THE. OSHAWA TIMES, Ke Gant AED LP a a spr enennenntnenmnenirennnn = een sci Comes YOU'LL HAVE TO CARRY INA DOG FIGHT?! : oh Tatas Sadan i da 19 Seatictenoms | HIM "TO THE VETS FOR \| NOTHING DOING! ] ee ay THE RALING NEAR BUZ AND MARY'S TABLE piensa deanna st saiad ne [ris'sHovs uNcA pay ' ee may AND TAKES OUT HIS HANDKERCHIEF WITH A Fa Rad , ect FLOURISH AND MOPS HIS BROW, 4 THERE'S A BIS OL! aS ' 'a MUTT LAYING FOR -- ae HIM AT THE . ! Pay ie 4 By B. JAY BECKER = | z , n (Top Record-Holder in Masters' =a) i, m N Individual Championship Play) \ S E ' Q South dealer. T ; Neither side vulnerable, Lede a NORTH Quotat Sein He rights, x from pr I MR, DITHERS, (VE WATCHED HIM I I THINK \ AND SOMEDAY HE MAY' les Mey iB gene 3x CHESTER, HERE, GE AS IMPORTANT] WON" Penge wast S TO THE COMPANY } Seen AL eidag TWO FELLOWS WHO TWAT SOOT Ne $ tres @ 101 864 Accra Fe FIRED ON US? ABOUT? oA1083 2 oer =] a --, &Q984 #107652 'Akaltcho . Ang UO eS @K8432 hina S = Banktield @KQ076 jarna' o 2 SATB Bethe = 'The bidding: Br Reef South West North Kast: bone ; . Dble nga Pass Somtio Pass ass Pass amp Cc Tung Opening lead--kin« of hepwte San hee Few. people reali Cand: WHAT AN INSPIRING TS NEW SONGS how little Sylvia sgl Captain EVENING!' 14. SONGS OF ) | OF PROTEST started to play with the experts Cassian SCORN AND A HYMN AGAINST CLEAN )BALLADOF | WE GOTASONG at the club, Of course, i didn't Chestevi LANGUAGE, AND / LOVE FOR 74 on take the boys long to discover chrom ee CLEAN THE Se that there were vast areae of Coniagas et]. UNDERWEAR" ignorance'in Sylvia's game, nor tan key = iB aid it take them overiy iong wo C Marber = | take advantage of her short- © wan o a ae C Moshe hey say all is fair in love Soli -: ft - and war, but I always nurtured Careorp Bi some doubts about the propri- Cop Field a ety of some of the players at rach e the club in bidding psychics Cowich rc] against Sylvia. Craigmt "a She had such an enormous crer talent for doing the wrong D'Eldona thing at the right time that it vera seemed to me the boys should asa yes | THAT MEANS WE MUST have let nature take its course Dunraine MAKE THE BEAVER TRAPPERS rather than make things even pecs LEAVE THE INDIANS" HUNT AB pata tough cnt me 2B 1e MAR Toes onsie: cA FANS SOMEWHER! ougher for her. Gnt Mase! & OFF THE FOLKS FROM THE : 3 N HERE RIGHT | However, there were times Giant Yk bs berg A IN THIS" TO BE FILED' when their tactics boomeranged gel shuld FOLDER- against the perpetrators of Grasore these foul deeds. One of her bate d first great triumphs occurred Granisie =] in this hand when Sylvia (East) Gulch i AS] was playing against two of the pela z more larcenous members of nacinee bo 4 the club, ldway o South opened with a perfect- Hh Al omg EN ly normal spade bid and West, Huds Bay re of course, doubled. North, who Int Bibis oad could smell a psychic a mile dave Exp wi away, naturally assumed that Jelex oo soe was throwing a curve, stay and he d to await develop- K ane " . baht Pp 210P- am Kotis ants. Kerr Add Neeson mer oret. Geneve \|| TELEVISION LOG FUR, FIN AND CAMPFIRE mayvin, who, ln know the ne ¥ ifference between a takeout L Osu ee 'Caeone ieee Fide a edited : 7--Supermarket Sweep HINTS for the HUNTER \ ro act ta ce Ge tench Ehannet 'sToreme, -- | "3-Girl trom UNCLE. | ie-Betecnuy eer' | PAINT SOME EMPTY OIL CANS || WHEN A SQUIRREL KEEPS rod vert ong alia oot Ehannel Buffalo" 10:99 PM. ec autea Sere, | WHITE, THEY WILL MAKE VERY | HIMGELF HIDDEN BEHINDA --|'"south 'now 'decided Macesse Channel FButtale" | gre cat shad aco GOOD GOOSE DECOYS. LIMB AND YOU CAN'T SEE ee Madsen" oy coe Chansons 3-6--St. Lawrence North HIM. HANG YOUR JACKET spades were banked against Man Bar Set Stee | wnt | 5 uaa $ As eatreaeny aaa. \ces'spaae dotlol ren Se vee het Weather, Sports 8-2---Hollywood. ian Si TO OTHER SIRE OE THE TREE diat io -- ~ we iota "i THURSDAY EVE, ewer | Ebick acon se ; ; WHERE IT IS HIDING. vires and North, after mut 5:00 P.M. : ratulati imse a9-- roel eek rnp eM | spcattiee Woon first congratulating himself on hla N--Eamily Theatre S--News, Weather, Sports| %_Toronte Today his sagacity in having previous- N- Hosco S_fupermen 4-Skling io | Seamer ly diagnosed the spade bid as a N inparal Fy hele eee é-Lunchaon: bole psychic, -- apparently confirm. Nv My S--Mister Ed, Movie | 4News and Weathers ed by the runout to two dia Noor 10 FM. r r ; : tec worarucs johnny Carson | s-Popeye aie ane. monds -- also passed. Sylvia Norien vee aly b-Edoar Wallace. | ya-anoviZi3? PMs closed the bidding with a pass. i Norpax 2--Of Land and Seas Move: | 1ait's A. Match iaoou never did hear such go- North Can remove $-Run for Your Lite | 3-News, Weather, ings-on as took place when Seer Prey sah er med thas . | oye Guess cere ile ath ti es nt oe Orehen -12--News, weather, 6--Time Tunnel | 6-4--Search For Tomorrow! I Ni ; . at he was spread for Pemevr 3--My Three Sons OV72.00_ A.M. | 2-Merv. Griffin" | WHILE OUT HUNTING AND FAR | POUNDED INTOATREE WILL |X SPades--and he was play- Patino © 6:30 P.M. V--Mystery Theatre | 12:45 PLM. FROM CAMP, TRY THIS:TAKE | MAKE GOOD HOOKS FoR You |/& two diamonds. | Porgy 12--Lost in Space 1.00 A.M, +4--Quiding Light OFF ALL OF YOUR CLOTHES, [| TO HANG YOUR GEAR Sylvia never -- quite } 1 1i--Pierre Berton 11--Night Life | 1:00 P.M. WRING THEM OUT AND DRESS , ae) t quite _under- Exp jews | 11--Theatre AGAIN \ hyp ail i; stood why South squawked so eerless 365 --News, Weather, FRIDAY | goMovie | Onl loudly, since he wound up mak- Pine Point é i i : 2-4--Huntley-Brinkley 'tii Katie whee ERR DTH PP ing the contract with two over- leer ws 0 AM. | 7--Ben Casey " if tricks. Pyramid 7:00 P.M. \1--Albert J. Steed | é--Luncheon Date i @ taatiorn T-My Three Sons Romper Room pane The Millers aa ucay. an 2 oF @--Small World a<bisling tr pellets i 1:0 P.M. eet eile -- Reyrock 6--TBA Girl Talk 44-As The World Turns VANCOUVER (CP)-- British Rio Algom 4--Littlest Hobo 00 A. 2-8--Let's Make @ Deal Columbi i o ane 4-Littlest Hob nutes ANigesed olumbia Lions had losses in Satellite it GAY AY Oe Rena I--News, Weather 9--Uncle Bobby 7--Newlywed Game the financial field as. well as Bhan A STOVE, EARL. THAT HE. clases! Waster, 8--Pastor's Study §-4--Password losses on the football field. The Mtb A RESTAURANT I'LL 4-You and Your €-2--Days of Our Lives f foe Bf leon Ce RESTAURANT Tit Secrts Mae ys of Our club's anrual report showed a Siscoe Pa Gearaupain HELP! BARNEY CA PN FRc $-£d allen eer Rab loss of $9,732 for the 1966 sea- Sienp NEEDED MANAGING OUT 4 Ni--Candid Camera 190m, street une, ba seitichs toe 1808 Grey Cap Texore wn 9--Movie 12--Ed Alien Time 6--Coronation Street champions slid to last place i Janey i) 8-2--Daniel Boone N--Ontario Schools 4-House Part th pena T E eatin me | beat | eee e, Western Football Confer: ae Oo Pra von SF Mata | Schools bet date ein eager ge attendance dropped U_ Asbestos = ee PM. <nLove of Lie earig| MMarriane content | VOUR HEALTH BE |to 237,688 from 259,919 in 1965, U Butfadn rect M---Hockey 2--Topper 4--To Tell The Truth and average attendance for ie ee 6 Soh EL ALSO BE 3-6-12--Man_from 11--Ed Allen time, | 2 Another World each league game fell to 29,711 Utd "Pore ear Ce Ay, AND \ A sHoRT yas a $-Fractured Phrases :30 P.M. from 32,489. Vesper = creer ee. | cur se, 8.2--Star Trek nen Gee tun | Sever hove Croup Is 5 asms Wea ie -- TOANED Hi! 0} K DISASTER! 7--Bewitched 4--Candid Camera 7--Superman SAL * Windfall 8 fit COULD 4--My Three Sons 3-12--Canadian Schools | 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night LY 5 SALLIES i ve onceee 2 > _ : Bilal ea 91's Hapeing -marning Tine pups ing Cl : ee e = 7--Love On 8 Rooftop +Frectired Phrewes bie Cones. oses Larynx . 4--Movie 8-2--Concentration 9--! Love Lucy 0 -% 3-6-12--Telescope oe ne 8&--Match Game dint i .M. rT t ine Bi vcil esghia SeltsEriengly lant aeinccartiniate 7 1nEre snes =D Am HMM-- LOOKS Like A 7--That Girl 3,6,12--Chez Helene ona bas Dear Dr. Molner: My boy, ici i cf Pete ORT, WLLNOL CRACKED CYLINDER, 2612--Hogan's Heroee | ste At isae e age 11, had to be taka ts nelameet iliee Stik. an eek 6's 83 E ALOOK AT HEAP! JaDean Martin | NM Dougins Echuceaeeey Hound Lage id sues last year. |size of the child. Care also wast € Graal ¢ -- ir. and Mrs, i i i i B @-2--Dean Martin @--Pat Boone Sai atery Makes Heandagd The oe bic ypghiod He -- Legh ay | vey, id Can are sel elec Was|the vomitus be drawn into the ca be = b loned croup. lungs. Dynemt : acnose 8. Western 22. Pin = This year he had another but) This is about all you can do Fargo. > 4, Ostrich- " Indian ae ft] |milder attack. Is there a homejat home. Notify your doctor at Gr Plains bay like birds 4, French roast le} |remedy I can keep on hand?/once. He may prescribe anti- mt Hellorn mM 5.English spa __ pronoun ing a a] {This can be a terrible experi-|biotics. If the attack is serious mill city = © ikGsioal 5. Catchers saeut ie] jence. What causes this? What/as in your son's first attack, N Cont = instrument in baseball 25. City iS] ree i re when he feels hisjhospitalization is desirable It 'a mt oe. 2h Numac 2 ; g i ton i ; i : " -- poe ee Se eemgmee og ee ae charges 7. Narrates citers |O/RIE|AlM--MO] VieR| | Croup is spasms or swelling pick ges Ganeon wane al Bape --e Ranger 13, Kind of 8.Shoutof 27. Affirm PEDO EERE, |which closes or partly closes of the windpipa to. eine ed, woe : lily exultation 29, Ex- SMM off the larynx and other breath- i ena ae rR a ee eee YEAH /.BUT THE WAY] 114. --- 9. -- a bare ye rgd ing passages, so the patient -- ihe) may be neces: eg or damaged nerve, im- U cone. . 5 8 co! ion }. One o: r 2 ' ai cir i "asi W Decaita AY LEGS gen <1 oe win. eras coughs, wheezes, gasps for fod children who are over- ian ids ee ond , n . are rai . ' | 17. Andy's pal 17 Faiog 31 hy ge 1 agg Tt most commonly occurs in The. cusicn ls tok eaeage ood sn eee fee CMe. one j 40: Boaie up ae Khoa or hills 39. A choking young children (because the|/but the fact has been often| n 2 i 20. Confers Porthos $2, Noisy in- bit windpipe is so small, and hence |noted. ate f C. Bt Sometiines tut i 23. Thin, tence ae | is more easily closed) but it can toos can be adequately dis- i brittle pein Pee poet, occur at any age--and is seri-| Dear Dr. Molner: I have had eines by _intiomes Ofer hen 4 cookies ous as well as '"'terrible." enlarged knucles for years 'tor OS See eer SORE, { 24. Musical i Te 1 . Ti 16 _ Infection (usually a virus, butlarthritis. Do you know a aes Se tt. o i drama LL, it can be other germs), allergy)thing to correct this?--E. § 2 mm j 28, a 9 Y 10 wv heb causes the throat struc-} I assume you mean the knobs JOIN FC i ures to swell, or some foreign|that for: i iriti e parlance Ne GY ¥ object obstructing the Pairing These goths Ages cst agion , cox Sale tory passages--any of these Peas a FOUR SEASON 5 TRAVEL 4 i-- 29 uae notices ry '6 eatike Crone can breage cafe icone of pag : . Comp Z Steam inhalation i F adelce ie (enc, He secnigies zi oo € op le > n inhalation is about the] Best advice is to t iri i ee & ANOTHER FIVE POUNDS, bg epee pets Rrvatuigop aha) ia caer kes is THE MINUTE IT GETS 34. Gutoaien His Gli best thing you can do at home. jor its derivatives fe ouin Heal pe ele Ue ++ ia E DOUBLE-DIP! p---- : I note 20 zt 22 Wy, It is always possible to rig some (soaking in warm to hot water, TOUR to 263 -- Ba | j 35. City in sort of "tent" from a sheet orjor other methods) lessens pain as j Minnesota, 3 Ue 25 Ie 127 | |other cloth, and let steam con-|and stiffness. © EXPO 4 7 Aes = # 37. Employ / centrate under it. You can get] Try to keep the joints as lim- 6 312-- | 4 pi; 38.Harden ° YY simple devices to produce|ber as possible by exercisi oe \ se 39. Pierces, as LZ VA steam for this purpose. A few|the hands. I do not mean sti ne Every Friday (7:00-p.m.), 1Bus a sa YE = E with horns . [3° [3 [32 ss Ww drops of benzoin may be added|uous exercise--just motion of f ¢c"'79 £°%,3 0s, Every Man- f 4 cz 4) i 41. Concise 4 V1, to the water, to make a more|joints. Frequent mo' t but if 22Y fer 5 days (including Upgier é i 42. Aside bad bg "Hy" soothing vapo aie vement, but if Canada Village and Ottavsa). : g vapor. not strain, averts stiffness i i wm ee NS 43. Mast L The moisture and warmth ; NL Deepminncna tony, Aiea coety. Enquire 4 eee ee | waa fd 8 Gia baad make breathing easier and re-} Dear Dr. Molner: Does occa ee eee : 2 ! materials fg aa lax the spasm. sional tingling in th é =) ZA. ' DOWN ' V4 ni, le : A = i ] - fi U One other remedy which is|/ways indicate an emotion dis- FOUR SEASON'S TRAVEL Pi fo = cris a5 Y aa 7, sometimes used is syrup of|turbance?--Mrs. P. C. asake Y) ai nd i ae uc ' vomiting.| Certainly not. No doubt it 57 King St. E. =) ch also relaxes the spasm.|ould at times, but mostly it is FRI You should discuss the dosagefrom some physical cause: A ehene SOT) me te | ae