20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thuredey, Pebrucry 16, 1967 Make The Most Of Your Advertising--Use An Action Want Ad For Fast Results Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. , 13--Articles for Rent 18--Male Help Wanted |18--Male Help Wanted If sel WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers, 1--2 SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R J. SCOTT Bia' Rettals, 105 Beatrice, TaSl6ie INDUSTRIAL office BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY eeey EE A SALES = weddings. ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT parking. 723-7726. LODGE ROOM for rent, Orange Temple, Bruce Street. Telephone 723-3890 or 725- 3160. CAREER 14--Business Opportunities Accountants Building Trades |Printing TV--Radio Repairs ss, Accountant King sien 'east. BUILDING es |: SeRVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 FOR LEASE WITH OPPORTUNITY See, nl oreuee | mule he Sowa, tne fe ee intant, ' ag ie . pe ping Centres 725-9953. REMODELLING ? outs. Dance ee precting DOMINION yen BRIDGE 1 SOUTHERN UTA man to operate a 200,000 visu ok came uate gallon active Service Station. BOB CLANCY'S ACCOUNTING Service. invitations. 668-383 $ : . , ; BROBABLY 1H ' See einer Nortne T2EOR7. Res, 72-7605. Call Us First CARLYLE PRESS TELEVISION Cnny Aker teaser Major brand. Oshawa - Whit- ee tar Gs ae JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Accoun-| For Complete Renovations} 151 Brock St. N., Whitby 728-5154 9 am. to 9 pm. WATURAL BRIDGE 14 THE. by area, Small capital re- sible for the direction of the tant, Licensed Trustee, 17 Bond Street - WORLD. fH SPANS quirement, Write giving full i, neural East, Telephone 7: Rec rooms and bors custom |Rug- Upholstery Service -- |2-Hour Tv SERVICE, towers, anten- details to. SOURS. ee ea AOPKIN, BEADLE ARB $0.) Cherter-| built. For all details and price nee TEPC UY IN: Ee oe BOX 47599 America, inclading: see . Inancie! rr a " 2. fro, "ig king 'eet 'Eat! Omhawa, Op-| quotations call. INTERIORS by WINDOLF #08 COLOR, sy and Rade: Sérvics. OSHAWA TIMES IS J U S T Besdie, CA; E. Lukow, CA. |)» GENERAL FRAMING © Custom Upholstery clalty. 18 Bond Wis 576-1670. BODY AND PAINT SHOP in Picxering, Cost reduction programs YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Cher- @ Re-Covering 1500 square feet, three-year-old bullding, (Labour efficienci Sitanaig at sete sre North Sheree & Antiguss testeéia xe ee. on orheenit gg et gage Mathods dds , i 4 Bete aan ears Som 39 Simcoe N. Tinea ay, Win eat egies rom, thane "caltooter sem! ~=-- AROUND ---- BI eprinting REPAIRS 728-3651 nul Street West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 66 o> i es Dsatnous tne Gia seen. ju Crane = | 3809, ob evaluation activities BELL DRAFTING and reproductions ALTERATIONS <a IX FOUR LANGUAGES J Honisan cae, |15--Employment Wanted (CWS), Ltd., 52% Simcoe Street North, 723-4661. PROFESSIONAL ----F ersona WERE FORMERLY PUBLIHED HE Cocxroacn, Says ¢ GEOR cOvDm Labour "contract negotia- Biveprinting and photostatic copies. ADDITIONS W HARBIN, MANCKURIAs * | ARE EXPERT. NEED A JANITOR? or janitor's sup- 7 H E 'é @) R N E R i 5 Nad RUG CLEANING Removal of superfluous hair plies, com. and res. window and floor tions (experience desir- Building Trades to Marie. Murduft will bec th Oty eae ew RASS S16 | cleaning, free estimates, low rates. 725- able but not essential), HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES 2 Day Service Oshawa, February 20, 21, and nda ARDS AREER Ee deere SCE Rec Rooms and Kitchens Free Pick-Up and Delive WANTED -- quilting, qui No Down Payment © Specialty. ge egy yah | os : dass aie ae ' spreads. Slandard. site," markiig "ane THE MAN Monthly Instalments J Allen & S Angus-Graydon | tient 8--Articles for Sale 8--Articles for Sale me o_re, mormetien este | The. odds are that | wis hive ten to Afteen yon ames en Ons "i | ELECTROLYSIS FREEZER, chest type, 18 cv. feet, $150.. \work. b Ned Ir telogane 7a ee7 i+ industrial i i i on . 5 F 723-7257, experience in the Remodelling 725- 6126 | 723-4641 TREMENDOUS SAVINGS hike New. Telephone 728-3855. evenings $.30. 109.30. etechone TES, you are ambitious, metal industries with experi- OCA Seta 2 FOR 1 RUG CLEANING = |___ on MATTRESSES SNOW CRUISER, 1967, model 1570, Tele- eo BY 1D PE : ence as supervisor or manag- @ Bathrooms QUALITY carpentry and general re. SPECIAL |5S--Trailers Spri filled tt Phone 668-2316. _|haulage and cartage or will rent' oe want to be well paid er of a section of the indus- @ Kitchens ra Honest, dependebie service, 7258676) Chore on the largest rug. fom vcsess: sitee (GR leet Teme ORG [eee trial engineering function in @ Recreation Rooms | Pick up ond delivery at some | RAMBLER TRAILERS | Smooth'top matiresses 29.98 |upralcen Bat oot "levee, oy sn. FanacagamRon| Paid aS YOU work at | o loge company ore te @ Garages Carpentry | address. SALE RENT Bunk beds, complete 69.95. |Simeoe South, 723-0011 sonable rates. Telephone 728-4327. responsibility in' @ medium- A new department of Osh- [REMODELLING, trim work, cupboards, OSHAWA CLEANERS Continental beds... 48.88 pion ai "Namitton, Ap Roald vd ve Desires poaticn non ig a worthwhile job. wert ae owa's Quality Builder, recreation rooms, sand st stairs. Free esti- 1700 SIMCOE ST. N. Open Sundays 2-4 P.M, Bedroom suites (3 piece) six TRUCK FIRES ober ee a = experienced. Write Box 550, Oshawa t | seauiali desirable but not mates. Teepe FON eta $1 rims. Size | Times. ou want real oppor- ile KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION CARPENTRY -- New ana repairs, block 725- 9961 BUDDY TRAILERS jj ey 'ar oe Varun' wasenecian: YOUNG LADY seeking office employ- Y PP ae and cement work. Free estimates, 728-7680/RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts, Estab- PORT HOPE WILSON'S FURNITURE Field, Saas lined her, water fenk with) Man, free Yeats. experience on eK) tunity for advance- | THE SALARY Call today for Free lished 20 years. Workmanship guaran- Lot at 401 and 28 20 Church St. Somirots, 172". ot ive". ovien nope' with] Seems. and Decoy receivente, Phene y 728-7583. Dentistry Heed. Free estimates, Credit terms, Mat-)___--!_Cl_* A wh dB SO : double reeved blocks. 723-5387. F2R0NS after S 6.1. Will be of wees resses ri A it finished, ae ee a "SCHOOLER or Infan i i oO fh t t PAINTING, aecorating, furniture _r8-|CaREROOT, DR. JOHN. M, _ Dentel|Oshewa Upholstering, "287 Dean Avenue, | FOR, SALE veces Se reurAHome| CITY TV televisions, radios, Trai SBF, 0. "gauge, Fy gnoine, ye Kee yr orale nin! ment, income growth parr Peles SSL finishing, Reasonable rates, rants. estl "| Surgeon, 172 King Street East, Sane 75001. ____|3663 after. 5.30 p.m. service and repairs. Service landscaped layout. Hardly used. Cost|and Olive area. 723-1343, : : : excess of $11,000. 00" - mates. o Oe CHESTERFIELDS re-uphoistered andlp: GLENDETTE trailor for sale sweps| dePt- open 7 days a week. |$300. Will accept $150. or best offer.|/ADY WISHES JOB os companion and job satisfaction pierce per ITO ea ian: uiichens, Parone re-styled, Free estimate. See our mate-\ty, tully equipped. New Jule ss. tem | Also T.V. towers, color and sorrel oe BM. housekeeper to elderly person or couple. : rec. rooms, vanities, kitchens. Dressmaking rial for re-covering. Slip made|*! ly -equipp uly black end white T.V. Anten- BUYING OR SELLING furniture or ap-|References. Telephone 623 5489. then a career with covers 75 Charles | elas ladihdd ares Soe es annaien DRESSMAKING -- Experi fed wu fo order. Dalton Upholstering, ROOFING hot tar and gravel, ingles, -- Expertly " S| Street, 723-7: . p- |6--Marine | Equipment repairs, large and small jobs. L. and H. |coats, dresses. Beautifully tailored sii Roofing and Construction. 725-6937. covers, drapes. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. "\Seles and gona [eerARCRARGD ar ta bes |Evinrude motors. Open cere | ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS -- EEL i. seven an ' yea G and Supplies week. Marine Storage and Supply vide rooting = APPLIANCE Brooklin, 655-3641. iD places, masonry. Gord May, Whifby 668- 2774." pliances, Call Elmer, 263-2294, 263-2695. THREE-QUARTER CONTINENTAL | bed, new, $50.; squirrel ea, $50.7 yell ied day dresses, size 15. T TYPEWRITERS, new, used, sales, serv- ice, all makes, Free estimates. Cal! your THE LOCATION This opportunity exists at our Southern Ontario operations located in Welland, Ontario, @ city of 38,000 people. The LADY WILLING TO DO housecleaning in Whitby only. Telephone 668-2474. 17--Female Help Wanted BEELINE nos, rotors installed. Sales and Service 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 248 Quebec St. Call 725- 0500. All work guaranteed. FOR SALE -- USED Allstate is definitely worth exploring. "ul . a" REPAIRS 7--s local Royal dealer, 728-3664 anytime. . + of i --Swap and Barter TV SETS FURNITURE -- three + = 7 cost of relocation will be servic LASSIFIED RATES Snow Time sania of new far Be ails c Expert repairs to all makes [4 AND '64 GMC half-ton pick-up) _'57 A-1 Condition tore, Furnahines, dat noe FA H O Our current --" siirlee Sheaio ceinln, ici WORD ADS ' ds, 1.20; ol washers, dryers, ranges, |Chev. sedan; '60 Buick; boat and Tilt- SaaS eeT SPT Ree Tero S | NS . come Cash -- 1 insertion of 24 wor ICE SALT trailers. Plumbing supplies, pumps, laun- TRIO TELEVISION USED TIRES, most all sizes, BF. fon program has cre- Reply in eonfid Y odditional words, 5¢ each; 3 consecu- T T dry tubs, three-piece bath set, $60, Goodrich, 88 King Street West. 725-4543. idence to: Call tive insertions of 24 words, 3.24; addi- WATER SOFT SAL e "ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ | |Chinn, corner of Hillside and Park §, . 728-5143 PIANO -- apartment size, new, $17500| Now looking for part-time or x indo tional words. 15766 sora, rar CALCIUM CHLORIDE 35 Division St off regular pricel Barons' Home Furnish-| full time representatives in ated openings in our Mf R. NIGHTINGNE, 1372 Le ee ack WILD BIRD FEED A Ee A N Pears for Sale 2 oe ae: z your area, Choose your own upervisor, Personnel Service N. § Cherge--10 per eent ection charge SUNFLOWER SEED FURNITURE end APPLIANCES GENTLY _USED seeand Cieael Mesh Tngitee| hours, no experience neces- | local sales office. Atlast Steels Company, vee if-net.pald.wihin.#, Says BIRD FEEDING STATIONS 452 Simcoe §. -- Oshawa BRIDAL GOWNS. be S04: Teteshone assane ater 3] sary Ue it Main, sompiee Ad ache Method of Countl tae then 24 POTTING SOIL Telephone 723-0011 p.m. supplied. Use of car neces- ivision ef Rio Algom Mines --_-- words counts @s. 24 words; each word OTT! $10 < $1 5 WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used| sary. Ww . Centre Street, initlol, figure or abbreviation counts es PEAT POTS furniture or anything you have. The City e require h i g h one word; phone number counts two GET CASH FAST SARGEANT'S Trading Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street} For personol interview coll Welland, Ontorio. Ex words. PEAT STRIPS SELL WITH TIMES. SIX SERVICE BAYS * South, 723-1671. _| MRS. -- CHRISTOFFERSEN, | calibre men who are es BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- PLANT BOXES ACTION CLASSIFIED FOR FASTER SERVICE 463 Ritson Rd. S. Teen on SHESTEREIELO, two end} 942-2347, to-day. SOCIAL NOTICES 98 cents ord GARDEN SEEDS ane 725-3338 I im good condition." Box. 's7a¥a "Ooh married, own a car Gisodyenr Tire tional charge if not pald within 8 days. VERNICOLITE bp cig ahve ohagiag Pee ag TOWERS one i Kitchen H | d R by ' MORIAMS NEW, USED -- » poll: ; hev., ge, Ford, - T V rug and runner, with : is be T 2 oh te te first 38 words and Sc ROOTING COMPOUND pairs to all maken, New Ben thon mouth, Bontios. We ree Ha gg lined damask drapes, 20° ep and seek a stimulat an U r Co. Good each thereafter plus 12¢ per line of PURITY DOG MEAL Jack 56, wheal 'alignment inspect and SPECIAL 723.2700." eee ee required j f @ d App! verse; 25¢ additional eharge if not paid PET SUPPLIES GUARANTEED REPAIR to all wringer t foi and cone 40-foot tower structure, oll- a ing challenge. 1) anada Ltd. re within & days. ra rEg ag Free estimates, Call rpg fect fon out peg channel antenna _ installed, au aan See ah ts Lakagyee JB, ly 4P.M.--9 P.M CARD OF THANKS ' 1742 oF ; fin ( Fae t y "condition. i .M, : ; $23 25 for the feet ab sort one 6 Cooper-Smith Se eo Pay oepolncly sae lias en ag ges RE ER yn Hk. 'Dorminion reer Gan ith elias. Six day week. Sal i Design Engineer SU ptic Servi 'arts extra if require: 4 | 4457. ales experience an pice if not pald within 8 days. @ Torsion ber edi just east of Ritson Road. _ F SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt 6 adjustment RCA VICTOR 21" television, $125.) Ham- Apply MR. CAMPBELL $2 eu Ner 'inch iaploy); $1.78 for the co on calls, Walter Ward, at Chestnut Stree] extro. RUTHERFORD'S wee eee | GENOSHA HOTEL asset, but not essen- | Our Industria! Products Div. 114D first 20 words end 6c each thereafter ; : bia 3-room , Living Ri ' TTT oo sion in Bowmanville, has on teed Adah 16 Celina St. Fo BRAKE SPECIAL Hse al vee er SNOW HUSKIE for sai Sele, $500; Teleohere| A telephone colls please tial as we provide a imwneaiens requirement for a pean AUCTION SALES f q oslo 13 | ee : $499, $599, $699. Eosy |tv TOWER SPECIAL -- a7, : : lesign Engineer in the De- $2.24 PER INCH PER INSERTION, 723-2312 723-1139 W. FLim AND EROLLOPE, Ontario, Land pe aici ore Phin terms. Immediate delivery sah all channel Fie orl bs TRIO Talevision, DESK CLERK three week trainin velopment Department. Ex- AUT! DEADLINES DELIVERY SERVICE neem gin Street East. Phone) Quality $14.88 wheels. layaway. 28-5143. For new hotel in Oshawe g Perience in Conveyor Belting ESTABLISHED 1909 in es Sera eal : on asset. S DS DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, © § G a oreo e knowledge © o yom ay -- fario Land Surveyor, Commercial" bive Plus $2.00 heal RUTHERFORD'S 5---ntnet Senet minor bookkeeping, typing orn OMT Thi é Lost AND FOUN! TREES REMOVED. Will cut any size|Prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. us on Lendl ee 156 Simcoe St. South ONTARIO Na, 1 potatoes, tree delivery.| and switchboard operotor ne- is position offers a chal- 9 am, DAY OF PUBLICATION around) the house. Telephone 668-6007 or avy -- pp ibe TYPEWRITER, electric, $75; Sieil cessary. Must be of good op. | PENSE. lenge to the aggressive young Full , after 6. '--Radio Repairs aan engineer with initiative and Med BIRTHS AND DEA - e Se. gas unten eee 9A--Eggs & Poultry pearance and able to meet involves. 'internal Idison os quired vam. DAY OF PUBLICATION Instruction WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL |seurapaoic mettrenen, ony am (SOO? pCOAISY, FRESH" DAILY -- M7290" oh i A Wh '. ; well as customer contact. Refrig PEt Had M ao Lee Including weights per wheel | Limited time effer! Save $40.00 @ unit!| Picked up. delivered at ature er hore awa Times. y not head in our : would GARD Say PREVIOUS ne A ee eth ae $1.95 [Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 'Simcoe SALESLADY - BOOKKEEPER required| ,. ; --i oon end com- steady for full-ti NH i i i paper Horii (WILE LOAN you up To 3500 at ai MUFFLERS, w9i7"-3Ks666--aownblia By Benoa 10--Farmers' Column --_| fer, fulltime employment. Good work. direction and obtain | Pony paid benefits. wert 1 colum p.m. day previous; 2 col-| your bills or for any other worthwhile SERVICE FRONT-END WORK AT dier, world's largest producer of soft}STRAW FOR SALE -- oat straw, S0c | Telephone 725-5443, Singer Sewing Centre, Please reply by letter stating umns or larger -- 10 a.m, day previous.| purpose providing you are steadily em- COMPARABLE PRICES soil vehicles and McCulloch chain saws, |Pe Telephone 263-2351. for appointment. the facts today or qualifications ond experience. Phi CANCELLATIONS AND Ployed and have good credit. 723-4631. COLOR pve Corte cues mets oo dealer, DEAD A AND €! CRIPPLED ) farm stock pick. hol LE WOMAN | to mind tw two chil- . ' 7 Of months, one i COnBEE AY-OF PUBLICATION | Mortgages SLACK De ware UNIROYAL roti a) c Saran 728-5565 Fyrone, ele ne Collect" Hempton "203:|914. Must live In'only: sreisze Oanewe: | CAll @ man with the feteresey Tie & RUS ec Any ai trom $19.95 ond cence GOOD publication will be eharged one day's FOR CENTRES up. New and used auto 'parts, Rebuilt HOLSTEIN COW FOR SALE, due to 18--Male Help Wanted answers:-- CO. of CANADA L v - insertion. poopie MORTGAGE THE BEST CALL starters and generators, 1175 Nelson St. freshen Feb, 20. Telephone 725-9985. BOX 250 YOUNG BOX NUMBER REN The New N INENTALBEDScompinie Hom, SADGLE WORE or bol chestnut geld- ' ny in| ile ev: if de to e New Name of CONTINENTAL BEDS, jet gel WI pany in Pte ever to vex numbers to: the DOMINION TIRE STORES -- |839.95; mattresses from 819.951 all types |I"9,,Well Broke. For, Information tele MAN AGER < sits aahhace 8 bl sonar sere Stn Nebect af aa one 7256541 __ [ERENT FaPiacs_ceset"sahned tae |10A--Butch tt WE HAVE OPENINGS FOR rant cept no liabi Phone 725-6511 'urnace cleaned, adjusted free. ----Butchers M J C ment only Hh t th jh either ; 'i Pe ' pdioibh eo aire ordeey in forwarding auch re-| Moneys available for first : debe : purchese from" Western 'Cll ocwoat r oner : EXCELLE plies, however caused whether@by negli-| and second mortgages. Open TELEVISION . 725-1212. FIRTH BROTHERS Skilled Turret company | Be foe elie Unesllos gat mortgages, No bonus. First FOR Wilson & Lee SKATES! A large selection of new Quality Meat Market with Eval m a0 dor ond agreements for sale pur. | CLEANER, SHARPER und Ae teckey equine eerOut| BRING YOUR PORK 'OR Genosha Hotel | 'othe Operators mit are and agreements for sale pur- , D Bor iy, Stiexs. Circle Contre, , education porte ne oe ond. Street East, 725-6244 BEEF TO US--QUICK FROZE | CANADA'S LARGEST me education, THE enaae pone NOT _ ar pl ATTENTION! ICE FISHERMEN -- jive) Custom Cutting and Wrapping and Machinists ont: RESPONSIBIE FOR ERRORS ty 'ADER- M. F. SWARTZ USED OA Ra Sid eon eine entamtee Se PER LB. HOME FURNISHERS Clerking, | THEN IN WRITING NOT FOR, MORE 26Y2 King St. Eost GUITARS and Sports Shop, 103 Queen St., Lindsay.| 47 King St. E., Bowmanville 723-464] AN DREW heer THAN ONE INSERTION OF ANY AD Oshawa, Ontario < GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, 623-5081 Require A son at W VERTISEMENT WOR ; ji al me 733 4 697 Stewart Arch Top $34.95 edge rot Erdle gee hare % ae and QUALITY MEATS bu ity order, Gr. A M S., Whitby SERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS. Ebleoniadtt pent -- aon " Simcoe South. 723-0011. " |946 Simcoe N. 723-937 ssl ud anager-Salesman ANTENNA 19--M AON Ss ieee rh OS rere NORM, take ot emer Gaara Meigen! Pete : TYPEWRITER -- Royal, electric, Good ; Cluny "averting eccoring "fe its paren ees cs aus > I WE R | Kay Flat Top .... $24.95 Storage he $125. Mackie's Van and 11--Pets and Livestock For Their Feb. 14-15-16 CO. LTD Boe). proper tlassification. ? Zen-On Solid Body DACHSUND PUPPY, also toy terrier. $35 ; ; FULLER In the cases of display advertisements} Why not consolidate all your | Electric .. $24.95 ion SOE intent sat ons. 10 SIS Seater eee PONT AOE STORE 606 BEECH STREET biped Pee ries te than that which the| debts with one low monthly | EKO Jumbo Flot Top $79.95 | leming, Vacuum Service, "Main Sireet,| MINIATURE BLACK' poodles. register : Ladies or Ce ete Cee il eters psc vel fetid as 728-5143 oaLLny haa = "used. furniture and] conc; revemnone inna ft IF YOU: or write to wart if you" endeavor to reproduce all adverising gage in, : a "Eastern Ontario's Largest _- rnitur Py : evenings matter correctly, but assume no lability! For complete details call See Eee bee Binion Minic Conte" 16° Bond 'sireet W.r"25 Bond: Street oe ig ee Ieereatiog wick ane goad we will 9 pail tained ther DOUG TERWILLEGAR 728-4401. COZY-0 RANCH, Reo'd. --Would like to manage a pay. Apply by Y th ay ea an we ae A BRANCH REALTY T.V. TOWERS | WILSON & LEE |suy ano sere = saz ons rrr term mgt Shey mafein fo wae] tore er te, ar TIMES ACTION WANT AD | Ve and appliances. One locaticn only. Pretty |horse. Pony. Pinto. Western saddles, ELEPHONE 668-3348 requires, | NVESTMENT LIMITED . % LTD. Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723.3271. |equipment, clothes. Ashburn, 685-4682. | 9__tave selling ability RETIRED Coll Classitied Direct 51 King St. E., Oshawa BUILT IN OSHAWA 87 Simcoe St. N, 725-4706 |HALF:PRICE SALE. Men's unclaimed|DOG CLIPPING -- Superior work | at : : MR. J. C. CAIGER apartment 723-3492 Bus. 723-1157 Res. 725-6210 AT OUR OWN PLANT Se ee ae eae et Sew ele ee |: 8 Are bard working. posal FIRST AND SECOND. morigages. avall We give you a better Open Toe ah Friday jets reg. price $35.00, sale price $17.50;| SAMOYED PUPPIES, white, ns 20--R Si on URN, ath, PP] tower for less. money iba. Se et ht oi Seto (ee Teis, Toncene Sir --| Unt oe ersom OSHAWA PUBLIC ete INDEX TO wanteo ~ Ses seams 3 cantile Dept. Store, Whitby Plaza. BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, ready @ leading furniture organ- RAN UTILITIES CLASSIFICATIONS {for sso, win en ine Lan ae OSH AWA T.V ig Beet = oe CORONADO WRINGER weer, in elt einen oe ization. Gu r ® , # Sy Re) gps Ogg PET ay ee See FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale FOOD BILL a al a Sigh weaks ee a0 and Op eer COMMISSION re igibarients "Gurchinel ha Got' tannic SUPPLY LTD ' FIDDLE $00,, Gibson electric. Hawalian|° co ll eli BL Apply Immediately 790 B icMotoreyeies one Hemles, Barristers, an King Street TAUNTON FRE. EC . Stock your freezer ready for Lid is yoke ia play: hs bya lok Met coun, three ay ft. Requires an experienced 5--Trailers bast tet ., &. lay-off ete $i ble wardrobe $30, |ment. Very adaptable, $65. Tontine Ken-| In Person To Manage coach operator. 6--Marine Equipment Qust East of Ritson) 2 ae 15. TV. See een ee nels, Eleine and Frank Shewring, 723- hss id zoowap eng Bare Nursery Schools - 723-8131 723-8132 If you already own a freezer fan faster a1 fireplace 835 amps to 30 40 hour week, good wages 9--Market Basket is fl 70194 | you can still join our famous i movie camera $30., 14 HP motor $5. /SiAMESE KITTEN, sealpoint. House- and benefits, which include: ie chars ahd. 'Livertach TODBLERS PARADISE TELEVISION----PADIO | food club ond get all 15 heavy dy Save" 81. bedng mach broken, 'nine months old. Telephone 468 Tor onto Nine poid statutory holidays, a 12--articles Wanted FROBEL -- MONTESSORI i i ., clarinet $25., double bed $30. 728- is 4 doys a month accumu. IS--Artcies for "Rent Day Nursery School 24 HOUR SERVICE valuable privileges. Savings | 440i, 12--Articles Wanted lative sick leave credits, pens $12,5 IS-Employmen wanted Let your child enjoy thi T.V. RENTALS [ore tend eertct'. litestes all resoeea® Smeclttee" mat-|3000 USED FURNITURE wenielaic| FURNITURE CO. LTD. | myqyy/ peel seogg act eae "s 16~Agents Wanted e' ea child enjoy this won- Vv. Freezer and shopping tresses, $29.; crib mattresses, $9.88; mat-|Highest prices. Call anytime. MacNeil's ' t YOU RE IN GOOD life insurance, complete uni- Gold 17--Female Help Wanted derful_ method of teaching. privileges for os little as | tresses for bunk beds, $16.88; roll-away|Furniture, 668-5481, 26. ' form supplied. on a 1s--Maly Help Wanted Register now. For appoint- HOLMES ice or aS : cots « complete, $19.88. Wilson's Furni- 23 KING ST. WEST j $5,90 ee ot ee wae eee ment call 723-0734. $198. For more information peeled Street. 13--Articles for Rent ma : HANDS WITH All replies held confidential. 's 20a--Summer_Properti "ae = or appointment phone Oper- complete with white Tea Teath- : * OSHAWA, ONTARIO Apply by letter only, givin eta Zi=Farms for, Sale, Painting and Decorating ELECTRONICS ator B, 723-1163. Sear iet. ene. Yor Dales. .Jeuiptnne Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- ; pertinent information 'S ' ly Real Estate Wanted PAINTING AND DECORATING, Rea- PHON es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee me if bhabihae 2e--Stors es ana. Storage estimotes.. Telephone 725m 668.5679 Chambers Food Ltd. cana, a board' 28" Telhone| Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal CAREER OPPORTUNITY ALLSTATE MR. L. ALGAR asking 26--Apartments for Rent INTERIOR ecorating, painting, paper se - 933 Ritson South Sut OF RACKS lar or Tack Wear, Men's Formals, White Local firm has opening for a 100 Simcoe St. South Nerth 2--Rooms for ed hanging, wood finishing. Free estimates. atlach plywood 'Od casio toe! Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. bright young man, age 22-40 : ; Oshawa, Ontario eral S ioWonted to Ree Uihen's Fatatlnas, (2277. T.V. Rentals REBUILT phone 723-5439. | g evious 'experience neces- epatoatie | mat Ceara: OF on 4 30--Automoblles for Sale Plumbi va New Sets TRAN | G HEAVY aay STOVE. carrionncior, SARGEANT'S RENTALS head sake ti ls $350 to earning good salary and in- 0 turnoy 31--Compact Cars for Sale lumbing and Heating SMISSION fable and buffet. Allin good condition.| 463 Ritson Rd, $. 725-3338 TaRG) honmniy with fat terested in sales career. Ex- | would 12--Trucks or Sale. ALC TYPES OF REPAIRS and remodel ALCAN GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP | Telephone 723-365. i Seo se tovting in wes | Berience in handling real es- TIMES ACTION Oshav \* uv +g i png) Repair rates. Estimates tree, 73-1191, img ari FURNITURE ond 576-2610 , Mor hhllg bey ee en eer RESULTS? Use Times | months. Write in own hand- silly ne Raga Poco CLASSIFIED ADS North SeLegal ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING sup. APPLIANCES Chee ne able price. Whitby 668-8170. e writing, stating experience, Call J J Wilkinson, R. Mor. (SELL and SELL ocres 37--Auctions plies. Te! e 521, Harold H. Stark 452 Simcoe South ervice CHESTERFIELD AND CHAIR, green, : marital status etc. to Box 4 aa vi, A) ete ba 38--Coming Evente Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and E i e ? tin Real Estate, 100 King St. rn, ng aflumbing, Heating 'and Engineering 733-0011 1175 Nelson Street -- |Timie"t, reasonable, Telephone' 7234216 Action Want Ads 47699 Oshawa Times, E., Oshawa, Tel, 576-1200, and SELL. :, -- wr ' Aft Inger