THE OSHAWA TIMES, 29 Wednesday, February 8, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters Individual Championship Play) West dealer. East-West vulnerable. SEE THOSE FLARGS IN THENORTHP - SOMETIMES YOU FEEL THE ENEMY 1S ALMOST INSIDE THECITY. JUST RECENTLY THEY SNEAKED A MORTAR OR SOMETHING IN AND ACTUALLY SHELLED A PARADE, LISTEN! IS THAT Y YES, BUZ, IT'S HARD TO FORGET t CAN'T TELL WHO'S A SPY. SORTA GETS ON NOUR NERVES, WHAT'S THIS INVENTION FOR? ne WHAT j(HANDS WARM! GOING TO TRY OUT MY ee WE WERE GOING TO FORGET THE WAR, MARY, I MEAN)( KEEPS 0) NEW INVENTION. WANT TO GOME ALONG? BUZ SAWYER DONALD DUCK Distributed by King Features Syndicate." NORTH 4Q363 95984 O25 hbK62 *@ King Features Syudicata, Ine, 1967. World rights reserved, WW cee Have we] i BEEN MARRIED SAVE YOUR GREATH-T KNOW! Ml we've BEEN MARRIED] | WHAT YOU'RE GOING ' | SO LONG, I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE a 13 IT BAD, ) THAT BULLET MAVE A BEN? DEEP TOME | BLONOIE, rHeRe's) SOMETHING LEED I WANT TO oe > e7 10974383 &Q984 SOUTH 4AXK10982 963 4 y WHILE... BUT IT WILL @ HEAL FAST. + KS @ King Features Syedicate, lar, 1967, World sights OAs A108 'The bidding: JANE ARDEN BLONDIE Opening lead--king of hearts. It's not easy to make four spades in this deal, even if you look at all four hands. How- ever, it can be done, and you're welcome to try it if you like that sort of thing. 8 - AND FOR ASKING IF THEY LOSE. US-ITS MOST US,WHERE TALENTED AND SENSITIVE \WILL FUTURE WHUT HAS YO" AND NOW WE'LL ALL SING OUR NEW } ALL GOT TO SONGS OF PROTEST J'. PROIEST AGIN? ee COUNTRY, OF COURSE !! FOR, tho ", |SAME ROUTINE, MR. MAGN i US. FBT MAN -- PHIL,TO HANDLE THINGS |__| BRINGING HER HOME...NOTHING UN- fej= a SP) KEEPING US LITTLE " YOUTH-TO GO FLOUNCING /GENERATIONS ao SO WE SAVE THE GIRL U, { 1 , i BR ogy PFOPLE-UPP! ) AROUND IN FILTHY COME FROM? J | Dd AND BAG THE GANG. a ele iad wr aol ae oe 8 PX Sof)starvinct JUNGLES! a Ee J Cen ee oe a ns ter ban AR) > \ \ [5 YOURE STILL cS =f |then shifted to a trump. South = & \/ 5 TOKEEP CHECKING drew two rounds of trumps, iq oO 'S UNTIL WERE READY ruffed a heart, led a club to the = king, and ruffed dummy's last heart. rd 4 He next cashed the ace of clubs and exited with the ten. per § THE CLIMATES South was hoping that West hr} BEAUTIFUL THERE would win the club because, in n THIS TIME OF that case, he would be forced TO OPERATE AFTER COOLING IT AWHILE... YEAR! to return a diamond or yield a <q ruff and discard -- either of: ne which would give' South the DONT TRY ARGUING LUSTEN/ (73 MB-- BEAVER BEAVER BILL SPEAK WITH » contract. FORKED TONGUE WOW, ED! THATS WHERE DOES ALL But East won the club with iE! Wi COME VY MORE WITH THEM NOW/ BILL) WERE YOUR FRIENDS! GET DOWN, CAME TO FORCE OFF THOSE GREAT' THATS the queen, returned a diamond, and declarer went down one. South started on the right track in trying to endplay West, but his execution fell short of the mark, After two rounds of hearts and two rounds of trumps, he should have ruffed the nine of hearts and then played-out all his trumps, leav- ing the heart jack in dummy as a threat against West. This sequence of plays, with West's discards having been more or less forced, would have OUR MONEY GO? HUBERT ir bias THE LONE RANGER \ brought about the following j position: FUR, FIN AND CAMPFIRE North | TELEVISION LOG dai erste: He tT Of all things. $5 ° Channel 12--Peterdorough 10:00 P.M. 11:98 A. th ng? + @K6 Channe) 1--Hamiiten =| 11--Merv Griffin | 9--Magistrates Court ae b\ West Hast | ete [ieee | | ene. Adige va, gue Channel 7--Buttale 70:90 PM. | 2-8--Hollywood Squares tA ina dg @xKI @Q98 i booed thom. 9--Sports Hot Seat 12:00 NOON BORN IT WILL hit aun saan 11:00 FM. | 12--Cartoon Party AN tint Ma Cuanae 3-Buitele 12-11-9-8-7-6-4-3-2 -- News, | %--Toronto Today Ww FROM @Aas Weather, Sports 7--Money Movie 150 TO 180 omexevaaee: | ss 6--Luncheon Date LBs, A108 WEDNESDAY EVENING | 6---Viewpsint con eu a a | . 3--Popeye and Pals At this point, the ace an i 1k-Waoly Weosoarker I-Plerre Berfan io ery Pa | another club, followed by the | "Fane atin wi sen | HE | sealed West's fate. South could en leat) remy sd Carson vii ff | simply discard his third club on 'Woody Woodpecker | 7-Movie |g ROTO a nery | the heart jack and take the i 19-HH's Abcur time: . .:. 11.35 P.M, Sports | last two tricks with the A-Q of 1--Woody Woodpecker +-Movie | 2--Merv Griffin diamonds. t--McHales Navy 1:40 PLM, 1:00 P.M. OFFICE Se te? rime Wa--Maverick | eothestre BUILD FOR RETURNS \ 2--Of Land and Seas 1.45 P.M | Sealing Bor, Rollers, More than 500 foreign-owned 6:00 P.M. 6--Flemington Park | gcde ee : 7--Twiligm nesire AM. | cog eee ey. businesses operate in Sweden, ae ( TE We enorta l--Mystery Theatre 4--Meet the Millers most of them Danish. fi S Pan catia M--Night tHe a Merv' Griffin ne rovincial Affairs --Nig ife gi 7 7 4 : 1:30 P.M. Pll i THURSDAY 2-8--Let's Make 2 Deal THE GIRAFFE THI SALLY'S SALLIES 1--Pierre Berton 8:00 A.M. 44--As the World Turns 1S THE TALL~ JAS NO VOCAL. MTA ad el 4--Captain Kangaroo oy 2:00 Pe EST ANIMAL Sree. te ONLY New! me | cae eagad 'chibet od. aaa S4-Password " WORLD, THAT CANNOT 7:00 P.M. 9--Romper Room jays of Our Lives MAKE ASOUND, M--Monroes . fk oon oe 155 AM. 10 P.M. £-Baimen 1--Diating tor Dollars --| 12--Calendar een ee Girl Talk 9--People in Confilet 'email ' 8-2--The Doctors \ DON'T, EARL-- ") | Z'LL GIVE YOU A PALETTE-- ALL I CAN UNDERSTAND IS Y pon'r, fon li=Litte People" 7--Dream Girl Fs ! PLEASE. TAKE RIGHT IN YOUR PUDGY FACE THAT YOU STUCK ME WITH | Hee BROKed 3News,. Weather, 9--Uncle Booby 'Coronation Street | Pry of AN YOU DOUBLE-cROSSER! A DEBT-RIDDEN FOURTH- / UP ENOUGH ven ate | ween ITHOUT RATE. CHOW HOUSE!! 7.20 P.M, ' 3:00 P.M. A PALETTE! oe 7--News Weather 9:30 A.M, 11--Marriage WZ A : . : 1 Confidential ) "a - ls Ser | came ti | ett, | AMM RM theta (htisbidee iJ} 12--Winners' Circle Schools 7--Generai Hospital a Be 9--Andy Williams 10:00 A.M. acannon Well I S te Mianer" | sete tem | See "| YOUR HEALTH 4 6--Peggy Neville 8-2--Reach for the Stars 3.25 P.M, 4--Lost in Space 4--Candid Camera 4--News i Ee + ok 3-4-12--Canadian, Schools eeu 6--Provinclal Affairs Barereesi eget 1--Farmer's Daught T I fl Ue foe HY POTS ab PONS -- cre pm, | SPCRATERtane | TPA Your owe" Tue iniluenza i CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND THA, EARL? ee sO Mies | LeeReESS Stee Fi f 3-6-12--Green Acres 3-6-12--Friendly Giant 2-8--You Don't Say sge . slow in maturing in other ways. 8:30 P.M. baereest ale t 4:00 P.M, peci 1c visease Is there danger in just letting 9--Hockey S614--Ches Holace --Super Comics nature take its course? -- Mrs, VEC WE sl icles 2--Matches and Mates ee cee 0. R. ! 3-6-12--Music Canada 11:00 A.M. Teaco sian By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD A Probably no "danger," but at 9:00 P.M, N--Mike Douglas 3-6-12--Communicate h 7--Movie sagMhr and Mee | a-Mike Douglas How do you know when youjand drugs (aspirin or the like|17 she should be seen by a phy- Aecrern heres Ardy orittith 1s Pe. have flu? usually is adequate) to relieve |s!clan to determine any glandu- 8--Pat Boone 11--Munsters It's one of the commonplace|the misery are essential, Al-|!@t abnormality. Appropriate 7 ioene ye eat ees os diagnoses that people makel|though flu usually lasts only|tteatment may correct the situ- Bs 3-6-12--Festival 36-St. Lawrence North | 3-6-12--Zorre for themselves; sometimes cor-|three to five days, it must be|tion. rectly, more often incorrectly. |treated with respect because it f = Folks have a cold and call it|can readily lead to pneumonia. often citi ED lg aot "a touch of flu."" Or they have|As we well know, flu epidemics Ni . ACROSS 44.Guns: sl, 22. Swing SIF ittrte] | digestive disturbance and calljean cause deaths, and these|'e, distributed and printed, so > 1.Game of = | DOWN music FNEERMAISITIER] (it 'intestinal flu." lusually are from pneumonia. |™Y Teply will be late for you. ; hd chance patents ot Bove rig fAlTIHIOME | True influenza is a specific} Any ordinary cold is less dan-|But for others: No, it is not f wD 5. Beng ry ee . ai Be Co disease, not a catch-all phrase|gerous, although I strongly rec-|"ecessary to "wait three months = 9 bala s bcen ine to Used whatever ails you. It}ommend that people with colds ottat Worr tas heb : é 1 5. Sale can be important, or at any rate|stay home and rest, both to fein a ee 4 ae notices Pater s{-- puma useful, for you to know when it/conserve strength to throw off| 'ests just as soon as you even " profession pitcher 26.Soak |[ARITIEICMRT Iolo] [is flu and when it isn't. jany possible complications and piso tS cid after one 13.Lace again 7. Toward flax eee peal a A variety of strains of influ-|t0 avoid spreading their germs. | "™'* P ; UIT 14, Ripen, stern 28, Statute lenza virus exist, and they take| With either colds or flu, prom- UTTUE Lene 6 fo OF ey INTO Pel THEY. sip phn Mbbate Pirie. Regia trl IP | as cheese 8.Destroying 30.Citrus Yesterday's Answer = {turns attacking us. Modern|iScuous use of penicillin or other CONTINENTAL Sit eaten He Ram Door 7 at 15. Three 9. Begone! fruit flu vaccine includes different|atibiotics is of questionable STEAM BATHS yt 16,Its capital 11. Shelves 31, Kind of 35. Styleof art |strains and provides consider-|Value since they won't attack | is Bismark: 15. Vat bolt 38.Gelderland {able immunity against all of|Viruses. Their use is indicated d abbr. 18. Hideous 32. Rose-like 3 oy. te _|them, but the immunity doesn't primarily when fever persists MONDAY SPECIAL ; 17. Rarefled 19. Tree plant cna last. Hence a booster once a|and changes in symptoms indi- O outs pay , Pegg 20. -- of san and 40. eats year is needed, cate that bacterial infection has Men. ond 'calles F) . e To) Real flu comes on suddenly|developed in the wake of the i 22, > 7 with high fever and aching|riginal virus invasion, or pneu- Steam Baths Together { month n Gr i 'Bre rey euicles but it lasts only a few|monia threatens. (ething ents sree) - pe je J 9 ye 1) days. Usually there is a cough,| Now for "intestinal flu" | . Symbols of along with a burning sensation bhi _ ary 8 viruslf: AM OTHER GAYE, HB ONLY. H marriage 12 % og ecto ee aagae cg Alarahea Gad Ohelingy ain SUNDAYS (8 a.m. to 1 p.m.) 27. Neat common. The combina- Mast id 28, Gold coin '$ Yrs Oke tion of symptoms, makes the| Sigel la part of the true 1" ee ee = sasmnacny 29. iagnosis pretty definite. | s i measures n 1 9 Gia A cold, by contrast, usually), oa eta Feige otc fate -- We\ n DCE % 30. Football : starts with nasal obstruction, |'Teatment is to allay symptoms: ALL RIGHT, COME OUT, UPA BIT BEFORE GRANDMA ripe tS oie "<> CARAN GAL Ta scar Y VW) "i Y* sometimes with a sore or raw|2ausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Custom Made or J JUNIOR! THE PARTYS OVER! GETS HOME COULDNT FEED You... LOOSE POPCORN ! 34, Jewish MEALS Vy throat, but without the fever,|Ttying to feed the patient is : m id teasing sy)! 35. Sustere WY chills and muscular aches that pag fle aig og Mon ha seel eady-to-Hang ay . Moi % typify flu. Since a great many |@¢ Ipset a idle ie we ; "] | 36: Climbing sa Gu VW, \iiterent "kinds of cold viruses|like ee ee DRAPERIES ; Hip Y plan' 33 exist, there can be some varia-|!"8 ice Chips, and giving (1 WY \ y) } 37. Reverie 2 Gia a ad tion ' in consequences. Some. | Wanted) carbonated drinks will|| @ HOMES (<= 39.Explorerof az We Ase times eyes may be red and/0ffset thirst' and prevent dehy- sf TP Cue a ae hee # sunken : /) runny. "But except for the|dration, which is important. 4 . : y ¢ vessels Y i j When the patient perks u 4 31 38 39 j40 adeno-viruses (upper respira- Pp Py Pp pis sans -- 41, Former Y], tory), flu van a Rirgoniok enough to be hungry, small| sili Als ¢ mt name of a1 Yo fait neatnet colds: feedings of soft, low-residue WARD'S Tokyo VA, : foods are best for a day or two, | : =. ee ene 42, Girl's 7745 Wie STAY BEDDED DOWN | | Simcoe St. at Athol é < name 4, a When you have genuine flu,; Dear Dr. Molner: My daugh- br 43, Thin - 2-6 there is no specific treatment|ter, now 17, has never had al 725-1151 a8 (nor for a cold!) but bed. rest menstrual vericd and has been' i *