W A. MARKLE A. Markle, of 10 delighted resi- ile Manor, Osh- piano selections occasions, died e Owen Sound larine Hospital. 69th year. -riscilla Munns, yas a daughter and Mrs. Cuth- rn in England, ada and settled rea when seven he had been a n Sound for 44 is survived by two daughters, Palmer (Amy) shorne (Doris) Sound. are two sis- nes Gomersall irs. Amy Mar- awa; 13 grand- 2 great-grand- as predeceased 1 Munns, and a as Palmer. rvice was held n Sound. En- n Owen Sound TINKER r, 69, a former wa, died unex- last in Port \. 'vice was held hurch of the Punta Gorda, Rev. H. Ben- ng. Interment Memorial Gar- urvived by: his iughter, Mrs. > (Peggy) of s, and two Barbara and ard. was born in and. He came shawa in 1924 d by General \ber of years. yartner in the Palm. Billiard awa about 10 wed_to Chica- yuston, Texas. sident of Port is retirement ears ago. . OF BEAR service for 10 died Jan. General Hos- year, was in. 24, at the | Home. conducted by _ minister of d Church. In- Mount Lawn were Robert John Ray- erhill, Earl ward Devry. | OF SKUCE service for ce, who died awa General h year, was 'ong Funeral Jan. 24. offat, minis- reet United the. service. Mount Lawn were John by, William man, Mike 'ing. y Zip ion his country s gold oper- is an ine I's price. 7.18 gain on ex. andoned its mediate in- f gold. This oy surprise. the group five - day '% to 4334, 12%, Giant to 9.55 and % to 2234. as the big up 3% to unable to or the in- % to 17%, and Distil- mbled 4 to said 1967 r. ed 3% to Breweries ase-metals . The com- ncrease in ¢ cents in npany an- 122,000,000 'e Corp. of mbed 714 ials could le rise. ed a jump but this est board latest bid 38. e up 8.21 Is .78 to s 2.02 to 16,056,000 h "18,240,- ials were tilities .55 0 shares 0. "OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS | SIZES 34--48 PINEAPPLE LACE By ALICE BROOKS THE slamlaide: TIMES, Wednesday, January 25, 1967 au See the pretty design of TO SIZE 48 petals. Crochet this splendid! square for many accessories. By ANNE ADAMS | One lazy pineapple square Look bright and neat in a/makes a doily, step-in that buttons smartly| scarf, down one side. Softly scooped/tern 7304; square 16 inches in neckline is cool, uncluttered, a/string, 12 in No. 30 cotton. pleasure on busy days. THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) Printed Pattern 4903: Wom-!for each pattern (no stamps, en's Sizes 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 44, |please) to Alice Brooks, care 46, 48. Size 36 takes 3% yards of The Oshawa Times, Needle- 39-inch fabric. craft Dept., 60 Front Street W., FIFTY CENTS (50c.) in coins!Toronto 1, Ont. Ontario resi- (no stamps, please) for each| dents add 2c. sales tax. Print -- pattern. Ontario residents add/plainly PATTERN NUMBER, > 3c. sales tax. Print plainly|/NAME, ADDRESS. SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS,! 210 MOST STYLE NUMBER. { SDLECRAFT. DESIGNS --in Send order to ANNE ADAMS, |new 1967 Needlecraft Catalog! care of The Oshawa Times,|Knit, crochet fashions, afghans, Pattern Dept., 60 Front Street|quilts, embroidery, toys, gifts. W., Toronto 1, Ont. \2 Free Patterns, Send 25c. to- Spring's Fashions are a JOY/day. FOR ALL SIZES! See 115/12 remarkable heirloom quilts styles, 2 free hat patterns,|-- complete patterns in color fabrics, accessories in new/in Museum Quilt Book 2. Quilt- Spring - Summer Pattern Cat-jing motifs. Send 60c. alog. Gift Coupon for free pat-|Send also for Quilt Book 1 -- tern in Catalog. Send 50c. '16 eomplete patterns. _80e. Those Wild TV Horses Not Found In Alberta HINTON, Alta. (CP) -- If)deadfall, uncut timber you're looking for those mag-|and swampy, filthy muskeg. nificent wild horses that gallop|They are wilder than deer, just across your TV set, you won'tlas difficult to stalk and no find them in Alberta. easier to catch. They have | dense BEAUTII*JL 2 a 16 x 21 inch} 9 a 48 x 48 cloth. Pat-| You'll find wild horses. But)learned from bitter experience no magnificent stallions racingjthat man is to be avoided at proudly across. the prairie.|any cost. Most of them are too big, too} They roam in herds of five to small, too short-legged or to0/30, often mingling with domes- | heavy to be good for anything/ticated horses let out to graze but fox food. They bring $60!on public pasture land. apiece at Edmonton packing} 'The men who chase them use| plants. horses that once were wild. Any About domestically-raised horse would through the foothills of the/kill itself running through the Rockies, leading their human!rugged scrub country where the « pursuers through tangles of|wild ones go. 900 of them range ARNOLD PALMER'S OFFERS YOU THE LOWEST PRICES IN OSHAWA FOR EXAMPLE ONLY YOUR CHOICE @ 2 PAIR TROUSERS @ 2 SKIRTS @ 2 SWEATERS @ 2 PAIR SLACKS @ 'LADIES' PLAIN DRESS PHONE FREE PICK-UP and DELIVERY cal 723-0961 Arnold Palmer CLEANING CENTRE King Park Plaza -- At Park Road EXTR SPECIAL! ¢ WITHOUT P Re SOURD BET WEIGRT SPECIAL ! LOBLAWS FAMOUS PRIDE ARABIA COFFEE: 79°: 1.0 8.93 Pork Rous SPECIAL! OLD SOUTH FLORIDA FROZEN , ORANGE JUICE SPECIAL! HEINZ--ALL 12% VARIETIES BABY FOODS CLIP tis certiricate FoR THIS FREE onus LIMIT ONE CERTIFICATE PER CUSTOMER REDEEMABLE AT THIS STORE ONLY SPECIAL! SCOTT-PUREX---ASSORTED COLOURS TOILET TISSUE ..... SPECIAL! JAVEX SPECIAL! CHOICE AYLMER TOMATOES ... TEA BAGS 128 PL. U7. sid scdgevesssctcasecsccc PUAETIOROTTAR C 60's PKG. PKGS. 2 *2-ROLL URCHASES 719° 19 FL. 02. TINS SPECIAL! GOLDEN ACRES BEEF, FRIED CHICKEN, TURKEY or CHOPPED SIRLOIN of BEEF SPECIAL! HOSTESS BISCUITS COCOANUT CREAMS .... SPECIAL! AYLMER TOMATO SOUP ......... 4 SPECIAL! CHOICE CREAM STYLE AYLMER CORN ........3 SPECIAL! WITH PORK IN CHILI SAUCE AYLMER BEANS...........2 a 1) EXTRA STAMPS i WITH COUPON & PURCHASE.OF ONE 1-18, BAG SAOTHER PARKER'S COFFEE 8 @OUPON ExPineS PeB, 1 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 32 °L QE CARTON REDDI-MAID ORANGE JUICE JIT - COUPON EXPIRES FaB. 1 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12.07, TIN RUNCHEON MEAT KAM NS COUrCN Expres fre. 1 a i 2 EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 3.02. TIN SPRAY DEODORANT SECRET 29 COUPON EXPIRES PEE, 1 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'TWO 15 FL. OZ. TINS CHEF BOY-AR-DEE SPAGHETTI & MEAT 8 COUPON EXPINES PHB, 1 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 6-07. PKG. SUTTER-KRUST ZWIEBACK 223 COUPON EXPIRES FE. 1 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 11-18, TIN MAPLE LEAF fee" SHOULDER PICNIC 316 COUPON expiRes Pre. 1 a0 EXTRA STAMPS 2 EXTRA STAMPS dj EXTRA STAMPS rf WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE MEDIUM SIZE BOTTLE LOTION SHAMPOO HEAD & SHOULDERS 110 COUPON ExPimes Pee, 1 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE WHEATIES 12.07, @ TOTAL 8-02. PKG. BIG "6" CEREAL 319 COUPON © 181 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12-02. BOTTLE PHILLIPS MILK of MACHER 314 COUPON BX WITH COUPON & PLECHASE OF ONE 1.18. PKG, DEL MONTE BREAKFAST PRUNES 127 COUPON EXPIRES PER, 7 | EXTRA STAMPS di EXTRA STAMPS i i 11-OZ, PKG, WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 10 FL. OZ. TIN PROZEN ORANGE DRINK HONEY DEW 28 COUPON EXPIRES PHB, 1 WITH COUPCN & PURCHASE OF ONE 17-07. PKG. BETTY CROCKER POUND CAKE MIX 220 COUPON EXPIEES THB. 1 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 20€ COUPON HxPiees Pee. 1 Oshawa Shopping Centre Store Open Wed., Thurs. 103-07. 20-BIS. PKG, 10 FL, OZ. TINS 14 FL, OZ. TINS 14 FL, OZ. TINS a d EXTRA STAMPS dy 55: 33: 49. 49: BLUEBERRY PIE PRICES EFFECTIVE JAN. 25, 26, 27, 28 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 18-07. JAR KRAFT SMOOTH PEANUT BUTTER 311 COUPON mmerines rue, 1 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANC TWO BATH SIZE BARE DEODORANT Soa? GOLD, PINK or AQUA, JO @OUPON Exes FAB, 1 WITH COUPCH & PURCHASE OF TWO 50's PKGS. SCOTKINS LUNCHEON PAPER NAPKINS Pa 20s COUPON ExPines pre, 1 i WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF OWE QUICK SLB, 846 or STANT 72.07. 9KG, QUAKER OATS Fay 212 COUPON axrines vee, 1 6 6 FL. OZ. TINS SPECIAL! LEAN Loin SPECIAL! SHOPSY'S All Beef FRANKFURTERS RIB END 3}-LB. AVERAGE LB. 49' TENDERLOIN END 34-LB. AVER. LB. SPECIAL! SWIFT'S PREMIUM BOLOGNA suce SPECIAL! HIGHLINER COOKED SOLE PORTIONS GARDEN FRESH FROM FLORIDA! FINEST QUALITY! FIRM, RIPE! TOMATOES RED CALIFORNIA'S FINEST VINEYARDS! LARGE HONEY-SWEET CLUSTERS! a |, aa D2 3Qc 1-LB, 57: PKG. 1-LB. PKG. 8 VAC PAC 12-02. r] PKG. C No. 1 GRADE 14-07. , PKGS. TOP QUALITY, FROM FLORIDA! TREAT YOUR FAMILY TO HEALTH! JUICE ORANGES LARGE SIZE GARDEN FRESH! ADD ZEST TO YOUR TOSSED SALADS! GREEN PEPPERS .......................-.0 3 39: LARGE SIZE 25c SPECIAL! LOBLAWS KITCHEN PRIDE | WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE HI-FI or STEREO RECORD 4 COUPON Expints FER, 1 $ : di EXTRA STAMPS i WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 1-L8, CARTONS MAPLE LEAF LARD Ya6 COUPON IxpiReS FER WITH COVPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 9.07. PKG, HONEY COMB POST CEREAL m1 couro| ma ON & PURCHASE OF | ONE 24.02, PKG. FARM HOUSE FROZEN APPLE PIE 16 COUPON Expines Fae, 1 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 14FL. OZ, SOTTLE ANTISEPTIC LISTERINE J) COUPON Expines fre. 1 I oD 2 EXTRA STAMPS 2 di EXTRA STAMPS WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 2-L8, PLASTIC CARTON erEKIST CREAMED HONEY Je COUPOM Axpines FoR} WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 1-LB. PKG, WISTONS PLAIN oe SALTED SODA CRACKERS RP COUPON ExPiNS FEET WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 32 FL. OZ, 8OTTLE CLEANER WITH AMMONIA HUSKY 132 COUPON EXPIRES Pre. 4 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE PLASTIC CUP wiTTeD TABLE DATES al EXTRA STAMPS al EXTRA STAMPS 1) EXTRA STAMPS I EXTRA STAMPS 20 EXTRA STAMPS and Fri. till 9:30 -- Downtown Store Open Thurs. WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE WAWES WAX or LEMON OIL PRODUCT '2 COUPON EXPIRES PHO, 1 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 1-L8. TIN, BORDEN'S HOT CHOCOLATE 27 _ COUPON EXPIRES PB. 1 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 7 FL OF, BOTTLE LOTION JERGENS 2 COUPON ExPines FH. WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF 'ONE 15}-07. TIN CHEF BOY-AR-DEE BEEFARONI J3B COUPON EXPIRES #8, T WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 3-18. PKG, PRESH CARROTS 290 COUPON Exriaes FER, and Fri. till 9 p.m. é of hk di EXTRA STAMPS a 2) ver AY WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY ONE 4).02. TH AIR FRESHENER, SPRUCE, FLORAL or SMES GO0D-AIRE JR COUPON EXPIRES FRE. 1 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 15-02. AFRO TIN GLASS CLEANER WINDEX 213 COUPON ExpiRes Pee. 1 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ANY TWO 10's PKGS._ WAXED or PLAIN GARBAGE BAGS sr 129 coure WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 15}-0Z. TIN CHEF BOY-AR-DEE RAVIOLI 136 COUPON ExPiReS FEB, 1 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TIN SIZE 96 WHITE GRAPEFRUIT 331 GOUPON EXPReS PeR. 7