Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Feb 1967, p. 12

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12 THE OSHAWA TiMeS, : T'M POSITIVE HAN IS LYING, YET ITS POSSIBLE LOOK, T'M NOT MISTAKEN, THIS 1S MY SECOND TR Lf YOU MAY BE RIGHT, Monday, February 20, 1967 THESE ARE Larrovere \| [600 tase ARS Lert CAPTAIN, 1' POSITIVE IT TWAT JUST BECAUSE JME 'TOUR OF DUTY OUT HERE AND ALL VIETNAMESE ONE OF OUR TROUBLES | |. T HOPE YOU PROM? BvEr Sn, WAS HE WHO WAS AT THE HE HAS A SCARi+ DO NOT LOOK ALIKE TO ME. IN VIETNAM IS THAT WE DON'T MINO YNOT AT ALL- WELL; 2 BOMBING OF THE FLOATING CAN'T TELL FRIEND bad bg Ler Tovers,/{ LOVE 'EM! peng Rogen z aoe [- | RESTAURANT. one FOE, Ra eg FTOVER: 1S PROBABLY B LAST NIGHT... | E " inna By B. JAY BECKER 4, % 32 oe (Top Record-Holder in Masters" F 9 2 - jIndividual Championship Play) TC ) = a N FAMOUS HANDS = i) | East dealer. TORONTO 11 mQ Neither side vulnerable, Peg hy Senet uM 4 +r ia rights, WB xm a c rom previous 9Q106543 : AK6 M suey DID WE EVER EN MY DADDY STAY, THERE, LAREDO! T/LL BE THAT MUZZLE™-! IN' / 3 KIDS ANY. MORe GET BACK AS SOON ASTI CAN GET HES COIN te IO Bole" wie HS6 wie go ee LIKE THEY USED TO By ( SPANKED? JANE AWAY FROM THAT BUNCH/ BY HIMSELF/ : Acad Uren 50 THANK GOODNESS 4632 @AI54 Am Moly 60 % TELL iF IT WAS O37 WAKIOS Ang Ruyn 80% 'as ; HEADS OR TAILS o98 21032 Ang U Dev 150 Ansil 5001 K, 'Sea ° | Ea #&K109732. 4 ---- Area 150 =] , SOUTH Argosy 59 = v aes Pe | \ a 42987 Armore 130 ~- uncer g ; rE $575 oe: ma ba HhAQISS Brovl Reef 200 i : Brunswk 586 << 'The bidding: Bunker H -- 100 wens East South West North a" Za * a @ Pass Pass Captain 50¢ A Opening lead -- nine of dia- pes le Am i aw monds. Coch Will 400 r5 . Pose Comb Met 100¢ BUT THEY'VE. YOU'LL DANCE. YOURSELVES (LIKE WE'LL STOP Anticipating a kidnap The scene was the European Con Shaw 2004 CONE GN DAICING) 70 DEATH! eons H/F |) HEN WE STOR BN Ariicrstng akc champlonship played in mela. ao, ALL NIGHT-- S fe || HEARINGTHE MUSIC,} |l op ¥ a en ee Sun DANCING TO? 1 J IN UTTER ir ba which eo won. by a Freeh € fran 100 DON'T HEAR ANY. ] THE PLUG, SILENCE!!- _ tens Tesly Lelie: second Mosher 20 P=] z = The hand shown occurred pag ag as hes bal a Hr when Norway played the Italian Cop-M 29506 = | \\ Ks team. East-West were Franco Cuan [=] = 5 and Giovine, representing Italy. Craigmt 100 C+ i E | They were playing the highly Seana a J ie \ (wa artificial Marmic system, and Reaie 1000 = N 3 eb D//s \ o Franco's two club bid showed a Balt Pas gli ead 4 Sf : J fal ; three-suited hand of either 5-4- Denison 365 é " : ¢ hh) + " pseclapy hag 4-0 or 4-4-4-1 distribution. es a a / h Ay As . PROTECTED... yiog S The Norwegian South thought pe ge 9 a © tar ers ratte Oo nw, 5 C5opp-- { 3b) Es \4 f . he would try to cramp the op- Frobex 2800 ; ponents' bidding before they Gnt Maset 100 jcould find their suit. He bid oi mp 1000 three clubs. Goldrim 2982 THE CLIFF MILLS MOTORS LTD. Se eo ih a i English well, asked for a review pth 19700 of the bidding, and upon being pkey assured (in Italian) that South py pity : had really bid three dlubs, WHI LE T H EY LAST B RA NW i} 4 EW eg agen ieee 3 With four probable trump Hoss Bev 100 tricks, and a partner who had Int Bibis T 1000 Iron Bay T 500 Iso opened the bidding, Giovine felt 400 he had a fine double. He led the Jelex 1000 nine of diamonds. sea ee 4 | Declarer won in dummy and ¢ 2300 S plus ta Iplayed the king of spades, mney |Franco took it with the ace and 'ers Add 420 aan a returned the 'ing of hearts, Sulgsit a0 which South ruffed. ad y aATuS | ; 2 SAY LOOK | fF, AM (OO 1 WES ) HUBERT | After cashing the queen of ip NATURAL J ad Se Channel 12--Péterborough 4--To Tell The Truth " ise ng Myre mahal ghar 4 : ty ba \--To Tel e Tri t .M. i y Ghannet 11--Hamiiton 2-8--Run For Your Lite &-Aishishoies a YOU LET ELL! GO TO THE 7 bedi bain - be one 145 anne! 'oronto 10:30 P.M. -- i 4 in y t 2 Channei &--Rochester | 12--T.H.E. Cat | 28: Hollpweed" Souares MOVIES THEY'RE SHOWING |to the ace ecg $34 Shame! Cotorme | STi is resol |" "Saae'woent | pau By now, seven tricks had b us This Land is People | 12:00 NOON 7 y now, seven tricks ha een adsen Coenen 4 -Suree 4-lve Got a Secret 12--Cartoon Party SHELL HAVE played and South had won six . = Channe! 3--Buttalo oO PAM, [eedeseay fea wear? of them.. He still had the A-Q-J aital = MONDAY EVENING Weaiet aie sents Cire vie wees of clubs, as well as a spade arin ate PK. oe (News and Weath and two diamonds, ape Fs fopernty tear ee eM 2-Popeye and Pals" West's remaining six cards Neaane 300 Pa rsd Pierre Berton' ia were all trumps. Neonex w 7000 = i 's ea rT, orts 19": Sen cine iid ou Stein , | shee Weather, ee ey a pet ee ' impea tie Passport sadohhiy Catton |, Sports, dummy and discarded a * hones ence, PM Ba ry Eye Guess mond. West had to ryff an N Senator 3500 i yl a ea 4-Movie a THe Cie | could not avoid playing ack a Norbaska 500 Cakes ae | ee | pa-oulits PM trump. so) tgl= 11:40 P.M, | 4--Guiding Light i i cae 9--Court Martial 1:00 PLM, South won it with the Jack Nerteost a9zs a at 12--Cheyenne 11--Theatre and exited with the jack of dia- Operske 2470 evincntine, Soom | «cin Fee Bvce,| CoB tor oa and teturn a tremp. 50 mth Shite 18 nt akan | Seana oeleee BALCONY AND BILLY HAD | |and return a trump. So South Patino 88 1-Plorre Berton | 1--Mystery Theatre 7--Sen Casey HIS BEANSHCOTERY made three clubs doubled. Pax Int 3500 3-6-9--News, Weather, TUESDAY Se Oe. Strangely enough, the final Pine Pant a0 open 4--Ceptain Kangaroo a--Movle om conn at the other table was Placer 135 Se 214--News . 290 A. sca eats thes also three clubs played by ere 1000 o ) Nconicin mM. ote se 34--Let's Make @ Deal a But since declarer was Fe gud 2300 Ay i 8:55 A.M, 2:00 P.M. not do i Rayrock 200 48 'tre ets 7--Dialing For Dollars, | 12--Winners Circle the teets " fi gy eee Rio Algom 160 & 6-TBA Girl AL Gare, Geme against on and iy wees u fon nen 500 3 "M, 'asswort 5 4 owan 4 Ep ala Hayride | 1)--Little People 2-8--Days of Our Lives going down two. Ryanor 000 aS 2--News, Weather, Prey ag nL a ar are P.M. ena lilt itd 7:30 P.M. onnie Prudden --Expo rr j . | 9--Uncl Bobb: 9--People i fll Sil 1100 any Ball (Scone Coronation tor FIX IMPORT PRICES Bice 7200 7--Iron Horse 2--Pick Peo aA | ene jules Sweden's membership of the tk 700 ae see gen elon cies | 24--Doctors European Free Trade Area Sud Cont 1000 _wHo 16 THAT LOOKS LIKE CAN I HELP 2-8--Monkees a8 SP Patil ne 12--Calendar a | costs the loss of $72,000,000 a Tee Corp oo IN PRONT OF THE A PROCESS YOU, SiR? BREN 8 M. cere Ai Mbrtloge Contisertial year in customs duties but re- Territ 19500 RESTAURANT? Py &--| Dream of Jeannie a-Jack LaLenne | $--Words and Music | duces the price of EFTA im- eer » RESTAURANT A Tor All tenet B - ie ohh yah eke Ba Allen Time | §2--Another: World | ety pops -- by gd pe Tombill, $00 --Cart Playhi 7--G | Hospital cen ver Oommon } irmon D SKITTLES Movie as, Sree Garen,,| eee ere, 6) TOUR HEALTA Postel Sue vo sutedn 0 wn . 11--Oceasional Wife Se sau on ek ik a > Une a ae 9--Andy Griffith +6-12--Canadian schools | 125 P.M. iis an =] bcuetin Nice 10:30 A.M. | 4--News i Wilco 2500 (=) 7--Rat Patrol V--Morning Time 3.30 P.M. SALLY S SALLIES Willroy 1300 2 é-Lucille Ball Fractured Phrases V--Farmer's Daughter ome en re Windfall 500 'a. ; 8-2--Concentratl It" Wind 2000 is N--Pettieset Aston 7--Everybody's. Talking hel le ee en Sanne 70200 fy E é ; %--Country Music Hef Graph Mall Haat tc od of Night 9 Zulapa 500 P @--Road West pla--Friendly | Gian! e 'ou Don't Say 0 A Th W. 4 2 i 10.45 P.M. 4:00 P.M, B ere oe Ma \ | cama ten Saitin fucamtns Fae S O67 OR "-- SOLE PROPRIETOR | eRe te WOOR | ia eomper. Room. SMatch Game. By JOSEPH G ope sah ' THIS BEANERY? N--Merv Griffin 9--Mr. and Mrs. 4--Secret Storm y SEPH G. MOLNER, MD Asamera 500 Pe Z 9--Big Valley 1l--Mike Douglas 3-6-12--Communicate H 500 7--Peyton Place 7--Supermarket Sweep &--Mike Douglas : s CS Pete 640 F-daten Vaisnen 4 cAndy of Mayberry 4: PAM. An eastetn reader, enclosing) Hormones govern the physical € Ex Gas 400 aLibig Vanes © Aakash Mites Noro clippings about cases of "sex/characteristics -- beard, breadth Cont Del" 180 - , 5 FHS ACY ; 34-12--Pront Page 11:25 A.M. 4--Movie |reversals," writes: . lot shoulders, timbre of voice, ce 8. 8 & ene N tone pe VAAN LAZY Y Challenge 3-6--Dickie Henderson 3-6-12--Mad Movies | "Dear Dr. Molner: Every/development of breast tissue. Sener : = MY NEXT-2O00R ie : vw } Ce "once in a while junk like this} An of us have a mixture of atte nse i | s ynamic aa NEIGHBOR'S ' CROSSWORD appears. Would you care to com-/ hormones. Whether we are male Pet (7%) . % ment? In my own mind, I can-/or female depends upon which Int Melium 4300 Ss " not conceive what is going on in ltype of hormones is dominant Mill: City 2600 AOROSS = 8. False. 17. Monotos (OUMIASBEAITIFIAR] (2 deal like this--A, B." |Outward appearance of the sex- Nome wt. 1000 1. Vended hood nous N One of the clippings involves' ya) organs especially in a new- Peruv 4000 5. Hurl 4. Oriental routine the most publicized case, that of| porn baby. t ti Pena S| Provo Gas | 1900 b 9. Damascus dwelling of Christine Jorgenson, who Was|ricientiy dicted ee Pe and broke." SO a is its BR air is ae r *\ficiently distorted to lead to} totediied onan EE Triad Olt 500 . Roman work George" before doctors in Den-| mistak hi are U_ Canso ---1000 capital arment: that ene |mistakes, which was what hap- 500 : 8! nts a mark changed "him" into a) di "ase ; ba a) 10, Egg. 6.Fly leads "her." | pene he: case I have just mentioned. "girl" i- pay, = fae rene a RIT I dare say that this sort of|ther ehh ue ee Cx yee i INDUS 42. Beneath where = {EIRITIEMMSIPIAIRISIE] | thing puzzles many people, and! male instincts d ny Be teloful Abitibi $30 . Benea mark 18, Fe- may seem like 'junk' | cts, and was natur. Sficiont Algo Cent 1120 intalen «=f, Unde mle may seem like "junk" to some. ally. troubled when "she" was Hee Made cit! Saturday's Answer 2 supposed to act li . 56, Dieseerorad kro sb oe 29. Cast, as " A thoroughly masculine per-|aidn't want aca ike a girl bot Aan oe ie . Prison. tion ductory ballots son cannot be changed into a | Argus 215 official workers portion | 81,Wander _--[8itl--or vice versa--nor wouldisHiFT BY SURGERY JB CUNE-UP_NOW FOR Argus Cpr 34s '46, Religious 8, Astringent 22. Rhubarb aboutidly |the average person wish it to ig TOP PERFORMANCE AN Sugar 3670 i title: abbr, fruit 23, Legislative 82, Oriental happen. | Surgery can remove or sup- Avco 1000 F| 17%. To toss 9. Confi- bodies nurse ¢ | These sex reversals are pos: aed thing glands see are Bank Mu. ee about dentially 25. Japanese 33. Biblical sible only when nature makes a|Producing too much of the Bell Phne 1863 i 19.Fish-hawk 11, Polish festival name mistake, as nature sometimes pais pig et and adminis- Blue ie Fi 21, Jumps river 27. Man's 35. Turf does. Couple this with the fact| [240m Of hormones can 'iasten Bright 210 i 24,Warning 15. Twisted nickname 36.Girl'sname that parents, and sometimes|'%© Process of shifting to a cor- zor a { a doctors, can be misled by such|"ect balance. BC Pace A | 25. Goblin: rie rr 7 errors, and you have people| Probably no two cases are ex- Say che 0 | var. A. 6 who are essentially girls but are|actly alike, and the treatment CD suger © 100 F 26. On the t Ht brought up as boys. jcan be tremendously complex, yh, pe ocean ' jbut this discussion may giv eee . 'SHE' s | MS | y give + 3 arrival 4 Or og tree} cane some-|S0me inkling of why there is a €"Packrs B 210 30, Ma's ZG thing about one case, which|"ea! need for these "changes. = CSatway p75 never got into the newspapers,| Such cases, while hardly com- NOW ! BETTER es ae 31, Bide of ie Unt ey of a "girl": who should have/™on, are much less rare than id Cdn B 1607 bacon VA G been a boy. "She" was a mus-|the general public realizes, and C VICE can Can A 730 38. Height: r 20 Gu cularly active youngster, pre-|now that Johns Hopkins Hos- AR SER a en AL abbr. ferred tinkering with a car to|Pital has announced that it has . i Drivin cIL 215 34, Circuit y the pursuits girls usually enjoy.|@Stablished a "gender clinic," BRAKE "send ee oa 35. Bristles ry : oa "She" was an excellent basket-|/more people who are miserable FRONT END ALIGNMENT » CWN G 4 pr 100 37. Flooring Y ball player and liked other|/by being forced into the wrong} ° SERVICE ciel ae on, bexng YY 7, rugged sports, = ----_|Sex, pattern can be helped. (Up To Six Months To Poy) Clairtoe 125 haters Not long after finishing high, Another: reader raised the ay services May be Purchased Sane Ao 39. Clutched 3] WG school, "she" disappeared, went|question of whether this might On Texaco Credit Cords Comines 1525 40, Flt to one of the famous medical/be the answer to homosexuality. Con Bidg 100 br Y jcentres, and came back several|In a few cases, perhaps yes, ' can oper 0 DOWN "A jmonths later, dressed like ajbut where the homosexuality is Con Pap w 230 J, Summary 37 Ey |young man and acting like one.|purely a psychological matter ee 2. Catholic oS "She"' should have been brought|rather than physical, no. The TEXACO Corby vt 150 book of Y bcd |up as a boy in the fiyst place, /medical-surgical reversals are com ey 4 . feasts with medical attention early in|/essentialty a method of correct-|f 56 Bruce St. 410 Ritson Rd, NW, Crush intl 710 eae life. ing a mistake of Nature. Dish Seag 2115

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