WA TIMES, Wed , Feb 8, 1967 ; . s (2 ee bi Town Faces| Service Club Great Aid Wena OPEN DAILY @! 115 BROCK N. ; 8 T C S 8 AM. to 6 P.M. Costl Bill 0 ommunity ervices PRI. TILL 9 P.M. WHITBY y BOWMANVILLE -- In recent tions, $923; scouts, $1,065; foster For Arena manville has raised $24,777 for|3498:, local student activities, , FRESH CUT In crippled children's work. Of this)' 1, '1964 the club cabelbin: SLICED COOKED SIRLOIN OR WING C BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --jamount half was forwarded to|eq ag * community service MONT: Town council faces a bill for|the Ontario Society for Crippled project, the 17-acre old mill HAM STEAKS 'b Fire cn $25,000 to change refrigeration|chidren; while $8,485 was|property on Simpson Avenue at lea equipment used to make arti- ' + .|South at a cost of $17,000 for a were kill ficial ice at Bowmanville Arena. peg So Se) 378 ip ert pra park site. More than $1,300 has ¢ fire whi Members agreed at Monday's|@ren and $1,338 was donated to) itr" spent for labor and Ls. FIRST GRADE CREAMERY fashional meeting to ask the Kinsmen|the Oshawa Crippled Children's) Oe SPeO ot than 500 : Restaura Club if it will foot the bill. The -- tub. Welsh hours have been devoted to the TTER Lb 63° apartmer club paid for the original plant 5 es WB Re Pen staat by cla' mninher, b Mallory installed 15 years ago sored by the Oshawa Club, -L : tion tean 4 be.|C2me into existence in 1924 with P.E.1. NO. 1 to verity The work must be done be-)17 charter members and Mayor RED ROSE identity' cause the Department of Labour S. Holgate as the charter 1-LB. entity has started enforcing a statute|precident. Its first community otatoes COFFEE BAG 77° charred which says that where & COM-|service projects were a con- 0 : two Moni pressor over 50 h.p. is in use,|trinution of $500 to the Boys' 10-LB where te: an operator must be on duty 24/Training School and the erec- e : ¢ establish BAG SUN-BRITE Among hours a day. tion of a bath house at Bow- | n € oaks of The arena now has two com-/manville Beach. MARGAR LBs. former st pressors of 75 h.p. and 50 h.p.| In response to a request in ] : mission | Another motor will be needed to|1957 for aid from the Library | | | and Mrs bring -- to 50 and 30/Board, the club contributed ac ac e! SMOKED PICNIC FRESH the sport h.p. respectively. $2,000 toward the purchase of AMBUR 3 lb F Council also agreed Monday|the old post office building. The oe petty Fed ig Ned by backoehes H. G STEAK S. =o to allow "prestige development"|club also spent $5,300 for equip-| that irritation "of the bladder amd FRESH COUNTRY ess in th B\by a Toronto firm on a 39-lot/ment and donated $700 for) urinary tract can result in. backache SAUS AGE : Police : area on High Street, Bowman-|future equipment. > feeling, she * ville, just eet of the Lord| In the past five years the club Beckie ee ene seed fd ¢ © [Elgin School. has raised more than $19,600 by| the condition eauning the backache and us. FRESH MADE difficult, | The developers wish to build|various projects and given assis-| rested better, If vou ure bothecch by WIENERS a as jhomes in the higher price |tance to the following activities: | backache, Dodd's Kidney Pills may help FIREME /bracket on the site, and hope to/hospital, $2,500; internationai| few large cise 'caves meres" Dode's At the \start work this spring. The cost|students' centre, $1,500; dona- several { of the development has not yet between f been estimated. sgl : | §PIES FOR DANGER | ime fh : BELFAST (CP)--An_ Ulster- | flames 11 4 . : Fo em man has invented an all-round width of | aay mirror for truck drivers to ranient AJAX CHILDREN MAKE 2,600 SAFETY POSTERS [nec tat no cniaven or' ant ee ' mals are underneath their ve- igen Over 2,600 safety posters Ajax anaes ys ee --Oshawa Times Photo |hicles. and kicked ou produced by Ajax school Shown here are store an- hints ate children will be on display ager rv BA bag le sae : $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ the vest in Ajax stores for the next with Traffic Safety icer 3 10 days. All elementary id ge pt ere $ BE WISE ° De ECONOMIZE! ; ) 2 L school students produced n the Stedman store, Ajax, | taurant. 1 posters depicting traf- alone almost 700 imagina- $ SAVE OLLARS! $| DEPARTMENT firemen < fic safety as part of the tive posters are on display. $ Premium Quality $| A Division of the S. S. Kresge C timded by racing = ee Elevators ree : FUEL OIL 16. : SPECIALS ig 1c ering ropose $ diel AUR : White : were at | S lli $ Phone 668-3341 $ restaurant As Metro Satellite ; DX FUEL OIL } - PICKERING (Staff) --A sug-jfor sewers, water lines and) ¢ $ To gestion that Pickering Township|schools. SERVING OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- AJAX & DISTRICT J be developed as a satellite city! Councillor Chatten said satel-|$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ to ease Metropolitan Toronto's||ite cities have proven success- Money To Invest! half sizes. 4.97 HAIR SPECIALS You Can Have World-Beloved Beauty Preparations and Look Lovely Tool Wer housing shortage has been/fyl in England and could be shelved by the township council|tried here as the answer to until Reeve C. W. Laycox can|over-crowding in citles like To- SA VE $ $ ON CORPU prepare a dng Sp opening the| ronto. (AP)--A township for development. The city limits he proposed dance Councillor Ron Chatten, who |fop Pickering would extend| . ~ wedding put forward the suggestion, said|trom Scarborough to Whitby AUTO INSURANCE peace wh financial aid in providing serv-land from the lake to a line| said he d Ices should be sought from|nicked by professional planners ; wasn't e\ Metro, Queen's Park and the/as the northern limit feasible] If you are an Abstainer you save up to With a Ontario Water Resources Com-|for services, blaring mission. Pickering has the land $22.00 on your auto insurance. needed for housing, he said, but| A™ average Pickering home ot {t has not the money needed|With an attachéd garage pays] See... the wife ¢ : : more than $500 a year in taxes, Dale Shai compared with $350 paid for a floor sho' PC Lead similar Metro home. he aid, DESERT FLOWER FAST PAIN RELIEF PR METRECAL French | ea er because Pickering lacks indus- Club on | trial and commercial assess- 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA H AND & BODY TABLETS LIQUID an. wor ment. " ona. Guest Speake Further tax increases would AN ACIN HAIR DRESSING Diotary Pen tor Weight own whi PICKERING (Staff) -- The result in an intolerable burden, DIAL LOTION coe, way d no | Rt. Hon. John G. Dieteabaker (councillor Chatten sald. The back was - Hon. John G. Diefenbaker,|oniy thing holding the town- 728-7567 Her mai leader of the Progressive Con- ship's development back is a Masch, a servative Party, will be the lack of money. TINS e gogo dan speaker at the Parliamentary : --- gowns in Dinner being held this Friday Pasties. night at the Carousel Motel in The br Ajax. was More than 400 guests are ex- a ees pected to attend the dinner, fd Asked la which is sponsored by the Pro- about the gressive Conservative Associa- bride nor tion of Ontario County. The wore pa event will pay tribute to the claimed: Hon. rita Starr, MP for On-| © "Gee, I tario Riding. they didn' Arthur Maloney, QC, of To- A Division of the S. 5, Kresge Company taited a, Pog ronto, will chair the gathering. must be ge ought to ¢ ri J Approxir Co packed the roner s jury THURS.- FRI-SAT. pod cerem d given aw: Raps Officials ONLY o Frer ps ; © Danny Ve DORION, Que. (CP) --The ; man. CNR and the Board of Trans- = ---- port Commissioners took a rap ESDAN DRISTAN TABLETS Tosetay ton 8 carener's jury ENO FRUIT SALT OR Fas as it brought in a majority ver- dict that 20 deaths in an Oct. 7 SANITARY PROTECTION Hous ue.tegin collision were acci- 7 on 12's 6 ox DRISTAN MIST ental. The same five-man jury un- For Headache and Dandruff Remover, Headache. oe 2 animously gave a similar ver- LADIES' Upset Stomach -- Hair Dressing and ~ g d OSHAW: dict of accidental death Jan. 12. Sparkling Antacid. FOR "Conditioner. @ a REAL | . . Main difference Tuesday was DESERT BOOTS 24's end the stinging indictment of the 728 5651 railway and the federal board Putty colored Desert Boots for swirig- OPERATED BY G. TAMBLYN LTD. -- 4 in connection with the smash at ing walks on campus or for casual . ; eos : a CNR level crossing in this wear. These boots have been crafted 5 ; Seemolty 25 miles west of | of soft brushed suede -- oh a ontreal. natural plantation crepe soles. AS | Re | 'DU BARRY 25% OFF SALE nt Gueranteed--as te Principal and Interest. Flexibile--moy be used es Col- lateral for loans. Redeemaoble--by Executors in the event of death, Authorized--os Trustee Act In- vestments, BRECK Reg, Face Powder 4 oz. $2.00 Cloudeitk Pearled Face Posder 2h cx. 3.00 ga | SHAMPOO == se | Royal Lipstick Refi cm ' : 150 | Leaves the hair clean Pray Sh 6% 70 and manageable ss ( ' 12 oz. Shampoo with Penetrating Cleanser 10 ez. 225 per annum LADIES 4 oz. Creme Rinse. Came Sinus 1% oc 2.00 for five years Skin Freshener 10 7. 2.00 by investing in Guaranteed PENNY LOAFERS -- jeter. es 200 Lee st man t Certificates Toe coat rane Sentocen est, | ; ied Leen 10 oe a which are fashioned in smooth leather wi Moisture 75 a reliable long-wearing sole: | Foundation Lotion 10 oz. 225 Choose from Black or Antiqued Brown. Sizes 4 to 10, full and half sizes, 4.22 BRECK HAIR SET MIST 'CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUSI he oral Cc MR. | & SAVINGS CORPORATION pe tian & pleosed to ar ment of Mr, F entative of th lifelong resider known in this 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshowe 723-5221 23 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2527 LOCATED ON HWY. NO. 2 BETWEEN OSHAWA AND WHITBY OPEN FRIDAY pee | ed wiGhts ~: the Real Esta 6 SATURDAYS post 5 yeors. _ eT | fn Swe