HERE IS WHERE THE ACTION IS - OVER 150 CARS TO chess FROM! 1964 STUDEBAKER § 1963 CHEVY Il 1962 CHEVROLET 1961 PONTIAC 1966 PONTIAC SEDAN NOVA CONVERTIBLE IMPALA CONVERTIBLE LAURENTIAN SEDAN STRATO CHIEF SEDAN B) Oo Seed library reading Institute years b eration citizens hall. The id itially c dustrial years ag ics wit science | plication Aptly the firs begun o1 The in the rear on Sime lectures a $2 n member cents a | ceived a cents a monthly After z tion the new one with qui toms D Street w ing store The n such lux light and chess an played. Books |} the old in cis Rae : in the ' held Nov. FIRST B Greater opened fe Public Li the first later, em vincial g' It took assets ar building. 1966 CHEVROLET BEL AIR STATION WAGON Economical 6 cylinder engine, automatic transmission, power steering and radio. Special at the "BIG LOT", Lic, H96457. 25d engine, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes. Finished in brown with trim to match, Lic, X9858. Finished in ermine white with matching red trim. Has automatic transmission and radio. This one is extra shorp, Hurry, hurry, hurry. Lic. H98609. Finished in chocolate brown with matching leatherette trim. 6 cylinder engine, automatic transmission and radio. Value, value, value. Lic. 16436, $1222 1963 CORVAIR MONZA COUPE 22, ,000 miles, ied 283" V-8 engine, automatic ransmission and radio, Finished in beige with t motch. Lic, H76593, a ee $2222 1966 CHEVROLET Ya ON TRUCK Hes 6 cylinder engine, automatic transmission and radio, Finished in a deep blue with matching interior trim, Economy ond value ot this low, low price. Ue, 27401A 1963 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN SEDAN 1962 OLDSMOBILE DYNAMIC ."88"" SEDAN 1963 CHEVROLET TUDOR 1963 MERCURY METEOR .TUDOR HARDTOP With fleetside and long box. Balance ef GM war- ronty, original 15,000 miles. A reel work horse, Hurry for this one. Lic. 162048, 36,000 miles, Finished in ermine white with matching trim. Save, save, save on this sporty model, Lic. H78214, $1199 1966 CHEVROLET G1205 VAN Balance of GM warranty. Only 21,000 miles. Has big 6 cylinder engine, Has V-8 engine, automatic transmission, power steer- ing, power brakes ond radio. ion et this for price. Save, save, save, Lic, H8878 Original 29,000 miles. Finished in tuxedo black with trim to match. Economy, value and satisfaction at a low, low price, Has automatic transmission. Lic, J2401, Finished in a beautiful white with matching trim. This Tutone black and white with matching trim. 6 eylind- luxury cor has full power equipment. Lic, J85091. ef engine and standard tronsmission ond radio, Look et this for price. Lic. J5528 $888 1965 METEOR CONVERTIBLE 1963 OLDSMOBILE DYNAMIC "88" CONVERTIBLE 1958 CHEVROLET DELUXE SEDAN heavy duty. suspension, side doors, tre 26,000 miles. Finished in o beautiful bronze with : e at aeitening trim. Hos V-8 engine, automatic transmit fi west coat mirrors and oversize tires, Bi 6 cylinder engine and standard transmission. Finished Pubsdcin Hie WII TIA' fe mien the kee: 5 sion, power steering, power brakes and radio. Sharp in turquoise with matching trim, Look at this for Finished in jet black with matching trim. Save, save, Finis! in blue with trim to match. the price is Finished in tutone red and white, Economical 6 cylind- ond sporty. Lic. 2050 Lic. 1491 4B. price. Special at the "BIG LOT". Lic, H78728, save. How is this for price, Lic. J7464. right. Hurry, hurry, hurry, Lic. J72229. Topcon lic HOME ee ach transportation, Lic. J10637, * seating $1499 1964 OLDSMOBILE SUPER "88" SEDAN $1099 1965 CHEVROLET IMPALA TUDOR HARDTOP $1799 1960 CHEVROLET TUDOR $2399 1961 VAUXHALL STATION WAGON $299 1966 OLDSMOBILE DYNAMIC "88" SEDAN 1965 PONTIAC LAURENTIAN TUDOR Finished in tutone blue and white. Ideal for light deliveries. Priced to clear at the "BIG LOT", Lic. $444 1965 CHEVROLET BEL AIR SEDAN 23,000 original miles. Has V-8 engine, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes and radio. This car is sharp. Finished in td black with red< interior trim to match, Lic, J838: Automatic transmission and radio. Finished in green by bg jatching trim, Special, special, special, Lic. Hos 6 cylinder engine, standard transmission. end radio, Clearing ot @ low, low price, Lic. J3605, $499 1964 BUICK SPECIAL . TWO DOOR SEDAN al et suiketiotl on this luxury car, Special et IG LOT'. The price is right. Lie, H96279, Full power equipment on this ey automobile, Ride in comfort and style, Lic. 91981K, $2666 500 COUPE 1965 CORVAIR 1965 PONTIAC CUSTOM SPORT 1966 CHEVROLET BEL AIR COACH 1965 OLDSMOBILE "88" TUDOR.HARDTOP "283" \V-B engine, automatic transmission, power steering, power brakes, and radio, Balance of GM Don't this 19,000 mile beauty. Lic. H90024, brite. Lie. *r88837° AOREE Tee Ne ee er equipment on this luxury car. Lic. H93770, miles, Hurry for this sporty model. Lic. J3962, jon't miss this 19, mile beauty. Lie. le $1666 | $2333 | $2121 | $2222 ONTARIO MOTOR SALES 140 BOND ST. WEST TELEPHONE 725-6501 Hos 283" V-8 engine, automatic transmission, pow steering, power brakes and radio. Original 20, 000 Finished in o deep blue with matching trim. Full pow. Has automatic transmission and radio, 'Only 23,000 miles. Economy and value. How is this for price. H89833. V-6 engine, stick transmission, bucket seots and radio. In gleaming black and trimmed to match. In deep red ond fully equipped with V-8 engine, automatic transmission ond radio, Lie. H9059S. $1590 AS IS SPECIALS a iT caine ee 566 tte $125 Te 222778. 125 On a goes to word of chats fo bors. The f church bellied : crisp w firm an on it w snow st an orch But tk AS IS SPECIALS te saseee ......... 125 yo 125 '59 CHEV. Station en $ Lic. X9822 . i 125