Oshawa Times (1958-), 30 Jan 1967, p. 14

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p he THE OSHAWA TIMBS, r 2 wHR,PARDON ME ~ THAT WAS QUITE A FEAT YOU AND THE NAVY SEALS 'THE PLUNDER YOU & Monday, Januery 30, 1967 DIDN'T KNOW YOUR PULLED OFF, SAWYER, CAPTURING AN ENEMY SAM COMPLEX, | MEN CAPTURED WILL /. WINDOW WAS OPEN! . HOSPITAL SHIP WITHIN BE SENT TO THE STATES ad A ect i AN HOUR AFTER HE FOR INTENSIVE STUDY x F WAS WOUNDED, HE'S BY OUR EXPERTS, THEY'LL ny t : : DOING FINE. PROBABLY FIND IT MOST a \ 3 INTERESTING. By B. JAY BECKER a = CY i (Top Record-Holder in Masters' a Individual Championship Play) L = As | | | oO 7 5 sree East dealer. i] Lhe <d | East-West vulnerable, T ero, NZ 18 FLOWN TO SAIGON Ee Y 7, aut ; =f amt NORTH. Que pam FORA DEBRIEFING. : in rene 1 { e-- from $Q5432 HEY, EDOIG--- OKAY-- HERE DO YOU FOLKS MIND IF 1 e854 THe cITCHEN'S I COME WITH YOUR STEAKS ARE I! whe Maeda sag MM pny fi LOOK AT THIS, BEN.....ALMOST WEST ON FIRE! THE FIRE 4 b WELL CONE ) LET THE HORSES HAVE THEIR, STRAIGHT UP THE SIDE OF nO | WOOK? LIKE A NATURAL TRAIL-/' |g 85 s-- sto EXTINGUISHER INSTEAO OF RARE? HEADS, BE N.--THEY'RE MORE TWO-BUCELE BLOW @KI73 v ae aeee hee iP THE EASIEST, CHA ; 31086 oA A a vs sileat on ee $032 4AQ10 Agena ed SOUTH Ae e @KQ107638 Am 9964 ane i S| #KI76 aime ea Armor 4 'The bidding: Banke East South West North Belch 19 16 29 2@ Bethin 3¢ 3@ Pass 46 ed 'es Sie Pass Pass 6@ leg Cami Opening lead -- jack-of dia- pSebleg monds. Cc Jar " So much emphasis has been 1s OH, BRING e placed on high-card point count Captai ME YOUR MAH L-LOVESS in recent years that the role of Cassia b¢ . . . 4 Cassia sit ? 'distribution is all too often Gan & |given a back seat in evaluating Chestr oe TRIPLICATE. AT LEAST a hand. dali a a THINGS SEEMQUIET This deal was played ina Con $ = team of four event many years Gel a E ago. East was George Reith, Cc Mo: a cM 5 fa nL OE lends waen vache s € ie G3 |, IT6IVeS You ACHANCE THE G-MAN GETS AWAY, fundamental part of most pres- Cc ha aa "TO CATCH UPON ") Jent - day methods of bidding. Eee MOUNTAIN. WE CAN'T : Coulee "a Reith also developed and prom- Courva LOSE HIMAFTER ; : Cowii RUNNING HM ulgated a high-card point count Sere THIS FAR' method of evaluating honor Deer + : cards which was in use as early pi as 1930. Donald 7 _--, the bidding with poe a heart and eventually con- Frobex 10 CHANNELS ®°PERF ECT RECEPTION ® NO ANTENNA tracted for six hearts after get- Gnt ting a raise from his partner + (Ciement Read). When North Grador T then bid six spades, Reith dou- bbe nh bled, holding five honor tricks Gulch and 19 high-card points, He was ot. ore ST ALL : r boebitig d entitled to expect to Holling lefeat the contract. Huds & FOR 67 This turned out to be impos- Satter sible, however, since . Reith Jonsmit 0 h ; Limit d $00 KING ST.E. sould take no more then one al ' : | trick -- the club ace. Kid C shawa *"OC}GMEG==6o% Limite There's More To See; (EAST MALL),.723-5278 wan eile: fo rolt his Mara ta t Due With Cable TV dummy and lost only one club catch trick due to the location of the on . ' A-Q in front of the K-J. Macdon M @LAD IT WAGN'T T HUBERT It would surely be unfair to piper ANYTHING SERIOUS ! criticize Relth's double, though Man' the slam could é og Channel 12--Peterborough, 4--To Tell The Truth 11:25 AM, ' jas the cards. 'ay. Hie higheaed Metal Ghanner 1i--Hamiltea | 28Run For Your Life | 346-St. Lawrence North HO-HO-HO! you values were virtually annihi- Min os hanmal &--Rochen ROTH, i ea Pare ae LOOK GREAT, DEAR! lated by the freak distribution Mt" Wel Channel 6--Toronte SEThis Conds People PRbsicrtt loco SO WHAT A HAT ~ HEE of the North-South hands. Notion: Channel Searrie | S-Candid' camera" | "DIeK Van Dyke Show At the ott abe Oe Me. Ree. Channe! 2--Buttale 11:00 P.M. 12:00 NOON dihg was equally hectic, Reith's andi -- 12.11-9-8-7-643-2--News | gfqcartgon Party teamamates (Benedict Jermel N. Hose monpay evenine | Weather sng sports | sz veoperay and Ralph Hirschberg) also bid LB ig 5:00 bm, éViewpoint Pi pple Poedge dl six spades over six hearts. But N Myla on roe pier 35 Pe 4--News and Weather they were less fortunate. Newnor Family Theatre 1--Pierre Berton N Que 8--Superman 6--News, Weather, Sports ition The East-West pair (Joe Cul- N Sena' sau elie Oh sell 12--Movie bertson and Al Morehead) went bag oe lee Oe, to seven hearts (which would wernt , 0 P.M. 7--Movie Sports ave gone down one). But Jar- ries, 1 igan's Island . Ecwiste Hep nei ore pl hee mel and Hirschberg, unwilling Norinea! are erly and Seas 3--Inspector Maigret 2--Merv Griffin to risk an adverse grand slam, Northga "E00 P.M. Ts9 PM 12:45 P.M, went on to seven spades. Th oar Mi Pp is Orchan eae jumd Tacheyenne maees fo ted ed contract went down one. Osisko 44-12--Weather "Sports Re De en Theatre 1F YOU WANT HIM The net result was that the Patino iopate paren, iGMniee ee &--Dialing for Dollars TO STOP LAUGHING, Reith team lost 1,310 points on Pox. in Nb eoiet ystery Theatre : gin Talk SHOW HIM THE the deal. Pick Cri 3-6-9--News, Weather, TUESDAY --Ben Casey sh Pine Pe 6--L D Pie polly $:00 AM. Meet tne Nilters SALLY'S Pyramid Se--News " rH mengeree Movie SALLIES Q Matte 7:00 P.M. 1--Albert Steed & rhe World Que sh "acremiy amet' | Samper Room tative take @ Deal Raciore 8--True Adventure 8:55 A.M. 2:00 P.M. Rayrock 6--T.B.A. %--Dlaling For Dollars, | 12--Winners Circle Rio Alg 3--Rat Patrol Girl Talk 7--Newiywed Game Roman 4--Midwestern Hayride 9:00 A.M, ¢4--Password Rowan 2--News, Weather, 11--Little People 2-8--Days of Our Lives San Ant t 12. . MM. s ie Daktar! ae Bennie Prudden ie-Calenaer si | Siivefign Fm YOUR PA YOUR Soren Rone tame Hee herman sree' | Stanrek BUDDY-- YOU'LL LEAVE ME A COUPLE OF DAYS AND 4--Gilligan's island 2--Pick A Show 7--Dream Girl VA) * Steep R AND MY NEST EGG GIVE IT BACK-- WITH 3-6-12--Don Messer 9:30 A.M. 4--Linkletter's Party eae Teck Ce STRICTLY ALONE , TEREST? THATIN 2-8--Monkees &--Glorla 2-8--Doctors | NG Texmont . S$ ! {'NO, BARNEY -- 200 PM. 4--Love of Life 3:00 AM Tombill ? 2 \ "afin. NoT A CENT!! Bewitched 3-6-9-11-12--Ontarle Siccdharelage. Com | Tribag t S : . 3--! dream of Jeannie Schools Word eo | eae Un Ken " a a Y } su Terre aTorner tavaraier vers" | VOU -- Urban > Si +-6-12-- ain : ' E rice i) | oi, lh. | Cd, R HEALTH wie s 3 a . Fr cd rte 9--Fractured Phrases | 3-6-12--Take 30 7 Aig =] ee AEP Speco th 8-2--Reach for the Stars | 3:25 P.M, Poy if ig 8--Captain Nice SOS cana vitiools Tegan P. Si Of Gl = : sue f %y a -6-12--Cant 30 P.M. mye" za il put ean. | ce name [ice ee | AE aucoma "eon pay ae Par | Yourke MY 9:00 P.M. 9--TV Bingo 7--Superman Show 4 Betting Alminex PAL, MY 1l--Petticoat Junction @-2--Concentration 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night Fy next month." Am Led S Buppy! %Ceountry Music heal 7--Donna Reed ~ 2-8--You Don't Say 2 Asamera ms : ! 8--Road Wes! 4--Beverly Hillbillies 4:00 P.M, 1Z-4a in een Banff { 4 oratory 'squad oe ere | sen QUITS SPORTS AT 80 € Den ] --| .45 P.M, 9--Mita C Dehi 3-6-12--Show of the Week | 3-6-12--Chez Hel eM a | 7:30. P.M 7100 AM 'Secret 'storm By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD EDMONTON (CP) -- William € 'Srida N--Mery Grifin \2-Romper | Room 3-6-12--Communicate (Spud) Murphy, secretary: C_ Home 7--Peyton Place Mr. and tra, oe Pa, Paget Dr. Molner: Twice in|before without side effects. How Seger of the Edmonton Box- Cent De 4 vary Clooney 'at Boone 1--Zorro e last year something pecul-| much is consid 'ch?_.(in8 and Wrestling Commission Charter r8i9 Vater candy ormaveen | eo Mone | poe ag ec? to my eyes. For|Mrs. P ---- ae ye years, Thursday ended Creat 3 -6-12----Front Page 36--Bulternut Square | 3-6:12--Mad_ Movies |about five minutes a pattern of} Baby aspirin are one ggai nis official association with | Challenge 2--Matches and Mates |light 'kept moving, zig-zagging|tablet, as compared to ie tive sport. Past his 80th birthday, 5 like lightning. |grain adult size. A child of three|"® Was honored at a luncheon = CROSSWORD What could cause that and|can take three to five grains|>" by Tie en could it happen again? I am 52, |every four to six hours unless the commission. Murphy was oe : Mrs. D. L, jsensitive to the drug. jthe sprint champion of Ireland sities" poidinde 23, Persian (STIRITTAMNCIARITIS] | This can be due to glaucoma,| One can only speculate as to/2t 19 and moved to Regina in ha ' Whisks 5 ethers lc : MAA jor some disturbance in circula-|why he turned blue this time me ue join te RAF In the aE} 5. Mesican sina . a wand |tion in the arteries of the eyes.|Did he 'swallow a tablet the cael are bye ater vie Were = aoe ene Baia It is possible that some tem-|wrong way," and shut off. his he joined the Calgary Albertan i 9. Beautify 7. Bicar- taro: le] porary, condition is responsible,|breathing until the tablet dis- os 2 APOE Tee i 10. Fragrance borate abhe but the more important causes|solved? If he had a period of 12. Reduce 8. Hebrew 26. Pupil ISIE are so significant that you must |choking and coughing, _ that A in rank measur@" 27, Toler- ints] 4 examined by an eye oe a be a clue. ' 14, Famous 9. Affix able hi ist. | @ shows any sign of trou- HES TALKING TO garden 11, Conjunction $0. Gone E F One of the important rules of|ble next time he has aspirin, HIS NEPHEW... 15. ae ea end _ 83. Pillage Saturday's Answer eo health (including eye|inform the doctor. TUN entertainer . Step 34. Pop's 37. Conceal ealth) is to heed signs that} or speaker: 19. Lofty pi 38.Excessof |may be early walcuae sari Dear Dr. Molner: Please tell sed 9 was, aapiiitate panion ahisices fie ROBIE: bs me a little about a retroverted s 17. Preposition 20,N.Z.fern 35. Celebes 89, King, as Yours is such a_ situation. ae Py ow Can it be corrected 18. Cistern root ox in Spain Find out at once. If it proves) i. .° ; ; . a 19. Alder tree: 92, Refreshing 86. Sacred 43. Compass to be a minor trouble, your It is a uterus which is tipped fs pa fruit drink picture point mind can be at rest. If it turns a: Perhaps naturally, . on vatiowinh 7 o~T7 = out to be the start of something |!n) as by. injury or weaken- i * A ting or stretching of its support- § heowa YW /4 |serious, early _treatment May) ing tissues loam -- 9 Zu nN save your eyesight. | The principle problem in ] 28. Negotiate iG <L, Dear Dr. Molner: What is the;cases of severe retroversion is . rie ail best treatment for hemor-/difficulty in becoming pregnant. Z shah ea 3 f rhoids? I have been tol that} It may not need to be cor- I 52, Employ injections are just as effective|/rected in many instances, but if . ieee STE 35, Buddhe Yu Y as surgery and less painful.--|this is necessary several meth- N 6G eu aes By 34. Bridal a / 4, Ke ag ; me « jods are used: pogo pes- GARY N " ; attendant zi s not as simple as that./saries, surgery. Your gynecolo- TT FE YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS! 40. Forney G Z Small hemorrhoids sometimes|gist would have to judge ESBI CA Hr} W, 8, 41, Philippic we? 7 can be treated by injection. In|whether any measures are re- Representative Fo NM 42. Planetary Ly other cases surgery is the only|quired, and if so, which. an satellites OY 3} feasible method. The wisest} Note to Mrs. R.S.: I, too, am @ FRO 44, Nursery IST me course is to let your surgeon or|opposed to giving alcohol to SU N LIFE =) word Y) --Y proctologist decide. children in any form, and if (Up 1 2 45. Poker = Dear Dr. Molner: A friend|that's an "old-fashioned idea," || Assurance Company All Ser stake jlq|let's stick to it On ua etaien gave her three-year-old child It. of Canad % J baad % three baby aspirin. He had a ade DOWN spell in which he _ couldn't TREES WARM SOIL Cl = < Gearon dl |breathe and turned blue, but he} Windbreaks on farms raise Oshawa Shopping = river }~--15 as Kir all soo again by the time /field temperatures, thus guard- Centre 2. Lettuces Ae they reached a hospital emer-jing against frost damage and| & Tiare Z gency room. accelerating the growth-rate of] Phone 725-4563 ee "Se = The ehild has taken aspirin 'crops. eon Rmesanecmngonscon

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