Oshawa Times (1958-), 18 Feb 1967, p. 11

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MILE nese people ; and Ugane ads leprosy, ould Wes CANADIAN CORPS NEW EXECUTIVE The new executive of the (seated) E. R. Bell, first 42 of the Canadian Corps. Oshawa unit of the Canad- vice-president; George Pat- sppnge Sag ach gel Wil- 2 aa : a : ; iam Judge, second vice - jan Corps Association is terson, president; and ams president; J. Houlding, third een from left to right, or J. G. Wood, padre of Unit vice - + president; Vern Claus Investors Had Meager Stock Pickings This Week |Says NDP By LARRY DWORKIN Canadian Press Staff Writer |was reflected in the trading fig- ures as only 15,034,000 shares ere hands compared with] Investors had meagre pick- 4,000 last week. At Mont- ings on Canada's stock markets ei , volume was 4,417,000 com- this week as prices declined in| ja;eq with 3,647,000. \Toronto-Dominion %4 to 63 and most major sections. Dome Petroleum caught the | Montreal 3% to 61%. Imperial- At Toronto the industrial in-| market by surprise at mid-week|/Commerce eased \4 to 65. dex, key indicator of the mar- |when it ran wild on rumors of} pine Point highlighted base- ket's performance, was off 44/4 takeover bid. metal activity as the stock to 160.67, following the trend at) 'The stock jumped 5% to 46% 7\jumped 3% to 54%. The com- New York. after touching a high of 48%-|nany's 1966 earnings were $34,- Brokers said the markét was, Brokers said rumors circu- 200,000 or $7.57 a share com- due to weaken after sharp gains \lated around Bay Street that} pared with $22,132,000 or $5.56 splitting by the chartered banks when the new bank act comes linto force. Nova Scotia gained 1 to 6934, last month. two U.S. companies -- Cities|j, 1965. They said there has been for-|Service Co. and Sinclair Oil] Denison tumbled 134 to 5334. midable resistance at the 162\Corp.--were bidding to take judson Bay % to 66% and level of the industrial average over the company. Noranda M to 584 tors waited for a rash of share-|sracDonald, THE OSHAWA IME, Seturdey, February 18, 1967 ste COUNTY LINES Brooklin Couples Club Plans Church Service BROOKLIN (TC) -- Canada' Sjnal committee is also selling centennial was the theme of the/pens with the name "Whitby meeting of the United Links/Township" stencilled on them. }Couples Club. Mr. and Mrs.|The proceeds will finance cen- |Donald Duncan and Mr. and|tennial events planned for the Mrs. Robert Hunter were in'summer months. charge. The women wore long dresses and the men tight-fit-| ting waistcoats and straw hats. | Souvenirs Shown | It was decided to send invi-! | | BROOKLIN (TC) -- Mrs. W jtations to all couples who were) w Booth, RI jmarried by a' United church oe |minister or were married in| desia, wore African dress and |the United Church to attend a/displayed souvenirs of her work service in the church Mar. 12.|during her talk at the meeting) ; The United Church is 100 years|of the United Church Women. i lold this year and many special : : Child Aided levents are planned by the con- lgregation. | | BROOKLIN (TC) -- About, 125 women attended the Lucky | New Stewards |Luncheon in the christian edu- BROOKLIN (TC) -- Douglas |cation building at the United Jackson, Bud Rodd, Cecil Vic-,Church. The proceeds will help) i ars and Donald Vallance are the to support the Korean child ad- new members of the committee | opted by the Couples Club. of stewards at the United! PADVAT ION 9, 13 H Church. | ne ny Parade 7 BRO N (TC) -- The Boy Sale Brisk Scouts f Cubs, Girl Guides sergeant at arms and im- BROOKLIN (TC) --The sale|and Brownies will hold a church | mediate past president; Er- (of centennial pins is reported as|parade at 7.30 p.m., Feb. 26, ic Smith, secretary and Wil- brisk in the area. The centen- to the United _Church liam Watts, treasurer. ------ ----|% --oenin Do Tmo. Bibte Education In School -- Price P robe Brings Student Prejudice | TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario's|is made in writing by a parent jcommittee on religious educa-| Another excerpt from the tion in public schools was told tape which discusses the girl's Donald:Friday that children exempted agnosticism in connection with ' ifrom religious instruction/an incident in which the girl's leader of Ontario's| «jasses are ostracized by their|teacher said something bad New Democratic Party, said! classmates. happens to people who do not Friday the provincial govern-| The committee, headed by|believe in God, quotes the girl] : ment should accept the respons-|former Ontario lieutenant-gov-!as saying she thought the ibility for a probe into rising/ernor J. Keiller Mackay, heard|teacher was referring to her. consumer prices. jin a tape recording that a nine-| Mr. Thaw: Did it make you In a statement prepared for|Year-old girl exempted from re-|feel just a littlé bit uncomfort- a news conference, Mr. Mac- lligious instruction found that|able? } Donald said prices are climbing "everywhere I go everybody! Girl: It sort of startled me. while the provincial govern-|80eS away. The Unitarian brief says the ment waits for "the uncertain) The tape-recorded conversa-|tape was presented "confident initiative at Ottawa." tion between the girl and thejin the knowledge that this does ; |Unitarian minister, Rev. Arnold/not represent an isolated case.' Consumers report increases!naw reported: | It calls for a program to de- on purchases ranging from two!" yr' Thaw: Did you feel that|velop moral discernment oe per Aiehe he said, while they thought you were a little|through experience-oriented ed- pome tetalers admit they are| strange or odd because you did/ucation not tied to sectarian!' set SS in "psychological leave the class? Do you think teaching. | ;|pricing' charging every cent that they felt that you were a a, the traffic will bear. little bit--just a little bit--pretty A text of Mr. MacDonald's re- queer? | marks was. released to the press in advance of delivery, in ite oa ea Pes THIS VITAL Beas have th ooties that means ave the c YO U N G RELIGION reach CHATHAM (CP) -- there's something queer about you. If anybody else touches you, then they have the cooties | \--and that's bad. So now, I've; got the cooties. FARMS LOOK AHEAD An automated farm being built at Belje, Yugoslavia, is jplanned to have 250 acres of land for each employee. where there has been a moder- - ' This lack of buying pressure However, a spokesman for on 596,000 shares while PCE Ex-| _-- Dome denied the rumors and of |added that he knew of no rea- sees 11 to 48 een son for the stock's sudden surge. |9" /"": | Armed Force Provo Gas, which shares hoid-| 07 -- es yo oleae lings with Dome in northwestern | 151.74 and pase metals 0) Uniform Early | reg ae | At Montreal, industrials were the western oil index climbed|UP -05 to 161.49. Utilities were OTTAWA (CP)--Gen. Charles|3 67 to 140.21. off 1 to 137.91, banks ~ Bg Foulkes, chairman of the chiefs] Among other oils, Home BI 121.21 and papers 2.06 to 117.89.) of staff committee from 1947 to|and Canadian Superior added| 1960, said Friday that this is not|}11, each at 25 and 31%, Banff the. time to introduce a common I! % at 145%, Hudson's Bay 1% " Chair Victims uniform for the armed forces.|9g5¢ while Scurry - Rainbow) He said in the a pati de-|hacked off 1 to 20% | fence committee that a com-| Famous Players Cais most mon uniform wouldn't moeihg the stir among industrials « Visit Caravan service efficiency and that!it moved up 2 to 36. there is a great deal of opposi-; The company announced A TORONTO (CP) -- Centen- tion to it. had accepted in principle an of- jnial planners have arranged to Gordon Churchill, formerifer from Gulf and Western In-|make it possible for people in Conservative defence minister,'dustries Corp. of New York to| wheel chairs to visit the centen-| said that in 1961 Gen. Foulkes! |acquire all remaining outstand- nial caravans. | had advocated a single uni-! ing Famous Players shares. The steps and narrow doors| form. Gulf and Western now holdjbetween coaches rule out the Gen. Foulkes said he hadjabout 51 per cent of Famous|use of wheel chairs in the cen- 1,737,072 outstanding|tennial train, but the caravans have wide doors, and provision for ramps has been made. merely stated at that time that) Players' the matter of a common uni-/shares. form might be decided some} Famous Players also in- time. creased its quarterly dividend]. The Canadian Rehabilitation | "Is unification good for the 214 to 30 cents a share. | Council for the Disabled has| armed forces?" asked Jack Mc-| Falconbridge advanced 35% tojsuggested to its provincial of- | Intosh (PC -- Swift Current-|93 and Beaver Lumber 3 to 4 Maple Creek). lafter the company announce [ "Yes," said Gen. Foulkes. alee earnings for 7 gah LEWIS paused and added: "I can't tell|$2,771,000 compared wi OPTICAL Established for over 30 years 10% King Street West the difference between integra-| 286,000 in 1965. 725-0444 aaleeaiaies tion and unification.' | Alcan and Bell Telephone | A common uniform is part of |dropped 1% to 34% and 483% and) the unification bill which she's, C. Forest 1 to 23. | Mr. Thaw; How do you feel about that? fices that local centennial offi-|" Girl: 1 don't like it because many paths cials be notified when a group everywhere go everybody ONE GOD of disabled people might belgoes away. jvisiting the caravan. No ar-|" Mr, Thaw: rangements can be made for|few friends \special group times, but the jcouncil suggests previous notice might assure that the ramps would be available and give of- ficials a chance to advise the Do you have very| in school because of that? | Girl: Yes. | CAN GET EXEMPTION Children may be exempted many colours ONE RACE many countries ONE WORLD best time for such a group to/from the classroom during re- visit. Nigious instruction if a | request | There are three million people around the world today who believe that the unifications of mankind is the will of God for our age. They call themselves Baha'i, Perhaps Baha'i is what you || © are looking for. FOOD SERVICE Complete Service For All © RECEPTIONS @ HOUSE PARTIES © SOCIAL AFFAIRS CALL 728-7305 _-- winacte MANAGER Information upon request, 18 lola Road, Toronte 7, Ontario. For local Oshawa informa- tion, regarding the Baha'i faith please write to, 575 Ritson ir Road North, Oshawa. | committee is studying. Banks were higher as inves- 1067 LBS OF TOP QUALITY' BRAND NAME FOODS DELIVERED THROW AWAY YOUR SHOPPING CART! 20TH CENTURY FOODS TAKES THE WORRY OUT OF FOOD BUDGETING! 48 lbs. Steaks 80 Ibs. 106 Ibs. Roasts 42 lbs. Lean Minced Beef! 84 tins 18 lbs. Stewing Beef 4 gals. 10 Ibs. Braising Ribs 12 Ibs. 50 lbs. Chickens 36 Ibs, 48 lbs. Pork Loin Roasts | 21 Ibs. and Chops 16 Ibs, 10 ibs. Smoked Ham 12 Ibs, 6lbs. Veal Cutlets 21 Ibs. Leg of Lamb 48 tins 12 Ibs. Lamb Chops 20 Ibs, 12 Ibs. Pork Riblets 10 jars 25 lbs. Wieners 10 lbs. Beef ryray 9 10 jars Auee 10 lbs. Pork Lin usage| 12 lbs, " 15 bene Ft. unicht FREEZER 20 Ibs. Assorted Fish eat NOTICE! Residents of: © OSHAWA © WHITBY © AJAX © & DISTRICTS ' Call Collect or Mail The Coupon. Canada Approved, Graded Red and Blue Brand meats only, all net weights. orders to items supplied in the Brand Names you have.learned to trust. Complete re-order Dept. TO ORDER JUST PICK UP YOUR PHONE AND CHARGE IT! 20TH CENTURY FOODS LTD. | own a Freezer "a MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Shop He 87 OF THE WEEK' features, avoid the rush and SAVE BIG/ OWER POWER WE ny THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Lea Ténde/? pn BUT cna »~POWER CANADA NO. 1 GRADE CARNATION Evaporated MILK poet VIVA = ALL PURPOSE E POWER BLUE LAUNDRY DETERG GARDEN PATCH CY@ZY oo EANS AYLMER ASSORTED ent: 99¢ TT 14 02. Tin AnD MARMALADES rarest ago stra one KRAFT SALAD DRESSING MIRACLE "ce HIP "-59 recut veiadueanae ALL FLAVOURS Assorted 6 lbs. Peanut Butter 64 rolls Delsey Tissue Vegetables 48tins Assorted 24box Kleenex ae Assorted Juices Campbell's Soups | 4 Wax Paper Bios Ice Cream 12 bot. Heinz Ketchup * Foil Wrap gs. Crisco Shortening 15 oz. : Ps agg saren bly id Tulip M i ; = S. ite or Blue Moe argarine 6 jars ea Whip 72 '. Detergent | gee: . aes CLERC cD Comet j , Maxwell House | 2901 Vineger Cleonser MASON'S CANNED SOFT Coffee 6jors Mustard 3 gals. Liquid Detergent Tomato Juice 20 0z| 12 box Corn Flakes | .6gals. Marvelo Bleach CASE OF Spaghetti 12box Cheerios | 48bars Face Soap 24 10 OZ. Sweet Mixed 12box Trix 6 Family Size Crest Pickles 8ibs. Rice Toothpaste TINS ene Relish * ag bleed suaor [ THis 5 A, SAMPLE ORDER for a } McCormicks s. rown Sugar yg = Soda Biscuits 35 Ibs. All tel Flour | | requirements." ee ed "a Hundreds of other food choose from, designed to fit your eating habits and food budgets. Groceries and Household Continuous discounts on re-orders. 71 BRIDGELAND AVE, TORONTO 19, ONT. 787-4261 AFTER HOURS AND | WEEKENDS CALL 787-4264 @ YES ast Time To Call @ NO Afternoon Evening @ CALIFORNIA NO. 1 GRADE imi I > Senin anes AARNE sess

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