services is given the equivalent] of a lieutenant's rank the day after she joins and starts at} $540 a month, This is $6,480 a! year. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, January 26, 1967 J] bat Me resco vy FRIDAY * =| WHITBY COURT Veterans Affairs Nurses .. FOR THOSE WHO THINK YOUNG... The Big Fun Dance | The Sounds of the Big Beat fi The Place to Meet > Gh Gs qe STITCH IN TYME = = & = Admission $1.50 Dancing 9 to 12:30 ! 6 le oo Gece seme somone meen mm | id lo. Shorty VICTOR +: oes MATURE BRITT EKLAND PANAVISION" [COLOR by Deluxe} Dangerous Driving Charge Abundance Of Evidence WHITBY -- Speeds up to 100 mph, sliding into an intersec- tion and failing to stop at three stop sign intersections and an officer had to jump out of the way of the car is abundantly Jae, there was dangerous |) myn si Magistrate H. W. Jer- | myn. said here Tuesday. He remanded John Peter Liauba, 25, of 137 Gibb St., Oshawa two weeks in custody for a pre-sentence report. "Monetary fines don't mean anything. This is a flagrant dis- respect of all that we are work- ing for," His Worship said. The accused pleaded not guilty to the charge of dangerous driv- ing. cor is a flagrant defiance of our laws and orderly govern- ment. He was in Court in To- ronto one day to face a charge and the next day he drives in such a manner that brought about this charge," said assis- tant Crown Attorney E. Howell. "There is a large number of dangerous driving habits in this area which has resulted in a number of fatalities. The driv- ing in this area is at such a stage there is need for a de- terrent factor." ACCUSED REMANDED Because he had signed the in- surance papers Laurence J. Forrester, 29, of 314 Byron Street North, Whitby, thought he was automatically protected and could drive his car. He pleaded not. guilty to a charge of driving his car while his li- cence was under suspension last August. He was remanded one week for sentence with the instruc- tions that he must have the restitutions completed on the charges of fraud. Evidence that.he had de- frauded Whitby business people had been heard two. weeks ago in the Whitby Court. At that time the accused was remand- ed to Tuesday for sentence. The court learned restitution has try are certainly entitled to the protection of this court," said Magistrate H. W. Jermyn as he sentenced Murray Gordon Mor-| rison to six months in jail. This| sentence is to run consecutive to the previous sentence. "You should realize that you are travelling on pretty thin} ice," His Worship. said. The accused pleaded guilty to; a charge of indecently assault- ing a girl Oct. 3, 1966. The court heard evidence at an earlier date during a_ pre- liminary hearing on a charge of criminal assault. Tuesday the charge was relaid as one of indecent assault. PUBLIC MISCHIEF Reporting that his car was stolen when it actually hadn't been stolen brought a stern lec- ture from Magistrate H. W. Jermyn to David Garfield Mc- Clean, 18, of Garrard Road, Whitby Township, who pleaded guilty to a charge of public a chief. He was placed on a 12- month! probation with the order that he "immediately get a job. You work at it and stay with 'it. You just show that you lack and that is stick-to-itiveness," His Worship said. The accused was also ordered to be home) off the streets by midnight. ADMITS 13 CHARGES Pleading guilty to 13 charges | of break, enter and theft, Jesse} F. Scharbrodt of Avenue, Toronto, was remand- ed in custody to Feb. 7 for sen- tence and a pre-sentence re- port. The remaining nine! charges of break, enter and/ theft will be heard next week. The accused along with three| others entered cottages in Scu-| gog Township and _ Georgina Township, in York County. In| all instances the entry was | forcing doors as well other means, not been fully made. SIX MONTH TERM | "Young ladies in this coun- There was a quantity of ar-| ticles stolen and a_ 'great amount of damage done to the} BOWMANVILLE COURT FEATURE AT: 1:30 - 3:25 5:30 - 7:30 - 9:30 BOWMANVILLE -- A Dar- lington Township farmer paid a Darlington Township Man Fined For Storing Cars way 35 but no mechanic was) what it takes to be a Canadian! Gracefield| made by. breaking windows or} as by} into a service station on High-| cottages by rifles and guns be- ing fired at the walls and var- ious objects". In some instances the cot- tages were ransacked and dam- jaged but nothing was stolen. \The court heard the estimated total value of property stolen jand damaged is $2,000 and |about 10 per cent of the stolen ;goods had been recovered. |FURTHER FRAUD Appearing on remand charged with robbery with violence, Carl Scott, of no fixed address, was further remanded to March 21 on $1,000 bail. | Scott was jointly charged with three men, two of whom were jailed after appearing in court at Port Perry last week. The charge against the third man was withdrawn, They were charged with robbery with vio- lence involving an incident Dec. 6 in Pickering Township. Have Lowest Wage Scale OTTAWA (CP) -- Nurses who work for the veterans affairs \department in the Atlantic provinces get the lowest pay rate on a national scale that ranges from $3,700 to $5,300, a written Commons return dis- closed Wednesday. The basic pay scales were provided by Veterans Affairs! Minister. Teillet in reply to a question by Ralph Cowan (L-- York-Humber), It listed the "'minimum rate" of $3,750 for a nurse with less than two years' experience hired in the East. The same nurse hired at Ed- monton would make $3,900; at Montreal, Quebec, Winnipeg and Saskatoon $4,200; at Cal- gary $4,350; and at Ottawa, To- ronto, London, Ont., Vancouver and Victoria $4,500. There are veterans hospitals in Halifax, Saint John, N.B., Ste. Foy, Montreal and Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Que., Tor- onto. and London, Winnipeg, Calgary, Vancouver and Victo- ria, as well as facilities in Ot- tawa, Saskatoon, Edmonton, St John's, Nfld., and Regina. 135 Provision for starting salar-|-- GLIDE OVER SEA Flying fishes can stay aloft| for 20 seconds at speeds up to m.p.h. ies of up to $5,300 in centres west of the Ottawa River was made, depending on experience The top east of the Ottawa River is $4,950. In a reply to another ques- tion, Associate Defence Ein ter Cadieux advised Mr. Cowan| that a nurse entering the armed IZZA Phone 723-0241 or 728-0192 EPI'S PLUS -- Mickey Rooney in Mon. to Fri, Show Starts 7:30 Set., Sun. Show Starts 6:30 FREE IN-CAR HEATERS CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE AFASTEDE mci OF DOLLARS ie Print A Rei 'UNITED they ARTISTS "ADULT ENTERTAINMENT "AMBUSH BAY" Color (No Age Limit) New ... Exciting THE BLUE DOLPHIN A Dance Hall & Coffee House For the New Beed of '67 FRIDAY, JANUARY 27th Presenting: The Orphans Bonus: Free A & W Hamburgs and Root Beer NONQUON ROAD -- NORTH OSHAWA Time: 8:30 - 1:00 1.25 Single -- 2.00 Couples | | Exceptional Values! Exceptional Selection! Stock must be reduced before we take Inventory on February 1st » » + Many more items not advertised. QUALITY ALL WOOL SUITS oJGNE FONDA JASON ROBARDS Pa Now Playing ! mons ROSEMARY MURHY, TECHNICOLOR® FROM WARNER BROS, SHOW TIMES ADULT ENTERTAINMENT WEEKDAYS .... at 7 and 9:10 'Gy SATURDAY .... at 7 and 9:10 ODEON). SUNDAY Continuous from 2 p.m. ~-- _ -- -- -- -- ---- -- Doctor Zhivago Starts its Exclusive Oshawa Engagement FEBRUARY 1-28 For Reservations Phone 725-5833 or 725-5562 "THE ONLY PICTURE BANNED ON T.V, IF YOU WERE 100 YOUNG, OR 100 SCARED, OR THE LINES WERE TOO LONG <1 ee ees ee Se 0 $54 total of $130 in magistrate's|on duty and they were advised | court here Tuesday for the contravention of a zoning by- sult they were stopped by an} to drive farther north. As a re-| . FRASERDALE OVERCOATS officer and charged. . tremendous warm all wool velour, DRIVER CARELESS | aw. Mikola Uriadka pleaded guilty last month to two charges of permitting used cars to be stored in his property. He was given a month to clean up the junk. A. H. Strike, town- ship solicitor, said two trucks and a car as well as other refuse still remained on the two lots involved. The accused "Just because the speed) limit is 50 miles an hour does not mean you have to drive 50) miles an hour," commented Magistrate R. B. Baxter. "'Slow down if conditions warrant it." Russell Walter Beers, RR 1, Orono, was fined $50 and costs, | Regular to $65. ALL WOOL TOPCOATS to $65. UTEX OUTERCOATS . choose dressy worsteds or = saxonies. Regular $54. make, the latest styles! Include superb AED MNO ESB ANY S18 WU GH era See e ADDED FUN HIT @ outstanding fur pile coat with zipper: front, pile lined hood . double breasted corduroy MOD coat .. . various suburban coats, etc. Regular to 35.98. me.creicmm-ere--- NOW PILE SKI COATS or seven days, for careless driving. The court was told that Mr.| Beers' car left the road, shear-' ed off 11 guide posts and came} protested one of the trucks and the car belonged to someone else and the ground was too soft to move them, FOR LIFE ® $26 From Age 65 RA SHOW To Bw YOURCOMM? Q $50 AND COSTS i i a «90d ial Hees aipetes sent, ead corcoys, oft wos! 18 A London, Ont., man learned|si9"fegt" away. 'The driver meitons, etc. Originally 25.98. .ee..eeeec cesses $ you cannot drive on a travelled)°a) tea fie was soin 50| highway without lights no mat- miles an hour and that it was| SPORT SHIRTS ter hag the Pructyg = a dark, foggy night, rain-| . « « entire stock of brand name shirts. 20% Off! inc ey land Pia idles ing; = ~ veep ba ~ geod SG Sy oe hee NOW Scarpelli and a friend were|@¢ Deen changed since he last, on their way to Peterborough|Tavelied it. --|] PULLOVERS & hg vind gue Here is @ plain to provide for | when the lights of their car | - «+ entire stock brand na Off! began to dim. They pulled SORRY ! WOR. arise NOW (4) sf your family if you should die, SOLD OUT | SATURDAY | DRESS SHIRTS . 20% off the finest brand names! Plains and stripes, button-down collars, hi-boys. or for your retirement years if Planning Stage ARKS=" TODAY! you survive... | J For Hospit als | an we Regular coltars. ....... NOW $4 to $6.40 20% Off! TORONTO (CE)--Special sec: Z XQ Oe py vo stacks never need ironing. $ RESERVED SEATS NOW ON SALE tions foe: mentally i! chibdren gl & shawa | sees eeeeces NOW 9 | AT BOXOFFICE OR BY MAIL! |e have not yet been established in two Ontario hospitals but are in planning stages, Kenneth H. Hawkins, executive assistant to Health Minister Matthew Dy- mond, said Wednesday. It had been reported earlier by Dr. Dymond that two spe- cial sections were already in op- eration. Mr. Hawkins did not disclose the names of the hospitals in- volved, He said a report on the project would first have. to be given to the legislature. Dr. Dymond said earlier that $6 HELD OVER BY PUBLIC DEMAND! THERE'S STILL TIME TO THRILL TO THE HAPPIEST SOUND IN ALL THE WORLD! The Most Popular Picture OF Our Time! WINNER OF 5 ACADEMY AWARDS Including "Best Picture"! Another famous make, Regular 7.98. «:ex---ma-- NOW CLUB On Scugog Island DANCE To The Music of the SAVE ON BOYS' WEAR! THE LATEST OUTERCOATS! Include boys' UTEX's new Zepal ski jackets -- wool melton duffle ae = deep pile coats, etc. Regular 15.98 to 17.98. ......-...+++++++: UTEX's double breasted Mod coat,--Orlon pile ski coats--reversible beget d $ w 412 15 x a ROGER WOLFE OO SSFlOSHHOHEHHO DA HEOSSLO09 SO O00 S SS SESS SHECeCLE Ceocecccessoecrored UNIT MANAGER iit 2f score ben be Royal coats, etc. Regular 17.98 to 19.98. .... 6. cece cece terete teense a neral mental hos- \Mome: 723-2883 | pitals. This does not mean thell Jismberssadors Sizes 6 to 12 styles include laminated storm coats--warm ski coats, $7 ' a "RODGERS =: HAMMERSTEINS Business: repines |e' So oe no : etc. Regular 10.95............ ze- were. NOW Z ROBERT WISE (ally for children, he sad | 6 2 Ris Saturday BOYS' SPORT SHIRTS 55 ; By completin. the enquiry form : nf Acide: Horas, eke. Regulen 398, axes: os NOW. 4 below, you cc.1 obtain details Jan. 28th Paisleys, gay plains, florals, etc. Regular 5.78. wswre.. +++ + two/$5 3 , ' ROADS GET BETTER rel ' an ' suitable to you. personal situ- France has nearly 500 miles ince 9 to es ation. of six-lane, divided - highway BOYS' LINED naan ow, 3:55 ; 'autoroutes. Elastic back, two/$7 3 a COLOR : S U N DRESS SLACKS $5 3. mANDREWS -comsorm PLUMMER. § : Tish Goode Plains or iridescents. Sizes 8 to 18. Regular 10 6.95 ~ -exmmecmra-sicie, NOW 3 RICHARD HAYDN|"srstssncemen2"| FLEANOR PARKERe2:- § L | F E | i: gacotsir| ROBERT Wise | RICHARD RODGERS § |ERSTED! i is In Town Srovbianes ° ecouaunthenseees e craue er eee tak ga fo ial TONIGHT AT 8 P.M. EVENINGS 8:00 P.M. MATINEES 2:00 - " ; " EVENINGS (Sun, thru Thurs.) 7 o' Stor of "Stage - Redie end TV' EVENINGS (Fri, and Sot. : 2.00 Oshawe Shopping Certre MATINEES (Wednesday) 1.25 MATINEES (Sot. and Sun.) 1.50 Enjoy Her Songs Patter end Piene Stylings A FAMOUS PLAYERS THEATRE All Prices Tex Included JACKt) FRASER 4 Exact Date ef Birth ...... eessee ' ' it -- es ee ee ee ee ee ee oe : NIGHTLY Mail self-addressed envelope with your cheque or money order NAME ..cseeeeecewmereeersune 1 payable fo Ganent Thectin, Cabaie: . 970 1AM. I Lae Moeowersseeemmees + 6B 1 2. sede It I | FOE DAF ORT nn DNS AL, DATE. | | OCCUPATION .++sseeeeewne-sed 9 su an cle pha ph ae so wee OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE UNTIL 9 PM, | } ye MOTOR HOTEL CLOSED WED. AFTERNOONS ae ne ; Peso ervecesen