Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Feb 1967, p. 15

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BIBLE LESSON | Priest Says Man Himself jeonsequence of his own sinful/side of grace. . ways." imerciful intervention in As for the "'fear of God," de-| scribed in the Bible as the be-|face . througn His) the lives of men He makes them their illness and enables THE OSHAWA TIMES, Scturdey, February 18, 1967 13 New Pastor Kay, moderator of the Presby- Author Of Own Punishment ginning of wisdom, Fatlter Baum|them to receive His remedy. Itery of East Toronto for ti ed an artifi- 1 Vy own says this means the reverence|The message of salvation Presbyterian Church tn Can- yetween twe | By GEORGE W. CORNELL | However, he adds, the "cent-|and ave that Is due an allholy judges and forgives. W. ] @ rticipating tnt " ral biblical th ¢ "!God, but it also can mean a! d | Also participating in the of view. e NEW YORK (AP) -- Biblical|)7 Can 4 Ppelg JUS") ross lofty but God-inspired fear|_ But What causes the punish- e come lservice were Rev. Gordon ing given the language . sometimes pictures tice brings out that God is one ¢ jment? "Sin initiates chaos," ts said Mrs. O Or ] God avan angry judge who pun.|"20 intervenes as SMivur in| of punishment lays Faust Ga eoare ee Brett of Knox presbyterian . only choice 4 the lives of men,"' not as a pun- isi d A large congregation attend-)Church, Oshawa; Rev. E. Her- iteates the ishes the wicked. But many | cher, NOT FEAR | an # igronasin> there is 4N/oq the Service of Recognition|ron of Ajax, who preached the theologians today maintain that automatic connection, a neces- . ' ns : * FS ya By R. H. RAMSEY jand neighbors in to join her re- spirit of humility, beg his fath-|this miisropreneats God. This over - all emphasis, Pony Gee otek of Codey chain, 'which no man is Tuesday night i. si Luke's om fcaworvogh, wen datraed olishing re- Avdiy's Yeisen deal joicing. ler's forgiveness and ask to be-| "God doesn't punish, but Father Baum says, is pointed|s,. Gog is always § but |20e t9 interrupt. Man, the win-!Presbyterian Church, Rossland|the charge to the congregation survey con- y's leals with the | jup not only in the New Testa-|{0F s always Saviour--but|ner, ts caught 8 8 ie ter alter seeking love of God for sinners,| Lost animals and coins are|Come a servant in his father's|saves," says Rev. Gregory! ont but also by the nia fear of the ineluctable conse-) |' oN: Road West. The service was|and new minister. only extre- His leniency with them, and the|important, but they cannot be|house. Baum, a Roman Catholic| Iprophets of the Old Te melamiGat. quences of sin which will eventu-| "When God intervenes in the|conducted by Rev. Eoin S. =I | After the service the congre- ia of via" joy extant in heaven when even compared with men, and Jesus} His father saw him even be- |scholar at St. Michael's College, | The oy jally catch up with us and bejlife of the sinner, He always gation and guests enjoyed a argues, in- one sinner repents»and becomes|dramatizes His point by moving) fore he arrived at home and ran/Toronto. ' ha beds Ph & « ONSCIOUS! our punishment." acts as Saviour. He breaks the/pacity to free himself from its social hour under the direction "inter-faith" reconciled with God, beyond animals and coins to the|to at him. He heard his son's| Although the biblical imagery soatic "he Lp openel a phe When the Bible speaks of God|2¥tomatic connection between|destructive web : of the ladies of St. Luke's. sroposes can Not satisfied with telling one parable of the lost man and ve ee bid ones and|conveys a basic truth about the Siced that thels noida Sd as judge, it is His Word "which | }man's sin and his punishment. But in Jesus Christ, God| Greetings were expressed to t 7 told three to illus.{recounting for a third time how)9rdered a great feast that alllinevitable consequences of evil,| like a double - ed yord | acted "'to make salvation avail-|the new minister and his famil ate concern story, Jesus ree to ilUS-/Goq rejoiced when one sinner|Mmight rejoice in his son's re-|« jbe misunderstood if taken liter- e - edged sword) Actually, Father Baum says, Beatties 28 se points of trate how God never stops lov-| erent. ene? turn, God does not impose nunish-| >i." For this reason they em.(Penetrates deeply into the con-|when the Bible depicts God as|#ble to the whole human race,' "|by the moderator of the presby- ing and caring for sinners: the|"°P&™'s- Aa in the two urbeiois caral |ment. It is man himself who 'S |phasized how different God is science of man. God's word punishing the wicked, "what is|%Ving mankind a way to "'share/tery, Rev. Walter Jackson of f the other parables of the lost sheep, the| The parable of the prodigallpies Jesus concluded by F apele ithe author of his punishment."|Pe™ reveals to man his faults and/announced is the 'inevitable|i" the self-surrender (or sacri-|St, Paul's Presbyterian Church, coniparative lost coin and the prodigal son. |son is probably the best-known, |there is joy in heaven over Cae meee: sectpturel portrayals 00) an te a hat God/|@ilings. . . {chain between man's sin and his|fice) of His Son and thus be|Oshawa, and Rev. John to the prob- Significantly, the chapter con-|most easily understood of our|<inner that repenteth, just as God -- as angry, jealous, or}, ee sg 0 e tha be "This judgment is the reverse punishment," and his own inca- united to Him in doing His, the| Osborne who represented the roposal ad- taining the parables regarding|Lord's parables. A man hadithe penitent's father is depicted|tic nis ypatage ern shanging} te orn contat ie feb, seem chen Rah Oshawa Ministerial Association. '_incorporat- lost men begins with Frei = ~~ oe younger of which] as joyful, tis "evs woaege ote teaching "about. the judgment) | 'ial into the ment concerning "publicansjhad, by Jaw and custom,| The concluding verses show be sik '(men must face after th y di | OSHAWA SPIRITUALIST CHURCH it i and sinners." Jesus had a deep|reached the age. of independ- we miss altogether if we inier-) ey de. . into tite - concern for these outcasts, menjence. He was "fed up" with life|pe Pd ey character of the/pret the terms literally," Father} 'The disorder generated by| L A l 2 ul t into litera bhinwed Uy tha Jews decpinedlat home and: wanted toh rother who stayed home./Raum says. |sin deforms the personality | STORIE PARK HALL -- MILL STREET 1s and art. peat rd Mero eo biped '9 NaveiThough outwardly a loyal son, lth ae heat hi 40 NASSAU STREET onary is its by the religious leaders, cut offjhis fling in the outside world|pe was self-righteous, self-sat. Some conservative church-|e sinner; hence, when after ~Branch of Toronto Spiritualist Temple 1.5.4. are readings from synagogue and Temple|while he was still young enoughlictied proud and utterly callous|mem, however, hold to literal| death he is made to face what! Postor: Rev. Roy F. C, Stoddord ening exer: privileges and social inter-jto enjoy it. Accordingly, heltowarg the real meaning of his interpretations. he really is, the punishment course, e..:ept among their own|asked his father for his inherit-|prother's return. The rest of the| Father Baum, a theological jompes span Ein 6 ee Slee SPECIAL SERVICES i fe groups. Beset with their sins,jance prematurely, and thelfamily rejoiced that the young|adviser at the second Vatican| 2:30 P.M.--HEALING and MESSAGE Hllcation of they were drawn to Him be-/father gave it to him. He left] man had come to his senses and|council, writes in the current| ! a Poe a, for many of them, hod --_ went to Hiner country| repented of what he had done.{council, writes in the current! GRACE Conducted by 7:00 P.M.--DIVINE SERVICE 'ee were hearing a message of hope/| an ere squandere Ss money ' that i icriptures of for' the first time in their lives: lon pleasurable living fated te (as ta the ietties| AB agrionec A God at W. E. Belch, K. J. Belch, of Belleville : MEDIUMS ized under that God really loved them and! wonpy RUNS OUT | judge who punishes." | LUTHERAN wd Re Bornicutt ef Toronto REV. E. McGRATH and Pagers ca would redeem them from the|""~'*™ UNS OUT | They often look on Him not K THE LEAT FAMILY lst nig bondage, hopelessness and mis-| His money ran out at the| ISLAND STAYS SMALL |as "the author of salvation and) = """"*°"i0"4), , : : or more re- ery of their sin. jsame time a famine hit the} Prince Edward Island has the|the source of life," but rather} PARK ROAD aa 401 SUNDAY 7:00 P.M. PAR, ery Pun eps h ee ee ee graces The de ggg Pharisees} jeountry ce gd Atal a i fuga annual production of/as "a distant onlooker, a scrup-; Rey. Pht lip Fiess, Minister T Ww t M pleibees dated iht em- made much of the fact that/in desperate straits e€ ob-|any Canadian province, $176,-|ulous judge, approaching them ilip: Heinze, Vicer oa EVERYONE WELCOME a Hing Jesus was often found in the foes a " as . Het gc 000,000 in 1965. laa anh accumer? ues., ed., Thurs 8 P. 0 najor fal company of "'sinners and publi-| Which gave him plenty of time/-- iy Ra ----SS--S===== eae teereieera cans," but, as the Toei wast to think things out. Lacking a SUNDAY SERVICES For Boys & Girls want to point out, just as per-|home, hungry, without family,| E S @) 9:45 A.M : CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH | UNT sons in good health have no Sagh : funds, Mig best TH ALVATI N ARMY SUNDAY. SeHOOL Mon., to Thurs., 4:15 p.m need of a physician, people who/C4me to the conclusion that his | were "ites trul A ventes s|father's servants were better 133 Simcoe Street South 11:00 A.M, OTHER SERVICES ON SUNDAY nates dy y rig us | Major. and Mrs. John Wood -- Mary ond Hillcroft Streets fad no need of Him, the Great|ff than he at the time, and he ve MORNING tied f Rosehill Blvd, Physician determined to return home, in a WORSHIP 9:00 A.M.--Remembering The Lord ae PRIDE BI berniporanec rae ° M | | Sundey, February 19th Ben GOD CARES 9:45 A.M.--Sunday Schoo | 11:00 A.M.--Family Bible Hour ond Sunday Schoo! LENT |i oe gg gine Parable of the lost sheep REORGANIZED CHURCH || 11:00 A.M.--Speaker from A Very Hearty Invitation To All. | 8:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION C.T., L.T.E.L, pti tive one--out of a ae OF JESUS CHRIST Gideon's International | FAITH | t 9:30 AM & 11:00 A.M.--CHURCH SCHOOLS red--wanders away and needs (Special Offering) . . . ° d es to be found. Just as a sheep,| OF LATTER DAY SAINTS 11:00. A.M. -- MORNING PRAYER OOL ' : once lost, cannot return to the 7:00 P.M.--Salvation Meeting : : SIMCOE STREET Installation of -Wornens A, gold of its own accord, no man| (World Headquarters, Independence, (Eastern Canada Synod) ei } Nursery Core at 11:00 A.M, Service Christ' can find his own way back to| oasiachy Tues, 2:30 P.M.--Ladies' Home League The Rev. Henry Fischer | } 7:00 P.M.--EVENING PRAYER ris God. He needs light and lead-| ORANGE TEMPLE Wed. 8:00 P.M.--Praoyer Meeting Pastor --=_ 725-2758 PENTECOSTAL CHURCH | 6th & 36th Oshawa Brownies ond Guides ARTEN and ing, and in this case, Jesus is : A Wel Awaite You At The A i Meee PRE Na ee | Wednesday--10:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION the Shepherd, the light and the SIMCOE & BRUCE, OSHAWA elcome /\wal ou " rmy | 245 SIMCOE ST. S Rev. GEORGEC. SMITH. Pastor 7:30 P.M.--DEVOTIONS E TO ALL way back to God. When the lost| MASONIC am : . ' wins maaan nna voc sheep is returned the Shepherd | and his neighbors rejoice. --| SUNDAY SERVICES ' j TEMPLE BLDG SUNDAY | "AGE-OLD QUESTIONS" The parable of the lost coin||~ . 7PM | @ s URCH siinkive the sdmme idea, thecal gee . te 91 Centre St. .M, --PASTOR GEORGE SMITH SPEAKS-- || the odds are greatly reduced-- ve ib BAGOT AND CENTRE STS 9:45 AM, | one out of 10. In this parable ae algo The Reverend Conon F. G. Ongley, M.A. -- Rector ' anes Lier 7 @ The Choir, Orchestra and Church Musicions TM. the woman represents God, who) for children end edulte The Reverend R. G. Brooks S. Th. -- Assistont @ An Old Fashioned Gospel Rally TOM. will forget the nine coins al-| skah Aaa THE @ Join the Friendly Crowd this Sunday Night | EMPLOYMENT WANTED pe ready accounted for and search| : .M, -- Rea ; diligently until the lost coin is| MORNING WORSHIP SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 197TH -- LENT I! 10:00 A.M.--Sunday Schoo! and Adult Bible Closs | ments found. On fading it hoes phirad 9:00 A.M. -- HOLY COMMUNION SERVICE 11:00 A.M.--Worship Service ----- The Pastor Speaks : Full-time, proven door-to-door salesmen, rejoices and calls her frien s| 11:00 AM. -- MORNING PRAYER -- COME WORSHIP WITH US! S he Fil ] available to call om homes everyday.. Is | | Preacher -- The Rev. David Woeller -- see the Film -- 1 honest, diligent and loyal to his employer. UNITED SPIRITUALIST || 7:0 oheieti con eget! | "MARTIN LUTHER" i eee eee epartments ion ristian Church Parade -- Brownies, Guides ond Rangers for only 96¢ per day. Will never ask for @ E LIFE" CHURCH OF ONTARIO ] Nursery Facilities available at the 11:00 a.m. Service ae ; ppt Page i oy raise, but feels you may wont te Increase : | | iveness after | i . Orange Temple, Reformed Church WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 22ND A Religion | FRIDAY -- 7:45 PM Ve ed . . j ' uu woud ti is salesman | Bruce St Oshawa 409 Adelaide Ave. E. 7:00 A.M. -- HOLY COMMUNION i | - - | your staff please phone 723-3492 and let @ | (Upstairs) Minister rat aoe _ cathy gd 4 | for JOIN THE FRIENDLY CROWD THIS SUNDAY NIGHT Times "Ad-visor"' help you word your Times Sennen Rev. D. N. Habermehl, | ° Hin LING pple To Stay" ; rT tent "SONGS IN THE NIGHT" S r 1145 CHL 1350 "Action" Clossified Ad. SUNDAY, FEB. 19th Thursday, February 23rd--- Holy Communion -- 10:00 A.M. |] Today § World | sten tO un ay . B CH si ha 10:00 AM. i. HEALING SERVICE MORNING WORSHIP e Nursery Care Provided | ' 7:00 P.M. 11:15 AM, -- SUNDAY SCHOOL || The Christian and. | DIVINE SERVICE 7:00 P.M. CHICCOS: %| cies Spaoker: EVENING SERVICE | Missionary. Alliance | | In the language of our fime Now! BOAC Rey. E. Mellor Radio Ministry Chr. [Ref Church: ! 459 Bond Street Eost Oshawa | I Te the people of ocr time ges ; eac! unday a' H .M._ (Bac! Hl | SEC. 723-6786 ug i aut ony, othe One | Rey. Richord J, Barker, Minister | fl Concerning problems of car thas offers you the lowest penne : All Welcome | Bageatail } | ; ; 4 SUNDAY | To Unitarians, all doctrine and bellet The $1 eta teare of i transat antic -- ieee ne a inti 1 t 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL must stand the test of enlightened | . | Bresson. While not discarding the THE JOYBELLS TRIO air fares ever CHRISTIAN SCIENCE " eo é | tested truths of tradition, It keeps -- 11:00 A.M. -- ' HEIRS TOGETHER OF THE GRACE OF LIFE |B abreast of modern knowledge. be > Right now BOAC can fly te Oe ee ee Ufromy 1 Pater) THE BRIDE OF CHRIST | London for only $272° return, This Branch ef The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ Sclentist é | Bf Pushing aside the veils of creed and | : : omy. return. : in Boston, Massachusetts, 7:00 P.M. | dogma, Unitarians enlist the support The Pastor Speaks | special Group Inclusive Tour Fare represents a saving of Class "OUT OF THE JAWS OF DEATH" | We ff caation bad eebincs hak oka 7:00 | more than 20 per cent on the cost of a regular 21-day SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 A.M. (trom Doniel) sis beta aalersanl id 200 P.M. | . Economy Excursion fare. With the money you save, ee, SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 A.M. A Nursery Is Availoble For All Services cooperate with his fellow um. REV. CARMAN LYNN } bie fecbmead td do practically all your vacation shopping rs i WEDNESDAY 7:45 P.M. -- PRAYER SERVICE ee Gace Dine of Granics and souvenir buying. -- JRCH MIND "Where You Are Always Welcome' Sunday, February 19th Missions for The Pentecosto! To take advantage of this remarkably low $272 fare, you 11:00 AM Assemblies of Canada must take a tour of a minimum $76; plan to stay from Wed. Service (includes testimonies) 8 P.M. H SPEAKER! 14 to 21 days; travel in a party of no fewer than 15; and READING ROOM--CORNER ONTARIO AND BOND STS. R. ROY L. THIS WEEK VISIT THE CHURCH HOME OF arrange your tour in advance. Your BOAC travel agent te heart ] HURCH nti SY i OU LIFE-LINE 576-2111 will tell you all about it. Monday to Friday -- 12 noon-5 p.m. TH ° Subject Jeehe (E ting Holidays) chs we i aerine vn Listen to: The Bible iit | it pa 9 AM, Every Sunday Re Te SUNDAY SCHOOL --- 11 AM, 4 A.M. ! Rev. N. r, B. DUCATION HO! > | Rowland L. McCord -- Mus, Bac, --- Musical Director mB e ie es BOAC ' : y FAR i -HARMONY ROAD 11:00 A.M. sy tolls ory Sag 83 -- WEST OF SIMCOE ST. N. Call Now for Complete Travel Arrangements BAPTIST CHURCH | The World Speaks | er MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE To Th The | 226 Harmony Rd. S$. : @ Cross : we we a Back, to the Bible Pastor Wm. J. D. Lewis 2) Lehi) ae | 25 KING ST.E. OSHAWA = PHONE 723-7001 . roadcas' Ki S P | Ch h rece, Se 945 AM--Bibe Seo ing Street Pentecostal Church ¢ 11:00 A.M ! Mon. to Sat : . 611 KING ST. W. i H 9:30 - 10:00 Dr. P. Allaby 7:00 P.M. One Block West of Oshawa Shopping Centre q trained = sane elie ra PREACHING The Cross Speaks to the World REV. S. D. FELTMATE -- Pastor PRACTICAL NURSES i 7:00 P.M.--Youth Meeting (2) THE WORD OF REDEMPTION Phones: Church 728-5371 Parsonage 728-6662 q Bi ee tee od prover Nursery and Jr. Church at 11 6.m | URGENTLY NEEDED DISCOVER THE DIFFERENCE | Bible School 9:30 ' ke al ONTARIO TOWN DISAPPEARS AS 00 | | FOR: DOCTOR'S OFFICES, CLINICS i -- 1386 katib . | | NURSING HOMES, PRIVATE DUTY, i RCH 4 | Fellowship Of, Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada DEATH BED PROPHECY | | NURSERIES, INDUSTRY | EMMANUEL te SPECIAL GRANTS FOR "as | BAPTIST CHURCH COMES TO PASS | ge ANA For ef Evongeline & ; ; "a AND REWARDING FOTURE esteyan Phillip Murray EVANGELIST GEORGE TUNKS ws AGE REQUIREMENTS 17 Tow rine Methodist | Pastor REV, ERNEST WINTER B STUDY PU SPARE TIME Ch r ch | Tells the true story -- of young Salvation Army Captain -- was refused wx MEDICAL BOOKS AND EQUIPMENT lu | refuge in town homes -- driven from town streets -- beaten by town bullies cea Hilisdole, Public Scheel -- & died -- with'this prophecy ---- which came true. al Minister Rev. Walter Jewell } 305 Rossiend Road Eost i z ' PLUS -- % THE ORCHESTRA QP 9:45 @.m.--Sunday School Classes for al! : %* THE CHOIR 11:00. A.M. | 9:45 AM. 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES * THE BEST IN ' NAME eno ASE Morning Worship ! BIBLE SCHOOL The Bible Is Our Textbook CONGREGATIONAL SINGING H ADDRESS PHONE - OWING LIFE" | 11:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. "THE OVERFL | : : | | "LOST "AND FOUND" LYTLE | | emvortown PROV. 7:00 p.m.--Evening Chapel 7:00 P.M. Special. Music at both Services. WORSHIP THIS WEEK AT | In the porsonage "SIN IN THE CHURCH" Come, heor what the Bible teaches! ; : : For Full Particulars Mall This Coupon TODAY "Midnight Meditators'" | WED, 7/45---BIBLE STUDY. EVENING SERVICE BROADCAST OVER C.K.L.B. RADIO Oshawa's Friendly Family Full Gospel Church Stimat. Toronto 2, Sas. rine: Mires Cove 416-362-1907 Dept. "ya WELCOME uJ WEDNESDAY 7:45 P.M. STUDY THE SCRIPTURES IN DEPTH Registered as 8 Trade School under Dept. of Education's Trade Schoo! Act all WELC! ik i

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