the air- s . . ! THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, February 1, 1967 21 cert Radio Squad Shares Lead | Sunnybrooks | Bantings Score At Will |--" 1 nies o t 4 points behind after three quar-|Randy Jordan, Maples 103 ye aire . Win Ano her s ters were complete. John Szczepanski, Avenues 46 Sick és I M B k thal] Pl t Saturday morning, Avenues|Bruce Levey, Bantings 41 Braden n nor as e a | By CLIFF GORDON n 1C or ver urons meet the last-place Hurons at|Don Stauffer, Hurons 38 Peal WHITBY -- Sunnybrook Food : i ; 9.00, while Bantings take on the|/Terry Hinze, Hurons 38 ghly on CKLB registered 24 points in eri and Andy Cherkas/Markets Novice hockey team ---- sank comet at will,)14-point effort in the fourth|Maples at 9.45 sharp. Gino Pascuzzi, Bantings 37 i 0 the final quarter for a 73-57 win|contributed seven apiece for|. ae n ; in the opening and closing quar-|quarter. The Westmount Kiwanis Bid-|Ray Bartodziej, } 35 Hg Raiget over Parts and Service to tie|Kinloch's and Gentes Grabow- eng py gn sag Pg Mi pee rsd defeated -- Raabe were eg able to hold|dy Basketball League All-Star Gary ao dour 3 the two clubs for first place in|ski connected for the oth abe ; 2. in the opening game; ofjtheir own in the middle two|team will travel to Kingston as you the Minor Basketball League at|two. hae oT eee ee the Westmount Kiwanis Biddy|trames. Don Stauffer cashed in|Feb. 12 for an exhibition #ame shisha 'on ann mpletely, the Simcoe Hall Settlement! Nick Melnychuk had a_ hot Whitby Arena. i Basketball League doublehead-jeight of the Hurons' points,|against Canada's representa- a see ress over e. House. day for Firefighters, accumu- i k In the second game, Kin-jlating 16 points, while brother Pig Pgs Pg 7 oe loch's downed Firefighters 56-48|Bill and Ron Parfit contributed blinked the red light twice and to stay in the battle for first/12 points each. Bob Goulding] Randy Remple scored the other place. Kinloch's are two pointsjand Alan Boivin handled four marker behind the leaders. Firefighters|points each to round out the Wayne Conley had his bid for are now in the cellar, and trail|Firefighters' total. a shutout spoiled by Glen Ken- Kinloch's by four points. CKLB meets Kinloch's Satur-|zie, who was the only one of the Victor Rudak set the pace forj|day morning at 10:30, while B and R team to get the puck CKLB, scoring 19 points, while/Parts and Service tackle the into payoff territory. == |Ed Gorny and Wayne Cassel-|Firefighters at 11.30 in the Sim- In the second half of the twin- ;|man were right on his heels,jcoe Hall Settlement House| pill, Corner Pizza were hard- picking up 17 and 16 respective-|Gymnasium. lpressed to gain their ninth. wi ly. John Cuthbert sank 14] Minor Basketball League ke the an fae have ne points, and George Lees round- »|been beaten) as they downed the er. In the second game, at the Simcoe Hall Settlement House, Avenues came through in the fourth quarter for a 15-6 win jover the Maples, to maintain jtheir league lead. Teddy Reczulski picked up 16 points for Bantings, while Bruce Levey chipped in with 14 and Gino Pascuzzi handled the other 12. Bantings scored 16 points in the first quarter while blanking Hurons, and then turned in a while Billy Bell added four, and Terry Hinze sank the other two. Maples held Alan Boivin in check. for three quarters, but in the final stanza he registered seven of his nine points, which was the difference of the game Lorne Pascuzzi picked up the other six points for Avenues. Randy Jordan scored four points for the Maples, and Gary Shortt contributed the other two. Maples were only two tives in the Biddy Basketball Tournament. LEAGUE STANDINGS WL 10 4 20 9 518 Avenues Bantings Maples 6 812 Hurons 311 6 SCORING LEADERS Alan Boivin, Avenues 155 Teddy Reczulski, Bantings 140 TRAVERSE CITY, Mich, (AP) -- Golfing great Walter Hagen was reported "hale and hearty" at his home Tuesday after undergoing his third throat operation. Hagen re- turned home over the weekend from the Munson Medical Center where he underwent surgery Jan. 9. Magen, 74-year- Pts,|0ld onetime golf star, had a cancerous larynx removed in New York in 1964. REG. 35c!-- WESTON or SUNBEAM BROWN "N' SERVE ed out their scoring effort with|Parts and Service seven more. CKLB Steve Ball turned in another |Kinloch's tremendous game sinking 17/Firefighters 5 9 10 points to be top man for Parts SCORING. LEADERS and Service, while Dennis Hercia picked up 14 more, and|Dennis Hercia, Parts Randy Jackson added 11. A|Dave Alexander, Kinloch's ten-point effort by Dave Jamie-|Victor Rudak, CKLB son and Ted Boivin's five took|John Cuthbert, CKLB , jcare of the Parts and Service/Bill Melnychuk, Fire. baskets. Bill Rajkovic, Fire. Dave Alexander of Kinloch's|Ed Gorny, CKLB moved into second place in the|Graham Monroe, Kinloch's individual scoring parade with|Dave Jamieson, Parts a high of 23 for the day, while|Bob Goulding, Fire. Dave Robinson added 17. Tom!Steve Ball, Parts SPORTS BRIEF TORONTO (CP) -- The Na-/Stengel, Local 53 entry 1-0, in a real battle of goaltenders. Fred Humphries scored the only goal of the game to help| Steven Thwaites chalk up his} Q -!fourth shutout of the year. IN On Sunday night, Oshawa/ iss. ae z | Novice All - Stars hooked up with the All-Star team from the ROLLS Whitby League and they handed | the less experienced Whitby team a 10-0 drubbing. 12 to Pkg. Despite the score it was a. very interesting game to watch, as the young fellows put on aj real show. Whitby is making a} comeback in the Novice divi-| sion, after an absence of several | years. Monty Harman led the at- tack for Oshawa with four goals, former manager of|While Shayne Tyron added 4 160 134 44|tional Professional Soccer|New York Yankees and New|three, with single counters going 8 174 160 38) League Tuesday announced it/York Mets, will receive the|{o Wayne Miller, Bill Ford and| 4 123 109 36)had added an 11th franchise for|John V. Mara memorial Sports-|Kirk McNamee. 6 144 164 34|the 1968 season. The team will/man of the Year award Wed-| The two teams were guests of, 5 124 108 33/be located in Boston and is|nesday night at the Catholic|the Lasco Steelers, for their 8 138 164 28} backed by a syndicate headed|Youth Organization's annual|game against the Dixie Bee- 21 19 3 147 151 45| Montreal 10 14 7 124 133 27|by Arnold (Red) Auerbach, ex-|dinner, it as announced Mon.|hives. Springfield 18 21 6 164 167 42|Oshawa 10 21 6 101 142 26| ecutive vice-president of Boston|day. The Mara award is named | Providence 8 30 8 127 207 24 Tues jay's Result Celtics basketball team, and/for the late Jack Mara, owner|a spectator at Terrell's gym! Western Division Toronto 6 I ondon 4 Richard H. O'Connell, execu- of New York Giants of the Na-| session. | Pittsburgh 28 10. 6 183 130 62 Thur iday's Games ao vice-president of the Boston|tional Football League. Liston, who lost his world| Rochester 27 1 3 199 143 57|Montreal at Hamilton co ee championship to Clay in 1964, Cleveland 22 20 5 180 160 49|St. Catharir ies at Peterborough|/American League. § ON SOCCER OPEN watched Tuesday in the Astro- Buffalo 7 32_ 7 127 236 21 Wes tern League TRACK RECOGNIZED TORONTO (CP)--Owners of|dome ring while Clay and Ter- Tuesday's Results Vancouver 2 Los Angeles 1 SAN JUAN, P to Rico', 2°, teams_in the National |rell submitted to the Texas box- Cleveland 8 Baltimore 3 Portland 1 Seattle 7 (AG) << Gitlin Bone gre Professional Soccer League|ing commission's tape measure| Tonight's Games Cen itral League spell nee -Uchelleu 'aa eRe opened a three-day meeting|and scales in preliminary phy- Cleveland at Hershey Memphis 7 Houston 4 berdhipn ine the Homans Teen, here "Monday. "Sessions will be) sical exam and unofficial weigh- Springfield at Pittsburgh Eay gern League f America Tueddee Ape ck;|closed but announcements are|in. Johnstown '2! New Jersey 1 of America 'Tuesday. Approval|nianned for some time Wednes-| Clay's weight was announced Ontario Senior Intern 'ational League of Richelieu's application, at/day, a league spokesman said.|as 21744 and Terrell's as 21814. WLT F A Ptines Moines 4 Dayton 4 the an annual meeting, brings/The league will compete with|Both had indicated earlier that 22 9 3 157 120 47/ Fort Wayne 3 Toledo 5 to 39 the number of member|the North American Soccer|they plan to be at about 210 for 19 11 3 160 137 41 Qui sbec Senior tracks. League, another professional|Monday night, but each was 20 9 1 143 104 41/s¢. Hyacintj 1e 4 Sherbrooke 2 circuit, starting next summer.|more than four pounds heavier 19 9 2153 99 40/Drummond: ville 4 Victoriaville 3 Tuesday than on the night of his 16 14 1 129 121 33 Wester n Canada Senior last title defence. 12 16 3 98 128 27\Calgary 2 }dmonton 4 The ceremony produced a 1119 1 109 136 23 Qu ebec Junior surprise for Clay's trainer, An- i 10 20 3 131 164 22/shawinigan 3 Trois-Rivieres 5 gelo Dundee, who said before-| Barrie 919 3 123 153 21 Ce ntral Junior hand he figured that Clay's| Oakville 8 20 3 140 181 19) Pembroke !{ Hull 8 reach was equal to Terrell's.| Barri bigeoee 8 ae ---- ee HOUSTON, Tex. (AP)--C aan ae arrie stoc! junior , Tex. )--Cas-|inches, Clay's 79. Collingwood 9 Orillia 3 Estevan 1 Moose Jaw 1 Ege ductoas fa Tel oes. sius Clay and Ernie Terrell both) Liston said he was wary of| Friday's Games Saskatoon (} Regina 7 tition. plan sparring rounds in their|predicting anything, explaining, Oakville at Barrie Edmonton «¢ Calgary 1 workouts today for Monday|"If I could pick winners, I) Galt at Woodstock Ont: irio Junior B AWARD FOR STENGEL night's championship showdown) wouldn't have to be fighting for aie" ¢ Boye St. Thomas 3 Sarnia 5 NEW YORK (AP) --Casey' fight, and Sonny Liston will be a living." aa leville WINTER SHADOW'S Against the background ice surfac:s of a dam near of a late afternoon sun, Woodstock , Ont. young skaters try out the (CP Photo) HOCKEY SCOREBOARD By THE CANADIAN PRESS Kitchener 20 10 American League Niag. Falls 15 14 Eastern Division Hamilton 16 13 WLT F A Ppt|London 1417 27 12 6 189 127 60|St. Cathar. 14 13 21 20 4 168 163 46|Peterbor. 10 18 HONEY FLORIDA Wir GRAPEFRUI APPLES Crisp - Juicy MeINTOSH -- C Fancy Quality 6-qt. basket --....-.-.. FOR FRYING OR ROASTING CHOICE PLUMP GRADE "A" CHICKENS CUT.UP CHICKEN ..39° | STEAKETTES _.. 65¢ BAC 19 16-0Z. VAC PAK u.65* | BACON o tue rice Luncheon Meat BUY-OF -THE-WEEK 1.00 100 FOOT ROLL 33° 2-LB. PKG. 29° 3-LB. PKG. 1.09 2-LB. ROUND JAR Hershey Quebec Baltimore VINE RIPENED TOMATOES yo. ; CRIMSON RED - HOT HOUSE RHUBARB jo. FINEST GROWN ~ TOPLESS - No. 1 CARROT. TASTY - HEALTHFUL - No. 1 tp, 23° us, 23° POLY BAG 23° or 2 39° avg. : 3 (FOR LUNCHES AND QUICK MEALS) seer Collingw'd Galt Woodstock Kingston Guelph Belleville North York Orillia RETIRES AT 16 SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) --Leonore Modell, who swam the English Channel at the age of 14, announced Tuesday she has retired from marathon swimming, She is 16 now. Miss Modell, a junior at a Sacra- to high school, said sh Just Sparring 2-3 Ib. Heavyweights 7 2110 4 160 134 46 BOWLING NEWS OLD COUNTRY CLUB win Toronto TO THE DEALER: Monarch Fine Foods agreestg pay the fece value of 7 cents plus 2 cents for handling, when this coupon is redeemed in accordance with the terms of this offer, invoices proving 7 gufficientstock to cover coupons must be shown on request. Coupons may be > presented to your Monarch 2 Sales Representative of mailed ® to Nielsen Clearing House, 237 City Road, Saint John, N.B. the Infall. High Tripies: Frank Cink (244, 235, 226) 708; Ann Brown (256, 260) 647; Dave Boakes (211) 640; Bob Shelley (228, 267) 684; Bob Fredricks (219) 603; Kelth Al- derton (215, 248) 669; Joe Finch (233, 2173 63); Ron Lougheed (245, 213, 222) 680; Phil Addington (245) 632. High Singles: Ivy Coverly 227, Art Coverly 214, Roy Mills 245, Mpftsie Faries 211, Mamie Gibb 1, 'tamb 247, Roy Mintz 269, Bob Fen' , Keith Williams 227, Brenda Baron 221, 227, June Jones 234, and John Hall 214. BLECTRICAL MAINTENANCE LEAGUE Points: Shocks 11, Triodes 11, Hi-Lites 10, Dynos 9, Transformers 8, rts 6, Screwlugs 5, and Daffy Dynes 4. High Triples: Wayne Thertell 683 (263, 242); rt Richards 645 (231, 213, 201)7 ron Mills 619 (255, 209); Dan Charuk 616 High Singles: Tom Sawyer 258, Diena Charuk 248, Barb Hollend 243, Yvonne Watson 236, Edith McMahon 234, Bob Watson 223, Flo Strank 219, Jack Strank 218, Bill Cook 210, Hugh McMahon 210. FRIDAY NIGHT INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Points Taken: Reynolds 3, Playboys 0; Russell's Texaco 3, Dairy Queen 0; Motor City 3, Ple-O-Mat 0; Westmount 2, Im High Triples: M. Thompson 748 252); R. Richard 700; R. Roddick Doyle 693 (280); J. Bell 689 Winacott 687 (264, SAVE 38c! "azo KETCHUP 3 SAVE 4c! APPLEFORD - EXTRA HEAVY WAX PAPER FEATURE! - SAVE 14c! - PANCAKE PLOUR AUNT JEMIMA BEST BUY! - SAVE 20c! - SKIM MILK POWDER MIL-KO Instant SAVE 20c! YORK - SMOOTH CREAMY PEANUT BUTTER 69° Y SIZE TINS 58° 48-0Z. TINS es \ Hurterevs; MAREBEINE | i | 20-02. BTLS. 750 the regular purchase price of " MONARCH Buttercup Margarine " BEST BUY ! . SAVE 33c! --- BOSTON BROWN 19-OZ, TINS AYLMER BEANS 5. *1 BEST BUY! - SAVE Sef - ORANGE PEKOE PACKAGE OF 60 SALADA TEA BAGS 79° BEST BUY! - SAVE 9c! - WHITE OR COLOURED BALLET TISSUE 4... 49° 64-02. SIZE 79° 1-LB, PARCHMENT PACK 2 ron B5F LARGE PACKAGE 49° jals 1. bar (260, Heavy Scoring At Bowmanville BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- High scoring games were the order of the day in Bowmanville Midget Hockey League action last week. Generals handed Comets a 5-3 setback, B.T.S. upset Mount Royals 5-2, Maroons beat Ca- nucks 5-4 and Bantam All-Stars downed Orphans 9-3. Three-goal efforts were turned in by Harvey Williams, Gen- erals, Charlie Cattran, Maroons, Kim Rogers, Canucks, Warren Alder, Orphans, and Murray Cawker, Bantams. Scoring two goals each were Gary Wilson, Comets, Mathews, B.T.S., and Mike Donoghue, Bantams. In Bantam League play, Cubs downed Panthers 3-2, Lions Club edged Braves 2-1, Pee Wee All- Stars toppled Flyers 2-0 and Pirates dumped Huskies 3-2. Only two-goal scorer was Guy Johnson of Pee Wees and Randy Thiele registered the shutout. In Pee Wee League activity, Aces beat Atom All-Stars 4-2, Bruins blanked Wings 3-0, Rangers topped Hawks 4-2 and Bears tied Leafs 2-2. : Dale Cowie scored twice for Rangers and _ Steve Rowe notched two for Hawks. Ralph Cryderman scored four goals in Americans 5-0 win over Royals in the Atom League. Tim Vanstone turned in his second successive shutout. In other games, Indians trimmed Blades 5-1, as Barry Shackleton scored twice, and Bombers tied Hornets 1-1, wows) on new MONARCH Buttercup Margarine MADE WITH SELECTED PURE VEGETABLE OILS Soft margarine with that expensive flavour. Best test for flavour in a margarine is to use it on hot food. And this is where the expensive flavour of Monarch shines. Monarch's flavour never loses any of its fresh, good taste. Fact is, Monarch keeps all its rich flavour no matter how you use it. And it's soft. Never hardens in the fridge . . . always ready for the table. Try it now at this money saving price. Monarch Buttercup margarine, in the buttercup yellow serving dish. BEST BUY! -- SAVE 8c! FLEEC SAVE 14c! SOLO BRAND COLOURED MARGARINE SAVE 8! QUICK OR INSTANT QUAKER OATS SAVE 10c! FABRIC SOFTENER SAVE 9%! PARAMOUNT SOCKEYE SALMON SAVE 17e! SAICO - FROM CONCENTRATED ORANGE JUICE 3: *l 1%4-LB. CELLO | psy BUY! - SAVE 6c! - SHROVE TUESDAY COMING UP! DEL MONTE 2. PRUNES «=<. 49°|BEE HIVE SYRUP 39° LIBBY'S FROZEN FOODS! SAVE 17e! SAVE 8c! -- FOR STEWS 2-LB. BAG 59° Cooked Squash 2 Mor 39° Vegetable Fixins 5:3 45° WILSON BROWN"S FOODMASTER Red and White Wilson Rd. S. Shopping Plaza BROOKLIN, ONT. FANCY QUALITY fo eet S : SAVE 12c! -- TENDER GREEN PEAS 3 12-02. PKGS. -SPROULE'S Red and White CORNER SIMCOE et MILL