30 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, Februery 1, 1967 Other Methods Needed To Preserve NATO Peace TORONTO (CP) --Countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Or- ganization must find means other than military strength to preserve peace, Gen. Lauris Norstad, former supreme allied commander of NATO forces, said Monday. Gen. Norstad, who com- manded NATO forces between 1956 and 1963, told a joint lunch- eon of the Empire and Canad- ian clubs of Toronto that the threshold at which nuclear weapons might be used between the NATO powers and the So- viet Union is 'down consider- months or perhaps a year ago." NATO nations must move for- ward aggressively and reorien- tate the direction of the alli- said, "But security is not the} only matter of men and arms.| There is the consideration of tion of a lasting peace." He said the problem of dis- armament is fear. Peace could only be born in an atmosphere of security. Gen. Norstad repeated a pro- posal for NATO-Soviet inspec- tions first put forward in 1962. He described the proposal as an exchange of blueprints or basically ground inspection. He said such an agreement be a useful step towards the} "T am firmly convinced we preservation of peace. retire {who continue K Wilma Donahue of Ann Arbor, Mich. said Monday. Dr. Donahue, geront vision chairman at the Univers- ity of Michigan, said at a news conference would reduce fears of a sur-|most retired people did not die prise ground attack and would)@S 4 result of leaving work. WINNIP: Ibe ctestiaanest of tho founds | Live Longer She said most old people are not interested in working dur- seu win te wet! Retire Early |i"... esos .,/ Radio Station Sticks To Name what many younger people have said. | : Dr. Donahue, here for the an-| AUCKLAND (CP)--Residents EG (CP) -- Studies nual meeting of the Age and|of Paraparaumu, a seaside town Statistics have shown older people who live longer than to work, indicate Opportunity Bureau, predicted|in New Zealand, are up in arms the United States will provide|over the way the radio announ- a guaranteed income to retired|CeTs pronounce | the name. people which will be related to| It is a Maori word and the those Dr, ole the cost of living and the annual|Maoris give full and equal em- g increase in the national income.|Phasis to every vowel. White == jsettlers from early days have drastically changed Maori NAMED FOR TREE |names, often dropping a syllable Brazil was named for a tree-- or two at the end. the umbrella-shaped pau brasil,| The town of Kohukohu is "These people tend on aver-|prized by the Portuguese for|/known locally as "Koke," the age to live longer and healthier'making violins. |Auckland suburb of Otahuhu is ing their old age, contrary to Causes Citizens To Be Upset invariably called '"'Otahu"' by residents, and Paraparaumu is usually shortened to 'Para- pram." But the New Zealand Broad- casting Corporation, out of def- erence to the Maori language and the susceptibilities of Ma- oris, insists that its announcers stick to the full Maori values. In consequence, Paraparaumu always comes over the radio as 'Para-para-00-moo."" The peo- ple of the town insist that the name has by now been Angli-! cized to "Parapram." They maintain that many _ people THIEVES BOUGHT OFF ST. KILDA (CP) -- Thirty don't know what radio announc-|British army officers and men ers are talking about with the;manning a tracking station on long version. this remote island off the Scot» Maori scholars have jumped|tish coast were losing tons of to the defence of broadcasters,|stores to the island's mice until maintaining that Maori words|they discovered the rodents' should not be mangled. But anjliking for chewing gum. Now English professor has upheld|they feed the mice a daily ra- the people of Paraparaumu with|tion of gum and the food stores the view that general usage|are untouched. should prevail. residents in the district of When- uakite have come forward to ask about the pronounciation of| their area, By a_ remarkable process of word - twisting, the| place is usually called by white} people "Fenookit." 1) Meanwhile, another group A LEWIS OPTICAL Established for over 30 years 101% King Street West 725-0444 Powenr PRICES @ Prices Effective 'Ti @ Closing Feb. 4th ALL FLAVOURS JELLO 3 oz. Pkgs. KOUNTY KIST WAX 10 oz. 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Tin PINEAPPLE JUICE 48 ox, Tin "PANCAKE SYRUP 22 ox. Bri. ""SEAFF CRONERY « snooTH PEANUT BUTTER 18 ox, Jor DETERGENT Ge. Pkg. KRAFT CHEEZ WHIZ 16 ex. Jer KRAFT CHEESE SLICES 8 ox. Pkg. BISCUITS PILLSBURY ALL FLAVOURS CAKE MIXES eee egrmanennerecr ssa CLARKS Ww IRISH OR CHICKEN 59c 59c Dra TOILET TISSUE 57¢ 57c POWDERED MILK 1.29 ee E. 25 W, 40W, 60W, | BEST BUY BULBS 2/59 2/59¢ 'Nesrirs HAIR SPRAY 99¢ 99¢ 29:39 29.16 White Whole Wheat Cracked Wheat POWER BRAND FRESH SLICED LARGE 24 OZ LOAVES POWER EVAPORATED 'POWER BRAND, CDN. Bs FIRST GRADE CREAMERY 1 Ib. Print FACIAL TISSUE See c cbecsowibees te oe GERBERS or HEINZ STRAINED BABY POWER FROZEN ORANGE LYNN VALLEY PEAS GOLD SEAL FANCY SOCKEYE RED 7 c SALMON: 8 PKG 14 oz. Tin KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP 2r iT 09 ta eje ORONT inicipal mature nton ta Bsion to t office board d that cated y in De Bed use disct The boa sultant for de