Oshawa Times (1958-), 1 Feb 1967, p. 5

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WHITBY DAY - BY - DAY ag a ee Se Qe eee ey ne on ae 8 | Senior Citizens |. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, february 1, 1967 5 s P li . é + |president; Miss Doris Leggoe,|cock, in charge of arranges ire re iminary ul Ing | A B G |(reasurer; Mrs. Kathleen Bell,|ments for social evenings and re usy TOUP secretary: Mrs. Harold' Han-loutings Pl | AJAX (Staff) --What is there : 5 _ vs ans Heard By Church | to 60 for senlor ctisens whol BELOCE Now Floving --- One Complete : WHITBY (Staff) -- "Let your| The session reported the con-| : own age and 'mane common | badual ay : als joy not go up and down with|gstegation now has 99 resident | interests? Fest See FHS CY, numerical success and failure pov ek and 18 non-resident! | Ajax can boast of having a on Hyg \' sy IS . ... Have joy because your! eure : li most active Senior Citizens' A A IN name is written in Heaven --in The building committee, ap- ; Friendship Club which meets pee f ' ls in th , i gas pointed at the 1966 annual meet-| } every Wednesday at 1.30 p.m.| COLUMBIA PICTURES \\ ' 5 Based God's book," said Rev. William|ing, presented a preliminary re-| _ at the Royal Canadian Legion Presents 4 Patterson as he set the theme|Port of plans necessary for aj | Hall. At present there are 92 7 that the for the annual congregational gine Hag gh hc Inj? members and an average of 65 5 COBURI d direc- meeting of Gardenview United! tion will meet aan oo Wlecies| ' members attend each week. ntrating Church. the plans fully and consider | Figg - ioe det a HEAT pent The leaders and chairmen of|them carefully. bone te wal mead dee fA Z Oy aininiha church sponsored organizations! The proposed 1967 budget,| | prefer to play bingo a large nie presented their reports 'which presented by Peter Wiseman, group does needlecrait and of | fix ts. They in ye onic good fellow-|was reviewed and approved. course all enjoy friendly chit- Begins ys f ncerned Teaiecaht Th y Hee and| The following elders, stew- chat. Tea is served at 4 p.m. 9:05 R ov p. The Hi-C GRoup,|ards and trustees were elected: A bus has been chartered for . under the chairmanship of Folli least to Martha Doner, again made| ~lders: Harold Andrus, Mal- Feb. 3 to attend the Ice Follies | RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT been on Christmas brigher for area chil- a Mager Pal Power ae pg pel gen F ge Rigs Bie 20k eeu Aleaciies. --- foes 7270 i Pa s, n Smith, Dr. Ken- 4 ; ) "u" » second fae Oe The lent neth Hobbs, Mason Morrison,| ; age who would like to join in| THESE ARE THE DAMMED" C. whip benevolent fund was used to fill|*"ank Parrinder, Art Reynolds,| ; this outing couid contact Mrs. | With MacD\ Corey -- A Knox charged Christmas baskets: while the David Snoddy and Mrs. George! Harold Hancock at 942-2856, or| emacs pecan : ------ tical at> United Church Women added to|SWeet: if they would like to have more | cg this service by collecting, re-| Stewards: Howard Doner, ' -- ta become mem- ati pairing and distributing toys.|Lyle Jones, James Smith, im DEK. COLLINS in the The local benevolent fund was|George Sweet, Ray McLaughlin, Last year the group at least| sed the used to fill Christmas baskets; |Allan Morgan, Delmar Rents, ppve a. mpi Arranged fr nik while the United Church Women|Peter Wiseman and Mrs. Ken- eee coe. are same 1k PN MID-WINTER CLEARANCE the po- added to this service by collect-/neth Hobbs. 4 [Posed for this year. aT has ing, repairing and distributing) Trustees: Charles Alexander, . | en yer sl pren > lines, clothing. |Wes Smith and Heary Hobbs, {|bers are invited to attend con- ' nounced *icerts and various events. They | E : jare pina grateful for the inter- | 4 'jest shown by those organiza- | a. Five Churches Share Meeting Series I Gees wt ike Mee ox ope: Robert In keeping with Christian|addressed a group assembled|* 4 "a hare . decid Youth Week the sermon at St.|from All Saints' and St. John's)! | Members of the executive lecided 4 Anglican churches and th *jare: Mrs. Margaret Speer, ow lies Mark's United Church last Sun- Sinha Ganicnelne ann et : | ------__--_ é ompson day morning was entitled "Liv-| wark's United Churches, on the : Ay ing It Up." The intermediate|subject 'What is Distinctive /ROR\ Created To cerned. ae "No Man is An/About The United Church of OF Individual ther exe eran. Canada?" : Requirements A series of three meetings} Next Sunday evening Rev. le arroe with the theme "Adventure in|John Frampton, minister of St. SLEIGH RIDING POPULAR WINTER PASTIME b See COLLINS for wonderful is vais Understanding" started Sun-|John's Anglican Church, Bow- = ; 4 th il i ' hae in as sh 4 day evening when Rev. R. B.|manville, will speak on the sub- The winter months, with as they provide the oppor- ese children in the Ajax Club where, at this time of values on name brand footwear. ale Craig, minister of Trinity|ject "What is Distinctive About| their cold weather and tunity for skating and other oy a ee to the full ae ee ' no Fag ia of ~a-liv- * 5 ff = . ie sport 0 obogganing on neir eing struc vy 0 ; nce and United Church, Peterborough,!The Anglican Church? coat ig vdlpetbedtets ca --s one of the lille st the Ane balls. 8 STAFFORD BROS. Shoes -- Snowboots -- Winter as been cs ng " nandale Golf and Country --Oshawa Times Photo LTD. F . | ; A Rtates . ootwear -- Slippers -- L almost Clothes For Korea Centenary Project MONUMENTS PRSrs eae special Hebron Christian Reformed) Taking part in th ry C 1 y h Dri Iniured | ee 'aking part in the program t | F a granted Church. Ladies' --Maria~--and} were: Mrs. D.~Moback, Mrs. u onvicts ou Iver nyure | Wee Erato ot- the Chiltoet 668 3552 ney on Martha Society, at its meeting]M. Vanderluit, and Mrs. John! Pass, the main route to the 318 DUNDAS EAST a most to attended by a large member-|Dinboir. | e When Car Rolls = goldfields, is one in four. though ship, approved the suggestion] A film was shown on the Of St l Ch ARE esented made by Mrs. Bernard Michel] work of the Christian Reform- €a Ing eques WHITBY (Staff) -- Andrija| i seen Me %, a eT hs cee ed Church among Cuban refu- Kubic, 32, of Kitchener, suffer- sf aby tlothes wou made/gees in Miami, Florida. sags é ed a sprained neck and bruises ven he and sent to Korea for a home| The next meeting will be ay voce whe ei ec ie gg Me gay - i to his' body and limbs when uy eee re iberiiied or tie for babies. held Feb. 9. statement to police admitting a|Donald went to the premises|His car went out of control on OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. break and enter offence in Ajax,|Sept. 25 with Henry Reid, of|Highway 401, went into the AUTO INSURANCE said Tuesday at his Supreme|Centre Street, Whitby, who is|"0Ith ditch and rolled over on Court trial that he did not com-|responsible for cleaning the Pay nut wae tavatting in the] 4g A centen< mit the offénce but made the|building. Reid's son was also 2 ! ou are an iner s been Whitby Knights of Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Archi-|statement to help a friend. present. ris gael lane " > Bret $22. 00 bsta ; you save up te RED and BLUE BRAND BEEF oe : of ST ee rg ys bald are on a six-week trip.| But the jury found the youth,| Henry Reid said McDonald Cresk, Whitby 'Towasnlo Shen "U0 on your auto insurance. rain 730 p.m. today. Chairman of| Tey will tour New Zealand, chee = ager 21, n§ co and oa while he and/the accident occurred. It was See... SIRLOIN & the event is Brother Bob/ Australia, Hong Kong and guilty of Gaaien ihe Ee Donald. at te eae 4 BROWIOE Henyily. ond the red | C nt and Collins. Japan. premises of Manor Homesjemptying the garbage and that aa ce a J @) et N Ri EG ER T-BONE me Mr. and Mrs, John VanLaling| Karel Schaaf chaired an ex-|compen',, Aloe. and steaung|ne found the cheques, in the tigate. | STEAKS Ib le prop © are on a three-month European|ecutive meeting of Kathleen|95 ' ve et and for 'ot about. the: oa 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA e trip. They will visit in Holland,| rows 1 d. School : : : Bi m, he JOINING FORCES is beer Germany and several other towe ome and School Asso-| They did not convict him on|Said. we countess. ciation and reported on the dis-|an alternative charge of hav- Mypriede Moog Pup pF Bn DIAL COOKE Mac & Cheese trict council meeting which heling stolen cheques in his pos- : Np ataheg ey Dutch Loaf C tself is Jake Reid, 1448 Brock Street| attended in Oshawa an carnival}session but found him guilty WHITBY BOWLING about the life of Fridtjof Nan- 728-7567 Chicken Loof South, flew to Cornerbrook,| oo oh : of having cheques adapted and| WHITBY MONDAY mIxeD Bowuino | S¢M, Arctic explorer and human-| MEAT ren hee lb should Newfoundland, where he will|/@"d also homebake sale willlintended to be used for for-| Team Standiigs: Rockets 22, Blowers| itatian. | Head Cheese Td 2 visit his mother, Mrs. George|be held March 3 to raise funds| gery. 22, Headpins 20, Big Five 19, Candles 18, % Dove and several other rela-jto assist pupils of grade six} The judge, Mr. Justice Grant,|Whtby Cleaners 15, Slick Six 14, Lucky : ag tives. Mrs. Dove will be return-| with proposed trip. Arrange-|postponed sentence until Feb. Toirfeens, 14. Night | Howks, u pivoed- ' FRESH anada, ing to her home in Oshawa| ments are being made to show|10 in order to have a pre-|9, KPPS 9, Pin Heads 9, Pipers 7, Nelgh: PORK C oe with her son. a_centennial film at the Mar. g|sentence report. pion BEES ER meeting. . bed mga bel od de evidence 245)7 deen Fowler 790 ee HOCKS lb Fine Support Mr. and Mrs. James Wilde|examiner and handwriting ex-|Sift nit?" oa eae" sii wk yet ee pce gps ~ pert, Geoffrey Brohier, who 202 219); Ron Childs (685 (206, 298); Clare PRINTS . : a ie yar y een Alsaid signatures on three blank|(g31 231); Keith Ring 64h D0 ay oe ferred iven VLanvass tac at their cottage at Rice/cheques found on McDonald|Howlend 635 (271, 217); Geo. Chase 634 Les. A, e. had been traced from one on a| 25, 216); Earl' Smith 628" (232, 201) ff) -- Once more andford 621 (247, 239); Jean began AJAX (Sta! Harry Donald recently spent King 611 (256); Clara Preston 603. (221); ederic- the Ajax population responded] several days in Montreal visit-| OLDTIMERS HONORED _|jos), "°*? °! (229)/ Bill Hewls 400 (202, CLOSED MONDAYS nabled generously, Monday, when can-jing the site of Expo 67 and) NEW YORK (AP) -- Branch|e= we vassed to give money for the| cauired general information|Rickey, the late baseball. ex : WHITBY MEAT MARKET anada, Ontario March of Dimes. Woudy vair, ogg and Lloyd (Little Pol WEBSTER ildings The Kinette Club of Ajax Bateball's Halt cf Wee: Sune We specialize in HOME FREEZER ORDERS fas of = Pp Po a ee KEEPING IT BRITISH day by the veteran's commit-| Lumber and Supply | Cutting and Wrapping . . . Ask About Our Prices fl who volunteer I 4 LONDON (CP) -- So-called|tee. They will be installed in|] 701 Brock St.N. -- Whi | 'aki i i tates act as canvassers or captians|"miq-Atlantic"' accents are de-|the hall at Cooperstown, N.Y., Ph. 668 4451 wd | WHITBY PLAZA Whitby Phone 668-6941 -- for this very worthy cause. finitely out for the BBC's new|in July as the 105th and- 106th . . @ All Meots Government: Inspected © recom: Gratitude and appreciation|light music station, to start}members of the elite group. Ria Ga edad t0 1 a a are also expressed by Kinnettes|broadcasting this year in the|Rickey died in 1965 at the age beg iin ia to the Ajax residents and indus-|style of the pirate radio ships.jof 83 after a long and _illus- Doors and Windows amons tries for their generous dona-|"We intend to develop a range|trious career was credited with inhalation tions, and kind reception shown.:|of microphone personalities .. .jsome of baseball's most im- Weather Stripping Tonia A special vote of thanks goes|Who will cultivate a style that is|portant innovations. Waner, and] We Are Over Stocked + imine to the young ladies of St. Paul's|intelligent, witty and unmistak-|his brother Paul (Big Poison), IN FACT -- Everything te a at United Church CGIT for their|ably British," said a spokes-|both played for Pittsburgh Pi-|] winterize your home. 100,000 Doll sizeable contributions, A thanks man. rates during the 1920s and 1930s. ,] oar Rail- you also to the public schoo! er the board of Ajax for allowing the INVENTORY Kinette Club the use of Parkside!' OPEN DAILY 5 115 BROCK N. MUST BE DISPOSED OF Com- public school. 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. WHIT Y John E. Meyers campaign FRI. TILL 9 P.M. B TO MAKE ROOM FOR MORE West chairman of the Ontario March NEW CAR TRADES Royal of Dimes extends his apprecia- i i2z ont tion to all who helped make this | FRESH CUT 1 ae campaign successful. FRESH PORK SIRLOIN or be at TENDERLOIN | w SOCCER SCORES ING TL} A LONDON (CP) -- Results of 95° STE AKS LB, ' Tuesday night's Football Asso- ciation Cup third-round soccer replays: Bristol C 4 Halifax 1 (Winner at home to Barrow or Southampton in 4th round) Cardiff 2 Barnsley 1 : (Winner at home to Man City) Everton 2 Burnley 1 (Winner away to Oldham or Wolverhampton) Rotherham 1 Nuneaton 0 (Winner at home to Birmingham C) Swindon 3 West Ham 1 (Winner at home to Bury) One-Stop DECORATING SHOP @ Wallpaper and Murals @ Custom Draperies @ Broadloom @ C.I.L. Paints and Varnishes @ Benjamin Moore Paints DODD & SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron St. S., Whitby PHONE 668-5862 BONELESS MEALED Cottage Roll u 49° | FRESH COUNTRY SAUSAGE FRESH MADE WIENERS SLICED COOKED PRIME RIB , 89° | ROAST BEEF C ssa. 20s echeibiess ee ROUND BONE SHOULDER vitamins A and D added -- -- STEAKS great sunshine favor that brightens every meal nen Serr FIRM RIPE MAC OR SPY RED ROSE extra shortening power CREAMERY IMPORTED ONTARIO for lighter baking BUTTER vu. 63° , TOMATOES 'ax LS* HAMBURG STEAK 3 lbs. SMOKED RINDLESS 3-LB. BAG Breakfast Bacon APPLES 29° COFFEE u 77° i a ao a fi Give your y the goodness of Blue Bonnet margarine. More housewives buy Blue Bonnet than any other margarine in Canada. Regular Blue Bonnet, Soft Blue Bonnet. DOWN PAYMENT FROM $150. BUY NOW! NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED THE SELECTION IS GREATER THE PRICES LOWER YOUR TRADE CAN BE THE DOWN PAYMENT ON THE SPOT FINANCING AND INSURANCE EXAMPLE-- 1965 PONTIAC -- Automatic, Radio LIC. NO, J5645 $150 Down $51. Per Month CHEVROLET NURSE 300 DUNDAS ST. EAST, WHITBY PHONE 668-3304

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