Oshawa Times (1958-), 23 Jan 1967, p. 2

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"pore 2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, Jenvery 23, 1967 A GLANCE AROUND THE GLOBE Party Changes Seen For Liberals, Tories (CP)--Defence Minister Paul Hellyer predicted Saturday that 'major changes" within two years will be made at the top of both major fed- eral parties. But he declined statement on his own candidacy for the Liberal party leader- ship. Mr. Hellye? told a news that the time to start thinking of re- vising the constitution to meet present needs is now, he said. But it should not be dogmatic and would not be done imme- diately. He declined to give a definite date when the new unified forces uniform would be made public. But he said working trials for the new uniform would be held in late spring or early summer. Resignation Asked OTTAWA (CP)--Hon. Gordon Churchill, former Conservative defence minister, said Friday that Dalton Camp should resign i diately as president of the Progressive Conservative Asso- ciation if he intends to seek the party leadership. Mr. Churchill, chief spokes- man for the Diefenbaker loyal- ists in the pariy's leadership|fo dispute, is campaigning for the leadership convention to be held in Winnipeg in April. Mr, Camp has said he fa- vored Montreal as the conven- tion site and advocated a fall date. Journalist Held SAIGON (Reuters) ---An at- mocteably woman journalist kid- d by the Viet Cong guer- was said Sunday night to be alive and well somewhere in the South Vietnamese jungle. Former model Michele Ray, 28, has been missing six days since setting out alone to drive through South Vietnam. Her small car was found by South Vietnamese troops Satur- day 300 miles northwest of Sai- gon. It was mined and booby- trapped. There was no sign of her and at one point she was feared dead. But South Vietnamese mili- tary reports reaching here Sun- day night said she is alive and being marched northward by the Viet Cong. Tariffs Removal VICTORIA (CP) -- Canada must remove tariffs if it wishes to become an industrialized na- tion, Trade Minister Mitchell Sharp said Saturday. "American and European tar- iffs keep us out of the industrial picture," he said in an inter- view. However, Mr. Sharp said he does not believe in North Amer- ican free trade because Canada would be left as a junior part- ner. "T have proposed free trade by sectors of industry, rather) than by regions," he said. "We feel the divisions of trade should be by industrial divi- sions, similar to the auto pact with all countries of the world." HERE AND THERE MARY STREET At the annual skating carnival of Mary Street School, held at the school recently, children en- tered a number of skating events and were treated to hot dogs and beverages prepared by members of the Home and School Association. THREE-CAR SMASH A three-car collision at Rit- son Road and Bloor Street early last evening resulted in about $1,000 damages. Robert R. May of RR 6 Cobourg, was driving a station wagon which collided with a truck driven by Ralph J. Terwillegar of 107 War- ren Ave. Mr. May's vehicle col- lided with a third car. MEMORIAL SERVICE A memorial service for the late Miss Jean Fetterly will be held at the McLaughlin Public Library, Jan. 24 at 2 p.m. Friends and acquaintances are invited to attend. Miss Fetterly, who was chief librarian of the McLaughlin Public Library for 20 years, died Jan. 18 at Ithaca, New York. SHOPPING CENTRE Edwin A. Daniels, Jr., direc- tor of merchandising for a Balti- more, Maryland company which builds shopping centers in the United States, will be guest speaker at the annual Oshawa Shopping Centre dinner meet- ing, at the Carousel Inn. PICKERING COUNCIL Pickering Township Council Passed a bylaw last week to execute contracts for the con- struction of watermains, sani- tary sewers and private con- nections there from on East Avenue, Lawrence Avenue and Chester. Hill Road. The clerk has received a $10,500 cheque from Canadian General Electric toward..the project. Assurance has also heen received from EDMONTON PAUL HELLYER « » « Makes Forecast Conflict Seen By GERARD McNEIL OTTAWA (CP) -- Parliament is a place where MPs argued or 16-- minutes. Friday - ahout whether to take a 20-minute lunch break and finally re- cessed for half-an-hour. Moments like these seem to have inspired Health Minister MacEachen's suggestion that parliamentary efficiency de- pends less on its machinery than on the mentality of MPs. "Democratic legislative deci- sion - making generates con- flict," he told a group of women here. "But it should be conflict with a purpose." Mr. MacEachen, 45, who made a similar speech in Hal- ifax the week before, is re- garded as a procedural expert. He has handled more legisla- tion in the current session than any other cabinet minister. Thus equipped, he was talk- ing philosophically about 'the limitations of Parliament." ALLAN McEACHEN + « « Is Philosophic More Parolees OTTAWA (CP)--The national parole board granted parole to 2,502 persons during 1966, an in- crease of 200 over 1965, board chairman T. George Street said in a statement Sunday. Since the board's inception in 1959, it has granted parole to 17,000 persons. Of these, 1,821 violated their paroles and were returned to prison. Mr. Street said the board's "suctess rate" is about 90 per cent, He said plans are in progress to recruit additional parole serv- ice officers and that new dis- trict offices will be opened this year at Regina, Sudbury, Ot- tawa and St. John's, Nfid., bringing the total to 20 across Canada. Frost Officiates ORILLIA (CP)-- Former On- tario premier Leslie Frost re- turned to his home town Satur- day to present Orillia centennial medals to seven former mayors. Mr. Frost was taking part in the town's 100th anniversary of the first council meeting held after the community was in- corporated in 1867. Wishart Nominated SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont.| (CP) -- Attorney-General] Arthur Wishart Saturday was nominated Progressive Con- servative candidate for the Sault Ste. Marie riding in the next provincial election. The nomination convention also chose Bernt Gilbertson of St. Joseph's Island as candidate in the new riding of Algoma. At a later testimonial dinner for Mr. Wishart about 100 pers- ons demonstrated outside the armories, carrying placards) bitration labor disputes and the| Finance Corp. Ltd. the School Board of Area No. 2 that cash payment will be forth-| coming. CONDITION "POOR" Sixty-five-year-old Frank Lem of King Street East remains in Poor condition in a coma today at Oshawa General Hospital suf- fering injuries received in a fall he- had late last December. Mr. Lem is a restaurant owner in BUSINESSMEN'S LUNCHEONS 95e -- 1.35 DINNER 5:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Good Food Reasonable Prices Parking Rear of Hotel HOTEL LANCASTER 27 KING ST. W. the city. = TV Classes HAMILTON (CP) Ontario pre-schoolers will soon be learn- ing in their living rooms--by television, a department of ed- ucation official said Saturday. The department is planning a series of educational television programs for children too young to go to school, to begin in 1968, Hamilton kindergarten 'a |teachers were told by Dr. Vera Good, assistant superintendent of the curriculum division of the department. Dr. Good said a committee has already been formed to plan programs. She said the admission of children to kindergarten should be staggered. This would re- lieve the teacher of greeting 30 strange faces at once. Parent - teacher conferences should replace report cards in kindergarten and Grades 1, 2 and 3, Dr. Good said in an in- terview later. Leaves Coffin HELSINKI (Reuters) -- Finn Verneri Viillos emerged from his coffin Sunday after being buried alive fora -record-.170 hours. Viillos, 25, was in good phys- ical condition when he left the coffin, buried under a green- house, and the only trouble had been the dampness of his grave. The previous record of 103 hours was set by an Irish long- shoreman last month. Viillos' coffin was equipped with a pillow, mattress and a radiophone to the surface. Warm air was pushed into it through a tube. Viillos took with him 26 pints of fruit juice, five pints of beef broth and a big sausage. Return Expected HAMILTON (CP) -- Workers are expected to return to their jobs in the tire room of Fire- stone Tire and Rubber Co. of Canada Ltd. today following a week-long work stoppage, a union spokesman said Sunday. A meeting of the 300 tire room employees, members of Local 113, United Rubber Work- ers of America, voted to return to work. Inquiry Slated BRANTFORD (CP) -- Re- examination of ballots cast in a Six Nations Indian election in December has been ordered by the federal department of In- didn affairs. D. R. Cassie, Six Nations superintendent and _ returning officer, said Saturday the de- partment has asked him for a description of spoiled ballots. During the examination all the ballots will be recounted. Independent Role BROCKVILLE (CP) --John Maclean, 40, a Brockville bus- inessman planning to seek the national leadership of the Pro- gressive Conservative party, said Sunday he will run as an independent candidate in Leeds if the local party association de-|;; nies him support. Mr. Maclean was the first to announce candidacy for the na- tional leadership after John Diefenbaker called for a leader- ship convention last week, but the Leeds Progressive Conserv- ative Association said it would offer the federal nomination to Desmond Code, present mem- ber of Parliament for Lanark. Compromise Role WARSAW (Reuters)--An ac- ceptable compromise between the Roman Catholic Church in Poland and the state on the con- troversial question of control over Roman Catholic seminar- ies appeared possible Sunday following two meetings between Communist and church repre- sentatives. Late last year government au- thorities proposed to enforce their claim to supervise train- ing in colleges for priests de- spite church opposition. Officials injunctions and compulsory ar-| recent collapse of Prudential | threatened to close down four |Seminaries if the church did not allow a series of controls. Illness Mild VATICAN CITY (AP)--Pope Paul, recovering from influ- enza, appeared at the window of his apartment to give his usual Sunday blessing and de- scribed his illness as mild. It was his first public appear- ance since doctors ordered Friday to cancel his schedule and stay in bed. The Pope's voice sounded firm and strong. Vatican sources said it would be a few more days before the flu had) Prof. Marshall McLuhan of Toronto's St. Michael's College has been described as "Canada's intellectual comet" on the one hand and a perpetrator of a gigantic hoax on the other. To those who attack THE ORACLE OF COMMUNICATIONS his theories on simple answer: modern communication he has a They just don't get it, he says. WEATHER FORECAST TORONTO (CP) -- Forecasts issued at 5:30 a.m. Synopsis: A weather distur- bance moving into the Great Lakes area will gradually re- place rain and freezing rain with snow. Snow is expected in the north country Tuesday as another weather disturbance moves towards Ontario. The southern sections of the prov- ince will continue in the mild air today and Tuesday with) | \some showers Tuesday. Lake St. Clair, Lake Erie,| Lake Huron, Niagara, Windsor, London, Hamilton: Cloudy and mild today and Tuesday. A few showers Tuesday. Winds south- erly 15. Lake Ontario, southern Geor- gian Bay, Toronto: Cloudy and mild today. Tuesday cloudy with a few showers and continuing mild. Winds southerly 15. Northern Georgian Bay, Hal- iburton, Algoma, Killaloe, Sault Ste. Marie, North Bay, Sudbury: Cloudy and milder today with # considerable fog and occasional light rain or drizzle. Cloudy and turning a little colder tonight with some snow or freezing drizzle. Tuesday overcast with snow. Timagami, Cochrane: Over- cast with occasional freezing rain changing to snow and be- {\coming intermittent tonight. 4'Tuesday cloudy with snow. Mil- der today but turning colder tonight. Winds easterly 15, be- coming noriheriy 26 tonight. White River: Overcast with occasional rain or freezing rain changing to snow and becoming intermittent tonight. Tuesday cloudy with snow. Milder today, turning colder tonight. Winds Continuing Mild Tuesday Cloudy. Some Showers Kitchener ..+.+005 (35 40 Mount Forest ..... 35 40 Wingham .....+6. 395 40 Hamilton .... St. Catharines .... Toronto .....++02. 38 40 Peterborough ..-. 35 38 Kingston ....00002 33 38 Ottawa: Occasional freezing pe ' . if rain or drizzle changing to Muskoka fs 35 38 showers. Tuesday mainly cloudy|North Bay . 200 25 and a little cooler. Winds eas-|Sudbury . 20 25 Earlton ....-e.s6. 10 15 terly 15 today and light tonight. Windsor ......+.+. 38 45 St. Thomas....... 35 42 Forecast temperatures Low overnight, high Tuesday Sault Ste. Marie... 25 30 Kapuskasing ..... 5 10 White River woo... 5 10 Moosonee ..- Timmins ...0.+.-- 10 15 -- 20. By DAVE McINTOSH OTTAWA (CP)--Some foreign policy advisers to the govern- ment say future United Nations peacekeeping operations should make provision for halting any arms-running into the area being policed by the UN. They concede that the UN has had a difficult enough time raising and financing peace forces without trying to devise a formula to prevent importa- tion of arms. But they add that some at- tempt should be made to make a peace keeping operation con- ditional on an arms ban in the region concerned. The UN General Assembly will meet in a special session in April to deal with the South- west Africa question, which could involve formation of a UN force, and the problem of financing peacekeeping opera- tions. Informants indicated Canada is unlikely in the immediate future to broach the subject of a ban on arms imports. It is too busy trying to get UN agree- ment on a much more modest resolution on financing methods. Indeed, the government, or one of its departments at least, has indicated it is touchy on the matter. Parts of a brief prepared by Rear-Admiral William Landy- more, since dismissed for inter- nal opposition to armed forces unification, were deleted by the defence department last June before the brief's presentation to the Commons defence com- mittee. One of the deleted sections Big Curb On Arms-Running | uesey Te To Invest! 'Urged For UN Peace Plan | the Greek and Turkish Cypriots have added significantly to their "It would have been relatively easy to have prevented an arms port control so that stable con- ditions could have been main- tained while finding a lasting solution without further blood- shed." Canada protested to the UN in) 1965 when the Greek Cypriot government imported tanks from Russia. said: "It always seems extraordi- nary to me that the prevention HOLLYWOOD (AP) --Ac- tress Ann Sheridan, a_ red- haired Texan who _ became movies' sultry "Oomph Girl" during the Second World War, Saturday night. She was 'ier third husband, actor Scott McKay, was at her bedside when death occurred at her new Hollywood Hills home. A friend said Miss Sheridan died of emphysema, a lung ail- ment. However, two other Actress Ann Sheridan Dies In Hollywood Home NEED FUEL OIL ? CALL PERRY 723-3443 BAY OR NIGHT of an arms buildup has not been an essential part of our peace- keeping operations. "It is well known that while our peacekeeping forces have been at work in Cyprus, both arsenals. buildup by sea blockade and air- Denton, Tex., and went on to stardom playing opposite such actors as Gary Cooper, Cary Grant, Humphrey Bogart, James Cagney, Ronald Reagan and Erro] Flynn, Her marriages to actors Ed- ward Norris and George Brent ended in divorce. Miss Sheridan turned to the stage eight years ago and toured in Kind Sir with tah They were married last une. 612% per annum for five years by investing in Gueranteed Investment Certificates which ere Guerenteed----as to Principal and interest, Flexibile--moy be used es Col- lateral for loans, Redeemable--by Executors in the event of death, Authorized--as Trustee Act In- vestments. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 19 Simcoe St. N., Oshawa 723-5221 23 King St. W., Bowmanville 623-2527 OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS end SATURDAYS -- Premium Quality $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ : sources gave the cause of death as cancer. Joseph Conley, producer of Pistols 'n' Petticoats, a televi- sion comedy series in which Miss Sheridan was starring at the time of her death, said he'd asked her doctor several times what the nature of the actress's illness "and he would never tell me." Miss Sheridan's sister, Mrs. Leo R. Kent of Fort Worth, Tex., said the family always kept in close touch with each other but no one had any idea $$$ $$ $ $ BE WISE .. . ECONOMIZE! SAVE DOLLARS! FUEL OIL ow... Phone 668-3341 DX FUEL OIL SERVING OSHAWA -- WHITBY -- AJAX & DISTRICT meen ie ee ee | $$ $ $ gentle la laxative from the 'makers pot Tums! It's called hecause it's Nature's Remedy The Tums people, as you would expect, know a great deal about sensitive stomachs. That's why they make their laxative, Nt Nature's Remedy, only with vegetable ingredients. So, Nt brings easy, effective, overnight relief. This gentle action is especially important if you now take a laxative once, twice or three times a week. nv works while you sleep without disturbing your rest. There is no letdown, no uncomfortable after-feeling. Try Nature's Remedy, a gentle all-vegetable laxative. Reg- ular or chocolate coated. Ne tonight, tomorrow alright. Beau Valley "THE MOST PLEASANT PLACE TO LIVE" by Kassinger The Location The Setting The advanced method of construction The Quality and The Beauty of the Homes Are Unquesiionable Without Comparison In Oshawa 10 different Model Homes with Delightful Styling and Breathtaking Interior are on display now. $ 3 TO KEEP BEAU VALLEY HOMES SPARKLING CLEAN, THESE HOMES. ARE SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT ONLY SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD, -- 723-2265 DIXON'S OIL | 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR . SERVICE | 723-4663 | SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS of the illness. | It was Mrs. Kent who! launched her sister's movie ca- reer when, as a joke, she sub- mitted a picture of Miss Sheri- dan in Paramount Pictures' search for a beauty contest win- ner. Miss Sheridan left her native | $ $ $ $ $ $; $ $ $ $ URGENTLY Homes to rent er buy ! Companies transferring employees will pay cosh or $4,000. or $5,000. down and one mortgage for the balance at not more than 8% interest. PHONE H. Keith Ltd. Realtor | ois fees, WANTED a ret) AUTO Gficent | SERVICE | good names to remember If you have a Commercial Property To Sell or Lease REG AKER, pres. =f BILL McFEETERS, vice-pres. | SCHOFIELD-AKER 723-2265 Over 33 years in Business | | protesting the use of ex parte|U its course. i i HOUSE OF FABRIC | 11% King Street East Oshawa, Ontario HURRY! HURRY! HURRY! | JANARY CLEARANCE SALE | FINE DRESS AND DRAPERY FABRICS ave 20% to 40% Discount! Open Fri. Night Till 9 725-4351 On Texeco Credit Cords TUNE-UP NOW FOR TOP PERFORMANCE NOW ! BETTER CAR SERVICE at Safe Sure Driving | BRAKE @ end & mnont END ALIGNMENT @ 1 SERVICE | | (Up Te Six Months Te Pay) All Services Mey be Purchased COOPER'S | ! TEXACO 725-4551 I 56 Bruce St. i} 410 Ritson Rd. N. | CALL 728-7305 _ FOOD SERVICE Complete Service For All © RECEPTIONS © HOUSE PARTIES SOCIAL AFFAIRS CATERING MANAGER | PRINCESS COIFFEURS 39 SIMCOE STREET NORTH INDIVIDUAL HAIR STYLING Y Michael Cordi or Lorenzo leraci for Perfect Hair Care. SPECIAL OFFER... on Perms -- Bleaches, or Heir Coloring. FREE! Helr Brush or Hair Sprey. OPEN: Tues., Thur. for Appointment PHONE 723-0301 &. Fri. Evenings NOTHING Acetone FOR @ Astigmeti t recast sted inest Quelity Lenses Simulated Diamond Trim zeros Opticel but 7" all PSI, oouliets scriptions et same low prices. OPTICIANS -- OVER 3,000,000 SATISFIED CUSTOMERS 17 BOND ST. E. | sirocats 2nd Fioor $ 1 8.55 Hours: 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Doily CLOSED ALL DAY Complete with Frames Lenses ond Case WEDNESDAY PHONE: 728-1261 Branches in many principol elties of Cenede & U.S. Pounded 1904 > sorte WIND SMALL ners of club ci 21 Ac By THE At leas accidents ing the wi inces - int ing no,al A Can from 6 p.) Sunday, I persons | haps, two fires and haps. Quebec, Brunswick Prince Ec tality-free. In Onta in traffic drowned ° sized in tl baby died formula. Ra Af TORON' ater ran street, a his leg lil His bre heavy wor cat away. For Jim officer fo. and Richn of here w curred, th of animal demic yea Fifty - | treated fo York Cou Toronto, t jor outbre "Tt start it's been said Dr. County he dwindling OTTAWA Ontario': under way erston, 4, | on the fac Oct, 21. 1 course of shots but Three othe the same that they disease wl tal. Caused |} tacks the tem inflan primarily that gets i The Don tistics lists bies death tury endin; in Ontario of vaccine tered to nine years In the were 10,00 animal ra said that f confirmed death, nine bush wher In the | last Dec. show that inces in ra cases. Fox fected the bats, racci dogs, cats. swine. Counties there is a © wis] 38 KING

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