14 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Jenuary 30, 1967 e Make The Most Of Your Advertising--Use An Action Want Ad For Fast Results Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK Accountants Building Trades HOPKINS, BEADLE AND CO., Charte Financial Trade Bulld- ed Accountants, ing, 167 King Street ek ge: Wie is M hI | tario; 725-3509; $. T. Hopkins, CA; Beadie, CA; E. Lukow, CA. onthly Instalments YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO., Char- i fered Accountants. Licensed Trustees in Remodelling Bankruptcy, 52'2 Simcoe Street North, ca TS Chartered Accoun- @ Bathrooms RT HO: ; Chari - x 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa] @ piievene Ontario, Telephone 723-127). == | @ ecreation Rooms WILLIAM €. HALL, B.Comm. Charter-| @ Garages ed Accountant, 36/2 Telephone Oshawa 725-6539. GORDON R. DAY, Accountant, Suite ping Centre, 725-9953. BOB King Street €ast. ; Certified General 205W, Oshawa Shop- CLANCY'S ACCOUNTING Service. r- No Down Payment A new department of Osh- awo's Quolity Builder, KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION Mortgage examples based on 15 year term: Interest 1 - 1% 9% per month -- (12 - 16% per annum) depending on amount borrow- ed. Interest calculated on the reducing balance. Properties must be within a city or town limits. C.A.C, REALTY. Oshawa Shopping Centre Complete bookkeeping service, 178 Sim- Coll today for Free Estimates coe Street North, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605.) 728.7583, JOSEPH GUTMANN, Chartered Accoun. Li ed Trustee, ond r East, 'Telephone 723-4833. REPAIRS Barristers ALTERATIONS JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Solicitor. ADDITIONS Money to loan. Office, 14% King Street 45 East, Osh 728-8232. SPN Se HOMES-OFFICES-FACTORIES Blueprinting Rec Rooms and Kitchens BELL DRAFTING and reproductions Ltd 723-4661. Blue- 52% Simcoe Street North, 723 printing and photostatic copies. Building Trades a Specialty. 725-6126 | James Allen & Sons 728-1691 Nursery Schools Mortgages CONSOLIDATE Borrow. Pay Mtly 4 O00 iiss sca $22.94 B2500 | OC iliaaGy $34.23 $4,000 $50.97 iTV--Radio Repairs TODDLERS PARADISE FROBEL -- MONTESSORI Day Nursery School Let your child enjoy this won- derful method of teaching. Register now. For appoint- ment call 723-0734. MID-WINTER SPECIAL Sove up to 15% on rec rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, etc. By Jan. 31st. Quality Carpentry and General Repairs CALL 725-8576 Compass Building RENOVATION Commercial 'and Private Offices - rec-rooms - home improvement. Free estimates Quality workmanship -- low rates, Call collect 839-7957, 839-7935 | ROOFING, hot tar and gravel, shingles, Plumb and Heating ALL TYPES BUILDING REPAIRS -- roofing, chemneys, eavestroughing, fire- places, masonry. Gord May, Whitby 668. 2774, CLASSIFIED RATES WORD ADS Cash -- | insertion of 24 words, 1.20; additional words, 5c each; 3 consecu- tive insertions of 24 words, 3.24; addi- tional words 13Y4¢ each; 6 consecu- tive insertions of 34 words, 5.76; addi- tional words 24¢ each Chorge--10 per cent additional charge if not paid within 8 days. Method of Counting -- Less than 24 words counts as 24 words; each word initial, figure or abbreviotion counts as one word; phone number counts two words. Batis sPRAtS -- SOCIAL 2.25 per insertion with 28 cents addi-! - ace charge if not paid within 8 days. IN _MEMORIAMS $2.25 for the first 35 words and 5c eoch thereafter plus 12c per line of verse; 25c additional eharge if not paid within 8 days. ARD OF THANKS % 25 for the first 35 words and 6c each thereafter with 25¢ additional charge if not pald within 8 days. COMING EVENTS $2.24 per inch (display); $1.75 for the first 20 words and 6¢ each thereafter (Word Ads). AUCTION SALES $2.24 PER INCH PER INSERTION. DEADLINES 'WORD ADS 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS LOST AND FOUND 9 a.m. DAY OF Sn tala BIRTHS AND DEATH! 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION IN MEMORIAMS and CARD OF THANKS 5 p.m. DAY PREVIOUS CLASSIFIED DISPLAY 1 column--4 p.m. day previous; 2 col- umns or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous. CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9 a.m. DAY OF PUBLICATION Any advertisement cancelled before publication will be charged one day's insertion. BOX NUMBER RENTAL $1.00 While every endeavor will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertisers as soon as possible, we ac- cept no liability in respect of loss or damaged alleged to arise through either foilure or delay in forwarding such re- plies, however caused whether by negli- gence or otherwise. The Times will not REMODELLING, trim work, recreation rooms, mates. Telephone 725-7046. CARPENTRY -- New ano repairs, biock Dentistry CAREFOOT, DR. JOHN M., Dental Surgeon, 172 King Street East, Oshawa. For appointment, 728-5171. Dressmaking DRESSMAKING, ALTERATIONS, Sults, Coats, Dresses, etc. Work done profes- sionally. Mrs. McNamee, 668-8756. DRESSMAKING -- Expertly fitted | suits, coats, dresses. Beautifully tailored slip- covers, drapes. Mrs. Toms, 668-2372. Gardening and "Supplies "This & That" ICE SALT WATER SOFT SALT SNOW SHOVELS CALCIUM CHLORIDE WILD BIRD MIXTURE WILD BIRD SCRATCH SUNFLOWER SEED BIRD FEEDING STATIONS STRAW PURITY DOG MEAL MASTER DOG FEEDS PURINA DOG FEEDS PET SUPPLIES BRITTANNIA MALT AMARYLLIS .BULBS COOPER-SMITH COMPANY 16 Celina Street 723-2312 723-1139 Delivery Service Established 1909 Instruction be responsible for replies uncalled for|- in 20 days. REGULATIONS THE OSHAWA TIMES WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBIE FOR ERRORS IN ADVER: TISEMENTS SUBMITTED OTHERWISE THAN IN WRITING NOT FOR MORE PRICE CHARGE SINGLE SERTION IN WHICH ERROR OCCURS. The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to its proper classification. Im the cases of display advertisements The Times will not be held responsible for more space thon that which the actual error occupies. The publishers endeavor to reproduce all adverising matter correctly, but assume no liability of advertisement it any inaccuracies in ony form are contained therein. IT'S EASY TO PLACE A TIMES ACTION WANT AD Call Classified Direct 723-3492 INDEX TO CLASSIFICATIONS 1--Women's Column .|Ployed and have good credit. 723-4631, dl R| ER N c H LESSONS - professionally taught, any level. Telephone 668-4861. Money to Loan WILL LOAN you up to $5,000 at 8 reasonable rate of interest to consolidate fyour bills or for any other worthwhile Purpose providing you are steadily em- Mortgages cupboards, and stairs. Free esti- and cement work. Free estimates. 728-7680, PROFESSIONAL RUG CLEANING 2 Day Service Free Pick-Up. and Delivery Angus-Graydon po [CLEANING SPEC Charge on ey Se rug Pick up and delivery at same address. OSHAWA CLEANERS 1700 SIMCOE ST.-N. _ 725-95 9961 "INTERIORS by WINDOLF @ Custom Upholstery @ Re-Covering @ Antiques Restored 39 Simcoe N. 728-3651 RE. UPHOLSTERY by experts. Estab- lished 20 years. Workmanship guaran- teed. Free estimates. Credit terms. Mat- tresses re-built, furniture _re-finished. Oshawa Upholstering, 287 Dean Avenue, 725-0311 CHESTER upholstered and re-styled. Free estimate. See our mate- rial for re-covering. Slip covers made to order. Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles Street, 723-7212. TELEVISION -- RADIO 24 HOUR SERVICE T.V. RENTALS HOLMES ELECTRONICS PHONE 668-5679 ~T.V. Rentals -- New Sets ALCAN FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 452 Simcoe South 23-0011 T.V. TOWERS *"BUILT IN OSHAWA" AT OUR OWN PLANT We give you a. better less money. tower for BEFORE L PN ELMETS were WORN BY THE FRENCH IN 1925, ONE HEAD WOUND IM FOUR PROVED FATAL, COMPARED 40 ONE JN SEVEN ATER STEEL HELMETS By R. J. SCOTT GAR CANEWA ae DENSE CRO! ARE S{ALKS GRow twenty FEE' OR MORE IH REIGHT, WHAT 1S HE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A GOURMET AND A GOURMAND ? OF Ant d md SIMUE oF S. PATRICK A Gourmet | actus Rock oF INFERESTED IN THE | CASHELIN IRELAND, "A 6 SAID 40 HAVE. ANTICY BEEN "HE "CORON HONE OF AWE Muntfen 12--Articles Wanted to Friday, Saturday 8 to 12. 18--Male Help Wanted _ WANTED for own personal use, old dishes, china, glassware, lamps, silver, pewter, brass and copper. Telephone 723-9557, WANTED TO BUY -- older style cedar chest, not too heavy. Telephone 725-2261. GOOD USED FURNITURE. What have you? Valley Creek '4 Bond Street West 728-440) os GOOD USED FURNITURE wanted, etc. Highest prices. Call anytime. MacNeil's Furniture, 668-5481, 668-6526. 5 USED BICYCLES WANTED, from 18" to 26", running or not. Will give a price when picked up. 668-2231. Willy's Auto Service, RR 1, Whitby. OLD COAL OIL LAMPS, especially. type with matching globe-like shade. Will pay good price. Telephone 723-2648. OIL-SPACE HEATER with fan, baby cri « and high chair. Telephone 728- 3724, WANTED---nine-inch metal bench lathe Prefer South Bend toolroom model. If reasonable phone 839-3800 Bay Ridges. 13--Articles for Rent Tables, Chairs, Linens, Dish- es, Cutlery, Glasses, Coffee Urns, Punch Bowls, Bridal Wear, Men's Formals, White Fox Furs, Mink Stoles. SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson Rd. S. 725-3338 WERT IMTTUCED, IGS ENTERTAINING? Fifty 'to one hundred MING people? Oshawa fennis Club for ban quets, parties, weddings. Bar, kitchen, Parking. 723-7726. | |WHEEL CHAIRS, hospital beds, walkers,! me | reducing machines, sick room dale | 8--Arrticles for Sale 8--Arrticles for r Sale Aid Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644 | TREMENDOUS SAVINGS on MATTRESSES Spring filled mattresses from 17.88 Well WELL 8 mer to, Chu about 8. SKATE bought sharpening. Best prices, 728-5154 9 am. izing in 30-inch tile. W. Ward, nut Street West, 3809. Fast T.V. Service DOMINION TELEVISION Mrilling--Diggirg 'DIGGING by machine 3 WELLS CLEANED OUT and deepened. Telephone Whitby 668-2774. 2--Personal Removal of superfluous hair Marie Murduff will be i Oshowa, February 6, 7, and Hotel on these dates for appoint- Phone Genosha nt ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 RIDE WANTED from Oshawa to Toron- fo arrive rch and Bloor area, 30 a.m. Please call 728-1475. 3--Sportsman' 's Column -- - EXCHANGE, end sold. new and 16 Bond Street West. 4--Motorbikes 1962 TRIUMPH homonneniliey must sell, Sales and Service APPLIANCE REPAIRS Expert repairs to all makes of washers, dryers, ranges, etc. @ ALSO PARTS AVAILABLE @ ALCAN FURNITURE and APPLIANCES 452 Simcoe S. --- Oshawa Telephone 723-0011 NEW, USED -- vacuums, polishers. pairs to all makes. New hoses. Jack Lees, 728-6956. SMITH APPLIANCES SERVICE. large or small, we repair them ail. Call any- time. Free estimates and pick-up. 942- 3321, GUARANTEED REPAIR to all wringer washers ans sau Free estimates. Call 728-1742 or 723-001) at alseptic Service _ SEPTIC TANKS cleaned. Prompt service 'on calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chesnut Street West, Whitby 68-2563. Re-| Phone Surveyors MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys available for first and second mortgages. Open mortgages. No bonus. First mortgages, second mortgages and agreements for sale pur- chased. M. F. SWARTZ 26 King St. East Oshawa, Ontario 723-4697 2--Personal 3--Sportsman's Column 4--Motorcycies 5--Trailers 6--Marine Equipment 9--Market Basket 10--Farmer's Column 1i--Pets and Livestoct 12--s«rticles Wanted 13--Articles for Rent 14--Business 0} 17--Female Help Wanted 18--Male Help Wanted 19--Male or Female Help Wanted 20--Real Estate For Sale 20a--Summer Properties 2i--Farms for Sale 22--Lots for Sale 23--Real Estate Wanted 24--Stores Offices and Storage 25--Houses for Rent 26--Apartments for Rent 27--Rooms for Ri 28--Room and Board 29--Wanted to Rent 30--Automoblles for Sale 3)--Compact Cars for Sale 32--Trucks for Sale 33--Automobies Wanted 34--Automobile Repair 35--Lost and Found NEED MONEY? PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? Why not consolidate all your debts with one low monthly payment with a low cost mortgage loan. For complete details call DOUG TERWILLEGAR. BRANCH REALTY INVESTMENTS LIMITED 51 King St. E., Oshawa Bus. 723-1157 Res. 725-6210 FIRST AND SECOND mortgages avall- able. W. Schatzmann Realtor, 114 Brock Street North, »_ Whitby, 668-3338, FIRST AND SECOND mortgages, sale DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN, ftario Land Surveyor, On- Commercial bive prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. H. FLIM AND TROLLOPE, Ontario Land a ha 11 Elgin Street 725-688) East. Phone best offer. Te Pho! %6 HONDA 150 c.c., | ca ) miles. | offer. 1966 YAI Telephone 728. MAHA 250 Telephone 668-2652 or 668-3291. 5--Trailers to 9 p.m. special- 204 Chest- Whitby, 668-2568 or 668- Hockey equipment, Valley Creek, after 4 p. excellent shape. PIAN 0 - = apartment size, off regular price! perene: Home Furnish- | ings, 424 Simcoe St. | NORGE -aUeniaTie washer, good con- dition, $85. Telephone 723-6184. television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 an | Simcoe South. 723-0011. |SKATES! A large selection of new and jused, Also hockey equipment, bargai 327 Chevrolet motors. | moobile parts, call Chaskavich Aut |Wrecker, East Oshawa. |GUARANTEED, USED_ "wringer | washers, television, refrigerator, etc., $34.50 an: up. Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 45: {Simcoe South. 723-0011. | TYPEWRITER -- Royal, electric. working order, $125, Storage Ltd. Rooting: Gad coheridten: tear ALL Pu BING AND HEATING up. OSHAWA T V Smooth top-mattresses 29.95 9 plies. T 725-3521, Harold H. Stark 7Ve 9.95 PAINTING, clean lob. Reasonable. Free|Ltd., Plumbing, Heating and Engineering, Bunk beds, complete 6 estimates. Telephone 723-1385 or 668-8605|255 Simcoe Street South. SUPPLY LTD Continental beds 48.88 anytime, ALL TYPES OF REPAIRS ond remodel ' Bedroom suites (3 piece) CUSTOM CARPENTRY, -- remodelling, |ling, new and used materials. Reasonable TAUNTON RD. E. Shorh phe a aL A See alae For the|rates. Estimates free. 723-1191, J. Foley. Gust East of Ritson) WILSON'S FURNITURE __|PAINTING, decorating, furniture re- ig 723- -8131_ - 723- 8132 1 20 Church St finishing, Reasonable rates. Free esti-|---------------- in + ustehe he OCG agent TALL YOUR PRINTING NEEDS TV SERVICE PIANO SPECIAL rpentry Letterheads, envelopes, _in- Call Anytime Lonsdale Upright, $225: = voices, ery business Day or Night Martin Orme Upright $250.; CARPENTRY | core 'pee fake, widdve 'Own One ieoone, 4378. wi bps Wee ork nie eg invitations. 668-3830. COUNTRY T.V. Warsi Useaht, $166, Oia Oe za Raul CARLYLE PRESS 623-2151 Heintzman Co. Ltd. = COMPANY 151 Brock St..N Whitby: 90-day guarantee on all- work. 79 Simcoe St. -N; Rug - Upholster aa acres 728-2921 tay Rug - Rug - Upholstery Service __| SERVICE CALL ONLY 2.50 Telephone 728-292 CITY TV televisions, radios, service and repairs. Service dept. open 7 days a week. Also T.V. towers, color and black and white T.V. Anten- nas, rotors installed. Sales and Service 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 248 Quebec St. Call 725- 0500. All work guaranteed. til February 1. Watch for opening. Furniture, 444 Simcoe South, 723-3271. $30.; hydraulic jack. Telephone 728- 7245, 1965 SNOW CRUISER, in es 'condition. | Telephone le 623. FOR SALE -- USED TV. SETS niture, Pay only $15 Home Furnishings, monthly. 424 Simcoe S. 3 room groups, Living Room, Bedroom, Dining Room, $399, $499, $599, $699. Easy terms. Immediate delivery or layaway. Rutherford's 156 Simcoe St. South ie GENTLY USED BRIDAL GOWNS $10 - $15 SARGEANT'S 463 Ritsoh Rd. S. 25-3338 | horn, FREE! Furnace cleaned, adjusted , tee. A-1 condition Guaranteed trouble-free" winter it hase f w I TRIO TELEVISION tie irom estern Oi mnbkay. 728-5143 FILING CABINETS, used, $29 up. Cen-| 35 Division St. Bill Hamilton, Raglan. SS. RUTHERFORD"S HARMONY GUITAR and Ampeg amopil. fier and microphone, $400. Ashburn 655- 3958 after 6 p.m. WEDDING GOWN, full length, lace train, full skirt, with hoop and vell, Telephone 576-1696. PETERBOROUGH CEDAR fishing skiffs| 1076 -- 14 foot, good condition, $100. Coleman oil space heaters, Apply PO Box 1, or telephone J. Simmons, 657-8513 Buck-| after 6.00 p.m. or liwain, 668-3293, Whitby. 30-GALLON GLASS-LINED hot tank, j. Telephone 725-6407. PORTABLE Vi fier, cost $70., asking $40. good condition, $20. new; away bed, reasonable, television tower. Telephone 728-1773. USED TIRES, most all sizes, Goodrich, 88 King Street West. 08 isan EWING MACHINE SALE. New and used Singers', Whites', and Elnas', port- ables from $20. White Elna Sewing Cen- tre, 38 Bond Street West. BLOND FINISH, double bed with book- down for travel, i" Cadorett controls, "STARC --------- {Evinrude motors. sev Marine Storage and Supply Ltd., _ | Brooklin, |week RAMBLER TRAILERS SALE -- RENT Open Sundays 2- 4 P.M. BUDDY TRAILERS PORT HOPE Lot oat 401 and 28 HI-LO TRAVEL camper up for tiving, All aluminum, Elimina tes wind resistance. Makes towing | Aetier and safe. 725-4920. 6--Marine Equipment FIBREGLAS + including windshield, Spay sillg Tun-about _ boats e, etc. Very reasonable. 725- RAFT," Grew Traveller Open 655-3641, git ti I and E Barter TILT TRAILERS, + new, 2-T pick-up, Sta Wagon, 20 per cent off all basins, tubs, toilets, sinks, cabinets, |tresses for bunk beds, $16.88; roll-away piping, fittings, H. Chinn, Hillside andjcots complete, $19.88. Wilson's Furni. ree Ss. ture, 20 Church Street. TYPEWRITER, electric, $75; standard, 8--Articles for im $20; adding machine, $20; cash register, | rimenesmm mipsmeanen! | =! OR (<1 ae 723- 4434. SERVICE COLOR BLACK and WHITE F OR THE BEST CALL TRIO TELEVISION FOR CLEARER, SHARPER TV RECEPTION YOUR OWN 1¥ agreements purchased and sold. Hennick and Hennick, Barristers, 31 King Street ; East, 723-7232, PER MONTH The cost of this year. Too small t> be noticed? ad daily for one You're reading it} fast service call 668-6761 104 Byren Street South, TOWE 728-5143 Corner Bond and Division Qual each C ED'S 7 TV TOWER ~ and Aerial Free estimates, all work guaranteed. For Service. J or 728-6879 Fa itby. NOW SIX SERVICE BAYS FOR FASTER SERVICE WHEEL ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Chev., mouth, Pontiac. wheel alignment, inspect and correct castor align toe-in and toe-out 3 correct condition . @ Ports extra if facuired @ Torsion bar adjustment Dodge, Ford, - $6.8 extra. e BRAKE SPECIAL Most popular cars. e WHEEL BALANCE SPECIAL Including weights per wheel $1.95 SHOCKS, MUFFLERS, FRONT-END WORK AT OMPARABLE PRICES UNIROYAL CENTRES The New Nome of DOMINION TIRE STORES 17 Park Rd. S. Phone 725-6511 en days a| 808d East, just east of Ritson Road. ----------- | MATTRESS BARGAINS. All types of mat- y, 157 Chev sedan Ply- We correct and camber, First ity Royoline. 4 wheels. case headbcard, mattress included, $30. Whitby 668-5173, FINDLAY GAS "RANGE, 30", fully auto- matic, 6927. ANTIQUE apartment terms available. Telephone 668- size Bell piano. Telephone 985-2546, Port Perry. _ FIBERGLAS FENDERS from $19.95 and up. New and used auto parts. Rebuilt starters and generators, 1175 Nelson St. 725-2162. 9--Market Basket ONTARIO No. 1 potatoes, free delivery. Telephone 72 9439, White Feather Farms, Oshawa 655-4752. Picked up, delivered at store or home. 10--Farmers' ¢ Column CONTINENTAL BEDS, c $39.95; mattresses from ss ae all yee headboards, one-third of 388 TWO-PIECE CHEST LD, two end tables, one coffee table, we table lamps. All n good condition. Box 57293, Osh- awa Times. TV TOWERS SPECIAL -- 40-foot tower structure, all-channel - antenna _ installed, +, |$50. Oshawa TV Supply Limited, Taunton WE BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE used furniture or anything you have. The City Trading Pott Store, 446 Simcoe Street South, 723-1671. tresses, all reduced. Smooth-top mat- tresses, $29.; crib mattresses, $9.88; mat- BRING your pork to Bowmanville Frozen Food Service, curing, smoking. Genuine Hickory Smoke, 623-5578. BALED HAY, very ave "quality. RR. My; Little Britain, 93-R-2 DEAD AND ChIP LED farm stock pick- ed. up promptly. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone.. Telephone Collect Hampton 263- 2721. Licence 4-C-66. 10A--Butchers FIRTH BROTHERS Quality Meat Market BRING YOUR PORK OR BEEF TO US Custom Cutting and Wrapping 5c ee LB. 47 King St. E., Bowmanville 623-5081 TV TOWER SPECIAL -- 40 ft. structure, ail channel antenna, $50. TRIO Television, 728-5143. SERTAPEDIC mattresses, only $49.50. Limited time offer! Save $40.00 a unit! Barons' 424 Simcoe St. S. TYPEWRITERS $49. No money down, $2. weekly. Adders, cashiers, Tiles, new, used, rentals, trades. Bill Hamilton, Raglan. TYPEWRITERS, new and used, sales, service, free' estimates. cal head local | Royal dealer 728-3664 anyti) WHOLESALE AT nOWEST CAL'S -- Balance of new furniture. Chesterfields Home Furnishings, service, $99., mattresses $19., friges $159., stove |TWO $119. by appointment only. Telephone 725- 1423, SACRIFICE! antique settee, uphoistered 'ne month ago, gold, pitcher and basin, soup tureen; moving out of town. Tele- phone 723-8069. PIANO FOR SALE, $250. New scale, Wil- liams. Telephone 655-3084 Sales and Service, Brougham. 942-5547 HUDSON SEAL fur coat, size 16, good condition, Cul bed 725-4196 between 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. EIGHT PLACE SETTINGS of ironstone dishes, very pretty pattern. Telephone 20 after 4 p.m. CHESTERFIELD SUITE, new, dark green, modern style. Must sell, Reason- able. Telephone 7 728-0452. DUMONT 19" colored tel and color head included. Excellent conde tion, Best offer. Telephone 668-3289. 1967 SKI-DOO snowmobile by Bombar- dier, world's largest producer of soft soil vehicles and McCulloch chain saws, now on display, United Rent-All Marine, Oshawa's only authorized Ski-Doo dealer, 535 King St. at Wilson, 728-5565. BAR BELLS, 300 !bs. plus bench, iron shoes, head strap, $65 or best cffer. Vik- ing vacuum cleaner, good condition. 723- 2642. 43 a jequipment, Ply 523 Fox Street or telephone 728-9122. _|phone 725-4144, QUALITY MEATS cut "40 order, Gr. freshly killed beef. Duffy's Super Market, 946 Simcoe N. Bld 937. 11--Pets and L Li vestock ARE Y you PAYING tox too much | for clip- ping? Call, compare. Guaranteed super- lor work, lowest prices. All breeds; also cat grooming. 728-9609. BEAUTIFUL BABY BUDGIES, ready for training, talking strain. Apply T. -|Broad, 114 Elgin East. cozY-J RANCH, "Reg'd. German § Shep- herds, pups. Show mare in foal to quarter horse Pony. Pinto. Western saddies, clothes. Ashburn, 655-4662. ) MALE BEAGLES, six weeks old, Hd field trial dogs. Telephone 728- io TERRIER PUPPIES, also minia- ture collie, $35. - $50. delivered. Tele- phone 985-. -2645, Port Perry. GERMAN SHEPHERD. pup, >», male, five months old, very attractive. Whitby 668- 8537 after 5 p.m PUPPIES, + registered, Poodles, |, black miniature Also registered: chihuahuas. Ap- ALL TYPES down, 942-1101. FEMALE BUDGIES, $1.50 apiece. Tele of horses for sale. $25 CLIPPING SERVICE, ail breeds, poodies our specialty. Free pick-up and delivery. Dachurst Kennels, 655-3881. nd|GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies for sale, eight weeks old, $50. and up. »_ 655- 3881. COLLIE PUPPIES, maies, reasonably priced. Telephone 655-3364, FILLY -- one year "old, | registered # from Arabian stallion. Nicely marked, Reason- able price. Telephone 723-2043. Want-Ads Don't new, $175. co|14--Business Opportunities GUARANTEED, USED wringer washers, 4 i id up. Alcan Furniture and Appliances, 452 FOR RENT priced hockey. sticks. Cycle Centre," 204) farm supplies. Large ware- Bond Street East, 725-634 ee house with equipment, suit- |289 AND 390 FORD motors, 283 and able in good farming area 20 Any other auto- "Good | Mackie's Van and | VACUUM REPAIRS, all makes, hoses, |EXCELLENT. COMMERCIAL _ building. brushes;-ete;-Pick-up,dellvery. 942.0213,| Located on one of ovr main thorough- Fleming Vacuum Service, Main Street, | fares. 105'-6"* frontag Sood building. Pickering. |For confidential interview call Sol --: lyman, 725-3557, J. B. McMullan and SORRY -- Valley Creek, 16 Bond sear ler 323 King St. W., Oshawa. West, used furniture store will be closed WELL ESTABLISHED auto wrecking BUY AND SELL -- - good "used furniture | loffices and two-storey dwelling. Once in and appliances. One location only. Pretty ja COLEMAN OiL SPACE heater, $25. Telephone 728- 6879. 2) CU. FT. FREEZER, $95. Skil saw, FURNITURE -- three rooms of new fi "fur- 15--Employment Wanted -- aron's - tral Ontario's lowest cash, carry prices. |MARRIED MAN needs 'Tob, as helper for Act now, save |moving or delivering furniture, experi- size 7. Peterborough, Ontario Gordon Mc- water Kenmore portable sewing machine, roll- Cortland, Tolman Sweet and Ried, i $2.75 per bushel and up. Bring own| iS diven in the home. tainers. i ; Thlekeon Road North, Whine Uimited, Only applicants of substance - and integrity will be consid- 9A--Eggs & Poultry ered os valuable equipment Sees "DAISY FRESH" DAILY ond materials will be in their BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Active 25 year business with in large turn over of feed and miles from Oshawa. Good in- vestment for industrious mon, Will consider a 5 year lease. 4 Ill health. Apply in person 2 (principles only) to HUGH W. STAPLETON Newtonville, Ontario oO ibusiness with three acres of land, barn, lifetime opportunity. For confidential interview call Sol Hyman, 725-3557, J. B. McMullan and Co., 323 King St. Oshawa. WORK FOR YOURSELF all year round.| |Here is an 'opportunity for you to own |Your own business with $750. cash. sl information call 728-4882. LADY willing to care for children dally. '| | Vicinity Ontario Hospital, Whitby. Tele-| |Phone 668-3060. TREE CUTTING, "trimming, demolish- | ing and repairing buiidings, or other odd jobs. Telephone 655-3542 or 728-6636. jence, mpi. | 623 -2120. | | MOVING BY INSURED PERSON, Also} jhaulage and cartage or will rent truck ;|with driver, 728-2882. MARRIED MAN desires washing windows, etc. full or part-time. "Telephone werk painting, Telephone 576- WILL GIVE DAY CARE to one or two children in my_home by the day. Blair Park vicinity. Telephone 668-8230, LADY WISHES to do drole ~ Tele- phone 728-0883 after 5 p.m. 17--Female Ng Wanted Ladies Wanted To knit aarments at home in their spare time on automatic machines supplied by us. Payment by the knitted ounce giving earnings up to $2.00 per hour. Experience not nec- essary os free training course possession. Apply in writing only to MR. HARDY MANSFIELD KNITWEAR 1554 Younge St.. Toronto 7, Ont. ASSISTANT CREDIT MANAGER Please reply stating age, ex- perience, and other qualifica-. Oshawa Times. MANAGEMENT TRAINEE Young men required! by Con- sumer Finance Comp any. Earn full salary while being train- ed for branch management. Full company benefitis. Applicants should tee 20-30 years of age, hawe high school education and: the abil- ity to meet the publia:, Applicants having related ex- perience can be asagured of rapid advancement. For tact: MR. G. W. HENIDERS 728-7325 more information con- GAG: IBM REQUIRES PRODUCTION MACHINISTS This is an opportunity to work in a modern plant, marwfac- turing data processing «quip- ment. Work is on milling] ma- chines, grinders, broaches and similar machinery, Should have high training preferably in nical courses, Shift school thech- work is involved. Ex- cellent working conditions, good starting salary amd a complete program of 'zom- pany-paid benefits, Please apply to: Mr. W,. G. McCartney Plont Personnel-Departanent International Business Machines; Company Limited 844 Don Mills Road Don Mills, Ontario 443-2636 Owing to. further expan-_ sion of our area we: sare looking for intelligent men for our sales steiff. No high pressure or gim- selling. Must be bondable and own a Ieite model car. Experience in sales field a help but mot mick necessary, Some of our salesmen earn over $1,000 per month. Wriite and give particulars yve will arrange an_ inter- To Box 550233, view. FOOD SALES Well established aggres.- sive food broker requires: east Toronto - Oshawei area resident to cover Toronto to Kingston ter-: ritory. Duties include contacting wholesale grocers, volume in- dependent retailers and chain stores, Must be experienced and know retail food trade in district. Company car, pension plan, and salary commensurate with experience. All replies kept in strictest confidence. Reply stating age, experience and education, McNAIR FOOD BROKERS LTD. 105 COCKER AVE, ETOBICOKE, ONT. tions. Past collecting experi- ence, would be an asset. On the job training. Excel- lent benefits, salary com- mensurate with experience. Our staff is aware of this advertisement. All applications confidential, Write to box *55629, Osh- awa Times | SHOWCASE "COSMETICS offers excellent jopportunity for making extra money at your own convenience. Smart aggressive ety full or part-time. Telephone 725- 15) EXPERIENCED : stenographer required for new office being opened by large in- surance company. Must be person- able and capable of meeting the public. Some shorthand and law cxperience would be desirable but not essential, Usual company benefits. State salary ex- pected, experience and marital status In first letter, Apply in own handwriting to Box 55133, Oshawa Times. WANTED! housewives for delivery part- time, 10 hours weekly, $30. Write Box 54500, Oshawa Times. CAPABLE WOMAN for general _house-|- work, must be fond of children, tive in, OFFICE MANAGER TRAINEE Good opportunity for young mon in small manufacturing plant located 95 miles east of Toronto. Some accounting experience required. Submit details of age, marital status and ext - perience to BOX 55061 OSHAWA TIMES permanent position, in Bowmanville. Telephone 623-2473. HOUSEKEEPER - COMPANION for elderly lady, light duties. Hours 9-5, Monday - Friday. Telephone 668-3297 be- tween 7 and 10 p.m. SELL! SELL! SELL | That's the job of Times Want. Ads FOR SALE--Beaver Power (table). saw, br BL model, $100, with motor. 728-7150 Cost - They Pay! 723-3492 LOCAL MAN REQUIRED We need a representative for our firm in this area, This opening may be worth up to $8,000 yearly for the right person. Full or Part-time. Agve 21 to 70. Can you make short auto trips? We hope yous will start soon and stay witla us a long time. Contact Now! JOHN MOUNTAIN, phone 723-8970. DON NICHOLLS, INTERNATHONAL FINANCE CORP. LTD. _ 18--Male Help Wanted "REAL ESTATE CAREER Wanted a full time real estate agent for Bowman- ville area, Selling experience preferred. Join one of Can- ada's largest realtors. Ex- perienced Manager to help you, Strong promotional assistance, Contact Lloyd G. Lee, F. R. 1, Vice President, H. Keith Ltd., 181 €glinton Avenue East, Toronto 12, 487- 3333. WOULD YOU LIKE MORE MONEY OAA supervisor Wesley Wal- msley needs full or part-time men to help him meet the de- mand for Ontario Automo- bile Association Memberships. Pleasant, dignified, good pay- ing work. No experience nec- essary but a cor is. For full information contact him at 26 Fairbank's Oshawa, phone 723-6296 REAL | ESTATE CAREER Wanted -- two Real Estate agents for Oshawa. Experi- ence preferred. Join one of Canada's largest Realtors. Experienced manager to help you. Strong promotional as- sistance. Contact: Lloyd G. Lee, F.R.I. vice-president of H. KEITH LTD., 181 Eglin- ton Avenue East, Toronto 12. Telephone direct 487-3333. YOUNG MAN REQUIRED Steady, work, neat opparance, APPLY JEWELL'S MEN'S WEAR 10 KING ST. EAST $1,000 IN A MONTH IS NOT TOO MUCH for the man we want in the Oshawa area, Over 40. Take short auto trips. Air Mati P._ S. Dickerson, Pres., South- western Petroleum Corp., 534 N. Main St., Ft. Worth, Texas, 76101. SALESMAN. Excellent opportunity witty an international. company. Our Oshawa office showed 145 per cent increase in 1966. Maybe this is the chance you have been waiting for. Age 23 to 35 with desire to succeed. Write box 54962 Oshawa Times. FOREMAN with experience to sel up turret lathe and drill press. Steady job with good opportunity for right man. Hein-Weiner of Canada Limited, Alaxy 942-6100. WAITER REQUIRED. Apply Men's Beverage Room, Genosha Hotel. AREA SCHOOL BOARD requires male assistant in business office. Good ac- counting background essential. Position should lead to that of Assistant to the Business Adminisfrator. Salary will be negotiated based on qualifications. Appli- cations by letter to Pickering Township Schcol Area 2, RR 3, Pickering. REAL ESTATE salesman, experienced te act as sales manager. Excellent oppor- tunity for right man. All inquiries strictly confidential. Apply W. 0. Martin, Realtor, 28-5) 103. TAP MAN and waiter for beverage room. Must be steady and reliable. Fun time fob. Apply Royal Hotel, Whitby. 668- 5012. 19--Male and Female Help Wanted Teacher Wanted Assistant to Principal required (Half Time) For balance of school year at Reach Central No. 1 school at Prince Albert, Ont. Salary min. $3,800. Three yeors experience allowed at $600. Reply giving qualifica- tions, salary expected, name of last inspector to: Reach Township School Area Board, Mrs, Patricia Love, Sec., RR2, Port Perry. Telephone. 985- 2307. MARKET RESEARCH interviewers re quired to conduct public opinion surveys on @ part time basis. Write Box 55253, Oshawa Times. SALESMAN for Oshawa area, interested In real estate career, Strong promotional assistance. Experience preferred. Call J. J. Wilkinson, R. Martin Real Estate, 108 King Street East. Telephone, Oshawa, Milling, Member of Toronto Real Estate oard, 20--Real Estate for Sale DIRECT FROM BUILDER ! !! Prestige Homes Harmony Village Walnut Court off Florell Drive. Harmony Road South, east of Donevan Collegiate. "LUXURY LIVING" Features Irclude @ Large ravine lots with year round stream @ ,300 square feet finished floor area @ 400 square feet of recreation room with natural field stone fireplace @ Sep- arate dining room with bal- cony @ Built in dishwasher @ Radio intercom system @ Wall to wall broadloom in liv- ing room, dining room, hall and all bedrooms @ Two car attached garage @ Quiet paved court @ Plus 33 other special features too numerous to mention. "TRADE IN YOUR PRESENT HOME NO CASH NEEDED OPEN. HOUSE Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. [ BUY NOW | SAVE $2,000 K. R. BELL 883 WALNUT CRT. 723-654] TIMES ACTION CLASSIFIED ADS Phone 723-6663. BRING RESULTS! 20-- TH iH. ( rang room hedg purct futur the FOF IV. T cor ore | large coll r GL VILA home, ment insul- age, | living a tilec $12,9 vil. 7 coted vacan fronte for m REC Vill. f gorag' Hollyy double plenty erings in the throug except it tode MA IX. $ give y neat, east $ to sch plont. boards dining for les ently OLD xX. | built ing ce ponell stairce nature full st x 160 gorage this pe mosph you w make this hi XI. Sr short ¢ tage | smoll : price. Call 7 for fu Open 9 am Vernor Cecil | John | Leonar Judi K Italo | Jean F Jack ¢ Leon | Steve Ernest Allan El. An Wolter Marily Roy F Evelyn Morris George Lloyd | Lucas Dick Y GUID Realt