster Orono 983-5801 Weston Bannister Campbellcroft 102512 Howard Forder Brooklin 655-3853 George Beaton Port Perry 985-2987 OFF MARY ST., $18,900. INVESTMENT PROPERTY 2 storey, 3 bedroom brick home, completely redecorated, main floor has large kitchen, living room, dining room, and utility room, full verandah, One block to public and 3 blocks to separate schools. List price $15,200. $2000 DOWN 5 bedroom older brick home, in excellent condition, kit- chen, living room, dining room, 2 bathrooms. Carries for $90. per month. List price $15,900. SHADY TREES Very centrol, 3 bedroom, 2 storey home in older part of Whitby. Living room, dining room, kitchen, 4 piece bath, paved drive, garage. Many other extras, List price $16,- 900. , WHITBY 5 bedroom, 2 storey home, close to downtown, consisting of living and dining rooms, kitchen, garage, large land- scaped lot 56 x 136', Open to offers. AFTER HOURS CALL: Tim Vipond 668-8562 Alvin Puckrin 728-9173 Jim Wilson 668-3172 Deus: Winstanley 689-8642 FRANK REAL ESTATE LIMITED 21 King Street West Bowmanville 623-3393 Member Oshowo and District Real Estate Board 156 acre Doiry Farm. This is a real show ploce interna- | } | {STATELY 2-storey homie, landscaped lcountry sized lot, very quiet west end street. Close to schools, shopping and |Community Centre, 3 large bedrooms, deluxe bath, modern family - sized kitchen, room, top quality wool| broadioom. Listed at $17,500 with only }$3,500 down but will look at an offer. lCall Ken Hann 723-7963 evenings or. J. |B. McMullan and Co., Realtor KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION We'll Custom | | PRIVATE. Builder's Trade-in, Ten miles) [northeast of Oshawa, three - bedroom,| two-storey, extra large kitchen and living | room, modern bathroom, large lot. Full) |price $10,900 with low down payment |immediate possession. 723-6541. |$3,000, DOWN. Balance 6 per cen |NHA. Nearly new brick bungalow. Sac-| Irifice for Immediate possession.' Call) Bob Johnston, 725-9365, Metcalf Real Estate. |PARK ROAD SOUTH -- Two-bedroom bungalow, ol! heated. Very clean home. Only $90, principal, interest and taxes {per month. Full price $9,900. Any down Build Your Home Anywhere... FEATURING; @ Experience in Buildina, !payment considered. We also have other; planning, financing. jlow down payment Oshawa homes from} -. |which to choose. Call Ernie Wilson, 725-/ @ Always on time ---- follow © | 950 List ngs Invited. J. B. McMullen schedule closely, jand Co @ Strict inspection end eon- | FOUR-BEDROOM side-spiit brick and, trol. stone, with attached garage, bullt-in/ stove and oven. Lovely rec. room with @ Use your plan or ours. -- {bar and television set built-in, This well Hundreds of award win- |landscaped jot is situated in a quiet court, close to all schools, Owner trans ning designs, ' |ferred and must sell. Full price with} @ Very competitive pricing. | many other extras, Listings Invited @ We con crrange complete |/-_8:_ McMullan and ¢ |$7,000 BUYS THIS country home In finoncin One: Raglan, with new o furnace. Large N.H.A, or conventional newly refinished ngroom, family kitchen Five-minute walk to school.| Mortgages available. @ Al! building performance Asking only $1,000 down, We also have other low down payment country homes| 7 from which to choose. Call Ernie Wil-| completely guaranteed, son, 725-9750. Listings invited, J. B. Mc Mullan and Co. | AVAILABLE immediately in the Ross Phone Today land Road . Simcoe North area, a clean| and comfortable bungalow on quiet resl-| dential street: Douglas J. M. Bullied| Realtor, 723-1168 | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, Merch 2, 1967 ]Q 22--Lots for Sale |26--Apartments for Rent 10 ACRES ______| Well wooded, east of Osh- awa, Full price $2,995. Terms to suit. TELEPHONE 723-6053 ___|23--Real Estate Wanted CASH FOR YOUR HOME Homes, farms, acreages, tusi- nesses. We have clients with ready cash waiting. 24 hour service, Call today. GRIFFIN REAL ESTATE LTD. 723-8144 "Selling the good earth and what's on it" e We chave buyers for reason- ably priced properties, city and suburban, bungalows, two storeys, income homes, apartments, forms. For free evaluation call Don Stradeski Real Estate, 63 King Street West. 728-4651. > Save THIS YEAR | By : Moving To GRENFELL SQUARE ONE ond TWO BEDROOMS OSHAWA'S LARGEST SUITES No Reasonable Application Refused FREE @ HEALTH CLUB @ SAUNA STEAM ; ce 728-7583 $15,500, THREE-BEDROOM brick bun ae URS tein ae ROOM galow with beautiful recreation room Peli o Stcoamavahou! eet seared wie ata te Mea" fi apstgs @ SWIMMING POOL rear lot completely fenced. Only $100 per here Hi Vek Ls KASSIN¢ ER aOnih. WK. raagonable: down: payiienti ee cee Realtor (IN SEASON) Call Willard "Johnston, 728-1066. Scho: OLDER TYPE HOME required for 0 'e NSTRUCTI N eld-Aker Ltd good buyer who has sold his home @ French Provincial Kitchens O € INVESTMENT, 12 acres, serviced indus- Cal! Willard Johnston, 728-1066, Scho. : rial land, roads, sewers and water, for field-Aker Ltd. sf geet arog feeration sho! 8-58 = dro ntormation call J. Osborne 728-5836. R. | AM LOOKING FOR homes in any| AEB) oh Aartin Real Estate, Telephone Oshawa area -- buyers waiting. Also have some| © abric Draperies See 576 good hemes to sell. Call Jack Appleby, @ Balconies NC APPLE HILL. Three-bedroom bungalow evenings 723-3398. Bolahood Bros. Ltd @ Broodioam: Caniden with attached garage, rec rocm with 728-5123 Wall Ae fireplace, large living room with broad = | alking istance of REALTOR inom and tiveplace. 'This home. is com 24--Stores, Offices, Storage| _ Oshawa Shopping Centre plate In every detell; $5500 dow 16 | © Children's Plavoround quired. Cari Olsen, Realtor 723-1133. ' evenings John Kerr at 723-2926 | | @ Close to Public and Pe WILLOWDALE. Exceptional large 3 5 000 S FT Separate Schools bedroom bungalow, 1,168 sq. ft., 4 years ! e Ps @ Elevator old, In choice east end location close tc} |Grandview School, Hollywood kitchen $1000 DOWN with ample cupboards, large living room| of Floor Space FAMILY or ADULT FLOORS This and} and 3 well proportioned bedrooms 3 > bedrom brick, 2 storey home is in Immaculate. condition home with dining room, liv- yeaitiuily decorated. Fully landscaped| ing room newly paneled. Ask- and fenced lot, 62 per cent NHA mort-| ing only $12,500 Carl Olsen, Realtor, 723-1133, evenings) 3 John Kerr at 723-2926 | $1000 DOWN THREE-BEDROOM cottage on Crystal Lake. Large lot with boat house. Tele-| } Enniskillen, 3 bedroom home shone 262-8484 after 5 p.m with family room, aluminum RIGA Lc ALSO own, tines Bees] storms and doors, dryer in- jroom brick bungalow. Brand new. con-| cluded, smal! pony barn, ask- dition, full stone front, ol! heat, paved drive, large tot, fully landscaped. Imme-| only $10,900. |diate possession, Telephone 723-654) LOW DOWN PAYMENT. |$17,900. FOR THIS LOVELY two-bed room bungalow with large dining room, | plus two fireplaces, one In flving room, lother In finished recreation room, trim Newcastle Mil] St. N., 3 bed- room bungaliow, new oil fur- j jis beautiful gumwood Name your nace large lot, asking only --|terms Call Willard Johnston, 728-1066, 9,500. Schofield-Aker Ltd ---- | $16,000 -- OUTSTANDING three - bed-| ATTENTION BUILDERS room brick bungalow, two years old. | Bowmanville, duplex with 7 [Completely fenced. Many extra, Two 86 King Street East from Shopping Centre. 72 3. | extra lots, yearly rent $1,860, Docks Asking only $14,900. terms, |OWNER TRANSFERRED, former GM Phone 723-3474 employee, three years old, brick bunga- --& TORE iow, thee bedrooms, paved drive STORE FOR RBNY + sultame tor omnes GENERAL STOR fenced yard, built-in stove and oven eae Y shop, ete, 492 Simcoe St. $. North of Bowmanville, axcal:. (Bull price' $17,500. with terms, Call oe lest. buenas 48y Need Helen Bryant, Grittin Real Estate, 723 STORE FOR RENT -- Corner Prince bh 1 wl es Ae re 8144 or 723-5369. and Bond, 300 sq. ft., $125. per month, couple, showing good turn- corLEGE HILL area, two-storey home, |All Mrs. Taylor, 694-2945 evenings. over, good living quarters, three bedrooms, living and dining room se Asking only $15,000, Trade [large kitchen, double garage, $14,800, 25--Hou for Rent i Bungalow, three bedrooms, living. andj considered. |dining room, large kitchen, garage, lot| 123! 5', $15,900. tradeski, Real After Hours Please Call ihe aa 4 naa) obec | OSHAWA Inger Jorgensen 987-4491 igi piex -- stoves, refrigerators, | $135 month Fert nota air emimenete a a washer - dryer, electric heat, paved parking. Central, $60,600. --Tri-plex,| Brand nw 3 bedroom wath Ww t |Reacious, three levels, modern, $30,000; | year's lease required, Ist ° 4 | Duplex, | near Shopping | Centre, 1,200 and last month's rent. Isquare feet, electric heat, dining room, attached garage, paved parking, large H. MILLEN, Realtor, Ltd. lot, $31,500. All above apartment fully 728-1656 rented. Don Stradesk Realtor, 723-465! condition. All decorated, Close to brick bungalow in new large rooms tastefivily fenced and landscaped awa Shop,ing Centre home now by. calling Nick Siblock 728-7576. Sibby's Real Estate Ltd | TWO-BEDROOM house with large lot and finished recreation room Dougan Realtors 1363 Simcoe St. N. 725-1109 WHITBY yard Osh. jafter 4 p.m REDUCED TO $9,500 -- four - room |bungalow, $80, monthly, oll furnace, full FURNISHED sale | Martin, breezeway, garage, patio, good district.) in Downtown area Third Floor -- both passenge. and freight elevator services SEE: T. L. WILSON OSHAWA TIMES FURNISHED or UNFURNISHED RENTAL INFORMATION 723-5111 723-7811 380-385 GIBB STREET THREE-BEDROOM ranch style bungs NHA RESALE -- Six-room, 2'2-year-old jow with breezeway and two car age on paved street. $125 monthly session April 1 i pe Telephone 723-0036. Inspect this fine FIVE-ROOM house, close to bus, shop- at ping, schools. One or two children. $90- $100 monthly. Rellable tenants, Available April 1. In basement. COMPLETELY |For more information telephone 728-1813 bedroom attached 'house. dition. phone 668-3022. 725-3133. - contained, } Excellent con-| Garage. Tele-| "self Central location. five - room bungal This red brick ranch bung- | basement, fenced yard. W. O : alow with professionally fin- Realtor, 728-5103 od and 'I aS pas. cat No Wd ictober 1 esponsible party wi ret ished downstairs feoturing |LAUDER ROAD -- six-bedroom, three: erences, Phone 723-7019 | storey brick, oak trim, antique real fire: recreation room, kitchen and bedroom with 2 piece wash- roc is perfect for the in- place. Close to Oshawa Hospital this street, Call Doug Carmichael. 7463. H, Keith Ltd. Realtor lows. Spotlessly clean through- | oni $900 DOWN for this 2-bedr 15. Must have«steady employment. Ab- out, attached garage and sep- | home In south-west area. Open to offers |siainers. Apply Box M4144, Oshawa rate 24' x 24' fully insulat- [with your low down payment now. Call : eae aes a 4 ray a te bb | Ken Hann 723-7963, J. B, McMullan and NEW BUNGALOW for rent. Three bed acl Workshop tor Tem est Se, [Gon Realtor rooms, carport. For further Information See for yourself. List pric® |iarp to believe that for $3,000 down bungalow with extra large living room tral. Availakle now. Telephone 728-7670. SIX-ROOM HOUSE, close fo shopping $21,800. | you tan find. a beautiful 3-bedroom ranch | FOUR - R QSHAWA and furnished rec room, Call 728-1656 L : below K 4 [te Millen, Realtor Ltd ocated just low King an \SANGH RONGALOW. wilh 8 close to Boys' Club. Smart famil home of the 114 |scaped 55 x 125 lot. This is good value ¥ $1318.50, Inspect this:tine home' now.|caled. Ol, heated, garage. References storey design, three fine bed- | 2,), Tony Zakarow at 728-7576, Sibby's required. Available April 1. Telephone 2 © | 725-4289 rooms and one of the finest [Real Estate Ltd recreation rooms with bor. |New HOMES -- $975 down, three- or Family living is here and | four-bedroom, fn $16:600 up. z ive possession elephone is priced at only $15,800. Live |Milien, Realtor like a Queen by calling | Three PRIVATE two - llawyers, one dentist, one doctor live _on/of Bowmanville on No. 2 Highway. Rent 723-|$75, garbage pickup. $1, oll heat. must be cut. Available April 1 or March telephone 723-4674 and bus and schools, $90 monthly. Im large|mediate possession rooms, Separate dining room. Well land S1X-ROOM brick house. THREE-BEDROOM house, newly deco- a rated, large lot, close to bus and shop- H. ping, rent $125 monthly, Telephone 723 3551 NEWLY DECORATED, three - bedroom bedroom house' in town Land IM house, $85 monthly. Cen- Telephone 723-7174. Centrally Io- | OLDER HOME, three bedrooms, ga | ; [rage oll heat, modern Kitchen, near st, /oungalom, near stepping centre. $195 725-1109 Anytime lGregory's school), Motors, bargain for|mocinly. Telephone 72008, cash. 723-9864 MONTEITH AVENUE, $46 -- three-| tionally famous for its show cattle. 114 miles of Hwy. frontage. Excellent 9-room home, large painted barns, 2 silos, stream. Owner's health forces immediate sale. Locat- ed near Pefferlaw, Asking $75,000. Call 623-3393 After 9 P.M. Pot Yeo 623-3077 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Joe Barnoski 723-5787 Clore McCullough 723-7843 Outstanding value -- four bedroom 1) storey brick home with finished recrea- tion room. and extra 2-pc. bath. Wall to wall broadioom in living room, hallway and bedroom, Bermuda Room 12' x 16', Professionally land- scaped and fenced lot. Excel- lent terms avoiloble. To in- spect call Irwin Cruikshanks now at 728-5205 -- Scho- field-Aker Limited | CENTRALLY LOCATED Showing good returns or live in part for half whot you're paying rent, fenced yard, gar- age, paved double drive. Down payment 15%. 723-7500 Get Fast Cash The Quick-Want-Ad Way | ~|HARMONY ROAD NORTH --_ three |bedroom home on a@ large 'lot, - fireplace JUST 2 LEFT After hours call Les Hall, . particulars. J, B.. MeMulien and Co.,|$175 Prestige Homes | F3s.35:7 i |COMMUTE TO OSHAWA 'from this Harmony Village -- |frirtcn prick home on one-ncre of Walnut off Court Florell | land situated on Scugog Road. Try your : down payment on this one. Call Les/and finished basement. Two bedrooms, Drive. Harmony Road South, | 443), 726-5513 or J. B. McMullan and laundry facilities, self-contained, fenced east of Donevan Collegiate. |CO., 725-3557. - yard, children welcome, parking, Hos- x R ' Gr" | NEW DUPLEXES -- Electric heated on/Pilal area. Met Mlb Waits {Dwight Street, upper level has three THREE-BEDROOM house In initby. LUXU Y L VIN 'bedrooms, lower level. two bedrooms, 'Living room, dining cal AL base- self-contained, apartments, two-car park--ment, Close to schools. ani jopping Features Include ling on private drive. We will take a|Centre, $130, monthly. Available now. @ Large ravine lots with year trade on these very modern homes. | 576-1264 round stream @ 2,300 [After hours call_Les Hall, 728-5513, J B.licaRGE SiX:ROOM brick home on War square feet finished floor |McMullan_ and Cos 725-3557 ren Ave. Possession March 11. Rental crea @ 400 square feet of recreation room with natural field stone fireplace @ Sep- orate dining room with bal- cony @ Built in dishwosher @ Rodio intercom system @ Wall to wall broadloom in liv- ing room, dining room, hall and all bedrooms @ Two car attached garage @ Quiet phone 728-3914 payments are only $95. Doug Carmichael for Immediate inspec- tion, 723-7463, H. Keith Ltd., Realtor. NORTH WEST AREA, two - lbrick home in Oshawa, six rooms, ling and dining room finished in red oak | panelling. Close to public and separate schools, shopping. Hurry for this one! bedroom house for rent, immediate pos: sesion. In living room and only $2,500 down.) IMMEDIATE 728-5513 for|type home. rooms and basement, cluding heat, Ltd., e HEATED, LOWER DUPLEX, first floor $1,500 DOWN -- clean comfortable five-|$125 per month. room bungalow, garage, hedged lot, 161'|7576. Sibby's Real Estate Ltd. deep, close to hospital. Private. Tele) pqwMANVILLE -- Two-bedroom house, _----..--. | central, $1,000 DOWN, immediate possession, cutejences, $90 little five-room bungalow, Central. Crazy) Telephone 723-0452. | monthly! Call FAREWELL AVENUE SOUTH -- new! three - bedroom executive bungalow, | |separate dining room, walk-out -- base- storey older) ment, tiv-|723-0321 or 261-1801, Scarborough. 26--Apartments for Rent Telephone Dunbarton 839-3012. POSSESSION, executive Exclusive North-West area, Also 303 Hillside, five $95. monthly, in- H, Keith monthly. light and dog. Realtor, 725-4841. Call Jerry Coady at 728 possession, refere nicely landscaped immediate monthly, garage. Close to schools. Lease. | paved court @ Plus 33 other speciol features too numerous to mention, Call Doug Winstanley 655-3642, J, B. Mc-| Mullen, Realtor, 668-620) | PRIVATE. Resale, Wilson and Olive.| $1,500 'down moves you into a freshly | decorated four - bedroom bungalow, fif TRADE IN YOUR PRESENT HOME Boe fe eden tee NO CASH NEEDED Call anytime, 723-0575 KR. BELL 21--Farms for Sale |EIGHT-ROOM MODERN home, double jgarage, excellent buildings, 69 acres, all |workable land, ten minutes from down. 883 WALNUT CRT. [town Oshawa. 'Owner retiring due to health. For inspection call J. Wilkinson, | 93 6541 725-9512. R. Martin Real Estate, Osh-| 7 = awa, 576-1200. | 22--Lots for Sale ARRANGE NOW to build your house,| four lots from. which to choose. Telephone CENTRAL -- $13,900. Three bedroom 'brick home with garage. Spacious kitchen plus -- |795-2159 55 Bruce St. @ FOR RENT' @ Apts. Houses, Rooms, Room and Board. Office Hours: Tues. to Fri. 10:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sat 'til 3 p.m. LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION 728-1070 LUSANNE VILLA 330 GIBB STREET Exciting prestige. building. Centrally located, electrically heated, Roomy breakfast nook and kitchen. Tennis court ond barbeque. dining room. Electric fire- \CcomMERCIAL LOT -- Simcoe Street) |South, 32 x 83. Full price only $5,000.! place in living room, Forced souter st Full sonly $5200 : pen for offers. art sen, ealtor, 3- air oil heating. Taxes just $240 year. Owner will take | coe low down payment with terms RS oe o se i RESULTS? Use Times | for balance. Call Irwin Cruikshanks. now ot 728- | 5205 -- Schofield - Aker Action Want Ads. | -\ inited. NEW BUILDING One, two or three bedrooms now available. Mala Glen apartments, 835 Oxford St. Free hydro, free . moving. Now open for inspection. | Telephone 725-0657, 728- 2226, GET MORE FOR YOUR RENTAL DOLLAR CAVALIER VISCOUNT DIPLOMAT AMBASSADOR APARTMENTS Modern and- eonvenient, equipped with refrigerator and stove, broadloom in halls, intercom F. M., large bal- conies. One bedroom $95 and up. Two bedrooms $115 ond up. Close to shopping cene tre and all schools, FREE TAXI SERVICE BY APPOINTMENT CALL 728-4283 for appointment or see Henry at 340 Marland Ave. Apt. 111 GET MORE FOR YOUR RENTAL DOLLAR CAVALIER APARTMENTS A lovely place to live. Modern and convenient, with electrie heating. The features of this beautiful building must be seen to be appreciated. FREE TAX! SERVICE BY APPOINTMENT CALL 128-4283 for appointment or see Henry at 340 Marland Ave. Apt. 11+ SHELDIAN MANSIONS 1, 2 and 3 bedroom suites. Swimming pool, -opposite south GM. Children welcome Two baths in oll two and three bedroom suites 885 OXFORD STREET 728-7942 SELL unwanted articles. Phone 723-3492 Ifer Action.

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