Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Jan 1967, p. 19

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdoy, Jenuery 26, 1967 ]9 = AR et BG OG RO BR OR RO Se We eS A OO OR t+t+itit titty ear { Be mall ® |!an Superior declined 1 to 31%, ; i | livre {and Central-Del Rio and Great aw 4 bs wa ns 6 re eaten ; Plains % each to 18% and 13. Lt i i Kat ad a a a ahh | On index, golds were off 2.14 jto 158.17 and base metals 95 to |89.92, Volume was 3,309,000 |Shares compared with 2,620,000 TODAY'S STOCKS | business spoTucHTs oS 'Wide Range Of Issues Tuesday. TORONTO 10:4 A.M. STOCKS 10:40 Net | 0 C Distributed by CP Stock = Saies ins (oe eres ° ° | TORONTO (CP) -- Pricesjthe shares are held by U.S. res-;there hasn't been much Amer-| Yoronte | stock ex ' jen. 2% | Computr 199 $10 19 10 2 | eo otiations ] Oo | Tra e | tumbled across a wide range ofjidents, where the shares arejican participation in Canadian| Biba ogagely Sd Oran re anl Ce bis he es | issues on the Toronto stock/listed on a U.S. stock exchange |issues Excellent rights, xw--Ex-warrants, Net change Is} Con Paper 180 $40 40 40 | : market Wednesday, Inyestorsjand the major market for! In the last four years Canadi- i from previous boerd-lot closing sale, ee ah hed 24% 206 + ws) e e |were surprised by the United| shares is in the U.S lans have. in evae heck Ca | Accommodation leceted fe | ric | 2 ' ee We Ff MINES cee On ak ee w Moves Into Decisive Phase phe Ag s treasury department) Shares are also exempted ifjnadian stocks from the U.S., he Y% Mile from eon 2 sulla eT Ws o ca ling for a doubling of the in-|the main operations of the! said. EX PO ° erest- F ie i ja im Cyonus A 150 490 43 40 5 | i = : terest-equalization tax : company is in a designated un-| Canadians also have been site avers 300 1418 1a ym) Cygnus 6 245 $72 Va Va | By MANFRED PAGEL jmore than 50 countries, includ-,dom for international trade in| As a result the industrial {n-\derdeveloped area or are byy US. i in the 'Agnice 500 1 Cygnus pr 100 $22 2 2 --Y¥ 1EN suupaleeth tr a : t ands of 'od ' dex slid 1.50 to 157.24 vide? . juying more U.S. issues in the Priced for economy a pick ioe eo Dist! Seag 1425 $3714 36% 37 _GENEVA (Reuters) -- Thejing Canada, are preparing for|thousands of products. : iu riebeesd ideas United States-based companies. |jast three years than Ameri-| 1 Unit sleeps 4 -- $24.00 Am Larder 300 32° 927 2743 Dome Pele 1100 $377 384 3844-114 Kennedy round negotiations|a tough horse - trading session] Negotiators have made some) However, the market recov- a cans have bought from Canadi-| ($6.00 per person) Ang U Dev 7000 65 64 4 --11 D°Giess pr 3) fivia 14s iva aimed at reducing International|this spring to work out a pack [progress in seeking a general|ered somewhat in the late/OILS DROP SHARPLY ans | pi oie pis arf * " a Bosco 300 $83 8% 8% trade barriers are moving into|age deal |50-per-cent tariff cut for manu-|S'ages. The western oil index suf-| T to « Dominion Bank siid FOUR SEASONS TRAVEL Ati tio mrnwt Dom store 400 $20 20 20+ 1 /thein final and decisive phase} 'Their talks, held within the|factured goods, with a bare min-| The U.S, move, {f approved|fered the sharpest drop in the| 1s niger * eceaonaget ank slid] Ag + aia Gam ol «Paige 38 a "- nL +4 D Textlie 80 $304 30% 304-- \/here, with prospects clouded bylframework of the Generaljimum of exceptions. But they/by Congress, means an Amer-isession, falling 3.02 to 139.89 eh y HT apg vidhed 1% a fale reebe. @cci gi tadividents Si Hawk "alm ar ae Dupont 25 $381 38% 38'4-- Yeidelay on agricultural issues. lagreement on Tariff ilmoved much more slowly to-|ican buying a Canadian stock] mop ¢ Tot 92%, International Minerals 1%4 i Nabe og . silane ete Eddy Mich. 100 $3314 3314 33% Agreem on ariffs and) ) | wil 30 : TSE Chairman John Deacon'tg 433, and Versatile 1 to 28.,) €0l! Immediotely 576-313) Brunswk 250 998 958 995 Emco 200 $i3ia 13'4 13a--™! After nearly four years of|Trade, are considered the most|wards an agreement on liberal-| Will pay 30 per cent more than said that in the last two years! Among western oils, Canad-| Calor 18 1000 43 43 43 +1! Fam Play "420 $3006 Sees Sar-- wiPreparation and preliminary|ambitious effort ever under-|izing world farm trade. a ee, However, may | ee! a shld ed 4 os " pe a Fed Grain 23 sé oe é* ; |bargaining, delegates fromitaken to achieve greater free-| ning RUNS SHORT | Hocied anadian issues are not 7 775 778 --251 FRE Pion 725 $18Ve 18% 1a. | 7 Y ifficul | : ; Loh |b meee BUSINESS BRIEFS attempts to eliminate various isues'" Where' 63, per" cent of ruehau ik ieee | | | ae r 3% id 4 Suc 1100 $708 78 78 | jnon - tariff obstacles to inter-| the shares are owned by U.S. ir 2 452 '2 + ~ "| * j 138 198198 11 GL Power 250 $23 22%4 23 | By THE CANADIAN PRESS: COMPANIES MERGE [national trade and to improve residents, where 50 per cent of $5 5 os 3] CLM tile 200 So | | SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AP)|PPortunities for less developed |-- - 210 210 219 --5| Grevhnd 225 $20 20" 202 = =IQPpOSES FUTURES TRADE!|_ 'he financially - troubled|Countries to sell their products as a | Hard Crp A 225 $30V% 30% 20% The Canadian Federation of | Douglas Aircraft Co. announced|!® the more advanced nations. DIVIDENDS y V 4 Wood b 100 120 120 120 + 4 > aC A a | : : ue -- vs} Woo 109 120 120 120 * |Agriculture went on record/Wednesday the purchase by} <All principal Western indus By THE CANADIAN P' , Ne 9 8 oe Wednesday as opposing estab-/McDonnell Co. of St. Louis of|trial states are taking part in| ¥¥ 5 N PRESS | M00 Sats aoa aes elushment of a futures market|1 590,000 shares of unissued|the talks, named after the late cee oe Pro) ucts. ref, class Liberian Lorado Louvicrt AAacasse Madsen Manok MS Marchant Mattgm! Normetal Northgat N Rock Opemske Orchan Osisko Patino Pax Int Poe Expl Peerless Perron Pick Crow Pine Point Placer Porc Pay Preston Pyramid Que Lith Q Mattgmi Radlore Rio Aigom Rio 5.80 Pr Roman San Anton! Satellite Sherritt $i! Eureks Silvrfids Silvmg Siscoe Yk B ear Young HG D 195 14g 142 14a $55 5454 54%, -- 400 148 55 $i 103 1? 12 220 445 445 445 900 495 490 495 2400 25 -- 3B 5 1625 $10% 10¥2 10%-- Ve 900 253 250 250 --9 1000 4 4 4 --V% 2800 900 90 #0 +5 000-17, «17st 7067 47 46 46 --I'e 1500 12a 12% 1244 600 «8 8 8 +h 3000 (24 2% 624 +32 590 $48% 487% 487% -- Ve 450 $31 3 3 400: :12:~«1 2 +d 200 $14%e 14' 14+ 0 340 340 340 --5 100 175 175 175 --9% 400 70 8 OF 1000 58 58 5B Oo? 540 $24 24 24 -- Ms 60 39 99) tl 3090 $1434 14% 1456 3000 31 30 63} + 7000 27 2% 25 --2 200 445 445 445 200 143: 143-143 + 300 305 305 305 6300-47 4 47 +71 500 380 380 380 +5 200 195 195 195 +10 125 580 580 580 +5 1100: 2 oh BD 300 375. 365 365 --10 1000 65 65 65 --2 500 242 244 24¥5 00 43 43 4 $00 110 110 110 500 8 8 8 1900 8 6 §& --J 200 115 «115 «115 2000 41 41 43 3000 12 «12:«+12 300 400 400 400, --10 4000 13 12 --1} 000 162 16% 162+ 2 500 34 34 34 +1 125 425 425 42 5000 30 30 3 550 378 37% 37 125 130 130 130 1000 282 28% 28% 600 188 188 188 300 6 6 ' OILS, GAS Aiminex Cent Dei Dynamic 218 --7 Fargo 3) --Ss§ French Pt 45i Gr Plains 3 Gt COllsds % 1%s--% int Hell 1 335 345 +10 N Cont 80 NC Oila 3200 +5 Permo 27 Piace G 60 +3 Provo Ges 525 10 Ranger 25 Spooner 6 +1 Stanwell % Triad Ol ne U_Canso 30 --S5 Wespac 144014 148 W Decaite 750 325 325 325 +8 biti! yoss $1) 11 Tl -- Alta Gas p 35 $914 91% 914 Alta Nat 260 $18 = 17% 18 " Algoma St 2032 $24%4 24 2% --Va Algonquin 3 100 Swe Alcan 1165 $33% 23% 337% Alcan pr 100 $40 40) (40 nglo-cn 100 $10' 10% 1012+ % Anihes A zi5 $225 22% 22% Args 260 p 125 $44 44 44 -- Argus C pr 250 $11% 11% 14+ Ve Atl Suger 185 $9 9 9 + Aveo 150 $28 28 (28 + M4] Bank Mt! 614 $59 «= 58% 58% -- V2 Bank N § 275 $67%4 67 = 6/ a Bell Phne 1781 $48 48% 48/2-- 4 Brazilian 2250 $10% 10% 10%e-- % BA Oil 1600 $36¥e 35% 26 BC Forest 175 $2134 21% 21% --% BC Sugear 50 $3154 31% 31% + % Calgary P 700 $22% 223 222 Can Cem 3337 3 7 +% Can tron 100 $20 20 20 --%* Can Perm 500 $1134 11% 11% Cdn Brew 1425 $7%e 7% 7% © Brew Ap 35 $37% 37% 37% + 3% © Chem w 750 550 540 540 --15 | Dredge 400 310 305 310 --S5 CG Invest 225 $56 56 56 C imp Bnk 375 $64 63% 63%4-- Va) i) C ind Gas 244 $117% 11% N% iL 247 $17%e 17% 17% C Mareoni 500 495 495 495 +15 1782 $58% 58 58% + % © Petrotin 1 $12 2 2--"% C Utilitels 110 $36 3% 3 CWN Gas 3100 $18 18 Chemcel! 600 $13 13% Chrysler 225 $37\% 37% Columb! @ 225 $20 20 A Comince 659 $337% 33% 34 { Lk Ont C 200 460 460 460 --20 Cent D Rio 500 $14% 144 lda-- 2 Aunor 400 300 300 300 +1 Lk Dufaulf 100 $1544 15% 15%+ Ve Metal M 200 125 (125 «#125 «+15 A | Multi M 1100 140 140 14 --10 Siscoe 00 435 430 435 +25 | Thom L 1000 50 50 50 +2. Uid Keno 200 440 420 440 +. $252 25V2 25Va-- 4 $v. y S60/2 6038 60e-- % $i4 4 14 $2234 2234 22% -- $1% 1% %4-- $52 Sw 5\a nN uv 9% "Ma - 9a $43¥a 43/2 4'a-- $93Va 93% 93%4-- $28 274 21"a-- % $302 30/2 Wlz-- $90 «89a 90 460 455 455 --§ $104 10% WWM% $2658 26a 26% -- 400 395 395 OG $20% 20% 20% $94 9% 94+ 445 445 445 + & 0 490 ' 480 490 1s 10S 105 74 7% 174 $7%e 7% '"--"% 4 Ve + 6% 9 -- Va 26a 26Va-- % WN S45 $2678 30. $11 M Lf Gard $27 7 Mass-Fer $24% 24Ve 24% Met Stores $19) 39: 49 Moore 5 $9244 92 92 -- Va Morse A $202 20a 204 Murphy $8% 8% bie Mrphy P. $2 28 38 +h Noranda 00 $5758 57 57- =-- Va Nor Ctl G@ 1395 $13% 138 13% Nor Ctl G p 1000 $2534 25% 25%4-- V4 Ogilvie 500 $12%2 12%a 12% Oshawa A 00 $27%2 27% 27'2a-- Pac Pete 1350 $12Ve 12 12 Pembina 225 $102 10% 10% Pow Corp 400 $11%e 11% ll"e-- Ve Prem iron 500 165 165 165 Price Com 1304 $12¥2 12% 12% QN Gas 1500 $10% 10% 10% Revenue 100 6% 6¥a R Nodwell 100 140 140 140 --3§ Rockower 500 $6%4 6% be-- Ve Rothman 50 $27¥2 27¥a 27V¥a-- Ve Royal Bnk 266 $73%% 73% 73Va-- Va Salada 250 $10Ve 10 10¥e Sayvette 200 385 385 385 10 Scot York 100 $10% 10% 10% Secur Cap 100 300 300 300 Selkirk A 125 Shell inv p 75 $2 2 2 Shell inv w 3270 875 845 875 +25 Shell Can 2570 $24% 24 24% + Ye Shop Save 240 $12%4 12% 1244--V Shully's 100 205 205 205 +8 Simpsons 3329 7 # Simpson. 2100 $16%e 16Ve 16% Slater Sti 220 $11% 1% W% Slater 6 pr 100 $17%a 17% I7a+ Siater A wt 100 430 430 430 Southam 220 $34¥e 34% 34% Steel Can 835 $21% 21% 214-- Suptest od 225 $21) 21 21 Thom NP 910 $22 21% 21%--% Tor Dm Bk 200 $617% 61% 6178+ % Tor iron W 100 $34 34 34 Traders A Zi95 $9% 94 9% Transair 700 35% 5% 5% Tr Can PL 1900 $26 25% 2578-- % Tr Can P w 220 655 S Trans PPL 100 $74 7% 7% Tru-Wall 250 225 225 S Un Carbid 225 $22%4 22% 22Va-- Ve Un Gas 700 $10% 1058 10% + Ve U Sections 100 $5% Sie Si Versatd 150 400 400 400 --20 | Versatile 150 $28 27% 27% -- | Wainoco O 1300 160 150 150 Welk GW 978 $32' 2 Weldwod 720 39% 9% 9 Wourne 1200 180 180 180 +8 Westc'st 120 $25% 25% 25) Westeel 250 $21¥e 21¥e 21ve Woodwd A 225 $24 24 24 Sales to 1) a.m. 629,000. FOREIGN TRADING Distribution of Treasury Shares | The Toronto Stock Exchange has been advised that the following com- panies have entered Into underwriting and option agreements which may re- sult in treasury shares of these com- panies being under distribution cur- rently through the facilities of the exchange: Anglo American Molybdenite, Can- dore Explorations, Canada Southern va | e/nipeg Grain ,\to set up late this year. Anti-/was part of a proposed merger |thority to bargain for an expan v4) predetermined price. "% _ 11.50 points to close at vincial bonds ended the day up market the Win *hange intended for livestock futures delegates claimed . such la market would open the door to speculators and place harm jful artificial pressures on the "/livestock industry. In futures | McDonne | trading, a commodity is sold for} oy. delivery at a later date at a "STOCK MARKET | TORONTO (CP) -- Brokers 'don't expect the proposed U.S interest - equalization tax in- |crease to have much effect on ithe performance of Canadian stock markets--at least not in the short run. That was the concensus as jmost said that in the last few lyears Americans have not-been F %4|major participants in the a SAYS FORECAST LACKING nadian market and, in fact, C inadians have been buying back Canadian stocks from the U.S. | However, the proposal to jdouble the tax caught the market by surprise and the in- |dustrial index, indicator of the jmarket's performance, tumbled 157.24. Some late buying brought stocks up from their lows of the jay. The U.S. proposals would re- quire American buyers of most Canadian issues to pay 30 per cent more than a Canadian, in- stead of 15 per cent more as now. However, many major Canad- ian stocks are not affected. They include those with heavy American ownership of those traded largely in U.S, markets. The department asked that the move become effective Thursday and be extended until July 31, 1969, The western oil index suf- fered the sharpest drop in the session, falling 3.02 points to 138.89. It is one of the few groups where there is heavy participation by Americans. BOND MARKET TORONTO (CP) -- The Ca- nadian bond market was off one half in the morning Wed- nesday but regained the loss in the afternoon changed in a day of heavy trad- | i ing. Short - term Government of Canada bonds were unchanged with the 4%-per-cent Oct. 1, 1967, issue closing at 99.60 bid and 99.63 asked. Long - term Canada and pro- ¥% to % point with the 414-per- cent Sept. 1, 1983, issue closing at 87% bid and 88 asked. Day-to-day money traded at 456 per cent. Treasury bills were down with the 91-day bills at 4.76 per cent and 182-day bills at 4.80 per cent. Pete., Cdn Nisto Mines, C y Gold Mines, Consolidated Red Poplar Minerals, Copper-Man Mines (td., Gra- dore Mines, irish Copper Mines, Jelex Mines Ltd., Jonsmith Mines, Leke-Osu Mines, Min-Ore Mines, Norpax Nickel Mines, Northern Exploration Ltd., PCE Explorations Ltd., Silvermaque Mining Ltd., Texore Mines Ltd., United Macfie Mines, Urban Quebec Mines, Win-El- | drich Mines Ltd, | Varsity Line 'Paces Scoring | | LONDON, Ont. (CP) -- Uni- versity of Toronto's front line 'of Henry and Steve Monteith Jand Paul Laurent continues to dominate scoring in Ontario- |Quebec Athletic Association | hockey. | Combined, the trio has ac- cumulated 100 points in nine Copper Up In Price WINNIPEG (CP) -- Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting Co. announced Wednesday it will increase copper prices effective Feb. 1. The domestic price will in- crease to 4744 cents a pound de- livered from 45 cents and the United States price to 44 from 42 cents U.S. a pound. The overseas price will remain un- changed. Hudson Bay said the new prices reflect recent changes in to close un-) | Douglas common stock for $68,-/U S. president John F. Kennedy 700,000. The stock ftransaction|Who obtained congressional au- of the two firms into a new cor- |Sion of world trade by across- |poration to be called McDonnell |the-board tariff cuts Douglas Corp., with headquart-| This five-year mandate from jers in St. Louis. Douglas and|the U.S. Congress expires at the 11 will continue to op-jend of June 'ate separately, with no major! "Sometime before this dead- changes in organization or per-|line, we /sonnel, the announcement said.|bargains," RECORD GOOD PROFITS Bethlehem. Steel Corp. said Wednesday its 1966 profits were |the best in nine years. The sec- }ond-largest steel producer in the} Lp eged bgt hgh $170,-|selves for this important stage| 33,000, 3.72 a share com- valuati " | mon stock. This sanicarse with (OY ee eral Eric Wyndham White said| here recently. 'Time is running short."' During the last few weeks, governments prepared them-} sessment papers drawn up and; $150,028,000, or $3.26, for 1965. Bethlehem's record earnings|Circulated last November by came in 1957 when it earned|major participants, including} Canada, the U-S., Britain, Japan| and the four Scandinavian coun- tries. LAGGED BEHIND | The six members of the Euro- pean Common Market, France, } West Germany, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg and The Nether- lands, lagged behind in settling their joint Kennedy round poli-| cies, although their single ne-| gotiating team here holds a key role in the talks. The secret position documents spelled out improvements that each country may make in its initial proposals to accommo- date its partners, and also any counter - concessions that it will ask of them. In addition, each delegation listed those offers that it threatens to withdraw, in full or in part, if the others should refuse to grant requested concessions. To what extent these warn- ings will be heeded remains to be seen when negotiators return $191,026,000;-er-$4,13-a share, Forrest L. Rogers, economic! adviser to the Bank of Noval |Scotia, Wednesday ~writicized \the Economie Council: 4 Can- jada for failing to repor} -pras: jpects for Canada's eepnomy. \Speaking at a conference on| wages, prices and profits orga-! nized by the University of Tor-| onto, Mr. Rogers said the coun- cil has failed to report on both long-term prospects and short- term trends for the economy, U.S. TRADE SURPLUS DOWN With imports climbing twice as fast as exports, the favor- able U.S. trade surplus dropped last year to its lowest level since 1959, the commerce de- partment reported Wednesday. The surplus of exports over im- ports slipped to $3,800,000,000 compared with $5,300,000,000 surplus in 1965. The surplus in 1959 was only $777,000,000. Al- |mon -2 A 27% cents, ! March 1, record ¥eb. 10. | Conduits National Co. Ltd, 5 cents, Feb. 13, record Feb. 6 | Canada Dominion Sugar Co. jLtd., 35 cents, March 1, record Feb. 10, White Pass and Yukon Corp.,) /20 cents March 15, record Marchi must strike the final|1 j GATT Director-Gen-| Southam Press Ltd., $0 cents March 28, record March 14 M.E.P.C. Canadian Properties! Ltd., pref. 3744 cents, March 1,} record Feb. 15. ; Crown Trust Co., 50 cents, April 1, record March 17, | Alcan Aluminium Ltd., com-; 5 cents (U.S.), March 7,/ Feb. 6; 4\4-per-cent pref. | April 15, record | record 43 cents (Can.) Marech-31 } Loblaw Inc., common 10 cents, March 1, Feb. 17. | PRODUCE TORONTO (CP) -- Wholesale to retail carton eggs average weighted prices quoted by the department of agriculture as of Wednesday: A large 49.5; A! medium 43.3; A small 39.6. | Eggs: Wholesale prices to| country stations fibre cases quoted by the Toronto Board of Trade from wholesale egg deal- ers: Extra large 43-44; large 41- 42; medium 33-34; small 28-29; B 38; C 33. Butter prices: Agricultural stabilization board tenderable carlots: Buying 40 score 59; buying 39 score; selling 61. TAKING A NIP Japan's whisky consumption went up 19 per cent last year. easy. As it happens, we can't. Making whisky that goes down this easy is a difficult job. It means selecting whiskies from our five distilleries across Canada (only Seagram's has five, by the way). Then blending and re-blending them to get 5 Star's easy taste. How can you find out if the taste is worth all the trouble? That's easy, too. SEAGRAW'S 5 Star. Easy whisky. to the bargaining table here with new instructions at the be- ginning of February. They will have to concentrate particularly on farm products, where little progress has been made 60 far, except in discus- sions on a world marketing ar- rangement for cereals. though U.S. exports rose 10 per cent during 1966, imports rose by 20 per cent to $25,550,300,000, the department said. AMC GETS BANK LOANS American Motors, whose fi- jnancial fortunes had been sag- jging, got additional bank loans of $20,000,000 Wednesday. AMC oard Chairman Roy Chapin jsaid 24 banks which granted} |AMC a $75,000,000 line of credit lat March 15 had come |through with the latest loan. The entire $95,000,000 is repay- MISSING ANY WORK WORTHING, England (CP)-- City authorities tn this Sussex resort are worried that it will WIN 25.0 || GROCERY BONANZA 0 IN FREE GROCERIES EACH WEEK IN THE A REALLY GOOD PLACE TO BUY A FINER USED CAR 300 DUNDAS ST, EAST @ WHITBY @ PHONE 668.3304 CHEVROLET OLDSMOBILE LTD. become nothing but a haven for old folk. More than 40 per cent of the 83,000 residents are re- able May 31. AMC lost $12,600,- 000 in the 1966 fiscal year com- ov with earnings of $5,200,- the previous year. AMC re-|;; sumed auto production' this tired. The municipality now is week on a one-shift, 1,100-cars-|'® build a bowling alley end a-day basis after a two-week leisure centre to attract younger shutdown of assembly lines, | holidaymakers. WHYTE BROS. Furniture and Upholstery FOR ALL YOUR FURNISHING NEEDS Automotive Trim 55 King St. E. 623-5252 THERE IS A DIFFERENCE Better Washing & Bathing T Whiter, Cleaner and Softer Clothes. BEAVER LUMBER co. LTD ¢ "Home 6 Softer and Cleaner Baths with No Improvement N Bathtub Ring. } Headquarters" | 419 Dundes & Call CULLIGAN 668-2200 For Pure Filtered Soft Water Whitby SINGLE VISION $4995 Complete with Frames lenses ond Case NOTHING - ADDITIONAL FOR Astigmatic Corrections the pricing structure of the North American market. games to pace front-running |Blues, defending champions. | Henry Monteith leads with 36 jpoints, three more than u- rent and five more than his brother, Steve. Henry's 19 goals is tops in the 2|league while Steve has the most} LEWIS OPTICAL Established for over 30 years 10% King Street West 725-0444 lassists with 22. | ae haute coiffure Modella Finest Quolity nses Simulat: iamoni tim @ Vinylite Opticel Cose We fill ail PSI, oculists ond optomestrists pre- scriptions ot same low "WHY DO IT YOURSELF" CALL Joe Kozak FINISHING CARPENTER When Your On The Move Call HEARD'S TAXI and CARTAGE 124 Brock St., Whitby -- 668-3732 Radio Equipped for Your Convenience THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR Bathroom Vanitie: Recreation Rooms & Bers 1084 Simece N. 723-1991 PADDY'S MARKET Furniture ond Appliances USED WASHER PARTS & REPAIRS Each week for the mext 26 weeks there will appear throughout the advertisements on this feature the letters forming the name of @ famous person or place. All you are required to do Is read each advertisement very carefully, pick out the letters and identify thot person or place. Send your answer along with your name and address to the GROCERY BONANZA EDITOR, ¢/o The Oshawa Times, no later than 4 p.m. Tuesday of each week. The first correct answer drawn will receive, cornpliments of the sponsoring business, ond Duffy's Super Market, the grand weekly prize of 25.00 in free groceries. Enter today. Last Week's Answer . . . Californie WINNER -- MRS, L. LYNDE ADVERTISING MESSAGE SISTER'S RESTAURANT "GALL TODAY Complete Line of Beatty-Thor- Crosley Appliance: HAMPTON 263-2241 Bagot Street, Brooklin ae : COOKED BESTWAY MOTORS parce a 150 WILLIAM E. Quick Short Order Service 154 WILLIAM E. Complete Repoirs And Service Te VOLKSWAGENS 668-4792 Dundas at Centre, Whitby OPTICIANS --- OVER 3,000,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS 17 BOND ST. E. [ sirocats DUFF 948 Simcoe N. 'We Deliver' -- Op " "The Home of Better Food Values' Y'S SUPER MARKET Ideal Dairy Products JUG MILK 58° Guernsey Gold 2% en until 10 p.m. for your shopping convenience. 723-9371 Home Milk 2nd Floor International Coiffeurs $] H | ; ; ; ; Hours: 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Daily 95 ; For stylish bere. Hivieottiay appointment CLOSED ALL DAY . SUZANNE (Mra. thee TIMES ACTION ' oe teen | Sr it HAIRSTYLING CLASSIFIED ADS i 725-4531 STYLISTS OSHAWA, ONT en ae ae : aii ee Colour Specialists THE SHOPPERS SUPER MARKET " h 6 . : mevETeT _ -- a ranches in many principal cities of Cenade & U Founded 19 | te) 725-4541 me 3 JOHN W. FOR VALUE! ! 4 ' \ 4

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