Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Mar 1967, p. 29

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, March 1, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) South dealer. Both sides vulnerable, NORTH HAQ8 ¥QI4 oK964 HAQT 4@K105 7532 $387 &KINIG SOUTH 4742 MAKE O4Q1052 abs 'THIS MAN THREW A INTO THE WATER, IT WAS PARKED IN FRONT OF THE CAFE AND WAS TICKING, HE'S'A BRAVE MAN... HE SAVED MANY LIVES, YOUR PLAY 1S TYPED } HEAVENS! I ONLY' TYPED IT...1 DION*T READ IT! I'VE WRITTEN A PLAY DAISY - rs YOu TYPE BUZ SAWYER BEST GET.ON WITH IT...cTHE HAIRPIN RODDIN' THIS BUNCH WILL SENV OUT ANOTHER RIDER WHEN HIS ta] MAN DOESN'T GET BACK, WHAT WOULD I 00 WITH A HOUSEFUL OF PARROTS? = Loven L MISSEDorse HES reovee EVERY MONTH GETTIN' AWAY. r0 WE SEND YOU A. NEW PARROT Eowyn \6 LT DIDNT BUCK HIM OUT..:-.0'LL BET MY INTEREST IN GOOSE HEAVEN "THAT LOAD HIT HIM MIGHTY HARD. SiR, WOULD YOU LIKE TO JOIN 'The bidding; South West North East 1@ Pass 3h Pass +4 Pass 4@ Pass Opening lead -- ten of hearts. Most players find the role of . : a declarer far more interesting | "LL GIVE IT TO 7SKI=THE LITTLE. LEAGUE. "EI OALEY'S COVERING THE C=). é than that of a defender, but, THE KIDS TO PLAY WILL HAVE TO GETA NEW FRONT...NO WAY TO CLIMB ot the defender's role is WITH!) CATCH, THIRD BASEMAN -- i DOWN...MY BIRDS SEEM generally harder to play. ) JOEY!! TO HAVE FLOWN THC For example, take this hand y ' COOP... LITERALLY! where the defence must be let- 7 i, ter-perfect to stop declarer from making five diamonds. Let's say West leads a heart which South wins with the king. |Declarer draws two rounds of |trumps, and then, in prepara- jtion for an endplay, clears the }hearts--ending in his own hand. He now leads a club, intend- ing to play the seven from dum- my if West follows low. This play assures the contract re- gardless of what East returns after he wins the seven. East will have to lead up to one of the A-Q's in dummy, or else play a heart and thus give de- clarer a ruff and discard But if West is on his toes, he will play the eight when South leads the club. This more lor less forces declarer to fin- Jesse the queen, which East wins |with the king. East leads back |the jack of clubs, taken with |the ace, and dummy now re- JANE ARDEN ar) "th, "4 «a " [PB BMES ee OSE hats" EVERY LITTLE MEMENTO HAS A MEANING ALL TS OWN?" HOW WELL | RECALL YOU, LI'L FELLA7--YOU FRACTURED THIS CRUDE BOMB WHICH TURNED OUT TO BE A DUD ay : . ---- \ia. ane THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. FEATURING wae they cast BRAND NEW SECRET AGENT X9 clubs in JULIET JONES MICKEY MOUSE MUGGS AND SKEETER Sd Low AS $139 1966 VIVAS As DEA DIARY +06 i HAVA B227/ 202 DION'T ARGUE, AND WATCHZP MY MAU ERE. 1T'6 BEEN A TERRIBLE DAYS © King Fenteren Sprcieata, katy 1967. World raghte reserved. = TELEVISION 4--Danny Kaye M. Channel 12--Peterborough Channe) 11--Hamiites 9--Toronto @--Rochester 7--Buttale 6--Toronte 4--Buftalo 3--Barrie | 2--Buttale 2-8--1 Spy WEDNESDAY EVENING 6:00 P.M. 12--Woody Woodpecker 11--Movie 8-Superman 7--Laramie 6--Passport 3--Woody Woodpecker 330 P.M 12-3--It's 'About Time 1--Woody CY I'S VERY OFFICIAL LOOKING. REAL BANKY.!! 4 AND IT's A5 FOLLOWED BY ONE ZERO wm COMMA. TWO'... THREE ~ FOUR ZEROS" 'THAT'S 6OT TO BE $50,000, SIGNED AND GAVE TO MMR. KLONDIKE Sepp {TT WAS HANDWRITTEN, AND OUR "ANGEL" OBVIOUSLY DIDN'T HAVE MUCH EARLY PALMER, METHOD TRAINING! YOU READIT? AND SHOW IT TO JOY ILL GO NEXT DOOR >), HI, GRANDMA... 1'LL BE THROUGH FEEDING LITTLE LEROY IN JUST A MINUTE / Y'WIND UP CARRYING THEIR | GROCERIES HOME FROMTHE ¢ --McHales_ Navy. eM 3--It's About Time 2--Of Lands and Seas 6:00 P.M. 7--Twiligne restre Weather 3--Nation's Business 12--Laredo ll--Pierre Berton 4--News; Weather 3-6-9---News 2-8--Huntley-Brinkley 7:00 P.M. 8--Lowell Thomas 4--Lowell Thomas 3--Daktarl 2--News, Weather, Sports 7.2 P.M, 7--News Weather Sports 7:30 P.M. 12--Winners' Circle 9--Andy Williams 8-2--Virginian 7--Batman é--Peggy Neville 4--Lost in Space 7:45 P.M. 6--Nation's Business 8:00 P.M. N--Movie 7--Monroes 3-6-12--Green Acres 8:30 P.M. 9--Hockey 4--Beverly Hillbillies 3-6-12--Bob Hope 9:00 PLM. 7--Movie 4--Green Acres 2-8--Bob Hope 9:20 P.M. 4--Gomer Pyle 3-6-12--Festival 10:00 P.M. 1W--Merv Griffin oe Mr. 10:30 P.M. %--Sports Hot Seat 11:00 P.M. | 12-11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2 -- News, Weather, Sports 11:20 PLM, | 6--Viewpoint | 1.25 P. 1--Plerre Berton 6--News, Weather, Sports | 4--Skiing with Stein | 1:38 P.M. 2-8--Johnny Carson mystery Theatre 12.30 A.M, IIl--Night Life THURSDAY 1--Little People 9--Uncle Bobby 8--Pastor's Study 4--Bonnie Prudden 12-3--Ed Allen Time 2--Pick A Show 9:30 A. Schools 2--Jack La Lanne 10:00 A.M. 9--Cartoon Playhouse 1l--Ed Allen Time 8-2--Reach for the Stars 4--Candid Camera 3-6-12--Canadian Schools 10: A.M, \1--Morning Time 9--Fractured Phrases | 7--Everybody's Talking | 4--Beverly Hillbillies 3-6-12--Friendly Giant 2-8--Concentration 5.00 plus tax M, 'LOG 3 14:25 A.M, 6--Bonnie Prudden 1:38 A.M. %--Magistrates Court | 7--Dating Game 4--Dick Van Dyke | 2-8--Holly 12; 12--Cartoon Party 9--Toronto Today 7--Money Movie é--Luncheon Date 4--News, Weather, Sports 3--Popeye and Pais 2-8--Jeopardy 1 1i--It's A Match | 8--Eye Guess | 46--Searcn for To } 8: »M. eo: PLM, 4--Captain Kangeroe 6.30 A.M. Albert J. Steed | 9--Romper Room A.M. | 36-11-12 -- Ontarlo | 3-6-12--Chez Helene 2--Matches and Mates 11:00 A.M. 11--Mike Douglas and 7--Supermarket Sweep 4--Andy Griffith 8--Pat Boone 3-6--Mr. Dressup 2--Matches and Mates 12:30 P.M, 2--Movie morrow 3--News; - Weather; 's 9. ju | @& Dialing For Dollars, Spor: 2--Merv Griffin 1:00 P.M. --Movie ~--Theatre Virginia Graham | 7--Ben Casey 6--~Luncheon Date 4--Meet the Millers 3--Movie 1 220 PLM. | 2-8-Let's Make a Deal 8:58 A. | 46--As the World Turns @--Dieling For Dollars -- | :00 P.M Virginia Graham | 7--Newlywed Game 9:00 A.M, | 6-4--Password | 28--Days of Our Lives 730 PLM. 12--Calendar 9--People in Conflict 8-2--The Doctors 7--Dream Girl . | 6--Coronation Street 4--Linkletter's Party 3:00 P.M, n --Marriage Confidential 9%--Words and Musi¢ | ?: | 4--To Tell The Truth --General Hospital 8-2--Another World 7. | 36-12--Take 30 3.25 P.M. | 4-News | 2.30 P.M, 11--Farmer's Daughter 9--I1's Your Mave --Superman Show 3-6-4-12--Edge of Night 2-8--You Don't Say 4:00 P.M. 11--Super_ Comics 9--1 Love Lucy &--Match Game 4--Secret Storm 3-6-12--Communicate 2--Mike Douglas 4.30 P.M. 1--Munsters 9--Movie 4--Movie 3-6-12--Zorre CROSSWORD ACROSS 3. Grow old 1, Distin- 4.D) puifhed family of Mass, 6. Flat- topped hill 0. A smoke 8. Faction LL Situated 9. Like ealong & awing certain line 12, Overhead 3. Always trains {4.Ofa 14. Morsel wedding 16, Behold! 15. Yes: Sp. 18, Epochs (6.Stretchers 19, Carting (7, Dedicates vehicle 20, Girl's name 22, Harmonize 81, Half an em 23, Encroach 22, Stannum 6, Weasel- like" animals 7. Leaves 24, New: combin- 5.Jrs relative ing form 26, Comes into view 28. Cravat 31, French river 33. Slots 34, Pro- noun 35. Danish weight 36, River: USSR, 20.By way of $7, Walk. ing stick ISICTAILIE BH [TIETS|T |S MBAISIPIE IN} [UNIS Mi NTT TE }re{S) Yesterday's Answes t SPUR ETRE) IAN IT It) [E[E(SMEOIAIRIT 39. Never: poet. 41. Candle- nut tree 42, Preserve 44, Part of "to be? 25. Silly 27, Rock 2p Y 29, Public notices O, 80.Show Me State: abbr, {4 82, Data, for short $3, Dutch painter 35. Swiss. lake 38, At home 40, Citrus fruit 41, Skin disorder 43, Italian poet 44, Semblance 45. Minus 46, More DOWN 1, High cards 2. Stock holder's share i wood Squares NOON __|difference between 7 RR HUBERT SURPRISE! COME IN! THE KIDS ARE DRIVING ME | YOUR HEALTH | Sensitive Gag Dear Dr. Molner: What is the histamine headache and neuralgia, and what can be done? I have been having terrible pains in my face and ear which from a description sound like neuralgia. My doctor has given me pain killers. Sometimes 1 have the pains every year, sometimes every other year, but this has continued for 13 years now.--Mrs. T. B. First order of business in a case like this is to identify the trouble as best as possible. After 13 years of it, I would recommend: seeing a neurolo- gist. Histamine headache often in- cludes intense pain back of one eye which possibly might fit your, "pains in my face and ear." And might not. Histamine headaches often are cyclic, precipitated by periods of anxiety, emotional upsets, al- cohol, fatigue, Treatment varies: Preparations containing ergot, given by mouth, injection or rectal suppository, may give relief. In other instances de- sensitization with tiny doses of histamine may be the answer. But these measures are of no use if the pain is neuralgia, which is involvement of a nerve trunk. Neuralgia tends to be a pretty constant affair instead of coming and going like head- aches, It calls for totally differ- ent treatment, which is why I put such stress on the need for exact diagnosis. Dental problems, a faulty bite among them, may cause pain the area you mention. Disorders of the jaw joint must also be considered. )quency, co Reflex Tightens Throat By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Some folks have a supersensi- tive "'gag reflex" which tightens muscles of the throat. If a tongue depressor is used in an examination, the patient often can avoid gagging by breathing through the mouth. . If you have trouble swallow- ing food 'and drink, taking smaller amounts slowly will prevent gaging. | A long soft palate and any} jturns the seven of \preparation for sible endplay. | If East is careless enough to put on the ten, South makes certaim of the contract by dis- carding a spade on the trick, This presents East with the choice of a fatal spade veturn, or yielding a ruff and discard which also hands declarer the contract. But when East, foreseeing the danger of the ten play, duckg the seven, South ruffs and leads a spade. Again West must be careful not to follow low, for, if he does, South can play the eight and claim the contract. When West inserts the nine, South is finished regardless of what he does. If he ducks, West plays another spade; if he fi- nesses the queen, East wing with the king and returns 4 spade to defeat the contract on€ trick, another pose KEEP OWN TIME The Ukrainian Eastern Ortho- dox Church still follows the Jul- jan calendar and celebrates Christmas Jan. 7. SALLY'S SALLIES "Why don't you call it 'Pore trait of a Ruined Man'?" a fevér and show any sugar, then a blood sugar test or even a sugar tolerance test would be wise, You are sensible in checking the urine occasionally, but don't make a big issue of it. They may not develop diabetes de- spite their father's history. One precaution: Don't let them get fat. disorder of the esophagus are) other factors. | | | | Dear Dr. Molner: My daugh-| \ter and I would like to know if| lit is harmful to-use bar soap on| four hair. We don't rub it on| directly, but work up a lather with our hands. With one par-| ticular brand we have had bet-| ter luck than with any of the} shampoos on the market.-- Mrs, J. K No, ordinary hand soap such as you use in the bathroom will not harm your hair. Results are what count. Jf you have found a brand you 'like, by all means| use it. Dear Dr. Molner: My hus-| band has been diabetic since childhood. We have two chil- dren, aged 8 and 10. I have! checked their urine for sugar /but found none. Should they have a blood sugar test regu: | larly? My. doctor knows their father is diabetic but has not mentioned that test of them.-- M. V. | Occasional testing of urine| collected two hours after a meal is sufficient, I believe. Children usually show other signs of dia- betes quickly if the disease de- velops: Thirst, urinary fre- weight loss, bed-wet-| Dear Dr. Molner: Please ex-/ting. (I don't rhean that bed-| |plain why some of us gag s0| jeasily, and haw we can get over|diabetes, of course.) sf = re y e « wetting alone is a symptom of your youngsters are ill with| ¥ |§ 56 Bruce St. BS Priendly & Helpful A & yécient AUTO } SERVICE TUNE-UP NOW FOR TOP PERFORMANCE NOW ! BETTER CAR SERVICE For Safe Sure Driving @ BRAKE » and @ FRONT END ALIGNMENT @ SERVICE (Up To Six Months To Pay) All Services May be Purchased On Texaco Credit Cards COOPER'S TEXACO 410 Ritson Rd. N. &

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