{ i | | =i nesday, Saturday and Sunday DOUBLE TALK emer i oi na 1 SHOWTIME AT THE MOVIES [iiit=i'S'Y0"%0°%5) sonar cose «| gum IZA since '|All seats reserved. Universal's "The Champagne NEW ODEON I " Phone 723-0241 Now playing for an extendec] Held over for another re- PLAZA pad Ponisi pF or 728-0192 run the dramatic story of, Doc-| :ord - breaking week, the movie) Now playing = Murder's|y7, says he intends to remain ' tor Zhivago, for which Bori:| hat has brought tears of joy to)Row, Dean Martin stars as top physically able to accept sub- EleG & ae Pasternak was awarded the No-| nany, many viewers. The movie|<ecret agent Matt Helm in this ABAUEAT tOlRe O'Nei bel Prize for Literature, evokes| hat has everyone talking, Ro-|comedy, second in the Matt : Parlian the whole experience of Rus-|gers and Hammersteins, The/Helm series, also stars Ann- Monda; sia in the past fifty years. The|Sound of Music. In cinemascope| Margaret and Kar! Malden plus| the iss picture's huge international cast|and technicolor. Starring Chris- the twelve beautiful Slay girls.' regs { is headed by Geraldine Chap-|topher Plummer and Julie An-|ty color. 44 v9 cof oF lin, Julie Christie, Alec Guiness |drews. Shown daily at 1:20, 3:25, 5:30,| " ite ae and Omar Sharif. : Shown each evening at 8:00/7:40 and 9:40 p.m. Last com-} Annes The giant production was film-|p.m. Special matinees on Wed-'plete show at 9:20 p.m. J ed in Spain, Finland and the) ------ rn rr rrwr amerairesh Canadian Rockies. , This is the story ag Ping he ag als D I "Reme man torn between his love for ANCE ine) hs wife andthe asionate a at Tt THIS WEEK oe ender Lara. On flaming background of revolu- NEW LEGION HALL LITTLE C AES A AND THE partmel -- 471 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH CONSULS fon sh Shown each evening at 8:30 : A artiestan Be Non Mania $0: Mam mals tc p.m. Saturday and Sunday ma-|$ Featuring: -- , pienth eiedewtclh dapahiRidrel dS iotded audited aint fond bitand modelle tinees only at 2:00 p.m. Reser- tiest cc Sr at only Tee ae BILL BLACKWELL and His Orchestra 0.¢C.V.I. AUDITORIUM avalah sale at the box office. For re- er 0} sale at the box office, For te? SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4th $@ SAT., FEB. 4th - at 8:30 p.m. a 5562. Dancing 9 p.m. to 12 ' - $3.00 per couple Dress -- Shirt and Tie--No Blue Jeans pigs MARKS > . jor Faci ord ' Saturday and Sunday only, Moment to Moment, in techni- color. Starring Sean Garrison, Talk MEET THE ACOUSTI-CHORDS | ia sea bee mae, =a people eee wid ~ ng © bi Bis Y i ¢ i } tet it suspense of a stolen love affair. s The Acousti-Chords will 10th anniversary with a Laurier inst Oth ig poet Pigg oth greed h yeal dramatie love ator the gr be one of the featured program called A Harvest musical attractions will in Ch D Line This |Adult entertainment, was j attractions at the Eastdale © of Harmony. Left to right clude the Oshawa Sweet Yi", to eaeth anna On the suis" ennai: Kori Collegiate Feb. 11 when the are: Mrs. Robert Bone- Adeline Chorus, the Sports- -- presentation of A Harvest |Blood of the Vampire, with ef : pore Nee Oshawa Chapter of the ham, Mrs. Horst Weggler, men, SPEBSQSA quartet, of Harmony. Donald Wolfit and Barbara %: N : iW it wan Mrs, Les Moffatt and Mrs. Ding-Dong Belles, Sweet --H. E. Stillwell Portrait |Shelley. Also in color and adult iI d , Sweet Adelines mark their rs & 8 ater albinent: : A E x p enses p al year. 7 ry * Saturday continuous from "al Ye Sal Ye overtim| ON TELEVISION Copter Film Has 1:00 p.m, and Sunday continu- ES 4 + xX 4 enieviis ' ous from 2:00 p.m, O Hoot-} | Thrills Galore Starting the following Thurs- ° ' show-biz Wayne And Holden Co-Star rs: «.: cay Btn Culd'Get Hed I 3) SE . & (feet Vv. Pat iat exciting look at Can-lin technicolor. Starring James ' | | Canada ada it takes a big picture to/Garner and Sandra Dee. Ak | e capture the spirit or a_ big A ded feature, Mone | country, but now it's been done.|,, "5 20 @ . y F n e orsée O 1ers The film is "Helicopter Can-|ZTaP With Glen Ford and Elke | On i jada." It opens February 22 at|S0mmer. O'Conno TONIGHT |ture and street dancing. (Chan-|theft, a newspaper publisher| the Odeon-Plaza Theatre. Shown weekdays at 7:00 p.m. first p MISSION IMPOSSIBLE --!nel 3, 6, 12 at 8:00 p.m.) sets out to discredit the police) The first -panavision feature|Saturday continuous from 1:00 Whitby Agent Briggs (Steven Hill) and) BIG VALLEY -- Jarrod Bark-|and demonstrate the ba of Haber Coan a helicopter ba epee continuous from | Peace F tch wits|ley comes to suspect that Sen-|his editorials by offering a|"Helicopter Canada" takes the|4: Mm, i say will Sts is Sivicas damper whe she a ag Jud Robson's (Andrew}$10,000 reward for Kimble's| viewer on a daring trip, giving A REALLY GOOD PLACE | judged fiscated a huge diamond. (Chan-| Duggan) killing of a gambler bd Pie oo - m? moa -- pomeuines TO BUY | oa t 8: .m. | was not self-defense, as claimed| (Channel 11 at 7:00 p.m. reath-taking look at the coun-| i other s vie: THE dORSE SOL-|by the senator and two alleged THURSDAY try's bountiful spectacles. SATURDAY A FINER USED CAR i Fe Mi DIERS -- John Wayne and Wil-/witnesses. (Channel 9 at 9: TELESCOPE YOUSUF) It took director - cameraman, aiser & liam -- oe in this Pei faa Channel 7 at 10:00) KARSH -- Telescope '67 pre-|Eugene Boyko 18 months, 542 NIGHT dhs shehnsoccoe wo sioaaee sesngtl ; i nion| p.m. , F x EI OAOS, : Cavalry. drive through 'Tennes-| sents a filmed portrait of, the| air hours, 1,500 miles of travel Po | the'con see to Louisiana enabling Union reATGNAn GaOuRAnete ti studio 'and at home. Karsh has|2"@ 130,000 feet of film to com- DANCE (HAVE YOUR Unfasten Your Est, Belt mA ' ¥ Take A Step Into a On Fr men to reach safety. (Channel ALASKA. an ceding summer|Photographed most of the great plete and he has succeeded in WINTER GARMENTS CHIPS Ah GRAV MODERN LIVING poor _ 11 at 10:30 p.m.) vacation by a family of four and| Personalities of our time. His/capturing in an unusual way| --To-- y FISH Rg CHIPS d Sackios SUNDAY their St. Bernard dog via plane,|@ssignments take him all over|all the bounty and excitement of|J BLACK HARBOUR N. B.'s DRY CLEANED : bal Vics, turn eng PABLO PICASSO -- A special|foot and mule to the sparsely the world. (Channel 3, 6, 12 at/Canada in its Centennial year. LARRY THOMPSON fo WOW CLAM CHOWDER : by all. program covering two exhibi-|populated frontier of the 49th/9:00_ p.m.) "Helicopter Canada" as : : tions -- one in Paris, one in|state. Alexander Scourby is the ABC STAGE 867 -- Lauren) sown in color on the wide AND THE Pick-up and Delivery McMURRAY S INTERIORS A Texas -- of the master's work,|narrator (Channel 4 at 7:30|Bacall and John Forsyth a8 @ltheatre screen, portrays a na- ANCHORMEN and the auction -- at New York|p.m.) er rove gyernge star id this!tion and its people as no other|] FEATURING KARL MURPHY WHITBY CLEANERS DRIVE-IN-RESTAURANT BY Nt was City's Parke-Bernet Galleries) INVADERS -- David's (ROv|ing'in the United States during medium can. in a total look ati{ Oldtime and Modern Hil 159 Colborme f. 668-2345 Simcoe St. N. at Taunton Rd. WINDOLF Student A the artist' R pooner aid the vaders' base of operations leads|the past 25 years. (Channel 7 at iallsortes Sa heared AJAX CLEANERS : 728-2291 39 Simcoe St. N oe ee Committee for the Restoration|to a sea lab where the mysteri-|10:00 p.m.) production of the National Filti 72 Hardwood E. 942-0310 'the Big ""M" Drive-In * N. Whitby | of Italian Art, (Channel 2 and 8|ous disappearance of the lab FRIDAY Board and the Centennial com: pANeING $s Children at 6:30 p.m.) director is a clear sign that) DANNY THOMAS SPECIAL--| mission of Canada when it opens|f 9 P.M. TO 12 $1.50 Parents' SMOTHERS BROTHERS --|David is on the right track.|Guys 'N' GEISHAS --Jonathan| February 22 at the Odeon-Plaza MITTON'S BLYLEVEN the past ' GOMEDY HOUR -- is a new (Channel 7 at 8:30 p.m.) Winters, Jack J rd s- and|Theatre. oO eat HAW, 10-year-c comedy-variety series starring Japan's Romi Yamada guest- pines. Tom and Dick Smothers. This] yoy Poon sUYSs AND|star in U.S. network TVs" first SUPERTEST es ESTATE & At the week's guests are Ed Sullivan,|nor75 -- Damon Runyon's| Made - in - Japan variety show. SERVICE SURANCE son's Dr Jim Nabors and Jill St. John. Broadway comes to life in the Danny and Jack, as themselves : Exceptional buy. 6 room home, . three | (Channel 4 at 9:00 p.m.) 1955 Samuel Goldwyn film adap-|@e chased around Japan by a a firelace, garage. Excellent loco. Zz "Improv ses tg a i cane hit. The|Shady international character @ British : ANE Only $13,500 -- Hurry! Youth a MONDAY ' (Winters) in quest of a precious ry the club The|Story focuses on the desperate f Car Specialists HOMES -- MORTGAGES -- ba deg sitanie hall e plight of gambling promoter] Scroll. (Channel 2 and 8 at 8:30 APPRAISERS me spotace, pagent tnd $orlRithe, Detll sak Str) 2) 2 wacnanis To ae 4 623-5300 ; bec's Winter Carnival. Chantal| Who's TaCln Oe er for iis The Coronet Lounge RR. 1 Oshawa 725-4211 espace niiooemees C Beauregard and Alex Trebek|a police - proof site for his) R. awa will be the commentators for] floating a. oo stars) Seen! HAVE YOUR RUGS & UPHOLSTERY The Te guch carnival highlights as the|Marlon Brando, Jean "el PROFESSIONALLY CLEANED NOW ! UPHOLSTERING Barry's | Ke canoe ace, ren Per SO ae pan) nn Hos The Anever To of the CADILLAC HOTEL Schlacht_ Electric For Pick-Up and Delivery Call sr nstoran § | oa Sarnivel (Jpll Snowman) and| FUGITIVE -- Angered when L li ELECTRIC MOTOR 725-9961 PRICES | ter vedas his seven Duchesses, ice sculp-!his son is arrested for auto one mess Presents B SERVICE c guests v @ Furnace i 170 IMCOE N. OSHAWA a Toronto, NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS Nie Shee ery ra eines (oer 0 ie aicctr, age-minded and looking for your Industrie! ee and Lau! IDEAL MATE: send for informa- > oe RU LES mati Park. ion ai application, enclosing Portable & Lydi s s hie and handl- and the Workshop Tools Darlington Upholstery at 'eg ul In un é s Each week there will appecr th h the on this 102 KING ST. W. fun. The $ RR No. 2 Bowmanville feature the letters making up the name of one of the porticipating businesses, BOWMANVILLE oR girls in U Pi D i TOGS 623 7490 You are required to read each advertisement very carefully, find these letters 623 7341 8 8 5 aha | . and identify the featured business, Fill out the entry form below end send e y Ingsl e Socla 10n Computer Dating dislk wee Gil to the EXPO CONTEST EDITOR ¢/o The Oshawe Times by mo later than Service on miss is 4 p.m. each Friday. } one * JACKIE'S Mr: side Park is located east|functions, meetings, socials and 50 Chicora Ave., Toronto exciting versatile group Gerda's about th am junction of Dean Ave.|fund raising activities. It is our 5 -- . HAIR STYLING impor tant CLEANERS for teen: and Tennyson Ave. The area|centennial goal to have this cen-M onj corny o Pek de art ly 1. To be eligible for the GRAND PRIZE each entry must be eccompenied by 165 SIMCOE ST. $ ed the which the park serves is south|tre in full operation by the end | ontee. ORDER YOUR CHINESE FOOD 72 CHURCH ST., OSHAWA @ Cash Sales Slip or Proof of Purchase from one of the participating OSHAWA activities of Olive Ave. to the Lake andjof 1967. The first step towards businesses. students. east of Wilson Rd. to the town|this goal will be the election CALL THE RICKSHA 728-1676 VISIT us 2. Bach entry must be submitted on the OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM. 723-7975 As ow line. of a at our peeeiee gd Se 3. All contestants must be 18 years of age or over. Ajax Is k has the usual equip-jing tomorrow evening, Feb. 5, ° Wit 00 open to om a "swings, tectertotters, 7:30 p.m. at the Kingside Park CLUB TO D AY a test sonnet enswer heaps seek ak will be submitted for the finet | Y liga agar . ton Hig Oe ee steed e544 een ha Seve unt Leagan ANNERENE | 2 41 ed -- ling ™ bed biggeed ig ----. bl gy ae Cleaned. --, . ai ju iy a jays. FS ~ ines oes | ERs ee ee oe "FREE" wa 8 very exciting for the c ' : 4. $50.00 spending money. as the adults. going to lose several of these On Scu Island i child receives a freejactive members because of 508 | M hot-dog, pop and chips. Besides|shift work, previous commit- DANCE } / AB"S MOTORCYCLE SHOP \ M i 5 . On Fri this, there are home-made ments, Rin 4 ete.; 90 we w Ld © Jockets @ Windshields arian's Variely & Lunch lin stud taffy apples, hamburgers, hot-jare t) Beil gst ld : * @ GOOD MEA @ CONFECTIONERY by a bi dogs, pop, etc. for sale. There|members to come out and take To The Music of Join The Crowd at * B.S.A. * Triumph Ducati e choaans? SUPPLIES R school ir are also games of chance suchjan active interest. EUGENE & @ Helmets © Gloves @ Goggles 922 Simcoe N 725.0943 McLau as darts, fish pond, bingo and) The second step towards our \ 114 Stevenson South -- 728-7780 OPIN 6 AMan11 PM. in the 1 pony-rides, as well as a home| centennial goal, is to raise funds THE STARLINERS } : Dey Bro bake sale for the ladies and alfor the building. The first | : H E GOLD press for popt free dance in the evening forlevent is a Valentine's Dance tol] 2 hiS Saturday | %e 2 Mechanics 3% Guaranteed Used Cars Painter, the teen-agers and adults. Along|be held next week, Saturday, FEBRUARY 4th H | Lo i : . ee with all this there is a free at-|Feb. 11, at St. John's Hall, cor- t % Lowest Prices % Top Quolity Service tendance prize of a bicycle for/ner of Simcoe and Bloor St. Dance 9 to 12 ; AJAX N the children as well as an adult! We'll see you all at the meet- WATE POR OUR GALK Peleshok Motors Lid e' attendance prize. ing tone sight. : VALENTINE DANCE e 942-6300 he place? ere else srgats raonni : mci 'The sports program consists The Kingside Park Clubhouse. | Offi ; i E t E QE of hockey and baseball with IC (+ | nm ry orm RIVERIA COIFFURE three hockey teams and five J NV. A NEW ° baseball teams in keen compe- | ° MBWEF . cer vvccseece ee re ee ee eee ee AND . from the tition for their respective cham- | AVI ATI ON F. CRISILANO'S dicate tl pionship. | OTe RISER Ure EA IN APSR omSe ree rir ne BARBER SHOP ter's The The Kingside Park Clubhouse (GOV'T. APPROVED SCHOOL) Si may be (size 40' x 70') is completed on Private and Commercial Flying Tink best-selle the outside and has the hydro Instruction 9, Aircraft Rentals, ° OT SSIS oP ae oe Oe i CTU Ean © ew cs e. ial A spok and heating installed. We should Seer T charekes Abreraft «MANICURES Row, th Bll beg Redbapadng Retbapains | os TH aaa GRY ae mg ae aot ae building in our area where we ie lec. Perm Special they hav can hold dances, recreational peri a * | MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Lost Week's Winner: 20% OFF the size der eael Bera alypie Rhytnme 728-3191 MRS. BETTY TAYLOR The book * SATURDAY «x BOB MERCER Entertainment Nightly 167 Ritson Rd. S., Oshawa i Sidlesst | Couples Only | Matinee Soturday the late HUNGRY ? "It to || BOBBY MINNS | ! © Comedy ' sh lags history," ond his celebrated | @ Music T A N. T T T d 3 1] Show BAND ry ew laste [reat Il oday rege 1 ---- l © Laughter late that Reservations a i | gs, | Entertainment Nightly -- Saturday Matinees . "IT'S DELICIOUS!" GET A PLANTATION COMPLETE ee i 6 | BOX OR A BARREL FRIED CHICKEN TAKE OUT SERVICE In Chi eal "wnrey Wh Central Hateb ssn | zi r Y S A s a wr fia || 671 KiNG E. THE CHICKEN HOUSE + 72e4771 ie