16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, Jenuery 28, 1967 28--Room and Board be acc |33--Automobiles Wanted |38--Coming Events 26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments For Rent Colborne E. ROOM AND BOARD for young lady, in private home on Burk Street. Telephone ODERN, two-bedroom apartment in ROYALE We plex. Close to King and Wilson cor- | 79< 9449 ners. Stove and refrigerator included. APARTMENTS jaa only. Immediate possession. 728- 29--Wanted to Rent - » th 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. [me MOMTREY : 2 _Ohe-bedreom ree- Available anytime. To view please telephone 728-5282. |E., Oshawa. 728-6246, |THREE- (LARGE) __|apartment, heated, upstairs, unfurnish- \ed, in new duplex, close to Oshawa Shop- BONUS . Aa «== ONE | "BEDROOM 'apartment for rent. We Pay Moving Expenses 1 and 2 bedroom, large apart- phone 723-0814. ments, fully equipped. |THREE unfurnished rooms, central 190 Nonquon Road [Lights and water included. |February 1. Apply | 234 Gliddon Ave. 728-9726 TWO-BEDROOM apartments, Stove and frig. Private entrance. Please |WANTED TO RENT -- 225 homes or living-| ts | district be-| Pek gto a ah Pas A ll ag get fore April 1. This Is not @ real estate. ia st _.|Apply Box 55042, Oshawa Times. BEDROOM modern 30--Automobiles For Sale CONVERTIBLE TOPS Nylon $89.00 up Repairs to all makes of cars. Antique upholstery and re- storation. \BILL'S CUSTOM AUTO TRIM wanTeD cars for wrecking. No charge | 'ober! | 409 Brock St. S., Whitby ------------ =| ponents Telephone 723-6134 or , 723- ays 668- 8101 Eve. ae e FOR RENT e |MAIN FLOOR two-room "epartment, pr pri-| Apts. Houses, Rooms, Room [Yas ne heat, hydro supplied. | W A N T. E D i H 4 iain ce vag ed ole | Four: "ROOM apartment. For informa-| Good clean local cars for a eat Oeil gam : | lon call 668-2061, or apply 108 Dundas! coc}, p.m. . . reet West. ° apartment with bath. MORLEY STALKER LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION |fieatea, private, entrance. "Telephone GU 55 Bruce St. 728-1070 |Port Perry, 985-7066. 137 King West ast Ee RE ~~~" | ONE-BEDROOM basement apartment, /723-8311 723- 63221 LUSANNE VILLA ee nice lay-out. 'elephone ae i See ame a ee Lone eae Exciting prestige building. Whitby. For " sppointinent call 668-6226. GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP Centrally located, electrically LARGE BEDSITTING room end kitchen, 576-2610 table for t entiemen, fully fur. ea heated. Roomy Pen peat el latshed and equipped, central Whitby, Oshawa Transmission ond kitchen. ennis court |ry, parking, Telephone 668-4928. Saivied sod boreeaer |r ane a io. "ontral 1175 Nelson Street ¢ Ss, Sh » new corate NEW BUILDING jocatlon; "'Talephons 77051050. eee |- ander One, two, or thre, besrooms [ae CREE Titres' Ree| © RAMBLER etal is ped : ne sonable. Avaitabie now. SALES-----SERVICE 2 iti ERs ted t Free hydro, free moving. pe Ra dats hone and hele be and PAINT Now open for inspection. fray expenses. Telephone Manilla 8R32 New and used cars. Telephone 725-0657, , 728- after 6 pm. or write Mrs. Wande Me- Easy to finance at |Taggart, RR2 Manilla. _| $55. MONTHLY -- self-contained two-bed- room apartment In Port Perry. Stove and refrigerator included. Available now. Children welcome. Call Brooklin 655-4659. 2226 or 728-6883. FURNISHED and UNFURNISHED TWO-BEDROOM apa os ; Including 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apart- |stove, refrigerator, dra broad- ments. Controlled entrance, loom in living room, beleony. Telephone then sieoics 2 Senne GAS SORORA conaa" in six-piex I, fenced playground. suit young couple. Refrigerator, stove, 7 347 washer .and dryer. Apply 410 King East -jor Apt. 5, 285 Montrave. 27--Rooms for Rent ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in private home. Call between 5 ond 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. =| 728-867 | Pa TT RMR AER Ee ls yc ta Ph ES Se aoe aa Avail- Available February Ist ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Ample parking, quiet build- | ing. Close to Oshawa Shop- ping Centre, Adults only. 723-6455--723-6944 6-- 9 30 F P.M M DROOM apartment, _ es. No damage deposit. frig, able Immediately. Park Plaze Apart- ments, 170 Park Rd. South. EXPO TWO - BEDROOM apartment. -- Living room, kitchen and private bath. For fur- Rooms ther information phone 728-4190. electric ONE - BEDROOM apartment, Suburban home 155 St. Denis heating, stove and refrigerator, drapes. $100 monthly Includes all services. Avall-| Street, Chateauguay. 514- able February 1 or 15. 723-1282. 692 6386. SRS or two-bedroom. apartments, -- he and fiyero included. Telephone 723- 5874, Two "furnished housekeeping rooms, kit FWO-BEDROOM apartment for rent, $90 Suitable for couple or young gentleman. monthly, heat and light included, self-| appiy 253 Athol St Street East. NICOLS MOTORS LTD. ROOM AND BOARD for gentiemen to share, single beds, central location. §7 a MOTOR CITY AUTO WRECKERS K, SUMERSFORD LTD. Base Line South of Courtice Phone 728-3261 Motor City Auto Wreckers | owned and operated by Kenneth Sumersford Ltd. WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE BINGO EVERY MONDAY CARS WANTED | Buying A New Car ? | Sell your used car to "Ted" Talk "Cash'" to the New Car Dealer and "Save". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 725-5574 723-4494 Res. Admission ticket gives you free chance on door prize. TWO JACKPOTS 54 and 56 $500. IN 52 NOS. OR LESS In announced Nos, $50. Consolation Prize for towing. Telephone 728-4549. Nichols. $10. per line in both games $150. JACKPOT NTED -- cars, trucks, farm tractors Wreckers, Auto lee wrecking. | Enniskillen, ie 2508. |34--Automobile Repair $20. A HORIZONTAL LINE $50. FULL 'CARD $200. in 52 Nos. or less 5 SPECIAL GAMES AT $30. $45. in 17 Nos. or less AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION CENTRE 1038 Simcoe St. N. 728-7339 Transmissions are Our Only Business -- Repairs, Adjust- ments, Exchanges. All Work Guaranteed. 20. GAMES AT $20. Regular games pay double in 17 Nos. or less EARLY BIRD GAME 7:45 $100. Door Prize EXTRA BUSES RED BARN NORTH OSHAWA Children Under 16 Not Admitted FRED STONE Brooklin Phone 655-3653 @ Motor Rebuilding @ Cylinder Reboring @ Pinfitting @ Resleeving @ Automatic Transmission @ Crankshaft and Valve Service 35--Lost and Found ELDERLY PENSIONER lost money cn Bierbtah nt of hospital. Reward. Ti | | WHITBY -- 668-3331 | pe | DOWN--$30 MO. 59 - 61 models your choice ! BILL BENNETT MOTORS 484 King W. 723-0371 MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 " VALIANT Custom 200. Two - door hardtop, radio, Spice gold with black vinyl interior. Driven 14,740 miles, Ex- cellent condition. Privately owned by lady. Only $2,100. 725-6632. '38 PONTIAC sedan, for economical transportation. Poor jood 6 cylin- der engine. $200 or best reasonable otter. 728-0743 afier.S p.m. i985 METEOR, c00d body, motor A+, new front tires. $150 or best offer. Tele- phone 728-4404. 1963 CADILLAC Coupe de Ville, fully powered, $2,750. Tele- ow ined, East, Whitby. 728-7680 Pg Hey Palate bs aS COMPLETELY __ FURNISHED large room and kitchen. Suitable Cc phone evenings 668-8186. 1965 VOLK 1500 sedan, very THREE-BEDROOM apartment In double! for one house, newly decorated, heat supplied. | private. 74 Osh- vood een. Riga) $1,625, will accept Garage with paved driveway. Near' awa Bivd. South, 728-0852. Contact Chris Beck at office, 942-. 1008 or at home 839-5860. } shopping MONDAY 8:00 P.M. BINGO ST. GERTRUDE'S AUDITORIUM 36--Legal NOTICE TO CREDITORS , AND OTHERS In the Estate of JEAN HUTCHISON YUILL, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above-named deceased, late of the City of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, widow, who died on the 28th day of" October, A.D., 1966, are hereby notified to furnish proof thereof to the under- signed before the 28th day of February, A.D. 1967. After the said date the Adminis- trator will distribute the Es- tate having regard only to claims of which notices have been filed. Dated: at Oshawo, Ontario, this 19th day of January, A:D>-1967; LEONARD GORDON YUILL, Administrator, by his solicitor, Z. T. SALMERS, B.A., 63 King St. W., Oshawa, Ont. , shoppi: 100 momthly. 728-4236 en ai alle id ms FURNISHED bedroom for nea u evenings. t apartments, |North GM. heniy 160 William eat East. ONE, two, three-bedroom modern building, centrally located, Inter-|¢ No children under 12. 725-8876. com. _No_cnicren_Unee_---__--"__| ATTRACTIVE furnished bedroom,|<, "65 PONTIAC Parisienne, two-door hi '38--Coming Events top, V-8, automatic, radio, two - way cov aaee power aerial unit. $1,800. 723- BeCeLY arama: butt brethees. compe: | tion ane iminary. Belviogey, pains no children. 310 Richmond Street mest Moe eee ee phone 728-879: Ts Bh taining cae ROOMS ae $10, semi-|; Two Searimene 'on ground floor. Kil heated apartments from $75 to $85 mon [asd ABB Mie ly. Telephone 668-4812. LIGHT Mears a" NEWLY decorated, one-bedroom base. |/907.,"e™ iy, geen ns. Completely ' ment apartment. au entrapce and) hospital and buses. 728-1914. bath. King Street 70 monthiy. Sult- able for couple. 31 after 5 p.m. BEDSITTING ROOM, clean. EN Granea thie One or two students, working girls. at CENTRAL, private entrance, ree! tor two. 1105 King Street East, 728-0429. rooms, upstairs apartment, newly deco- = rated, frig, stove, heated, new Sandran, ROOM for young lady or gentleman or parking. Telephone '3-3078. two close friends, to share twin beds, own GHEREDROOM apericvent,furniohed |xitcnery_ail_ furnished. Telephone 728-2026. 14 er unfurnished, newly decorated, drapes E rooms to rent, supplied, parking space, bus service at les, maid service. ra on downtown area. 725-8964 after éjrant on premises. Call James Mai ner, Central Hotel, 9 King Street West, Osh- awa, 723-9121. FURNISHED housekeeping room, close Centre. Apply 102 Westmount tur- n. Bus stop. Gax -- Large one- and apartments, in apartment paniing, close to schools and Alax 942-0130. TWO OR THREE furnished rooms, si able for couple or single girls, priv: entrance. Telephone 728-6387. FURNISHED BASEMENT apartment, t, $85 monthly. Heat, hydro included. Conven- lent for two ladies or gentlemen, BN to share. Available February 2. 668-6 ONE SINGLE ROOM and four-room ce with bath, refrigerator and we. Apply 64 Brock Street, 728-6319, : 8.m. ~ 2.30 p.m. After 4 p.m., 723-2050. $ reet. COMFORTABLE ROOM for rent, suit- able for gentleman or lady. Apply 177 Athol Street East. ATTRACTIVE furnished bedroom able for refined gentleman in private adult home, central, parking. Telephone . | 723-3519. LARGE housekeeping room furnished re- frigerator, stove, sink, suitable for one or two, near south GM. Apply 268 Malaga 'oad. 1o| PRIVATE. 1962 Rambler station wagon, | phone 728-1995. | suit- | 668-8993. 195 DODGE sedan, 6 cylinder, auto- matic, radio, white walls, low mileage. Pitt dead excellent condition. Whitby, %s6 PONTIAC, mechanically good, good |r and tires. Body rough, $75 or best for| offer. Telephone 725-6937. automatic, excellent condition, $750. Tele-| phone 728-4983. 1959 SPRITE, in good j condition, three tops, new tires and battery, hard plastic windows. Not used for one year. Tele- Phone 668-4675. ESTATE CAR, 1958 Chevrolet, automatic, four-door, Beg original miles, Tele- | CADILLAC coupe de Ville, 48,000 miles, showroom condition, $2,400. Telephone days, 725-4774 nights 4314, 1959 VAUXHALL six-cylinder, standard. Good _ transportation. Licence 84573, x ha R. B. Motor Sales, 509 Bloor Street as i966 ELLE, two-door, six cylinder, automatic, radio, rear speaker, less than 10,000 miles, under warranty. Telephone 1964 CHEVROLET Ir sale automatic, power steering, and six new white wall | tires, Best offer. 668-6598. power brakes, radio, 1960 RAMBLER, 4-door sedan, auto fraiee new tires, motor, body In exon: FURNISHED ROOM with kitchen and bathroom. Ladies only. Burk Street area. _ | Telephone 728-0451. ONE - BEDROOM ground floor apart- ment, stove, refrigerator, close to down- town. Telephone 723° _. TWO - ment, furnished, nested, ey goth Siceem packed. -|Low mileage. Has been woman's car. yard, gara jone 725- _| Young man_pr 1. Whitby, 668-6534. | $2,495. Telephone 723-5817. SUBLET -- edroom apartment, |LIGHT housekeeping room in new, clean|i947 DODGE Monaco 500, automatic, pow- centrally located In whitiye $90 monthly. |home, complete privacy, near Wilsonler brakes, steering, tape recorder, 383 Telephone 668-8235 asi shopping plaza. Telephone 728-4439| cy. inch. Private, Best offer. Telephone UNFURNISHED one and two - Lal lll. Re RREERERTTER USE 7 NSE apartments. Stove and _refrigerator.|TWO furnished rooms, kitchen and bed-|196§ PONTIAC Parisienne, 2 door hard- Close | Yo hospital. Telephone 723-7624 or |room. Central, parking. Suitable for lion, 396, hydramatic, power _ steering, working couple or two girls, Telephon@! brakes, radio, snow tires, 14,000 miles. 4. | 723-5408. $2,500, or trade, 728-9975. nee modern two - bedroom apart ment, all conveniences, in triplex, 385 | HOUSEKEEPING | ROOM for rent, $8 per Mary Street, available immediately; also| week. Suit lady or gentleman, also gar- large two - bedroom basement apart | ape. 418 King St. West. Telephone 723- 2512. ment, ail conveniences, available imme- © COSY light : housekeeping ~Yooms, diately. rsd i, Avenue. Telephone | |double and single on second ficor, for 725-6343 from 9 - S p.m., evenings 728-| working girls, private entrance, five 4535. |minutes from hospital.' Telephone 728- SELF - CONTAINED four - room apart- | 6987. ment, private bath, refrigerator. Business | ROOMS FOR RENT, $10. and | $12. - week- couple preferred. Telephone 725-0293. lly. Apply Queen's Hotel, 67 Simcoe Street ELENA STREET -- Three unfurnished | North. rooms. heated, private bath, driveway,|CLEAN, comfortable, "quiet room. Board stove, refrigeratcr, suit couple. Available! included, On Cubert Street. Reasonable February 1. Apply 375 Windsor Street,| price, Telephone 723-0502. 3-1637. Ls |HOUSEKEEPING rocm ONE- AND TWO-BEDROOM | apartments igentieman with steady employment, in small quiet apartment building, avail-|good district, near hospital,. bus stop, able February 15. $95 and $115 monthly. Neatly furnished, refrigerator, hot plate, penis only. Apply Apt. 2, 109 Craydon'sio. weekly, 723-0258, |SINGLE, clean, quiet room, bus stop at decor. Close to hospital, Light housekeep- ing if desired. Telephone 8- 5984. "for clean THONDERSINO ) TERRACE -- One- two- bedroom apartments, sui "| D ROOM for hot eatiaalty controlled in each room, anaees plate. Central to downtown and_ Nor' ground parking available. 190 Nonquon| vesslibey Motors, $10, weekly. 728-3969 lafter 5 p.m. with kitchen Suitable for Telephone 668- radio. ferbe. Must sell immediately! Taner 723-705). 1963 PONTIAC Parisienne, convertible, +1327 motor, power steering, power brakes. 1964 CHEVROLET Impala, two-door hard top, 283 automatic, radio. Five new white- walls, Beautiful condition. Best offer, will fake trade. 728-1892. 195) METEOR four-door sedan, radio, automatic. Mechanically . very good, some body rust. One owner since new. $275. 725-4829. 1961 AUSTIN 850. New fires, radio, $225. Telephone 728-8826. MERCEDES, 4-door sedan, model 219, excellent condition with radio and snow tires. One year in Canada. 668-6124. 200 Craydon Road, Whitby. 1963 CHEVROLET Bel Air station wagon, V-8, automatic, power throughout, radio Top condition. Call 725-4555 after 4 p.m. 1958 FORD sedan, radic, ; automatic, she, low mileage, excellent. Asking only $200. Telephone 725-1846. LIENS PAID OFF. We de and even. No down payment. Easy terms. Gus Brown Motors Lid., 728-7375. 483 CHEVROLET Stationwagon, mechani- | cal at Bx Oil after 3 p.m. Telephone 576 1656, FOUR WHEEL riding tractor with snow plough and tire chains. $175. Telephone 6 31--Compact Cars for Sale ZOLTAN and NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun and Fiot Dealer Specializing in Volkswagen Repair and Service 160 Simcoe South 728-0051 ot VOLVO and PEUGOT te MERCEDES BENZ General Repair and Auto-Electric Service Jake and Bill's Garage 449 Ritson Rd, South Oshawa 728-0921 TWO BEDROOM, $129-119 monthly. Bach- |COMPLETELY FURNISHED housekeep- elor apartment, $80. monthly. Heat, hyd- |ing gal with sink, refrigerator and ro, refrigeratcr, stove, broadioom. 723-|ran Suitable for one gentleman. TWO-BEDROOM modern apariment deposit. Near South General Motors AS 28--Room and Board $22 Glen St. Gle THosEDRSGH imran are SINGLE ROOMS 723-3050. | THREE - ROOM basement « apariment,| hydro. Private entrance. $100 monthly.| Apply: ae February 15. Telephone 75-| 1. | pegs x | 25 Division St. sitting room and kitchen, omen | iCLEAN HOME for gentlemen, parking. furnished, Three-piece bath, all . G Telephone 263-2966. Spe Ears rea meals, TV. 43 Garrard Rd., occupancy, Oshawa Cavalier Apartments privileges or board optional. No. 107. Telephone 640-3790. -jbusiness man or lady. BAI Sie 4 for | 3 i » furnished if desired, very central, avai able February 1. Telephone 725-6797. {WANT TO FEEL AT HOME? Room and ONE-BEDROOM apartment fo sublet at) Buena Vista Avenue, single beds, home ___| done, 725-3978. TWO-BEDROOM modern apartment.|ROOM AND BOARD for young profes- Broadioom throughout, refrigerator,|sional lady in exceptionally harmonious Available now. Infant welcome. Apply | 576-2345. 329 Adelaide West, Apartment 2. 725397 | oom AND BOARD for genilemen, one room to share and two singles, parking. tor and stove, $75., children welcome. Telephone 725-8493 after 6 p.m. or 725|day week. Telephone 728-2479. 8088. ROOM or room and beard for one gentie- man willing to share room, seven-day Road or telephone 728-9726. 5325 after 4 p.m, |Apaly 237 Athol Street East, 725-0803. ply el ade 508 Oxford Park Towers. | dryer. Available February 15. Tel and BOARD newly decorated, stove, refrigerator, heat, | | WEW BASEMENT apartment, one bed-| ONE-BEDROOM apartment apartment gentleman, |8432 after 5.30 p.m. Grenfell pitty Possession April 1.|cocked meals, lunches packed, laundry 723-4010. stove, TV outlet, hot water inciuded.;home. Abstainer. Rossland and Simcoe. ONE-BEDROOM apartment, refrigera- Shift workers welcome. Five- or seven- week if desired, King and Park Road WHITBY -- one-bedroom apartment, re- frigerator and stove. _Telephone 725-8020. WHITBY -- One-bedroom apartment in/2/e2._728-5455. CLEAN, warm room, young lady. Close to modern obuliding, appliances supplied. pra 4 Superintendent, Apt. 5, 105 Cray-|downtcwn. Seven days, meals, laundry. don Road, Whitby. 728-3577. CENTRAL, two-bedroom apartment, sec-/ LARGE ROOM or room and board for ond floor. One child welcome. Telephone |gentieman . or lady. Lunches packed, Sere between 2.30 and 6 p.m. meals, Telephone 576-1244. 1960 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, leather seats, excellent mechanical condition. $25 monthly. Private. 725-8640. 1962 MINNIE MINOR, In good condition. Will trade for trailer or will sell. Tele- phone 723-4573. 1961 VOLKSWAGEN, excellent condition inside and out, used as second car, low mileage, $600. Telephone 728-8538. 32--Trucks for Sale 1952 ARMY JEEP, with tcp, good cond tlon. Asking $800. Telephone 728-3142. ly A-1, good rubber, radio, can be seen) Central Council of Neighborhood Association BINGO AT oe OSHAWA CIVIC AUDITORIUM Friday, Feb. 3rd Over $5,000.00 PRIZES $1,500 Jackpot $500. Snowball $150. Special Game $1,000 Escalator 20 Regular Games $50 each 9 Early Bird Games 5 Late Games $50 each Admission $1.00 (receive one card for regular games). All games 25c¢ double card-- except jackpot. $100 in Door Prizes All games will be played on double cards. Share the Wealth--7:15 p.m, Regular Games--8:15 p.m. BUSES Leaving Bond and Simcoe St. 6:30 p.m., 7:00 p.m., 7:30 and 8:00 p.m. Available After Bingo. KINSMEN BINGO 2 -- $200 JACKPOTS 52 - 50 | One Must Go January 30, at 2 p.m. 0 | PLUS $10 per line Both Games $150 Jackpot Game 20 REGULAR GAMES AT $20 Last 5 Games $30 Per Game Early Bird 7:45 Sharp Guaranteed $5 a line $25 full card TUESDAY Admission 50¢ -- |5 Ibs., 10 ozs., Thursday, January 26, |sister for Michael, 690 King St. East at Farewell --FREE- ADMISSION -- FREE - 20 Reg. Games--Total $300. SNOWBALL--$110. in 56 Nos. Plus $10. each horizontol line. Regular Jackpot $100. in 54 Nos. $20. Con. SHARE THE WEALTH Good Parking FLORIDA TOUR PERSONALLY ESCORTED March 25 to April 16 For Information Contact COLMER TRAVEL SERVICE 14 Orchard View Blvd. BOWMANVILLE 623-3265 Florida Civele Tour IN MEMORIAM HAMLYN -- In loving memory of a who passed away January 29, Wonderful memories woven in gold, This is a picture we tenderly hold. Deep in our hearts a memory Is kept, To love, to cherish, to never forget. --Sadly missed and lovingly remembered by daughter Lillian, sons Norman, Nelson, Douglas and families. HENDERSON -- In loving memory of our dear father and grandfather, David Henderson, who passed away January 29, 1960, in our hearts @ memory is kep' gee voor fether we love and ai never ar pier by family. KNOX -- In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Andrew Knox, who passed away January 28, 1953. We often think of days gone by, When we were ait A shadow over our fives | has cast, Our loved one gone forever. --Sadiy missed and always 'ed by wife Annie, daughters, sons, and grandchiléren. MAW -- In foving memory of our dear mother, Addie Maw, who passed away January 28, 1960. Her memory is as dear today As In the hour she passed aw: --Lovingly remembered by son apes and daughter-in-law Kay. WHITE -- In loving memory of a dear husband, father and grandfather, Leo White, who passed away January 28, 1954. We who loved you, sadly miss you, As it dawns another year, In our lonely hours of thinking Thoughts of you are ever near. --Always remembered by the family. LOCKE'S FLORIST Funeral arrangements and floral arrangements for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 Hour Phone Service 728-6555 ___ After hours 725-7928 "A LASTING TRIBUTE For Permanance and dignity we suggest MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS For courteous advice please visit the Park Office. 723-2633 CARD OF THANKS ZAPARYNIUK -- The family of the late Very Rev. Peter Zaparfyniuk, wish to thank relatives, friends, and the Sister- hood and Brotherhood of St. Mary's Ukrainian Orthodox Parish, Oshawa, for their kind expressions of sympathy ex. tended during their recent sad bereave- ment. Special thanks to the Right Rev. Archbishop Michael of Toronto and all Clergy of the Eastern Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church who partici- pated in all services. ~--Mrs. Anna Zaparynivk and family. OBITUARIES FUNERAL OF MRS. ALLICE PALLISTER The funeral service for Mrs. Alice Pallister who died sudden- ly, Jan. 25, at her residence, 765 Margaret Street, was held at 2 p.m., Jan. 27, at the McIntosh- Anderson Funeral Home. The service was conducted by Canon F. G. Ongley, rector of St. George's Memorial Anglican 16 day -- 2 departures Feb. 25 & MARCH 18 Ask for our folder which con- tains full information. ESCORTED $240 16 DAYS Mitchell & Waite TRAVEL SERVICE 6% Prince St. 728-7395-6 BIRTHS GALLAGHER -- Danny and Valerie (nee Burnside) are happy to announce the birth of a daughter, Michelle Lynn, 1967, at Oshawa General Hospital. A Thanks to Dr. and fourth floor staff. Ross HARRINGTON -- Pau! and Sharon (nee Holtby) are proud to announce the arrival of their daughter, Patricia Anne, 8 pounds, on Tuesday, January 17, 1967 at the Oshawa General Hospital. A sister for Sandra. Many thanks to the doctors of Brooklin Clinic and fourth floor staff. MONTPETIT -- Jim and Pam (nee Corby) are pleased io announce the arrival of their second son, Sandy Ron- of 8 pounds, 11 ounces, on Friday, Janu- 'y 20, 1967 at the Oshawa General Hos- pital. Thanks to Dr. Sanderson and fourth floor staff. ORMISTON -- Garry and Anne (nee Tangelder) are proud to announce Neg arrival of a son, Paul Richard, 8 pound 8 ounces, on Wednesday, January 25, 1967 at the Oshawa General Hospital. Thanks to Dr. Scott and 4th floor staff. WRIGHT -- Tom and Doris (nee Lees) wish to announce the arrival of their son, Mark Edward, 7 Ibs., 5 ozs., Thursday, January 26, 1967, at Cobourg District Hospital. Both well. DEATHS BELL, Reginald Ww. At Oshawa Genera! Hospital on Friday, January 27, 1967, Reginald W. Bell (300 Mary Street North), beloved husband of the late Ethel Victoria Young, and broth- er of Mrs. Stewart Winch (Giadys) of Hornby, Ontario. Resting at Mcintosh- Anderson Funeral Home, 152 King Street East. Service in the chapel on Monday, Interment Mount Lawn Cemetery. MARTIN, Baby In Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. on Friday, January 27, 1967, David John Martin, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Martin, 447 Marion Avenue, Oshawa, aged three days. Interment was In Mount Lawn Cemetery. | Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW /FUNERAL CHAPEL 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 IN MEMORIAM DELANEY (nee Davies) -- !n_ loving) (Pat), who passed away January 29, 1964. May you always walk in sunshine And God's Icve around you flow The happiness you gave us 'Love' No one will ever know, 1t broke our hearts to lose you But you did not go alone For part of us went with you 'Darling' The day God called you Home. --So ase ey missed by heartbroken Mum FARROW -- In loving memory of @ dear mother, Maud, who passed away away January 28, 1964 tell things you don't 1961 ENVOY van, low mileage, new brakes, tires, paint, $320. Days 725-4774, nights 728-4314. 'Dial 723-3492 for an Ad-writer now, SIMPLE THINGS ath Classified Ads need for spot cash. A page in cur book of memories Is gently turned today. --Sadiy missed by the family, |period. memory of our darling daughter Patricia | West Church. Interment was in Mount Lawn Cemetery. The pallbearers were Jack Jackson, Eric Easson, Wally Calvin, Ted Roberts, Paul Hornets Tie Flyers 5-0 By THE CANADIAN PRESS Barrie. Flyers got a _ goal ahead five times in an Ontario Hockey Association senior game Friday night, but five times Galt Hornets bounced back, finally forcing Barrie to settle for a 5-5 overtime tie. In other games Friday, Wood- stock Athletics and Belleville Mo-Hawks fought to a 2-2 over- time tie and Dave McComb scored three times in the third period to hand Collingwood Col- lingwood Georgians a 5-2 vic- tory over Guelph Regals. Ron Hergott's unassisted goal with less than three minutes remaining in regulation time set up a_ scoreless overtime session at Barrie. Earl Balfour, Bert Brown, Ivan Tennant and John Beechey got the other Galt goals. For Barrie, John Weeks and Bob Delcourt each had two goals Knowles one. Gary Gresdahl sent Wood- stock and Belleville into over-|---- time with a goal against the Athletics at 19:55 of the third Eddie Marineau got the other Belleville goal while Art Sulli- van and Dino Leggio handled Woodstock scoring. John Lumley and Mickey Kaye got the Georgians other goals. Jack Macmillan and Bob! Pole scored for Guelph. Nazi Film A Disgrace OTTAWA (CP) -- The CBC's television interview with Adolf von Thadden was described in the Commons Friday as grossly incompetent, biased and a dis- grace to Canada. Colin Camero, (NDP--Nana- imo - Cowichan - The Islands) used those descriptions in ask- ing State Secretary LaMarsh, who reports to Parliament for the publicly-owned corporation, to find out why the CBC refused to do an interview. with another German politician who was appalled by the von Thad- den interview. HUNTED BUFFALO MOOSE JAW, Sask. (CP) -- Angus Alexander McGillis, who thinks he killed the last buffalo in southern Saskatchewan, cele- brated his 103rd birthday in the New Year at St. Anthony's Home. Since his hearing began to fade he has dropped English a dear mother and grandmother, Jessie A. By JAMES CONWAY LONDON (CP) -- Sunday sport is becoming a distinct possibility for England and Wales. A private bill aimed at modernizing Sunday laws is being piloted through the House of Lords by Lord Wil- lis, a Labor: peer who made a name as a popular televi- sion scriptwriter. It contains a clause that would liberalize the restric- tions on professional sports on Sunday. The idea of spreading week- end sport over two days had been advocated for years as a means of reversing the de- clining spectator interest and brightening what many re- gard as the dull British Sun- day. The main problem for pro sports is the ban on charging admission. There are also a list of often unenforceable restrictions stretching back through the centuries. Advocates of emancipation point to the popularity of ama- teur games played on fields and village greens as evi- dence that thousands of fans would welcome full-time soc- cer, racing or cricket on Sun- day. They say religious interests wouldn't be harmed even if the proposed legislation went through untouched, which is unlikely. Sports would be al- lowed only after 2 p.m, on Sunday. CRICKET IS EXAMPLE The department of educa- tion has been sounding out sports bodies to learn what demand there is for a change in the law, suggesting the pos- sibility that the Labor govern- ment may throw its support behind some of Lord Willis's proposals. Several county cricket clubs have experimented as far as they can with Sunday compe- tition. They get around the ban on ticket sales by asking fans to make voluntary dona- tions. They reported to the Marylebone Cricket Club, gov- erning body of the sport, that attendance was as much as four times as great as for Labor Peer Seeking Sunday Sports Bill mid-week games. This year 77, Sunday matches are planned. Soccer is divided. Success- ful top-division teams say they are satisfied with things as they are. Smaller clubs fighting overdrafts say the charges would be a boon. Aston Villa is one First Division soccer team that wants to get away from Sat- urday afternoon games. It would like to play Sundays or weekday evenings. "Saturday soccer is on the way out," says club chairman Norman Smith. "Our own attendances have proved that it has become too much a family day." Predominantly amateur sports, such as track and field and cycling, which are less affected, are not so concerned about the laws but they wouldn't mind having more freedom. Amateur golfers won't be affected one way or another but some professionals would like Sunday tournament play made legal so they could cash in on spectator interest. WINNIPEG (CP) -- Hunt- ing while skimming over the snow in a power-driven tobog- gan now is permitted in Man- itoba under certain conditions. The target is limited to predatory animals and the mobile hunt may be carried out only within the boundaries of a municipality that gives formal authorization. The change in rules prom- ises any number of exciting chases across snow-covered hills in areas that used to be inaccessible in winter because of deep snow. Hunters now may. employ the fieet and versatile power toboggan not only to reach the hunting area but as a moving platform on which they may carry a loaded rifle. The sport itself isn't exactly new. Hunters have shot foxes, coyotes and wolves from air- craft for many years, but shooting from a ground vehi- cle is a fairly recent innova- tion tied to the emergence of the power sled. Before a hunter can embark on a hunt of this kind, the municipality in which he in- | Sandy Koufax Ready For Job NEW YORK (AP) -- Sandy Koufax plans no elocution les- sons to prepare him for his new job as a sportscaster. "I hope what I learned over the last 12 years has prepared me," baseball's greatest left- hander told a press conference called recently by the National Broadcasting Company, his new boss. "I'm going to try to learn broadcasting by starting in baseball because after all I'm a baseball player. Essentially I'll be a color man." Carl Lindemann, vice-presi- dent of NBC for sports, said Sandy will start out with NBC's major league baseball game each Saturday in the pre-game chatter and possibly the play- by-play descriptive, work also in the All-Star game and pos- sibly the World Series. Koufax retired last November after a spectacular season in which he won 27 games. He} feared further pitching would| aggravate the arthritic condi-; tion in his arm. | It is believed he got $125,000) to $135,000 yearly with Los An-| geles Dodgers and now _ gets| eras! eg oat | GREENWOOD © RACE RESULT FIRST RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace). Purse $1,100 (6). 4 Scotts Dominion (Waples 2 Keyston Parma (McKinley 3.20 2.40 3 Mary Ann (Carroll) 3.10 Also Started: Colonel Philip, Midnight Zone, and Lady Petu. agen? RACE -- 1 Mile (Trot). Purse $1,500 6 ofioe. "Lee (Feagan) 8.50 3.80 2.80 2 Diana Hunter (McKinley) 2.70 Be 5 Fanny Symool (Geisel) Also Started: al oe Marty 'dune over and Jack on | DAILY pouBLE i "AND 6, PAID $27.50. FOURTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace). Purse $800 (8) 5 Demo Van (Cahie) 9.20 5.60 4.50 7 Pink Tassie (Wellwood) 5.50 3.80 3 Honeyville Miss (Curran) ea Also Started: Scotch Laird, Roy Edward, Kaylee, Andy, and Eddie Near: | Needlecraft jta 3.80 3.20 2.40 tends to hunt must give ap- proval in the form of a written resolution passed by council. MUST POST BOND Once this permission is ob- tained, the hunter applies for a permit from the wildlife branch of the department of mines and natural resources. Before the permit can be issued the hunter must put up a $500 bond to guarantee that he will follow the regulations. Anyone whose name ap- pears on the suspension list for an infraction of the Wild- life Act is forbidden a permit, The permit allows its holder to carry a loaded weapon on the power toboggan and to discharge it without dismount- ing. This is only when foxes, coyotes or wolves are being Manitoba Hunters May Use Power Toboggan In Winter hunted, however. It's not for big game. A power toboggan becomes just another vehicle then and may be used only for travel, not active hunting. The season for predator- hunting from a power tobog- gan opens in all municipalities two days after the close of the big game season in the mu- nicipality. It lasts until the beginning of the muskrat sea- son. Areas not designated as municipalities are closed to this type of hunt. Wolves probably benefit by this rule more than foxes or coyotes since these larger predators are rarely found in areas sufficiently inhabited to be or- ganized municipalities. They prefer deep bush. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS TOPS EVERYTHING By ALICE BROOKS Warm, practical, smart all year. Knit this cozy jacket now of knitting worsted. Travel first-class in this jcabled jacket. Knit from neck down on circular needle in one piece. Pattern 7478: sizes 32-34; 36-38 included. THIRTY - FIVE CENTS aide for each pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Dept., 60° Front Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario. Ontario residents add 2c sales ax. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, NAME, ADDRESS. 210 MOST BEAUTIFUL NEEDLECRAFT DESIGNS in new 1967 Needlecraft Catalog! Knit, crochet fashions, afghans, quilts, embroidery, toys, gifts. Two Free Patterns. Send 25c |today. 12 remarkable heirloom quilts ~-- complete patterns in color in /Museum Quilt Book 2. Quilting 'motifs. Send 60c. Send also for Quilt Book 1 -- 4747 10-20 HAPPY SEWING By ANNE ADAMS GO-EASY, sew-easy skimmer with magic, long, side darts to shape a lean, graceful midriff. Fling of scarf adds dash and dare to collar. Printed Pattern 4747; Misses' Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 14 requires 2% yards 39-inch fabric. FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coins (no stamps, please) for each pattern. Ontario residents add 3c sales tax. Print plainly SIZF, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to ANNE ADAMS, care of The Oshawa Times, Pat- tern Dept., 60 Front Street West, Toronto 1, Ontario. Spring's Fashions are a JOY FOR ALL SIZES! See 115 styles, two free hat patterns, shade accessories in new Spring - Summer Pattern Cata- log. Gift Coupon for free pat- SIZES 16 complete patterns. 60c. tern in Catalog. Send 50c. SIXTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace). Purse 4 Lucky Sis (Gelsel) 5.40 2.30 2 Angelic Wick (Findlay) 2.20 ; nue bal tia Beverly Dillard, and The inquire EXACTOR 6 AND 4 PAID $41.20 SEVENTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) Purse $1,000 (8) 2 Asy Annie (Carroll) 8 Dandy Sandy (Waddell) 4 Major's Missey (Curran) 3.40 Also Started: Tay Towne Lena, Miss Grattan, King Grattans Widowers and Way Torp. 35.50 13.80 6.40 17.60 5.30 |) Pick, EIGHTH RACE -- 1 Purse $1,600 (8) Guadilly Bob (Findley) 5 Mighty Stein sent? 3 Mister Win (Davies Also Started: Pi sbiody Chief, Fast roe ney, Midnight A Grattan, Doctor Kirk, and Royal Alfie. NINTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace) Puse Mile 1.10 . rf 7 Ay (Pace). $1,300 (7). 5 Capetown Boy (Geisel) 20.20 8.10 5.20 3 Noral Gale (Campbell) 4.10 4 50 8 Johnnie Hy (Davies) 3.30 Also Started:Uncie Davis, Clanderboye, Minor Joe, and Oxford Abbe. and speaks only French. Attendance, 4,739) Total Pool $294,131, @ FEBRUARY, 1967 @ A. & P. Thurs. 2 & 16 2.30- 5.00 (Simcoe St. N. & Tecumseh) 5.30- 8.00 Simcoe Plaza Fri. 3 & 17 2.30- 5.00 (Simcoe St. S. & Ritson $.) Eastview Park fri. 3 & 17 5.30- 8.00 (Central Pk. Blvd. & Eulalie) Rosslynn Plaza Sat. 4 &18 10,00-12.00 (Stevenson's Rd. N. & Rossland W.) 1.30- 4.00 Harmony Church Tues. 7 & 21 2.30- 5.00 (King E. & Harmony N.) Wilson Plaza Wed. 8 & 22 - (Wilson Rd, S, & Crerar) oe Loke Vista Plaza Thurs. 9 & 23 = (Cedar & Wecker) sand oat Dr. C. F. Cannon School Thurs. 9 & 23 ie (Oxford & Emerald) ae xian Braemor Plaza Mon. 13 & 27 5 ag te Rd. N. & Annapolis) . eres ower Store Tues. 14 & 28 -00- (King E. & Wilson Rd. N.) eae cs e*co7rarvrus> Fr 7 wma e 46 -