Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Mar 1967, p. 16

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onemecee 16 THE OSHAWA TiMgs, POOL p . DID YOU SEE THAT BET HE'S A DROP-OLIT! Thursday, March 2, 1967 LITTLE ROUGHNECK bh HALL FE LOAPING BACK }| TC Take THAT BET ect BRIDGE i=] a By B. JAY BECKER ' a =] (Top Record-Holder in Masters' | me Individual Championship Play) 7 = i) South dealer. a £Q Both sides vulnerable. ++ TOI NORTH Toro 4 KQ9 : Quote 9Q107 rights, oK92 from p &K875 DO YOU HAVE WHEN THEY Were WEST Tr NICE, FRESH IN THEY WERE STILL HES TAKIN' HIS TIME..... RANGE 462 @AI10754 . SriSH li AINT WOO FAR .10 YE Tovvee 963 84 Stock By \ TONIGHT? @Q10875 Ass Advocat 4 $2592 $84 an th '> AY, Vs i SOUTH AE > nsi = "ye i Fe WAKIOS2 Argosy =] 4 i Aunor Ss #A108 Brien = { ee The bidding: Heng = South West North East Como vs Camp ¢ = 1@ Pass 2NT Pass C Tun F mn 3y Pass 49 € Jami i Opening lead--six of spades. Spades There is no question that Candore some hands require ingenious fall ' play by declarer for the con- Cassiar | | -AND My LI'LTOY GAsP!!-1 SOUND ? ?-1'VE. STOPPED PLAYING, inact to be made. Undoubtediy cat @] | BUGLE!' WONDER LIKE HERB ALPERT AND | STILL SOUND LIKE HERB YOU MAY EN such hands come few and far Conigo 'S'GH?- CHILDHOOD IF ITSTILL PLAYS-~ AND HIS TIA JUANA} | ALPERT ANDHIS = 4 , +. WHEN THE FBI BROKE IN, THEY between, but, when they do Con-Key i CLOSE, FLYER! WISH THEY HAD WERE SHQUTING FOR HER... ; ; Con Shi SOUVENIRS =--MY BABY BRASS !! , arise, the challenge is in- C Belle =N £ ' NO GIRL IN THE WHEN WE FACE MOUNTAIN, THERE'S STILL igui q i fq CURLSST MY -UGHl=CoucH! [-7) HOUSE AND MAGNUS WITHOUT . triguing -- whether or not you : pat GASP' BASKETBALL x FEDS WAITIN'TO THE LADY SCIENTIST! f are able to find the solution. c Moa a |) SNEAKERS ---- THEY DIDNT \ | GRABUS HE'LL...WAITA 3 m Fa gi acca eo gett Ped ey | GET MARINA ay MINUTE. ; < hand where South went dawn rag Pes ? fat wk i : *] lone at four hearts. East won C Red | ao ¢ ah @ the queen of spades with the vaphateead my 7 i+ ace and returned the jack to gat 7 fs the king. Declarer drew two ps feed bl rounds of trumps and then play- Crowpat y a ed the A-K and another club, Deis Lo | Hd hoping East would have to win Dicknes \ ' ig "a the third club and that the suit Discovry 3-2 | would also be divided 3-3. Be ~ : : 3 | But West won the club with Dunraine --m OTE serontraratacen scence the jack and continued with the ae = |queen, and South then had to Gnt Ma: THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD -- | fe e |down one. -- Grandoe. | Had declarer been more in- Granisie spired, he would have made the eet | Gunner }contract. After drawing trumps Hastings WHILE THEY LAST jhe should have led the nine of Hollinger |spades from dummy and dis- Huds Ba 4 jearded the ten of clubs on it. - oA ey a | This unusual play would have Kerr Ad |placed East in a hopeless posi- Bice an jtion. After winning the spade Kopan : with the ten, East would have Lab Min been forced to return a dia- otk & Poa L Oo : p us a }mond, establishing the king, or La Lor ja. spade, permitting South to tetas Seg -- ijdiscard a diamond as he ruffed Madsen ' is in dummy. Either way, declar- ane BGENGS 16 GETTING S'D UKE TO COMPLIMENT T E L. E V I S I O N L O HUBERT er would make the contract. Mewar WORSE ABOUT NAGGING MB! YOU ON YOUR GOOD } " Note that this method of play eg GHB GRIPES AND COMPLAINS QUALITIES , BOGNES, AS i Channel 12--Peterborough | 10:00 P.M. | 10:45 A.M. HES RUINING \ |= ; would have been equally suc- Nat Expl AL THs Time /! GOON AS Z THINK OF ONE. At Channel 1!--Hamilton 12--Dean Martin | 3,6,12--Chez Helene !, ; : cessful if East had held three Neweonx : o Channe!_ 9--Toronto 1--The Merv Griffin Show 11:00. A.M, | OUR? LAWN: he niel : N Harri 1 Channe) 8--Rochester 8-2--Dean Martin | 12-Romper Room clubs originally instead of two. N Hosco ' Channel 7--Butfale 7--Stage '67 11--Mike Dougias After East won the spade with N_ Impere fa] ? ee Scbome $2) Million Questions, «| Foie. and Mire. ihe agi the ten, he would presumably homer eo i Channel 8--Barrie ie eee | roeopermareat Sweep 7 'e return a club instead of a spade Nick Rin a Channe 3--Buttalo S-THE, Cat | Sandy of Mayberry OM or a diamond, but this return Nerwetel = THURSDAY, RVE. ae 11:00 P.M. | 2--Matches and Mates would likewise prove fatal to Northgat 100 P.M, -11-9-8-7-6-3-2--News | 17.25 A.M. : him because dummy's last club N Rock 12--T! ¥ | : MM. : = : | lceareny Thesis baa i iN o-Mauurawer Court . a would become established when cane r jr eibidpa Wiibasahe PR Si Sports pte lll Squares s declarer ruffed. peu --Laramie E "M. | Tom yy gsi @ é--Passport é--Viewpoint | SBI van Ooee Show ) ee South would then be able to Priess = #--Wister E. . mall P.M. ie 12: Noon a / enter dummy with a trump and Bine Pol 12--Camp Runamuck éiNewi, Wesltar, Sports| eve 'roaay ih felon eee jo discard a diamond loser on the Preston 8--McHales Navy | 730 P.M, | 2-8--Jeopardy poy eight of clubs. Quonto 3-6--Music Hop | _7--Movie | %--Movie y Rayrock 2--Of Lands and Seas | 2,8--Johnny Carson #--Luncheon Date Rio Al 6:00 Pom. | 11:35 P.M. 4--News and Weather) ! | Rix A 7--Movie | Edgar Wallace ports Roman 6--Sports-A-Go-Go a--sKling Tips 3--Popeye and Pals Harper S$ San Antor 48-12--News, weather, 11:40 PM, 12:30 P.M. Sateliite Sports 12--Movie 12--Movie DRAT! Sherritt 3--My Three Sons 9--Run for Your Life | 1--It's A Match Slivrfids 6:30 PLM, 11:45 P.M, 2--News, Weather, 3| 4 Silvmq 12--Lost in Space 6--Time Tunnel Sports ? Siscoe 1i--Plerre Berton 4--Movie 6--Eye Guess Dro Book Steep _R bes 4--News 12.00 A.M. | 64--Search For Tomorrow 3 Sud Cont 3-6-9--News, Weather, 11--Mystery Theatre | a--Merv. Griffin cate Sullivan : 24 Huntley Brinkley 1 Night tite | $4-eulding Tighe : B K d Territory" 4 a ii Ht 7 CZ ing Lah : 1 "5:00 P.M. FRIDAY ietheates sus i y enne y Trin 'chip Tey ne Sons Ps eae, 9--Movie i se : : , pune 8--Small World pate 8 hag Sectonnie Prudden Leg NEW YORK (AP)--The dis- Urban @. TBA sik Albert J. Steed 7--Ben Casey i pute between the Kennedy fam- Vespar 3--Time Tunnel ia es <cner the callers I}, Ee ily and Harper and Row pub- Wiese Ste a--News, Weathe F--Dlaling for Dollars, Movie ' ' = lishers over pe 4 book, The Win-Eld eae irl Talk 1:20 P.M. ' Death of a President, appar- Yukon € 7--News, Weather, 200 A. Turne or N--Little People" Tactevs Make' 8 Deal | ' ently prompted Senator Robert se i ape $--Uncle Bobby | 2:00 P.M. ' F. Kennedy to halt publication N--Canaid Camere val and Nave | icmue 1 ene of a book containing the Sen- | GAMBIT IS BEGIN= $2--Daniel Boone sta allen | sane age ried # 4 teas speeches, It was Am Ledue } NING To INTEREST Fare dsl wite meee eoriein C ey apaausineat of publica- ce Pete na 4 me! er) aes B «M. ag 'eople in Conflict n an i h © Dehi fa i coe e. shawn, | Coen | YOUR HEALTH eg ogg liven ge € 6x, om = M--Hockey &--Gloria | 4--House Party Problems, New Proposals, ap- € Gridoil S TTR wom | Patel setm | 2 --Doars peared in Harper and Row's ctl Pet -- UNCLES cMademoiselie de Paris 11--Marriage Confidential rea u co cio Gey catalogue which came San Trien Ee 13) vt ls ack > Lanne | 9--Words and Music ns us out last November. eu el =| j FoBewitehed 1--Ed Alien. time, Herel the Truth But Tuesday, Evan Thomas, Syne a fj 4-MY Thr08, Sone p2rSartoon Playhouse | $612--Take 20 : vice - president of Harper and French Pt 200 P.M. -2-- e | 2-8--Another Wor! jan a oie Aacbent cee | OM U 1 Th hts : Row, said the 150-year-old pub- ' Mill Ci -- Tove On # Rooftop Sir "Canahan Schoo Farmer's Bovahiet np easant oug ? lishing house decided to drop N eeu je 3 MA. -- bt" ¥6-12--Telescope 11--Morning Time pam Raa the book from the winter sched- Perm, 9:30 P.M, 9--Fractured Phrases 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD ule. Place @ Pld partion ari hdl Nell i 28--You eae id i "The first indication that French Pt ragnet |--E ver" i H .M, Jothat Girl 4--Beverly Milibiliies | 11--Super Comics Dear Dr. Molner: Could you|:answer is to leave it up to your|there would be a delay came min enty" 3-6-12--Hogan's Heroes 3-6:12--Friendly Giant | 9--I Love Lucy enlighten me as to why my hus-}own physician who can keep|!a8t December when the Sen- N Cont band talks and sometimes yells|track of whether IUCD may be|2t0r failed to send us the intro- Permo. CROSSWORD in his sleep? He does it more|isatisfactory for you. duction to the book," said Tho- Place G ww as he gets older. His sleep is neat aceon, hee inquiries asl n : restless and broken. Physically] Dear Dr. Molner: Years ago|'© Washington, but received no Scurry Rn ORO! DOa0S w : ay g0 " , = Line soy 1 Pond %.Like [erie Mee (he is in pretty good health for! had syphilis and was treated|'¢PlY. er, oO the golden "xylo eels Gm . ona Pes age 46. for it, but tests are always pos- W. Decaita a P e LITTERS) | "He has a tendency to be ajitive. Does that mean I have the d touch 2. Idle god {0 IS} : ; . 6. Sailing 3, Bird of at VEIRIAMNEINME TI IN] |worrywart. Could nerves be in-{disease?--P. D. IN J : vessel peace a ats er fe volved?--Mrs, G. L, _ | Assuming that you had proper Abitibi MM 11, Positive 4. Soft drink hun- IMEIE|R Yes, nerves could be responsi-!treatment, standard tests may alte on =) pole 5. Compass dred Sct INEMMmrin} |ble. Likewise, being a lightlremain positive although you Alte Nat = 12. Slight color point hands IRIN eRe] sleeper, he has limited inter-jare clinically cured -- you no Algo Cent 18. Rant 6. Produce, as. 26.Glided MECIE/S/SIBSIAINIEIR| vals of the deep phase of sleep. |ionger are ill, and cannot give Aa 14, Cows a play non- _ ; = |His subconscious mind remains|the disease to anyone else. Alcan pr 15. Frosting 7, Ignited cha- esterday's Answer jat work, and since he is a{ There are special tests which eiume! a5. wa 8. Upon lantly 86. Wicked eT , pcre erage can be done to check on the Berk Mul 17, Over: poet. 9, Bye 28.Dove coop 38, Seaweed SXee oiides isodes C&@Mjiysual procedures when they ank NS 18,Kiliman- 10, Nobleman 30.Small cut 40, Street break through into his thoughts: give positive results in spite of Bainrst w jaro, for 14, Serene 32, Denizens sign: and cause nightmares. icorrect and adequate therapy. ae one: abbr. 16, Conflicts of Madison --_ abbr. Possibly a mild sedativejjt is important to have a test Brazilian 19,Bundled 19, Securities Ave, 41.Habituay |might help him sleep more) of the spinal fluid as well as of BC Forest 21, Having 20.Greek letter 34. Irish Aninieaed deeply. This need not be a|the blood. BC Suger two 22, Lawyer's exclama 43, "7? barbiturate. Has he told his doc- BCPh 4.84 shapes charge tion proses tor about his problem? Dear Dr. Molner: I was much Bre ce a 23, 24, Exi 85, Hi ity : interested in the letter from Calgary P 27. Common tion fire goddess crossed Dear Dr. Molner: Do youjmrs, §, B. concerning age and Calgy 540 | wild yellow. have a booklet on these new/cancer of the uterus. can CGH be 'rRE MP were tT buttons and bows they insert to} | am 23 and have had a hys- Can Cem | o 28. Girl's name Yi jo prevent pregnancy?--Mrs. E. J. terectomy for the same thing,| : : on Perm 29. Ovule Tr We No booklet. And that's the/and feel very fortunate as my|"iSk Suessing what those itching Cdn Brew 30.The Dog Vs first time I've heard themiqoctor feels that I am com- white spots are, but since they ¢ Chem w Star, as 13 Ya called buttons and bows, butinjetely cured. seem to have spread from hus- ele known VA it's not a bad name. They come] Had I waited until I was 30 to|02"4 to wife, I would not delay € Ind Gas to the is V7} \6 7 in a lot of different shapes and/pegin the smear tests, it would|!™, Comsulting a dermatologist Sc iharcon Egyptians = |_ VA, Vp, designs. have' been too late. (skin specialist). CPR ea 81, Clara or 18 449 20 Y Ut Technically they are (UCD's| 'The Pap test is such a simple, © Raina Cruz P 4 VA, 'A Yj or intra - uterine contraceptive) yaj di hat I , . Cdn Tir , painless procedure that I can't Cont I 2A 33, Exclama- 2 22 772s |24 |2s [26 | \devices. They are not new, ontinenta CWN G4 p Ey f understand why every woman CWN 5% 70] tion 4 though. Similar ones were usedjwon't take 10 minutes once a Chemcell 27 28 7 cactly . M4 34, Anthropoid hundreds of years ago. Exactly|year to have a smear. I did, team Bath Chrysler n 37. Perish 7 why they prevent pregnancy !S!and I was lucky.--Mrs. K. C. MASSAGE Columbia 38, Constel- Gia still not understood. There's nothing to add to that.|[ ° THERAPY -° VT /RLPOOL Cominco a lation WU YD 7st] | The devices must be fitted Hours 2 p.m. to 11 p.m con Pap w =| 39. Redo Wy Y and inserted by your physician,| Dear Dr. Molner: In reply to (CLOSED MONDAY) -- Con: Maor p 41, Weaver's 34 135 [36 VY and then should be checked uer ou said that for Cons Gas VZA31 38 BS "|a query, you sai a al Sundays 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Corby vt (7) reed VA, Y, periodically to be sure they|healthy man, frequency of sex- Corby B 4 s> Animate 39 40 at have not slipped out of place. {wal activity is not harmful to CALL 728-2460 Set 43. Roman Y, They appear to work well forjhealth or length of life. Does 16A ONTARIO Crush Intl =] garments 42 Gix some women. Others don't like|the same apply to women?-- Ryonus A = 44. Lady of ; A them or cannot tolerate them,|Mrs. C. S. STREET pe eee ay , | VAS so some women try them and|_ Yes. | Dotasco Lt meme men Memmen Rilke tame SRinte go BE se F orouttuts co

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