| THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdoy, February 21, 1967 5 /--- ne | March et, | 4 4 is the as Nursing Staff Association wir | peayinie q ' sae CLEARING Active Ajax Organization + Vienna Sas Ye site ie 9 ETIREMENT I, AJAX (Staff) -- While still injcomed and helped to feel "at 20 %o Orr R ME |the "Old Hospital" Ajax and/home", on the staff. If possible | @ COATS -- JACKETS -- SAVINGS PLAN Pickering General Hospital Nur-jassistance is given in finding d sing Staff Association was ori-jliving accomodation and trans- 25% OFF to ginally formed April 3, 1963. portation 3 5 The purpose of this group fs) Another project at this time -- Pied lag SAVE TAX |to further staff education by jis a "Homebake Sale" to be averse DOLLARS i |presenting special topics and /held in the Hospital cafeteria -- AT -- bk stimulate the trend toward a/Feb. 23 starting at 2.30 p.m. For 1966 4 en learning situation, a concern] with the proceeds to be donated USS 4 yr} for the social development andjto the Ajax, Whitby and Picker- 1A activity of the entire nursing ing areas workshop and train- U VICTOR nd un- jstaff and to help develop im-jing centre for retarded adults EEVE s o ever |proved relations inside anc out-|in Whitby. MEN"S SHOP GREY TRUST jside the department. This As-| With the move to the "New 129 Brock St. $ jsociation is open to all nursing Hospital'? and the expansion of ; Pee we |staff employees. the district it gives one the op-, Whitby 668-2091 WHITBY 668-5897 and There are five general meet- portunity to meet and work with! neeeaely 'ship ings held per year, with many/|nursing staff from al! parts of! name ister activities taking place in-bet-|the world. This can be very in ween, These activities are open|teresting, helpful and informa- jto all hospital staff: Curling,|tive. 'golfing, dances, corn and wien-| This association tries to in with ler roasts, Christmas parties volve the General Nursing Staff ven- have helped make up social|aS much as possible so the meet ye evenings. jings tend to have an air of ut Many interestin -; freedom of speech and discus- * ) g speakers|.. ldn't have been heard and many |Sion. SERIES NO. 2 ON } 80 helpful demonstrations have! The Association works co- been given this association|°Peratively with the' nursing ably which enables all to practise np quately administration of PREVENTIVE and give better nurse-patient!the hospital. a ion ___| MAINTENANCE boy Projects have been worked) CLOCK SENT HIM BACK FOR ould for and achieved by this group LONDON (CP)--Pop singer se, é : Ph seer one being the iii age Turton, 22, has rejoined BRAKES and 'gs é chase of a movie projecior for his old gr fter g pe a ae the Inservice Education Unit. his Eek e cock ich with There EXHAUST SYSTEMS nces ' é ee ae This Unit is in great demand|to take up his old trade of tool- ' and use, lectures being given|making again. He says he "¢ WHITBY CENTENNIAL CELEBRATIONS COMMITTEE PRESENTS BABY SCROLL ties: col Sat'? aus], INCLUDING EMERGENCY BRAKES is Through this Association, new!found he "'couldn't stand get- For all makes of cars and Light Duty Trucks ah The proud parents, Mr. and their daughter, Sherry Lynn, parchment scrolls are avail- If you wish one for your Secretary, Mrs. Barbara nursing 'staff members are wel-|ting up in the morning." : Snaisnck' both Freak and sear brake shes linings, vieal baer 'ime ge OT ee perp nhs Pt orb able free for all babies born baby, please contact the Carter, 929 Crocus Crescent, inepact amargancy brake cables including checking of sna Wellington Street, Whitby, chairman of the Whitby Cen- -- uring 1967, of parents live | Whitby Centennial Celebra- or phone 668-4702. P cylinder, and brake wheel cylinders, all lines and brake hoses e is are seen here receiving a tennial Celebrations Com- salad one F witliby 'i é cinitiae Wecoulive: ee BROCK Now Playing -- One Complete and Gdieik' brakes, ales laigeck Siheiak systems, his Centennial Baby Scroll, for mittee. These handsome ing in the town of Whitby. ons Col sein seu _____ Photo by Stannett _ pitabnalcvd Program Each Eve. Starting at 7:30 . ' vt wT f ate WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY New Ajax Radio Station | Some parts of Greenland le FOR ONLY @ Lead under 11,000 feet of ice. nnd Whi bd } s _ = Pius any fluid for master cylinder if required heir itby Scouts p anning Goes On Rir Labor Day FREE 24-HOUR If broke repairs required on all wheels, there will be no charge gely er. BURNER SERVICE for inspection. no AJAX (Staff) -- Middle of the ;new station would ~~ paren By Our Local . ; ve - : me ; an road programming serving On-|County primarily and wou Service Contractors omplete modern brake drum machine services on the prami- er Father -= Son Banquets tario County will be the policy|give news coverage to councils) SA DON"S tes, bog further save you on eny brake drum refocing require- - of a new Ajax radio station|and service organizations. W ments, " WHITBY (Staff) -- Boy Scoutjwill be held this week by the coming on gel wad tee cee! sani ee os pda +h Week in Whitby, started Sunday|Whitby District council, of the|/8Y, toe ;; EL ye . 'i ie ; A : The president of the new sta-|Transonic Limited on McMaster en win 8 mel Paar at SEI Bry, come ot anne i William Jones of Ajax,|Ave. The company is presently ca/ v ung John's Anglican Church, Port] During these banquets, | 0" f i eke eagaeed: in broadcast auuip- FURNACE OIL -- OR IDE R ER DODGE Joh lek Sele fete, ve pel reg nk. Pitot of bak. supplies STOVE OIL AND COAL EASTMAN COLOR. on- Thirty boys, attended the/presented. jtocate is eps 244 Brock St. S., Whitb WHITBY) LTE service, which was conducted] The first will be held tonight che' He gh hala egy corner of hes pagere age oT e < 4 y With Guy Stockwell, | Recommended As Adult 918 BROCK STN. + WHITBY ONT wth by E. C. Markwick, district/hy the Third Whitby, at all head TB P Cony. Ye Peete ee eee 668-3524 Pat Cord Entertainment | 7o BE ON 7%: SE DEAL WITH NCL? on- commissioner for Scouts in|Saints' Anglican Church at 6:30| T2¢ ,0-kilowatt signal willicast Governors was the second | Begins 7:30 Begins ot 9:15 | hat Whitby. The sermon was en- Saints' Anglican Church at §:39!reach homes as far north asitry by Mr. Jones. Last June a by titled '«Scouting needs tn thet ac. |. : i Sunderland, east to Bowman-|request for a 5 kilowatt station, | ----~------ ce hace camereuene eanuasieeannet aime Future Sa Space Age " | The First Whitby will hold its) ville and west to West Hill. It}going to 1 kilowatt at night, are Five father and son banquets ropa A ecg ad org will be operating on # 24-hour|was turned down by the Board. ' : __jat the y Arena. The First, |pasis, Iso ; : Port Whitby, will be Friday at 12 EMPLOYEES ble Ld St. John's Anglican, Port Whit-/NEWS COVERAGE The new station will initially 1 t urt by. The Fourth Whitby will also} Mr. Jones said no rock andjemploy 12 people in program- - be held Friday, at St. Mark'sjroll programing would be insti-jing, sales, administration and til? United Church. The First Brook-|tituted but the station would|technical positions. The pro- fF Md \lin banquet will be held Satur-|follow a CFRB concept without|graming will be heard at 1390 ir. n CCl en § aay, in Brooklin. ethnic programing. He said the|kilocycles and the bhawecaye A ? sion from the studio to the i . transmission tower will be done ° Ph "yippee: aes) WHITBY PERSONALS 0 ll Telephone cables. r r | r u by OPP detachment. recorded by Be U . the its first traffic fatalities of 1967 Mr. Jones has resided in | to last Saturday when two area] The Whitby Women's Insti-|Street, entertained at her resi-|Ajax for the past 17 years and im. residents were killed in a one-|tute is meeting Feb. 22 at the|dence Sunday following the|started Pye Electronics there. lity He Fog ge on the South Serv-|home of Mrs. Gordon ag poe Pert ase' ni bartending etal He seb loved by, ' a he lay ce Road, near Oshawa. 217 Euclid Street. Mrs. Leesa|Guides a enry ree gh|radio an station the In 18 other accidents during|Ferris will be in charge of the|School when her daughter, Canada as a broadcast man- the week, eight persons were|meeting. Her theme will be Nancy, received her "Goldjagement consultant. injured and 11 drivers were|"Citizenship and Education." {Cord. Besides the per sedie ae gs charged. Members of the de- presidency, Mr, Jones isa tachment patrolled 22,800 miles| A intimate family reunion) Present at the reception qirector of CJCH TV in Halifax, ) and checked 164 drivers, One|W2S held Saturday evening at/were: District Commissioner,!, director of radio CJCH 920 hundred and twelve charges|!® -- of sb sid Mrs. Harvey Whale; Area com-|Ltd., director of CHAN radio in were laid and 48 warnings is-|J2"_ Schoep, ion of thai,(missioner, Mrs, H. T. Cook, Bay|Vancouver, CHEK radio in Vic- i Street, on the occasion of their ' : , A hai sued. Speeding, it was reported, : . ae District C i toria, Chairman of the Color the is still the major offence and in|25th wedding anniversary and/Ridges; Ajax District Commis-\committee of the Canadian As- ace many cases is the main cause ty cea oye 94 gy oef,/sioner, Mrs. P. Humphreys; for-/socjation of Broadcasters and ar- of serious accidents, This is re-|@/'er 2 leday stay at the Osh-|mer guide leaders, Mrs. D.|vice-president of the Indepen- at sulting in an increase in the use araheed ate ping tet acct Rints and. Mrs. George(dent Television Organization. od- of radar in 20 assets ter, Mrs. Garry Bennett, Ajax,|Thwaites; Brown Owl, Mrs.| | The week was quiet, the de-lassisted by other members of|John Goddard; former badge | | tachment reports, as far as gen-|the family. The celebrants were|secretary, Mrs. William Avent] 1963 | i) 2 3 ry 6 6 vill eral pein ig ncey were CON: | presented with lovely gifts and|badge secretary, Mrs. T. H. | ma Sine 'and toe 'ett revere Pot Mishe! Morris former Brownie teeder: | GHEWROLET | kd One auto was stolen and two} On the occasion of Mr. and eae Pg nee gy hig 4-Door -- Bell Air Sedan | ily were recovered. Two persons | Mrs. George Schell's 17th wed- wards: Guide Lieutenant, Mrs. |f A very clean smart looking car. ff were arrested and charged with|ding anniversary, they were en-|arold Gordon. | Lie. Ne, 46979H ap theft of auto. An Oshawa man|tertained at dinner at the home le ie charged with dangerous|of her sister and brother-in-law,| Miss Lily Saunders chaired] Youre Fer Only : if riving and one liquor offence|}Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Meneil-|the St. Mark's United Church} - was recorded. Thirty-three mis-|ley,, of Port Hope. ; |Unit 5 meeting when eight home| $1295" cellaneous occurrences included ___ {visits and 13 hospital visits were | several ve complaints, ve-|_Mrs. Robert Pollard, 918 King) reported, Mrs. Margaret Smith| A eer icles abandoned due to break was in charge of the worship | CbA AL bdd down and severe weather. A|windows but will provide a con-|period and Miss Florence Heard | TRADES ACCEPTED number of motorists were as-jtinuous supply of fresh air in-|the program. Miss Ila New- 1 r) t } 6 t " sisted on the highway after the|side the car. The fresh air will|ton, Deaconess related facts on! break down of their behicles. |help the driver combat drowsi-|the work she had done in Alber- | Tr) The detachment suggests}ness on a long trip and greatly|ta as a lay minister. She illus-| ry motorists can greatly improve |reduce the possibility of a driver|trated her talk by the showing ."" all - round vision from inside|and passenger being overcome|of maps and colored slides. Tea CHEV. OLDS os their vehicles by leaving a draft|by carbon monoxide, should|hostesses were Mrs. Mary 900 Dendes $2. 8 WHITBY as window slighty open. This will|there be a leak in the exhaust|Underwood and Mrs. Sally Law- ies - for not only help in clearing the!system. son. ' : a rd 8 s s 8 8 8 RAE R. JONES CASH! For your HOME CALL RAE R. JONES For Prompt Personalized Service Phone 668-8841 $ $ §$ ime zones. That means looking after 85,000 miles of land, sea and air transportation routes serving five continents. The sun comes up 18 times. When Buying or Selling Real Estate youriaet hemos 24" andyour goods across trucks, concern. But we're concern, too. Right home and around t we're working hard serve you better. From sun-up to sun-up, You'll find Canadian Pacific in such places as: 1. Roma 2. Amsterdam 3. Lisbon 4, The Arctic 5. The Atfantic 8. Buenos Aires 7, Lima 8. Toronto 9. Mexico City 10. San Francisco 11, Alaska 12, Hawaii 13. The Pacific 14. Fijl 15. Auckiand-16. Sydney 17, Tokyo 18. Hong Kong our trains, planes, ships and You could say we're a going a growing here at he world, 'e efe 3" Conadian Cauific Serving you in so many ways. €XP06/7 CANADIAN PACIFIC COMINCO PAVILION os TRA APE Bh = ROT. OP