Oshawa Times (1958-), 31 Jan 1967, p. 17

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Jenuery 31, 1967 17 Make The Most Of Your Advertising--Use An Action Want Ad For Fast Results Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. > |20--Reol Estate _for Sele 10--Farmers' Column 18--Mole Help Wanted BRING your pork to Bowmanville Frozen cy ? SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By RJ. SCOTT ree ei Ciringe araking, "Genuine ' -- es Hickory Smoke, 623-5578 S | | , Li DEAD AND CRIPPLED farm stock pick Upervisor | D E H ed up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm 4 ey wee bb Hampton 263 7 cence 4 ------| REQUIRED BY NATIONAL REALTY LTD 10A--Butchers _ . ees aoa! SNACK & FOOD ' as : ; FIRTH BROTHERS ; 16 Simcoe St. $ Accountants Building Trades Nursery Schools TV--Radio Repairs Ouality Mant Market MANUFACTURER BT ats HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Charter. BRING YOUR PORK OR 723-5281 te, 167 King sree East, Sener Or No Down Payment TODDLERS PARADISE T V TOWERS Cc BEEF 10 ny Must have experience or be x 725- uf peek is CA; H. E. stom Cutting an rappin E. Lukow, CA. Monthly Instalments ee Jakes 107075 " Sc PPR LB," |» @ real aggressive route soles- JUST LISTED YALE, FRIEDLANDER aie €O., Char- : y Nursery Schoo! "BUILT IN OSHAWA" POUNDS. 47. King St. £, Bowmanville eh In chock foodk: GF GR |. Three bedroom newly dee- tesad _Acecentani®: esneed uate te Remodelling Let your child enjoy this won- AT OUR OWN PLANT 623-5081 olliad line: (Soft drinks. ote. orated bungalow with hardwood Oshi 8-7371. derful method of teaching. Ww b SUALiTe MRATE Gt ip eat Gr A euih floors and tile. 4-piece bath, WILLIAM ©. HALL, B.Comm. Charter-| @ Bathrooms Register now. For appoint- =f ugh fal @ better freshly killed beef Dutty's Super Market, | utility room, living and dining d ed Accountant, 3612 King Street East.) @ Kitchens ment call 723-0734. Tower. TOF se moneys 948 Simcoe N. 723-937 Ascliscntanould: ow 1h ie room combined, large lot, Full : Telephone Oshawa 725-6539. @ Recreation Rooms ~ 3 Ps i ns 11_P. d Li k i ae . price $13,800. Act fast, : GORDON R. DAY, Certiied Generall @ Garages Plumbing and Heating H V --Pets and Livestoc jax to Cobourg Area. e i ements Pate ons VaNewe ner: ALL PLUMBING AND HEATING «up Ve ARE YOU PAYING too: much for ciip FOUR BEDROOMS z "y - i ping Centré, 725-9953. _____| A new department of Osh |pties, Telephone 725-352, Harold H. Stark ML LES UI ony LIDS idle enema dig gr onepe Prorunrin Pall Bua Mdenoluarrornit Il. 1V% storey home, large kit- ' BOB CLANCY'S ACCOUNTING Service| awa's Quality Builder, Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, SUPPLY LTD. Pe for work, lowest prices, All breeds; also | ; 1 | : Commatate, emer easy hea, Tater pa Pact alone ls TAUNTON RD. E bei\ © tkitate vvews j > SR expensen ty the pag iy sted beat slactdealie coe Street North, 725-0397, Res. 723-7605. ASSINGER C TRUCTION |ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS and remodel- . Fd ' SIAMESE KITTENS for sale, adorable on Bloor Street East, electrically JOSEPH SUTMANN, Shattered | Accoun: * ONSTRUCTIO ling, new and used materials. Reasonable Gust East of Ritson) : 1s bs gh lg ene poe! esti pene ted heoted, extra large lot, private tant, Licensed Trustee, jon reef ee rates, Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley. ie RE bdeg it hb bo di drive and aoarage-suitable fo East, Telephone 723-4833. cay a for Free Estimates P ta en ata oe = 723-8131 - 723-8132 Y POSSIBLE FOR SAM ee, colds Malta eed Ra r faite fomily Si just been listed ceca tacanecner sss Vitti - ~b hee AERA nen ap aKa! hse BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, ead oO ppointment telephor a Blueprinting Printing ASAE Hic orale tare Stee see A WHALE 0 DROWN 40 inks IN 40 YEARS, for training, talking strain, Apply T.| ro me elepone | by our office. Call us tonight for ba sheeetauaacta ee REPAIRS TV. SERVICE WAS BAKED 1M, id WAS ELEC(ED PRESIDENT oF THE. Broad, 114 Elgin East | Mr. Willard collect 6 to 10 | more information. BELL DRAFTING an oductions td ALL YOUR PRINTING NEEDS Gall Anime | AN OVEN FOR, Pye Rae SET BARE Ra" MG Wes | bin. Corsusll Monel, Ost | - mai toliged Sipotostanic pels togdl seg ALTERATIONS Letterheads, envelopes, _in- Day or Night | SIX HOURS, baal : : arabe Puen ence: fare tf Joel 10: SUArIeE awa ae | WALK-OUT BASEMENT aleoncaedh neeke act AN Te) s tat t aft { = ---- horse Pon Pint Wester saddles awe | Buildin Trades ADDITIONS Sarde kinart advics ~ a TOWN AND \ a selon jequipment, 'Gothes, "Ashburn, 685 4662 } Ill. to a delightful terraced coach Hl sete eeerrer to outs. Dance cone, Nigel COUNTRY T.V. BL No a dere six weeks. O10, 723-5271. faving yore o summer Bb MID-WINTER SPECIAL HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES invitations. 668-38 623-2151 1895 ars 5 cerns beaten Glee Save up: to 15% on. rec Rec Rooms and Kitchens CARLYLE PRESS 90 day guarantee on all work 6 Marine Buu as A Avicles for Sole JALL TYPES of horses for sale. $25 Owing to further expan- Hollywood kitchen featuring rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, 'a Specialty. 151 Brock St. N., Whitby _ z --Marine Equipme' i cles sown 0 f built-in stove and oven. Roomy Ist MENGE eae ME Atma RCA TUE 1 ee as ee ENGLISH BABY CARRIAGE and crib, CLIPPING SERVICE, all breeds, poodies SIOM Of OUr area we are if il = agi bah James Al len & Sons Rug - |= Upholstery Service _ SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 | {i good condition. Telephone 668-2116 our specialty. Free pick-up and delivery by bathroom with coloured fixtures. Quality Carpentry and Fast T.V. Service Dachurst Kennels, 655-3881. t Apeter Far': intelligent Living room bright and cheery. 4 Y t RY | FULL. LENGTH GOWN, peau de sole | . 9g igen Call now and see this one. Price : General Repairs 725-6126 PROFESSIONAL cellent condition, Size 10-12, Also|GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies for sale $19,900 : |PAINTING, decorating, furniture DOMINION headpiece and gloves to match, Worn as|@iaht weeks old, $50. and up. 655-3881 men for our sales staff. ' : 4 ___ CALL 725-8576 _ ------/ finishing. resin' if witisc rer, esti- RUG CLEANING lor desmaid's outfit. 728-6464 |FILLY -- one year old, registered from @ Pg Compass Building mates. K. Horner, 668-8377; 728-6869, 2 Day Service TELEVISION SALE GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, [Arabian stallion. Nicely, marked, Reason-| No high pressure or gim- DUPLEX : Free Pick-Up and Delivery |felevision, refr gerator,, etc., $34.50 and : 'i j : IV. Close to shop t ! RENOVATION Carpentry G ddd beara einen alee aes bel ache cal dekundi aby '12--Articles Wanted | mick selling. Must be | 4, laree three 'bedecon "apart: d Commercial 'and Private REMODELLING, tri % m -- ---- rae een ee siniaiet (bhis:: eae ab Wea IA fae Offices - rec-rooms - home SreitGn teem ah aela: eget eked eg Well Drilling--Diggirg BOATS MOTORS spleen A Pil ad select! on of ye a |itel STUDEBAKER Lark. 6. cylinder bondenie and wh a 16% | cellent mahogany _ finishings, ; : i i 4 it ae y equipr i : Improvement. [ree OsMates, | Ue eee rer ck ROE d _|WELL DIGGING by machine special- |priced hockey: sticks. 'cycle Centre, 204/ GOOD USED FURNITURE. What have) MOdel car. Experience in |. 6%% mortaaae. Electric heat, Quality workmanship -- low |CARPENTRY nd repairs, biock 2 FOR:1 RUG CLEANING {izing in 20-inch file. W. Ward, 204 Chest- | Bond Street East, 725-6344 |you? Valley Creek \6 Bond Street West aluminum doors and screens, rates, Call collect 839-7957, and cement w work. Fi i 680 SPECIAL ut Street West, Whitby, 668-2568 or 668-/ ee Lan ah BORE CU | sales fielda help but not | large lot 150 ft. deep. Make on i 839-7935 __|Dentistry_ Charge on the largest rug. -- : HCL Mae le $154 [227 Chevrolet motors. 'Any other auto-|GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc) | 0 coe oe Guy | apointment to see this tonight. d ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS -- eres shnivorameaer Pick up and delivery at same 2--Personal_ reg. $ sole |moobile parts, call Chaskavich Auto Sistas Briers Cal Shyu WRENS ssary. > J @ 3 roofing, chemneys, eavestroughing, fire-/CAREFOOT, DR, JOHN M. _ Den address a jWrecker, East Oshawa did led . | | NORTH END places, masonry. Gord May, Whitby 668-|Surgeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa Rimovel of superfluous hair 100 h.p. Evinrude lecahanvaes USED wringer washers; |OQlL SPACE HEATER with fon, baby) SA'eSMmMen earn over q 7 For appointment, 728-5171 OSHAWA CLEANERS Marie Murduff will be in demonstrator, pushbutton television, refrigerator, etc oe aa 80 ang crip. and high chair, Telephone 728-3724. | $1.000 per enantio Wilts Vv. A well built, 3 bedroom : ROC ®. hol ter end gravel, shingles. ' , ni > ! 4 7» hot t 0 gravel, shingles, 1700 SIMCOE ST, N. Z 1,099 up. Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452! ' ' bungolow with on extra bedroom : oath Targe. and. small 'obs L and H. |Dressmaking 725- 9961 rebel ey ioe "ae fog, 91/260 san | Simcoe South. 723-0011 13--Articles for Rent and give particulars we in the basement. Away fron : truction. 725-6937. -- one Genosha jote Hitt pene abaninonscien | > q Pune, sar a ane Free|DRESSMAKING, ALTERATIONS, Suits on these dates for appoint- 60, b.p. Johnson |rvrewairen Sik "Meckies Ven end| Tables, Ct L Dish- | ; fe mulet-di Rabi tbs bt M, Coats, Dresses, etc. Work di rotes- z 4 na working order, $125, Mackie's Van ani ables, airs, Linens, Vish- i in_a-quiet district. loom In Fy estimates, Tetephone 723-1385 or 668-8605 | C20 eT MONGiNEe MaRaTEL. INTERIORS by WINDOLF nt ee Pil | bear AP Storage Ltd. | us Guiles : Gicksas: (Cotfae will arrange an inter the living room, finished recrea- anytime - -- i ' «saa SOE " ' ' , ul SPENT RTS ie nasal iDRESSMAKING -- Expertly fitted sults, @ "Custom 'Upholstery ELECTROLYSIS a VACUUM REPAIRS, aI makes, hoses, | Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal view. To Box 55023, tion room. Good size garage may mnsggioenceag ate ne coats, dresses. Beautifully fatlored slip- i 723-4641 brushes, etc. Pick-up, delivery, 942-0213 ; serve os a work-shop. $17,500, ec. rooms, vanities, kitchens. For @ Re-C ¥ ¥ Wear, Men's Formals, White be * , ° r 'ooms, covers, drapes. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. e-Covering Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, , ' Oshawa Times full price artist's touch ¢all 725-9103. ene oni @ Antiques Restored 7 USED --- RECONDITIONED _ |Pickering. Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. Pea s Cee price. Gardening "and 1d Supplies 3--Sportsman's Column Ehky Va) Ge | ; ® CLASSIFIED RATES a? ainene 25 h.p. Gole SORRY -- Yaliey Creek. 14 Good Street! SARGEANT'S RENTALS IMMEDIATE POSSESSION WORD ADS : io 728-3651 Have your bicycle electric 'stort till February 1. Watch for opening 463 Ritson Rd, S$. 725-3338 VI. If necessary you can move Cash -- | insertion of 24 words, 1.20; "This & That $$ ______. epaired'rrew! Don't 1962 WERE ES $279 |BUY AND SELL -- good used furniture ENTERTAINING? Fifty to one hundred in tomorrow. If you prefer the additional. words, Se each; ana RE-UPHOLSTERY by experts, Estab- reparr low: Yvon and appliances, One location only. Pretty |people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban north-west area, require three tive insertions. © wor 0 lished 20. years. Workmanship guaran- ' : Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. jquets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen, tional words 13%e each; 6 consec ICE SALT teed. 'Free. estimates, Credit oe Mat. wait for spring. 45 h.p. West Bend Sete wes - uy. | parking. 723-7726 DEPARTMENT bedrooms, make on appoint. tive insertions of 24 words, 5.76; addi- CE SA tresses re-built, furniture __re-finished. : electric stort, long shoft dea alate try ett! Neti Maat ESS tener oes ment this evening to see this tiene! words 24¢ each. WATER SOFT SALT Oshawa Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenve,| Also new and used bicycles. 1964 model ~. $39 Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe S. reducing machines, sick room. supplies well kept home neor R. S. Me- horge--10 per cent additional charge es ~ laid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644 | Laughlin Collegiate. Walk-out i So paid within 8 days. SNOW SHOVELS CHESTERFIELDS re - upholstered andj Top quality hockey equipment bn Wait Band bl deb tli abpsdteced tr toag Prd eag hs | ! | TRAINEE basement, ravine lot, nicely Methed ef Counting -- Less than 24] CALCIUM CHLORIDE restyled, Free estimate, See our male) new and used skates ex- a00) Bele ak 199 |purchase from Western Oil Company.| 14--Business Opportunities | landscaped. Must be seen to be Speen 725-1212 words counts as 24 words; each word! WILD BIRD MIXTURE to order. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles changed, 212 |ARE YOU QUALIFIED fo rune busl-! for growing Oshawa mon- oppreciated. WEDDING GOWN, full length, lace train, /ness of your own? Write or call for al initial, figure or abbreviation counts as Street, 723-7212. e |S LOCATION IMPORTANT one word; phone number counts two} WILD BIRD SCRATCH wiht oth Se k } full skirt, with hoop and veil, size. 7./free list of d franot tun-| words, SUNFLOWER SEED CITY-WIDE COVERAGE at a east '1s Skates Sharpened MANY NEW AND USED [Telephone S7s-1696 [irae list Of sporoyed franchise opportu) utacturer. Reply stating what you get with Classified Ads. Phone i idi|PARTAKE, Dept, 0-4, 300 Yorkdale, To- ; ' thd Sore BIRD FEEDING STATIONS 723-3492 now for an ad-writer. ; Boys 35c COMBINATIONS AT Te ee cree eet en Rc mene tenth 19. Ub7-17a2) 4, 300 Yorkdale, To:! qge, education, and ex Vil. Then you wons wort te $35 per insertion with 25 cents oddi-| STRAW iSules and Sewice Men's and Ladies 50¢ BARGAIN PRICES Kenmore portable sewing machine, roll las. E re t Wa hed perience if any to, Post Dewslor Staal all gon tional charge if not paid within 8 days. PURITY MEAL ; away bed, reasonable, television tower. np ymen n r DOG - Open 'til 9 p.m. Friday | Telephone .728-1773 | Office Box 444 Oshawa. gorage, paved drive, fireplace 'N_ MEMORIAMS TREE CUTTING, trimming, demolish-| f - in living room, built-in stove and $2.25 for the first 35 words and Sc] MASTER DOG FEEDS : : USED TIRES, most ail sizes, B. F.,| : Sapbdaa oat , SS acon er oe OPPS AREPAIRS | Cycl 20 ft, Grew Lapse ne | Ssh M Kingda Wane Al Eau, nate' | TRUCK DRIVER | ttt, fires tore bedrooms, 2 e; 25c additional char joard ru : , and cherry gate-| | piece room, 2-pie in 8 days. PET SUPPLIES REPAI RS yc e Centre refinished, nautalex decks. fable, both with work to be done Tele: |MOVING BY INSURED wall cant, Also] Tractor trailer driver wanted. room, 2 patios, 41 ft, recrea- GARD OF ee BRITTANNIA MALT Expert repairs to all makes Complete convertible top. sli Teaatonlaae field Gakchea cat _|with driver, 728-2882 é i Must have experience and tion room with bar. House , e firs' a i chesterfield, mate set of y | i loom each thereafter with 25¢ additional] AMARYLLIS BULBS of woshers, dryers, ranges, 204 Bond St. E. 105 h.p. inboard m tee 495 | Setter table, coffee table, two end tables, |LADY WISHES to do housework, Tele) clean mG y Bonners, with pope Aa Pek charge if not paid: within 8 days. etc. Rees ae aes $3, Beatty wringer washer, Good condition jPhone 728-0883 afier 5 p.m \ y eee sth ° im @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ 725-6344 Terms cash. 723-3928 after 5. RELIABLE LADY will babysit anytime) Curveply Wood Products an apointment to see this home COMING EVENTS COOPER-SMITH EIGHT PLACE SETTINGS of ironstone in Your home. Please telephone 723-5605. | , this evening $2.24 per inch (disploy); $1.75 for the (Cariar ok Kenneth) 14. ft. Plywood runabout | EIGHT of Ironstone | ask tor VI | Orono very pretty pattern, 728-5020 after 4 p.m ALCAN ns t with 1955, 25 h.p, Johnson, NEAT AS A PIN first 20 words and 6¢ each thereofter : |RELIABLE WOMAN wants housework | $1,000 IN A MONTH 1S NOT TOO MUCH (Word Ads). ae ECU AN RE ~~ AUCTION SALES COMPANY FURNITURE ond APPLIANCES skate EXCHANGE new and, used | trailer, mooring cover. $495 DUMONT 19" colored television, stand|>Y day. Please telephone 728-1846. Oe eee wate rehaueiaee AE WINS le she $6 dekeris ' : ought and sold. Hockey equipment,| plete .......ssse¢ and color head Included. Excellent cond Saha ake short auto trips. Air + 1s way SCDe $2.24 PER INCH PER INSERTION, ; aa Simcoe on aptliks sharpening. Best pricex, Valley. Crees,| Pete tion, Best offer. Telephone 668-3289. RELIABLE LADY would lke Parag P. |S. Dickerson, Pres. South-| this immaculate 2 bedroom suf 1 j DEADLINES 16 Celind Street Telephone 723-00 PE LEE i lll 6S aR 1967 SKI-DOO snowmobile by Bombar-|and Friday and all day Saturday Tele weer araieum Corp. sa N. Main) bungalow, north of Rossland, ; USED -- vacuums, polishers, Re- M bik dier, world's largest producer of vl Phone 723-0535, ; -- -- oe with large livina room and dine pow Ayee shiva 723-2312 723-1139 eG 10 78S. New. hoses. Phone |4----Motorbikes ] ONLY soil vehicles and McCulloch chain saws, |17-- F le H r We t d SAL eSMaN excellent eopectunny. ah ing: tonnt clnee 46. ache p.m. jack Lees, 728- ree TTT TT We . now on display, United Rent-All Marine, --_ GO) INSTRU L COMPANY: COT Same if ' _.|1966 YAMAHA 250 c.c ' emole | re P anted | titice showed 145 per cent Increase in| churches ond _ transportation. ecalett Oshawa's only authorized Ski-Doo dealer, 535 King St. at Wilson. 728 5565 s the chance you have GUARANTEED REPAIR to ail wringer|Telephone 668-2652 or ,0ST AND FOUND Delivery Service ae 1966. Maybe this Good sized lot 40 x 124 ft, with 4 vam. DAY OF PUBLICATION washers and ranges. Free estimates. Cal! | --_--_--_-- -- tA; 4 redial bs b ting for, Age 23 to 35 with desire :, ; BIRTHS AND DEATHS Established 1909 Ee er ace no 5--Trailers 15% inch O.MC. PIANO -- apartment size, new, $175.00| to 'succeed. Write box 4962 Oshawa| Well kept fruit trees, recreation i 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION _____| SMITH APPLIANCES SERVICE, large Snow Cruiser off sousler, pricel Barons' Home Furnish: ! Times. room and garage. See it tonight. f : or small, we repair them ail, Call any- ings, 424 Simcoe St. S. Wal R IRED. Apply Men' i IN| MEMORIAMS._ ond Instruction time. Free estimates and. pick-up. 942) RAMBLER TRAILERS AIR-WAY VACUUM cleaner, $25) Elec- bavernte Room cease Ga WriTrey AREA Shr. DAY PREVIOUS FRENCH LESSONS -- p si SALE -- RENT Se rene onan CREDIT REAL ESTAYH sulesriin, expetienesd fo] (x, If i Jd | tought, any level. Telephon Septic Service AQUARIUM, 30-galion, pilus small assort- act as sales manager. Excellent oppor you ore interested In CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Seles co steals -- . ee oe oe Open Sundays 2 - 4 P.M. ment of fish; table saw, 24 x 24, one tunity for right man. Ail inquiries strictly | buying @ 3 bedroom bungalow, column--4 p.m. day previous; c) SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt service third H.P. motor; box trailer, 4 x 8, all MANAGER confidential, Apply W, ©. Martin, Realtor ust listed, on Cochrane Street, umns or larger --- 10 a.m. day previous,| Money to. Loan __|Srenie wonler wera aie'chemer Seet| =~ BUDDY TRAILERS OSHAWA BR Ri tnaerd Bex alae 4 2 80 al cont ide ee ee. O08 -- Sirest, 5.30 p.m. , #4 CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9 am. DAY OF PUBLICATION Any advertisement cancelled before, purpose providing ycu are steadily em- publication will be charged one day's|ployed and have 9009 credit. li WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 at a | reast sonable rate of interest to consolidate your bills or for any other worthwhile 723-4631. West, Whitby 668-2563. Surveyors DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, © On- PORT HOPE Lot at 401 and 28 ;HI-LO "TRAVEL camper "up tor living, YACHTHAVEN DRUMS, complete set of Stuart, black mother-of-pear!, $195. Telephone 728-4986 after 6 p.m. SIX STEEL FRAME WINDOWS, wind- Please reply stating age, ex- perience, and other quolifica- tions, Past collecting experi- 19--Male and Female MARKET. RESEARCH Help Wanted Interviewers re. priced at $23,500. then call us tonight and make on appoint- ment to inspect this home. Own- er has been transferred and Becaieis edt ke tach rveyor, rcial blue} ' insertion. tario Land Surveyor, Commercia' UE} down for travel. All aluminum. Elimina: aut types a7 x20. 8K WS mh ne x Baie ence would be an asset quired to conduct public opinion surveys possession can be arranged prints, 1) Ontario Street, 725-5632. ti ind t Makes towing simple BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 [Mortgages i ALI AND TRBULOMN OC sige eee wails LTD. Lloyd baby carriage, baby's playpen.| On the job training. Excel- [on,a part time basis. Write Box $8283, . While every endeavor will be made Surveyors, 111 Elgin Street. East. Phone ee 5) Ap lent: benefits, salary com- ere Is 3 forward replies to box numbers to the J Harbor Rd. (off Simcoe St. CHESTERFIELD, = , SALESMAN G00 Ochuwh BraRL interented (> r we also hove a 3% hed- plies ede Sah ek posnbias we ac CONSOLIDATE | 725 688) 3 BOE 6--Marine_ 'Equipment bart Nn on os toes Fraglad} vary (Does mensurate with experience. In real estate pA lt Strong promotional room bungalow with attached cept no liability in respect of loss or] Borrow Pay Mtly TV--Redio Repairs 1#" FIBREGLAS run-about boats by 723 81 86 725-3779. Our staff is aware of this |assistance. Experience preferred. Call J aoraqge on Lilac Terrace, with damoged alleged to arise through either $1600 pe $22.94 -- P Cadorette, including windshield, steering, - STEREO, GRATZ, AMFM, c advertisement. J, Wilkinson, R. Martin Real Estate, 100 Hollywood kitchen, double sink failure or delay in forwarding such re- Tate venn i Satie! controls, etc. Very reasonable. 725- 4920. di g '1 Be Ae Mesgld ab King Street East. Telephone, Oshawa, 11 - ' » a e . plies, however coused whether by negli $2500 sv sadates eames PYKECRARE Daw Tralee hoe Eis wacntons ey sue ns aay All applications confidential, 576-1200. Member of Toronto Real Estate| wall to wall broadloom in the gence or otherwise. ihe Times will fo} $4,000 $50.97 Evinrude motors. Open seven iscsi) Paelectnitnn cer oenaete - -- bieeRocas -- "A rAsaetdlte Write to box 55629, Osh- |Board living room natural trim be responsible for replies uncalled for} = A,-rtqage examples based on week. Marine Storage and Supply Ltd.,|@- Articles for Sal | NDERS from $19.95 and aor é throughout. This home has an 20 days. | , cles for sale jup. New and used aut ts. Rebuilt} wa times lea i mn 20 dove 1S eer ee: Brooking 626 [up ond vied auto parts, Rebot|_ ____|20--Reol Estate for Sale | or cptional recreation room, REGULATIONS Interest 1 - 113% per month 7--Swap ond Barter TREMENDOUS SAVINGS |72°21#. FOR JMMeEDIATE We have mony customers for ae ( een ze have many customers THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT BE] __ (}2 - 16% per annum) SERVICE P 5 fe EE cea ATTRESSES CONTINENTAL BEDS, complete from EMPLOYMENT fie Whitby. pies Ee oF RESPONSIBIE FOR ERRORS IN ADVER-| Acie Beneewe COLOR TILT TRAILERS, new, '57 Chev sedan on M Poe HH i eS Is to do pleasant tel i i TISEMENTS SUBMITTED OTHERWISE lepending on amoun vedled Ya-T pick-up, Sta Wagon, 20 per cent off Spring filled mattresses headboards, one-third off. 723-3889. ix girls pleasa ele- thinking of buying or selling -- THAN IN WRITING NOT FOR MORE! ed. Interest calculated on the or all basins, tubs, toilets, sinks, cabinets, ; 1 TWO-PIECE CHESTERFIELD, two end| Phone contact work. No ex- give us o call for professional THAN ONE INSERTION OF ANY AD-) reducing balance. Properties BLACK and WHITE CU TAN le a aed beg hd oe Nga eR tt 29. '95 fables, one coffee table, two table lamps. perience necessary. Grade 11 | | | service VERTISEMENT NOR BEYOND THE i Park S. Smooth top mattresses All in' good condition. Box 57293, Osh- due es Be PRICE CHARGE FOR A SINGLE IN-| ust be within a city or town FOR eee Bunk beds, complete 69.95 awa Times education. Salary and bonus, Call 723-5281 SERTION: IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS.) limits. THE BEST CALL 8--Articles for ' for -- Continental beds 48.88 |TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40foot tower CALL 576-3320 Prestige Homes fr fal panicolars. The Oshawa Times reserves the right to es A C REALTY Bedroom suites (3 piece) structure, all-channel antenna installed, MR. PURSER . classify advertising according to its WAG, $1 $50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton ay Harmony Village Goan dalle from proper classification. Oshawa Shopping Centre sd) a is FURNITURE Road East, just east of Ritson Road a uy Bu in the cases of display advertisements 728-1691 J WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE wsed WAITRESSES _ Walnut Court off Florell . p.m. The Times will not be held responsible ;-- - ---- 20 Church 5 furniture or anything you have. The City Dri Harmony. Road South : 7 for more space than that which the ° ete - - _ cs RORTHEN prading. Post Store, 446 Simcoe Street piciired oak - ABMS Colleniate. Evelyn Cassel oan ah actual error occupies. The publishers RT A F uth, 723-1671, woe east of D ol . Morris Fogel -256 endeavor to reproduce all adverising TELEVISION SIX SERVICE BAYS . ee es MATTRESS BARGAINS. All types of mat-| 4 p.m. to 11 p.m. Shift "LUXURY LIVING" Vernon Corson 723-9785 matter correctly, but assume no lability 2} onsdale pright, 4 tresses, all reduced. Smooth-top mat- ' % i ~ of advertisement it any inaccuracies in FOR FOR FASTER SERVICE Martin Orme Upright $250.; tresses, $29.7 crib mattresses, $9.88; mat:| APPLY MR. CAMPBELL Features Ir clude Cecil EI iott 725-9442 any form are contained therein. LOANS CLEARER, SHARPER ALIGNMENT SPECIAL AGarheAt S1sK. EROWhL aia: tresses for bunk beds, $16.88; roll-away : E © Lavoe covina (ots Sie sear John K. Shephord 725-6113 Ud r s ' bed " 19. Lor Vi fe ] ° . ~. IT's EASY TO PLACE A TV RECEPTION oe ue, Gee vik See ce ee tee | GEROSHA HOTEL aad am hop | Lee Ciel. Tee TIMES ACTION WANT AD Money: lable f fir. Chev., Dodge, Ford, Ply- gany, od! ' s sed ~---- : Judi Knocker 723-8771 oneys available for first YOUR OWN P W, t Wormwith Upright, $165. TYPEWRITER, electric, $75; standard, HOUSEKEEPER for home with three) square feet finished floor Italo Bortolussi 723-6329 Call Classitied Direct and second mortgages. Open mouth, Pontiac. We auld leimiman ce. td $30; adding machine, $20; cash registe SOR Re Chin, WelOunee Ce Havok intk area. -@ 400. squore feet of 5 p ri 725-4330 i j ' : an Peacock i 723-3492 mortgoges, No bonus. First wheel alignment, inspect on sy teil ae i, oe an EN Ee ae PRCrentiee Feber wince fare in a Ub mortgages, second mortgages SOIOPL. Santen sane" Sonee ae Ree wruclure, |EXPERIENCED WAITRESS WANTED.| field stone fireplace @ Sep- pe Manik 728-2754 and agreements for sale pur- align toe-in and toe-out to Telephone 728-2921 WER SPECIAL -- 40 ft. struc ure, [ey 315. Brock Street South, Whitby sie ah ot Leon Manitius : : 6.88 {ail channel antenna, $50. TRIO Television, Y} arate dining room with ba St Enalart 728-5581 INDEX TO chased. correct condition... $ 728-5143, Shopping Piaza, or telephone 668-2061 cay @BGHE le cHeMEE Oar aie ng er rgted| @ Ports extra if required isions, rodios, | eer 25 WOMAN TO LOOK AFTER two school ' et cy; rnest Mueller 28- CLASSIFICATIONS M. F. SWARTZ : CITY TV televisions, radios, |sERTAPEDIC matiresses, only $0.9) |Oged children, liom tovsekeeping aise,| @ Radio intercom system ® | Allon Bertrand 985-7251 T b djust: t nd airs. Service | 1 26% King St. East ee ee pen fea Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe| Telephone 728-0939 after 5 p.m Wwoll to: Wall' broaglegrnty Ty El. Ann Thompson 728-4731 Hil Ease Cahawva, Ontario. ware: sen ae 7 doys 1 wee' St. S. |SHOWCASE COSMETICS offers excellent} ing room, dining room, hall Walter Mittler 576-2345 & so T.V. towers, color ani TYPEWRITERS $49. No money down,\0PPortunity for making extra money at and all bedrooms @ Two car Mariivn Fit 1 f - sMeetevens * 723-4697 BRAKE SPECIAL black and white T.V. Anten- |s2. weekly. Adders, cashiers, files, new, [Women full-or paritime Telephone. sive] attached garage @ Quiet Mads) Fiizaetale es 5--Trailers ab sess Sh ieee 728-5143 Most populor. cors, First nos, rotors ee To ed service, trades, --Bill| Wome" paved court @ Plus 33 other Cacia Nowever 728.4241 =e ? f i .m, to m, of 'cht CIEE AD Oe CE ee os H a5 NEED ) MONEY? Corner Bond and: Division Quality Royaline. 4 wheels. ie phe tus Call 455. TYPEWRITERS: law ond eed nas, lexremieNceD_ ~ stenographer > (reauired special features too numerous Lloyd Corson 723-2537 PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? $14 88 0500. All work Guaranteed service, free estimates, Call your local] bala ling eres eine sened " piles to mention. Lucas Peacock 725-4330 ; 10--Farmer' ye ooh Why not consolidate all your TELEVISION -- RADIO 5 : peal Ee nee CALE [the and capable of meeting the public. SUPERS ie Dick Young 723-7183 Pets and Livest 'S --\Some- shorthand and law experience l2-articies Wanted debts with vith ta monthly 24 HOUR SERVICE e RUTHERFORD'S Balance of new furniture. Chesterfields/would be desirable but not essential. TRADE IN YOUR GUIDE REALTY LIMITED 13--Articles for Rent payment with a low cost WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL $99., mattresses $19., friges $159., stove | Usual company benefits, State salary ex PRESENT HOME Be | Rashicn. Teo bs 14--Business Opportunities mortgage loan. Includ weight: wheel 3 room groups, Living Room, $119, by appointment only, Telephone 725- | pected, experience and marital status in es Neoitors, Simcoe dt. 9. . \5--Employment. wanted Foe eaalaie' « detcile coll T.V. RENTAL neluding weights per SCORING Roce e300, [ues Ifirst letter. Apply in own handwriting to NO CASH NEEDED | | wrong : Hoemele Help Wanted DOUG TERWILLEGAR oy sgt ar $1.95 | $499, "$599. $699. Easy [PUT AWAY » tiay sum by renting that |BOx 55152. Oshawa Times, -- ae RETIRING ? --Female Help Wan' . SHOCKS, MUFFLERS 4 INS i : . apartment, Phone 723-3492 and place an| WANTED! housewives for delivery part- H » 18--Maje Help Wanted BRANCH REALTY HOLMES . ' terms. Immediate delivery or apt. for rent ad in The Times. 10 b Kly, $30. Write B OPEN HOUSE Don't miss this cozy 2 Bed 19--Male or Female Help Wanted 5 FRONT-END WORK AT Bibel al idee ceatphie sels bichtid sd cece. GO __|time, DCUUS rentae ' sees foc HORT: PUSS SS CORY. ed Rea) Estate For Se' INVESTMENTS LIMITED COMPARABLE PRICES layaway. 9 ket Bask 154500, Oshawa Times. Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. | room Brick Ranch Bungalow va peomysltlid Proper 51 King St. E., Oshawa ELECTRONICS Rutherford's | --Market Basket [cel eaer year ag PY latlgae house: 'with Breezeway and attached --Farms for > . "a ay aes Tuepy | work, mus! e fond of children, live in. eG , 22--Lots for Sale Bus. 723-1157 Res. 725-6210 UNIROYAL 156 Simcoe St. South ONTARIO Le ikl iad free delivery.) oo anent position, i. Bowmanville 7 : | garage Situated on a 72' x Se ------ PHONE a --------| Telephone 723-9439, | Telephone 623-2473. BUY NOW | 269° well landscaped lot with mortgages avail: ~ 6 APPLES -- Macintosh, Spy, Delicious, | trees. arden and stream at able. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock 66 = GENTLY USED \Cortland, Tol teat a> Rite | | trees, garder c ' Street: North, Whitby, 668-3338, ae Be 8 5679 CENTRES BRIDAL GOWNS Se Br Mees aint' os mene 'an oa Help Wanted = _SAVE $2 000 is | Cour ce Working in thi . FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale The N f containers. Algoma Orchards Limited, ~ -- } cheerful kitchen wouk ea agreements purchased and sold. Hennick +N. Rentals Dinhinienee tke pioees $10 'a $15 Thickson Road North, Whitby. YOUNG MAN pleasure for any woman. : and poten Barristers, 31 King Street New Sets : 9A. E oe: Poult: eee are Natura! fireplace in spacidus, } = ALCAN Phone 725-6511 ranger iy ee oa REQUIRED KR. BELL | Sawriierecr exci one + 463 Ritson Rd, S. EGGS "DAISY FRESH" DAILY =| Steady, work, neat opporance. 2 $18,900.00. Shown by ap- / White Feather Farms, Oshawa 655-4752 : a9 | | i : Want-Ads Don't FURNITURE and = |__. ee 725-3338 pa a arene Sone | Aen 83 WALNUT CRT. pointment only. Call Margaret a ee Get Fast Cash Get Spot Cash -- Use |wow 10 cer 17: 1 you do not tind the | JEWELL'S MEN'S WEAR 723-6541 el daa 452 Simcoe South | Png | tem you want in the Want Ads, place @ ker Limited, Cost - They Pay! 723-0011 The Quick Want Ad Way| Times Action Clossifieds {infor "2"sda Sor wire. ts, Bast *| 10 KING ST. EAST | \

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