14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, | { 197, | ] | We'RE OETTINS entireties +t | I DOUBT IFOUR 'YY / BUT THIS PARTICULAR ae a H RID OF OUR Wanna eer Ey EXPERTS WILL FIND Waratah dpe tli dia? AND 1 THIN! etdoy rar 's COINS ifs AGGRESSIONS! 1st ANY STARTLING NEW SUCCESSFUL N SHOOTING "OMSERS" NORTH VETNAM, YOU NO.) | Pegonexs vou | | Testdey" Jenvery 31, 1967 ON HERE!P ii ee;_| GIMMICKS ABOUT THE FA. DOWN CUR PLANES, SiRe BROUGHT BACK Se F BS | Sam compiex. WILL ADMIT THE : eae eue|| BRIDGE is NOT MANNED BY ; = NORTH VIETNAMESE, By B. JAY BECKER es i a (Top Record-Holder in Masters' : iS Individual Championship Play) [=] North dealer. Neither side vulnerable, T NORTH * % 8743 tio . J AKQS ror P AQI nt aa i ro GETTER ere so Soltge es | OILUTE IT LOOK: curious ite Sie | WITH A LITTLE | Lee HAE, ry olf te Ry <i baaad @KQI105 O92 sr =| Pause yas fl : ee ee y ARE NoT ALWAYS pa trad hen SS wie THINK Ae || Ss GUARD DUTY o£ ON TIME YOURSELF o73s @Ks4 Asv © lor my new : AFTER ALL/ / or mote Agn z ae é SOUTH an S E aAséb Am 3 = 98712 ang = 9109653 at. ASS 'Ban The bidding: Brur North East South West €am 1¢ Pass iNT Pam Cam SNT Pass SNT en ' Cdn (ema Opening lead--king of spades. cu ------9_¥o" IS NOW PLL HORT YOUR IMAGE ASA WARM, pel ded cis aco compar an AH DIDNT MEAN TO HIS'N--AN' WONDERFUL,HUMAN BEING" s tively Tare, since most deals Te a ' : NC ; A bs ' s ais Te- i iT MEAN TO HISNEAN | ! a tively rare, since most deal Chin CARRY, IM VERT i g quire no more than ominary Coch e ' care for the best result to be ag a obtained. CH > But hands which include the cw bad : CN o opportunity for two good piays ¢N : S are rarer still, and, in fact, are By F "s almost unique. Cc Ri = Es Here is one publistwd in this Pe fa column recently whieh, judg- pe fa ing from the mei " received, Sa a was insufficientiy explained. Craig The deal features excellent de beet fence by East Denis habe vac the king of spades, ban BEAVER BILL SAID TO FOLLOW) THAT OPENING HES which declarer ducks, and con- Dunr: tsar cae or ee ane HM --~ BUT TO WHERE ? Sr ora goes Pigg irie f rs tinues with the ten, which South aes MIDING UNDER THAT CANOE / oy Y yes 'NOWyou THINK NO, I THINK WE NEED 'sackgge Pe ae: When Oe, on" MONG LUNDER THAT CANOE THE FURNITURE SN) A New House-THIS finesse, losing to the king, Batt sie ; ; SSE, g king, East Gold satay - LOOKED 4 fo ONES LAID OUT rises to the challenge of the Sort 3 FUNNY moment by returning the king ore A ee e , of clubs! Grani one hy 225 Declarer cannot cope with Suir Alle] R- this return, and, regardless of Gunn om =f) ) what he does, he winds up with Hesth "8 et} N only eight tricks. Note that if Heath ki ivcemeansans ee eR ee | |eme East returns a low club instead ae cnn of the king, South finesses and Hydre lc makes at least four notrump. ue ie Actually, East's play of the iron ig Be cluba is not particular- Jollet ly difficult. He knows from the Jonsm ITH THERE ANYTHING BRING ME A bidding that South has the ace pourel I CAN DO TO HELP You BOA BOUT i, THi2?! LWANT ! wae LONG! flag yt be forces it out to Kerr / ! ent declarer from ever iat \\ ie tee TELEVISION LOG FUR, FIN AND CAMPFIRE eating 'whatever conceated Ee Channel 12--Peterdorough oo gg send ry 10:00 P.M. 11:8 AM, course, declarer ma Lakehi aos eee | | ss." Ltwrgns. Norn counter this' move. by permit take, ae ones Ot, Revert j s--fhagisirate's Ct | oe king to win, and many LL Chsnne) 6--Toronte H 100 Po Parr ng Game | ers pointed this out to me. Lorad Ghanne) ¢--Buttale == [3-612 -- Public Eve 78--Hollywood Squares | They argued that declarer would ee oie [ee eee ta? i Hy loon | > 7 a i barengpiaa | 12.7-42-8-3-6-119-- News | 2--Mwney Movie | S monds and AK Pe tae Mart TUESDAY @VE. | Weather S-Toronto Today ane Me | and Sports .. 6--Luncheon Date | and then put East on | Mayon Weare rl eeviewooin meine | NORTHERN PIKE, AFINEGAMEFISH,ISALooK- _|2 heart. East, with only the 10 we tbeporman | pier ae siete + ltl opal ER, THE MUSKIE. Pang ri cig have to meta --Laramie Ls bead G, ve : pie | ec, ate | tte S002 SATIN PUT AR BONY NORTUGRNG AVERAGE ATO [last two tricks, © ny one: | y--mnovitt'? PM 3--News; Weathers Serpe. W YORK SOME YEARS AGO THAT WEIGHED Phe contention is based on = sult 12--Monkees 4--Movie dE ve Guess THEYRE CAUG Pak Ue ee eae ee Nearex 8--McHale's Navy |2,8--Johnny Ci $-4--Search for Tomorrow HT IN MOST ANY WAY, STILL FISHING, CAST! will sit idly b; gp eMusic Hop sas "is riny Saary, t TROLLING. BEST METHOD IS BAIT CASTING WITH SPOON TYPE: prec to be endplayed Phen Nine 2--Of Land i. i : leclarer cash ie: f N Kel and and Sea ee PM | ++-Ouiding Liste FOUND IN SHALLOW WEEDY AREAS IN LAKES AN heats" Bact fol the A-K-Q of i N Que mont" an Here | n--Theaie THE S.A. AND CANADA. SANORIVERSIN \the 610-3. This yh = Nor "A iovie 45 PLM, iovie ' = Clie | : Norgolk See oa ee |e but South Boes' down one ite ie |ll--Mystery Theatre 7--Ben Case SOK soss Gown one whee 00 P.M. | é--Luncheon' Date bp eae hrbe Oy NN \ West takes the last two tricks North }2-Giri from UNCLE WEDNESDAY SoMeet The Millers THEY WILL MAKE ~ 38 \N, with the Q-J of spades. at bist. Any ea 4-Captain Kangaroo ge T:30 PM. | Siar r 5! 3 Bon ers Sports .30 AM, 3 The World Turns -- ; 4 " eae acum eee | ate eat SS SeJMg* | SALLY'S SALLIES fae, ; ' avi Eig 'aram: n--c a Ee | 7--Dialing for Dollars eu Patino, Ha tht Nice | Girl» Talk 6-2--Days of Our Lives 4 4 IF 1 DON'T GET THE YOU HAVE NO HEART, EARL. THAT'S TELLIN' 'IM, \/ LETTING "BARNEY aii ine Gee wearin ee Fi OUSi FROM You 2VE eon PELMONICO! YOU'RE FLINT= DOLL AN He" \ pouyecioes te ScHoneymooners | Uncle. Bobpy aim ae Pacer: > CLOSE. UP THE RESTAURANT, |} | HARD IN FEELING! ALREADY INTO ME _/ A SACRILEGE! TELL a--News; Weathers ya HY id sSocteetiny. Sita Quen EARL!' MY WHOLE CAREER-- : ports |, 4Bonnie_ Prudden &--Coronation Stree? NORTH ave RO IRPPEN TOA cloes é 120 PM. a oa aes raw OVER THEIR ENTIRE CHEEHES p Ras APPEN TO A CLOSE WHEN HE TURNS eee Soeane Seer Love et 'tite 1i--Marriage Connientiat | QNO UPPER HALF OF GILL § Resi = Ag lorla ome e DOWN: 12-7.B.A: feattelt--Onatrt Schools | B2cAncther World ee ee ae Rio Farid RO 2--Topper ores Hospital seer : i itt =] e=Borgermen niga itn time | eT" | YOUR HEALTH i Gilligan's tsiana Chas iee ines 3.25PM. a 24, 1--Girl trom | &-2--Reach For the stars 3:30 PM | Stonrete WN.C.LE. «Candid Camera 1--Farmer's Daughter | a! 8:00 PLM. +12--Canadian Schools %--It's Your Move Hy Seitver =] 34-12--Red Skelton Hour | 10:30 A.M. 34--You Don't Say | ign aucoma Seen 5:30 PM. |11--Morning Time %--Superman Sho | ' 11--Laredo 9--TV' Bingo 246-12--Edge of Night | "Of course your mother is @ Texore, P--Avengers #3 Concantration ae a0 P.M. | Zi ® sweet dear... and Ho Chi TexSo! --invaders bag Super Comics ' Triba, re Beverly Hilibiitl 91 Lo Ry gging S ro ee ee , Feet, Se ite | ERT, | SIZ Ge een da 00 PLM, 11:00 APA, communicate U Butte $£12-Quentin Durgens eaike, Bovgtas" Pan a ts By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD pe FIND BODIES unr ; Mr, And Mrs. 4:98 PLM, Dear Di ;: sbi TON, Ont. (CP) -- Wiltrey: a OM. ar Dr. Molner: ' i The - tian' rin 4-Andy_ i an V=Woody Woodpecker /can the symptom of pbing we on toes, can be involved. bodies of Andre Forgues, 19, Wily. Sine Sane" eee Lae eee | Siegen? adie tony Kitane se le Woe ae awe tt al iJ 7--Peyton Place Matches and Mat vay aay Several years ago m; if Ny OUalee some Oe re ee were found 2 es He12--Long John sliver_|neoen to belch Pei ' a x ejfect which can be amenable to|Saturday with the wreckage of = CRO heartburn. The cnet of pha ey ner gk did diet. nod A aircraft 40 miles Pesgre SSWORD behing war teeceas Bh pe usually the repetitious|from 'North Bay, an RCAF Am Led > Her doctor found a gall stone i er does prove to be an.air- |Search - and - rescue spokes € pent i ACROSS 2, Two-toed The gall bladder was removed gti tee a without vise ey Sens, tue Be & Grid = iene bh wiles Gece factor contributing, |8le-engine ski-equipped Aronca € Hom polish 3. Bog belching, although at a reduced|eve > seellower bertiy ieee Siciatt disapearel Fei- Charter 8. Traffic 4 Kindof rats. The Benet er, of course, is aware of|day, while on a flight from Charter sign "plaster Our ancien seid Delsbing is ( en eis ait caters swallow | Nocenda to North Bay. An ait- Syne! 9% rie & 4 -- caused by air swallowed in eat- real Boiling shanks -- for it "sat -- oe St col . Xe i F ccum- urday. istics Sci wrng BARE SE a Tor 2 socona bet alee iste tat, Oatmeal ; tie are =} A ag 7. Ancient OINICIE MET TRY? swallowed at the time of the/while talking Ow =r} air oe ne st SHE DEEN CLOBBERING GALESMEN WITHA SOFT . ; first belch. Something like that.|can even catch then dave yn Northid OF HER BROOM.' 13.Command 9, Suitable I don't b ee ahland Men ho Numec 1. Greck T Aseeiites Yesterday's Answer |auict pak Pe A bly live injand then it becomes just a Pains er AER" Retuan ae econ (Siac Melman of bog © Pa ; ; fe re 37 Bloth Eb : Would barium x-rays be of| Dear Dr. ' crv ¢ & inom hae ~ Fe value in finding the trouble?--|the "Y" by reget jal: sary. 19. Employ 19, Western i . warns, "Li Spooner = seme" sae Sat |, famey at ey th en offs, bu ere fd i De swallowed air, but it is com-|tio: . ser So 25. Wicked ' Ey mon. Medical researchers have|of "three pa emge pe gtd 26. Departed q even trapped the gas from| What kind of on ae ae I . Liqu - Y T gti and gg Soya finding If they are ultra-violet, I would Abitiot <0 ac a - os Pp ly tobe a pheric gpg oe the time limit is Agoms retipest . 0 avoid being burned Algonqul ae ~ Y Lie oof We must grant, of course, that/suburn) and that if edhe yb GY there are other causes. It would jex i Alcan p $1 Hallreed Y) VY, pind 2S. | posure to three minutes each amie 33, And: GF, GY tive 1 bl your wife's defec-/day, no burn is likely, and there pone Latin ALL Y é gall bladder had some con-| would be no limit to the number Asc $4. Bdible "tt YW es, since her trouble/of days. % Asbestos se 4 was partly relieved after th* ail Su ; SS se 4 surgery. Dear Dr. Molner: : 4 tion VW, A. X-rays should be taken to de-jafter a belatact ene hid Banams un 38. Lariat 27 ay, termine whether an ulcer isla person have i on ps Bank 40. Hesitate . = Z causing the heartburn, or|stooping or doing stenmpas MEL KRUGER pan 42, Of the sun | NAA \Whether there is such a condi-|work? When can a person tart Bowen ; (, tion as spasm of the outlet of|normal activit 7_Mrs Re Brazen 44, Seizes Y the stomach or a diverticulum|E. Z. oe er Bright n 45, Copen- 4 4 Y 4 pos _ or roe where food| There is no arbitrary time. It SUN LIF E BA oi Ss je Hl aa gd gone __.|depends on your individual con- K Be Sug + Y pcuiatal (hernia could be in- dition, and this is the sort ofl] ASsurence Company IC .Phor Down ; toppage of food in/question which should always of ¢ pete "y Y rr Y pead upper. digestive tract can/be addressed to the surgeon unada ete -- ype a soecaitiee, Allergy| Another doctor who has not ex-|| HOME: BUSINESS: at co eer ich mmon food, even|amined you can only guess, and || 723-7900 725-4563 Cantar ordinary things as coffee|he might guess wrong. \ $ ie ackrs Per