Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Feb 1967, p. 11

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, J] Alaska One Fifth Size US. __|Little Known Executive {emis rinens 10 i : icti THE KIWANIS CLUB OF Population For Small City [Man Di vontaciction. «od Threat -- NEW YORK (AP) -- Alaska,|shots of wildlife into a single well - organized television pro-|Stevens, the little-known execu-) Western Ontario with a degree E | the 49th state, is one-fifth the|hour. The results were predict-|gram. tive who has become a centraljin journalism, he worked at the ases size of the rest of the United|#¥e¢ -- @ jammed, disjointed! 44. rprsHNEss gare. tn ing' the Beak ail ie stated law: at Oagentel DURHAM, Ont, (CP) -- A travelogue that was notable for Hall and went to classes during|flood threat in this town eased iN SEMBLE States but has a population that/its handsome shots of scenery|, ABC, in a daytime game show|Western Canada, appears as a : would comprise a medium-sized|and wildlife. launched this week, Every-|man of contradictions. the day while covering the po-|Tuesday after the Saugeen city. The program started out|body's Talking, has come up| In person and in speech he's|lice beat at night. River dropped three feet from It has a romantic, gold-dusted|simply enough to report on the|With an amusing and fresh idea. |quiet and conservative. After graduation, he turned to' tie 'weekend level: ii ; : A state development and history and magnificent scen-|summer travels of a single fam-|PTogram producers taped the) jn business, he's showy and evil ily Gnavtesent house in} Basements in houses near the THE SPECTACULAR ery. The lifeline of its outposts|ily. We never got acquainted|Pinions of men on the streets} confident, the picture of a free is a small group of colorful bush with the family oie the pra-}of Los Angeles about such sub- usetinia saat Hae is not afraid|20rth Toronto where he and hisjriver were flooded during the "7 WW pilots. Fishing is its largest in-|ducer suddenly started adding|Jects as Sigmund Freud and the|ig challenge preconceived no-|¥#e still i. ginal ine\ reer Some of them with as| [ F F X é L [ E T ustry. old pictures of the Yukon gold|Beatles. They chopped up theltions in one of Canada's most| 2" ia Peis ie ae much as two feet of water. Dur-| ] Tuesday night a special pro-|rush, colorful comments by|interviews into unrevealing sub-|estahlishment - bound industries|V¢stmen ; eh 'h International{am is 30 miles south of Owen| gram of the National Geo-|bush pilots, and films of bears|Jects. --money. ted ings Bids - . sath SIF Sound | (A Canadian Centennial Project) graphic Society on CBS tried to|catching salmon. While un-| These snippings were shown] Mr. Stevens is chairman of|Fimance. Within ig * t ' : s cram all this, plus a story of aldoubtedly educational, the re-|to the TV audience and three|the Bank of Western Canada/{irms a assets of aimosi/ , te Saugeen Valley Conserva- family touring Alaska and some'sult was hardly a satisfying,|studio contestants. The ideajand president of British Inter- ey 1985 annual report, BIF|'i0® Authority ordered a channel . was to guess, from the re-jnational Finance (Canada) Ltd., sowee atsete of $108,000,000. dug around the upper dam on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 24 at 8:30 P.M. Ask PC'S To Proclairn Bue een esi eee haa ik (HE ee ange ro ran ater a - a 'lweek he had resigned as presi-jease pressure on ice in a ALL SEATS RESERVED 0 r 0C. alm 1 One of the show's strong}; Controversy about the bank dent of York Trust and would nm a gorge ( Ss ) points is that the home audi-|broke last Friday when James at the east end of town. Durham ri i step down shortly as president ; TICKETS NOW ON SALE: 2.00; 1.50 (CHILDREN 14 ond UNDER: 1.00) AUDITORIUM ence can play along with the|Coyne, bank president and for- of pieces erent of the BIF|'©W2 council has declared two BOX OFFICE; BOLAHOOD'S SPORTSHAVEN; JIM BISHOP'S SPORTING GOODS' MARTY'S To Pr t nsum contestants. mee governor of the Bank of Streets a disaster area. '. CENTRE; WHITBY ARENA; JURY & RSS i family, because he wanted the RECORD CENTRE; THE DISC SHOP, SHOPPING ; o ers | Seal Bik nad coe he member companies to become i]|]_ LOVELL'S, BOWMANVILLE AND ALL KIWANIANS. TORONTO (CP)--J. B. Trot- t .| Recommended tonight: Guys fen Ce Toronto Peckdcte rae eee Contracts, Mr. Trot-| nq Dolls, ABC, 8-11 EST, uncut |companies, York Lambton more autonomous. iTePee Bus Service Will Be Available et King end Simcoe Sts. at 7:30 and 8:00 p.m. Ad urged for the second consecu-| He also accused Beltone of |p ru" of the feature film|Corp. i - | misusi " 0 ,{adapted from the Broadway| Hi id the Toronto - based IN-DOOR ee tive day Tuesday that the Pro-Imisusing the "good reputation"|". "ical with Frank Sinatrs it cas ar dune a ascii Nationalization our-voor /balie ADVANCE MAN Gebek FORM UA) gressive Conservative govern-lof the Royal Bank of Canada. |™UuSical, : i and Marlon Brando; Bob Hope|mitments it had given Parlia- | Now Showing Pisics weal oF came TO: OSHAWA EIVIC 2uDrTORIUM ment proclaim two bills de- BO: OSHAWA, ONTARIO signed to protect consumers Quoting a letter from an un-|Theatre, NBC, 9-10, Blind Man's|ment during the debate on In T anzania | enclose @ cheque [7] money order [] A/\/\G that were passed by the last ogee hb age said she paid/Bluff, a suspense story with/granting the Bank of Western! ABmITtA NER session of the Ontario legislat-| grt $718 purchase|Michael Rennie and Bob Cum-|Canada's charter. DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) Queso aise Beite : bes incl siogg id eee Some observers suggest Tanzania today took action to| shes rhaPccdhcotssted Gas ot the bila would ena: Ee tone 'doctor'? who really boils down to iiferent| 722 the outflow of capital "DEAR JOH + | lish a consumer's protection | pai punters mesured Ber the ideas on the part of Mr. Coyne); the nationalization] N bureau which Mr Trotter Sa al te annced by St bb and Mr. Stevens as to what the M nha its banks. : PLUS is necessary to protect the pub- the Royal Bask. u orm bank should be and do. Ton governmieat ordered an} ¢¢ < lic against selling practices sim-|USED BANK ADDRESS RECALLS SUCCESS exchange control with its East| YESTERDAY, ilar to those used by Beltone,; The bank, in fact, was only a bs Mr. Stevens could be think-|African Common Market part- } | a Toronto hearing aid company.|mailing address, Mr. Trotter oman 1eS ing in terms of the success he|ners--Kenya and Uganda. TODAY, H He said Beltone was offering |S2id. The contract was handled had in building York Trust and| "It is hoped it will be only; TOMORROW" | into Canada's|temporary," said a spokesman} | | prefer Orchestra o Saicony o 1867 1967 NAME ..ccccccccrccccceccenvccesecccsscsccceccccess eee | ADDRESS conditional sales contracts so|y Utopian. hd Savings Corp. 4 "shady" that some finance com-| When questioned about the ar- n 1re fifth-largest trust company in|of the Bank of Tanzania, the] Box Office Opens country's central bank. 7:00 P.M. panies would not handle them./rangements, the bank informed little more than four years, they The head of Beltone, Sidney|the purchaser Beltone had can-| OTTAWA (CP) -- A-78-year-|say. Nationalization of banks in| Feature Begi Samole, set up Utopian Invest-jcelled the mailing arrange-lold woman died of smoke suf-| Between 1964 and 1965 assets) Tanzania was~ announced by} 7:3 gins ee a ee focation Tuesday when she re-|jumped 79 per cent to $91,300,-|President Julius Nyerere as a) ot 7:30 P.M. ame big. step toward his ° govern-| it principal shareholder, to fi-| The woman paid $71 in in-|fused to leave her burning|000 from $50,900,000. At the end lssieseiiiachacieelanciue terest for the loan of $518 which|home. of 1962, they had stood at less|ment's policy of a socialist state. s she repaid within four months} Mrs. Dorothy Campfield had|than $700,000. The president promised bank Liberal Head . i i i Born in Milton, Ont., 20 miles|stockholders full and fair com- of purchasing the hearing aids.|lived in the third-floor apart- A second act passed in 1966|ment of the building on mid-|northwest of Toronto, 40 years| pensation and gave instructions e es provides for "the protection of|town Queen Street for 28 years.|ago, Mr. Stevens is the son of| for negotiations to begin imme- | Blasts PC S$ buyers of consumer goods and|Two other women who lived inja dairy farmer. After gradu- diately. for the fair disclosure of the|the converted house were led to NOTE: Please enclose « d self-add if you wish your tickets mailed, otherwise, they will be nota et the Box Office. TORONTO (CP) -- Ross|costs of credit." safety by two construction NOW PLAYING Whicher (L--Bruce) sald Tues-|. Earlier, Attorney - General|workers who had been about to day the Progressive Conserva- Arthur Wishart said the Ontario|leave a project next door when tive government should. stop|College of Physicians and Sur-|they spotted the flames. == ¢ ecentitn cabinet posts en geons is studying an allegation] "I'm not going to leave," WINNER OF 6 ACADEMY AWARDS! p e ® building "little empires." that Emile Harvard of Beltone|Mrs. Campfield called out to DAVIDLEANS PLM es E / He told the legislature the gf ge id yp ycsgeh 4 14 a two women before they left) ® DAVID LEAN'S FILM PASTERNAKS 5 costs of government are contin- udy would|the building. Her body was ve uing to rise but the taxpayer help the government decidejfound in her kitchen near a ZL GO F; bd payer whether action should be taken, | window leading to a fire escape. 8 PANAVISION® AND METROCOLOS has just about reached the limit /he said in reply to questions by| Cause of the blaze was not AND THAT IS ONE " PLUS THEIR FINE QUAL- of his ability to pay. Mr. Trotter. determined. BOX OFFICE OPEN 12-9 P.M. There were ways to cut costs EVES AT 8:30 P.M. : VERY FINE REASON ITY BRAND PRODUCTS without cutting government SAT. & SUN. ot 2 P.M. & 8:30 P.M. taking personal tue govern: STALIN, ™ TO SHOP AT : . ment cars. The construction of Nek ID _ AT RSRE IEEE 1 schools, small hospitals and old PIZZA = 7 SPAGHETTI PHONE GLECOFF'S ING PRICES! peoples homes could be stand- ardized, Highways could be i planned go that they are not ob- @ FREE DELIVERY e@ se : Good Old Fashioned solete in a matter of years. And the number of cabinet ministers On Any Order Over A Doller Good Old Fashioned ; | | MEAT SPECIALS could be reduced from the pres- And Introducing George's Special ent 23. Pasta Al Forno © Cabbage Rolls HELD OVER & 4 | PRODUCE SPECIALS There was no need for a min- Now Under New Management ister of highways. One man@ Lhe Town and Country SECOND BIG zat e+ A could handle both jobs. 15 Bond St. E. 723-1821 WEEK ! % 5} ; : COTTAGE ROLL He sald he would not be sur- ' ae i New Eresyiex ere ee Yea st POTATOES vain =f] LO SSF tS : te ee 2% = 1.00 in his AD new ENTERTAINMENT B. 1s BOLOGNA (Sat. and Sun.) ........ ~ t AG A FAMOUS PLAveRS Tatated Matinees (Wednesday) - all-ou Cogceccceeseovece Saselbreo eb shaban ehscenenbes Proenta RE IZZA a " Proicin it : AN RED EMPEROR 3 FOR , 99° or 728-0192 < EPI'S s 1 Mi : GRAPES WIENERS a. ; 3 = 49° 3 = 99° os EDERER 'ROw|| TOMATOES GAMILLA SPARV- JAMES GREGORY-BEVERWY ADAMS|] 8°. 1Qe ve \ oT GLECOFT'S Lee. TECHNICOLOR®__-- --_} Srnroducing DINO, DES! and BILLY + Featuring the "Slaygiris"* Screenplay by HERBERT BAKER ih i, i OPEN PLUS WM, HOLDEN IN cuNic Ze e) Vi il "ALVAREZ KELLY" w . ~~ gy al Nh he ed ag 9 Waa Adult Entertcinment -- Color 5:30 ---- 7:40 das 9:45 Frozen = jon., hig e Mon. to Fri. Show Sterts 7:30 : Foods \ 8 a.m. to 10 p.m 0 mM. m. Set. end Sun Show Sterts 6:3 a Thurs., Fri. and Sat. FREE IN-CAR HEATERS ------ Old South 6-02. $4 ¥ ORANGE JUICED cans la CHILDREN UNDER 12 FRER Fresh Frozen COD FILLETS, fb. ..... 35° SQUEEZE ON BETS LONDON (CP)--Britain's off- track betting shops are begin- ning to feel the country's econo- 4 mic pinch. The number rose by way 103 in 1966 to 15,741, but 2,338 wnt, ns had to close. Betting shops were ee ee ie emery. sss Sie 4i8 legalized in 1960. WATINEES a id " id Drugetie & Good Old Fashioned GROCERY SPECIALS Clothing 24.0Z. BREAD surrmun 5 i 80° | ENR... 1.40 HOMO MILK apr. carton GO® ORYAB Roll On -- 1.00 NE ie FOR is SARDI s ecurlecpaingne er 10 sae 99 NYLON Ist quality. seamless mesh. KING SIZE COKE--buy one carton end get e CARTON OF SPRITE KING SIZE his: 590 & pair, For just the price of the deposit. SPECIAL, pale... .cccesess BUY 1 ean of Johnson's KLEAR WAX at reg. price (32 oz.) ADORN Heir Spra and get a 5 Ib, BAG OF SUGAR FOR JUST ae vc babes Rep. $1.89. oa 1.49 CARNATION MILK 6 Tis 99° PICNIC HAMS 'Ssioviore "Gn 1.59 GLECOFFE'S Supermarket 174 RITSON ROAD S&S. PHONE 725-3445 LOTS OF FREE PARKING... Glecoff's cash pay cheques and baby bonuses. 668-2692 282-3969 --featuring-- Thurs., Fri., Sat. MIKEAL STANBURY Guitor Player and Folk Singer Carousel Inn OSHAWA 559 Bloor St. West 723-5271 Club. Camaro FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10 -- DANCE 9-1 A.M PICCADILLY ROOM GENOSHA HOTEL REFRESHMENTS Admission $2.00 Membership $2.00 Bar Facilities Tickets et the Door Dress--Jacket and Tie 21 AND OVER AOR OOOO I 2 OF Be i Se SOO o.oo bo. & ooo oo & oo & & od head - FOI TO IO FO ORO TOTO KOK TIO RIOT OK RO OKO kk IKK IOI OK IO I I tote te

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