iS 27 THE OSHAWA TIMES, ul cssamade February 8, 1967 BRIDGE SCORES The winners and high scores in the games played by the Osh- a i----f¢ "Super-Right' Buys for the Weekend! | SUPER-RIGHT QUALITY PICNIC STYLE SLICED 49% eo cooxeD PORK P. Hughes and Ken Marden, 82 \ y ( East and West -- Mrs. J " lb Wild and Mrs. A. Dowdle 105.5; & : Miss B. MacDonell and Mrs. D. Stewart, 105; John Campbell and R. Snowden, 101; Mrs. W. , oa and Mrs. G, Drinkel, 100; awa, Brooklin, Oshawa Golf and General Motors Duplicate Bridge Clubs were: OSHAWA CLUB Section A North and South -- Mrs. G, 4. Rundle and Lloyd Peel, 104; Mrs. J. A. MacLean and John Condos, 97; Mrs. FE. J. Wads- worth and John Miller, 94; Jack Mrs. H. Cruwys and E. Coles, 59. Section B & @ ---- North and South -- A. Vaillan: ' oon righ Coles, 121; Mrs. R a H erence in cuT INTO arrand and Mrs. R. Drew, &8: R. Morris and R. Niglis" 87; 9 TO 1 CHOPS Mrs. R. Heron and J, Patterson, 64; C. pity and'C, Nelson, 82 | : Ti East and West -- Mrs. E, M. Hig - R. White, 90; Mr. and your OO : ihe ey Mrs. P. Francis, 97; Mrs, W. pag ae Mrs. R. Morris, 93; pr! ea Miss G. Milton. and Miss M Wiley, '$0: M. Maly and R. Fer- 1" = é guson, 89. You bet they do. BROOKLIN CLUB IES Soe and Bout Mw. ad And we should know. Mrs. §. A. Coles, 113; Mr. and rata : re ; R' 4 Van Mt et] | We bul our busines by sevng penne COOKED HAM Sx su 5 7% ~=GRADE "A four J. Timmins and J, Miller, 100; based Mr. and Mrs. W. Baker, 98: for generations of folks like you. € ine Mrs, R. Morris and Mrs, Wads- RK SAUSAGE MAPLE LEAF ' 5 9. OVEN-READY igure! worth, 96. : : inle-priced it TRAY PACK -- PURE ds to East and West -- Mrs. C. For instance, take our policy on multiple-priced items. Davies and J. Wild, 106: Mrs. WIENERS i Shiies 2: : 99: isses' W. Heron and R. Niglis, 96; : P : * : * : "1D Pkg ales Mrs. W. Mediand and R. Mor. If an item is priced 8 for 25¥, the price for one is obviously 9¥. ris, 95; Mrs. §. Sheridan and ' BONELESS yo Mrs, M. Kashul, 94; Mrs. P. But what happens if you want two? PORK BUTT ROAST 6 4 Per M. Spratt and Miss G. Bovay, Ppe SOLID MEAT lb ¢ 89 ny sein vigil times 9# or 18¢? MOCK CHICKEN LOAF kp sts De VAC PAC -- 3 TO 4-LB -- ROASTING Mrs. R. S. Ruddy and Tom Prest, 53;..Mrs, F.. Turney--and * oy : J. Coles, 52; E. Anderson and We sell it at 2 for ITs. PORK HOCKS MEATY hb 3 3 and R. Snowden, 48; Mrs. O. 5 t. Wey G. Mills and Mrs. A. W. Arm- That's the fair way-the A&P way. ' 2 JOY strong, 42; Mrs. T. H. Mce- SING RIBS LEAN BEE! b 3% / > 115 Dowell and Miss R. Higgins, 40. ' ; BONE. IN (g; tterns : Yes, in the food business... new GENERAL MOTORS : LEAN BEEF Cata- North and South -- Mrs. R. in food budgeting, pennies make a difference, BR AISING R BONELESS Ib € Drew and P. Kaukonen, 110; te : ' aa 5 Coles aed A . Tittle, 1007 Mrs We watch them for you and for us. CORNED BEEF om PAC . 79 t apes K. Marden and Mrs. M. R. "louse Is this a good reason for shopping A&P? It's one of many. | RIB RO AST Ares m7sNCUT R 9 STOCK UP YOUR FREEFER y -- wast and West -- R. White 7 RED GRAND BEEF is | and R. Eagleson, 106; Mrs. Bar- ™~ tws rand and R. ses a hy - ; ee , e for Ci Davies and Mrs. y. ° ' x ~ Py | on tee ie ieeet DCkKery Buys! DEdIOOG SUYS ies it 3.15 and Miss M. Wiley, 88. strong The General' Motors Club will ~ not hold a game Feb. 9. JANE PARKER A&P FANCY QUALITY, RED A&P BRAND i AAP Brand (Fried tn Sen Seald rg STUDENTS WORK ABROAD BLUEBERRY SOCKEYE § ALMON INSTANT COFFEE Stand SOLE HADDOCK glican About 3,000 visiting students, PIE Wii Fish & Chips worked In Europe during thei sie me 10-0299 JQ ag PORTIONS John summer holidays last year. 24 OZ. PIE 7'-FL-O1 a nae illiam , Se oe nea ae ; JAR AP on, J TIN ¢ = £ C Victot / PREPRICED 5 tb lb ' Pos" Wuew rd AUTO each C ; Ny Helpful REG. PRICE EACH Boe SE a tne i : Syyictent ) SERVICE B8AVE 4c SAVE UP TO 100 OVER OTHER BRANDS OVER OTHER BRAN oY A BAKED IN OUR OWN BAKERY THESE "A&P EXCLUSIVE BRANDS" ARE YOUR BEST MONEY-SAVING VALUES Cath TUNE-UP_NOW FOR BY AsP MASTER BAKERS GUARANTEED TO SATISFY seca Frozen-Foods! fou ayer TOP PERFORMANCE dane Parker Reg. Price each 39¢ -- SAVE 40 The strictest of quality standards govern every step in the. manufacture of A&P Brands. That's why you can rely if : dence, LEMON r JELLY ROLL cock 3 5 them... they measure up to every claim we make for = soi you ny ig! ~~ vig Face Saeed par AGP Brand Reg. Price bag B80 -- SAVE 4e ; 1] -- ce] fe aia ep lg re en with an unconditional money-back guarantee of satisfaction, And, remember, pri VEGETABLES na -a poly bag A De ' Rev. n eg. i el in St. f BREAD (60% whole wheat) 3 24-02 loaves @ 5 ancy Quality SAVE UP TO 1 OVER OTHER BRANDS Ann Page SAVE UP TO 2c OVER OTHER BRANDS AQP Brand Arthur Jane Parker Reg, Price each 39 -- SAVE 4o ARP CORN woourxernea, Qr2foztin 37¢ MARMALADE Pure orence 24A071er 39¢ ORANGE JUICE 5 6-Aoztins BYe Rob- COFFEE CAKE Vermont Delight each 3 5c A&P Fancy Quality SAVE UP TO 6c Over Other Brands! Mild and Mellow Custom Ground 8 Ib. bag $2.20 AAP Brand : gi Jane Parker (3 Varieties) Reg. Price pkg. 2% --Save% FOMATO JUICE 2 isAortins 3 3e 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE bio 79 ORANGE JUICE -- 3 121-07 tins 1.00 A&P's Own Sunnyfield eg. Price pkg Wo -- @ (To Whiten & Enrich Coffee) Reg. Price ctn, 270 -- eBoy CAKE DONUTS 2 pkgs of 12 49« Choice Quality Halves aie. 7 sh ls Fi :39 ' Y " 2k i Jane Parker SAVE 60 saveso ARP PEACHES 19-fl-oztin & De WALNUT PIECES -- A RICH'S COFFEE RICH -- 2 . Aus kg of kg of 12 e Real Thing" RS) eee ae 6 at Swanson Reg. Price pkg. 876 -- wes NOW ! BETTER HOT DOG ROLLS pkg of 8 23 pkg o 33 Fie soy ll Bag pte BEVERAGES wis 24 nes ortins 1.79 3-COURSE DINNERS 'ashi 7% ye GAR SERVICE HOT CROSS BUNS _+ic-1s35<¢ ORANGE JUICE §--sestorbi7 Se rsyssticr ahstth ct teh ttc ate CHICKEN -- BEEF -- TURKEY y with For Safe Sure Driving n, the @ BRAKE @ and ; . . " | ; au + mow agement © || ae Good Buys on Fine Groceries! im Be Fruits and Vegetables! fous 1 his (Up To Six Months To Pay) Belkin All Secgions Mey be Furchored altho FEATURE PRICE! | MACARONI nt Ge pepper a DOG FOOD 3 26-0z1ins Ye T DINNER 4 5 a FLORIDA MARSH, SEEDLESS, WHITE OR PINK, FULL OF JUICE \ cal COOPER S ; Pillsbury (Assorted Varieties) Reg. Price pkg. 470---SAVE 150 KRAF TOL AKGs TEXACO CAKE MIXES 2 19-0z pkgs 79 McLAREN'S Reg. Price jar 89c -- SAVE 4e Merit Rose 56 Bruce St. 410 Ritson Rd. N. LOTION DETERGENT 24-4l-oz bil 3 % CORN RELISH 15-OZ JAR 3 >: Laundry Detergent Reg. box $1.53 -- SAVE AN EXTRA 140 MASTER oo r DO YOU JUST CARRY AJAX 25 FF DEA) king sizebox 39 DOG ME AT STEW 2 TINS 3 9. . INSURANCE OR 1S "Ideal" i Wine © isi 7 ne 1 | YOUR INSURANCE JAM Seay ~a CCL oo. colts eg pan priced i PLANNED ? Clark's (With Meat Sauce) Reg. Price tin 87¢ -- SAVE 80 HABITANT SOUPS 2 OZ TINS 4 2: ¢ higher | ei ' SPAGHETTI DINNER 3 402:n Qc INSTANT CHOCOLATE DRINK Reg. Price etn. 68¢ -- SAV size at A&P Premium (Assorted Varieties) FEATURE PRICE! I 96's i] CLARK SOUPS = 47:69 NESTLE'§ QUIK won 5 5. (4 Flavours) Bud (200 OFF DEAL) Reg. Price jar $1.13 -- SAVE AN EXTRA 4e California, Large Fresh Green Heads, No. 1 Grade, Size 24's | SHIRRIFF PUDDINGS 3 +o: 29c "NONE PRICED 2 for 29: 1 Gaines (12c Off Deal) Reg. Price pkg. 876 -- SAVE 80 NESCAFE INSTANT COFFEE 6-OZ JAR .09 LETTU CE a Reba AT A&P" AN GRAVY TRAIN 4lbpks 7 Qe mare Lear Reg. Price Ib. 270 -- SAVE Se RINONE PRICED | Pound 29. " | EAP. mux 2.39 LARD DHA | 2 pte Peas a we ren's ° PTOE ti * E each c has- J Club H Pur FEATURE PRICE! CELE HIGHER AT A&P" oe GROUND PEPPER :43¢ AI 7 ie de. | JIM POTTICARY vi 24.8 TIN C FLOWERS FOR MALENTINE'S DAY : k : ; H pe , Hyacinths, , Tulips an a eee) | ee eee | lt Ri oe myer ee" | PRLS lon ste sneen teten ot cocoa wind = eee TOMATOES canon = Dorm 5Q en i an's security, | : OZ TINS C a AON SURAT ES All prices in this on Sibel tial ails | Ke Da Iry Foods x ROSE BRAND (Parchment Wrapped) Reg. Price 3 Ibs. $1.00 -- SAVE 150 hg ; WANAY | ad guaranteed | ick ucla ie ' \ Salutes Canada's KA} through Saturday, I JIM POTTICARY Jubilee (Mild, Nippy, Pimento or Swiss) FEATURE PRICE! MAR 1-LB PKGS Cc ; 100th Birthday! oe February 11th, 1967. LI FE CHEESE SLICES 3 8-oz pkgs 1.00 SPAGHETTI or Reg. Price pkg. 450 -- SAVE 4e i Oshawa, Whitby 1 CROWN La Vache Qui Rit (Reg. or Blue) Reg. pkg. 49e -- SAVE 4e 2 ------ -- and Bowmanville | CALL GRUYERE CHEESE 8-02 pkg 5c MACAR N PRIMO 2-B PKG re 728-7601 or 723-1731 ----