12 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Jenuery 31, 1967 BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Convicted Of Theft Charges City Welder On Probation A twenty-year-old city welder|showed Muscatiello stole a me- was placed on 15 months pro-jchanic's rachet at Ontario bation and suspended sentence|Motor Sales Limited last Dec.} when he appeared in Oshawa|l4. The rachet's value was/ magistrate's court for sentenc-|about $15. } ing Monday. = | Robert John Twaddell was|\UNDER AGE me "7 267| convicted at an earlier court) Linda €. Sawyer, ? hearing on two charges of|OShawa Blvd. N., pleaded | breaking, entering and theft; |guilty to minor consuming and} one of attempt breaking, enter-|"@S remanded two weeks in| ing and theft, and minor con- ag Regen ge site win cect lfive other teen-agers nabbed Court was told Monday there itor drinking under age Jan: 14.| 'was an alcohol problem in the! qj pleaded guilty before Mag-| family but that Twaddell was a jctrate H. W. Jermyn. | hard worker at his auto body| They were: Jean-Guy Leger, | shop job. 17,.270 Jarvis St., $100 and| Magistrate Jermyn told him|costs or 30 days; Dnny 0.! to leave home and get a board-| Saunders, 18, Bond St. W., $50 war tgiven 'a 'threeanontn sen-| COUNTY LINES tence at an alcoholic treatment centre. | IMPAIRED Melvin William Wood, 18, of Calidar, Ont., pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of impaired driving and was fined $100 and costs or 15 days. He also plead- ed guilty to failing to produce evidence of insurance on his|cers for 1967 were installed by|s car Jan. 7 and was additional-|Rev. P. Romeril at the ly fined $75 and costs or 15/augural meeting of the Umited days consecutive. Church Women. Reports of ac- jtivities during the year were $100 FINE icers i i ri presented. The new officers) and their friends held a bowl-|ed the new city hall h Lorne P. Mooney, 28, 230/are: |Mrs. W. Mahaffy; Dorcas, Mrs.|ing party following which a ning ey rl the gg "St. Toronto Ave., pleaded guilty to| Mrs. H. Kyte, past president; |. Wright; Esther, Mrs, A.|buffet supper was served in the|Joan," which they are study- impaired driving and was fined|Mrs. G. Farmer, president; |Taylor. Christian Education Hall. Aling, at York University. $100 and costs or 15 days. His|/Mrs. R. McLaughlin, first vice- driver's licence was suspended | president; Mrs. H. McLaughlin, six months. secretary; Mrs. M._ Byers, [treasurer DRIVING CASES | Conveners are: Mrs. M. Van- Paul Tymofichuk, a 41-year-|Camp, citizenship and social ac- old Ballard street resident,/tion; Mrs. R. Larmer, com- pleaded guilty to driving under|munity friendship and visiting; suspension and was fined $100)/Mrs, J. Carnaghan, Co-op in} and costs or 30 days in jail.- |ME and CE; Mrs. S. VanCamp, | \h Fusco, had his case adjourned|Mrs. B. Mountjoy and Mrs. Officers Installed By United Church Women BLACKSTOCK (TC) -- Offi-|tives; Mrs. M. Byers, board of in-|C. Mrs. G. Strong, pianist. |Mrs. evening and presentation, | couples -- Mr. and Mrs. William {Ormiston and Mr. spades Lockie -- was held in 4 pant the Christian Educatio A Another city resident, Jamesjliterature and communications; |Nei) Smith exianied the ow '|wishes of the community. Gifts Plan Programs MAPLE GROVE (TC) -- Offi- cers for 1967 were installed' by Mrs. S, Morton at the meeting of the United Church Women. Mrs. W. H. Brown reported the year's programs had _ been planned. Each committee chairman will report twice a year, tewards representative; : oe Choir Bowls Mrs. and archives; Force Base, Tex., sciousness. COLUMBUS (TC) Mem- The unit leaders : prec ate: AROR | bers of the United Church choir G. Skelding; Candace, visited the art gallery and tour- Space Cabin Simulator Mishap Similar Accident In 1962 WASHINGTON (AP) -- Four men were burned critically in an electricity-induced fire in an oxygen-filled chamber at Phila- delphia in 1962, a National Aero- nautics and Space Administra- tion study showed Monday night. A similar accident in a space- cabin simulator at Brooks Air the same year, involving a fire of un- known origin, caused two men in the chamber to lose con- These and other fire accidents in space-cabin experiments, said a 1964 report prepared for NAS "Illustrate in concrete fashion the potential dangers of 100 per cent oxygen atmospheres." _ Furthermore, the report said, an earlier space #cabin fire threat developing from the over- heating of a television tube, was averted so handily it gave ex- perimenters a "'false sense: of security." The study was prepared by the Lovelace Foundation for Medical Education and Research, Albu- querque, N.M It was part of a series that is sure to be re-studied as a result of a fire that killed three Apollo astronauts at Cape Ken- nedy, Fla., Friday night. The study reviewed factors in space cabins which contribute directly to fire hazard and men- tioned local hot spots resulting from electrical equipment or from areas of friction. gift was presented to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Lockie of Cal- gary. Mrs. Lockie is the for- mer Marie Laviolette, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward| Laviolette. | See Play BLACKSTOCK (TC) -- The} Grade 12 and 13 students, | accompanied by Mr. Ashton Couples Honored COLUMBUS (TC) -- A social onoring two recently married and Mrs. ing place. Other restrictions|and costs or 10 days; Linda M.| without a date when he plead-|Thompson, manse committee re ; were "no liquor" and a "cur-|s *: GORE rt ibs Been inc Spey |were presented by William Nes-|and Mr. Paisley, traveled by pig ne il on" 'Blvd. ae a Gniee Sellly to dangerous 'diiving. are ae craitiag: [Ditt_and Walter Holliday. [bus to Toronto where they]| The story of Zhivago-- Pe |days in jail; John Lees, 18, 120) \Mrs. P. Romeril and Mrs. L.! -- -- RENE earlier of causing|Qlve Ave., $50 and costs or 10 "MOTHERS GROW GRAY Wright, program; Mrs. M. Mc-| ies te ny ag $242 in willful damage, Ken-\aavss Cathy H. Higgs, 17, 922' ROME (AP)--Would you be-|Kee and Mrs. H. Martyn, social 8 20VE 1OF | neth Franklin, 18, Oshawa. WaSl pation urt, six months Pro-| jieye a town where it's so hilly|functions; Mrs. R. Duff and wife and the remanded to Feb. 28 to the; '™ the housewives tie sacks under|Mrs. N. Malcolm, nominations; | ° House of Concord, a correction IMPAIRED |their laying hens to catch the|Mrs. J, Carnaghan, church passionate home for misguided boys.| Millard R. Brown, 43, of e888 before they roll away? Or flowers; Mrs. H. Taylor and and tender Court was told if he showed|Court St., Oshawa, pleaded; Where children at play are Mrs, C. Hill, supply and social progress arrangements would|guilty to a reduced charge of tethered to the doorknobs sojassistance; Mrs. G. Strong and Lara...told be made for his release whenlimpaired driving and was fined|they don't fall down the steep|Mrs. B. Gunter, Christian edu- against the he will make full restitution. $100 and costs or 15 days in streets? cation committee representa- ra . : | -------- : PAPER BOXES jail. | d waeleny Je Three Oshawa youths who|REMAND Now Playing J ADUL background broke into a series of coin de-| Charles Johnson, 50, RR 5, . ENTERTAIN MENS of lution posit containers in public paper|Bowmanville, pleaded guilty to ba revolution, boxes last Dec. 28, all pleaded uttering an $84.70-cheque Sept c a f. m guilty and were remanded to 2, He was remanded out of f J td TIMES Feb. 20 for sentence custody until Feb. 20 for sen- ouLdoeS Evidence showed that dam- tence. | Matt Helm 1:20 age to the paper boxes and lost' ; oo giearny 3:25 money amounted to $89. The PUBLIC PLACE : in his : three youths were Terrance, Maurice Lince, 38, of no fix- 5:30 Nicholas, 16, Thor Chemlow ie ppp tend pleaded rye to, ; fnew 7:40 | sky, 18, and Maurice Chinn, 17.| being drunk in a public place} , Fa ° | All faced two charges of theft | and was fined $10 and costs or -- <a i all out 9:45 under $50 and one count of, 'hree days in jail -- and told to MEAG NIE adventure! : \'clear out of town" by Magis- | attempted theft. jtrate Jermyn. The magistrate | THEFT CASE imposed the sentence then said) Michael Muscatiello, 384, 47 |finally: "Now get out of here."' | Fernhill Blvd., pleaded not|Lince did, and on the way said | He |he wouldn't be back Claude "Marsden, guilty to theft under $50. was -convicted and fined $50. and 31, Port costs or 10 days. Evidence |Perry, pleaded guilty to being Le A FISTEDL ses OF DOLLARS "its "ADULT ENTERTAINMENT PLUS -- Mickey Rooney in "AMBUSH BAY" Color Quec Mon. te Pri. Show Storte 7:30 Set., Sun. Show Storts 6:30 PREE IN-CAR HEATERS @HILDREN UNDER 12 FREE ane FONDA JASON ROBARDS DEAN JONES m ass ROSEMARY MURBHY pecHNICOLOR® FROM WARNER ne SHOW TIMES ADULT ENTERTAINMENT WEEKDAYS .... at 7 and 9:10 '& i eer nt me ODEON, SUNDAY Continuous from 2 p.m. Doctor Zhivago Starts its Exclusive Oshawa Enzagement FEBRUARY 1-28 For Reservations Phone 725-5833 or 725-5562 CAMILLA SPARV- JAMES GREGORY BEVERLY ADAMS ay | manceer oA KARL MALDEN RAurDERERS row ALEC OMAR introducing DINO, DESI and BILLY - Featuring the "Slaygiris" » © PLALE by HERBERT BAKER LAST DAY! PETER SELLERS in "AFTER THE FOX" METRO COLDIYNAVE nso ACALO PONT PRODUCTION DAVID LEAN'S FILM o sorts pasrernaxs DOCTOR ZHiVAGO GERALDINE CHAPLIN - JULIE CHRISTIE -TOM COURTENAY' CHIR SHEE vosnrecs OD OGRA SANS ROBERT BOLT DAVID LEAN mpanavsion: ano wernococon ADULT ENTERTAINMENT it ODEON THEATRE STARTS TOMORROW! WINNER OF 6 ACADEMY AWARD Ss! Best Screen Play Best Movie Score Best Cinematography, Color Best Art Direction, Color Best Set Decoration Best Costume Design, Color RESERVED SEATS NOW AT BOX-OFFICE OR BY MAIL BOX OFFICE OPEN DAILY 12 - 9 P.M, EVES, 8:30 MATS SAT, & SUN, 2 P.M, ORCH, LOGE. EVES. SUN., THUR., SAT. $2.00 $2.25 MAT, SAT, 1.50 1.75 MAT. SUN, 2.00 2.28 SPECIAL ATTENTION TO THEATRE PARTIES, FOR INFORMATION CALL 725-5833 5-5562 OPEN DAILY 7 TO 6 P.M. FRI, TILL 9 P.M. RURAL MAIL BOX Regular 9.95 SPECIAL. .....4% 8.95 HARDBOARD SPECIALS PEGBOARD (Painted Ivory) Vs x 4 x 8 Sheets Regular 5.90 SPECIAL GARBAGE CANS = No. 0037 3.00 No. 0047 3.35 oe No. 0057 3.90 MAIL BOX Priced from 1.69 to 14, This Week LESS 10° Ve x 4 x 8 sheets Regular 2.90 SPECIAL 2.45 Southern Pecan This Week's SPECIALS MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD 1279 SIMCOE ST. NORTH -- OSHAWA 728-6291 -- YOUR ONE-STOP BUILDING SUPPLY CENTRE 25% OFF on all GLIDDEN PAINTS PANELING BY... | (atofer EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTOR IN OSHAWA Planning a rec, room. Buy now and save on these beautiful panels by Cavalier. Sale starts January 25 till Feb. 28. H SIMMS 25 Mipiienct ekcinis Sample panels on display in our showroom. Regular 3.99 SPECIAL 3.59 LESS SHEPHERD CASTERS Shepherd casters let you move fur- niture with one hand. It's a snap to clean under and behind sofas, chairs ond beds. And Shepherd Reg. 4.99 SPECIAL TOILET SEAT Green, Blue and Yellow REGULAR 49¢ SPECIAL Quarts, Reg. casters won't mark even your thick est carpets. Every package carries a 25 year guarantee. PRICED FROM 3.95 to 10.95 PER SET OF 4 HARDBOARD 4 x 4 sheets. Only 2.99 Silver Glint. CEILING PANELS Scored in 12" Squares 2 Colors: Golden Glint and Gallons, Reg. FLOORING From 41c¢ to 10.25 3" TRIM ROLLERS PRODUCTS scat 2680 sccm. 8,20 CAVALIER MOUNTAIN ASH No. AS with Walnut Inlay 3/16 x 4x 7 Reg. 11.20 8 95 fT -25% Bho ROLLER COATER AND TRAY MDW ees Regulor 2.59 OPE sree 1.95 ff 2+ 4+ 2 es. 12.00 9 95 CAVALIER ELM 3/16 x 4x 7 Reg. 7.75 NOW 6.75 3/16 x 4x 8 Reg. 8.9 suet tee ae CAVALIER CHERRY No. BW80 (with Walnut Inlay) Vx 4x 8B Reg. 15.68 13.45 NOW PLASTIC LAMINATE Ideal 2.95 for Variety of five colors. bors, kitchens, counter tops, etc. 4 x 8 Sheets Regular 15.68 Now 12.80 (Cash and Carry) FREE USE 10.25 OF STAPLE GUN SPECIALS Vinyl Asbestos, 1/16 gouge, 9 x 9. 3 colors (carton lots only) 08 ae QUARTER BOARD Factory reject. x 4x8 sheets. Regular 3.70 SPECIAL 2.49 UTILITY BOARD Ye x 4 x 8 Sheets Reg. 1.90 Only 1.35 Regular 11¥%¢. NOW each . Vinyl! Asbestos, .080 gouge, 9 x 9. Reguior 14¢ each NOW each . Vinyl Asbestos, .080 gouge, 12 x 12. : ALUMINUM LADDERS =f No. 3720-2 -- 20 fi. exten- = sion Reg. 36.00. NOW.. 27.00 No. 3724-2 24 ft. exten- sion, Reg. 43.20. NOW 32.40 ic a ae 39.80 Random Acoustic Travertine. Reg. 25¢ each. NOW each .t Vimy! Asbestos, .080 gauge, 9 x 9. Agatine. Reg. 18¢ each, NOW each ue Viny! Asbestos, 1/16 gouge. 12 x 12, Heritage. Reg. 20¢ each. NOW eoch 99° 5.75 MAHOGANY LOUVERED Indoor Shutters Available in 24 sizes. from 12" x 12" Butt Joint 64 No, 3732-2 --- 32 ft. exten- sion, Reg. 64.00. NOW.... 48.00 pes. per carton No, 305 --- 5 ft. Step. . 11.20 Reg. 14.95. NOW 4 PER SQ. FT. No. 366. 6 m. Step ¢ Reg. 18.95. NOW 12.75 euie i 2 call Lodder WALL HANGERS 95 a Reg. 1.25 pr. NOW ' Cash and Carry Carton Lots Only CAVALIER ASH No. swi0 Va x 4x 8 Reg. 15.68 13.45 le NOW CAVALIER ELM No. SW30 (with Walnut Inlay) VY x 4x 8 Reg. 15.68 13.45 f NOW CAVALIER RUSTIC OAK No. OW30 (with Walnut Inlay) 4 x 4x 8 Reg. 15.6 13.45 a NOW CAVALIER OAK No. OW32 (with Walnut Inlay) y 4x 8 Reg. 15.68 -- le g! ____ CASH ond CARRY ® 1 S| foes? or 21.60 CEILING TILE Specials! Plain White 12" x 24" Tongue and Groove. 32 pcs. per carton. PER SQ. FT. ONLY 101°: Cosh and Cerry Corton Lots Only 64 sq. ft. per carton. YOUR PLYWOOD @ HEADQUARTERS PLYWOOD "A VY Y % Waterproof Bond GOOD ON ONE SIDE MON Bos HARE M4AXS ocs50503 Oe KOK 8 546. Se Kd XB aa See X48 2.4036 118 GOOD TWO SIDES MORES tis 5 5 wince 6.50 MAB io. Bie 4X8 ios ORS MAS 665556. 5 0020 bay NS oe Eee ene bs || STANDARD SHEATHING D/IG RAK oa... 3.60 SARA XB i546 80 vax4ax 8-0. is Sis Ve x4 eB esis 7ee OA KA RB oe i 8.75 SELECT SHEATHING B/16% 4% 8: cr. 4.45 ioe RAB 5 case Bite ¥%ex4x8........ 8.00 5ex4x8 Tongue & Groove 8.60 Factory Grade OFF CAR SPECIAL Ve AB ccc ss SS Yex au S .....5,. ave Vo X 4K 8. ik. 5 Bie SAMAK B oo ices. OOo Da x SxS cs, 7.65 BIRCH & BASSWOOD MOULDINGS We have in stock a large selection of . ornamental moulding, picture frame moulding and wood carvings