; ' 25 THE OSHAWA TIMES, - of transcontinenta) ¢ ; ' Wednesdey, Februery 1, 1967 ush through to the ~ id to win permanent | BOWLING NEWS moulder of a nation } death in office in NEIGHBORHOOD LADIES' LEAGUE Hubbells won the second section wilt |24 points. Other peints were Vickers 26, Burrus 16, DePr 16, Pearses 17, | Burrus 16, Deprattos 16, Collins 15. Total Pinfall -- Vickers 50,437, Coiling 49,121, Campbelis 49,112, Wilsons 48,873, Pearses 48,756, Deprattos 48,380, Burrua 48,078, Hubbells 47,504. High Triples -- 0. Wlison 662 (266, 206)9 Pearses 48,756, DePrattos 48,380, Burrus 652 (237, 211, 204); B. fur ier' Pea (256) 5 N. Vickers 615 (216, 201); P. Mounce 603 > (221, 202). High sone -- G. Knight 259%, M. De Pratto 237, M, Witterick 227, 215, D. robe "se dine 218, B..Farnham 217, 208, M, Globen: 213, E. Campbeli 208 1G Bad ve -- - 4 N. Scott 203, D. Armstrong 201 OHNSON, 0.D. MOTOR CITY MIXED DOUBLES OMETRIST \ d : w ond 700 Triples: Bud Morey 768 (254, 278, ¥ 2 236); Leon Davey 764 (227, 295, 242)3 . gar / G4 Nore Sa tity, ta 7) hadle Jones ing St. East : \ 0 Ford 1a (9, 9 vd : CLIP wis certiricate For ou BONUS 308); do Westie, WP tare ua Sa 23-2721 , ' 3 Jackson 731 (248, 265, 218); Art Moreau WITHOUT PURCHASES platy : / ; future generations e@ bronze memorial ment Hill to their rime minister and ot the days he had their greatest scan- ai' Pete Manarchun nel ene" a + Pete karchuk ) 3% H UMIT ONE CERTIFICATE PER CUSTOMER : Yvonne bugey 67 (211, 278)1 Mae iene REDEEMABLE AT THIS STORE ONLY |Freni ehoeen, naaertan, 62, (2, 286), < ran Urry , 8 veo Expires Feb. 11, 194 | Wilson 669. (259) 211)7 Al." Jamieson' esa 1211, 213, 230); Lucy Kufaslensk! 648 | (266); Bud Jarvis 638 (230, 231); end } Laura McKinley 633 (233, 200, 201). | Standings: Try Herds 22, Die Herde 2, PRICES EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 1, 2, 3, 4 | Ropers We ri oad SPECIAL! VAC PAC--MAPLE LEAF LAKEVIEW tADING League lan, "a ane, 0 (265, 2mm, Parry 668 (243; 224); H. ¢ 1-LB, ny (ait, 212); B, Baron 638 (228, 212), Smith (9, 301s N. LaRoque 623 (: escbiccie. PR and D. Mappebeck 407 (250). Over 200: J. Wessman 244, T. Regi» , 'udp | Dal 242) V. Mayes 256; &. Schroth |M. Wanamaker 221; P. Joyce 218: @, SPECIAL! CHOICE : nar s 200. High Average: Lois Parry ite High Triple: Lorna Bacon 742 us C High Single: Shirley Brant 32 eeeeeess etoeeenrs . e apenas enous Nigh Tripies: 578, 8; | Norma Melnehuck "706, 273) Pearl Monty petit 650; Gary Parsons 627) Danny Ruka. SPECIAL! MEATY ruck 6247 Bill Melnchuk 727; Fred Mont petit 640; Vivian Stansbury 629 and Johw Griffin 604 iH 225 and Over: Peter Cernigol 248, Frec LB. Montpetit 257, Jerry Maniile 288, Jack ative ° Dodds 235, Bind Gow 244, Judy Manilie |237, Gary Parsons 294, Pearl Montneti? 272, Danny Rukaruck 240 and Vivien Stansbury 229, SPECIAL! VAC PAC MOTOR CITY STORE League High doubles: Merie Poch 515 (318); 1 LB Mabel Moss 508 (258, 250); Betty Bleck "ho. Ct 432 (234); Ada Floody 429 (237); Irene awemneravienanm:ns: PKG, Enmypbel 9 (22101 Nelda Thompaoe dia pata 410 gl Udy MENeIH 407 ao ary Bell 403 High sinstant Bet ampoell 2277) New Bennett 223) Myrne win 215) Mary McKnight 211; Vere Hele 209) Mary Cur- rie 207; Liillan Hayward 206) Celle Wigg SPECIAL! LOBLAWS ORANGE PEKOE RED LABEL ios; Ev Stinson 204; Phoebe Mullen 2624 Eleanor Crowell CANADA "A" GRADE SPECIAL! Harry's 1, Active 3, Clint's 1, Rogers' % Durne's % Tumey's 2, Fleming's 2, | Group 2 --- Tony's 4 Cadillac 6, we iii Kemp's 4 Mackie's ®, The 27's 3, Beil? 6 \l, Home App. 3, Berg's 1, Houdsille ® sewer. PKG, Motor City 2 sunny ~ ore 1 Clints &, lem 7-OZ. TINS Tumey's 7 Dine's Rogers' 5, Harry's 4, Active 4, Durno's af 'arts - Goch's 1?, jroup n City 9% SPECIAL! ALL FLAVOURS -- NABOB [easiest St bettas" tees App. i'. igh 10 Hodgson was 3-02. c | itt? his Wipe of 999" (900 BP, 360)s PKGS. | Brown 880, D. Crandall 828, R. Murray |772, F. Eccles 762, D. $Stovin 757, Le | Sabins 757, G. Jessome 741, Pe Stovin | 734, $. Rout 729, €, Lockhart 720, | Jordon 719, Hi burke, 76" McKnight 718, G. Forestall 715, D. SPECIAL! KRAFT | Moss 706, K. Young, 704, J. Redko 700, 8. | Bracey 675, H, Godfrey 672, D. Hill 66%, 15 FL. OZ. c J. Turner 663, A. camera 453, R Hickey 652 and T. Kroot 64: euevevevcccccevccnecccccces §=BOTTLE Pigs rons --- J. Cronin 83 ana J. Adaig WEDNESDAY NIGHT LADIES wie SPECIAL! AUNT JEMIMA REGULAR or BUTTERMILK sak ee I tes 2-LB. dy: Veenhof (231, 293) 719; ae Pein ee SPECIAL! PREDRESSED YOUNG - UNDER 10 LBS. Promecsk @ FLOUR 218. ¢ ees eos f SPECIAL! RIDEAU Less Barany 214, Annebe! Cobb 2 4 16 FL. et fa 212, Anne Naish 210, Key | Table SYRUP 2... 25) vee UAW LEAGUE SPECIAL! CANADA FIRST GRADE! CHERRY VALLEY H ' PRICE re SPECIAL! WHITE SWAN (hes 120, "B950)_ rene Ropers ome" (ose 246, 194); Carole Misztak 648 (203, 198, i TWO ROLL G | itiice Ridtey"s3s C170, 208, Senin eres , SPECIAL! LOBLAWS JACK & JILL C PKG, (sone 22, 176) Betty orn . N. '~~ $PECIAL! KELLOGG'S CEREAL We tinue a a Meares 2 ti brece 216, M, rep) is Se tia te. 5 63-02. tee 211, O Lew PKGS 6 Lemon Laeague -- R. Trowsse 92 and . M, LaXorme 88, Points -- Tripods 11, Sextet 10, Ea' 4 Team Standing: Swan's Herdweret6) 60's | Berens teva te ice eng oer CE csswcesseeruvevesescavesenrons PKG, ari, Rs sa oe materiale and i; 'High singlan: Terry oar Gerrow oe ites Rehme a, 'Seite "Clarke 24 Group 3 -- Goch's 4, Parts 6, Dine'e % SPECIAL! SOVEREIGN FANCY WHITE MEAT - SOLID a TTE a |B baa -- tac rup : ciate Sa = | PE : SPECIAL "K".2 nerere " $PECIALI CUDNEY CHOICE -- UNSWEETENED FROM CALIFORNIA! No. 1 GRADE! SNOW WHITE! (204, 228); Fran Gibbs 605 (241, 229). High Singles -- Lorne Bacon 247, Hed z ill ae and Don mith tee lawee ier Dorothy GOOD SIZE rt Pa 15 Harvey. Saleen and oe TTI et Palmer 210, Pet 3 Jumpers 9, Coraionasocn 5, Joke 89 The Ace's 4, Strippers 3 and Pew Pick- ur bd | CANADIAN ORDER ersscesariaveyeesiniee ick's Finest! Can. No. 1 Grade! Stock-Up Now! cana Sree : A ge PL z J u 7 ¢ E oz. TINS New Brunewick . 4 & P serene ete team is "mace 'pot ne. torn Bah eilons "ie Bam ee % 'vonni ys oducers SPECIAL! SEAMLESS : 25 ws. win oP eto i TABU BEAUTY € orient C G Gisela a ker Crumbs . SHEER ' - Stan 'Hartshorne azz Ste)e Me Hoe rs y cooe PAIR PAIR PAIR | horn 622 (212, 248)» Claude Glassford 606 Carmicnnar and Joyce St, Amant ' SPECIAL! ASSORTED COLOURS -- WHITE SWAN 2 2-ROLL i MAGILL LEAGUE i RA! L Men's High Triple: S. Owens 754 (205, Oil { Sikassdh coisas ONTARIO GROWN! No. 1 GRADE SMALL! ogilen's, Hoh, Triple: ie se : PKGS. 5. Siblock 608 (203, 21) LB. Ladies High Triple: U Noss! $53 (21799 i ' KG. C &. Herrell 495) A. Woodman 495; and ®, Yeast : sumrsvevecresverrerceses a eral ntrate : High Nig ig atopy 208, &. ison SPECIAL] FANCY, TENDER, BIG rache 236, B, Woodman Fad T. Mou: ay Fovlor 20%, Ac Merrell 207 Sloe i the ior jerre| @ eikie * C From Sunny Florida! White Marshseedless! rly 208. i 14 FL. i. C MOTOR CITY JUNIOR LEAGUE . ilk : Seniors, High Triples: Girls: trene Row ge . r ee ec "at eas oz. TINS a CAaGe Py nik 686 (224, has 'and. Susen McLean 678 ; 80's (270, 216) I! Varieties ' 4, | ? Boys: Marcel Rene 773 (243, 221, 309)5 Mixes habe TB Te Hage SPECIAL! UNIVERSAL or OCEAN KING FANCY SOCKEYE and ' 05) Bob Logeman 632 (220, 231); Phe WITH CoUPoH & PuncnasE OF WITH Couren @ puncnase 7 eee Pe vaatusier eT aullhngtldadea sccanpas *AcKinlay 617 (213, 209); David Roote 548 ONE } GALLON CARTON ONE 4-07. JAR ANY ONE Oe hee ONE 32 FL. OZ, TIN (207); Warren Aston 565 (208 and Wayne 73-02 TASTY: TRUAT TRUMPET a Stee LOBLAWS hen saguiibl Femi Ss (ea Doubles, Girls: Debbie : it i juniors, Hig! ies, : f Cee ; ICE CREAM fy INSTANT COFFEE Bren RECORD atrre POTATO CHIPS Bitstrym Liquin FLoon wax Kennedy 396 (232); Mara. Michael 374 TIN EXTRA Ka COUPON Exits #18. 8 KE COUPON sxPines PUB, 8 | 4 COUPON axPines Pre, KS COUPON ExPIRi (200); Susan McQuarrie 372 (217); Cyn- KI COUPON EXPIRES PEt, © STAMPS STAMPS STAMPS STAMPS thia Mitchell 364 (227); Denise Kornyie 363 (190); Darlene Layton 361 (187); Glen- si oF HB |nice Pottery 323 (197); Gail Batt 270 : & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE r wrrw M COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH Couren 8 runcnass oF fej bougntpebebcergeerags airbases ONE 24-02, CARTON 191) and Beverly Hodason 320 (189), | WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF | WITH COUPON & ara oo ba tae "sme tak or with seep ows or wir Pe rach pigs ONG MEDIUM SIZE PKG, ONE GIANT Size PKG. ONE 20% ROLL BOK ONE 60's PKG, Boys: Randy Rector 456 (262); Jim Ex 'OME SUPER Size TURE ONE KING Size PKG. 4 Two x pow ushus ma PLASTIC BANDAGES LAUNORY DETERGENT LON UTILITY size RiDGways DOMOLCO ST, WILLIAMS MOLASSES fabrooks 431 tee ihe oe. Pe Saba DETERGENT WITH PORK * 405 (246): David | (255); Jack i. SCLEAI OVEN CLEANER VAN GAMP'S BEANS CHERRY PIE FILLING CURAD EXTRA AJAX irre SMAP-OFF BAGS tive TEA BAGS YPM 5 couron nena. # 364 (215) Robert Harding 378 EXTRA MACLEANS EXTRA FAB EXTRA iia EXTRA gp rath sae sy coueen aivuas Sua 11) COUPON EXPIRES PRR, 8 PONTE Ki2 COUPON HXPIRED PUB. & PEaY TS X12 COUPON txpiets ree, & SET Tig Kié COUPON exrines rs. STAMPS ill Branton tn (206): Doug brown ne AKPIRES PB, Ke COUPON Exp TSP TI X¢ COUPON Exrines vue. 0 MMMESEN'TS@E K7 COUPON EXPIRED PRB, ® STAMPS (ieallliaacaalic STAMPS STAMPS = se 36 (aa eh i . . 9 sh HASH OF Ld zd Bantams, High Bibles: Iris: Debbie « i a COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PuRC! -- : WITH COUPON & PUECHASE OF 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ye di Sev on 3 woeitin fat vans TWO 19 FL. OZ, TINS TWO 26 PL OF. BOTTLES ane YW9 48 W. OX Toes ANY TWO 14 FL. OF. TINS Clapp 264 asi); Wendy Harding 2 263 (179) ONE 40-02. PKG. AMY ONE 6-02 oo 16-0. PRO. AMY OME 2-ROLL PKG. ONE 3's PKG. ONE 32 FL. OF. BoTTL SOXED -- STAUTY 3087. shies pigeons roars ; searannun Sel MONTE SEASONED ang yf urohy 2, apo atTyY Loouaw SCOTT PLAIN or DECORATED: POT CLEANER GRAND INTE LAPP Ht or WAX BEANS oys: he , BISQUICK MIX CHEESE SLICES be §=6PAPER TOWELS CHORE GIRL LOTION for DISHES PREP Yen | STEWED TOMATOES prceya: =PRUNE NECTAR mixta DEL MONTE DRINK a q mee EE BE | RoEIE 24 (050 Davatas | Batton aaa EXTRA SE coven coum me. 0 EEE ie cours sxe re ¢ SAMA your srt Kae COUPON HxPintS UB, 8 FARM 2: coven rxvinas we. 8 MMMM xxscouron xvi STAMPS sa | (188):Tom, England oh STAMPS Giaiiadhaalibetdaies = -- STAMPS STAMPS A m UPON & PURCHAS win mM & PUT RCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF @ oi FIRE UNDER GROUND Sgprbyastpah teasing? sis ays pease : 2 svg a c pra eancan fee asehebaeaiey of. sorns ay oe ee Two PRES ) A d ) A paLiClOUs WARBOYS, England (CP) -- ae rane a OT nar feet coLOURED PAneniRnT cousATt stances Winnee ORAL ANTISEPTIC ano or eon CELERY STALKS BANANAS Scientists from Cambridge Uni- LPEACHES Marya NaPio shave cream Mameerrg MARGARINE TOOTHPASTE COLGATE 100 tiv TOOTHBRUSHES EXTRA E1TRA EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA bagdetdadaesrAkasted versity have discovered an ex- A PON EXPIRES PES, Kas COUPON Incrines Pi. 5 STAMPS STAMPS fi 'A STAMPS COUPON DxpiRes Pre. STAMPS STAMPS (hetadillbcadidalieldbissichdssalld STP TSH <2? COUPON Exrines rae. 8 K3® COUPON Expines PIB. 8 KS) COUPON EXPIRES Pre, © STAMPS Becalllieaae STAMPS Y tinct volcano 500 feet below the sea marshes near this Hunting- donshire community. They esti- mate it last erupted 350 million Oshawa Shopping Centre Store Open Wed., Thurs. and Fri. till 9:30 ~ Downtown Store Open Thurs. and Fri. till 9p.m. years ago. sy \ \