11. THE OSH "vA TIMES, | Wednesday, Jenuciy 25, 1967 § } aagegcareapen n t r 'Tires «Batteries «Parts aga - Accessories : Service j ee ES, il : Pa eee OUR BEST TIRE! FISK PREMIUM 4 PLY NYLON " y meses % te BE end Ee ts CME - i PROTESTED Canadian Jewish organi- zations are protesting the possible appearance of Adolf von Thadden, a Ger- man politician who is dep- uty chairman of a German neo-Nazi party, on a Cana- dian television program. (CP Photo) Segregation At Kingston KINGSTON (CP)--Steps are being taken at Kingston peni- tentiary to segregate trouble- makers who have staged two demonstrations in the last year, Acting Warden Howard Bell said today. The Warden said a section of the prison is being prepared for] | 60 "malcontents" among the prison. population of about 850. In July, 250 inmates staged a 19-hour sit-in in the recreation yard, and on Jan. 8 nearly twice that number refused to leave the recreation hall for 27 hours. The men to be. segregated are all inmates who have indi- cated unwillingness to partici- pate in prison routine or activi- ties and who have shown them- selves to be trouble-makers, Mr. Bell said. House Trailor Teachers Home And Classroom | ISLAND FALLS, Ont. (CP)-- A converted house trailer stand- ing a few feet from the main line of the Ontario Northland Railway is home for 19-year-old| ? Robert Poile of Chatham, Ont. It's also a classroom for 16 Indian pupils in Grades 1 to 6. The first-year teacher is one of 16 working in Northern and Northwestern Ontario under Operation Northern Corps, a provincial program to staff schools in remote areas with qualified teachers. The importance of Mr. Poile's work is indicated by remarks made by William Davis, Ontar- fo's minister of education, at a Toronto conference of teachers. "What greater endorsement could one ask . . . than to learn from our teacher at Menapia school . . . that Indian children in his charge had not, before now, known even that they live in the country called Canada?" Mr. Poile's salary is paid by the department of education be- cause there is no tax money to support the school, It's called Menapia Schoo] No. 1 and it is located at Island Falls Junc- tion 75 miles north of Timmins. Three miles to the north, at Island: Falls on the Abitibi River, is Menapia School No. 2. It is operated by the Abitibi Paper Co. for the children of employees working at its hydro- electric generating station. FIRST REAL TEACHER Mr. Poile admits the level of learning among his pupils was not all it could be but he is quick to add that the children had been living in a closed en- AAARAARRARAARARARARARRARARARARARARARARARRARRAARAARARARARAR ALL POPULAR SIZES 775 ~4 (750- 14) 825-14 855 ~4 (850- 14) Whitewalls 25.29 Le bo / HEADRESTS SPARK PLUGS OIL CAN 2 Door Bumpers Me iN page P a : , \ e | E ' AC 84 S POUTS ; "4 ously the lack of money made] \ 2.99 a \ recall 11 MS-7 - 14.95 bi 4 S 79 : wr ; 1 pr. 98 : it impossible to attract any but} | unqualified instructors. f mere '98 , F « 7 aaa mi CAR ROBE 7.05 "TIDEX OIL 1 an WINDSHIELD wash : Ca = \\ ep. CAR RADIO TIDEX OIL | GeO "ANTLFREEZE «(224 one AERIAL 30 «6 99 \WwS 3.15 \ Vinyl Metallic a aro! 5 B ARDAHL . CAR MATS : " SHOP B1-15 02. 1.65 Front or iCMART Rear 5.29 _CREDIT CARD B2- ----- aR oy ok IRAE ee a ' eRe . AE Rug S ad THE HEINTZMAN Se : : é PIANO RENTAL PLAN - Var. : 'i we a novel plan for parents -- Gy: } a Ma Ie C af CIN a] Engine uy who wish to test their children' 4 a. aK , mutical ability Roars oie ERVICE \ = Se | Tune . up S PEC [A LS ir a piano. Héintzman will rent ¥ y Adjust ¢o stere =a . you an --* - on WHILE YOU SHOP Installation ---- camber mgs 89 Piano for 6 months--if you de- Ty ' ", ce both' Check and clean ignition points and cide to purchase it, the six ( i one ve elk spark plugs. Check electrical and hoo Ber a month's rent and cartage will he é on . : fuel systems, Set up engine for best tap tilagl gv otana "Wesel DPEMISES ee rre warn CUNO ice jan "Wee es ke i Z 4 byl Cane a8 BRAK NT » N. L, Install ee > E ADJUSTME i pi a ste eT, 6 Cyl. Cars 6.66 All 4 wheels 728- ALL WORK j ipm a j Bonded Wining , GUARANTEED | " ee scien 8 Cyl. Cars 8.88 FRONT BEARING PAK j / . cier 4,00 : we 4 Parts if necessary extra - Per wheel