Tony's, oals s 2-1 and B'Nal Canadian Corps scored twice for ther goals going nneau, Earl Jar- | and Yvon La- n and Ken Mc- r Westmount Ki- ent DeLong re- y's. fired a pair of Nai B'Rith, with g to Tom Rora- Coe and Randy rko scored for S. play, Canadian Keith Peters Ernie Cay Lum- d Rangers 4-1. Larry Patton, and Kevin Copi- for Canadian 1k Donovan and coring for Keith banged in two Cay, with Randy Noonan notching ick Woodcock gers. aim itouts g the other and cording the shut- / matched a pair ig St. and Randy ierland of St. ike Donnelly of traded goals 1ith scored twice _ and Mark Wil- jionne replied for s were recorded n as St. Mark's 's 1-0, St. Luke's minster 5-0 and d to a scoreless St. hutouts were Javid Gill, St. ll Spiers, Haz- Wiltshire, Albert ge Pigden, St. ore scored for le Grant Hornby ore each scored uke's and Eddie on, St. Andrew's irch 1-1, as Jor- scored for St. Carl Mason re- lan notched a ind Jeff Keenan St. United in a King St, Tim or King St. anged in a pair Rangers topped -2 in mite com- irling scored the ' Rangers, with ~oring twice for ed Maple Leafs y Wendorf and indling the score TERNS TRIM | BROOKS rom neck down in stockinette sry trim. d roses on easy- insfer is actual » place. Pattern 4; 36-38; 40-42; nts (coins) for (no stamps, Brooks, care of nes, Needlecraft St. W., Toronto tario residents x. Print plainly r, Name, Ad- autiful Needle- in new 1967 alog! Knit, cro- afghans, quilts, s, gifts. 2 Free 25c today, heirloom quilts erns in color in ook 2. Quilting Quilt Book 1 -- ferns. 60c. BLONDIE DONALD DUCK LI'L ABNER "If CACOY, I NEEO TWO COLLARS FOR SCHOOL DAD, I NEED THREE DOLLARS FOR MY DATE TONIGHT wil iz q I WONDER WHAT SHE NEEDS % THAT FOR at PHE NORTH VETS OPEN FIRE Wit EVERYTHING THEY HAVE. EVERYTHING'S LOADED! FALL BACK, YOU GUYS! RUN FOR THE BOATS. BUZ SAWYER January 27, 1967 19 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, 'BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) YOU KNOW HOW CHAMACO 15...HE WON'T MIND HAVIN' THIS GIRL AROUND. JANE ARDEN | North dealer. | NorthSouth vulnerable. NORTH 48743 @AKQ10 @AQ10 h62 WEST EAST 425 rw 87647 955 o763 9842 $553 HAKI097@ | SOUTH @KI10962 93 @KIB 428 The bidding: North East Sonth West, 2h 2@ Pass! 19 4 Opening lead--three of clubs, One of the most publicized jrules of defense is that you HERE'S A KISS FO' MAH EX: -uRp/- DINNER!? BRING ME A SARTINLY NOT SS PAIR O' DARK § AH WAS PLANNIN' GLASSES" ) TOBRINGA NEED AH § FA/RFO'MAH- P, SELF IS yo SECRET AGENT X9 must not make a play which gives declarer a ruff and dis- card. There is no doubt that this 1s a good principle to fol- 'low on most hands, but there jis also no doubt that the .rule |should be disregarded whenever ithe circumstances indicate that violating it will benefit the de- fense. | For example, take this case lwhere East found the best line of defense despite the strictures lof the rule. West led a club against four ispades and East cashed the A- |K. It was obvious from the lead jof the three followed by the five jthat West had started with 10 CHANNELS INSTALL =(>-C}=(3(3==--3i FOR '67 *PERFECT RECEPTION e ENJOY THE BEST IN TV Oshawa =OCHEMEMB=eGate Limited There's More To See With Cable TV NO ANTENNA 600 KING ST.E. (EAST. MALL), .723-5278 three clubs to the jack, but, |despite this, East continued with lthe ace and returned still an- lother club. Declarer was unable ito cope with this return, as he could not prevent West from |scoring the queen of spades for ithe setting trick. South would have made the icontract easily but for East's |persistence with clubs. | East's method of defense was icertainly well reasoned. Having leashed the A-K of clubs, he lrealized that the only possible way of beating the contract was for his side to score two trump tricks. Obviously the defense JULIET JONES HENRY NUBBIN MICKEY MOUSE Distetivated by King Featuree Syndicate, GRANDMA WEbises I THERE'S NO OW] BUSINESS AN'NO NBW BUSINESS, % RECKON THAT'S ABOUT AS YOU KNOW, 2 WAGN'T ABLE TO ROUND UP ANY ENTERTAINMENT BITHER +. Tks WHAT HE THINKS / 4 eee FS DON'T TELL THE SECRET TO ANYONE, HEN RY ! HERE IT 1S -- STANISLAYSKY, CAN'T JUST BARGE IN ON HIM, EARL! HE BARGED IN ON My LIFE-- AND MY GIRL~ DIDN'T HE? TO THINK I EVEN I WAS. TO THINK I NINNY!! LISTENED 70 youR AWFUL LIES ABOUT HOW WONDERFUL AN ACTRESS COULD BE SUCH A TELEVISION LOG DOOLEY, I HAVE IT IN MIND TO GIVE RECOGNITION TO SOME OF MY OLDER EMPLOYEES-STEP INTO MY OFFICE, WILL YOU ? ©1%7 Wak Productions World Rights Rererved Ov Like THE DUTCH DOOR, MORTY? ie // MUGGS AND SKEET HONEST, GRANDMA....T DIDN'T KNOW I WAS TRACKING MU ON YOUR NICE, CLEAN WALK. a si Sa ta, Wald gn cee © King Features Syndwatn Ine, 1907. World Welker ramped. | | 2-8--Movie 9--Mr. And Mrs. 4:30 PLM. 9:30 PLM, 4--Andy Griffiths | 11--Woody Woodpecker 1--Merv Griffin | 7--Supermarket Sweep 9--Movie --Love on a Rooftop | 36--Butternut Square 8--Woody Woodpecker 4--Petticoat Junction 3--Pat Boone 4--Movie Channel 12--Peterborough | 10:00 P.M, 1 11:25 A.M. Channel 1i--Hamiitea | %--I_ Spy | 36--Emergency Ward 10 Channel %~Toronto | 7--Fugitive 11:30 A.M. Channet 8--Rochester | 4--Essay on Women 9--Magistrate's Court Channel 7--Buffale | 3-6-12--News Magazine 7--Dating Game Channel ¢--Toronte 10.30 P.M. ; 4--Dick Van Dyke Channel 4--Buttale 3-612 -- Public Eye 2-6--Hollywood Squares Channel 3--Barrie +--Mayor Reports | 12:00 NOON Channe: 2--Buttate 11:00 P.M. | 12--Cartoon Party | 700 P.M. | 7--Money Movie eer | 12-7-4-2-8-3-6-11-9--- News | 9--Toronto Today TUESDAY Eve. | Weather and Sports | 6--Luncheon Date | 11:20 PLM. 4--News, Weather, Sports 5.00 P.M, 'Biviewsoint | 3--Popeye and Pals 12--Cartoons | 2-8--Jeopardy i--Family Theatre 11,25P.M, | 12:30 P.M, #--Superman 11--Plerre Berton | 19-Movie 7--Leramie | &--News, Weather, Sports | 1111's a Match 6--Movie | 4-Skiing with Stein | 3-News; Weather; | SFury uae em, | tears | 5:38 PLM. 7--Movie | }-Eve Guess | 4--Movie | 6-4--Search for Tomorrow 12--Monxees Merv. Griffin 8--McHale's Navy ae OY Salen | Mor PM. 6--Music Hop Suvenners oo 4--Bulding Light 3--Laredo panndcai yrs 1:00 P.M. 2--Of Land and Se pee N--Theatre 0:00 P.M. +--T.B.. | .* Movie 11.45 PLM &--Dialing for Dollars 7--Movie é--Movie | Girl Talk é--Reach for the Top - 12:00 A.M. | 7--Ben Casey 4-8-12--News, Sports witt ll--Mystery Theatre fetid. 1 fe o:90 P.M. ee 1 3--Movie 12--Girl trom UNCLE bat ae | vt: PM. 1i--Pierre Berton 4--Captain Kangaroo | @4--As The World Turns 3-6-9--News; £.30 A.M | 2-8--Let's Make A Deal = | Weather; Sports | 11--Albert J. Steed 2:00 P.M. 8-2--Huntley, Brinkley | 9--Romper 'Room | 7--Newlywed Game 4--News €:55 A.M. | 6-4--Password 7:08 P.M. 7--Dialing for Dollars | §-2--Days of Our Lives 11--Captain Nice Girl Talk | Sie rm +E troop | 9:00 A.M. | 12--Calendar Sc Ainerics | 11--Little People | %-People in Confilet 6_TBA | 3-12--Ed Allen | S4-The Doctors ye y 3 | 9--Uncle Bobby | 7---A Dream Girl 3-Petticoat Junction | &-Goronstion Street | 8&--Smile Time 4--Linkietter's Party 2--News; Weather; |, 4>Bonnie Prudden Sports | !--Pick a Show 3:00 P.M. | 2.20 P.M. 9:30 A.M, 1\--Marriage Confidential | J--News, Weather, Sports| S~Love of Lite 9--Words and Music | a , 8--Gloria 8-2--Another World 7.30 P.M, 3-6-9-11--12--Onatri Schools! 7--General Hospital | 12--T.B.A a--Jack LaLanne 4--To Tell the Truth 9--Star Trek | 10:00 A.M. 3-6-12--Take 30 7--Combat N--Ed Allen Time | 3.25P.M. 6--Dangerman | 9--Fractured Phrases | +News 4--Daktari | 6--Meta Schools | ; 3--Gilligan's Island | 8-2--Reach For the stars | Leta 48, 11--Girl trom | (--Candid Camera N---Farmer's: Daughter UNCLE | 3:12--Canadian Schools en, matter 36-12--Red Skelton Hour UPd scite | 2--Superman Show 11--Morning Time | 3-4-6-12--Edge of Night 8:30 P.M, | 9---TV Bingo 11--Laredo | 6-2--Concentration 0 PM, 9--Avengers | 7--Deonna Reed M1--Super Comics 7--Invaders «Beverly Hillbillies | $1 Love Lucy 8--The Match Game 3-6-12--Communicate 4--Secret Storm | 4--Mike Douglas 4--Red Skelton -8--Occasional Wife 9:00 P.M. 3-6-12 --Friendly Giant | 11:00 A.M, | 12--Romper Room | 1--Mike Douglas 3-6-12--Quentin Durgens Peyton Place 2--Matches and Mates 3-6-12--Long John Silver CROSSWORD | | BEEN WITH US 25 YEARS, SO HE GETS A NEW YOUR HEALTH Harmone Treatment Aids Some Women By JOSEPH G. MOLNER, MD Dear Dr. Molner: Four years|are left in, particularly the cer- ago, at 56, 1 had a_ partial|vix or part of the uterus, then hysterectomy (only uterus and|Pap tests should be continued. tubes removed, not the ovaries).| }fowever, even after _a_total Some time later my doctor | hysterectomy the type of cells started me on hormones and| found in the vaginal wall may|- said I would have to take them| give your physician a clue as as long as I live. Since then |to the need for hormonal treat- had no tricks coming In either hearts or diamonds (even if West had the king of dia- monds). By continuing with clubs, East knew he would beat the hand if West had the Q-x or J-xx of trumps, and that he would lose nothing by giving declarer a ruff and discard even if West's trump holding was anything less than that. East jhad everything to gain and jnothing to lose by persisting with clubs. Police Seize: 25 Persons | | | 'During Mass NEW YORK (AP)--About 25 persons were seized by police during mass in St. Patrick's Cathedral in Manhattan Sunday when they staged a walkout demonstration against the war in Vietnam. Carrying pictures of what was a maimed Vietnamese in- fant, they started walking out about 10:35 a.m. It was just, after Rev. Edward Hartnet of the Roman Catholic Holy Cross Fathers finished his sermon. They were immediately taken into custody in the cathedral's central aisle by a number of plainclothes policemen and de- tectives who had been stationed inside the church. During the demonstration in- side the cathedral, about 20 pickets marched across Fifth Avenue opposite the church, protesting remarks by Francis Cardinal Spellman in support of. the U.S. war effort in Vietnam. Police accused the demon- jstrators of disturbing a relig- ious meeting and conspiracy to jdisturb such a meeting. Pope Critical Of Divorce VATICAN CITY (Reuters) -- Pope Paul, in his first audience |today since recovering from in- fluenza, attacked divorce as 'a' sign of pernicious moral deca- idence."' Intervening in a controversy in Italy over a private deputy's \bill which would permit di- lvorce, he said he is confident- \Italians would understand what * was "'the right choice to make- and to defend." a The 69-year-old pontiff re- ceived in annual audience the, scraper for a long time but is!members of the Holy Roman unable to find one any more. I/Rota, the Holy See's main court couldn't find one cither--M. L.|of law, which deals with annul- ACROSS 2. Appre- 21. City at CIMEMNUICITIeIa) [my doctor has left town, but I/ment, 1, Shower hended mid- A a i lam still taking the pills. Should &, Creane 8. Fish point erecta |! quit? I read in your booklet] pear Dr. Molner: Much of the 9. Late 4. Empire of Suez i 3 ¢ . ny ake! 4; . My 10, "Tempest" ses Ganil CIRIEJATS| ot A that it is not necessary to take|time when I have a strong need spirit abbr. 23, Blectri- PIOSTSCIIpre (nem, for tte Pipi ee 12. Measure 5.Noted - cally JIB LL i tests aft hystere jnoticeably restricted and_ it of land 6, Spoken charged Sieg mA bag s £ +8 a hysterec-!takes more time to relieve the 18, Colored 7. Cheerful atoms fploaisirimnoriers) [Oy Mrs. 7. M. dica| adder Pressure. What can be glass for song 24. Perse- Elo} As I wrote, hormone medica-|causing this?--S. G. mosaics 8. Hate phone tion may be necessary only to} It is one of the classic signs 14. Pastry 9.8. Am. and Yesterday's Answer help a woman over the trouble-| + prostate enlargement ay dessert ungulate others some symptoms of menopause. |inough occasionally other fac- 15. Refuge 11. Lemur 25. Builds 32, Miss As the symptoms subside, the|io.< may be involved. I'd report 16. In lieu 13. Hilton's 27.Scienceof 33. Not treatment can be stopped. If|11i, to your doctor at once. 18. Chinese paradise moralvalues working the Hike aed ro hormones river 15.Withered -- 28. Divinit: 36. Animal's can be resumed. ? : 19.Come back 47, Bulrush 30, Traveled pelt There is a tendency lately to BF yale oe ga ' Pesce 20, Fruit 20. Mexican backand 38. Yes: try continuing hormone medica- , era stones laborer forth Ger. tion well past menopause be- 22. a SOc rs cause it makes some women \ feel generally better. To this, I ' : oP para /) YL can say only that we should so apr teil in mem- $0 hither' oP yyy | Jexercise good judgment. If the|Ory, I can recall seeing people) * partner Z patient clearly is more com- nthe antl Hi perieg . 30. Featherlik 12 Yy\* fortable with the hormones, that|Done or some such thing to : . is good reason for continuing|Scrape the tongue, but it isn't 31, Extrapads [14 y's hein: often necessary and I haven't UU Tae Wye But I look with suspicion on|seen one in ewge 2 soreping hoteboolas Yj}, the tendency to think that be-|!S the ei i , a tooth et $4. Stitchbird 19 7re [ai cause hormones help some|°% rin ge of a spoon should 35, Nova V ; voned, at tl should sos Serve the purpose. i GYt em. Hea an e practise . eae, Y, ea iid GD of medicine are intensely per- Dear Dr. Molner: What pistes 36. Dart | 24 |25 26 27 128 | |sonal, individual matters, and|@, Person's stomach to swell? 37. Steps over Vp each case should be judged on|They told him he had liver a fence 29 A GY 30 its own merits. trouble.--Mrs. L. M. B. 38. Succulent L 3 I do feel that when such hor-| It probably would be more 39. Vehicle 31 32 [33 Gia mones are taken for a prolonged|accurate to say that the pa- with 4 time, it is. usually wise to usejtient's abdomen swells. Cirrho- runners 35 wy them cyclically--that is, to omit/sis of the liver can result in a 40. Macaws 4 them for a week or two each/great deal of water accumulat- 37 y GE month. ling in the abdominal cavity DOWN EE "7 as %Y As: to Pap smears, they arc|(dropsy), and congestion can 1, Wisconsin GY id WY) /74 \not necessary after a total hys-|also cause swelling of the liver city i2@ terectomy, but if some organsjitself. ' ments in matrimonial cases. | SALLY'S SALLIES "He says he'll stay single until he mazties me."