Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Jan 1967, p. 21

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| THE OSHAWA TIMES, 21 TWERE THEY ARE! INTERCEPT THEM! SINK | Thursdoy, January 26, 1967 'THE BOAT TWAT HAS THE MISSILE ABOARD! > at p oe ea i W i WHAT BROUGHT YOU PLEASE TAKE) | | TO YOUR SENSES? L_ME BACK, ¥ OH, LAST NIGHT YOU WERE ROAisoy VERY WELL) ea | COME IN! NEVER GOING TO SEE ME ZG AM 2 | pam ET 7 am) *. Re | % |g { THAT E HAVE | NINE HUNDRED AND | SEVENTY-SIX DOLLARS . INVESTED MAN THE PATROL BOATS! THE YANKEES HAVE STOLEN ONE OF OUR SAM COMPLEXES! WELL, GOT TO 1 FIGURING IT OUT, NOT COUNTING CHRISTMAS AND b BIRTHDAY PRESENTS- hz FOUND OUT... andi fen + _ BRIDGE \(Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual Championship Play) * Diatetbatd by Kling Features Syndicate, Pa X AGAIN! | BUZ SAWYER DONALD DUCK b>» | «1 iemaageat = East dealer. --_---- | North-South vulnerable, | a SG NORTH = ES 462 KOs @KI74 (PX row eur MY New [Pt can HarRowy Up WELL, WHAT YOU STAY AWAY FROM | west wi HAT ON PAGWOODS WAIT TO HEAR u DID YOU THINK : ETS | | CHAMACOS DON'T YOU DARE . EAST CHAIR 60 He'LL BE HIS OPINION | FLAT THIS 4 YOU'LL SLEEP HERE. ITS NOT AW, ' E SPEAK TO HIM/ HES MINES @KQI10974 o853 \ @UR@ TO NOTICE YEAR AREN'T, LIKE A HOTEL....BUT IT'S THE REE : ¢ wo4 #510763 IT RIGHT AWAY, | THEY? BEST ROOM YOU'LL FIND IN E 3 O85 ] THIS CAVE, 4Q78 A92 | . 4 bd rm AB . " > \\ SOUTH 3 } aA =) yaa ' a ' WAS Zz p [Ie d $4Q10962 9 { = #10658 fa feel | The bidding: ---- | = | inet South West North " is & 8 4 =x} Pass 5@ ' . e The bidding 1:26 | Opening lead - king of spades. / FUST SHO ul 'Es There are many hands where TH -arryo: \------®] (SECOND SHOT!!~ay' : EA Aaah hapa poe egewe: me K ' Udi tgrlg a aeone YOU JUST DONT TRYING To LIVE mit card is well placed or a Mes STRUCK BACHELORS GOES BEAUTIES GOES HOWLIN' AN' SHRIEKIN' KNOW WHEN To BY THE GUN RIGHT earticulas be vel P arowr gets / LOOPIN' OFF, INA LAFFABLE ATTEMPT AFTER 'EM, WIFOUT A OUNCETO' M . M F ERCY IN QUIT; DO YOU : Bok cela aes Wher the TO EXCAPE MAN'S INEVITABLE lw SHARA? ge ; é ee 4 , ee ruruc aes © "Be the if t ORE HEARTS." PA inn " card is badly placed or the sui x Oy Me is divided unfavorably For example, take Let's say you're decl diamonds and West spade. When dummy mes down, you see that the con- tract depends solely on not losing three club trricks If West has the ace, vou can make the hand very eéasil leading a club towards. the king. However, it would be wrong to stake everything on this one possibility, What 3 jshould do instead is start te 10 CHANNELS | *PERFECT RECEPTION e NO ANTENNA think in terms of makin contract even if East has the ace of clubs. ENJOY THE BEST IN TV Re ae |spade with the ace, enter_dum- my with a trump, and ruff a if spade. This is step one of a |plan to strip your hand and |dummy's of spades and hearts in order to create an endplay Oy / LI'L ABNER SECRET AGENT X9 © King Peateree Yyat : p A 600 KING ST.E. position later on. , ' Next you draw another round Oshawa #OO}E4EG--=6o%- Limited There's More To See (EAST MALL),.723-5278 ees Seat mecha see With Cable TV A-K-Q of hearts, on which you discard a club: You note with satisfaction that West shows WHERE ARE YOU 6 WELL, YOU SHOULD yo an out on the third heart, for. this HEADE? 4 Ree poeteae ue I E L E V I I O N L O ww HUBERT means that the contract 1 ABLE POSSESSION oe rested > ; ZL WITH You! HANDS Up! salir a be . fea ed re -- Channel 12--Peterdorough | $-2----Dean Martin 3,6--Butternut Square MAY WE HAVE OUR 4 Fg 0 = ere the ace of clubs A Channe! 11--Hamiiten | 7--Stage '67 2--Matches and Mates ? jis locate Channei %--Toronto 16--20 Million Questions ACCOUNT TOTAL' ; es | , 17.25 A.M. You now lead the eight of é Channe: &--Rochester 3-Girl from U.N.CL.E. | gg s+ Cawrence North s. = 18 i Channel 7--Butialo 10.30 P.M. CEN 203, Cx) + jhearts from dummy, and, when i Sheen) Sponste | 9-T.H.E. Cat $---Naclstraigs Soult rls East plays the ten, you discard =] Channel 3--Barrie aged te ae #2 Hollywood Squares . )} Ox janother club from your hand. fa cgay itdchihiden 12-11-98 1-6-3-2~- News coleh van bine Show i se o% East is then in the u t ea Saat Weather, Sports 12:00 NOON ~ ; jposition of having to return a ; > THURSDAY EVE, 11.20 P.M. | 12--Cartoon Party Fc = jclub, establishing the king 1 = §:00 P.M, vig bets | 2 eToronte Today \trick, or else give you a ruff AWAY FROM 12--Three Stooges 11.25 P.M, Jeopardy HOME! THAT'S Family Theatre | 11--Plerre Berton | 7--Movie jand discard. -- WHERE! &--Superman 46--News, Weather, | Sen eather Note that this method of play hen 1 ite wtih Stein | Sports irae likewise succeeds if Fast has a--Mister Ed. j 1: PM, | Popeye and Pals . four hearts instead of five, and 3:8 Fm. 7~Movie is ote P.M. that it also never gives up on 4 Rare Rs oldagag Pyroad te Carson 1--I's A Match the possibility that West has 3-6--Music Hop ' a-News, Weather, the ace of g¢lubs 4 11:35 PLM, | 2--Of Land and Seas Edgar Wallace i: ity | |- -- PE i Tice wine 6-4--Search For Tomorrow | 7 ; SSpors-A-Go-Go 9--Run for Your Life ee h f Clerk Ordered 48-12--News, weather, 11:45 PLM, st ne Sports 4--Time Tunnel $4---Guiding Light bd | h i 3--My Three Sons 12.00 A.M. 1:00 PAM. | faWe | re SGN |11--Mystery Theatre 1)--Theatre Nie, bed O@,| ' on Pe yt gees | 1.00 A.M. 9--Movie li | £0 O00 Books ec i ie Rinece Berton N--Night Life S--wialing For Dollars, | |p \ o& | fa { Peek Weather, cellang | 1-Ben ys | : i 7 | TORONTO (CP) -- A former z | 'and Sports ON casihe oieios | Seunatioon: Bite ie | book-keeper for the now-defunc j 2-86--Huntley-Brinkley 2.0 AM. | ae hl eg Millers | {4 7 3-1 | Racan Photo-Copy Corp. tol } 7 NewS ee PM. scRariees koor 1:30 P.M. | j O° fr |Ontario Supreme Court H T=My, Three Sons nek a 4-As The World Turme | |? " ff [Thursday that she ct Batman 7~Dialing for Dollars 2-8--Let's Make a Deal | Kos i certain entries on. instrt ns 8--Small World 1 Tal . 2:00 P.M, t us ss 4 ey 6--TBA ae Pen 7--Newlywed Game li , ayicns \ jfrom Kenneth George Lennie of j Sogo | 3d Allen prmarea de ie ) aed | Ge | Toronto, a former Racan press Solime Turret, | hthie Beopt f2-ays'eH our tives | yp) / ident 1 ROUG' aN p | $--Uncle Bobb! 2.30 P.M. 'omureee iy me oe ? | Weel Goer Eve Se er po Mh sean Wea, | 8--Pastor's Study 12~Calendar | je \ Mie. five Hollman wan dene ° ERIODS, . T LAVSKY, $ tn D 0 4--You and Your 9--Peopie in Conflict | 'i fying at the trial of Le a0 | BUT HOW MANY OF US SOLEMNLY PROMI j Sports Famil 8-2--Th t | 25) ie Se , ] CATCH ON IN TIME F BUT NEVER NEVER Scan 4 7:30 PLM. | o--Pick A Show | 7 ra eg | + {who is charged with Elias Rat | YOU DiD-- PRAISE BE! 16 ; ayvasily. pee | ceceeeictes 9:30 A.M. é--Coronation Street - = -- --ibiah, 42, of Toronto. with © SQUANDER aul | 1--Candid Camera 12--Ed Allen Time 4--Linkletter's Party | faiid Res y bhie wn ON_A TALENTLESS, a V1--Ontario Schools 3:00 P.M. rauding Racan of $245.0 mc] DANGEROUS * Fomatien 00! | &-Gloria " Marriage Confidential | Mrs. Hoffman told Crown AALE!! NEVER... . &--Meta Schools --Words and Music | > mite Ol > 7 ' > FEM vi EVER F 6 Occasional wite yard @2 Another World Prosecutor Clay Powell So EVER ollseum | 3-Mademotselle de Paris 7--General Hospital she entered in a jou 4 ( a lice Fe ae RM Tete , cheques made out and e Ee i] | 7--F Troop i1--Ed Allen Time. 3.25 PM. isturbpe oman |by Lennie payable to S. 0, P ae OMAR'S BEEN LAUNCHED $| | 3-6-12--Man_from 9--Fractured Phrases 4--News |Business Machines ot WITH WHAT SMELLS 5 U.N.C.L.E. 8-2--Reach for the Stars 3:30 PLM. "eng hati \ ' wed SUSPICIOUSLY LIKE FRIED : 6:38 P.M. | 4--Candid Camera 11--Farmer's Daughter She said she had been Db ONIONS! ALL Z INTENDED i] |a2--star Trek H12=Canadian 'Schools | 9--I's Your Move Must Ask For Hel structed by Lennie hange -- 'TO DO WAS BELT HIM ONE Py eines Ae 'icMemnee tine | 34812 Edge ot Night p ithe entries 'from S. 0. P.. to pep Ellis egies ig bf ea hon $--TV Bingo £8--You Don't Say Copy Distributors 1 200 P.M, Fi fl : | 9--it's Happening aoe ation Hicsiper comer" By JOSEPH G, MOLNER, MD Two Montreal witnesses, De- J--Love On @ Rooltop 4--Beverly Hillbillies 9--I Love Lucy jtective Sergeant Henry Novak 3-6-12--Telescope a aA [bapa sor Dear Dr. Molner: I'need help.| gather) of not trusting anyone; |and Arthur Frederick, deputy 9:30 PLM. 3,6,12--Chez Helene 3-6-12--Communicate For reasons you will discoverjor hardly anyone. But it's part prothonotary of the Superior THEY MATCH oe ache Re Meade 5 as you read on, I am not signing 'of life for all of us to have to,Court, said no firm under the IKE THEA MY BEADS! ! Mi s ais 4 Mye \this letter lez hers > of the name of Copy Distributors had You'Re GOING Shown 7--That Girl 1i--Mike Dougias 11--Mack and Myer this letter. ean on others some of the time. 3 ! 3-6-12--Hogan's H 9--M a Mrs. 9--Movi ; > sistered he ad ; "TO LIKE 'THESE . 10:00 PM. Pai Boone B-Huckleberry Hound | ZL am in so much trouble 1) Despite her insistence that I deen registered and : i: NEW PILLS. ve awe Bi | ees lees | given was non-existent AAILLIE. " Ne igs eargh des } caperna eat paneer: | part any hes oak |don't know where to turn. I mustn't tell her to see a psychi-|® : : ' = hayber -12---Myste ss - ia Vs The Merv Gritfin Show Sh AS Sb tet ied RSI AS 8h attr bel A BE bach shal have 45 tranquilizer tablets, 100/atrist, that still is the best ad- Mrs. Hoffman 'said she had mg. size. Don't tell me' to call vice for her. I think it is quite; never heard of S 0. F. CROSSWORD . la psychiatrist. If I told him/reasonable for her to tell the/Iness Machines, but ew f | what I told you he would have psychiatrist that she doesn't Speed-O-Print (Canada) Tid, i 'anadiz evbsidiar' f Syne lme committed. I took an over- want to be committed, and that Canadian sub idiary of f MICKEY MOUSE 1 bons gece - nee dose last year. And I am not she will co-operate in therapy if 0 : SrIDL. BUNNesS M gy ess a i. 22 deal going through electric shock or it will help her avoid commit- Corp. of Chicago ' : 6. Feigns 3. agvers ait ih insulin again--and talking does ment, as probably it will She told Mr. Powell Le 11. African 4. Presidential 23, Outward jnot help any. If she still balks at that, she Mle had sole sign foe . ty antelope nickname 24.Inor | Please tell me what to do. I chould tell her doctor the story. 0" Racan cheques during 196 12. Japanese 5. Little girl accord- |know what shape I'm in, but'or even get the advice of a and 1965. 2 gateway 6, Blemish ing jnobody else does; neither MY friend who can keep her mouth WHAT KIND OF 13.Crownsof --_7. Musical to the IDEXMMAILIVILIA) |husband nor friends realize the closed. The friend, I trust, will FIRES ARE BANKED GNOW MAN is heads instrument fashion peace beet ster trouble I'm in. I think my hus- help her make up her mind that, Britain has enough coal re- JOEY BUILDING? p x 1 14. Stand up 8. Dry 25. Wool fat es 0 band just doesn't want to. My/ psychiatric help is, after all, the serves for 400 to 500° years at - 15. Fairy-like 9. Discomfort: 26.Suitable Yesterday's Answer fra mily doctor doesn't know ¢i-/one thing that can help her. {present rates of production creature archaic 28.Wetearth 36, Excuse ther, and I don't trust my min-| p14 go ait ty to & iar isco neocabataSia oR 16. Obstruct 10.Madreand 30. Untidy 38. Dickens' ister.--No Signature erent hart! Zs 5 Sih wad : 17. Fresh-water Leone 31. Smiling character | No way to respond to this self Everybody ekg world SALLY'S SALLIES food fish 16. Leap 33. Yam fluff 39. Cape Horn |woman except by this column riba pap i tae - od 20. Land 18. Plunder 34. Agent native Yet there isn't any reason she '* : ss measure A fal ; \shouldn't have signed the letter.} ~ ' ° F 21. Noose T 2 1s 4 Is 6 1? 16 p ry lo Tedosentl take a psychiatrist Dear Dr. Molner: I know a) 22. Flat-topped "/) - a,;. Dlood test is required before a hill i aa 'to read between the lines. This marriage is performed here. I 24, Permit i] Y jis an intelligent woman, an am planning to marry a girl 26. Predatory 14 educated woman. She has sume ng ives in Mexico City. Is it animals A YA, ae emotional problem, evi- possible "that after a journey] 27. Final 7, idently severe. : len, Mexic ( f a1 a ee Au Sig tty tl ON ya a wars 4 TO RECEIVE A. PACKAGE «FROM THE ONE GUY 29, Indefinite 17 18 |I9 "";). 20 tled up inside her. That doesn't cause of incompatible blood ea Lf tus 1s ONE TWAT. PAP AROUND THE END I. FORGOT To SEND A article 1, work very well for anyone. fone? oD. Ft bl THING THAT REALLY i A OF JANUARY... | GURISTMAS GIFT To! 30. To grumble GY 7421 22 123 Apparently she tried to sub- 7) °° rouge ne Ea [1 Gers ME! V ees 32. Formed, V1, YA Y, merge her worries in an over. The blood tests are to guard ae 5 Wh A Y Fy fied as in clay 24 |25 ZA dose of tranquilizers, and is/@sainst venereal disease. Blood aie . ns 7] ie is Qs Y afraid that she might try it/{ype does not matter. h - Medieys 27 28 ga n 3 38. Of tone Y V) as is determined not to be Dear Dr. Molner: I was given "You'll have to come Ss Pe * . . - > ur al v a aa Fi 40. Eats 29 GG 30 33 UY, committed to a mental hospital.|@dium 'treatment to dry up my) ee eee eee tie A 9, epee 4 4 |Well, perhaps she won't have to|9Vaties and stop hemorrhage. | sop scarce : 42, Vestibule 32 33 [34 YO oR i doe Ip. She|Should I now take hormone} He caught the m ° } \\ e 43, Island in be--but she does need help. She | vills? M.D y , s f her rope Meaee steed | i n \) j H the Medi- 37 2 GY 38 139 needs to unload BORE 36 . If the treatment was only '@)present, hormones might not a ss = 4) 3 terranean troubles on someone who under Pigs : eacisablé. Ie Shor: thie | o > me) . Wy of 40 Go stands how heavy an emotional ee and es venga i. ss his' is 5 y = / va DOWN Z burden can become. now are having symptom: 9//other example of a situation in - (e7 1. Bishop of 42 ¥Y 43] - }menopause, hormones woul¢ ve which it is very im =a Vy omg Y NEED SUPPORT in order. But if the treatment|follow your doctor's rie She has reached the point (Ii was used because cancer was advice. é f \

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