Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Jan 1967, p. 18

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18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Januery 27, 1967 ' 26--Apartments for Rent } ~ [rma For Rent 6-- artments F » For Rent a 26--Apar 7 home. Central. Telephone 725-5191. =e o-bedroom apartment in | FURNISHED ROOMS, single and double, ONLY ONE | LEFT Available at Grenfell Square 723-5111 723-7811 SHELDIAN MANSIONS 2 ond 3 bedroom suites. Petrie pool, opposite south GM, Children welcome. Two baths in all two and three bedroom suites. 728-7942 ~ BONUS We Pay Moving Expenses 1 and 2 bedroom, large opart- ments, fully equipped 190 Nonquon Road 728-9726 | LUSANNE VILLA 330 GIBB STREET Exciting prestige building Centrally located, electrically heated. Roomy breakfast nook and kitchen. Tennis court ond barbeque. ~ REGENT ARMS Immediate Occupancy One and two bedroom apart- ments, close to Oshawa Shop- ping Centre. Adults only. 723-6455, 723-6944 Between 6:00 and 9:30 p.m. |IMODER | apartment, HRE: ~lentrance and driveway, tive-plex. cles to King and Wilson cor- | , ners, Stove and igerator included. [Ritson Rood South 723-6542 or 563) Adults only. Immediate possession, 726- | i 558 | FURNISHED ROOM, --~Feif-contained | Telephone, 648-2 in- ccaoRTaBia rooms to > rent, residential area.|able weekly rates, maid service. R Telephone 725-|rant on premises. Call James Mah Central Hotel, 9 King Street West, Osh- centrally located. N 'oom Bl poe and gerage Exceilent month. Icluded jRental $98 per rtmen 3 Bedroom _qpartme te TBEDROOM apartment for rent,| Owe. 723-9121. ie with extra 2-pi@ee bath' [stove and trig. Private entrance. Please |MARY STREET, horthend, furnished rec- |reation room-bedroom, private bath, elec- phone 723-0814. THREE unfurnished rooms, central heat. | \g Lights and water Included. Available | oro 795-0145. February 1. Apply 234 Gliddon A SUR WisH@O housek aT " je eepi ng | room, ONE-, OR TWO-BEDROOM api | ¥ Apply in person to 77 Celina ereet until (12 eal Ald Centre. Apply 102 Westmou 6 p.m. daily, ie " ----- | SomeouTAELE ROOM for rent, sult- pte "EREDIF UNION buliding, 'unt able for gentleman or lady. Apply 177 {suite building. $110 monthly, couple only. |Athol Street East. Apply 330 Buena Vi Ap days. |ATTRACTIVE furnished bedroom su | GENTLEMAN wilh vliy aes mat | able for refined gentleman in private bedroom apartment, willing to nares same with Anglo - Saxon with sa background. Write Box 54018, © itiewas APARTMENT with ; view. See this top floor, two-bedroom apartment by a phone 725-9559. pointment. re ll Jeannette Nugent, m2 Nate "ROOM for nice clea 4651, {tric heat, dehumidifier, parking. _For entleman in quiet superior home. Tele- 723-3519. | FURNISH sekeeping rt and ait eraten, oceriiral, ieey. only, tae gentleman. | |North district, Telephone 125.9944. room furnished re- | TWO-BEDR -- | apartment: immediately. Telephone 23-6134 9358. oes LARGE TW cellent location, wall to wi or 723- |frigerator, stove, sink, suitable for on _ | two, near south GM. Apply 268 Ma! | Road, vn, |EURNISHED ROOM with kitchen and broa stove, frig, Neues O ities, soa, | FURNISH Ladies ug Burk Street area. phone 728-528 | Telephone 728-0451 THI riment, private] FURNISHED ROOM, board option references re-'Lunches packed. Congenial surroundings. iquired. One or two children welcome. | Young man preferred, Whitby. 668-6534. | Telephone Laaoli aA |LIGHT housekeeping room in new, clean | two- BEOR Dariment, pri-jhome, complete privacy, near Wilson |vate entrance pig gig Telephone 723-|Road shopping plaza. Telephone 728-4439 14712 after 7.30 p.m. after 3 p.m. ONE BROROOM. "apartment, children| LARGE, clean, furnished room for tw y no 118 | welcome. Green'to share, Private entrance and bath | Street, 'wnitoye Telephone 668-8820. and radio $10 each. Telephone 725: 2370 lwo = BEDROOM apartment, refriger-|*1"¢" 5 ator, stove, heat and hydro. New build- ing. Children welcome. Telephone 723- 8068. ne one |ONFURMISHED "three - room Seatac | partment, shared bath. Dundas Street east, Whitby. Telephone 668-6226 FOUR-ROOM upstairs apartment, |28--Room and Board SINGLE ROOMS and BOARD | Apply: , near Fittings, heat and hydro paid. Reason- jable rent, 232 McKim Street. | e. Telephone 728 169. FURNISHED 2 room apartment, ground! meals, lunches packed, laundry done, floor, suitable for working couple or two | 725-8045. e men or girls. Private entrance and bath. || apge "nicely "deco in quiet Parking. 725-0352. iene' | home for young leay call ater 's: 30, 723- THREE ROOM furnished apartment | aul | 2481. able for working couple, heat and hydro |) jage sin " gle room and board "for one included. Parking, private entrance. Tele- gentleman. Apply 38 Brock. Street E ee eee OOM AND BOARD ¢ tle fo nee lor gen emen to SMALL apartment, no child |share, single beds, central location. 57 ROYALE APARTMENTS 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Avoiloble anytime. To view please telephone 728-5282. Available February Ist ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Ample parking, quiet build- ing. Close to Oshawa Shop- ping Centre. Adults only. 723-6455--723-6944 Near | hospital. DOP 5 Sommerville Averue or 3-1386 before q ae NISHED BEDROOM, kitchen privi-| nears: Middle-aged woman only. In @ good fadult home, central, parking. Telephone pa 25 Division St. _ | | CHE der, automatic, radio. No downpayment, | | $25 month, Licence J1718, Wellrman's = [7351 LIO ONS 1964 FALCON, one owntrCady's car. =I |cence 42732E. Wellman's 728- 7351. CENTENNIAL 1963 OLDSMOBILE, Super 88, ee hardtop, power steering and brakes, new | tires. Telephone 723-0746. ie BINGO r | 1960 "HILEMAN, ideal second ca j week. Licence H9429, Wellman' |1963 RAMBLER, one owner, 6 cylinder, radio. Above aiareer Licence 90179. Wellman's 728-735) |1968 IMPALA. ~"Buecttive. "driven 6 cylin 'der, automatic. One year guarantee. Li- | cence 94324, Wellman's Motors. 728- 735). SAVE DOLLARS! Several good used cars, '55's and up. Trades $1,850. IN CASH PRIZES Plus Free Draw for, accepted. rag arranged. R, B. Motor Sales, 509 oor E. - i Pri fees et $s invertible, pow- $100. in 10 Door 1205 er steering, brakes, automatic. Telephone A jen and 10 centennial 1967 DO! 'Monaco 500, automatic, pow. souveniers er 'srakes, steering, Nae? ge boil 383 inch, rivate, Best offer. Telephone ' | 725.608. ee This Week Only 63 PONTIAC scparisienne, two seer hardtop, V-6, automatic, power equip! j Lic. 2078, Reduced to $1,395. Ted Camp 2 JACKPOTS lin Motors, Oshawa. CHEVROLET impala, two door hard- top, V-8, autornatic, er gag pe Lic. : $200. Each Sits eee haen. See] BOTH MUST GO 1962 CORVAIR Monza, fours speed shift, jnew white walls, 6 Needs some bye $400 or best oer. 723-0894 after 4 p.m. \ie6 IMPALA sedan, V-8, automatic, | power steering and power brakes, radio, | $2,450 or best offer. No trades. 723-6334. |i967 CHEVROLET, 283 automatic, good Increased to $300. In 52 Nos. or Less PLUS tires, radio, mechanically sound, bedy 4 fair, Telephone 728-1306. $10. per line both games _ |1963 PONTIAC Laurentian "sedan, auto : matic, power steering, deluxe radio.| Early Bird game 7:45 sharp. 'Vi white with red interior. Engine in A-1 shape, interior very clean. 723-8483. Guaranteed minimum $5. per 1966 PONTIAC Parisienne, 2 door hard- line and $25. full card. top, 396, hydramatic, power A get brakes, io, snow fires, 14,000 miles. $2,500. or trade, 728-9975. $150. Jackpot Game 1965 COMET Caliente, V-8, four-dcor, automatic transmission, power steering, 20 regula tates at ye whitewalls and radio, must sell. Tele- Double in los. or less phone 725-8189. | Last 5 games, $30. per game. Admission $1.00 1964 CHEVROLET Impala, two-door hard-| top, 283 automatic, radio. Five new white- | walls. Beautiful condition. Best offer, will | take trade. 728-1892. 'sa PONTIAC Parisienne, two door hard-| Bus service leaving King ond ry momar R tw 'pariment, pri \ NEW BUILDING cvrha eg ge ad te. , power steering, automatic, V-8, 5 Simcoe Street at 7:00 and be a SINGLE Jarge ri , good eae "Wunches| (82514) Uniroyal master Lie gest 7:15 p.m. One, two or three bedrooms TREET, WHITBY -- Three packed. Parking. Close to bus stop,|reer speaker, A-1 shape, $1,795. Tele-| lable. Mola Gl im ASH $ ' ss Gentlemen. Apply. 708 Carnegie Av phone 723-8846, ee now available. 'ala len | bedroom apartment with fridge, stove, in eee | oe BARTER SR, OVINE ; Wednesda oportments, 835 Oxford: St duplex. Large kitchen, living room. CLEAN HOME for gentlemen, parking, | 1966 550, cylin ere auto-| y . ~~ | Electrically heated, Heat, hydro sup: home-cooked meals, TV. 43 Garrard Rd., tic, radio, New car warranty. Reduced | Free hydro, free moving. |plied, Telephone 668-3597 by K-Mart. | ; Wellman's Motors. 728-735). J 25 Now open for inspection. | suing ROOM apartinent, "mod: ROOM AND BOARD for young lady, |LIENS PAID OFF. We @ trade "vp, down anuary Telephone. 725-0657, 728- |ern rh rene. Electric heating, stove large bedroom. Good location. Telephone |e even, No down paymen| as 2226 or 728-6883. and refrigerator. Downtown. Telephone 723-9938 rms. Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 726- 78. JUBILEE PAVILION | 728-3546. ------- | YOUNG MEN, abstainers, home "cooked | 3] Compact Cars for Sale % VOLVO. and PEUGOT x MERCEDES BENZ BINGO General Aca and DNIPRO HALL Auto-Electric Service ATG EVERY TUESDAY Jake and Bill's Garage 7:30 P.M. 449 Ritson Rd. South Oshawo 728-0921 All regular gomes $10. Sennen ------ |ROOM AND BOARD for ft, shed o OE BEDROOM so}, Parking | parking facilities. Near south GM. Tele- space, bus. service at door. For imm phone 723-8364, 863 Ritson Road South. ROOM AND BOARD for gentiemen, very 25-76%: central, good hearty meals. Lots of park- ONE - BEDROOM, second floor apart. |'"0 space. Telephone S76" dni ment, on Simcoe Street North. Close to | SINGLE ROOM and board for one girl tin diate possession, 422 Bloor Street Best. shopping, bus stop at door. Telephone) ipa ate home on Burk Street. Telephone 723-9605, 728-5980, ADi "Tooms, two bed- | ROOM AND BOARD for gen n, one rooms, large ppl ii} apartment, bal-|room to share and two A vit parking. cony, In triplex, stove, refrigerator, | Shift workers welcome. Five- or seven- washer, dryer, and extras. Newly decor-|day week. Telephone 728-2479, ated, Immediate occupancy. 723-7284. | ROOM or room and board for SUBLET two - bedroom apartment, wall|man willing to share room, & to wall broadioom, stove, refrigerator,|week if desired, King and Park ey Share the Wealth Jackpot $150. 50 Nos. or $20 Consolation Good. service. for_greater ZOLTAN and NICK'S Your Authorized Datsun ond Fiat' Deater OBITUARIES FABIAN (Fay) CONLIN The death occurred suddenly, Jan. 23, in Toronto, of Fabian (Fay) Conlin, a former resident of Oshawa, He was in his 58th year. Born in East Whitby Town- ship, the deceased was a son of Mrs. Mary Agnes Conlin and the late Sebastian Conlin. He received his education at the Conlin Public School in East Whitby and the Oshawa High School. Mr. Conlin was a member of St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Church. Since moving to Tor- onto, several years ago, he had attended St. Michael's Cathe- dral. The deceased is survived by his mother, who lives in Oshawa and three sisters, Mrs. Norval Crossman (Marguerite) and Mrs. Frank Love (Florence) both of Oshawa and Mrs. Albert Barker (Kathleen) of Montreal. Mr. Conlin is at the McIntosh- Anderson Funeral Home for Requiem High Mass at 10 a.m., Jan. 26 in St. Gregory's Church, Rev. J. Markle will sing the Mass. Interment will be in St. Gregory's Cemetery. The Rosary will be recited at the funeral home at 8 p.m., Wednesday. FUNERAL OF SAMUEL WHITBREAD The funeral Service for) Samuel Whitbread, who died at} the Oshawa General Hospital,} Jan. 15, was held Jan. 18 at the! Gerrow Funeral Chapel. The service was conducted by | Rey. N. F. Swackhammer, pas- tor. of First Baptist Church. In- terment was in Oshawa Union Cemetery. The pallbearers were Harold, Donald and Harry Whitbread! jand George Fraser. IN MEMORIAM BROOKS -- In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Ernest George wre who passed away January 24,/ oy rest. reps thea remembered by the Brooks' FORESTALL -- In loving memory of | 8 dear mother, Cora Forestall, who pass: | ed away January 24, 1963. Dear Mom, what we Mead give If we| could say, "Hello Mom,' in the same old way; To see you sitting In that chair; To know you waited there; To hear your voice and see your smile, To sit with you, and chat awhile, Specializing in Volkswagen attendance. by gto --e FREE ADMISSION imcoe Sou' 728-0051 DNIPRO HALL >! | Corner Bloor and Edith Sts. " "MGB, low mileage, | radio, wire wheels, | - |two tops, must sell, private, best offer) accepted. Telephone 723-0523. 1960 VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, condition. 50c "er KINSMEN BINGO laundry facilities, drapes. Electric heat |area. 728-5455. eee In rent. Telephone 728-2387 after | PRIVATE ROOM and board Tn new home, Lhhde 'close to shopping centre and south GM. LARGE 3-bedroom 'apartment in quiet | Telephone bath Call therile Rankine at 728-7576. Sibby's Real Estate Ltd, TWO-BEDROOM apartment, second floor, Bap bath and entrance, $90. , heat and hydro Included. Te! phone Yan: 5618 fr 12 noon. ONE- AND TWO-BEDROOM apartments in brand new buliding, dag code H large baicony. Suane steam Taunton Road East, 725-9328 er "a. yo | Whitby. 668-4783. triplex by shopping centre, reseen | as finan on 6 -- 9:30 P.M. stove, Srapes, broadioom included. Avail- |CLEAN, joung lady. Close to | abl T 7ns-a982 downtown, Seven' ai days, meals, laundry. Entra RAL, two-bedroom spartment, and | one ite regener ee = | 7 3577, 3076 between 2:30 ke nly includ Wanted Re u) and 6 p.m. son + Kin 1» $65. mon ve clu ne | ain i500 MONTHLY. Frig., stove. Three Telephone. 7 aH Avaliable 'go OMA eae Vented te te Rent ¢ 'elephone 725-9: ween 5-7 p.m. Hi ern an email acreage, or lnediste, possession. MA furnished | | house 'and barn, or house and small THREE - ROOM furnished basement) apartment, with private bath. Ciose to south General Motors, Suitable for work- ai couple. Available February 6. 725 near Oshawa, Call 263-8434, ware D two bedroom apartment, cen- sonable rent, near north GM by February 15th. Telephone 728-6791. |30--Automobiles For Sale Two ROOM basement apartment, coun-| setting, one child welcome, will mind | he: $25! 2 -- $200 -- No. 51-54 1 MUST GO TUESDAY seats, monthly. Private. 725-8640. 32--Trucks for Sale SiX TOW TRUCKS, all sizes. One Scou' with snow plough and winch and plough- ul See Saturdays Ad two-way radio system.) ADMISSION 50c aoa EUCHRE, Boys' Club, Evlalie Avenue, | Ing contracts, Also towing business. 146 GMC handy van, 70,600 miles. 321 \brakes, fires, Pi ints $320, Days 725- A774, Sponsored hts 728-4314 child while er works, off Road West, convenient for Oshawa or CONVERTIBLE TOPS Nylon $89.00 up ONE-BEDROOM Saarinen stove a! refrigerator, balcon' and fi Included In rent. sia 725-6155 ere evenings. SnarsEDROOM apartment, with stov Bad + BEDROOM apartment. -- Living room, kitchen and adda bath. Por ure ther information phone 728-4190, EDROOM apa in ONE-BEDROOM aes apart- ment buliding, $110 monthly, heat, hydro Included. Telephone 723-6856 after 6 p.m. ONE - BEDROOM apariment, electric heating, stove and refrigerator, drapes. $100 monthly Includes all services. Avail- pad February 1 or 15. 723-1282, or two-bedroom apart heat Pag hyéro Included. Telephone ne Taser TWO-BEDROOM epariment for rent, $90 monthly, heat and light included, selt- atter 6 p.m. THREE-BEDROOM apartment in double house, newly decorated, heat supplied. contained, Dundas Bast, Whitby. 728-7680) ON; YP Near THREE-ROOM apartment, good location. Garage with paved driveway. schoa shopping. $100 momthly. 728-4236) Heavy duty stove and refrigerator, TV THI ROOMS with bath in private|Apply 214 Arthur Street. home. Hest and hydro Included. $75 monthly. 88 Say eee South. Tele- phone 725-2480 a north General THR three-piece bath, Including yh trance, refrigerator, stove, tig! pee Apply 623 Olive mornings or Repairs to all makes of cars. Antique upholstery ond re- storation. suNtRT. One bedroom apartment. $122 BILL'S CUSTOM AUTO TRIM lo damage It. Ava! fig, drapes, No damage depen. Avart.|monthly, heat and hydro Included. 'Close! 409 Brock St. _S., Whitby pin 170 Park ad. pele ssa " De South General Motors. Telephone 723- Days 668-8101 ay 655-4575 THUNDERBIRD TERR. two-bedroom apartments undry fa itles and lockers on . Large W A N T E D suites with utilities and drapes. Thermo- statically controlled In each room, under-| Good elean local ears for ground parking availa' 190 Nonquen| cosh. Road or telephone 728-9726. THREE-ROOM upstairs apartment, pri- MORLEY STALKER vate bath only $85 monthly. For more MOTORS particulars "telephone 728-5040 3 137 King West TWO-BEDROOM ea ae for 1, 0:|723-8311 723-6322, Including stove, refrigerator, drapes broadloom in living room, balcony, iver | area, Telephone 728-2256. DROOM apartment in six-plex. Available February 1. Apply 410 King | Street East or Apt. § at 285 Montrave) Avenue. Rebuilt Transmissions GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP 576-2610 Oshawa Transmission antenna. Located at 240 Ritson Rd, South. Service 1175 Nelson Street RAMBLER TWO ROOM, completely furnished api ment, on third floor, Close to hospital, Motors, and downtown, paid. 728-728: WILSON-KING AR' apartment with pr! and lawn, Retrigerator monthly. 725-039 rig three-room trance $90 e and 'stove, All THREE ROOM, downstairs. apartment. |Private bath and entrance. Close to bus land shopping. Telephone 723-0406. SALES--SERVICE and PAINT New ond used cors, TWO-BEDROOM apartment, electrically heated, refrigerator, stove, drapes. Cen- traily located. Baby welcome. Available February 1. Apply 25 Mill Street, Apt. 4. 723-3295. ONE - BEDROOM apartment for im- Cavalier Apart- medi occupancy, ments. Telephone 723-0278. Two - (OOM NO - BEDROOM apartment, entrance, main floor, private bath. Tele- phone 725-5922 or 218 Celina Street. ONE, two, three-bedroom apartments, | 2 modern building, tray be er gas com. No children unde ONE- AND TWo- a 'ea | unfurnished, refrigerator and stove Aduits only; $85. and $95. monthly, Tele- phone 725-3388. NICELY furnished 1 ment, clean home. $ult business couple, no children. 310 Richmond Street East. Telephone 728-8792. private bedroom apart- ne South of Courtice one. 728-3261 Motof City Auto Wreckers owned @nd operated by Kenneth Sumersford Ltd. CARS WANTED Buying A New Car ? Sell your used cor to 'Ted' Talk "Cash" to the New Bose announce the arrival of their raha Diane Elaine, 8 ibs., on Tuesday, Janu ary 17, at The Oshawa General Hospital. Waiting at home are five happy brothers. of thelr son Christopher Ronald, 7 ae 11 ozs., on Saturday January 21, at Osh- awa General Hospital. the fourth floor staff. ~ EX-|sponsored by Eastview Ladies' Auxillary nig' | School | Association. 33--Automobiles Wanted RUMMAGE SALE, Harmony Hall, ¢ dan 2 MOTOR CITY vary 25, 9.30 a.m. Good used clothing. | AUTO, WRECKERS K. SUMERSFORD LTD. BIRTHS AYLWARD -- Joe and Gloria, wish to DUNFORD -- Grant and Gloria (nee MCQUAID -- Cherished memories Smith) are happy to announce the birth|@ dear Dad and Granddad, Kenneth Mc- Many thanks to We wonder why you had to d Without a chance to say 'Goodbye'. , So you who have a mother, Cherish her with care, For you will never know the heartache Until you. see her. vacant chair, |--Sadly missed and always remembered |by daughter Helen, and son-in-law Ray. | | | | JONES -- Cherished memories of \dear wife, Isabell, who passed away Jan |vary 24, 1965, In tears | saw you sinking, »| 1 watched you fade away, My heart was almost broken, cellent condition. Apply Windsor | every Tuesday. You ft ' B. fought so hard to stay. jatee. Telephone | 725- 79 after 6 p.m. RUMMAGE | $A b-| But when | saw you sleeping, |1961 ENVOY use, January 28, 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.| So peacefully free from pain, by Cedardale Home and| ! could not wish you back | To suffer that again. |--Sadly missed by husband Ross. FP} tale -- In loving memory of my dear mother, Isabell, who passed away | January 24, 1965. Years of striving, Ilttle of play, Loving, giving the whole of the way; A cherished smile, a heart of gold; Bh Mh dearest mother the world could 'old, Happy memories, fond and true, rom one who thought the world of you. |--Sadly missed by son Douglas. | of} | Quaid, | 1941, In our hearts, @ memory | For a dad we loved-- And will never forget. |--Always remembered by son who passed away January 24, Is kept are | Car Dealer and "Save". TED CAMPIN MOTORS 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 | DEATHS ®UNERAL OF IVAN L. CRAWFORD The memorial service for Ivan Lloyd Crawford ,who died Jan. 19, was held at 2 p.m. Jan. 23, at the Armstrong Funeral Home. The deceased was in his 36th year. The service was conducted by the Venerable H. D. Cleverdon, rector of Christ Memorial An- glican Church. Interment was in Mount Lawn Cemetery. The pallbearers were Robert Hosking, Dean Whitney, Robert McClimond, Robert Mason, Ronald McPhee and Ronald Wright. Stan Musial Cards' GM By BEN BROWN ST. LOUIS (AP)--Stan Mus-| ial, who is the third general manager of the St. Louis Cardi- nals in four years, feels the Na- tional League club is in good shape for the 1967 baseball cam- paign. The 46-year-old Musial, who Credit Union Tops Tony's. Pultz Scores Two Goals bly's Beverages 2-1 and B'Nal Phil Pultz scored a pair of; iB" Rith downed Canadian Corps goals as Auto Workers Credit Gnion downed Tony's Refresh- ments 4-0 in Oshawa Juvenilé| Hockey League action Monday} at Civic Auditorium. = Kiraly scored twice for |Scugogs with other goals going to Guy Charbonneau, Earl Jar- In another game, Oshawa! vis, Brian Payl and Yvon La- Dairy downed Hayden Macdon-! |casse ald 3-2. | Frank Allison and Ken Me- Dave Lovell and Bill Mor-; \Inally tallied for Westmount Ki- rison scored single goals for | wanis and Brent DeLong re- Credit Union. | Daryl Hudgin notched a se jof goals for Oshawa Dairy and Tom Dart one. Wayne Hodgson! and Chris Stead scored for Hay- den Macdonald. In midget division action at} Brooklin, the bantam all-stars, Local 222, blanked Canadian} Legion 2-0 and Ideal Dairy) edged Uniroyal Centre 3-2. Martin Sheppard and Tom Lonsberry scored for Local 222 while goals in the other game went to Randy Maddock, Ted: Boivin and Paul LeBlanc of Ideal Dairy, Danny Paget and Scugog Cleaners blanked Po- stars 6-0.in a major bantam ame. In other action, West- played 22 years with the Cardi- nals, became general manager} | Monday succeeding Robert |Howsam, who resigned -- ito accept a similar post with |\the Cincinnati Reds. Howsam replaced Bing De- |vine as general manager during \the 1964 season. "We have a good, well bal- anced ball club," Musial said jafter his selection was an- 'nounced. "We plan no major} iplaves changes or trades at this) time,"' he added. With only 15 players on the 40-| man roster signed, Musial's lfirst job will be to get the here to agree to 1967 terms.) | mong those still to be signed lis. grt Maris, who hit 61 homers for the New York Yan- | kees in 1961. Maris came to the Cardinals in a winter trade. Campbell Fines Lawns Hodge MONTREAL...(CP)...--.. T._he "three - round" fight between)" Claude Larose and Ken Hodge |during a Montreal Canadiens- |Chicago Black Hawks National 'Hockey League game last Sat- urday night cost the -partici pants another $100 each Mon-) | day. president Clarence in levying the additional fines: "In my opinion the automatic fines totalling |$100 each . . . are not adequate in respect to their disgraceful conduct... | A report from game officials \said that the Canadiens' Larose and Hawks' Hodge began bat- tling near the Chicago goal |during the third period of the ;game in Montreal. Several other |players joined in the melee. | Larose and Hodge were sepa- jrated, and referee John Ashley | warned they would be liable to jthe automatic $50 fine if they |started again. They did and the League |Campbell said, dg was imposed. After being parted a second time, the Larose-Hodge match |began again as the players were en route to the penalty box. |Each was given a game mis- conduct, which includes a fine of $50. | - In - law Hilda, |Mary Ellen, Kenneth and 'allan, |NORTON -- ALF ass He Arena ae hy SHAW N AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars bought, parts for sale. tron and metels |bought. 89 Bloor Street East. 725-2311. | WANTED cars for wrecking. No charge for towing. Telephone 728-4549. Robert Nichols. CONLIN, Fabian ek 23, 1967, Fabla , beloved s foving brother of Mrs. Nerval Crossma Mrs, and the late Sebastian Conlin, |dear wife, | Elsie A, Sorte whe peed peclit tent Her memory Is our keepsake, we which we'll never part) od has her In his keeping, have her In our hearts. at Toronto, on Monday, pty lary 24, 1962. Conlin, we WANTED -- cars, trucks, farm tractors| (Marguerite), Mrs. Frank Love (Flor-| for wrecking. Parr Avto Wreckers,|ence), Oshawa, and Mrs. Albert Barker --Ever remembered by husband Wils and Enniskillen, 263-2508. (Kathleen), Montreai, Resting at the 'emily. --_ |McIntosh-Anderson Funeral Home, 152 7 i iT hi 34--Automobile Repair --_| King St. &;, Oshawa. Reauiem, Mass "| WEST -- In loving memory of a dear lday, January 26 at 10 a.m, Interment St. 1038 Simcoe St. N. 728-7339 Tronsmissions are Our Only |son of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Crawford, |father of Lynda, Donald, Edward ani Paul, Oshawa, and brother of Mrs. _\ONE "BEDROOM ground. floor apart-|¢ 59 - 61 models ment, stove, refrigerator, close. to down- your choice ! slow Telepurie. (rae BILL BENNETT 27--Rooms for Rent MOTORS ATTRACTIVELY aa FURNISHED: ROOM Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 720-0071. | "MORE CASH Paid for Good Clean Cars. Trade up-or down. Liens paid. Brooklin Phone 655-3653 @ Motor Rebuilding HALL, Margaret Christina Entered into rest @ Cylinder Reboring sence, 721 Dundas Siraet West, Whithy:| visit the Park Office. 7-Johnnie R, in fitti on Sunday, January 22, 1967, argaret 1%, 6-Buckeye Jake, Ue reais -@ Pinfitting © Resleeving Christina Ross, widow of the late Rich- 723-2633 Also Started: Dawk, Marianne Rig. 4 Fle a ard H, pata Nb ales of Mrs, Uy LOCKE'S FLORIST dell, oy Amber and Shirley's Faber. rankshaft an 'alve Smith, Whitby, Mrs. lan White (Rena), Scratch Johnny's Choice. ; [Richmond Hill, Whitwell, Windsor, Sher-| Funeral arrangements and ' Service wood, Oshawa, Ross, Whitby, Morley,| floral arrangements for all FOURTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace). {Richmond Hill, Roy, Belleville, in her ; Purse $800 (8) } ~ |35--Lost and and Found 99th year. Resting at the Armstrong Occasions 5-Miss Angela, Feagan 8.10 39 2.80 a raga regRT ae OTE neral Home, Oshawa, with 3-Hickory, Waples LOST -- Cat, bieck with whit » part Angora, Olive - 728-3645 after 5 p.m. LOST -- Car wheel disc, Oldsmobile patch, learnt In the chapel, Wednesday, | Cemetery, Oshawa. Ale puke Edna Catherine ra hydro. Apply 396 Pine Avenue. is "gpartments on ground floor. heated apartments from $75 to $85 month- ly. Telephone 668-4812. WHITBY, four-rcom duplex, furnished or Pad bedtyg re et and hydro Included. | Also or room jp board, Parking, TV. Tele-\65 CORVAIR Monza, less than 17,000 | Telephone 725-7169 after 5| [CENTRAL WHITBY, room with house feearen bauble keeping privileges, sult young gentleman less Blue, phone rag water, parking lecantne" 'coupe de Ville, 48,000 miles |showroom condition, $2,400. OM o i 'efrigerator, sto hot {ease Apply 410 King S Street East. \days, 725-4774 nights 728-4314, F anon earl apartment two business ladies. East end of city. $70 | Ly ng heat and hydro included. Tele- phone 728-5567. ted, trig. stove, h parking. elephone 723-3078. ONE-BEDROOM a iment, or unfurnished, newly decorated, ¢ suppiled, parking space, bus Bl at oe downtown ares. 725-8964 after 6 <r i heated, new Sendran,|23 ELGIN STREET EAST -- | Furnished | Wreckers' 7 ARGE ; room with large tle leer window, Storage spac Completely 1966 RAMBLER 220, 6 cylinder, | private. Wilson and Crerar area. Tele-| dard. New car warranty, reduced $1, | phone 728-4439 after 3 p.m. 92619. Wellman's Motors. ROOMS FOR RENT. Apply 194 Farewell . it icence 7 735}. room for gentleman, housekeeping priv-} 723-5238. Ss Close to downtown. Please apply | LIENS PAID OFF. We trade up, up, down. P. hoose from over 60 cars. No down inane Gus Brown Motors Ltd., 728 Sys. |1964 CHEVY wagon, V-8, auto erry Benilemen, lradio. Like new. Licence X9605, SINGLE ROOMS $12, to share $10, semi- private $10. Whitby 668-5201. San - Lares one- and two-bedroom apartments, in apartment building, close to gd 'and shopping. Telephone Ajsx close to North GM and downtown, shaattdnal Brock street east or call 728-6319 tem | 1960 MORRIS, radio, new tires, eam. to 2.30 p.m. evenings. After 4,/ late throughout. 2050. 220071, Wellman's, 728-7351, > imma radio. Telephone Telephone $10 per month. Licence St. Gregory's the Great Church on Thurs- | AUTOMATIC Grey, ys Canneterys Saar: TRANSMISSION Entered Into rest In Oshawa on Thurs-) TRE |day, January 19, 1967, Ivan Lloyd Cra CEN |ford, beloved husband of Lorraine Lamb, in the family resi-) Grandview | gry 25 at 2 p.m. Interment 'mount Lawn wite and mother, who passed away Janu- im y 24, 1954, Oh happy days we once enjoyed, | How sweet their memory still, But death has left a loneliness | 'The world cen never fil, 1 tamlly, remembered by husband Ross and! ONE SINGLE ROOM and four-room Easy to finance ot hes apartment ity, bath, ratrigeraion #73) NIICOLS MOTORS LTD. | Business -- Repoirs, Adjust: Meee eee Kasticlons "Rayrvend. ane| pA CASTING. TRIBUTE 8 a.m. - 2.30 p.m, After 4 p.m., 723-2050. WHITBY -- 668-3331 ments, Exchanges. All Work David, Bowmanville; in his 36h year.| For Permanance and dignity THREE-ROON nvemar sorte Guaranteed [Beer amare ener ta, | we sugges self-contained. Apply 584 Montgomery fe MOUNT LAWN Avenue or call 728-6319. | DOWN---$30_ MO. FRED STONE ineerent Mount Lawn Cemetery.. MEMORIAL PARK BRONZE MEMORIALS | For courteous advice please " GREENWOOD RACE RESULTS FIRST RACH -- 1 Mile (Trot). V Purse $800 (8) 6Susan's B'day, F'ness 4.60 3.50 2.80 4-Brickley Star, Pathol 22.40 15.10 Carolina Mike, Gudmi Also Started: Darkle Beieaei Spicy Number, Lee Worthy $, V, IN Harmony, and Jeff Friday. SECOND RACH -- 1 Mile (Pace). Purse $900 (7) 6-O'Nellbro Chips, S'ton 74.80 a: - re b SHI Adieu, Waddell |7-Riverdale Jennifer, He 3. 30 Also Started: Lady ba. Graops, Slikway Direct, ine enn "$pence Scratched, Peso. DAILY DOUBLE PAID $221.40 DQ--Finished 4th, disqualified and hee Sth for a lapped on break at the wire. THIRD RACE -- 1 Mile (Trot). $800 (7). 5-Sabrina Lee, peeved Purse OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 Hour Phone Service 728-6555 After hours 725-7928 Melodie Byrde, Gilmour Also Started: Eddlos, panzer ea ving, Maybelle K C and P Hal FIFTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace). Purse King Street East. Deceased. Gertrude's Church Wednesday, Januar thi 1h of City of Toronto, County of ie LiNuray er ie Oran. on Lea York, who died on or about the 23rd of October, 1966 are hereby notified to send to the undersigned Executor on or before the 17th of February, Cancer Society will be appreciated.) STEPHENSON, William James Stinson and dear father of Mary heme to the claims of which notice has. been received. Dated Jonuary 6th, 1967. CROWN TRUST COMPANY, 302 Bay Street, Toronto 1, Canado RENT THAT VACANCY through Rent Ade -- Call 723-3492 today for action! Kindness beyond Price, yet within reach of all GERROW 390 KING STREET WEST Telephone 728-6226 FUNERAL CHAPEL! Requiem Mass in St. ¥Y| SUMMERS -- The family of the inp [z-uee Grattan, Gilm ay | evening at 8 o'clock.) (Donations to the ie ielsdntee Mla torn br nadia acts|and Gordon Lee. |neral Home for their thoughtfulness. A ere. thanks to Mr. Skelton and Mr. yle for their kindness to us during /g-Amb Abbe, Hil Suddenly as the result of an accident on mbrose gece Sunday, January 22, 1967, William James 'he recent 1s. te eee muppane and ¢-Peplar heey, ranelay Stephenson beloved husband of Marlin) |Saywell of St. thanks also to Mr. Stephen's United Church jfor He kind words and deeds. --Mi M. Summers, and daughters Karen and Brenda. Sincere | NINTH RACE -- 1 Mile (Pace). Purse $900 (8) TINK -- We wish to extend our heart- 3.Stormknight, Murphy 11.80 6.20 4.60 nd bel Cricket, Turcotte 6.10 ie 1-Margo MacDuff, Farr Also Started: Castle Direct, Rush, Yankee's Pride, and Van's Gift. 6 NEWLY | decorated, one-bedroom | bast. Ave. of telephone 723-4712 after 7:30 p.m. {1963 PONTIAC Parisienne, four new tires,| 1967, their names ond full | line, Donald and Charles, son of Mr. and | bath. King Street East. $70, monty. Sult- |ATTRACTIVE furnished bed Foam, |Power aerial, reverb, four-speed record) particulars of their claims. | Mrs fk. f- eprensan ot Barkean ms Bie de mint pa ays {kitchen and laundr mivilecen xin plyer. A-1 condition. $1,850. Telephone | f 28th year. Resting at the Chapel of Mc- | able for coup Kiichien and Weundry privileaed, Parking | gas abi Immediately after the said | Dermott-Panabaker, Port Perry for serv- no or maar re short y - fom este ene me, hy Soler ie. lenis radisiorss ei car barihy Late date, the estate will be dis ire on Weanen at 2 p.m. Interment rooms, o odels our. specialty Courtice Auto| tributed, having regord only |S S00 Ten sso aia ae |felt thanks and appreciation for the lof kindness, messages of sympathy, tiful floral jthe heart fund received from neighbors, | relatives and many friends. Speci thanks to Rev. John: Romeril and Rev. ae, in for their consoling words in our sad bereavement of a) alae Mabang fr father. Many thanks | to The Northcutt and Smith Funeral Home for thele efficient handling of the! arrangements. H, Tink and family. offerings and donations to 5-Country Mite, Feagan 14.10 ae yay imour at 10 a.m. Interment Resurrection | james A. Summers » of Taunton t, against the estate of the Cemetery. ase ya bales lohaglt West, wish to express their Se eaetanss| pet Srarieas hreosew Wave. Little above-named decesased, late /|° y 9 ayers foritg the friends and neighbors for the|Etsel, Dean Sultan B, Meadow Lynch, EIGHTH RACE Optional Claiming. Purse 1 sa (Pace). $1,401 690° 5.60 7.40; 5.40 2. |§-PaTPhilbrick, Gelsel Also Started: Rendezvous Boy, The Gibb, Mae Mir, Guy Attorney, and $cion igratian. Marchet Lincoin's Champ} 761 Total Pool $995-698 Gannets, fish-eating seabirds, dive as deep as 50 feet below the water's surface to catch fish. 6.70 4.40 2, 2.80) Terry Andrews of Uniroyal. | lice Association pee wee all-| g |the others. mount Kiwanis nipped Ham-'scored for Rangers. plied for Hambly's. Mike Harper fired a pair of goals for 'Nai B'Rith, with the others going to Tom Rora- beck, Gerald Coe and Randy lOstle. Nick Sirko scored for Canadian Corps. In bantam play, Canadian lTire defeated Keith Peters |Realty 4-2 and Ernie Cay Lum- ber Co. trimmed Rangers 4-1. Jeff Wilson, Larry Patton, Wayne Patfield and Kevin Copi- thorne scored for Canadian tq with Frank Donovan and Jim Nemish scoring for Keith eters. Dave Brabin banged in two goals for Ernie Cay, with Randy Orr and Mike Noonan notching Rick Woodcock | Bradburn, Woods Claim Church League Shutouts Knox Church blanked West- jminster Church 1-0 and Christ {Church shut out Harmony [Church 3-0 in Protestant /Church Bantam Hockey League} action this week, Bob Bradburn. was in goal jfor Knox with Joe Woods col- eon the shutout for Christ hurch, Saunders counted the lone goal for Knox while Christ Church marksmen were Uens, Osborne and Lockie. In pee wee action, North- |minster blanked St. Andrew's 3-0, King St. topped First Bap- tist by the same score, St. Paul's tied Southminster 1-1 and Simcoe St. United tied Westmount 2-2. David Field fired two goals for: _Northminster with Scott NHL Red Wings 'Beat Hamilton HAMILTON (CP) Bruce MacGregor scored three goals Monday night to lead Detroit Red Wings of the National Hockey League to an 8-1 exhibi- tion victory over Hamilton Red habe g their farm team in the Ontario Hockey Association Junior A series. Defenceman Bert Marshall, Andy Bathgate, Ted Hampson, Peter Mahovlich and Dean Prentice scored the other De- troit goals. Right wing Sandy Snow scored for Hamilton. Detroit drew all three minor penalties and fired 33 shots at Gerry Gray, the Junior A series leading goalie. Hank Bassen, in the Detroit goal, was. tested 23 times. \Brinning adding the other and John Bowes recording the shut- out. Mike: Gawker matched a pair of goals for King St. and Randy |Patton one. Robert Sutherland of St. Paul's and Mike Donnelly of Southminster traded _ goals while David Smith scored twice for Simcoe St., and Mark, Wil- son and Paul Dionne replied for Westmount. Four shutouts were recorded in novice action as St. Mark's topped St. Paul's 1-0, St. Luke's trimmed Northminster 5-0 and Harmony played to a scoreless tie with Albert St. Recording shutouts were goalkeepers David Gill, St. Mark's, Russell Spiers, Haz- mony, Paul. Wiltshire, Albert St., and George Pigden, St. Luke's, Wayne Willmore scored for St. Mark's while Grant Hornby and Clarke Moore each scored twice for St. Luke's and Eddie Szcur once. In other action, St. Andrew's tied Christ Church 1-1, as Jor- dan Lambert scored for St. Andrew's and Carl Mason re- plied. Doug Freeman notched a pair of goals and Jeff Keenan one for Simcoe St. United in a 3-1 win over King St. Tim Brown scored for King St. Jeff White banged in a pair of goals as Rangers topped Black Hawks 3-2 in mite com- petition. Bob Stirling scored the other goal for Rangers, with Randy Flint scoring twice for Hawks. Red Wings tied Maple Leafs 1-1 with Danny Wendorf and lag Prout handling the score ing. cough FE ae Close t Dae 'te Sle ce Se nO, BOS eal jal Hospital, B Nh $800 (8), jentleman ig jousekeeping. Close to} collect 985-7489. Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Korth GM. Apply 160 William Street EXPO DODD MOTOR SALES = Sundey, January 22, 1967, Edna Cathe- 4-Darky Atom, Troy 8.70 5.20 3.50 East. | 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 36--Legal rine Kenefick Hear!, belov wife of 6-Satan, Pelchat 12.60 vn WHITBY -- Private three rooms, bath, George L. Hear!, 167 King Street East, 1-Buckeye Worthy, Filion Rooms 723-9421 Bowmanville, dear mother of Lucy and Also Started: Bonnie Hal G, Midniont refrigerator, stove, heat, hydro in- Fi Babe, Cent Fallout, Sundow! cluded. $85. monthly. Adults preferred N ti . ie le Brances Hear. Recta at te C Ee i, century | Falioyt,: Sungewn Direct 668-2930. | Suburban home 155 St. Denis CADILLAC orice ie) Funeral mass in St. Joseph's Roman ARD OF THANKS ° FURNISHED 3. rooms, wane ee Street, Chateauguey. 514- . Catholic Church on at 10 SIXTH BAER -- 1 Mile (Trot). Purse apartment, private bath, yale a6 ' f 1965 Creditors a.m, Interment Bowmanville Cemetery. | $1,000 (8) included, parking space. Adults. Con 692-6386 McKAY {6Concord H'ver, G'mour 24.50 nie ad 'HT! Telephone 725-0492, SURE RcLE SueIITG TS TD Sedan de Ville. Private sole, d LYNCH, Charles Alexander Mckay san ee Hap ad eta BOY, Menno SOFT N SWING pA Bi by Hyg een ¢ Puc {ai facilities. Supper if desired, Telephone} one owner. Fully equipped, an Others At Western oritar ciaries cinch Sun" their friends and neighbors for flowers, | Fg NE al es 'weit contal ned, S65: monthly, 1 and Uc 28-6563. $4,500. For inspection call ot Fae eee ear eiiso loving) cards, and sympathy received during their | Po-Ka-Bout, Castle Wave, High Ax, and. By ANNE ADAMS neludi vail able now. Simcoe SEALER ES eA Cor Wai 11 Bitar at or thert e recent bereavement. Also Beaton and! Kelly Tod. and_ Orc! Tears room and bed- uto-Magic Car Was' 6 In the Estate of ther of Dianne, Catherine, Karen and| py. Richmond and the nursing stat of | EXACT i sGUK e080 sined "unfurnianed foo" hot and cold water in room, gentie-| Bond St., West _,Oshowo. IDA MAY COOK Charles, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles 1° of the Oshawa General Hospital. AV TOR? 6 OND hy Tne ere There's a swingy softness to apartment gs og Mg oe aay Ce eae CHRVRDLET. Iwoel . Mistiah'<. Andersen Funeral Homer 182 Oras. McKay and femily. | SEVENTH RACH -- 1 Mile (Pace). the skirt, princess curve to the a 7 in! - Anderson nera a ®: or nn | Centre ing Impala, convertible, RETIRED TEACHER i sed M1 oe Purse $900. (8). 'bodice -- you'll wear this casual jaround the clock love it 39 more every minute! | Printed Pattern 4630; Misses') |Sizes 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size) 114 requires 25% yards 45-inch |fabric. Fifty cents (50c) in coins (no | stamps, please) for each pat- tern. Ontario residents add 3c |sales tax. Print plainly Size, 'Name, Address, Style Number. | Send: order to Anne Adams, \care of The Oshawa Times, | Pattern Dept., 60 Front St. W., | Toronto 1, Ontario. Spring's Fashions are a joy {for all sizes! See 115 styles, 2 free hat patterns, fabrics, ac- cessories in new Spring-Sum- mer Pattern Catalog. Gift Cou- |pon for free pattern in Catalog. iSend 50c. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS KNIT 'N' TRIM By ALICE BROOKS Knit jacket from neck down -- sleeves too, in stockinette stitch. Embroidery trim. Embroider red roses on easy- knit jacket. Transfer is actual size -- simple to place. Pattern |7262: sizes 32-34; 36-38; 40-42; |44-46 included. Thirty-five cents (coins) for each pattern (no stamps, please) to Alice Brooks, care of The Oshawa Times, Needlecraft Dept., 60 Front St. W., Toronto 1, Ontario. Ontario residents add 2c sales tax. Print plainly Pattern Number, Name, Ad- dress. 210 Most Beautiful Needle- craft Designs in new 1967 Needlecraft Catalog! Knit, cro- chet fashions, afghans, quilts, embroidery, toys, gifts. 2 Free Patterns. Send 25c¢ today, 12 remarkable heirloom quilts -- complete patterns in color in Museum Quilt Book 2. Quilting Motifs. Send 60c. Send also for Quilt Book 1 ~-- 16 complete patterns. 60c. DONALD DUCK BLONDIE ear LI'L ABNER ae ] f FERRE | eae a Ln NUBBIN 7 Ww oe 6 B= =| S JULIET JONES HENRY MICKEY MOUSE _--_--_--_--_---- GRANDMA A ee ee MUGGS AND SKEET = To ae Bs. =a \

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