Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Feb 1967, p. 12

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pebruery 4, 1967 . ' 12 cis atu C ll Milk Production er hallenge uture swi Christ n Ed tion pisces 101 uca 10 . e TORONTO (CP) -- Research e e that has produced a more rapid e no e ee 1n and effective treatment for a irector Writes Hymns Sos cece pie milk sage oo er was de- ; : The challenge of the future|ducted by the official board. Thomas Moorcroft expressed|Sctibed to the Ontario Veter- The ood ye she was eight hymns for the young people's was the keynote of the ninth} The executive members of|thanks to Mr. Porter, on be- wetieet Association convention . D. Py » eeriee McLean has "gq conference newspaper. annual meeting of Westminster|the board were elected as fol-|half of the congregation, for saa ef * cot late the ci : fascinated by hymns, She | Her programming work for United Church. Reports show-|lows: Mrs. L. Majoros, secre-|his ministry and guidance. Mr.|, Dr. J. F. Cote, associate pro- needs ¢ s not content merely to sing 4 1967 includes putting together ed that during the last five|tary. Committee chairmen are:|Porter was given a standing fessor in the department of clin- fis aC . : : ; ' annual them -- but likes to delve into | slides on 'Coast to Coast in years membership and givings|Thomas D. Moorcroft, outreach; |ovation. Mrs. George Lofthouse ical studies at the Ontario Vet- M Soi 4 7 44 . ' ' 2 ed " $ emor their origins and find out about |. 4 Canada", "The Church at Work ; - d P A erinary College, University of the liv f Cannea" h have doubled. Douglas S. Kerr, property; Ken-|presented Mrs. Porter with a Iph a ketosis outlinec e tives of the people who'§ g in Canada, and she hopes, a The minister, Rev. Johnineth Brown, membership; Mrs.|floral arrangement in acknowl-|Guelph, reported on ketosis, k during wrote them. series on Canadian artists, to Port hated ook tu th{Donald Wood, christian educa-|edgment of her important role condition resulting from inade- Thi Researching into hymns is one show to groups. F the' church oe ne row ition and. Ross Lofthouse, {and the way in which she car-| uate nutrition which lowers the Hck of the main interests of Miss She has discovered local in- of the church had been grad: Breer h ini1,{cow's blood sugar and causes Perv. 4 : i ual but not automatic. It had|finance. ried out her many r ii ery. T McLean, who is director of terest behind some hymns ' ties her to c too much of her Christian Education at Simcoe "what A Friend We Have involved a great deal of work] Seven special services were K own body fat. comple Street United Church, Oshawa. > in Jesus" was written by a Port MM a part of ened members.|held during the year and a © Dr. Cote said if there is no wey an She has built up a wealth of | Hope man, Joseph Scriven, and itg t orter stressed the neces-\jhighly successful youth confer-) _ PINCHED A MINISTER infection or other reason for the a knowledge about them, and has _ is known all over the world. . 4 gs the congregation to bejence was held in the spring.) LUXEMBOURG (AP) --|cow's loss of appetite, ketosis is ei ™ even written a few herself. Dr. Stanley L. Osborne, of the ea ciner s the needs of the|Plans are under way for @ COM-|When police raided a maovie|preventable by strict attention ee Since November, 1965, she has Ontario Ladies' College, Whit- new families which have moved jgregational conference 1ateTlentitled Sexual Obsession and|to the quantity and quality of righ been writing a column on the * by, who was born in Clarke 0 the area. this year. Caresses they found Jean Du-|the diet. The cows should be joel y subject for weekly newspapers. ae 5 Township, composed a_ tune He challenged the members 269 MEMBERS pong, the new minister of jus-|fed high-energy foods, fe As 1967 is Centennial year, she called "Florence" in 1939 to to accept the obligation of the tice, in the audience. He was| Treatments for ketosis include oe is going to devote her columns BEATRICE McLEAN which words were put by Rev. church to the community to ex-| It was reported the church/there on administration orders|the use of insulin in conjunction ae it se to Canadian hymns. Frederick Passmore, a United pand facilities to meet the in-|membership has increased t0jto judge whether the film was|with an enriched ration and vistors If you thought there were not Governor - General of Canada. Church minister in Western creased needs of the commu-|269, representing 131 families./obscene but state prosecutor|steroids that stimulate the cow atenley many -- you're wrong. Miss Mc- He held this post until 1883. Canada. The hymn is called "O nity. He commended the con-|Church givings during 1966) Alphonse Huss had already ban-|to produce high levels of blood Stan ey Lean has a list several pages A well - known figure in our Son of Man Who Lovest Much". em gregation on its past achieve-|were $9,941.57. The proposed|ned it. a sugar. phar long. She was able to plan her history is the courageous Jesuit) Miss McLean is interested in ments and encouraged the|budget for 1967 of $14,760 was dow de 52 columns and still have many|priest, Jean de Brebeuf, who|local history and is co-author of| Women of many denomina- | the author of the 1967 serve |members to retain confidence|presented by Mr. Lofthouse. and th hymns left over. Her December|was martyred in 1649. He wrote|a book "Greenwood Through the} 'ions will take part next | ice using the theme "Of His |in their ability to meet the de-} The Sunday School has an ALBERT STREET UNITED CHURCH sented articles featured Canadianja Christmas hymn for the|Years". This is the community| Friday in the World Day of Kingdom There Shall Be No |mands which will arise in the|enrolment of 231 with 14 teach- Nativity Christmas carols. Huron Indians, phrased in lan-|where she lives, .16 miles from Prayer Services in the Osh- End." Queen Salote ruled |future. He emphasized thejers. Receipts for the year (Corner of Albert St. and Olive Ave.) The | eS guage they would understand, |Oshawa i" awa area. In Whitby the her independent kingdom /foundation of the church had/|totalled $678.04. MINISTER: REV, HELMUTH DYCK, B.A. cate th VOLUMINOUS FILE |with braves instead of wise men.| She lived and went to school| Service will be held at 3 | for 47 years. The first ob- |been well and truly laid, but} The sum of $1,257.85 was; ORGANIST-CHOIRMASTER: HAROLD ELLIS held dt She has probably read every| The title was 'Twas in thelin Oshawa and at that time be-|.P-m. in Whitby Baptist | servance of the World Day /must not stop there. raised by the United Church, band ih book on hymns in Oshawa Li-|Moon at Winter-time' and the!Jonged to the King Street United Church; while in Oshawa of Prayer each year is held YEAR OF PROGRESS Women of which $1,000 was ; SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL 22 - brary's general section, and/English translation was made/Church. services will be held at 2.30 in Tonga and the Queen al- 4 turned over to the official board 9:45 A.M.--Junior, Intermediates and Seniors 21 buri friends have given her other|by J. E. Middleton in 1926. ' and 7.30 p.m. in Knox Pres- ways led her people in this | The reports of. the various|for church expenses. 10:45 A.M.--Beginners, Kindergarten and Primary ices on books as presents. She has hun-| Healey Willan, an English or-|NOTED RESIDENTS hyteried Church. Seen here | observance. committees and organizations sigs he age we YOUTH SUNDAY pre eed dreds of hymns on her files at|ganist who settled in Canada he had hoped to write a book| iS the late Queen Salote of a of the church showed 1966 had|was finished to provide more i ay f i! home. and has written many hymns, he Costianial year fart noted| the Tonga Islands who was Wide World Photo |peen a year of progress and|room for members. The choir VECO AME RAIS ya ving a Her research has unearthed|wrote '"O Lord All Our Gover-|canadians from this area, but ingful activity. An experi-|loft was completed and con- Youth Speaks Out -- Larry Scott & George Muzik vane many interesting facts. Did you/nour" 'which was sung at Queen} nfortunately does not have the double garage is attached to mental methed of conducting|struction has started on a slid- * es 5 Feibe \ erer know, for instance, that 'O|Elizabeth's coronation. time to do this. She is very N M the house, which is of brick ang|comgregational affairs wasjing door and new lighting in A EARDIAL. WELCOLUL 40 ALE" seas Canada" has about 20° English kh in her job at Simcoe ew anse : adopted. Believing there is no|the Sunday School Hall. < year, INSPIRED AT EIGHT nappy in her. 4 aluminum siding. ng | pil versions, including a hymn Miss McLean has been gather Street United 'Church, which Memb + the ten pes spaqeted ngs and ma- | --, the wo "Lord of the Lands Beneath| Miss Mct : 'brates its ow entennial s embers 0: @ building|terial in church affairs and that : Thy Bending Skies"? The words|ing material about hymns for oc ae Ee | 1ewe committee were: Stanley Ogle,jall work of the church is WESTMOUNT CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH beg of this were written by a To-|years. When only eight she was Was vyuns Miss Mclean bas chairman; Mrs. R. Bishop,|sacred, all business was con- | also ex' ronto doctor, Albert D. Watson, |inspired by the story of Fanny! t@ Nyt oe with a citi. Mrs. Robert Dale, Harold UNITED CHURCH | Corner King and Centre St. Pag oe Crosby, the blind Methodist ve oahip theme, an ecumenical Werry, Ron Robinson, Clatr H Bond Street West et Rosehill Bivd. || REV. ARTHUR W. MAGEE--MINISTER the en Also of interest in Canada's |hymn-writer. : P, , em. ers Brown and William Hancock. ARMONY Organist Mrs, A. H. Foy the m r 1 .|hymn "Father May We Be One | (ust north of the Oshawa hurch eo a that ae ot he vanes Dorcas in Thee", a Christmas carol bial sougini baht ong 3 San UNITED CHURCH balaics ihe eeacabaehe | Dinca: the hymn "Unto the Hillsjve © : haa init uae committee were: Mrs. J. Star- H Minister: ' mn. Around" was written by John|Union of the United Church of/and another inspired by a visit ype (TC) More than Forki, chairman; Mre-_Broce |] Rev. G. J. Minielly, B.A. 0D. Pl A legal Pally me tn Mc-|to the Holy Land in 1965. members of the congrega: Rev. N. T. Holmes, B.A., B.D, Organist--Cholr Director kK Campbell, Duke of Argyle, in|Canada from 1954-56, Miss Mc tion and their friends attended|MacDonald, Albert Wood, Mar- ee ee ae | Thompson AR.C.T., LCL. || menars os bout] Says Miss McLean: "'I firmly attende , i cysatech Mr, D. Thompson A.R.C.T., L-T.C.L. 11:00 A.M. 1877 -- 8 year before he became|Lean wrote articles a bene, that the more you know|te open house last Sunday vin Hannah and Murray Jack-|| Mr. Marle Taylor, ARGT. : elieve 5 Pi ind © RMT. 45 A.M. 7 i about a hymn, its author and|*{ternoon at the recently com- ite Grpont ana Chelemastor SUNGAY. SCHOOL This Race for Which P al pleted manse adjacent to Ked- We Are Entered"' Si S Hi C Grou the meaning attached to the . = +e aniron United Church. Visitors 5 11:00 A.M. imcoe tr eet 1 Pp seg ced pose sepecics Bed rh were shown through the house H E A R 9:43 @.m.--Sunday School "The Things Core for smail children provided during the Service ef Worship Is C + 5 Youth Service d fe members of re building 11:00 Sree -- | That Endure' The Friendly Family Church at the Centre of the City, 0 nsor and manse committees. Re- Iny Tots 2 OTTA freshments were served in the The 11:00 Morming Worshi PRIMARY, KINDERGARTEN end of gran j lower hall of the church. i ee "NURSERY Lg 'on sunday, Fp, 5, rou ctu et of Sat 200 SUNGAY SPOTL "Fs. wes HH ae acto the Ble || 'taomy watone w at" || a worn mec os || ST. ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH ee service suited Church, beginning|This theme will be divided in- the general contractor for the shidsontata | " by the ¢ regan ocacbir 04 a to three categories. 'The. Lord . s project. Members of the con- DAILY SIMCOE SOUTH AND BRUCE STREETS dasz (1 a -M., pt rch was our Shepherd, the Lord is or ritains gregation gave voluntarily of Mon. te Set. eo ge { Minister: THE REV. J. F. G. MORRIS, B.A., S.T.M. told th oe yt : will feature ajour Shepherd, and the Lord their time and efforts to paint 9:30 - 10:00 The Chustian Crpeniet and Choummntion: ME. BEL VIN JAMES A/T.M. adjourn : the walls, varnish the - : - :00 a.m. message, "The Lord is Our|will be our Shepherd, presented LONDON (Reuters)--A new|work and' finish the note 94 ! Missionary Alliance S50 Acid, cn dade ed Waa Gea og Shepherd," taken from the a oe Ge. Fe gooll bprod Lh gee ek Me ah hg room. The furnishings for the : We talon: @ © 18 en | gists, 5 1, » T€S-| people of Britain -|study were purchased by thi e-cO! ' ee ' ® pectively. days is being headed by Lord|choir which 'an a series of H ser Fore Sheet Se. eee - i ene ay i nad 4 po Instructions After this will be a period| Willis, author and playwright. | concerts last year. | Rev. Richard J. Borker, Minister nior Discussion Group -- Teens page of silent mate, png Claiming government gupport, mm, irtlevel house contains ! 11,00°A M.-- Nursery, Kindergarten end Primary Departments fender. y the hymn, The s My/he believes Parliament will ap-| four rooms, a family room, ' ee?! : Do For Sermon Shepherd, to the tune of the|prove the necessary Dill incor-|kitchen, dining and living 1350 RADIO SUNDAY 11:00 A.M. agg THE rn Happy Wanderer. porating his ideas. Should he be|/rooms and a large study. A cordon. At 11 am. this Sunday, St.) Two Folk-hymns: Blowin' in|successful, Britons may soon 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL Which comes first, forgiveness or repentance? Mr. c George's eee Anglican Be Rage ' a Bg | bi be: eal so Cig cen -- to 7-00 P.M Reconciliation Is not easy. secreta! Church, worship and instruction|Whole World in His Hands, willjenjoy Sunday sport, theatres, C H R I S T I | ' : _M. will go hand in hand, Three|be sung. movies and other entertainment. ; | 1 1 :00 A.M. and . S Babes ond toddlers ere cared for during service. pon pei short instructions, instead of a] Ted Arnold, Ruth Young, Ri-| Later still, complex regula- FIRST: CHURCH -- 64 COLBORNS CT. EAST YOUTH: SERVICE Sic ed pardons sermon, will be given during}chard Hamley, Archer Guy,/tions on Sunday store opening drench ths he Ch i with REV. CECIL SMITH Govern the course of the service to as-jand Peter Hamley will assist|may be swept away to give|| ~"" other Church, The First Church of Christ Scientist |) pee E 4 sist the congregation to come to|in the service. Britain a continental Sunday. in Beston, Mowpelnieatts, eS al KINGSVIEW UNITED CHURCH a deeper understanding of the Holy Communion and Euchar- ist. The service will also be part of the preparation of the members of the confirmation classes who are being confirm- ed Feb. 26. The first service of Lent at The evening will be highlight- ed by two selections sung by "The Tilbury Trio," Nancy Will- son, Mike Astrop, and John Switzer, three O'Neill students who won the prize for Folk Singing at the recent, Rotary "Teen Talent Showcase". Most of the country's Sunday observance laws are based on the principle that church atten- dance should be encouraged by barring other public activities. Another principle is that on Sunday people should not do anything viewed by the law as SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 A.M. "SriRit' Wed. Service (Inctudes testimonies) 8 P.M. READING ROOM--CORNER ONTARIO AND BOND STS. A Nursery Is Available For All Services WEDNESDAY 7:45 P.M. -- PRAYER SERVICE "Where You Are Always Welcome" ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH CHURCH SCHOOL end MORNING WORSHIP et SEVENTH DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH, 1164 KING ST. E. ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENOLY FAMILY CHURCH REV. L, WESLEY HERBERT, B.A, Minister Mr. Rhyddid Willlorns, Choir Director and Organiet Li he St. George's Church will be a i : service of Holy Communion on oe bee, oe uae pokePe rd or commercially Monday to Friday -- 12 noon-5 p.m. BAGOT AND CENTRE STS. es Re ba peraeeg J Tar A cial hour will be held with re-| op Sunday iltine Gutnk at (Excepting Holidays) The Reverend Canon F. G. Ongley, M.A. --- Rector 11:00 AM 9 a.m. there will be a second res wna served by Hi-C)present legally buy a packet of Listen' tor The Bible Sneaks Te You COLE ® AWM, 'Byery Suneey The Reverend R. G. Brooks $, Th, -- Assistant 00 AM. Ms service of Holy Communion. : tea, play professional games, go " " Permission to be inte for school| All teenagers and adults &reito live theatre where a charge|7~---------- POSSESSIONS N slips will be provided for all|Welcome to attend the service,lis made for admission, or tran- SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5th -- QUINQUAGESIMA iecalicnin of trends Ws, achool children. Ealing sil marking Christian sat any business, without risk- 9:00 A.M.--Holy C The two special Lenten series| Youth Week. ng a fine or imprisonment. : .M.--Holy Communion rye Mr et ye the Lord" Roberts ' commence Wednesday evening. (Anglican) 11:00 A.M.--Holy Communion -- with explanation wei ely : At 7.30 p.m. there will be Len-| G O S p E L H A LL Mary end Hillcroft Streets 7:00 P.M.--Evening Prayer 9:45, A.M.--Adult Bible Study ond Jr. Confirmation Cicss Radio |! ten Devotions with the study of) ett ebb 11:00 A.M,--Chureh School -- Baby Care gach. the bishop's book on renewal) 40 NASSAU § | Nursery Facilities avoilable ot the 11:00 o.m. Service et 11:0 oo te fate Tasily Lite : ete 1 ae Ae eee ASH WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 8th -- SS -- .m. r | Series, built around films pro- SUNDAY 9:30 A.M. & 11:00 AM--CHURCH SCHOOLS - | = duced by, fhe National Film 9:00 a.m, -- Remembering The Lord HOLY COMMUNION -- 7:00 and 9:00 A.M. | SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH ; oard, will be P 11:00 a.m. -- Family Bible Hour and Sunday Schoo! 11:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION LENTEN DEVOTIONS -- 7:30 P.M. SIMCOE ST. S$. AT BAGOT STREET UNI auditorium. Next week the film is "David and Hazel', depict- FAMILY LIFE SERIES -- 8:15 P.M. } Thursdoy, February 9th -- 10:00 a.m. -- Holy Communion The Church In the heart end the city with the World on Its heort. Aired 65, Akg wsteag 7:00 Fh BVEDUNEE PRINTER MINISTER: REV. JOHN K. MOFFAT, B.A ing the kinds of pang se SPEAKERS: | that go on in two different' Pee families and the impact upon} nck: Renee ee one Nursery. Gow. et || ein. Senvice Director of Music: Mr. R. G, Geen, L.T.C.M, Bn Ash Wednesday 7:00 and 10:00 AM.--HOLY COMMUNION 7:30 P.M.--DEVOTIONS NATIONAL YOUTH SUNDAY 11:00 A.M. THE SALVATION ARMY both husband and wife and/ MR. R, FOREMAN of Oshowa 133 Simcoe Street South their children at a time of; Wednesday, 7:45 p.m. -- Bible Study and Prayer Meeting crisis. | ALL HEARTILY INVITED aa ------SS= Fs Majer and Mra, John Wood pre ag <a || FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ERIE STREET M nado tan "Take A Dare' BAPTI CHURC Off Simcoe St. (next after Bloor) Scripture read by Stuart Guy of "Hi-C"' H 226 Harmony Rd. S. | HORTOP AT GLENWOOD Minister -- Rev. €. M. Bright 725-3872 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School Prayer led by Notalie Salmers of C.G.I.T. 12:10 P.M, -- Church Membership Class { Rev, N. Frank Swackhammer, B.A. Rowland L. McCord --- Mus, Bac, -- Musical Director WORLD BAPTIST ALLIANCE SUNDAY Pastor Wm. J. D. Lewis } London Citadel Band and Lt. Col. Olof Lundgren 7:00 P.M, -- "HI-C' FOLK SERVICE Ted Amold, Richard Hamley, Susan Murdoch, Pot Gulenchyn, Junior Church Up To 11 Years Provided 10:00 A.M, -- FAMILY SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M.--Bible School H 11:00: A.M. i ae : ! . Lennis Trotter. Sec } 11:00 A.M.---Communion of the Lord's Supper | 11:00 A.M.--Family Worship Service tua haan eee Everybody Welcome -- Fellowship Hour Following kegel ory 7:00 P.M.--Living Christ's Way for '67 "STEPS IN SEEKING HOLINESS" : Saturday 8:00 P.M.--Music Festival SUNDAY SCHOOL Youth Meeting ! "Risen With Christ" | : : "SUNDAY 11:00 A.M. & 7:00 P.M ; | 7:00 P.M--Femily Gospel Hour 3 ~M. : § : ue mae Bile Study and' Prayer | Nursery and Jr. Church at 11 @.m. "THE MAN WHO STOOD & TAUGHT" Bp A hee Ga at Baby Cork aes DISCOVER THE DIFFERENCE | Bible Schoo! 9:30 Tuesday 7:30 p.m. -- Prayer Meeting and Bible Study Thursdey 7:30 p.m. -- F.M.Y. "A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU" Tues. 2:30 P.M.--Ladies' Home League Wed, 8:00 P.M.--Prayer Meeting A Welcome Awaits You At The Army | : 3:00 P.M.--Musical Moments ; NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Fellowship Of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada EMMANUEL -- (CORNER OF SIMCOE ST. AND ROSSLAND RD.) 7 MINISTERS: REV, H. A. MELLOW, B.A., D.D. BAPTIST CHURCH | LOPCAC Dae Pe Lote | THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA | REV we Sune BA Boece 7 oe & a } : Organist--Mr. Ronald Kellington Phill urray E and JC N ST . | Pastor REV, ERNEST WINTER REV. f KNOX ST. LUKE'S ST.. PAUL'S UKRAINIAN |] CHURCH SCHOOL SESSION: -- f SIMCOE ST, NORTH Rossiond Rd. W. et Nipigon | Wilson Rd. N, at King St. E. Peciphigggeoale | re em TUNIOR GRADES 4,'$ crag 2 || Minister Rev. G. W. C. Brett, B.A, PP dtl haa ta hy Rey. Walter Jackson nts - SENIOR GRADES 10 ea 'eee h Mr, Matthew Gouldburn, LCM, BA., B.D., M.Th. 'seg 9:30 A.M.--Chureh School | 10:48 em--NURSERY, AGES 3 4 8 é Ul o Are, 'Borkwell Musical Director 13 pry pie Pe ig hating eNneey ana ry dig oe a 9:45 AM 11:00 A.M. 1 -- -- | 9:30 A.M. Sa = CHURCH SCHOOL 105 A CHURCH SCHOOL HUNGARIAN | Dr. MELLOW will preach 9:45 A.M. 9:45 A.M--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL AG | 11:00 A.M. ' : lo iehn BIBLE SCHOOL The Bible is Our Textbook | iB might 11:00 AM. Minister Rev Serese it "MAY YOU LIVE ALL YOUR LIFE 11:00 A.M. 11:00 A.M. ond 7:00 P.M. | PUBLIC "SHALL HE i---- tin s ef Boptism ond Installation "COMMUNION" | i" Simeoe St. | ie REV. R. LYTLE H A CALL FIND FAITH" a of Stewards end admission of Elders. "STEWARDSHIP" Come, heor whet the Bible teoches! FROM GOD" WORSHIP 3:30 P.M---Worship Service Babysitter Service By The Come-Double Club WED. 7:45--BIBLE STUDY EVENING SERVICE BROADCAST OVER 'C.K.L.B. RADIO 5:45 p.m. 2nd and 4th 7-00 -o.n, #0 BS bin C ond PRAYER WEDNESDAY 7:45 P.M. STUDY THE SCRIPTURES IN DEPTH OM RR ere NUNS SENIOR HIGH SUNDAYS Chureh Membership Class in the Sunday Scheel Hall Vv h 4 j /

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