Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Feb 1967, p. 5

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; ov " THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdoy, February 11, 1967 HEARTS AND FLOWERS a : ee ese eal VALENTINE MAKING BIG HOBBY re Se Se e aspect. of ' ack 0 ct stery here and for an end to s. It was IDOLA SIMPSON she was a teen-ager. It de- | The money basket is a nec- the parcel the fancy box set the acct describes as 1 the first Oshawa Times Staff veloped a little by necessity essary ornament for afternoon wrapping could be kept and persecution" by welfare au- tual, due to "Will You Be My Valen- during depression years when teas and bridges. To make the used again. aren S thorities. oe nd drifting tine." with her friends she was in- ornament. Mrs. Conrad sug- a . > obvious, At this time of the year, vited to attend a special gests: Line a wicker basket EFFECTIVE IDEA ST. JOVITE, Que. (CP) -- VIKINGS SET SAIL no respite this is the theme Mrs, party, She said corsages were with red lace hearts, as floral, Another simple but effec- parents of children removed The Norwegian fleet totals and no be- A. B. Conrad, 108 Kent Street, ery fashionable and also arrangement red roses, lily of tive idea she offers is to add -eakaway more than 17,000,000 gross tons, ghing until ; ' aed toni : : very small artificial flowers |{fom the care of the breakaway 7 d 8 Whitby, is using in designing costly. the valley, white net and little ih sO 5 IR Gaihaile « ee with 117 vessels of more than ed. attractive Valentine decora- Later in her life she volun- cupids could be added, the With tulle bows attached to |Roman Catholic sect known as 39 999 tons each. d overlook tions. teered her help to friends, same basket can be used for St¢ms and place them among the Apostles of Infinite Love Seis Sienaeneeiaeseo on Friday Hearts and flowers predomi- owners of a flower shop. Christmas decorations by fancy assorted pastries. pe asked Premier Daniel ETRA CLEANT pe fo dus: nate in these arrangements When taking up residence in changing the flowers to poin- _ A practical note from Mrs. |Johnson for help in their battle : the condi- which could be used for place Whitby, Mrs. Conrad became settias, holly with red and Conrad, these decorations oo ROCA EHBES OAC, 1965 peg Pog cards, gift decorations, centre- a member of the Afternoon silver grey ribbons. For other pack ies aap § and pa 'altar Rey ddl Eiger ieces, corsages and several Guild. Her ability in decora- occasions orchids, butterflies used again and again. ey Fe gears paal Some well pate tions became known and all and various other ideas could do not crush easily. man for the sect said Friday PONTIAC a great A very small sum of money 'profited by her artistic be used. To terminate a most enjoy- | lt asked that the children bef. 6) ble, Automatic ish a is needed for materials, card- talents. Another suggestion for Val- able interview over a cup of Bower Stearina Power Brakes, t board, ribbons, flowers, tulle, After being in charge of the entine decoration is an ar- coffee, this delicious "Cherry "9, " i. eee 8 doilies, etc., and lots of imag- decorations committee for the rangement of small tree Ball' recipe was sampled, ap- ROCK Created To Radio i fer by ination are the requirements, past seven years with the branches sprayed with white proved and is recommended. OF Individual BUY NOW AND SAVE ly al "| H says Mrs. Conrad Afternoon Guild, Mrs, Conrad and silver and small hearts % cup sifted icing sugar, Requirements $s 00 ~~ * SPECIAL DECORATIONS declined to. continue in the attached to the branches, this % cup creamed butter, % cup AE , brilliant On several occasions her Office, but will not refuse could also be made with large dessicated coconut, small jar ; Shien Late talents were utilized for spe- assistance. branches, red tulle bows and glazed cherries. Lic. No. 273568 pe F aad cial events, bazaars, teas and Acolorful 'Big Heart" is larger hearts. age sugar, spr yet and but- G.M.A.C, FINANCING ; various. other functions, made of cardboard covered A practical gift wrapping ter, place some of the mixture a Friends ask her to make spe- with foil paper, contoured suggestion is to secure fancy in the palm of your hand, in- STAFFORD BROS. If and cial decorations for bridal with white doilies, in centre a paper on top of the box only, sert a cherry in centre, fold i d lane showers, weddings and other large corsage of red roses, place your selected decora- over, form a small ball and LTD. a var social events. red tulle, lily of the valley tions of bows, tulle, flowers, then roll in graham cracker MONUMENTS : pada eg Her hobby started when and silver ribbons. etc. This way when opening crumbs, chill. © was tor 'i nicl nee i Ooo 8882 CHEV, OLDS. sie -- ca . vs 5 !members will make a quilt for 300 Dundes st.t. WHITBY "Feb. 1, a P Pupils Display | Bible Club Movement the Groves missionaries of New a -- magnitude . | : Guinea whe are returning to £ | s Canada this fall ist Period Gowns ' Activities Explained ing he WHITBY (Staff) -- All stu- xp ALWAYS COME BACK ext storm dents of Anderson Collegiate} ; ' Wayne and Shuster have ap- CHAPEL - It could and Vocational Institute Home| WHITBY (Staff) -- Mrs. Ar-)panied by interesting commen ae onthe WA Sullivan chow worse -- Economics participated in aichie Campbell and her group|taries by Miss Weiner. HRArSS ON Ee He SUN van Show vies |"Fashion Show and Tea" held _ in charge of Faith Bap.| The Feb. 16 working night | more than 50 times in 19 years, AYLING lat the cafeteria. ee noe f re Pl will be held at the Church when'a record for any troupe. Bala Dr., Inotts: David Osborne, nutrition st Phures We oe ------ -- -------- | MEETING AT R. A. HUTCHISON PUBLIC SCHOOL ' |home economist teacher, was yventy - five members attend- eee en jin "chatge of the tea, six wait. ed, The president, Mrs. Ron ST. ANDREW'S ST. MARK'S ee resses were in period costumes|Morris, was assisted by Mrs.| PRESBYTERIAN UNITED CHURCH SUNDAY SUE |they made. Miss Nora Creyke,/Garfield Munson, Mrs. Carl ¢c C : i ibl School 5 i ; | ; 'orner Byron at St. John Centre & Colborne Sts. 11:00 A.M.--Family Bible Hour and Sunday Schoo clothing home economist teach- | Jolley, Mrs. Walter Groat, Mrs. Whitby Rev. J. M. Smith, B.A. 8D. F. Inf . Ott S Ph 668-4576 MLA, in oe was in charge of the tashion| Reg Willet, and Mrs. Thomas] rey, W. J. McClure, B.A. +o el bela paeaead or Information re her Services, Phone e Gria} criti. z The irls displayed t jChupa. Mr. B. G. Devereux, Organist Mr. Gordon Harle, B.A:, Organist eee statement gh! Sprayed costumes' The speaker for the evening oe : ical man- j\they made in the home econ-|was Miss Elaine Weiner of the 9:45 A.M. . BROCK ow Playing -- One Complete the cor- f/omic classes. The second part) world Wige Bible Club Move- CHURCH SCHOOL CLASSES 11 A.M.--"THIS MAN JESUS in Program Each Evening At 7:30 ~vations, featured Canadian fashion! ment, At the moment Bible in- 11:00 A.M-- --REJECTED HERETIC" oer os he speaks |through the century dating from! structions are given in 88 class , 7:30 P.M.--"THE COMING ie ¢ for the 1|1867 to 1967. At least two cos-les Miss wether also apoke of "The Risks God Takes" GREAT CHURCH" and sug- tumes from every 10 - y€A@Tithe Omemee summer camp at-|f Nursery Kindergarten --ond--Junior Provost D. R. G. Owen is leader period of the past century were|tended by children, Slides were|| Cneregation during Divine Worship SUNDAY SCHOOL tement on shown. shown on the work of the EVERYBODY WELCOME 9:30 A.M, & 11:00 A.M, ond - = cas, tae ahd Re Foie Bible Club. These were accom- ven im s vhic: yas oO ------------ ae eee views on beige silk and Battenburg lace. | " thing suits ar is Sses t publish. ee ee a eae cree Excellent WHITBY EMMANUEL es on the Many parents and friends at-|| Accommodation located BAPTIST REFORMED ifs he made tended, Students presented each) (Colborne Street West at Centre) a, nor of home economist teacher with all °- Ya Mile from Minister: Rev. John McLeod eS eg evasley -- West , ee Oshaw spray of roses. ° Organist ev. Haro! lesselink : -- Bg, EXPO site Mes, W. 8. Summers, ATOM, -- ANTHONY QUINN couse: = statement NO TIME FOR BEATS | Priced for economy i} 10:30 A.M, t See tT FROM tizens". BELO HORIZONTE (AP) --| 1 ls orgs '= slat 11 A.M.--"Filling the Gop" J} THE GUNS OF NAVARONE ens : onserva- Brazilian restaurant keeper ned aed seat H ~«'"Thee Wey To The English Service and { ' is' = state- Lisio Juscelino has no patience} FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL es dra oe Sunday Schoo! | December with long-haired youngsters. He! | Y Starts ot 7:55 the Auto hired a doorman described asi] have en ellotment of 830 Units || 9:45 A.M.--Bible School 7 P.M. SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 P.M. Forged a karate fighter and ordered || during EXPO. Groups or Individuels || Bible Study and ENGLISH SERVICE panes : : " Il immediately 576-3131, ' | Ontario. otha agg hes dada) PRO RI se! Frever Wed, ot 7:30 P.M. | EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED ement of : | ate s implicit MRS. A. B. CONRAD, 108 tions which she says require Tulle, flowers, ribbons and | S AVE $ $ ON uation in Kent Street, Whitby, is seen little time to make. The lily of the valley. | nvestigat- with some of the tastefully | materials used include card- : | ot -- prepared Valentine decora- board, foil paper, doilies, --Oshawa Times Photos. AU TO | NSU R ANCE ig in this ieee RE ha a RAR AM bn Selves ais Anal ve back ITBY PERSON ALS CANCEL BOBSLED MEET vi od , . epudiates WH ALPE D'HUEZ, France (AP) If you are an Abstainer you save up to | such an Ajax-Pickering General Hos-yney to Fairview Lodge. The sane OC Ore FOUe An Oy $22.00 on your auto insurance. re should ital Women's Auxiliary is hold-|Tegular meeting will be con- sledding championships, sched- Bg ced P ef ° " Feb 4 at the|ducted' by Mrs. Donna Martin,/uled this weekend, were can- Se6 . he atten- ing its meeting, Feb. 13, followed by a social hour with|celled Thursday because of dan- I did in hospital cafeteria. The highlight refreshments sarved to mem: Ait he Se blished in of the meeting will be making|1 0+. and residents. gerous conditions on the track. 31, 1967. the final installment of the aux- The action came after two bob- ntly had iliary's $15,000 pledge. Hospital) Knights of Columbus Councll/pers were injured in Wednes- 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA bebo rd Oo is wie No, 4895, is holding its sixth/day's two-man championships. position will make Ps i yeni ' yas closed be: Legisla- chairman of the hospital board,|@"Miversary dance this lat wae comnenk Anes DIAL your edi- G. A. Robinson. W. Henwood|at Columbus hall. The 'cha MY action Gin THs Aa Vand 1967, he will address the group on "Cen-|man is Brother Pat Lynch. |:.3m members from seven na-| 728-7567 ontario" sseanlaahoaan Brock Street South Home and i pgp = ial la Can- e) made St. gan Map a Church' School Association is holding its|2¢2 G!¢ not compete. annual pancake supper was well|, ath -- attended. Members of the Ruth cane MIEN ise - icusuing Provost D. R. G. Owen, Trin- 5 you pub- WA were busy from 4:30 p.m.|4m active part are: ie Jha ity College, Toronto, will be the we rege Jutt, North of Febru- to 7 p.m. Children were at the bose i oe nig are ' F a guest' speaker at the third joint Whitby 4 Corners that he first sittings followed by adults, |Gera x # 4 af red) meeting at St. Mark's United bf Premier This congregational get-together eaoyg By ; Me™ be Coed Church. His topic will be "Ad- ; 4 the Auto is an event looked forward to/Mrs. H. Farish, Mrs. Alberti venture in Understanding." Specials -- Mon. & Tues. Mondria, Mrs. Jac Knegje and se, he is by parishioners. Sire Sohn Ba than in- Mrs. Norman Leavitt, of chasing ghana A C | oe ee SLICED COOKED r in his Biabimbield. hos 'returned home|. THe St Mark's United Church omplete GRADE "A" joeuvre". icitin Winter Party is from 8 p.m. to . after visiting her son and daugh- ) ; MEDIUM at fra, tr a He fo 0,nm- fone at Wath Com] | Plumbing, and uw. 89° n i ; y " s ' explain- ae" ah) Bk tae games in the banquet hall. Heating Service between F There will be a broom ball con-| , FRESH BUTT t and his Mrs. John Leavitt, the presi-|test between the choir and sen-/| @ og A a by his dent of Pentecostal Churchiior class. | } in Ni ae P k h 4 Women's Missionary Council, ; |@ KITCHENS H ney Corners or ops LB id 4 Young married couples asso- | ° ruly, announced members will take| . i pe | EY -tart.(Ciated with the young married's COMPLETE | IRYNAN part in a Church service start id d the'S i | PEI. NO. 1 > ing at 11 am., Feb. 19, at/Stoup will atte ry ra 8 Mark s e BATH ROOMS i D RRR ls Whitby Pentecostal Church. The| Winter Party of Saturday. Conse 0 10-LB. ¢ work done by members will be) pickering Girl Guides have P ofatoes BAG 35 on display before sending it tO|invited the 2nd Ajax Company Phone 668-299 | missions. The next meeting willlig attend {ls Valentine party God of be Mar. 7 at 1:30 p.m. | Monday. be _veri- Blair Park Vista Teen Club) whi | Whitby Whittlers TOPS Club| spoken held a "Basement Dance' at) will meet at Whitby Royal Can-| METRO id." --2 the home of Mr. and Mrs.|Sdian Legion Hall at 7 p.m., Michael Pridie, 333 Dovedale|Tyesday to crown their US Chohanek Wen JUNIOR to keep Drive. Chapersons were: Mr.|«<Queen" for the year. A dict |i WHITBY 'ONT ho keep and Mrs. M. Pridie, L.. G.inueet dinner will be served: Ni. oo of the Pridie and Dave Brodhagen, | -__-- = 5 Refreshments were served. | si tw rongnis cu: @ FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH HOCKEY RE ere eee wean Le 419 BROCK STREET N, at Denis O'Connor, Feb. 13, at Faia 8 p.m. The convener, Mrs. H. REV. DELOSS M. SCOTT, Minister i from .C. Munro, will be assisted by 1 : members of her committee. ae Prizes galore will be distributed SUNDAY SERVICES FEB 12th ost at- edioe ed et: AR ee 9:15 A.M. "Faith Tidings' Radio Broadcast ° sieaee ; ia a nl C.K.L.B. -- 1350 On Your Dial RALPH MOORE 7:30 P.M sts to All Saints Anglican ure! : , i & fan ' H "M. - cabl- Afternoon Guild will hold its 9:45 A.M. Bible School with A Class When the party's over Seven-year-old socialites have a way of leaving February meeting at Fairview For You. C d 40 | t t h t more than a gift at a party: ever been stuck with =| pose. Top group. Will mest at a Cascade electric water heater © « tutt-frutti-topped tablecloth? | Whi h L He Oe Ten FB ene Wed Jur 11:00 A.M.-- AND 7:00 P.M. i - These are the times a Cascade 40 can really | i y asco fee ers TT GUEST SPEAKER: -- can have its finest hour win you over, It provides all the hot water you LLS FREE 24-HOUR REV GEORGE WEPPLER need to suds up @ strawberry-specked party -- VS. -- Or Oe toe . AFRICA INLAND MISSION dress, its chocolate-cheeked owner, and the pile Service Contractors TORONTO of party paraphernalia you'll be left with. Weston Dodgers . D N"S A Cascade 40 electric water heater may not SAW re) WEDNESDAY EVENING make the party...but it could save the day. | . . | . 7:30 P.M. TO 9:15 P.M. For more information, ask your Hydro. Wh b C s A FUELS uur /é pace SHO, TEAMING Counse | ithy Community Arena FURNACE OIL -- Instructor: ae" SHAKATKO | STOVE OIL AND COAL OSHAWA | AD itain 244 Brock St. S., Whitby "THE PUBLIC SINCERELY WELCOME TO your hydro | MISSION ADULTS $1.00 668-3524 ALL OF OUR SERVICES a STUDENTS WITH CARDS 506¢ $27 mene ae ct esas a aca aataaaaS

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