pmend- gerous ites in ! a | home along with other oc- cupants of the house. No in- juries were reported. The same home was damaged last spring when hit by a Legislature Opens Loudly Plunge Into Loud Debate By THE CANADIAN PRESS where school and salary prob-|the confidence of the people be- The Quebec and British Co-jlems are at issue. |cause of its lack of action in the lumbia legislatures opened} Ontario, formally opening its) Montreal Roman Catholic teach- Tuesday and immediately/jegisiature' today, has finance,/ers' strike in which 217,000 plunged into loud debate. : _In Quebec, the Union Na-jon its urgency list. peeves government quickly ran) ne non - confidence motion) The non - confidence motion nto a non-confidence motion. |. had not come to a vote when In B.C., the Social Credit gov-|in the Quebec house erupted|in, house adjourned Tuesday ernment faced an unexpectedjover teachers' strikes. Opposi-|nicht, uproar from opposition mem-|tion Liberals lost a strong bid! bers and a round of boos from/to have the house adjourn and hundreds of spectators. |begin debate on the strike issue. Two other legislatures are in' afternoon. The driver of one Dean Walker home about upended car saw the storm five miles west of Wapello, coming and sought shelter by high winds Tuesday in the basement of the Cars were upended at the out of school. In other business, Justice Minister Jean - Jacques Bert- rand said a commission of in- fein , iah(SAYS ACTION LACKING quiry into the question of jus- session - Newfoundland's, which} tice in Quebec had been set up. faces a crisis caused by a gov-| The motion, presented by lass sats Sc ernment - defying strike uf hos-/Richard Hyde (L -- Westmount; Gustay ; reemblay +: Quebec's pital workers, and Manitoba's| said the government had Jost | Provincial auditor, sai ertaln isaid, but he refused Quebec Teachers Return Political Pressure Mounts bovine sttie's'e Sins jin New Westminster began after MONTREAL (CP) --Romanj;day and Tuesday after the ete eon We he Catholic teachers are to return|junction had been served. locrats tried to amend a routine| to their jobs today in the Ya-| In Montreal, negotiations be- motion to include Hansard-type| maska region of Quebec, ending|tween the Montreal Catholic], .counts of proceedings a strike which has left 8,500)school commission and two un- : the last year in the financial and general administration de- partment of Expo 67. Correct- ive measures were initiated, he children without classroom in-|ions representing the striking|SACRED JOINS | Suggested Applause, against protocol at of its own. eral government's next move. The pontiff two days ago) Labor Minister Clyde Wells voiced "'surprise and displea-jtold the House Tuesday 'hat he 'Rand Pegged As Capitalist |housing, labor and pollution high|Children and 9,000 teachers are; ideficiencies"' were noted during! former lo say] __ formal opening ceremonies,, TORONTO THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Jenuary 25, 1967 3if Italians Using English Words MILAN (AP) -- The Italian) guage had withstood time. language has opened its vocab-| widespread illiteracy and the ulary to an invasion of English| gutturals and lispings of one words that would have shocked) conqueror after another Mussolini, who banned foreign} Much as Dante changed the words. The words probably|grammar of Latin and the spell- would have intrigued Dante, | ing of words, the 2,000-year-old who softened Latin into Italian.|Latin pronunciation remained You can read in Italian books,|There has been so little change magazines and news papersithat Italians today can read such words as: call girl, play-) Dante in the original far easier boy, hobby, barman, cocktail,/than Englishmen can follow drink, whisky, bowling, break-' Chaucer. fast, blue jeans, spray, relax.) British, Canadian and Ameri glamor, sexy, suspense, jazz,|can troops in Italy towards the twist, shake, western, killer,'end of the Second World War kiss and even yacht. started the new vocabulary You hear. them spoken often, Movies, television and commer- too, although you may have to/cial advertising turned loose listen twice to catch the Italian the flood of new words that do pronunciation. not end in the traditional Ital- SOME SHOCCATO ian vowels, Some words have only gone . There has been some resist- halfway. Such strange forms ance from those who insist ev have emerged as Hane ADRS: Very thing should be kept Italiano stressato, and sometimes, Ital-|and tradizionale. |way rity even aie at the! One such was the municipal way things are going. official in the Alpine town of car. It- had been remodeled | Most of them, however, are! Pinerolo, who anid a cafe before that first mishap and enjoying the biggest foreign in-\qwner to take down a neon sign remodeled again prior to /fluence let into the Italian lan- reading 'snack bar.' That Tuesday's damage. |guage since the days of Danteliguched off a storm of protests --AP Wirephoto 'seven centuries ago. The lan- by townsfolk who said the offi- cial was being stupido Now Many Wear FALSE TEETH With Little Worry Fat, talk, laugh or sneeze without fear of insecure false teeth dropping, slipping or wobbling. FASTEETH holds plates firmer and more com- fortably. This pleasant powder has nc gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling esn't cause nausea. It's alkaline (non-acid). Checks "plate odor" (denture breath). Get FASTEETH at drug counters everywhere. By Westinghouse Employee TORONTO (CP) -- Royal, you are a capitalist," Mr. | Commissioner Ivan V, Rand, | Swack replied. | conducting a one-man inquiry "What's a capitalist?'"' the into labor disputes in Ontario, | commissioner persisted. | was called a capitalist Tues- "A person who exploits lab- day by a member of a dele- | or,"' was the reply. gation from the United Elec- "What exploitation do you Everbody Is Doing It So's JOHN PRESTON 201 Simcoe South 4 THURS., FRI., and SAT. ONLY SPORT COATS For Business and Sport. Full range of sizes 36 to 44 Rey Dw... a Reg. to 59.50 ........NOW 32,00 For This Event Only " MATCHING SLACKS From our custom range Res, 2100... 2... Te BUSINESS COMBINATION JOHN PRESTO 201 Simcoe South 37.95 eoat and pant 47.95 eoat and. pant 'S Oshawa ond | trical, Radio and Machine | charge against me?' Mr. | Workers of America (Ind.). Rand said. "You're much William Swack, an em-| more of a boss than I am. | ployee of Canadian Westing- | You are more of a capitalist house Ltd., in Hamilton, who | --you have people under asked to be heard, recalled | you." that Mr. Rand had classed Mr. Swack replied he was himself earlier as a working | just an ordinary worker. man. Later, John Farrell, a union | 'You call yourself a work- | steward at United Carr Fast- ing. man but you_are.a capi--|. ener. in. Hamilton,..and.-an- talist," he told the 82-year-old Supreme Court of Canada justice. "Why do you say Mr. Rand asked. other member of the UEW delegation,- suggested that those who are not on the pro- duction line cannot appreciate the problems of workers. "By your social position He had invited a member ----___--_______----| of . management who had : s | come up from the ranks to Crash Housing spend ~ month watching the Programme that?" employees at their work, he said. "Maybe I should pass the same suggestion on to you," he told Mr, Rand. (CP) --A New Democratic Party member of| the Ontario legislature called on} the federal and provincial gov-| 'ernments Tuesday to institute al ierash housing program. | Fred Young (NDP --York-| jview) told a nominating conven- | tion in suburban Scarborough | the federal government,| through Central Mortgage and/| Housing Corp. must make) large amounts of mortgage money available for public} housing. | He also suggested that build- ing codes be streamlined and citizens' housing be made an in-| tegral part of the crash pro-| gram. | | | Money To Invest! per annum for five years by investing in Guaranteed Investment Certificates which are Gueranteed--as to Principal and Interest. Flexibile--may be used as Col- lateral for loans, Redeemable--by Executors in the event of death, Authorized. Trustee Act In- vestments. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa 723-5221 HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 23 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2527 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS ond SATURDAYS 34 SIMCOE GRADE "A" OVEN READY -- PLUMP -- FRESH CHICKENS FOOD MARKET, #i HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS ST. NORTH 25) lb struction since Nov. 24: teachers were reported going But political pressure was)well under the mediation of Mr. mounting over the Union Na-|Justice Andre Monpetit of Que-|came when 22 opposition mem- tionale government's handling|bec Superior Court. lbers were joined by Social of teacher troubles in Montreal, \Crediter Ernie LeCours in vot- where 9,000 Roman Catholic rs 'ing for the amendment. teachers have been on strike L ] D | The applause turned to boos since Jan. 13, closing schools to} ega ivorce |when the remaining Social 217,000 children. ' Creditors stood to vote against At a meeting Tuesday in Co: ] the amendment. nearby St. Hyacinihe, 417 teach- ntroversia The legislature was opened in ers employed by the Yamaska : 'a hockey rink in New Westmin- school commission voted 58 per, ROME (AP)--Pope Paul's op- ster instead of the "chambers| cent in favor of staying off the position to Italian legislation to\ Victoria on the 100th anniver- job despite a court injunction|!egalize divorce is developing| ary of the first session of the served Sunday ordering them Soa SA ae legislative council of the united back to work. : . ; colony of B.C. However, union officials tola|¥°2"* | Major items in the throne) the teachers they must go back! Supporters of the Proposed speech forecast were plans to| to their classrooms. Only 67|law--which has divided Prem- protect consumers, a senarate| teachers reported to work Mon- | ier Aldo Moro's centre-left coali-|'ourist raed spar enent And . s Py a nome purchaser's grant. | tion government--question the In Newfoundland, fos pital! right of the Pope to express|workers in Grand Falls, who| Cd er judgment on the work of law-|Tyesday defied a provincial cab- | makers in this Roman Catholic/inet order not to strike, were country where the Vatican is es-'awaiting an afternoon legisla- Increases tablished in a sovereign state ture session today for the Lib- = Committee sure' after a parliamentary|would introduce an act respect- . commission declared that a billjing hospitals and an amendment jto permit divorce in certainto the Labor Relations Act. Pat Ne cl Te} does not violate Italy's) In Winnipeg, Premier Duff of the Progressive Connevra: constitution. The commission's|Roblin's Conservative govern- tive party, said Tuesday he will seein rap manghid cigar a ee ee og ignoring propose thet the party's exees-|um ul Sev 10 the floor of Par-ithe financial plight of s_minat- tive committee authorize fivel,ather 'than a two-thirds. vote|proposed. $05,000,000. foundation tat coasy ote ce will be needed to approve it. |program to private schools. | ership convention later this) year, | Mr. Camp said the increase | to five from three delegates would allow wider representa-/| tion at leadership conventions, | giving Young Progressive (. °-| servative organizations one del-| egate, women's PC groups a delegate and the senior constit- uency organizations three dele- gates. The number of delegates to) national conventions before the Second World War was five, Mr. Camp said, but was re- duced to three in 1942 because of difficulties in wartime travel. | Questioned about published reports that he will ask for one | at-large delegate from each| constituency organization in addition to the five regular del- egates, Mr. Camp said he plans to propose at-large delegates to the executive committee but is not committed to the idea. Conservative Leader John | Diefenbaker said in a national) television address last week | that there should be no at-large' delegates at the convention. Lean Boneless Rolled Lean Fresh PORK 55% Boneless - Beef SHOULDER ROAST good names to remember If you have a Commercial Property To Sell or Lease i REG AKER, pres. BILL McFEETERS, vice-pres. SCHOFIELD-AKER 723-2265 Over 33 years in Business Lean Tender BLADE ROAST G3t | 69: Bacon biel ck, Fees RRO ee es Economy -- 6 and 7 Rib | | Prime Rib SHOULDER 65: Lean, Fresh, Pork-End c "!rom cHors 69: 3:69 TANGERINES 49: Pure Granulated Sugar 9° AOS exis 3° 174 RITSON RD. S. It's January Thaw and Glecoff"s Prices ure going away Down! \ yD YES, AS THE TEMPERATURE RISES GLECOFF'S PRICES PLUNGE DOWN ! SO BUY NOW! AND SAVE AT GLECOFF'S ! 28-oz. Mix 'Em or Match 'Em -- Reg. 2 for 45c HABITANT PEA or VEGETABLE SOUP 51.00 CATELLI'S READY CUT MACARONTL ,... 20:45. 5 toxes 1.00 BREAD. 5 222, 1.00 TIDE "'NS SIZE pOwER 2.4c OFF REG. PRICE CHUM DOG FOOD 6 'Sine 1.00 siuver ear LARD 4 uss, 1.00 CARTON 3.39 CIGARETTES oy maurice THURSDAY ONLY -- (LIMIT 2 CARTONS PER CUSTOMER) winer -- BUNS 4 xcs, 1.00 99: Ib LB. 59° is, 79° 3 iss, 1.00 3 iss, 1.00 Finest Eastern POTATOES No. 1 Grade 50-Ib. Bag each 1.29 Florida suice ORANGES Extra Large Size SLICED COOKED HAM COTTAGE ROLL BACON '(ecvum Peckes). WIENERS BOLOGNA FROZEN FOODS CREME CAKE PIES, FLUSH A BYES by Facelle, Reg. 2.49. SPECIAL eieptaeeeeees 1.98 BROMO SELTZER 14-0z. Farmhouse Family Size. Reg. 1.19 ....essesseeeees Hewaiian Pineapple, Cherry Jubilee, Co- FEENce-MINT 43° conut Flake and Banana 39: Mee RE rea yaaa A ee AEE oeereres COLGATE DENTAL CREME ic DATE PIES, each Re SN Adil lala ee 99 FROZEN COD FILLETS 35° connvers 43° Reg. 3$3c Reg. 49¢ Ib. NOW, Ib. Mon. -- Wed. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Thurs. -- Sat. 8 am. to 10 p.m. LOTS OF FREE PARKING GLECOF F S SUPERMARKET CALL 725-3445