Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Feb 1967, p. 3

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s in the g Pleze ause of ace thie 5 spring e avail. 1000 is 7 'BLE mineted blished, > heavy iter ing, ing blic AR- TO, sted sub- o be 167, Canada May OTTAWA (CP)-- The cabinet destroyed his usefulness as an may have to dump Chester Ron- ger beg ace ss Canna ' is antes 8 ne source said Canadian ef- i pene me special Vietnam senha forts to get peace talks going 4 \a reliable source said Friday. |qg not hinge on one man -- in Mr. Ronning, a career diplo-|this case, Mr. Ronning. i/ |mat, was brought out of retire-- COULD BE REPLACED | the cabinet « |to make a third trip if an ap- propriate occasion arises. sor, Ont., External Affairs Min-| * | However, American officials|ister Martin said in part: 4 have taken objection to Mr.| 'There are those who urge us | |Ronning's public criticism of|to 'speak out against' this or) U.S. policy in Vietnam, espe-|that aspect of the war, or to jcially the bombing of the Com-|'demand a. cessation' of some- _ |munist North, jthing else... . | Informants said the govern-; "But I would ask the ad- |ment has no particular quarrel | vocates of political activism to 'with what Mr. Ronning has said|pause for a moment to reflect \--Prime Minister Pearson him-|on the practical consequences of self has publicly "'regretted"|their proposals. ; the bombings--but feels that the] "Do they believe that if a 71-year-old envoy has been in-|government -- and I really |discreet and thereby may have|mean the Canadian government a = TRESS es g Status In a speech Friday at Wind-| Study Of Women ie sit BEWARE THE ICE DRAGON School children in Sap- poro, Japan, look at ice the an- the defence forces for nual snow festival of right, and one of the mon- sters he fights on the pop- ular show. Ice statues were _ Envoy To Vietnam THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, February 4, 1967 3 New Civil Rights Gets Top Priority ar he ee declarations the basis of its Viet-| By THE CANADIAN PRESS [province is through with the) Frank Gallagher, 29, of Flush- nam policy, the tangled' and) The rights of tourists, work-|"buy - back" scheme and the|ing N.y., was the fourth in the dangerous problem in that coun- ers and citizens in general re- | Policy of guaranteeing Joans |team's 2l-year history, Last try would begin to unravel it-|ceived high priority in legisla-| made by municipal councils F|Sept. 3, Lt., Cmdr. Dick Oliver, self tures across Canada Friday. [Private corporations seeking to'3) of Fort Mill, S.C., crashed in "To be more specific, let us) Quebec MLAs approved a bill °St@blish in the province. Lake Ontario during an air show Dump BLUE ANGEL KILLED EL CENTRO, Calif. (AP)--A {member of the U.S. Navy Blue | Angels precision flying team killed Wednesday when his ment by the government last} In other words, look at the question of the bom- aimed at protecting tourists} Instead, he said, a radical at the Canadian National Exhi- year for two peace missions to|could appoint a replacement for bing of North Vietnam. I am/from inflated room rental prices |New Policy is being imple-|bition in Toronto. Hanoi. He has been scheduled/Mr, Ronning at any time. lconvinced that this is one of the this summer during Expo 67, {mented whereby the province |--- key elements, if not the key; In Winnipeg, a bill was intro-|Will raise money for its own element, in the present military- duced calling for the protection |Projects through direct sale of diplomatic puzzle... . of employees whose jobs are|8°vernment bonds. "And 'until at least some faint threatened by garnishee orders.| The premier said 'we'll loan| outline of a pattern can be| Premier Ross Thatcher told/the cash" to councils and pri- established through quiet diplo-|{he Saskatchewan legislature | vate enterprises who previously macy, it seems unlikely that the|that a white paper dealing with|would have had the' provincial bombing would stop simply in|citizens' rights will be tabled/government co-sign loans. response to a Canadian govern-|Possibly within a week : In Ontario, Norman Davison| ment demand or appeal that it! Legislatures also sat in New- (NDP -- Hamilton East) intro-| | | | EARN UP TO $100. A WEEK OR MORE BIG PAY JOBS WAITING for MARVEL GRADUATES Marvel Hairdressing Schools in principal cities offer ex- clusive "MARVEL TOUCH" training. Complete course DAY or EVENINGS. For free brochure, write or visit. MARVEL BEAUTY BOD ey foundland and Ontario, _ duced a bill amending the As- "It would be self-defeating, 1| 1 Quebec, the tourist bill sets sessment Act to let municipali- think, if our public statements-- no matter how widely acclaimed they might be in some circles-- were to have the effect of slam- ming doors, instead of opening them, of closing off potentially useful dialogues instead of sti- fidential exchanges of view- up a. "provincial lodging serv-| ice for Expo 67" which is em-| powered to fix rates tourists may be charged for any type of accommodation. The service also is to ensure jrespect for these rates and in- who exceed them. mulating and nurturing the con. |Stitute legal action against - AN ADDRESS OF DISTINCTION ties relieve old-age pensioners jand others on fixed incomes of |the first $150 of their property taxes. SCHOOLS Established over 40 years Dept. OT. 219 Bloor St. W. TORONTO New York's Best Location! sculpture of Japanese tele- vision character Ultraman, among 80 built by Japanese CHICOUTIMI, Que. (CP)--Ig- noring a protest demonstration by about 400 separatist stu- dents, Prime Minister Pearson and his wife Maryon had a ball at the Chicoutimi Winter Carni- val Friday night. Wearing 1867-style costumes like many local residents, the Pearsons danced at two differ- ent balls after being greeted warmly by thousands of Friday night shoppers as they toured the business district in 20-below- zero temperatures. The chanting students marched past the , Pearsons' hotel carrying separatist plac- ards and Quebec flags but they did not at any time come face- to-face with the prime minister as they had planned. The students, most of them from Jonquiere College in the neighboring Lapointe riding of separatist Gilles Gregoire, were diverted into a church base- ment across the street from the hotel where they had a lively 90-minute meeting with inte- gration Minister Marchand. As soon as the students filed into the church basement, the Pearsons and their party boarded a chartered bus and began visiting stores which were freely dispensing caribou, the traditional French-Canadi northern Japan city. (AP Wirephoto) party le Rassemblement pour| l'independance nationale, | cused the minister of having! sold out to English - Canadians and of being a pup- pet. Mr. Marchand called two 'childish dreamers' who} had lost touch with reality and who needed psychiatric help. Others in the group said, to general appl , that the two fortifier against the cold. SWARM IN STREETS Thousands of residents of this city of 35,000 thronged the main Street wearing top hats and tails, woollen sashes and hoop skirts reminiscent of the period 100 years ago. In the church basement, meanwhile, Mr. Marchand was trading arguments and quips with the young students. Two students, identified as organizers for the separatist Ontario Lawyers Agree On Judge. Political Matters By STUART LAKE OTTAWA (CP) -- A panel of Ontario lawyers agreed Friday high court judges shouldn't be asked to head royal commission investigations into political mat- ters. They also rejected royal commissions inquiring into al- leged wrong-doings. They said evidence presented often was hearsay and reputations were shattered on flimsy proof. The panel was one of many at the Ontario section of the Canadian Bar Association's two- day winter meeting. Lawyers agreed royal com- missions which led to legisla- tion -- such as one making sweeping recommendations on tax reform--were good. But investigations of persons was properly the function of courts or possibly of commit- tees comprising members of Parliament. Appointing high court judges to head such inquiries was a escapades. He criticized then justice minister Guy Favreau's actions in the matter. Such royal commissions were labelled as inquisitions and poli- tical hot potatoes by the law- yers. Stephen Borins, a lawyer on the staff of the Ontario royal commission on human rights, said the public confused royal commissions with courts of law and believed their findings had the same weight. This was not so since evidence taken at com- missions sometimes didn't meet the tests in courts. Earlier, labor lawyer Maurice Wright of Ottawa said courts should stop hearing injunction proceedings against picket lines, He called for creation of a labor board to hear such mat- ters. Courts and lawyers are more interested in property rights than civil rights when such matters are in the regular }but without RIN organizers spoke only for} themselves. | One girl shouted: "We are not separatists, but we are not! satisfied with Confederation." | Other students changed "Que- bec for Quebecers'"' and waved placards bearing separatist slo- gans, Sample slogans were: "An ex- | ample of perfect bilingualism-- Pearson"; 'Industries are for Ontario'; 'One hundred years of Confederation but not 200°; "Quebec--a Canadian colony." RCAF FAMILIES CHEER Mr. Pearson and his party ar- rived at the Bagotville air sta- tion, 10 miles from Chicoutimi, at 4:30 p.m. aboard a govern- ment Viscount. He inspected a guard of honor in a hanger while hundreds of RCAF per- sonnel and their families cheered and waved small maple | leaf flags. The party then drove to city hall for a civic reception where Mr. Pearson and Mr. Mar- chand were presented with wood carvings. Speaking briefly in French, the prime minister congratu- lated city fathers for organizing a winter carnival: that com- memorates events of 100 years |- aC-|the commission. speaking | |sity Women, Mrs. Savia called| them tO Set her representatives ot | Minister Pearson. Delights One Who Started TORONTO (CP)--Prime Min-|w Pearson's announcement to work for a federal investiga- Friday of a royal commission|tion of women's rights in Can- Pearson Ignores Protest -- Semen Ge Has A Ball At The Carnival | ister in Canada has delighted the} lady who started it all. the answer to everything, but I'm delighted to see it," says Mrs, M. J. Sabia of St. Cathari- nes, who organized the drive for As national president of the! anadian Federation of Univer- PARLIAMENT AT-A-GLANCE By THE CANADIAN PRESS, FRIDAY, Feb. 3, 1967 Establishment of a_ royal commission study of the status of women in Canada was announced by Prime NDP Leader Douglas and Sockal Credit Leader Thoms- son welcomed the move and urged that the commission be given the widest scope. The Commons gave ap- proval in principle to a bill insure individual deposits in bank and trust companies up to $20,000. Then it moved on to ap- dy led 5 |women's delegation that asked| He The commission won't be/the federal government for the/hometown: royal reaction seemed slow, she said jwomen would march 2,000,000 |strong on Parliament Hill. |the Equality of Women in Can-|a solution, either another would jada comprises representatives|be appointed to carry on my! from 32 women's organizations|work, or the International Con- | w. |with 2,000,000 members. WILL SET TERMS commission by the group's|at steering committee will be|ment." mailed soon Francis, \John E. Bird of Ottawa, chair-|------ man of the commission. national president of the YWCA, Says her organization did not subscribe to the brief because it believes an education process would be more effective. Toronto, president of the Voice of Women, said: hope it will follow the same pattern as the commission on bilingualism and biculturalism. Whether or not it changes--which I'm sure it wil} do--it will focus attention on the eee ae SIMILAR BILL DEFEATED a telephone interview Fri-| Saul Cherniack (NDP -- St. day ght with radio station John's) inroduced the em: PINEWLY DECORATED ROOMS end SUITES omen's organizations last year|Gucw Pian hon, Petlane: ores fered Na i: Ronning said from THE MANSFIELD is convenient to all trans- portation and within walking distance of SHOPPING CENTRES BROADWAY THEATRES UNITED NATIONS RADIO CITY BUS, RAIL and AIR TER- MINALS DINING fre ROOM AND COCK- TAIL LOUNGE Special Weekly Rates To Canadian Guests n Pasadena, Manitoba legislature although a Calif., he is willing to be re-|similar bill was defeated last| placed if the government be- session. lieves his usefulness as a medi-| He said some employers dis- she led thelator has been destroyed. Imiss a workman if . garnishee | told the station in hislorder is made against. him. sede This, he said, is unfair and the _ "If it is felt that I have been /employee has no right to ap-| indiscreet in making my public|peal. Statements in Canada, then 1} His proposal would give an. egbaets would hope that if Canada asked employee he right Hh gids Sabia's Committee for|me to give up trying to reach dismissal to the labor relations board. The white paper Mr. Thatcher | 4 ah as referring to contains a five- | se oo would be more/point program of citizen np ch acs ; jrights, including compensation Most important is that a CeS-|for victims of crimes of vio-| A frame of reference for the|sation of hostilities be reached lence. | the earliest possible mo- }/ENDS BUY-BACK PLAN Mr. Ronning is vacationing at} In Newfoundland, Premier| Pasadena. Joseph Smallwood -- said Last November, inquiry. When Ottawa's Mrs. to writer Anne in private life Mrs. Mrs. A. W. Ruby of Toronto, Mrs. C. B. Macpherson of "As far as we're concerned, I leads to prove in principle legislation |problem. setting up the ©; ian Film Development Corp., designed to promote the film industry. IN YOU NEED A panel of lawyers at an "HO E-NURSING" Ontario bar meeting decided CALL A peaceful demonstrations on picket lines are legal and can- not be restricted. MONDAY, Feb. 6 The Commons meets at 2:30 p.m. to debate budget resolutions. The Senate sits at 8 p.m. V.0.N. Nurse 725-2211 "'Home-Nursing Care for "EVERYONE" RED FEATHER AGENCY ago. "Sometimes we have this kind | of carnival in the House of} Commons -- looking backward) your fun," Mr. Pearson said. SCOTS CROSS SEAS GLASGOW (CP)--A mass ex- odus of Scotsmen to Canada is bringing prosperity to furniture movers, One company says it had so many inquiries about shipments to Canada that it had to rent a hotel ballroom to handle one new customer every courts. 16 day -- 2 Escorted $240 61 Prince St. second. | Florida Circle Tour FEBRUARY 25 and MARCH 18 Ask for our folder which contains full information, Mitchell & Waite TRAVEL SERVICE departures 16 Days like the tide 728-7395-6 Air Canada goes to Miami misuse of the judiciary. Cited as examples were the studies on Gerda Munsinger and Lu- cien Rivard. LOOKED INTO GERDA CASE Mr. Justice Wishart-Spence of the Supreme Court of Canada was the one-man commissioner in the Munsinger affair. His re- port criticized Opposition Leader Diefenbaker for his han- dling of the sex-and-security case. Chief Justice Frederic Dorion of the Quebec Superior Court headed the study into Rivard's THIS VITAL YOUNG RELIGION many paths ONE GOD many colours ONE RACE many countries ONE WORLD There are three million people around the world today who believe that the unifications of mankind is the will of God for |} our age. They call themselves Baha'i. Perhaps Boha'i is what you are looking fur. Information upon request, 15 lola Road, Toronto 7, Ontario. For local Oshawa Informo- tlon, regarding the Boha'i faith please write to 575 Ritson Road North, Oshawa. | OPEN WITH BAR THIS SUNDAY FACILITIES i oP a cad ade OPEN THIS SUNDAY 4:30 AND REMEMBER BAR FACILITIES AVAILABLE MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW. PHONE 723-4641 twice-a-day "149 21-Day Economy Excursion Return Fare from Toronto (effective December 16, 1966 - April 14, 1967) This winter, for the first time, you can fly Air Tampa/St. Petersburg? Air Canada, this taal aT winter, also flies non-stop to this holi- Canada through to Miami, because we will jet G2) hub on the West Cosst of Florida, there twice-a-day via Tampa from Toronto, There, the ee. Sa ee faa ' F ing are superb in the blue-green Gu Plan to rest and relax in marvellous Miami, of Marice and the lazing around on the c uncrowded golden beaches is very easy far from Old Jack Frost and lét the Sun toast to take lying down, Lots of great ofan you a happy, healthy holiday. Just be sure to seeing adventures in the area, too. reserve your seat to the Sun soon on one of Air Canada's daily flights to Miam! via Tampa. They're a cinch to be very popular, Got the urge to go? Then, go see your Travel Agent and get all the easy-to- take news about Florida and Air Canada's best-ever daily flight sched- ules, Incidentally, while you're there, ask about the wealth of wonderful Package Vacations available to you for your sojourn in the Sun. If you're a golfer, inquire about Air Canada's great Golf Tour of Florida. Air Canada also has special discount fares for family travel and Fly Now--= Pay Later Plan that's tailored for bude get-minded travellers. Places such as the Sunken Gardens... Cypress Gardens...Circus Hall of Fame...Weeki Wachee Spring... many, many more! Round-trip Economy Fare From Toronto $134 Book early through your Travel Agent or write to us in Toronto at 130 Bloor Street West. AIR CANADA (&) Watch "Quebec Winter Carnival' on CBC-TV Monday, February 6th -- a one hour fun-filled frolic. FOR RESERVATIONS AND TRAVEL INFORMATION CALL DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN 102 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY, PHONE 668-8867 CALL FOR COMPLETE TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 25 KING ST. E. OSHAWA PHONE 723.9441

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