"| Man, Wife Team | Successful Writers | Started At 'Scratch'; By ROBERTA ROESCH | Mildred and Gordon Gor-| \don of Encino, Calif., describe! jthemselves. as "two little people | who were working hard to earn their living as a writing team" when opportunity came to them) jin the form of a cat. | "The cat was a 25-pound black | feline which we bought for $2) lat the Los Angeles city pound," | said Mildred. She is one side of the famous | jcouple that, first, wrote Under- )cover Cat (the novei from which| the movie That Darn Cat was made) and, second, the book's! lrecent sequel Undercover Cat} Prowls Again. "We take all of our ideas from newspapers," said the te| ifornia writers who have written 14 books that have sold 10,000,-) 000 copies in 13 Janguages. "The| j|famous Brinks robbery in Bos-| hale some years ago started us} thinking about a cat stumbling jinto a house. | "And since our cat was a jnatural born moocher," Gordon| isaid, "the book began from jthat." PASSPORT TO FAME bs | The book that started with Mrs. John Chmara Elected ) this kind of thinking was later) a MRS. MORRIS SEGAL, MRS. J. D. GALBRAITH, A ND MRS. JOHN CHMARA, PRESIDENT BIRTHDAY SMILES light the faces of the officers of the Pleasant Monday After- noon Club which celebrated cers of the executive are dent; Mrs. George V, Lee, Mrs, Lloyd Patterson, sec- resident and Mr. illi M , Bd retary; Mrs. Robert Colli- er i es i é en second vice-presi- meOs tCRRURer: its 52nd anniversary yester- day with a luncheon pre- ceding the weekly meeting. From left to right the offi- son, The Nursery Room SALE CONTINUES ... I C | b A started their free-lance writing Gordon was a newspaper editor] office yesterday afternoon: of/Nominating and Membership: birthday or an anniversary was|One, it afforded women and|to write, edited his writing in |career with a cheque for $8. aus or? Mrs. John Chmara was elect-|Mrs. F. N. McCallum; Public The happiest and most re-|patierned after a similar club|who free-lanced on the side, and the Women's Welfare League of/Mrs, C. H. Vipond in giving, Miss Millicent Luke girls who worked on Sundays,|her spare time. In doing this pet . the passport to fame and for- ' ' : Giving, Greatest Happiness mc™r*'ne' caraws ww! President Welfare League In their early writing days, 9q president and assumed/Relations: Mrs. S. F. Donnelly; warding way to celebrate ajin England. During World War| Mildred, who had never planned! told the members of the Pleas-;to meet for worship and mutual|work for Gordon, she started H Oshawa which operates all de- partments of Simcoe Hall. Mrs. Chmara succeeds Mrs Good Food Buyers, ant Monday Afternoon Club at'comfort on their afternoon off. | writing herself. F, Millen during whose | 5 wt | its 52nd birthday luncheon yes- Foliowi i py ee 8 . iterm of office the new Crip-; Use Prepared List Save ! Save ! Save ! ferday. oliowing luncheon, Miss} Eventually she took a job as pled Children's School and | "We can be selfish in our, A"nie Stewart, 94, the oldest editor of a magazine. Treatment Centre has been; TO be a good food buyer is) | celebrations," she said, 'and 1;member in the club, cut the} Later, while Gordon was built following a -- successful|efinitely an asset, and prob- 0 l/, OFF birthday cake and later a gift;working for the FBI during fund-raising campaign. lably one most homemakers congratulate you in your deci sion to send a food box, along with others that are going to India: This is the best way to F othe j would like to have. However, - Vipond presented }jaking advantage of sales does the slate of officers as fol-|not necessarily make you a good was presented to Mrs. Lee inthe Second World War, she sat) wre ¢. token of appreciation of her,down and wrote a book just to, |§) |" continuing leadership as presi-|prove to him that she couldn't BATHINETTES celebrate your club's birthday, | ent. ido it. lows: Past president, Mrs.|buyer, If not, then what does? sede i "Canadians have never known H. F, Millen; president, Mrs. Home economists at Macdonald rage: © sturdy all metal frame the tragedy of water shortage C . re ohn: Chimeras ae" vicmoree Institute, University of Guelph, | a hn en Pye dressing \ gi d : - *} EEN lonie with vinyl €overed mattress. or mass starvation. Instead of d C So Sh i |have some of the answers j & ana lan ancer cle OWS dent, Mrs. J. D. Galbraith;| Prepare and follow a written Reg. 35.95, 21 WOW 5k ies uaa a exclianging small gifts, which ; to me are fruitless and far re- 2nd vice-president, Mrs. Mor- moved from Christian thinking, Films To Barvinok Women ris Segal; 3rd_ vice-president, | how much more in keeping to IMrs..D. J; Bowerman: record: eg un ee ee The fact that many Canadians |bers to attend the Ukranian ing secretary, Mrs. Christ. age oe pe year because they|Conference, February 25, in\Theberge; corresponding _ 'In the world today, Chris- oe ee a ela as agers rah 8 ah lability of your time and energy gin 'the Gite eon iene IAoyd, as she summarized films| ways 1 sats ms tao, any MONOIA EY: Heeatiee Mr8. Read labels and check grades. n shown: by the Canadian Cancer!niversary of the branch in the =: V+ Vander; honorary secre-/Often a second grade, which is marketing list. Plan your list} carefully, remembering the nu- tritional needs as well as the} ' likes and dislikes of family Clifford] members, Consider use of con- sec-|venience foods, afier an esti Leonard Wake-|mate of cost and the avail- Featuring Dr. Denton's SLEEPERS et REDUCED PRICES, and in our giving that we can; eagles : ( t show that Christianity is the re- a ae the Barvinok Branch | fall, was appointed, consisting|tary, Miss Grace Rurns. |iust aS nutritious but less e@x- ENGLISH GENDRON ligion of love. of "the "Ukrainian Women's As-/of Mrs. Stephen Gonta, Mrs.| Conveners of standing com-|Pensive, can be incorporated LLOYD "You do not have to turn your Y the didetiog ih tiwedlbeive Kuch and Mrs. Dutchak. snitthea ace Weleaeke MaKe ag a ogee sas ancien Prams Strollers thoughts as far away as India. - : teeth | 5. Jos % Sap ; . wa 'onsider cos r 6 Bare ja Oshawa are many lone-|!" its earliest stage could pro- Py) sn eg Mag Don-/ 4. C. Clifford; Clubs and Pro-| deciding how-much of a product With 2-18" and |- Fringed Canopy, ) | : : »;/ald Sadoway and Mrs. William|oram: Mr a _ fey ; | ia I end four © ly and needful people, I am not long the lives of many people, lroewik were appoinied 16 con: gram: Ars. D. H. Moore; lis edible. There is often much 2- 16" wheels, pe AR, ol soconcerned with those in hos- she said. 4 ie pron ;Property and Maintenance:|food wastage in bone; fat, or| Reg. 129.95 : : : S~\"" Mrs. George Telford, ecom-|Vene 8" early spring rummageiMrs. ¢. C. Murty; Volunteer|pari 1 i Reg. 25.95 tal. While th th : 8 , | , urty; Volunteer] parings. Don't buy more perish Now pital. ile ere ey are iwening onthe enue fink ad. (sale to be held Wednesday, | Workers: Mis: CC, MeGil-lable food than is weeded: Even 109. 95 19 95 cared for and too many visi-jieg that scientists were con-\March 1 and members were|hon: Personnel: Mrs. H. F.lstapl better if used w | : vicked : ta Ambene eg Lab eben put tinuously searching for the|28ked for voluntary contribu-| Millen; Ways and Means: Mrs. coolaialy. before replentaiiing. am concerned for them when) "00". * tions. , Ms fe Means: s. ipletels lenishing. | aaa they leave hospital. Neetu vals Abed ~~ ais, Alex iad and Mss Alaie A, E Derumaux; Canteen:!Store each item properly. | 4 ees cusibiih TODDLER "A telephone call or a_ visit) shea erte uid : : ; score then can mean so much, Reach eels vou ibs hale bg se hike hay apa Kotor raphe with ad BIKES out to them. Arm yourself with ai » the only hope lay in early the Sianitin Tor the! agnosis and prompt treat-|weather permitting, r ps PSs CP gg 29.95 e a bit of conversation, something | constructive and happy and you| ment. ;members and their husbands will rine with you an infinite} Mrs. Lloyd and Mrs. Telford and if not, to arrange a night Oo ; jl Paci . |were introduced by Mrs. Wal-|of bowling. "phic ¢ ter Kuch and thanked by Mrs.! Mrs, Kuch reported that the This can be a great year for |Nuses Alumnae Association of MISS ANNIE STEWART, president, Mrs. George V. ; ve thi ,|Walter Grigorenko. $4, oldest member in the Lee. |canada, but when we think only A new member, Mrs, Iie 0| Oshawa General Hospital, had This Week Only EXPERTLY INSTALLED PMA Club, cut the birth- of ourselves, we are not cele- Choloniuk, was welcomed byjinvited her to give a demon-| . DRAPERY TRACKS |brating Canada's centennial." the president, Mrs. John Dut-|stration on artistic painting of 74 CELINA STREET 723-7827 1 day cake assisted by the --Oshawa Times Photos Mrs. George V. Lee, presi- ; DOWNTOWN OSHAWA "Free Customer Parking while shopping et eur store" NURSERY ROOM FEATURING ALL BABY NEEDS, Open All Day Wednesday, Thurs, & Fri, 'Til 9:00 P.M. 24 KING STREET EAST (Next to Karn's) --_ dent, thanked Miss Luke who chak, who also unged the mem-|easter eggs. Wemen THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, February 21, 1967 ]] was introduced by Mrs. William} Reed. The club which has met continuously for 52 years, is FOR THE FINEST Custom and Ready Made DRAPES Min the latest Shades ond fabries "SOCIAL NOTICE. AT HOME Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Gibson, 472 Fairleigh avenue, will be at home to their friends and rela-| tives on Saturday, February 25, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m, and 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. on the occasion of their 40th wedding anniversary. Total Attendance Passes 173,500 "oocnen conn squasn 134 Ib. "banana'"' squash At Welfare League Centres | or winter-type squash 2 tsp. chopped candied gin- The magnitude of the work|was staffed by a driver and, ,, 8'ne" load carried by the Women'\ an attendant. / Dry Goods and Droperies KING WEST the ly c. while corn syrup = -- -- : rc ra | Cut squash into 2" cubes with Welfare League, as summar-} 2 , ; ized in Director Harold Mc-|THE SETTLEMENT HOUSE 'rind on. Put in 2-qf. saucepan costume Neill's report to the annual! At the Settlement House, te ee Wel comes - mi f yesterday : all time recor s set with dd aes Muted Boba adhe ; meeting yesterday afternoon, |all time record was set with anor until just. tender. Remove air showed a total attendance ofjattendance of 72,912 to over 25| 173,890 at its three centres,|clubs, classes and groups, from|tind from squash with knife. s | Put squash in blender or mixer Simcoe Hall Settlement House,|nursery school to the Golden oh shi til th Simcoe Hall Boys' Club, East-|Age Club with all age groups |3ne ate Dea 4 cae emp view, and Simcoe Hall Crippledjin between represented in the ae fluffy. Transfer to serving Children's School, and Treat-/different activities. Mrennohiia: combine and heat { ment Centre, | The welfare services of the; deco: Pour over iti : ' . Pour over to' In addition to staff members, |jeague, based at the Settlement |6r squash, ied P 10,247 hours of volunteer help|House, showed a marked in- were used to assist this large crease in the number of peo- -- | number of people. jple requiring material --assis- : ' oN? tance and help with domestic pig aad CHILDREN'S |problems. During the year, an ; "4 'average of 2,823 articles of 4 The major event of 1966 waSiclothing were given out each the start made on the neWimonth; a total of 712 families Crippled Children's School and\were given assistance and 108 Treatment Centre, with the sod) people with family problems turning ceremony taking place,/were interviewed. July 5, by the Honorable Mat- thew B. Dymond, MD, Minis-/ THE BOYS' CLUB | ter of Health for the Province| At the Simcoe Hall Boys' of Ontario. Club, Eastview, the activities e new centre will cost un-|for boys and girls included in-| : oes Hite ttet approximately $400,-/struetional, competitive, and Put your gelatine a 'it ) 000, which has been raised by|recreational swimming, basket- Squeeze bottle and the kids wi contributions from ,private citi-|ball leagues, floor hockey, gym- use less of it. q zens, organizations, service|nasium clubs, physical fitness clubs and grants from the|groups, badminton clubs, arch-|laying tracks, wiring, painting Government, the Ontario Crip-jery, woodworking classes, arts and designing sets and should pled Children's Society and the and crafts, stamp club, hobby|have it completed early this Bickell Foundation. club, sewing and cookin gjspring. The staff consists of thejclasses and many other activi-| Over 95,000 pence 946 with or YourHome | Seeing is Believing... Call TODAY! AE R. JONE Parner £7 WIFE PRESERVER Only two of many wool co-ordinates available im plain colors, houndstooth or tattersall checks. Burnt orange, sunny yellow, shockin: pink, white or navy. Misses 8-18. Petites S13 $40.00 principal, Miss Rachel Cooper; ties including a fashion "show|the Boys' Club in Mrs. Lynne Balfour, chief ther- apist and co-ordinator; three teachers under the direction of the Board of Education and two supervisors for the care of the pre-school children. A volunteer medical board under the chairmanship of Dr. R. A. Gill, prescribes the treat- ments carried out by the three staff therapists | The Rotary Club of Oshawa) supplies the bus for the chil- tdren's transportation, which and teen dances. lvolunteers. giving a_ total of Fourteen hundred children] 4,504 hours. and 450 adults took swimming! Through the year, staff mem- lessons. The Keystone Club|bers of the three buildings at- for young men gave many|tended many meetings, confer- hours of volunteer service tojences and courses of value to community work and publicjthe work. Mrs. B. Whittaker, affairs. Last Easter they or-|with the help of a donation for ganized a Teen-age City Coun-|the purpose, attended a_ six- cil which held office for ajweek course on cerebral palsy week. in London, England, and at- A jJarge model railroad was tended the International Con donated to the cluh and mem-jgress of the World Federation | 'bers bave spent many hogs let Occupational Therapists. Realtor 668-8841 Fashions since 1807 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE