Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Jan 1967, p. 15

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CSHAWA TIMB, y, Januery 30, 1967 he L S ] THE, QHNAWA. TIMED Mentor: Jenner Ry MNF. 28 3 arge-Scale : : : | nag BUSINESS SPOTLIGHTS IDGE ie iiafrasoBeata : Pipeline oat == TODAY'S STOCKS | ------ Necessary Nova Scotia Hard Sell ee mE | wou mantze, Mterest Rates Easing suite tc Breaks New Ground Toronto Stock Exchange--Jan. 30 to prevent stagnation of the : Quotations in cent: I k .| Perme sO 32 31) 32 pi rere Odd ih Xd--Ex-dividend, xr EX: ee an i ee V l : ° Western Canada oil industry. | tram previoss: pocrdsc: Coun aa Ranger $350 300 i 300 + 5 Oo e : oser O ea V A 200-page report was re-| By JOHN SOOSAR {Edward naval base near Syd-|ning, has given direction to the y-- "4 | " . | y Ma bY leased today by W. J. Levy Inc. : ' i int tomobil -|industrial expansion in the prov- @Q5432 | Hide Rn ae ie 22% 22% + % & A ove 4 | HALIFAX (CP)--Nova Scotia ney into an automobile assem § § p 60 61 os . : " . y 4 a iy 4 « » ~ $854 MINES | Triad Ol 40 207 201 2) --8 By KEN SMITH try to maintain a strong growth|indication that buyers expect,°f New York, economic con-|;. rapidly approaching an indus-|bIY plant with production to! ince. ie tet | Ue Le 35,320 +5 Canadian Press Business Editor pattern. ' rates to continue to ease. sultants, who were commis-|ia) "take - off point," says|Start this year. é Seven hundred members from o-- Stock Sales High Low'a.m. Ch'ge} W' Gecaita 'J90 300 aun ao A predicted trend toward eas-| The major sign in Canada that| The treasury bills are sold by) Sioned by the Independent Pe-|n.4 Minister W. S. K. Jones| Clairtone Sound Corp., which virtually every sector of. the 9AQ10853 Se iy So os de a W Decit'w Wi00 180 175 175 --16 ing of interest rates seemed to|the trend may be establishing|the Bank of Canada to char-|'leum Association of Canada) oq he has impressive stalistics|D © & aN assembling television|community serve on the board, @AK9T Advocate 200 345, 365,365. | = be moving closer to reality last/itself was in the weekly auction|tered banks, major financial in-|'© investigate the outlook for|', yack him up. sets and record players in Stel-|Its "first plan'? published in HAQ10 Ree tae es Ji tedran INDUSTRIALS week, of treasury bills Thursday by| stitutions and large corporations|©@"adian crude production and The government's "hard selt'"|/arton in 1965, opened a new/March, 1966, covering the pe- SOUTH All Pitch 500-912 9% 92+ t4, Abitibi 965 $11%4 11% 114 Many Canadian businessmen|the Bank of Canada. which have money available for! Markets. es vitiac policy, carried out by the trade |*'900,000 plant. riod to the end of 1968 gave the $KQ10768 Beer ON ee Aila'Ges T 991 $ta° ar" ar" st/had_ suggested some relaxation] The average yield declined to| short-term investing. Increased pipeline facilities ey sustry department and|.c onstruction continued on the province some challenging tar- ¥o64 Ang U Dev 1500 67 67 67 +11 Alta Gas w | 100 725 725 725 +15 of tight money would be inevit-|4.68 per cent from 4.79 a week| | will enable the Canadian oil in-| hbstghaet e $50,000,000 pulp mill peing built! gets. ¢-- Area 800 350 350 350 +§ | Alfa Nat '1050 $18% 18% 18%-- % able because of a slowing down|earlier on the 91-day bills. The EXPECT LOWER YIELD dustry to concentrate on the|Industrial Estates Ltd., con-). scott Maritime Pulp Ltd. mp ; #KI76 Armore 100 16 6 ie | Algoma St 112 $24 24% 2+ %/ a0 DeCause OF a Slowing Gown) : fing: Ria cgost | The fact they now are offer-;midwestern United States for|tinued to break new ground in|...) New Glasgow. The plant... fe report says 3,400 new jobs Atl C Cop 3400 112 110 112 +4) Alcan 1134 $34¥e 337% 34% + % in economic growth that started/rate has been in an irregular). 7 ) | s 1966 as new capital investment "ea", New Glasgow. The plant) must be created annually, com- ng: Bankeno 3600 100 95 «97 +7 Alcan pr 100 $402 40% 40¥2+ % Jast summer decline since November, when it ing these funds to the Bank of|larger export markets, the re-'** : will begin production this year. P 00 i . : Z Barnat 2100 40 40 40 | Anglo-c pr 225 $20% 20% 20% ee ee ; it i ; Canada for smaller yields shows/ port said reached nearly $400,000,000, up "Rp w. Manuge, vice-presi- PArEG Witt 2,190 1m TECEDS Years: th West North Belcher 2000 37 36 37 --3| Anthes A 100 $22 22 22 + % The annual convention of the had hit a peak of 5.20 per cent. tee hellece. "oney is gen.| An alternative, although less|20 per cent from 1965. New in- , ee ange, vice-presi-tit says the bulk of these new 29 26@ Bo hak ee Aras 200 p10 34 4 4 Canadian Construction Associa-| More importantly, the yield)'ney Delleve more money is gen ee is ernative, fo oe Lad Re estar manitacturae ac-|dent and general manager Oflions are "expected to emerge Pass 46 Brolorne 100 185 165 tes TU] AN Sugar, 100 39. 9 'y*~ * tion in Toronto made it clearjon the 182-day bills was, for the|¢tally available, and so they|at ractive, was the Montreal v ted for $100,000.00 of the|=l: says the corporation's!i, secondary manufacturing, the s Pass 66 Brouvl. Reef 2000 272 27 27 Auto Elec B) Sh eM ht that members feel easier morey|first time in four years, lower) can't count hig higher igh mse gg served by Vene- total pati prot lont ae in ae, were ac-|corvice industries and the sup- Brunswk 100 925 925 925 + § | Avco 4 33 332 439 b. aceonti iat indie: a trie es. an| A move to some easing of/zuelan oil. , complished despite "present! \ " Camflo 300 340 340 340 ee eee Bee ee ee ee aieaes im money mveptics| ° Industrial Estates, established| monetary conditions which have POrung sectors." ad -- jack-of dia- Camp RL = 260 $22 22% 220 He Se 4 $5934 599% 5934 + Ve - jalso was seen in the United | NEEDS ae ee 4 in 1957 by the provincial gov-'caused many companies to ag EARN UP TO $100 C Jamiesn 500 123 122 123 +3 Bell Phne 2486 $4914 48% 4872 -- % 4 States and Britain. The Bank of e report recommended de-'ernment to encourage secondary tail plans for plant expansion." : emphasis has been Canoe ae asa | Brae. ohm ip 30 se Ma Credit Ease Chest X-Rays England cut its bank rate to/Velopment of low-cost facilities/ manufacturing, has assisted 47 py pa4NSION NECESSARY | A WEEK OR MORE gh-card point count Captain 2000 22/2 22 222+ v2 BA Oil 290 $3534 35% 35% re Pees Se 614 per cent from seven, while|!9 deliver Canadian crude to|companies operating in 50 Ha Geen the cotparatiGn ig BIG PAY JOBS pales irs that the role of ue ae ee itm mm wee re a + Ma Be Sto |the influencial Chase Manhattan| 'he midwestern United States or| plants. In 1966, the corporation |gntimistic about 1967 for agit GR mn Abs s all too often Cent Pat 100 145 145 145 «+ § Burns Fds, 100 $123 12% 12% -- la ua ay - Pp 'Bank in New York dropped its| astern Canada. Increasing Ca-|csigned 19 agreements for five| 'with aie ncckaiinp. demand mone a yee fos i seat in evaluating Shestrvile G50 24 34 | GAR Ind a th ae ae re 1C e |<: TORONTO (CP)--Dr. C.. K,|Prime interest rate to 5!% per nndian siarkets was a matter of!new manufacturing plants, the fo. manufactured Tgobde MANY loos U MARVEL OUCH" Coch Will 1000 206 206 206 +1 CD Sugar 150 $22% 22% 27% --- Ronen a halt Sa" ity. min. cent from six. "top priority, 2 expansion of three existing ., ania Sac aig A Bove: event many years Cill ee ue 2) | ae ee de ee oe Canadian Présé Business Edijor|riass chest x-ray programs to tained in Britain and spread] Detroit-Toledo and Eastern Can-|for two established' companies panding thei eiteliig' facilities | brochure, Walther Wink as George Reith, C Mogul 600 340 335 335 --10 | Cdn Brew 691 87% 74 74 Ve ation ences he : ' ~y be dis.through the U.S., some experts|24a simultaneously should be a Canadian General Electric 4. e y ventotana ARVEL BEAUTY C Morlsn 900 281 280 280 --1/-C Chem wr 100 $30~ $30 S30 = 5 r dicted trend toward detect tuberculosis may be dis-/'"" Soh AE af Bis sed PN y consideration i BRE Beh : despite monetary restrictions M unders of the one- € Mosher 500 38° 38 38 +3 © Curtiss 1000 70. 70 90 + 1|,.4 Predicted trend loward €as-| | said a relaxation of prime rates| Primary consideration in expan: Co, Ltd. announced plans 0 'phe voluntary economic plan- SCHOOLS stem which is a € Rambler 750 208 208 208 --2/| C Dredge 500: 300° 300 300 ing -of. credit game-to a--head!S20! 3 ae now charged by Canadian char-/ Sion, the report said. Maximum build a $65,000,000 plant for pro- vie as ; C Red Pop 4000 92 21 21 C Hydro 130 $21! 21% 21'4 + Ve @ he Bank of He told the Ontario Tubercu- : dc ity in Was i ; : ning board, set up in 1963 to Established over 40 years part of most pres- Som GAS at oe | C imp Bk --72 tata aime aaa © (lest week when the Bank .o losis Association this would not| tered banks might be expected.|@dded capacity in West-to-East duction -of heavy water in the \onoage the entire community in Dept. OT. 219 Bloor St. W. thods of bidding. Coulee 1ooo 57, 5? 7 + 2) CHL AU LI ae ds GARAGE SHHOURCEA & FECUCH OO | frect high-incidence areas and| The Canadian rate *has been|Shipment should be provided|strait of Canso area of..Cape economic discussion and plan-| TORONTO i" veloped and prom- ae 0 ie a" wat cen is 0% ye wt + {, |i dis interest rate. some .special groups : six per cent--the legal limit un-)0ver the 1,100 miles from Ed-'Breton, Island. Total investment ye P MASSES h-card point count Daerg 2500 2) 2% 2 +1 | CPR pr 300 'st au aa' | The rate will be reduced to) SOME ae peas ts studying|der current bank regulations--|™monton to Superior, Wis. in the. project is expected to be evaluating honor Deer Horn 1500 24% 2414 2414 C Pefrofiy: 23 $11% 11M. Was five per cent from 5% per cent), °° ° ' a 7 \for a year. | Interprovincial Pipe Line Ltd.|$85,000,000, including a $17,000,- ats sae cary Bree Me tata] Semin a HM IM 1M effective Monday, signalling a| ths and other changes in tuber-|f0F # 3 now has multiple lines from 16 000 thermal powerplant 10 be Donalda 2000 2) 2 | C Vickers 100 $16 «6=16)«©16 «4+ % general easing of credit. a f é | TAX CAUSES SCARE to 34 inches between Regina| built by the Nova Scotia Power the bidding with Benes 1 Se ee ak 2 Re Se te ee a ut COMe Rasminsky, 'the: bank's of i posncibiner ard yi gets Elsewhere on the business/and Superior, the report said,|Commission. It represents the | i eventually con- " | Chom 4? 120 $32. 32 32 "\governor, said the reduction| direc reorganization of volun-| scene, a move by the U.S. gov-|and integration with existing fa-|] ingle inv th | y oy ent eT see | eee ee eG "should be taken as an indica-/teer agencies ernment to double its interest i ble wh " { Reeree aie (ven meny fa ue J a ni asc! r "shou Ss ° e ads rom uble its interest--) cilities is si y ssi- vince i i x hearts after get Giant Yk 100 940 940 940 --30 | Codville A 100 370 370 370 F ae a | Dr. Charron said the number 'eth cilities is desirable where possi-iprovince in the last half cen-| fi hi: i ,|tion of the bank's view that the equalization tax to 30 per cent! bl rom his partner Goldray 2300 78 78 78 | Columbi p 510 $20 20 20 + % j s view Sor sanitbranin: inay also be 1 qualiz: tay 30 p e. es : tury. ad). When North Gradore 1000 21°21 (21 | Cominco 445° $33%4 33% 33% -- Yejrecent easing of credit condi-| 4 oA id th " caused a quick scare in many! Interprovincial's main line | | spades, Reith dou- srry ee at TE commie os sium eu" (tions is appropriate to Canada'e|C¥Ce® rea tage '1 e Mere vit rate/Canadian circles. But the reac-|from Superior to Sarnia prob- DOUBLE CAPACITY | five honor tricks Gulch 500 14 14 14 | Con Bag 2200 125 120 125 + § domestic economic cireum-| Varies Ha x sari ser to 78! tion appeared short-lived. |ably could accommodate expan-| Deuterium of Canada Ltd. an-| ard points. He was etn 3800s ah WB | Gon paw G00 $65,965. gos. 4g |Stances and its external finan./PXY Cen' in (nlario's 12 sani: Officials. noted quickly that|sion in. shipments until Cana-/nounced it would double the ca- le. Vy, ee mit " 4 ~ , FY bs rs * . 2 . ; ry " itled to expect to Hollinger 875 $244 24 244 4114| Con Parr p $50 $25 25 25 cial position." ee __________| Canada's exemption for new is-/dian oil officials dete rmine|pacity of the heavy water plant ntract. Huds Bay 144 $69 6834 68% -- 4 one <a} ae Ve Ne sd | The Bank of. Canada rate ap-| sues handled in the U.S. will be| whether the largest share of ex- being built near Glace Bay, in- T | out to be impos- Sehtet om nme +1] Corby 8 300 $24 23% 2 + %/Plies only to deposits with the/ continued and so they concluded| port is likely to move to Chi-|creasing the cost of the develop- er, since . Reith Jonsmith ' 2700 30 30 30 | Crain Ro & 100 $35% 35% 354+ va central bank by the chartered ar 6 the proposed U.S, change willl cago, Detroit-Toledo or Eastern|ment from $50,000,000 to $75,- -- ) more then one Kerr Ald 1650 $12V4 12Ve 12h Wl Cra Sr ae Boag Danks, -but---it- usually.sets--the awe have little practical effect in| Canada. 000,000. club ace. Declarer Kid Cper 27400 73 7! . 7| Distt Sa 9p 255 $36% 36% 36% + 'trend for the entire credit sys- aa Canada. ----------] Volvo (Canada) Ltd. ts build - 2 y " Yq , | 7 j j ; ruff his hearts in Ce tus Sn SIG ee a Beteecs 20% 20% % (em in the country. = The tax, now 15 per cent, is Re _ ing a new plant in Halifax to lost only one club Leitch 725 560 560 560 --10 | Dom Lame 5 205 | 1 Ing «Ws applied on U.S. residents who viet Union replace its temporary facilities the locati f Lorado 1600 105 101 105 +4 | Dosco 28 ah Be Bh) Rank Org. 200 4d8 435 405 | put money out in other coun- in Dartmouth. The Japanese- e location of the Macessa 650 195 195 195 + § | Dom Sore 2200 $19% 19% 19% | Rapid Grp 115 300 300 300 +10 bes é ' <) ; of the K-J. een: Bee ee Boom aso sie et Wel Revenue =» 200 $6 be bh | TOKYO (AP) -- North Viet-|{ries for unsentenant<-vite oo E U contend, Canadien yes Je Mack 700 46 46 46 + ) A! Rock 300 $6% 612 62+ %4| 7 exemptions granted Canada co om ustries . began convertin surely be unfair to Madsen 200 105 105 105 | East Ghrir x12 $37 37 37 | Rothman 180 27% 27% 27% 14am has charged Canada is aoe it oly first applied no y p a portion of the former Point Redeemable ANY time h's double, though Man Ber 1000 20 20. 20 | foal {inv 720 $104 10% 10'4-- 4) Royal Bnk 300 $75 74% 75 + '4| helping the United States in the The iitve aM ane a drop) LONDON (CP)--The Finan : jatigm| 125 Sie 15% 15% -- ss ea Salad. 460 $10 10 10% i , ; " 7 ated werd 2s _ I y His higecard Me, haa ene i i cb] Faby Bo mon Os Seaway 700 io 10 39 Ito the US. by selling weapons), "srices on the Toronto Stock|cial Times says Bowater Paper I on daily balan ay. His car etal Min ---5) Y | Sheil Inv p 375 $28% 28% 28% 5. " 8 ale) "teatty Seen ieGre vo is ml Feo ie ae fa GB" g | Sal tes ae so at +) The charge was made in a|Exchange, bul, that was. de-Corp. may lay off workers and} 7,000,000 by 1981 MINIMUM DEPOSIT $5,000.00 i | FPE .Pi 50 $18% 18a 18% ' commentary a r . . sonal hs 7 , | freak, distribution Mn Yeon' aur TB le ib tus Gwe OH hee me as | Sees, eG 7S a Vieinam's Labor Communisi|tion. Many major Canadian|ish newsprint mills because of In Metro T oe Neal Bee Fae } iiper 250 $: Y Ye 17) aa 1 » y i -|declinin sti | r table the bid- New Cal 7100 2% 878 GL Prower 315 $22% 22% mia-- ul Saree f pr 100 $m Wm 14 | party organ, Nhan Dan. The|Stocks een th a el oo ee heey b-| A TR S , Nconex w 1000 48 48 «48 42) Greyhad 980 $20% 20% 20% Southam 150 $39% 33% 33% -- % commentary was pub lished|¢™Pted from. the tax. Fare pe ppesieoug aes perates Sub: || Partner wanted 'to help ac- y lly hectic, Reith's N Harri 2000 18% 18 tela + ¥4| Guar Trst 100 $l0%e 10% 10%e+ Ya) Steel Can 1623 $212 21% 212 + Ys | Thursd "and broadcast by|. 'If the tax, where it applies,|sidiaries in Canada, is expected | uire 100 fi (Benedict Jermel N Hotco 300 274 270-274 +2| Hard Carp 220 $32% 32% 32% | Steindg A 125 $19% 19% 19% | PHUrsday and broadcast by|. 1 oo cet vou can doublelto lay off about 250 manual! Sit asd Baines GOVERNMENT OF CANADA INCORPORATED AND SUPERVISED hb: 'i N Imperal 7800-300 297 299 +2/ Hard \Crp A - 50 $29 29 2 | Texaco 145 $23. 23 23 + %|Hanoi's Vietnam news agency|!§ +) P Be j " || . } rschberg) also bid N kel 10500 11% 11% 114 Hawker $ 662 415 415, 415, + § | Thom NP 205 $215 21% 21%--%s\and monitored here Sunda or triple it and it won't have|workers and 80 administrative || --in King Township with front- || er six hearts. But N Mylama 500 17° 17 (17 Hays Dna 450 $94 94 9% Tor Dm Bk 385 $62% 62\4 627% + % ; 4 bs ue that much effect," said one|staff, the report says. } age on 400 and Jane Street. |) Capital and Reserve $25,000,000 fort Newnor 300 9% 9 9 Homed A 5500 $25Ye 24% 24% -- 4! Tor iron W 100 $3334 33% 3354 Quoting a Western report, J $ fortunate. N Que Ragi 300 550 545 $45 --g| Homey B 700 $26 25% 2% + %| 7, a 98" Oe + Ma | ime| analyst. "Fifteen per cent is| Orders for newsprint have | Deposits in excess of $350,000,008 ve Rag! raders A 2360 $978 9% 9% + %)Nhan Dan charged that Prime aaa aera ; , F ----Tremendous future growth |) : est pair (Joe Cul- N Senator 2000 23 23. 23 +1] Horna Pit 3280 285 275 275 +10 | Trader Ap 100 $2212 22% 22' | aris pretty discouraging." diminished as some British ; 8 | 1 Moreh Nick Rim 2300 12% 12% 12% H Bay Co 250 $16 16% 16% |: Weaneae 0 35% 5% 534 |Minister Pearson declared Jan.|PTe' : ' newspapers contract in the f: potential. Rein Harmatare, Manager 1 Morehead) went Nor Acme 2000 10 9 9 --%| HB Gil Gas 970 $27% 27 27 -- Val tr Can PL 1500 $26 25% 26 + %/19 that Canada would continue 7 Pet} hseaggg "his ' Tel. 728-1653 'ts (which would Norbeau 15 75 75 35 . taste ge ms $13% 130 13% + Mg Tr Can Plip 70 $454 4512 45'4-- "| conling weapons +6 the 'Galhed ENDORSES SLOWDOWN of falling advertising revenue. --Reply in confidence to Box el. - Norl 200 27) . us s ' ; ' wn one). But Jar- Norpax ooo 10 1010 Husky DW 100 590 590 590 +8] Trane mt" 260 Sif i? i? + wi States. ee ean ot) A mucchares on SaLD Or Te D1331 32 King St.E., Oshawa schberg, unwilling Noriheet 800 2 2 2 ae i Le oot thd ae pteg Trans PPL 600 $7%4 7% 7% |. The paper said "'not only has ~~ votticlally oa tat ey nag gp er pntong oan 4 675 510 505 i imp To A Ma | Un Carbid 235 $222 22¥2 2) | es ici i verse grand slam, Opemska 265 $1034 10% 10% -- va] Ind diccept 400 $284 23% 2+ %! UN Ges 590 $1056 10% 1056 the Canadian government not] aon"oy, 1 th " a , ah the sont | wes Neiaered Nev. ee _- CAWA Tine even spades, This Orchan 100 255 255 255 --§| Ind YWire 650 $538 5% S%-- "4! U Corp B 100 $I1'2 11% 112 _| Jived to its obligatio: approval on the slowdown in the goods, was removed Nov. 30. | down one. Osisko 47 ty ag] (nlart! Ges 2000 87% 9% 98+ %) Uy Sections 200 35% 5% Sth + member oF hae Ttemeuenet Canadian economy. ITT | -- amour 500 900 900 inant! Gp z "a 17M Versatd 500 420 420 420 +20 | i wilt was that the Patino 225 49 690 690 | Int Bickel 875 $94¥4 94% S8/a-- Vel Vic G Tr 280 $I4%4 14% 14% [Control Commission in Vietnam a Py pee be arta Pos SET GRUB LIMITS - st 1,310 points on Pa ue oe a TYE Ue MHL oe Jao Sams Se Seine el OR ee \S ei s|- - » but has also lent a hand real nat it still is ia clear. |y) puting the Klondike gold rush, Pick Crow 4000 22 21 21 --3]| Intpr Pipe 275 $90%4 90% 90%+ '%4| Well Fin B 100 270 270 270 +5 to the U.S. imperialists in their s . 'ithe Canadian authorities would Pine Point 385 $49%4 4914 491%4--\4| Iptpr Steel 100 475 475 475 +10 | Whrne 22200 210 195 210 +10 5 " however, whether the economy|not allow prospectors into the Placer 2110 $32% 32 32% Inv €irp A 1110 $10% 10 10% Westc'st 1000 $25% 25% 25% -- | @BRTessive. war. is heading for a recession orlaicin ' SALLIES Pyramid 0 350 350 350 +10] ITL Ind 250 $13% 13' 13% West Ind A 400 375 375 375 --10| The paper, quoting "foreign|; levelli f district with less than half a Q Matigm! 3000 67 67 67 | Jefitrson 220 $26% 26% 26% Westee! 200 $21 212 reports." said Canada has pro-|JUSt& levelling off. ton of food. | TO RED E Y ences retneaaON Que Sturg 7100 30 320 30 | Jochey © 190 395 395 395 +8] W Brdcast 100 $15%4 15% 1514+ va TEP! y SP "The signs, which first started Quonto 1000 6% 6 6 --Ve| Labatt 215 $20% 20% 20% | W Pacific 100 $5¥% 5% 5%2--\/|vided the United States with ri last April till | Rave 1a 1 oS aS 4) EomMtom aes tee areaes | Mee", 27 $8, 2 2, ,,|"alrcraft, weapons, radio eaulp-|nor clear he said, "What ha IF YOU ACT Rayroc 400 136 13. = | Woodwd A 110 $24%4 244 2414+ 1 Pe lites a add not clear," he Pek = U C NOW Roe te hoe ie te te Pei gieeey OP ri ae fama Zenith oo 185° 85 185 |ment and missile parts worth pens here will be dominated a NEED FUEL OIL ? se Roman 4 14% 14% --- iy Rowan Cn, 1000 7a 7k 78 Lite Invest 220 $7 7% Tm | sales to 11:00 a.m. 874,000 about $1,000,000,000, a large extent by events in the CALL H h ani d San Anton 29 'J + Fy : Sherritt 401 440 440 4400 +8] Lot CoB 500 Sie Be 8% FOREIGN TRADING RAISE PARK MONEY United States... . PERRY ere are t ree egistere Silvrfids 600 320 320 320 Lok: Co pr 30 $833 Falconbridg 30 $90 9090 ; If the U.S. economy re- Retirement Savi Plans. distributed b siima 76000 42 39 . 39% --2¥4| Le®> GA pr 225 $2746 27% 27% Trans C PP 40 $2614 2612 2614 The Argentine national park| mains strong, we will too." 723-3443 avings rians, ute A Stanrck 500 200 200 20 --2/| Lek G B pr 213 $26% 26% 26% Con Mosh 2000 45 45 45 --10 |corvice gets 7.5 cent of th Ni hel h id, th . . Steep R 900 575 575 575 * Lomb M 545 $10% 10% 10% + | Lac Dufauilt 100 $15 15 15 -- w\S gets 7.9 per cent of the evertheless, he said, the DAY OR NIGHT Investors Syndicate on which you Teck Corp 120 525 525 525 --8| Loyvney a8 ited he ae ve| Teck Comp 200 S40 $40 540 proceeds from a national lottery. long-term outlook is bright. | : | ' + e 66 6 =f Tombil 300 114.114 Magne Wl 825 $112 11% i+ %l Whiroy" 100 1 Io can enjoy Income lax Tribag 800 123 123 123. +3 her 100 $114 1% NA+ deducti U Asbestos 105 265 265 265 --8| M Lf Gard 210 $27 27 27 Distribution of Treasury Shares = | eductions. i ee 325 400 400 4 See gril oe oe hana '5 The Toronto Stock Exchange has | ---- rban 2500 16 «=16 6 Fer | been advised that the following com- il 900 39 439 439 -- Val Melson A 212 $18% 18% 18% | i i i : hi S Gs 6: S Wi, Sh ee) ee haty be ne ea | pelts Rave, entered, Ino, underariing se e RETIREMENT SAVINGS CERTIFICATE Yk Bear 2400 192 19 199 +2] Miontex 100 335 335 335 sult in treasury shares of these com- A R nS i i i k Zenmac 500-27 = 4} More |) $8414 944 Su Panles' being under" distribution, 'cur. Fixed-interest guaranteed plans tailored to your: pare ee ' mp temporarily OILS, GAS i oe eT | ee mene col ° ticular needs. od Anglo American Molybdenite, Can- | * . ing' married 'Aepbiie 504500 535 80 NB Tel 75 $16 16 16 | dore' Explorations, Cenede. Southern| nonth." Am Ledue 1000 23% 234 2314 + 4 oranda 537 $58 57' S7'4--%) Pete., Cdn Nisto Mines, Con-Shawkey @ E UITY RET Asamera 500 355 355 355 --10 | 'Nor Ci @ 316 $13% 13% 13% Gold' Mines, Consolidated 'Red Poplar e Banff 850 $15% 15 15 --%| Ogilvie 485 $12% 12% 12% Minerals, Copper-Man Mines Ltd., Gra- CS" Pet 10050 240226 238 410'| 'ON Steel 25 $78%4 2814 28% --%4| dore Mines, Irish Copper Mines, Jelex ARE THEY LOST, ST S$ (1) Investors Mutual of Canada Ltd., a balanced invest- ORTS AT Pon Oye aay ane: ger 'Oshawa A 200 $28 27% 27% Mines Ltd., Jonsmith Mines, Lake-Osu | ' 9 Ay ; : ccd Ex Gas 4a7s 4s 450 450 --$| 'Overland 200 88g Mines, "MIs-Ore Mines, Norpax. Nickel ment for stability and income, or (2) Investors Growth (CP) -- William € Gridoll 3140 710 695 710 +20 | Pac Pete 450 $12%4 12% 12%+ Ve) Mines, Northern Exploration Ltd., PCE -- Sy . me, r r h hay: € Homestd 1800 240 238 240 4 §| 'Pembina 110 $10% 10% 10% | Explorations Ltd., Silvermaque Mining | Fund of Canada Ltd.--on investment in equity secur- phy, secretary: Cdn Sup O 300 $32% 32% 324+ %| Pow Corp 115 $11 11 1 + | Ltd., Texore Mines Ltd., United Mactie | re ° » Edmonton Boxe Cent Del 605 $13% 13% 13% + Y| Price Com 700 $12% 12% 12% | Mines, Urban Quebec Mines, Win-El- ities for capital growth. sing Conamiislon Chae 0 0 oe ss os 1QN Gas 125 $10% 10% 10% + Ye! drich Mines Ltd, econ ai} Bee ce ARE YOU SEARCHING FOBPMISPLACED GLASSES dy ned Ae? Bie et COMBINED PAYMENT PLANS association with C West P 200 160 160 160 @ UNRESERVED e@ > Dynamic 1250 225 224 225 s 80th birthday, Fargo 300 330 330 330 +18 A U Cc T I re) N d at a luncheon French Pt 400 475 475 475 --10 LEFT in (THE OFFICE, Gr Plains 100 $13 13 13 'is associates on ae | n_ MUrphy wat tay ep a2 30 2 Fh ENTIRE PLANT of LATE MODEL DOES THE sun BOTHER You mn + 4 +3} WOODWORKING EQUIPMENT ea the FO A who are discontinuing Spetaticn in their Geor BIenTy Ont, plant . r. After the war, : S : 1 rant e RADIAL date Get that EXTRA PAIR ROW 'algary Albertan SANDERS -- MOULDERS 7m STICKERS A selection of plans which combine share of either mutual fund with Investors Retirement Certificates. l= noton oF Ireland Ncen!" ais i) me il CONTACT YOUR INVESTORS MAN "sa aa da Sunes iad ml ee cst From an old established church furniture and kitchen manufacturers, , x, ' i ' CLOSED ALL DAY WED. porter, pay sendy) AUTO 4 COMPRES Nata) Helpful ' eiauiiis gh et aaeepibacand BOUGHT NEW IN 1966 x ny Oe. H inger-Stutgart 28' Mod, D70 Sagar 24" -- Syicient ) SERVICE Wadkin!7"" -- Preston 24" --'Powermatic 8". es SINGLE VISION y s SAWS: 2 Bursgreen 14 Arbor Saws, Type AGS ----- Wadkin 10" & > General 10" Table Saws -- 2 Skil & 1 Wolker Turner Radiol Arm Saws a Sopa Bond a5, yee ba i. Hendrick Pane Saw, ed ts _ Sagar Shaper -- Single indie Type OG 66 Poitras Tenoning TUNE-UP NOW FOR Machine, Mod. 5000 -- Preston 5 end Tenoner -- Mortising Machine -- 1966 Campbe!l Glue Table 4' x 8' Mod, 660 -- Handy 3' x 7' TOP PERFORMANCE Screw Press -- Blk. Bros, Agitator. 4 COMPRESSORS -- 2 Devilbiss (1) 71 h.p., (1) 5 h.p. Brunner 8 h.p., & Webster J-90. Complete with Frames ; A.C. 6,000 Ib. FORK LIFT, Model FTP 60-24 nses and Case MURRAY SMITH 'AL SWAYNE 2 93 neve FADIE BOCTHE, 2 iy . m 10' -- Devibies sea | act als aa rate id Liddy pray Unit, Type MH -- 1966 Devilbiss 10' Transverse Unit, Type ired of ing icapped because you lost, broke, laced islai ' -- 1966 Boiler "Bell Francis" 150 Ib., Mod. BFI10G (425,000 B.T.U. gas you when driving, golfing or just walking? Why not Tlte vlc, en gO spell a ' eR fired) -- 1966 Rapistan Power Conveyor, Mod. 1000 -- 350 ft. Roller inexpensive way, Get that EXTRA PAIR NOW. Let us accurately duplicate your present lenses with a Conveyor (dexion type). similor frame for only $13.95. No examination needed or required. We simply take the reading of | your present glasses in a matter of a few minutes with the aid of a high powered, scientifically NEW IN 1966 (These.3 units only subject to low reserve) accurate lensometer. There is no loss of time or inconvenience to you, Now compare our $13.95 1966 WHITE MULTIPLE RIP SAW & STRAIGHT LINE EDGER, power glasses with 'those for which you paid much more, -- fed, 14" cap., s/n 42105N. : ' 1966 TAYLOR PANEL -- MINT new cost $15,000.00 End loading | 65 STYLES, SHAPES AND COLORS iy = edge gluing machine, cap. 54" x 100", c/w 4' x 24" power con- TO CHOOSE FROM ----- veyer. REPAIRS: Broken len i- NT PPLY SYSTEM, 20,000 CFN, en ses dupli NOW ! BETTER Le ab a Ee cated. Frames repaired, frames : ERE kes ance Tebleced while you wait. Low- TT POWER TOOLS SHOP EQUIPMERIT @ LGE. QTY. KITCHEN HARD- 'ae est prices IESBI CAR SERVICE WIARE RAW MATERIALS @ WORK IN PROCESS @ OFFICE FURNITURE i aI Poot in ' & EQUIP. : riptions a intative For Safe Sure Driving ° some low price @ BRAKE @ and MODERN PLANT AVAILABLE a+ esr etaee sq. ft, LE vale ceiling, sprinklered, hot woter at, sq, ft. air condition > ; LI FE ee Servier : sii cw. BIFOCALS CHRIS JANETOS STUART DUNBAR a . A : ; 5 668-8635 83- APOE aca ceoneled Sedat Y = sefeen. Ont day dey 17 BOND HOURS: OSHAWA WHITBY ORONO i be Purchased so Jaclale 687 . e Company AN ens Cian Cane 11:00' A.M. | Hwy. No. 7 & Sinclair Ave. | Feb. 6 & nada --wWrite, phone or wire for Pictorial Brochure-- ST. EAST 9 A.M, to 5 P.M. Daily 4 GG, 'e { | Lpn0C8COU Sevicate urrED 2nd Floor shopping C00 P E R'S Ni AYN ARD'S ee a aig pe tre AUCTIONEERS LTD. TEXACO | 1233 West Georgia Street, Suite 1106, Prudential Bidg., 5 -4563 56 Bruce St. 410 Ritson Rd. N. Wancowver, B.C./682-1633 King & Yonge Sts., Toronto, Phone: 728-1261 Complete with Frames Lenses and Case 110 KING STREET EAST --(*YOinvion'mor 725-1513 Many Puncipal Cities of Canada and US Founder

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