Hi R e e | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, Jenuary 27, 1967 11 igh Costs, Resignations Hospital Staff To Strike | Township R . | A l af Hit Centennial Centre Hard Se ad 1 ntenni € e | . 7 'swore A Defiance Of Order Investigat TORONTO (CP) -- Ontario's} The officials will also attempt|tion of opinion in the size of the; Centennial Centre of Science|to explain why cost estimates|centre. | PEMBROKE (CP)--The On- and Technology, hard-hit' by|have risen from an initial $5.-| 5) 4. OR MUSEUM | GRAND FALLS, Nfld. (CP)--|being sent home. The institu-|'atio department of municipal spiralling costs and a wave of/000,000 to the present $25,000,- ed Non - professional workers|tion, which has beds for about) #'fairs is to begin an investiga- resignations, will attempt today/000 to $30,000,000. «, |_ Initially, the centre was con-| planned to strike at the Central] 120 patients, reported only 73 in| lon today into a agg among to improve its tarnished public} «nay are also expected to ex- ceived as essentially a museum) Newfoundland Hospital today in|the hospital Monday night. A Stafford Township Councillors image. plain a the centre's first di-|¥it®, 4 emphasis on develop-|defiance of a provincial govern-|hospital spokesman said he felt|tiat has, among other things, Centre officials will announce) -ector and nine of his staff have ments in science and technol-/ment restraining order. these could be adequately cared|Preve the township from a firm completion date for the resigned during the last six ogy. Exhibits were to be largely! about 90 of the 135 members|for by medical staff and volun-|SeMding out its water bills. major Ontario centennial proj-| 1 onths. historical. , of Local 990, Canadian Union of| teers. The township is barred from ect ata news briefing designed _,|, The $5,000,000 figure was/pubiic Employees, voted Mon-| Earlier, a conciliation board|sending out the bills because t to prevent the centre becoming} A centre spokesman saidjbased on Ontario matching a day night to strike at 9 a.m. |report recommending wage in-|a water rates bylaw: has aot : a political football in the On-/Monday that a major factor in/$2,500,000 federal grant to each) "21 president Bill Wiseman|CTeases was accepted by both|+.. ved by the Ontario =! tario legislature session which|both the increasing costs and province for its major centen- said in an interview the local is|Sides but the hospital said its n appro ; opens Wednesday. resignations has been an evolu- nial project. supported by the national union|funds must come from the pro- Municipal Board. t Lg ae eid oy ' bo tn ite Stina, vincial health department.| The board has refused to ap- noun . iB i ; it of 1965, when Premier John Ro-| 'They were in an uproar," he a oo report have not|prove the bylaw until council : has r esen a aml y barts unveiled detailed plans|said of membership reaction to No echaainat Gu be A agrees on disposition of a $4,678 i for the centre, cost estimates] tne: government's order earlier ment has been made) payment received by the town: Ps had soared to $14,000,000. 'nthe day which: 1h effect out by government officials on|ship from the provincial depart- ' At this point the centre's eclesed a { whatever sufficient funds to|ment of highways after the 9 esu c1ien conomy scope had been widened tojlawed any strike. _ |meet the increases, estimated|department had torn up _priv- t where it was to be god the} "We're going to strike at : rs by the ---- total $80,000 an-|ately owned watermains in the i poe oat * i tech-|the morning. We're prepared to! nually, will forthcoming. townships. China is a land of. calamity.|pilloried by Mao's "great pro-|world's great science an 'r For "at least 2,000 years its{letarian cultural revolution" as|nological errery: iso go all the way. | f people have been the victims of|a traitor to communism, _|trating on he cent scientific) In st. John's, Premier Small- ppvvasnntnat brsnernanovensensenesstea conénesimonesenestias 2 disasters, natural and man-| Mao had many clashes with|breakthroughs. wood declined comment. FATS NOW ON SALE AT BOXOFFICE OR BY MAIL! 8 made, Another man-made dis-|Stalin's Soviet party and nur-| The premier said then that : ue He . : d the|tured his revolution out of Mos-|the first buildings would be| DECLARES EMERGENCY ones 22. RODGERS = HAMMERSTEINS $ z -- -- é ph reach ready by mid-1967, but further) Premier Smallwood an-|: Po or ee Ee s gay luti Imost failed.|modifications in official think-|nounced as the legislature re-) he RORERTY s The current power struggle} The revolution almost failed. |? 5 dates back at least a decade,|He saved it by his famed 8,000-|ing and design postponed con-|convened Monday that the gov-| RE OUND ys Behind the political troubles}mile Long March to escape struction starts. : ernment had decided to dec are |: OF, CZ. s i i i Chiang's t) Thousands per- 'n/a State of emergency at the hos-/|= U e lie the ancient economic ones,|/Chiang's troops. Thousands per- | ,25¢ moRE TIME, FUNDS! ital is COLOR : aggravated now by reckless ished. But the remnants holed Whéa the contract for the | Pital. 1s OL : totalitarian measures which des-/up in 10,000 caves around Yenan first three buildings was The order was gazetted later, EVENINGS 8:00 PM pu : perately sought cures. An at-jin the bleak northwest. The awarded last year to Pigott| making it official. EVENINGS (Fri. ond Sat.) 2.00 § tempt was made a decade ago|Japanese attack on China and)~ ot ction Co., the cost had| Administrator Ralph Moores) MATINEES 2:00 P.M. at to turn China's teeming millions|then the Second World War gave| "6 + 991 700,000 and it was|Said only emergency and ma-/ ~y sayouS pavers THEATRE MATIBIERS (Wedeesday) 125 © re into what a French observer Mao's forces a new lease on life. generally agreed the project terinity patients were being ad- Soncecccceescccccs Meee eerscecenccces Coecceecegoces 2 once described as a "nation of} Eight years of war left China couldn't possibly be finished in mitted and some patients were) __ SAE SDS NEE a ORE Sea tenes FA blue ants."' It failed, spe geno F beeps vag Bocoene peg Pekan 1967 t- and the fuse of today's greatjresult was a Communist victors Dh . 4 political explosion began sput-|on the mainland by Oct. 1, 1949.|,, Subsequent resightaon® eve t THE ROTARY CLUB OF OSHAWA 'h i wre ath several convulsions|Prompted suggestions that the ax xemp PRESENTS THE SECOND ANNUAL : Maile ls i: The "great proletarian cul- oer yas ge eigersee'e centre wouldn't be opened until val | T ] t 99 f tural revolution" launched last : A 1969, but the spokesman said een- a en owcase 4 YOU COULD SAY IT SN D ft continued to suffer hardship. , | summer by Mao Tse - tung, Monday the target date will be) I PUT ETS e ke A heavy snowstorm Here the road to the ski crusted with snow and ice. eg Sa peer 1958 KEY YEAR some time next year. | WED., JAN. 25th at 8:00 P.M. i i i iti . jmunist party, al eae The current convulsion ma Te- hich marooned hundreds resort is pen once more A Trai power vallures in the [ally, Defence Minister Lin Pia0,ltrace directly to early 1958. It\poris' ef dissension. within the| OTTAWA. (CP)--The cost of EASTDALE COLLEGIATE Fed rae night sare poe those departing fk those area during the height of ier in Pe creat Gich ite bra _ that tbe politburo|centre's: staff have been mis- poy get ig 1s, 900,008) CLASSICAL, POPULAR, FOLK SINGING d. ing I ivi ver li levelopin; _ROWladopted a "resolution on. the i cut by $14,000,000 to $15,000, TICKET , Gatnday abeted sesterday, ny phe cto veecily on. pa nes (AP Wirephoto) |has reached a new and critical establishment of people's com- "ae the centre, being|@"ually if drugs were ex- Secondary School Music sch A Kingsway College, = - ; -------- : rae ainee. munes in agricultural commun-|, 1+ on a 190-acre site over-(¢™mPted from the 12-per-cent Oshawa Catholic High School, Rotarians and Henderson's ed ities." This was Mao's Great| UY" 5 federal sales tax, the parliamen- Book Store. . e BASED IN HUNGER Pee rd, by which h looking Toronto's Don Valley,|) 3. committee on drug prices At the base of China's troubles |4#8P Forward, by which he ex-| i he unique in Canada in|'8!Y ¢ j pected to transform China's 7 was told Monday night. a are backwardness and empty that it will attempt to be fully pellies--this despite the fact|backward economy. contemporary. The estimate was given by) ad witica "pie A j Opposition bécame evident by|*", to|J. C. Turnbull of 'Toronto, ex- "Ww China has achieved five atomic . Aim of the centre will be to 1 rs eenlos d produced .|the end of 1958 at the eighth 1 .jecutive director of the Cana- a8 plosions and produced a nu i translate recent scientific ad : = : clear-tipped missile. oo party congress, at vancement into terms under-|dian Pharmaceutical Associa- Tish Goode or eepilng om cene For at least 2,000 years, feed- The leap envisaged not. only|st0od by the general public who pen hoc repr sents retail be ing China's population has been}, pew regimentation for agri-|Visit it. P . roe > a ; : ' i ; ,|a major problem. For that long,|cujtural production, but a big|t0od by the general public who| Committee chairman Dr. Is In Town VANCOUVER (CP) --Twojwith their superiors for their{ment--in recommending @ Pri-|Gning has been subject to floods, advance 1 Heel cendaction by\vit. tt Harry Harley (L--Halton) asked 50 RCMP officers Monday told alpart in the affair. vate detective to Pat O'Neal.|arougnts and famines, tor- the device of backyard Seer. The spokesman said the res-|whether druggists would pass : ' wi royal commission investigating} Corporal Harry Reed andjorganizer for the International! ented by eroded soil and fer-|r, 1958 about 60,000,000 men|ignations, delays and cost infla-|the saving on to their customers Stor of "Stage ~ Redio and re- the electronic eavesdropping at|Constable Eugene P. Ouellette|Brotherhood of Pulp and Sul-|qcioys rivers, condemned to and women in towns and cities|tions could all be traced to in-/if the sales tax was removed yn @ pulp union's Vancouver con-|testified they acted independ-|phite and Paper Mill Workers.| 1), 5ues of pests. were dragooned into this stee]|decision as to the centre's fu-|from drugs. Enjoy Her Songs m- vention they got into trouble|ently--with no official involve-| The two i _ intelli- China is slightly smaller than| production effort. tare role. The association president, D. Harel den Puke Sivties ast firmed cane testimony 'Mr.{Canada, but only one-tenth of] By the end of that year, 98 A. Denholm of Vancouver, said * J O'Neal that he asked them to|its land can be cultivated, and|per cent of all farms were on| ¥ . ' the druggists would, provided NIGHTLY ioe ren s ro ams suggest someone who could help|!ess than half of that is good|the "people's commune' sys- toring drug manufacturers cut their pare obtain information at the|fatmland. This must feed altem, a total of almost 125,000,000 prices in line with the tax 9 TO 1 A.M. convention of the rival Pulp|Population of 750,000,000, grow-|families. Those who objected relief. | and Paper Workers of Canada.|ing at a current annual rate of|that this was a desperately Tots Charged In a supplement to its brief ; ee em rom After telling Mr. O'Neal at 15,000,000. reckless attempt to cure China's submitted last June, the assoc- Bae A es eoaze pos aie | Chink might have had ajills were branded "right-wing On-jiation said removal of the Are ose Paces ye Bie rev 0 " chance with Sun Yat-sen's 1911|opportunists." t peta a ng agi vids ceutten "highly improper tax levy on NEW YORK (AP)--Dr. Isi-|dren and some vigilant parents, pata onal Bod cag revolution "against the Manchu| The objectors included many ry night of "cold-storaging" |iliness" would result in retail MOTOR HOTEL dore Ziferstein, a Los Angelesjare the blocks of cartoon pro-/reamtt ring devices at the |dynasty. The agent for destruc-|who today are judged to be emotionally disturbed children.|Price reductions of five to 10 ese psychiatrist, in a recent article,)grams on all three networks hats eee a q|tion of that revolution was thelamong Mao's chief opponents. Ss haves cause irom Jemiieer cnt. no that was critical of ary ed Hie an a.m. until after noon pea ba otel were discovered ung Chan Tang (Chinese Com-| The "leap" became the object cen aie octet ot Hien -- -- im. vision programming for chil-| Saturdays. : Jee _.. |munist party) created by agents|of sco 4 ridicule ¢ : ' "i the dren, wrote that children be-| There are, in all, 24 different} When senior RCMP. officials|o¢ Se come aint Inter- Soviet Commnicniat on ke ween bigs NE gy ed "HOW TO STEAL | DRIVE-IN tween the ages of five and sixjcartoon shows during these/heard about their involvement national, including a man named| was one of the contributing fac- Freee Canta ta TOCGHIE Bath OF A MILLION watch television on an average|hours each Saturday. Theyjin the bugging incident, Cor- Nguyen Than, who now is Holtors not only to today's con- Sich treat. dletivbed . saideen. AUDREY HEPBURN THEATRE 'ky. * Nichol ry ae ee en NBC's phy cy to CBS" Un. fette finns Bib a5 phir' Chi Minh of North Vietnam. |vulsion, but to the deep split in| Mr, Brown was speaking at a PATER O'TOOLE ~~ COLOR ik LCHCRRE Onna Serer sont. lthat wh t the founding|world communism which : '. =pOe OVER" mn ee, eg aggy a ovo we. . Lyi tau ye kerb -- mete a "Shanghai in 1921, developed swiftly after 1958. eta be ae Ceatia. Philips Rg Color ALL COLOR SHOW the Commission, in an interview |sions like King Kong, rare "| Corporal Reed told Commis-|iater purged Soviet elements| It proved to be a great leap|cial Service Club. hia, to PA. thaw Searle VO fs cee taped for broadcast | Monday/stein Jr., SP et mn a tax {sion Chairman R. A. Sargent hel ang the party went over to in-|backward. Mao faced rising|° He has been the centre of a| Set and Sun. Show Sterte 6:30 at isa night observed that "tens of/Beatles, Milton the Monster, had tried to warn Graham that|<yrrection which continued into|discontent and insistent de- eotiteovarsy over his treatment FREE IN-CAR HEATERS RODGERS & HAMMERSTEINS ank millions of children in this coun-|Magilla Gorilla and Hippety|police and federal transport de-| evolution, with Chu Teh. as the|mands to reverse his course. of such children since his dis- CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE A ; try are spending more time/Hooper. Most of them arelnartment investigators had organizer of Mao's 4th Route] The ferment in China was|micsal from Warrendale some te ita with the television set than injharmless enough and are built/found the bugging devices, S0|army. Today Chu, at 80, is'rising to the top. time after he was named a New and school--and are getting very|around animals. that the private investigator Damouetic Parts taemnate f08 seoving DEBORAH KERR/VUL BRYNNER rity little for this expenditure of) ~ bye ---- ic Pages wouldn't get caught with them. Ge aust Gana Guna ohio. PAAR COMM LATICLT iga- time." bse wet arse intel sated us"! He said he felt that since he I ] d ton who And even the cans oeerverin te Youngsters 244 nothing aad orouent cratam, a former) TIWAUG AMLCKESES ANVOLVEG! tin wes». sanzerou 2ND BIG HIT ing notes a mar : ra RCMP officer, into the situa- : i i posse scheduled ' tly if . ; oa deine passivity the €X-ltion he ought to help him to es- i A ah bag hide children * = te quality programs . cape any bad publicity which C d C Cl "Most adult hospitals for the @ THE SCREEN'S MOST , oraren: ite of the death of|™ght arise from the discovery ana lan ompany alms mentally ill are not suitable as ! ° of There is Captain Kangaroo on| CBS, in aod o! f rere tis of the devices. iinapitals for adtiie, much less 2 i . ved CBS, a highly apt pps Hen fhoci nasina ooltyhndl Pis-| He said he was also afraid) WASHINGTON (CP) --Twolits pipeline across territory now|for children." P Wi > ' the Py ts Ay ag rl of 13\tols 'n' Petticoats to the end of|the publicity might involve the|American natural gas transmis-|served by Northern and the] Mr. Brown said he favors Ne Ey" ae a childrens i i Petrik the season. When Miss Sheridan|RCMP and might increase the|sion companies have private in-|"issue 1s one of a private in-|treating emotionally disturbed DG PNB. has oe pote beties gE was taken ill two months ago, friction between the two unions.|terests in seeking to extend|terest against the interest of the|children in small. residential dren's Theatre and early in|she had completed all but one| '2 knew I had done this thing/hearings before the Federal|public." communtiies, SUGn Ba tue Ae Box Offi 7:00 IN-CAR rens iheatre Pape eR ca twork .ja8 an individual," said Corporal|power Commission, says Trans- centres he has set up in On- ox ice Opens at 7: p.m. March will present Rabbit Hill.jepisode under the network con Reed, "but I felt that if my|canada Pipe Lines Lid MADE RIVAL BID tario, British Columbia and Sa- HEATERS AT But seen only by small chil-'tract. name came up, the RCMP ; any is|. Northern has its rival pro-|skatchewan under Brown's Show Starts at 7:30 p.m. NO EXTRA might be involved." The Canadian company !5/)oca1 before examiner Levy, of- Camps Ltd. : cost . s When asked by Commission |#5*ing the commission today tolfering to take Canadian gas at Children Under 12 Free a E erlence Of Bein A Star Counsel George Mies if @ pores wad _ Pac gg the Manitoba border while pro- ALWAYS A COLOR CARTOON xp also, had the 'very human de-[209,900,000 project in time to|Yidi"é Ontario with American IZZA Last Times Tonight -- 2 Features sire" to protect himself, Cor- atait delivering more. Alberta|®#5- s poral Reed said: "Oh, I imag- As for Panhandle, Trans-Can- sf e 1ven ve one ine I had this in mind too." \&25 to Eastern eg wee 6 ada said the company is selling Phone 72% ong ms | Dec. ou ry markets by next fall ada said the company is gelling or 728.01 HELD OVER - FOURTH WEEK i by TIPPED BY CALL Northern Natural Gas Co. and|,' temporary basis "at a higher EPI'S a HOLLYWOOD (AP)--'Every|down; I refused between three| Constable Ouellette told the|Panhandle Eastern Pipe Line price than the company is per- ; j man should be afforded the ex-|and four million dollars' worth)hearing the tip of the discovery|Co. last week asked the Com-|vitteg to sell in the U.S." ities perience of being a movie starjof jobs during that time. Ijin the hotel room came by tele-|mision to reopen hearings con- they in his early 20s," says Warren|would lead them on, and then|phone from soneone who identi-|cluded last summer to take "Devil- Perea' Beatty. at the last minute I couldn't|fied himself as "Constable|further evidence. FOR THOSE WHO THINK YOUNG aan "The life is truly wonderful--/|do the picture. I couldn't bring Cowan. Trans-Canada's objections to (No Age Limit) a dogfights in' ane the public acceptance, the ab-|myself to make the decision. If anyone there is interested, | ch a step is being submitted New ... Exciting ths aides jake sence of anonymity, the abund-| "Success had come too early,|he ge police and the depart-\+gqay to commissioner ex- dei wae beep ance of available girls. Why,|too fast, too easily. I didn't/ment of transport are on the|aminer William Levy. He has THE BLUE DOLPHIN baer Bi cing, I've seen men of 65 still strug-|know how to handle it, and so bivel 0 the oe, Hotel because |-ajled a conference of the in- love affairs on ouse gling to have those things. How/| did nothing but have fund." Heng aura ret equipment |terested parties and then will A Dance Hall & A Coffee House the ground!" cond lucky a person is to have those} 4+ the end of two years, the|"25 been found there," said the |decide whether to have more Zé out things early in life--and then|+4, began to diminish, as did -- at Raed said bi hearings or proceed with a non- For the New Breed of '67 : ie go on to something else.' his bankroll. Finding' himself)i, warn Grohern tee chet at |biding tecommendation in the FRIDAY, JANUARY 27th ae Beatty was reviewing his own/si9,000 in debt, he agreed to telephoned his office, the pri- case for the full commission to Presenting: THE ORPH ANS be 4 unorthodox career in the film) perform in Youngblood Hawk. Piss » ie Pri-/ reject or confirm. g: ic ' pe' WK-| vate detective's answering serv- Bonus: Free A&W Hamburgs & Root Beer four business. Five years ago he|But two weeks before the film ice told him that Graham was| A Trans - Canada statement us: Free lamburg ie on made a startling debut in Splen-|was to start, he walked out.lout of ¢ about its submission says grant- NONQUON ROAD -- NORTH OSHAWA out of town. ys gra INQ : iV open dor in the Grass and followed|james Franciscus' played the "I said if she could get a mes-| ing the Northern request would|} Time: 8:30 - 1:00 1.25 Single -- 2.00 Couples . \\ AX at site bli ged mai ag gg role. sage to him to tell him Harry| mean delaying construction of am SE . suc! istinction ; i ceased identifying him as Shir) Met voi a hurey or elge|move out," stiied Corporal scone CFRCE DEPPARN JAMES MASON URSULA ANDRESS f= Her. i Reed. i KARL MICHAEL VOGLER: Then Beatty went into a two be permanently banished, HeRe Graham tater phonea| Mave Your Custom Built SHE BUUE WAY meen neuro wenn a year eclipse that scemed IneX-| 'or. but at least he regained the|back to Corporal Reed and said * 'seen BE BARI na BASIUO FRARICHINA sem DAVID PURSALL nt JACK SEDDOM aa GERALD HARLEY' a get tye in ability to work. He followed|it was too ry the equipment Home, built hy the Best reer sous tc eae on masrac econo » CINEMASCOPE Color by Delfi 4 ' " 4 ilms, notably |hat m found. RE MERE ANRENNE REE LT TT LAN having fun," he says. "The ex-|with three other films, : ternal napects of being a movie| Kaleidoscope. a Toning cewtiones tiny, raed sige hers star fascinated me, and I found | Weekdays at 7 & 9:35 -- Sot. from 1:00, Sun. from 1:30 Jpper more pleasure Pe rego off to RA 4 A 2 Paris, getting drunk and carry- ee @) N C E R T ss n die ing on with the dolls than in Construction 'THE NEW \ The working." i chers GOT REPUTATION OSHAWA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA q| Ketinger 'Construction can 'offer you te vout ODEON THE ATRE two Meanwhile, he was getting a with | experience ond ¢raftsmanship which has made the FEATURE AT: i reputation as an "enfant ter- nome Kassinger, synomous with "Lovely Places to Mortgages ean be erranged 1:30 - 3:25 O STARTS 'or a pi I was," he re- General Motors Male Chorus | eee : pSonys'y eS 5:30 - 7:30 - 9:30 Te ata ons AWA ; 'ep marks. "I su e some people 2 Kassinger will build to your own design or you fave vour bei tet Gevaloned would 'call me temperamental, SAT. JAN. 28, 1967 at 8:30 p.m. |] can choose your home from one of the mony by Kessinger Construction, ENGAGEMENT FEB. 1- FEB. 28 - but this is a business of tem- EASTDALE COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM award winning designs of Kassingers. FOR RESERVATIONS CALL hoa perament." : HARMONY ROAD NORTH 150 ROSSLAND ROAD 25-5562 "Much of my reputation for ] 725-5833 or 725- being difficult came from|]| ADULTS $1.00 STUDENTS 50c | H. KASSINGER CONSTRUCTION 728-7583 People whose scripts I turned tin aid . ol ry ig | , bed '