awe s 64 : THE OSHAWA TIMES, Modday, Januery 23, 1967 3 35240 ee 35 40 r 3540 KENNEDYS DELETED PASSAGE FAMILY SOURCE SAYS 38 40 38 40 e 38 40 R S 6% " Sh LBJ Seen S 101en an 35 38 " j hd of NEW YORK (AP)--The first The Kennedy source said: Ranch Nov. 17, 1960, the period 35 38 chapter of the book, The Death The whole first chapter was after the election and prior to 20 25 of a President, was tossed out a deer hunting scene in Texas. the inauguration. It was Ken- 20 5 at the insistence of advisers to It showed Johnson as a man of nedy's first deer hunt and he 10 15 the Kennedy family because it violence who lived to kill deer shot two bucks 5 30 pictured President Johnson as and would force others to do the It was learned that the Ken- 5 10 "a man piven gl =| source same. _ yon - sina gp close to the family said today. H close to the family felt so 5 10 The source made the state- OVERTONES UNJUST strongly about other passages 0 5 the book about the assassination "It seemed to set symbolic that Manchester refused to dis- 10 15 ment as controversy over overtones which were unjust card that 'they insisted their the book about the assassination and inaccurate. It seemed an names be deleted from. the ve of President John F. Kennedy attempt to make this (the chap- author's list of acknowledg- wisn : he flared anew after author Wil- ter) the symbolic framework ments of persons from whom MARILYN FITZGERALD liam Manchester charged that for the whole book, which was he received vital information. take pleasure in helping you in Senator Robert F. Kennedy unjust and disastrous. Manchester's views on the r selection of a home in the wanted to "shred and emascu- "It had nothing to do with the controversy came in a series of beset late' the book for political assassination since it occurred interviews with the New York plonigl vie: Brick Bungolow reasons. three years before the assassin- Times at his home in Middle- om Bungalow near Manchester was not immedi- ation, right after the election of town, Conn.. and with News- Se nerachion <o seconoinicel ately available for comment on President Kennedy. It pictured week magazine, prior to his aq the counter-charge made by the President Kennedy as a man leaving on vacation. The Times' Mah tas been ip Reel cores a source close to the Kennedy reluctant to do this (kill deer), a ee bie rink negra in oF rendering ercieeilonet Nc pable family. The author was reported much more gentle figure." oday's editions. The Newsweek scientious service on an extended vacation e an President Kennedy and John- interview will appear in. the GUIDE REALTY or 668-5313. : undisclosed location son went hunting on the LBJ Jan. 30 issue. Give her a call at 723-5281, ? \ a" i # | . ~ Puts Curb On Banks 2! Co-eds Vie WINNERS LARGE AND Whitby Arena. Saturday. and Marianne Forgett, Be- winners, and Sally Straftord, she u ur n an SMALL. Above are the win- They are: front row, left to ginner. Back row, left to Junior. | For Honors ners of the Whitby Skating right: Linda Moffat, Nov- right: Moira Hair and Bob- Oshawa Times Photo 7 IT TAKES LONGER NOW TO BECOME OLD In the past there always were a few people who lived KITCHENER, Ont. (CP) -- For Funds To North Viet x:rcsesen. om. en - in- universities from British Co lumbia to Newfoundland club competitions held at ice, Joan Dunbar, Juvenile, by Kay Duncan, Dance OTTAWA (CP)--The Unitedjmanitarian considerations States treasury department has!volved,"' the statement said. | Whitby Club will 21 Killed Over Weekend . Accidental Deaths Drop By THE CANADIAN PRESS At least 21 persons died in accidents across Canada dur- ing the weekend, with five prov- inces - including Quebec-record- ing no, accidental deaths. A Canadian Press survey from 6 p.m. Friday to midnight|accidents in British Columbiajafter aspirating her formula at} 7 7 i 5 ; ' 1 Pi ; Sunday peat {inion aeaeaa 14 and three in Alberta. One per-\her Bright's eae as near eee ee a with respondent that the collection, The statement said some will be entertained during a or we will deliver promptly without extra charge. A persons killed in traffic mis-|son also died in Alberta when|Sarnia. jthe skaters at Whitby Arena. | items might be in violation of| Americans tried to send money|round of festivities that con-| great many people entrust us with their prescriptions. ' S-|s E ! f : The young. men and women law to the Canadian Friends Service|Clude with the crowning of the May we compound and dispense yours? haps, two by drowning, two in death in Newfoundland when he City in 45-degree below temper- atures after his car left road. Six persons died in traffic he was overcome by carbon; Another Ontario man froze tojford, } |near Ancaster, about five miles;their twelfth year of existence. | in a car-truck coliision attempted to walk to Labrador|west of Hamilton. Mrs. Veronica Brandt, 23, the|London, Ont., in a two-car acci-|Figure Skating Association with dent in London. Loreena Burrowes, six weeks, Frank Allen Ferrier, 31, Tor-| 'Has Birthday | WHITBY (Staff)--Whitby lgure Skating club held its an-|@ treasury licences, according to nual club competition during!@ statement from the depart- ithe weekend as they marked | The Whitby club, largest of} the 348 clubs in the Canadian} instructed all 1 not to pay any collection item|izations would be given permis-|during Water \regarding funds for sending sup-!sion to enter North Vietnam to|versity's in Ki-|plies to North Vietnam without|witness the distribution of sup-)nival, Jan. 25-28 plies to civilians instead of just) * i r turning them over to the Com-|being Miss Canadian Universit |munists. It was also honed that/queen and. reigning over. Secon |structions were issued when the : , |Royal Bank of Canada declined fused, in spite of the fact that} The university queen's begin American banks| ent Friday: It was hoped the relief organ-|vie for dual honors this week loo Lutheran Uni-| annual winter car- The dual honor consists of The statement released in Ot-|this could eventually lead to ob-|Century Week, the all-Canadian jformation Service said the in-joners of war. The Communists have tawa by the United States In-|taining access to American pris- student centennial rally at the) Bae University of Alberta in Febru- re-,ary. [370 members, enjoyed good res-/1) "comply with a suggestion|the Geneva convention on pris-|atriving for Lutheran's' seventh {ponse from both parents and \that it inform its American cor-oners of war requires it. jwere marked in two categories, | }annual carnival Wednesday and "In all cases, U.S. treasury|Committee for North Vietnam!carnival queen Friday night by al 1 | V coughs and other miseries. long lives. But, most of them acquired the disease of old age before they were fifty years of age. After that they suffered from pains, aches, lack of energy, chronic Medical knowledge, diagnostic techniques acting drugs have been areotly impro: people are young at seventy and hope to stay To a great degree, how long you will live depends on you regularly having your physician check your body. By treating any ailment before it has time to become © serious problem, you can add many years to your life. YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need a medicine. Pick up your prescription if shopping nearby, and positive ww omeny hat way. a Po) Ce Se): a "tc fires and three in other mis-|monoxide. A fire in Saskatche-|onto, in hospital of injuries suf-| 1, Bay ny . hr . 'A | . "4 psy Bate 7 haps. wan killed two. fered Friday when his car eit conse a com tien wy tin action fag had to do with he witout . pal ANG eEry ay a he Sl ae EASTVIEW P Quebec, Manitoba, New; The survey does not include|lided with a Toronto streetcar. |) t to ss wulle ihe 4 handling of accounts located in}department asked the Royal Sit} , last y : Brunswick, Nova Scotia and|natural or industrial deaths SATURDAY eee eee ag : whi {the United States," the state-|Bank to refrain from handling |qWeen. 873 kK 5 e : eed a st ' Z| Re : nop. gures are pre-se yes which} ment said. |these unlicensed remittances. |" z ing Street East Ary ila ee the eae ge ge cities ee practiced constantly. hedan assets control regula-|The Royal Bank declined, ba More Comfort Wearinc| Shiu : In Ontario, five persons died SUNDAY the outskirts of Toronto. _ Leading the field ue arllege ee tions of the department prohibit | offered to handle them on a col- 4 b in traffic accidents, two men| Padeusz Seidior, 26, Toronto,, Victor Varab and Pe cies emg prong nt pect Ds eal Americans from sending money lection basis SE TEETH PHONE 725-3594 drowned when their boat cap-|when his car struck a concrete |Boros, both of Toronto, drowned |r aeteta ns nay W \athy/or supplies directly or indirectly; The treasury department| ere isa pleasant way to overcome |--"__] sized in the Trent River and aloverpass on the Macdonald-Car-|when their boat capsized in the|BOwman and Wendy Williams.lto North Vietnam or the Viet\agreed, provided that "'in order| loose piate discomfort. PASTEETH | Fast -- Free -- Motorized Delivery baby died after it choked on its/tier Freeway. lTrent River while they fished Miss Duncan was. presented !Cong without a treasury licence. to avoid involving its U.S. cor-| Upper ti prea yl Rd pag P. B. Francis, -Phm.B. -- J. R. Steffen, B.S¢. Phm. formula. George MacKay, 19, Brant-lan open stretch of water. with Kinsmen trophy. The department said a num-jrespondents in unwitting viola-| firmer so that they feel more com- -- ae - ee Sally Stratford picked up top|ber of licences had been issued|tions of U.S. law," the Royal Hes ng at Rummy. gooes, pasty LIVE" | honours in the Junior section to permit sending sums to Ca-|Bank would accompany each} acid). Does Nat Mou eae "hace bd bed | ences by Ann Baxter and/nadian Friends (Quakers) or-|item with a note explaining that| odor breath". Get FASTEETH today a Led ec ine |Kathy Stuart. |ganizations "in view of the hu-|the remittance might be illegal.! ** "ts counters everywhere. Joan Dunbar walked off with si on ns = \ first prize in the Juvenile group Aft B e Y ahead of Doug Stuart, only er ] ed r male finalist, and Audrey Walzer. €XP067 t Trophy in the Novice section CANADIAN PACIFIC ' TORONTO (CP) -- A young-lation, get a big percentage of was taken by Linda Moffat, as Paeprtarhectyated ster ran screaming down thejthe rabid animals. | Kim Cyr was second and Faith aoe i street, a rabid cat clinging to} But Dave Johnson, biologist Love third. tion ' his leg like a leech. with the wildlife research Beginner, Marianne Forgett ICtIO iG His brother had to use &|pbranch of Ontario's department was first in her class when she s ' heavy wood plank to knock the! of lands and forests, is investi- finished ahead of Noreen Do- You know of our jet pilots, cat away. gating one paradox. | herty and Lynn Robertson. 4 For Jim Ryan, canine control| 'One of the puzzles we're try- | Bobby Kay Duncan and Moira officer for Markham, Vaughan|ing to solve is the area south of! {Hair won the silver cup put up our enginemen, ' and Richmond townships, north|a line drawn between Sarnia} 'by the Legion of Whitby for of here where the incident oc-|and Hamilton," he said. "It has| \the Dance competition with Sal- and our ship captains. curred, this was the worst case|a good skunk and fox population} ly Burkart and Wendy Williams of animal rabies in 1966, an epi-|but the incidence of rabies is second and Kathy Stuart and demic year in Ontario. wg F ; Ann Baxter third. i - ni "No vaccine, for any disease, feasts foe 'tables last year tn is 100 per cent certain in. ali! t | ALWAYS A PROBLEM ; York County, which embraces|cases," says Dr. R. J. Wilson,| BRUNEI (AP)--A new high Styling Toronto, the most since a ma- err p sawtordy pith te voltage power line to serve the ' ; . ' ' j i Sity 0 oronwo s . m1 aaa " y now, jor outbreak In 1850 jee. | [population of this British. pro Now we'd like you to meet our spaghetti-man, our stillroom girl, iv _-- ae Se eeedie Connaught manufactured the bene orate e gen "s a mixed f fi d . b Speer Ue an Se './vaccine administered to the) eane: See. onier | MOBINeEr our rog itter ana our ginger eer. <LING said Dr. B. C. LePage, York! reatherston girl, Their scien- J, E, B. White, "This voltage County health officer. "But it's tists are testing blood samples HEAVY TAX is extremely dangerous and the BY dwindling now." i public is asked to warn children from the three persons attacked Sir A : _. \pek to fly alee he ling? OTTAWA GIRL DIED along with Donna to determine Sir A lexander Haddow, jno 9 fly ites near the ine." Ontario's epidemic was well|if they are protected from the) 4 Prominent British cancer under way when Donna Feath-)dissease. Dr. Wilson said the researcher, wants govern- erston, 4, of Ottawa was clawed|tests will give Connaught "aj ments to tax cigarettes poner GERICEN | on the face by a rabid cat last|good idea" if the vaccine will| more heavily to discour- Oct. 21. Donna took the full/work. a age smoking, Sir Alexander PRESCRIPTIONS course of 14 painful anti-rabies| "But there are so many vari-| who admits to smoking a [i shots but died eight days ago.|ables, it's tough to really know) Pipe, said in a paper de- AN ost Three other persons attacked by|anything for certain." livered today to the Royal Neer the same cat are living in fear| oo fs hee bore an that they have contracted the) eate Sait ues be disease which is invariably fa-| Sudbu neg a ng, is by va ty e greatest factor in Caused by a virus, rabies at- Roe renee: CP Wirephoto) tacks the central nervous sys- ( irephoto tem inflaming the brain. It is! \Q e e | primarily an animal disease | SOME SMALL HOPE that gets into man by accident. RIO DE JANEIRO (AP) --| : The Dominion Bureau of Sta- pated irae i City-Wide Deliver tistios lists only five human ra- May Close After Brazilian housewives com- y y bies deaths in the quarter cen- \Plained when the cost of living MITCH ELL'S tury ending in 1964. Three were) SUDBURY (CP)--The Sacred Went up nearly 15 per cent in | in Ontario where 10,000 courses|Heart Jesuit College may close | week, the semi-official Getulio DRUGS of vaccine have been adminis-/at the end of the school term in| Vargas Foundation reported the tered to humans in the last) June because of financial prob-|°S! Of living in Rio rose 41 per Hg sineoe N, 723-3431 j nine years. lems, says a college spokes- Cent in 1966. But this was four Simco y | In the same period, there! man. per cent less than in 1965, were 10,000 confirmed cases of} The 53-year-old institution animal rabies. A spokesmanjowes $60,000 but has no sources said that for every wild animaljof revenue to pay the amount. confirmed as rabid after its)The spokesman estimated the | death, nine more wander in the |college is worth about $1,260,-! bush where they die unseen. 000. In the nine months ending; Talks have been held with thes last Dec. 31, federal figures/Ontario department of educa- show that Ontario led all prov-|tion and with Sudbury school | 54 SIMCOE NORTH inces in rabid animals with 660jofficials without success. rcs cases. Foxes and skunks are af-| The college has sold portions ears fected the most, followed byjof its land over the years to ; fia bats, raccoons, wolves, cattle.|pay debts. There is no land left. a Tuesday and Wednesday Specials dogs, cats, horses, sheep and! Attending the school are 300 swine. high school students. It accom- Counties like York, where|modates 23 priests and nine lay BONELESS, ROLLED there is a dense wildlife popu-'teachers. C (}POT ROAST ib a | ' } Moderns i no : : Wn gla a C What's in a name? At Canadian nature--he makes frogs for rail world's most complete trans- Pacific, there's a lot. switches. portation system. WHITBY and OSHAWA Ib A spaghetti-man, forinstance, is. Andagingerbeerisanengineer What's in a name? At Canadian : not a cook--but an electrician. on our Trans-Atlantic steamships. Pacific, there's one word: service. LEAN MINCED Astillroom girlisn't what youmay Alotof our 67,000 employees UP C think. She takes care of pantry aig eauery Lhd deta, i ee Canadian fs provisions in our hotels. pkg Aig ae, nated augic TO Ib A frog fitter has nothing todowith And that's serving you in the Serving you in so many ways. Yo Wlodorns BONELESS p Meet some behind-the-scenes Canadian Pacific people: WU ig W. S. Short, spaghetti-man, Angus Shops STEWING ; C Lowiselle Germain, stiliroom girl, Le Chateau Champlain nes 38 KING ST. E. 135 BROCK ST. S., WHITBY Jacques Bourgeois, frog fitter, Angus Shops e671 1967 BEEF Robert Evans, ginger beer, Empress of England 1d 1908 | , --_-- me