Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Feb 1967, p. 14

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DONALD DUCK BUZ SAWYFR A BOMB EXPLODE JUST, WHERE YOU'D BEEN SITTING? YOU BHOULD cive ASSUMING THAT HAN IS UP GOLF ANO TAKE ASPY OR TERRORIST, -7 UP BASEBALL! SAWYER, HAVE YOU ANY WAS PRETTY IMPORTANT TO IDEA WHY HE WOULD HAVE (rr save HERE A WOMAN BLONDIE 'O TRACE I(T IN FOR SEVENTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS' WORTH OF CLOTHES JANE ARDEN TOL? 1! APPOINTED. WE C-CAN'T THEY CLAIM STOP, MANIF | L THEY HEAR NOT WHILE MUSIC-?-?- if WE HEAR LI'L ABNER YOU DISCO-DICK?" whirl of SECRET AGENT X9 ONE GUN AGAIN FIVE/ BEN WI MAKE IT/ and counter- espionage around her, Marina has plans of her own... DO YOU SUPPOSE IT WAS IN REVENGE FOR YOUR HAVING STOLEN THE SAM COMPLEX? THAT THE NORTH VIETNAMESE. BUT I WAS JUST ONE OF THE TEAM. CDR. MECRAKEN WAS IN COMMAND, © King Feateres Syndicate, Inc, 1967, Werkd rights reserved. BUT YOU TOOK OVER WHEN MECRAKEN WAS WOUNDED... IFI WERE YOU, 1'D WATCH MY STEP WHILE IN SAIGON, BUZ, I CAN'T RIDE LEG 4HOT DP FOUR OR NEVER PATCHES WITH HIS THE WAY IT Is. C/MON, PATCHES,,..WE'LL HAVE TO TAKE IT EASY 0 AN' FOLLOW ASY. oe JUST THE TRAIL. FOR A QUIET EVENING AT HOME BY NOW...LET'S GO, MOUNTAIN' NUBBnY THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. ARE FEATURING wae they vast BRAND NEW 1966 VIVAS AS LOW AS §1395.00...:. TELE é Channel 11--Hamiltes: i 2 Channel %--Toronto - ' 8--Rochester 7--Buttalo 6--Toronte 4--Buttalo jarrie 2~Buttalo Channet Channel Channes TUESDAY SVE, 5.00 P.M, Sreticnts, inn, 1907. Workd vighte reserved, ee 12---Cartoons \ 1--Family Theatre \ 8--Superman 7--Laramie 6--Passport 3--Fury Ais: 3 4 |. 5:30 P.M, De est | 12--Monxees 8--McHale's Navy 4--Music Hop Organs YS errr 3 HENRY 3--Laredo 2--Of Land and Sea 4--Reach for the Top 4-8-12--News, Sports Weather om PM. 12--Girl from UNCLE 1--Pierre Berton 3-6-9--News; Weather; Sports $-2--Huntley, Brinkley 4--News JULIET JONES MICKEY MOUSE M--Merv Griffin %--Love on 8 Rooftop 4--Winter Sports 7--Peyton Place Channel 12--Peterborough VISION LOG. 10:00 P.M, | Matches ana Mates | 7--Fugitive 11:25 A.M, | 7 BA. | +6--Dickie Henderson ry a ; | 11:30 A.M. Feros to News Special | 9--Magistrate's Court | | re eee | 7--Dating Game | | magazine 4--Dick Van Dyke | 10.30 P.M. 2-8--Hollywood Squares 36-12 -- Public Eye 12:00 NOON 12--Cartoon Party P.M 7--Neney Movie | 11:00 P.M, 12-7-4-2-8-3-6-11-9--- News Weather and Sports 9--Torento Today 6--Luncheon Date | | 11:20 PLM, 4--News, Weather, Sports | ¢--Viewooint a rgpaye and Pals | -8--Jeopardy 11.25P.M, 12:30 P.M. 1--Plerre Berton 12--Movie . | 6--News, Weather, Sports, 1)~iI1's a Match | 4--Skiing with Stein 3--News; Weather; | 630 PM, Sports | 7--Movie 8--Eye Guess | 4--Movie 6-4--Search for Tomorrow | 2,8--Johnny Carson | Merv. Griffin | 1,35 P.M, | 12:4. P.M, 3--Avengers +4--Gulding Light | ne P.M, 1:00 P.M. | 12-Movie | U--Theatre | 9--Iron Horse | 9--Movie 145 P.M, | 8--Dialing for Dollars | Movie Girl Talk 12:00 A.M. 7--Ben Casey li--Mystery Theatre 4--Luncheon Date b | 4--Meet The Millers WEDNESDAY 3--Movie 5:00 A.M. | | 1:30 P.M. | 4--Captain Kangaroo | 6-4--As The World Turns | 8.30 A.M. 2-8--Let's Make A' Deal 2:00 P.M. | 7:00 PAM: --Albert J, Steed | : 11--Captain Nice %-Romper Room | 7--Newlywed Game 9--F-Troop 6:55 A.M. 6-4--Password 8--America 7--Dialing for Dollars §-2--Days of Our Lives 6--TBA Girl Talk : ie as? P.M. 4--Honeymooners 300 A. Calendar 5 _Patltont unetion 11--Little People %--People in Conflied '9--News; Weather; 3-12--Ed Allen $-8--The Doctors Sports 9--Uncle Bobby 7--A Dream Girl 8--Crossfire é--Coronation Street HOW! 7.20 P.M. 4--Bonnie Prudden 4--Linkletter's Party SETTIN' SOMEWHERE 7--News, Weather, Sports| !--Pick a Show 3:00 P.M. | 60'S WE CAN piscuss 730 P.M ': "ie a Ue tee aa eto ty int. 4-Love of le --Words and Music THIS HERE IN PRIVATEY, bilo A 8--Gloria | @-2--Another World sername 3-6-9-11-12--Ontario Schools} 7--General Hospital é-Dan etmnan 2--Jack La Lanne | 4--To Tell the Truth <baren 700 A.M. | 3-6-12--Take 30 s-eandia Comers 1l--Ed Allen Time 3.25PM. 2-8.11--Girl_ from | 9--Cartoon Playhouse (--News U.N.C.L.E | 6--Meta Schools 3:30 P.M. Mites acme yard | 8-2--Reach For the Stars | 11--Farmer's Daughter 8:00 P.M. 4--Candid Camera 9--It's Your Move 36-12--Red Skelton Hour | 3-12--Canadian Schools 2-8--You Don't Say | 8:30 P.M. iF M. 7--Superman Show 1--Laredo | 11--Morning Time | 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night 9--Avengers | Mrgiysinked Phrases er ye P.M. 71 nvaders Concentration 1--$uper Comics HAVE IN MIND, SIR? a_Andy. Griffith 7~Everybody's Talking 9--I Love Lucy I MEAN, HOW LITTLE : t8--Occasional Wife Writ getl A alles A preted had Game ry 3 +6-12 --Friendly Gian! -6-12---Communicate A LITTLE FINANCIAL wert t PE doay 11:00 A.M, 4--Secrét_ Storm , 23 Mov ie 12--Romper Room 2--Mike Douglas -6--Movie | 1l--Mike Douglas ch .M, » PLM, %--Mr. And Mrs. 11--Woody Woodpecker 9--Movie 8--Woody Woodpecker e 4--Andy Griffiths 7--Supermarket Sweep | 3-4--Mr. Dressup i--Pat Boone 4--Movii | 3.6-12--Long John Silver MUGGS AND SKEETER ACROSS = 4. Formerly, 23. Cupia mS fossil 1. Girl's name thelegislae 24, Third pads 6. Depression ture of king in marshy Denmark of ground 5. Like Judah | 11. Eng. psy- 6. Pluck 26. The [ey | ti agi Vy chologist 7. Desires late GUY) 12. Race 8. Skin Mr. . cI MMO) lt] Vif Y bl horse disorder Sparks [Alva t W4, UYy L4G, 13, Melody 9. Ogle 27. Marx faa" W, Z by W4.Longrug 10,Blunders --_30. Santi- . ; é Mig hi 15.Bodiesof 14. Partsof ago Yesterday's Answer water telephones is its ; 56, Oneof the « YESTER! AND THEN SAID FOR ME TO GAIN WEIGHT --) 16.Comesin 18. Anglo. capita ine WOULD MAKE UP MEA tone Neror COME IN TO SEE HIM AGAIN " 1%. ci of Lira 31. oo shiva | 7 in, | phan tanta . 29, Asian grasses $7. Allowthe> | 19. Inborn river 82. Brief | use of 22, Ohio 20. Girl's blastof |* 88. Female college name wind sheep town 21.Walnutor $8. Strange? 42, Palmetto 25. Nitrous pecan Scot. State: oxide _ 22, Past 34. Musial abbr. 28.Inland partofa | zy: i Te fe yr Te 15 r countrys '4 abbr. ' i Yfsl 29. "Two Gente Z) tlemen. 3 14 od from ----* 30, Creed is V//\'e t 32, Oil well L 35, Congo Z 7. 78 river Y Vi Y Y | 39. Unbinds 19 21 ZY 22 [ts [A j 40, Gang - 41, Burn, 25 26 127 Ny as with : ~ liquid 8 z 42. Gleam YU M4 d 43. Harmonizes Y 3/31 GY 44. College { girls 3235 [5+ Sse |? [38 | DOWN 9 Yyw i 1. Minus ry 2. Genus of al sare lily 3, Forearm > Y hal HUBERT WHERES THE "WITH ALL THAT RAIN, LI THINK THE GARAGE HAS SHRUNK YOUR HEALTH Hypnosis Is Useful If Used By A Pro. By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: What is your opinion of treating emo- tional problems with hypnosis? I am very capable in my job ~\except for a growing lack of self-confidence, and then I start making errors. I have read of business people being cured of fear of airplanes in this way.-- Mrs. F.K.S. I am no more inclined to be- little the value of hypnosis than to question the usefulness of anesthesia, antibiotics and sur- gery. What I do caution against is the common belief that hypno- sis is simple, can cure specific complaints and is harmless. Hypnosis is a useful psychiat- ric and medical tool, but unless used by someone who thor- oughly understands it, it can be just as dangerous as a sur- geon's scalpel wielded by an amateur. One of the risks is that a symptom can be suppressed-- fear of planes, of elevators, of making speeches or whatever-- but such fears often are merely a manifestation of some deeper anxiety. Get rid of one symp- tom and another pops up in its place. I've known of people, some of them in responsible executive jobs, who were tortured by lack of self-confidence but were able to overcome it with help from a psychiatrist. This has been accomplished 'without long and costly psychoanalysis, too. My advice is to see what a psychiatrist can do for you, and leave it entirely up to him whether hypnosis will be helpful in any way. Dear Dr. Molner: Do you recommend corrective surgery for varicose veins at an early date or only after there are rather severe and nainful ani- sodes?--L.S.E. Surgery should not be post- poned until pain or ulceration drives the patient to it. Vari- cose veins, by their very nature, tend to spread damage farther) along' a defective vein. Choosing the right time, how-! ever, requires expert judgment |and there are no simple rule-of- | And hypnosis also has failed) i in some such cases. thumb answers. Can tying off a vein serve the purpose, or should the vein be stripped out lengthwise? Can chemical in- jections in limited areas control the problem before it has be- come too extensive? Can losing some weight, using. elastic wrappings, and learning to stop and rest occasionally with feet elevated control the problem} without surgery? | The soundest advice I can) give you is to consult a surgeon who handles such cases and be guided by his counsel on whether to have surgery now, later, or at all. Dear Dr. Molner: I know there is nothing wrong with me physically but I am constantly jmother and daughter of 14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, February 21, 1967 -- BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) East dealer. Both sides vulnerable, East dealer, Both sides vulnerably NORTH @AI82 WAIT e374 953 weer *""" xase' O95 41063 9653 9Q984 oAQ2 10865 &K10762 hls SOUTH @KQ74 @K102 @K93 hAQSB The bidding: { East South West North Pass 1NT Pass 3NT Opening lead -- six of clubs. The expert runs into just as many guess situations as any- one else, but somehow or other usually manages to either guess right or else resolve the guess by avoiding it. For example, take this hand where West leads a club against three notrump. South wins the f\jack with the queen and then must give thought to the best way of increasing his eight obvious tricks to nine. One possible approach is to lead a diamond towards the king. This produces a_ ninth |trick if East has the ace. | Another possibility is to take \a heart finesse against the queen. The chief trouble with this is that South has to guess which way to finesse, since he has no way of knowing which jopponent has the queen. | Declarer's best method of |play is to make no direct effort |to try to solve the location of the two missing key cards. In- stead, he enlists the aid of the lopponents by forcing them to llead one of the two critical | suits. Upon winning the club lead, he cashes three rounds of spades and follows this with the ace and another club. West can do no better than cash his three club tricks, on which dummy discards two diamonds while South discards a spade and a diamond. Whatever West plays next, whether a heart or a diamond, South automatically acquires his ninth trick. Note that in preparing for the endplay South is careful to cash only three spade tricks, not four. If he cashes all four spades before putting West into the lead with a club, he runs into trouble discarding on the fifth club and goes down one against proper defence. NEWS IN BRIEF RECALLS OLD FORT . EDMONTON (CP) -- A de- tailed model of Fort Edmonton has been presented to the Al- berta government as a centen- nial project of the Women's Canadian Club of Edmonton. The old fort, built in the 1840s, was torn down in 1915, despite the club's efforts to have it pre- served as a museum. STUDY IN FAMILY EDMONTON (CP) -- Father, the Neville Calvert family are all university students. Karen, 18, enrolled last fall in education, her mother took a sabbatical year from teaching to complete her master's degree in educa- tion and her father went back after 37 years to finish his BA. WATCH FOR POISON VANCOUVER (CP) -- Cana- dian home canners have been warned by the British Columbia safety council to study govern- ment publications on the risks in canning. Stories of food pois- oning shouldn't panic canners, says council executive Steve Kerns, but rules in the depart- ment of agriculture's booklet should be followed. NEEDED FOR CHARM MONTREAL (CP)--The de- partment of manpower and immigration has added two 21- year-old hostesses to its staff at Montreal's international airport to assist immigrants because "girls have a more friendly approach than men," a spokes- man said. Francine Dore and Paulette Garcia both speak three languages. QUALITY FOR ORGAN NEW YORK (CP)--Women were in the majority among {94 Lutheran choirmasters who passed written examinations after a summer course last year. The successful Canadians were all from Ontario, Mildred A. Lewis of Burlington, Linda L. Smith of Brantford, Mrs. J. R. McLaurin of Islington and Blair E. Havers. of Hamilton. suffering from fatigue. Could my excessive smoking (about two packs a day) have any bearing on the fact that I'm al- ways tired?--M..A.B. . Maybe some. But constant fatigue is not natural, and I wonder how you can be so cer- tain that nothing is wrong phys- ically. If it isn't physical, that leaves only emotional tension. Why not give up smoking? If you don't feel better in two weeks or so, have a searching physical examination. Note to Mrs. H.M.: Best I can say is that some people are more sensitive to heat (or to cold) than others. One sugges- tion is that you may be losing too much moisture by perspira- tion, so possibly taking salt tablets would help. Discuss this with your doctor. t SALLY'S SALLIES ee en "But your son does lead all the other pupils --in low marks," from Ackla'

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