\ TIMES, 23, 1967 DLR CRRSRRAReReRAseaeeeeReeeReaRaanaaaaaAasAeseeeeeaeeaananannasse | DOSCO Strike | --_ as ne ew oe Se GE ee iil . @ ° : Finally Ends Services Cost Aids ECKER , ! ~ MONTREAL (CP) -- An r in Masters' ; jagreement was reached Sunday| e onship Play) TODAY' Ss. | between Dominion Stee! and| | Saoaw tee Nflation Increase works employees, ending aj ; sent, sou . Creeping Price Increases e"2= srable. 2-Odd let, mente unis meric on '" mer wen Low ore The agreement provides for) MONTREAL (CP)--Canada'sjand some durables, such as,been reinforced by a number of ra Practicing cathe inpiee change i |. 'aisonquin. 200 78 78 75 +5 gradual increases raising the| ability to keep consumer pricesjelectric appliances and televi-| special factors, such as the de RTH 'om previous board-lot closing sale. | ican 2585 $342 M4 3m + % bd e basic hourly wage rate . to| down is relatively good, the Na-|sion sets, are down in price. | valuation of the Canadian dollar : MINES Alcan oF 2 Hove 4 ie Ma + Ve Tin ries nnocence $2.4714 from $1.95 for the ma-jtional Industrial Conference) Food -- accounting for more|in 1962, rising indirect taxes, in- is a Anthes A 5250 S220 ie 2a -- V4 pay * bg) a rg -- Said Sunday in a pre-|than a quarter of the average|troduction of the Canada and r le rgus Zi $14M%4 14% 14% | and to in the case of em-|pared statement. consumer's budget -- showed a/Quebec pens {' lans an Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch 1) . sai ; nsiton plans and oy ' pe esr "aoe Oe ee ie tie ie By KEN SMITH (Canada) Ltd., said it is boundjnancial troubles, said a series|ployees working on a four- shift! In the 1949- 65 period France's| |21 - per - cent increase. This is| world-wide shortages of certain Acme Ges 500 24¥s 24% 24s Asbestos 200 Simo 2% 2% canadian Press Business Editor|to mean higher prices for his}of incidents during the last year|continuous operation. The new)consumer or "'cost of living') | only slightly more than Can-|primary metals a9 py pied ee ee te At Sugar 125 Sie oom aa | 'Tiere ain't nobody here but/company's products, especially|had frightened the public. contract extends until Nov. 30,|prices increased 132 per cent, jada's national price barometer.| "These special factors hav 998762 All Pitch 1000 14 14 14 --1] Bank Mtl 574 $5914 59 59 is higher prices. -- _ {heating equipment. This led them to call many/1969. Sweden's 89 per cent, Japan' s| the Consumer Price Index.) 9) soy. a rs have $31098? an a in ee te pete! pe aa ora Just like the thief who tried) He said the copper increascj.otes for repayment, leaving) The workers, members of the|§7 per cent, England's 83 per which rose by 19 per cent ee agra buted to the ad- HIS Armore 1600 "9s Ws isla F 1} Bell Phne 2113 $494 49% 492 + | -0 Con the farmer by hiding injis only the latest in the trend|the firm short of capital to con-|United Steelworkers of Amer-|cent and Italy's 69 per cent. Some of the foods showing the lthaw Le 1d h bee ---- = ye y 7 ; + a a 7 4 \ JiG y L 1 UD- Te Arcadia §-- 200-2628 -- 1 Bilinere: ps Sie 10. ae he chicken House, more price|to higher prices for raw ma-|'inue operations. jica, voted in support of their) Canada's relatively small in-|STeatest increases were cereall leant satis piling vis 4 jeval 43 Banies 1040 mM Bramelce" 200 $7 6% 6%e+ | HCreases crept into the econ-|terials during recent months. lunion officials' recommenda- = products, beef and pork, fruit! pric Beer Me We Sh | Brazilian 100 $102 10% 10% ymy last week--and all "We have be ble to ab-|CONSTRUCTION DIPS tion to accept the latest crease of 39 per 'cent, over the 4 ots (over. 1 domestic inflation Y elcher 00) 96a 25s Ose + Ws] Breen 18D S1UHh Iie. y nd all con- a en able to ab- n to accept the latest comp-| jsame period, is described and vegetables. Dairy products, | pressures h totally ake 6 rn 550 745 740 740 Brdg nk P 2s Sve ova #2 |. ,,| cerned loudly proclaimed their/sorb some of them, but eventu- Southam Building Guide's! any offer. p peacribed ae by compar se onl [Pressures baa been tay "al 6 Bhaisee 2500 I tae vo 410 | BA ON 1061 $36% 36% 36% 4 | MNocence ' lally there has to be a revision." {Statistical bulletin reported that) Preparations for the resump- good. Only the United States|by comparison, rose only 14 per\sent,"' it sai Brome 1025 950 950 950 75 | BC Forest 825 $27 71% 24+ %! Latest in the series of in- the total dollar value of con-|tion of production will begin to- and West Germany registered cent. piel eestor) SSSR core 18 500 a eS He (Sort 0 th an a 'clspengée that will' affect con WIRE TO COST MORE struction contracts in 1966 fell day, a Dosco "spokesman. said smaller inc creases with rises of "The recent acceleration in, ast © South Cam Mine Soe an ao | Br intl Fin 625 475475 475 | sumers was a boost in the cost|. Industrial Wire and Cable Co.|9.6 per cent below the record | ------------ okesman Saie-/32_and 30 per cent respectively.|price increases reflects some in LEWIS assy 3NT Camp Chi 5600 855 780 845 +55 Lh a 220 sitve 18%e ie | lof copper, as Noranda Sales Ltd. quickly announced a 7%4-|pace of 1965. | The NICB: statement, pre-|flationary pressures which typ- Ce eh isn in | een me on th Corp. bumped the domestic|Per-cent increase in the price! It put last year's total at | St ] MH jpared by assistant economistjically arise in the late stages) OPTICAL Cdn Keely 220 9% 4 CD Sugar 220 $23 «323 ice 21 of its products. $4,949,517,000, off $204,1 | e Co, nion 'Zoltan Zanyi, said the '"'primary)of a vigorous expansion,"' which) - ¢hree of j y| Can Cem 25 $38% 384 38% + %|Price 2% cents a pound to 47% . ,949,517,000, off $294,146,000. 1 if Established for over 30 yeers Gen Nisto Bb 8 ha + Can Man Wo bik aA ni path Noranda's wire and cable i hii x 4 jcause of Canada's recent creep-/began in 1961, the statement 1014 King Street Wert Cenger 21500 Bale 3} a=} | C backrs B z10 $704 70% 70\4 "This -followed subsidiary, Canada Wire, and A slowdown in residential and| ling inflation is the soaring cost! said 725.0444 rred in the 1 700 $1 ' Can Perm 230 $112 11% 114 | is followed increases in} , Ree Ane engineering construction led to 0 » eh s,"? "Bf f th e| is Cassiar 00 $16%-- 165% 16% Cable Co. Ltd., confirmed its ice ffects | ti) the increases have ami Beach Gent Pat 100 145 145145 100 $315 31% 31% + y|many steel products, other ma- ; the drop, the bulletin says. e 10-year period - $$ ee the Ameri Chestrviie 2100 21 71 71 --1| Can Brew 476 $7% 74 74s + Yelior metals and the one-per-cent| jprices will rise, but said the) - >) tie AUS ERE Carre HeLW ee "deriicomina Shestrvle 3 A, hg] C Brew Bp tap san asia aia + ulin metals and the one-per-cent is ount has mot been deter-| It reports these totals by| HAMILTON (CP) --Officials 1955 pe 1965 automobile insur- : orthcoming Goch WI 2000 218 215 218 + 4 C (chem w $00 885,555 | hate rite Co tetera anise tax to|*tNed. J. H. Pryce, general|ategory for 1966, with 1965 fig- lof the Steel Co. of Canada andjance jumped 85 per cent; pre- ip. : Con-Key 7000 10% 1s a+ va] © Found pr 275 site 6 'Althe fl lt lmanager, said a 744-per-cent|ures in brackets [representatives of 100 bricklay-/paid medical care 56 per cent; tract at five Con Shaw 4000 35 35 =i £ qe 109 sa 2184 zis ++U% as a diag? increases |. increase' seems reasonably] Residential $1,409,963, 709|erS were told Sunday to take| per cent; haircuts and_hair- ump. In each ¢ ae fe Bi Es Ps eos CIL mos Ste We tH nave een announced as non- in- likely. ($1,519,739,400): business $809 the day off and resume explora-|dressing 61 per cent; and thea Y = h) G7 made twelve Con ae ae ae aR CPR 30 3H. Su 9 + x4 |flationary, most have also re-/T "yo oda increase w s the|783,400 ($812,576.80): institu.|'0TY. talks on their own today. tre admissions 58 per cent AVI IS of a squeeze. © Rambler 7900 209 203 209 +6| CPR pr 200 $87% 8% 8% + v[sulted higher costs down the| fe ass nngk Babes OTN); | institu William Dickie, Ontario's UY « x © Red P 500 23% 23a 23¥a--- vo| ©_Petrofin 500 $12% 12%6 12% first domestically for copper injtiongl $1,073,770,600 ($938,786,-; ! at six he Gonwest 300 $89 545 550+ 5'| Can Tire A 150 $15%4 1534 15% + 14 line to the consumer. lave SHAN ac VERE 800); industrial $828,988,700|/CMef labor conciliator, opened ae Beige DROP fi t) | ge AS } were divided Seprearp,, 0 6 6 se || Cuemeal 640 $13,312, + | PART OF THE TREND Elsewhere. on. the business|($714,508,100); engineering $827,-jmediation talks in | Hamilton! ft Bion nee oot or | MO R E IN | EREST ! baud att Cop Men 9000 27 26th 27 Chem 175 p 25 $20' 20% 30\4 Reaction to the Noranda in-|scene, the public's jitters about/011,200 ($1,257,963,400) |Saturday in an attempt to avert/** 9 @ spencer ' vu | 4 r arrived at 5 kg Chrysler 250 $39 382 399 = in : "ve eh Speeettg pads a strik t for W jper cent more, clothing is up | hich w bole 2 Be Hi Hiatie Columbi p 210 $19% 1914 1914 crease was immediate. conditions in the financial mar-| By region: fe set for Wednesday by); four and 15 per | which would care Ge side Lave iave= ve| Cominco 1982 S252 3535 -- Ya "Certainly we will be passing) ket were blamed for the troub-| jthe members of Local 1, Brick.| Detween 1 ee i air chance of at 9250 18 Wis 1744 va] CoMpro 100 325 325 325 +15 | y serge Maritimes $315,821,800 ($218,-|layers, Masons and Plaste | SEAS apeuiany ! ; Daering 20 18 Wis Wt va i this on," a spokesman for C. {les of the $26,000,000 Depositors ns and Plasterers' 1 in the actual D'Eldons 5100 128 «127128 «+3 ) SOM Bidg 400 125 125 125 | i 923,100); Quebec $1,057,345,200 International Associatio wns SENCRIEATES Hatt i Denison 120 $58 88S Con Paper 660 $40% 40¥2 40% nadian General Electric Co./ | Mortgage Corp. of Montreal. | AS ton PRINT WINNING DUCATS cS. 30 | Con Pap w 425 985 975 975 | |($1,317,831,900); Ontario $2,226,-| Mr. Dickie was forced to halt > i t Dicknsn 160 390 390 390 --10 | Con oan eee code 24% 28? (Ltd. said. | The long - established firm} {828/000 ($2,145,568,800); P MIAMI,- Fla. (AP)--Counter- ia | panacea i, aa Discovry 30 190 130 130 | Cons, Gas" 2200 sist 158 s%e-- | "We will have to re the|filed a bankruptcy proposal, of-| ¢ ); rairies talks while he intervenes in an-|feiters got away with $3,300 -- a heart lead, 100 44 +l OG erty gam cover te) Eres |$822,909,800 ($848,837,900; Brit-/other labor dispute in Toront minieal: Bas : ; Buorsine «900 0 a? 1) Son aw cost of the copper. We cannot|fering to repay creditors in fu P n Toronto|from Tropical Park horse race ith the king Duven 2000 11 10 10 --1| Cosmos 100 $12. 12 12 lish Columbia $526,612,800 ($712, jinvolving Canadian Generalitrack after inti aunt the ace re Pest Sull 600 S75 580 895 S$] Crush Intl 625 $12% 120 12%-- wiabsorb these inflationaryjover a five-year period. 1504,800). | Elect . S the apee Minutes nd "atuation F Mer Ho 325 5. 32s --s eS costs." | Samuel Caplan, one of two inks ec calle amicinie Gill rege ag the spot. Minutes " re aa Cygnus B 61s 98744 A. R. MacMallum, president|brothers who had operated the|CUT CAR PRODUCTION icials willjafter the. race, on which the . Gnt_Maset 120 ~3 | > ntract in dis: pont "War "000 $70 955 HO 418 | DaleR pr 100 S96 'te + wot American-Standard Products| firm for 30 years without fi-; A further slowdown in car |meet at the company today|gang had bought a $10 ticket : SAVINGS DEPOSIT RECEIPTS } ETT EE Glenn Exp 8000 12. 11% 12 +1] Dist Seag 675 $37 36% 37 i! -- ---- production was announced, with [204 if the mood hasn't im-|for each horse, 60 counterfeit ii , p c) oldrey aS Ss Dy Siecle = Ser -sie - Ford of Canada Ltd. planning! yed, mediatio Molt will re-jtickets were cashed, They were ' q - Ren Poh Gerldrm 700 225 228. 245 Dotesco p 50 $92 M C St k, B ds: te close aaecmbly liner on thet = rhe a 8 \so-good.they were not noticed Redeemable ANY tims 5 Granisle 6 610 Dom Gla: 50 $11 ipossibly as early a i Aig nestica a Herd Rock 1300 iva iN 1441 | Bom: a i sis Ws Int te ommon oc on fb in hom amd at its|P y_as Tuesday. until the end of the day. Interest on daily balance a successful Hesage m9 9 9 Domt 45 $18 17% 1a 4 =\e heres welfth trick Hastings §-- ton 19 1 19 +1 D'rextile 100 $90V4 30¥% 3014 about 4,050 workers will he| MINIMUM DEPOSIT $5,000.00 at this point, Heath 1000 12% 12¥9 12% Dupont as $374 7 4+ WI istri t affected. The shutdowns wild ee ~ general rules; big 00 960 030 a5) Emco 200 Sie lame 1 > " u e is ee cut production by about 3,300 y ee * stl ie Be Se a || GUARANTY TRUST | aged Huds Bay 95 $9 oti Fleet ity 1000 2 oan . Distribution of $3,514,000 inyinterest and dividends earned) yey were blamed primarily| DAY -- WEEK -- MONTH | | aining tricks fron Bay T 1100 900 300 300 +2 Ford Cnda 618127, Iie 12. Us\Gany Corporation common stock,|between January 1, 1961, and/oy the drop in new-car sales irt| 58 00 PER DAY PLUS LOW H GOVERNMENT OF CANADA INCORPORATED AND SUPERVISED || now returned eee <tseaabis tae aces SMC, mi sag) onl (Canada Savings Bonds and cash|December 31, 1966, and appre-|t1¢ United States. since Ford| . MILEAGE CHARGE { . er y s+ ; ' , deliberately err Add 5160 $12%4 12% 12% GL Power 325 822% 22% ra will be made this week to 2,738)ciation in value of Generalln,. been turning out cars for 725-6553 Capital and Reserve $25,000,000 in order t Ane 100 140 140 140 +11 GNGgas Ap 150 $23 M laried je|Motors common stock, em- er to Kid Coper 1000 52 52 52 +1 St W sale 10 sg |General Motors salaried people lovers will secalva'" 49 07 export to the U.S. under the| ' Deposits im excess of $350,000,008 West won Leb win 200 $24 2+ %! Greynnd 140 $204 20% 24 in Canada as a result of their/M OYE "car Common stock|Us7canada auto trade pact. RUTHE R F re) R D Ss 7 te Lokenend 1500 2 25 tit t " Guar Trt luo a a participation in the 1961 Class of| with a market value of $2,613,- PS year Motors -- ge Rein Harmatore, Manager A Cet Se RGA) ton 4 ts ds B+ wie Gal avis Stock Parchate lg, Cana Savings Bont, nS, Wexarne, cine | CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS Tel. 728-1653 ; x Hawk 400 r , i i lial : tect aie Ma G4] Hemet a jPrmeram, The zmounerer [iuing tonds eld by tne ius lrnuing in yore for abou! §=--" 72BAGERS «4 ALBERT ST. 32 King St €, Oshove Home B 555 $26% 2634 2634 ident of G 1 Mot: f ¢ 16,000 workers including sub- Osh Q53 ehadsen 400.109 107 107 +31 [ome pit 300 278, 27027019 President of General Motors of/option, having a current value) iq awe 'Bost Manok MB 1120 68 64 64-4) HB Ol Gas 1041 327% 27% 27%4-- %/Canada, on behalf of the seven|of approximately $744,500 and sidiaries that will be affected. 98 ne ae ae eat Huron Eri 1100 $i. 10% 10% . 4g/GM companies in Canada. {156,500 in cash. As a result of $31098 ie nen 300 we TY] Husky B pr 25 $484 48% 4804--\%4| This distribution, including|the distribution an additional 33 Mewern" Noo ws a a8 Husky Cpr 25 ass So) + y'|bonds held by the trustee under |632 Canadian employees of Gen- ee 14 on 8 44 w{the retirement savings option,/eral Motors will become share-} - 9 Multa 3700 15 14 134 - 1 Hud ae 130 site 13s 1 -- Me orig <a a a Ay oo holders. a ha ia A 310 $22¥4 22% 22% each dollar saved by sal-| 'The Savings - Stock Pur- 6 ee ie ee ae Sal ie Accept 0 $i at By, + ve\aried people enrolled in the pro-|chase Program provides GM 96 nN Hesco Pld m3 73 u3 = 1g iy bi Py ae vie gram, This return is based on|salaried people with an incen- now bailed N Wileme $500 17/9 17% 17a 1 | Int Nickel 788 $94¥e 94 94V the closing price of GM com-|tive for regular savings and the dk and the Nick Rim 190 5 5 is --"% oe ee P| at -- 30%4-- %\mon stock on January 18, 1967.jopportunity to become part of ' feel 350 495 485 485 Under the Program ,which|the growing family of General beng Ci, wn aa oe nr ek BF Se te toe te began April 1 sa ell GM sal.|Motors share holders," Mr. pades ee ie ee bm bs 8 Somes"st] 200 40 40 A --10 ried je in Canada with one| oe said. : NRenk -- 1900 30h 30 go -- 1] jefferson. 1537 $264 2614 Rete peop! one! "Currently, 88 per cent of N z100 ey --10 or more years of continuous/eligible salaried people are tak- 2 300 A : LIES Srnen a Ses sion iio jest ¥ Kelly D A | 500 465 465 465 service may participate- volun-|ing part in the Program saving oe Oslsko 300 bipesre ©o = a Mo Be Ysitarily and save up to 10 per/an average of eight per cent of Pemour 1275 184, 180, 8 $,| Cont com oo ao ao ao ys icent of their salaries. Half of/salary. In the nearly eleven ato 100 375 375 375 --§ | Leure See 209 $13% 13% 134+ %/the employee's savings is in-jyears since the Program be- et oe tea ee Lov Fin 25 si ss |vested in Canada Savings Bonds|gan, GM people have saved Peerless. "20001218 th 1 evy 100 $1734 1734 173% and half in GM common stock. |$24,000,000. Together with GM's Pine Point z115 $5) 4 = te 4 Aig ae a GM's contribution and all divi-|contributions to the Program, piri 4 38 3 i DG A pr 5) $% 2 26 --'%aldends are invested entirely in|this has made possible the pur- Q 1 500 70 im 70 ot 30S $10% 10% 10%--%lGM common stock. General|chase of 414,773 shares of GM Quemon' 100 #108 10% 10% Maclarn B 200 $26% 26 26% +1'%|Motors contributes one dollarjcommon stock and Canada Sav- R 1000 1 \ Le My Sai '30% 'wn | Mogne et $2 St ee tL tal for each two dollars of employee|ings Bonds with a par value of jo Alg ¢ W. ari 4 27% savings. 400, s of December 31, eavew eee *) RU loee a baw oe Oe leevng aaa Sen, Anton! 1190 2b te | Met Stores 2 nun 196 196 rm ¥ This year's distribution results : rim = Va ; i Sg, ae as ae ae | Mon a as Sipe Tem Wh | Ptoyecn and $684 500 contri)» 7,000,000 by 1981 ureke on ve % °. q > $i miller Jom 1S 15 1S +3| Montex pr 250 10% 10% 0A + Ml buted by GM in 1961. Including ich dad y | + jontex Ww ly 525 400 400 400 +5 re 5 94% 95 + in Metro Se ee ee ciel ee Ne ee ee" Tan BL: OF Sua mek 0) Sunburst 500 10 10 fe any \ $2 fs 8% | Tr Can Pip 25 $464 4614 4614 -- 14|fl Partner wanted to help ec- ® e Teer? aE +8) Moe a i soe at) Tre a Aig try Ty | te 100 oer form e avallabie ror Most employees Or . lor 4 Ye - ls Fambll 100-3 3 1B +1] Nor CHG y 0 Som 2 Be | Umer |p 3 I _ Ul in King Township with front Torment 100 9 9: Se Wl Rage PP Te ae ae Un Carbid 175 $22%e 2% Nh-- % ege on 400 and Jane Street. fi {cles 220. 15 US 115. Ohiawe A 180 S270 are ae 4 wl) BP ot ee he Ra H Un Ceate 5000 13h 13 NSih + | Bac Pete O75 $17 1246 12% U anectlone 20) ee 70 7s --s | tremendous future growth a, = Un Matte 50 17 17 «7 --1 lian ae 210% id ae y Walk GW as $32% gov 324 + Ye potential, ul 160 10 +h aimee Ue Ca ee ee en tee | Brice Com 822 $12ve 128 124-- Ve Weste'st 200 $26% 2618 26% + Yall ---Reply in confidence to Box ilton, chair- Vesper 3000 39 -- | Revelste 10 $8 8 8 W Brdeest 21 $12¥2 12' 124 ational Co., Wasm 250 100 Revenve 1000 $62 64 6% W Pacific 1900 $534 5% Si&+Y% D1331 ie Thursday te er iat as Bo aul Ee, UE es Hk IT] Wiis WB St Bu Be | oval in 4 x d an agree- wiey ewe 1% Salace 2s siete 10h 10 e. OSHAWA TIMES oa ell Inv V4 2814 ' @ merger wren. see ts a Nira ie Shell inv at ies 285 980 08 7 Sales fo 11:00 a.m. 726,000 y were pre- Yukon © 300 100 100 100 Shell Can 1093 $247 24% Hae mee pied sli oe eee tres 6 We Siu ave 1a fag t= OILS, GAS --, see | {7 impson. : ORE % world. A Slater St! 150 $11%@ 11% 11% United Air Amines, Bo Ma Se ame +10 | Site pr alo) ire Yr Te ernar ul io | - producin Asamera 24 335335, 335 tutte 310 3a ke nie ited Bent 00 S106 Nee lee + ve Reale it iu " air esi i rid. © EX Ges 4100 485. 00 - ypfest od 10 is Fae 318 | € -Gridoll _ 100 730. 730. 730 rerees a) tue un ou seamen a ee ea : Teneco pr "7 $75u 756 Ise Gent Del 1700 Slate 14 14s -- Thom NP 495 $20\4 20% 204 -- % 151 KING ST. E. Sy ines laie-- 18) Tor Dm Bk (25 $63 63 63 : --\| traders A 225 $9 94 944s-- We introduces . . . c West P $00 iss we us --3 Mi Stef 1 ynamic + iss cn | Fargo 2000 40 335 335 +58 oeaeen 4 French Pt 250 480 480 480 --10 : Fe } French Pt 2 a ae ee For Appointment Phone 723-5201 fae i toa +s | lellu: fer ee a SPECIAL Numac 130 2s ne ms mS Pigg i oe gy 1 00 | ona Fe} th ths ti jon. and Wed. Only a H v Vv i Plece @ 1000 170 1 179 i onder 500 4% 46 { fa oe fee | i Scury Rn 96) 810% Mb Zh -- Ye Has Your Food Dollar Lost It's S-t-r-e-t-c-h-? | Spooner 2000 65 6 65 +1 ! tree St oS Ba Ri gee | inion ¥ U_ Canso 700 345 8 H bere Yat, eis is ie | 723-1163 ub | (1) If you are employed in any of these (2) If you are an employer and have T INDUSTRIALS | it i i : semi igo S11 114 1H -- and Stretch FOOD CLUB fields, it is to your advantage to people working for you, there are new Acklands «801 $58 Sih Sia-- Ve . woe : -" ane cet OS Sine ire | Your Doller find out if you are eligible for regulations that you must adhere to. i | a . | Guaranteed To Save You $100.00 Year | unemployment insurance protection. Learn about them now. cilities 1967 GARY NESBITT | Guests Representative THE FOOD PLAN THAT | 1 5 1 f h ft te SIT AT HAS PROVEN ITSEL Get important information now at your nearest office of the E | S PRO TSELF oe PLATES | Fn apes UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION owt Assurance Company || Causes roop 17D. IN 1 et of Canada 933 Ritvon Rd. 8) Oshews -- im interes' nm your pion, Pleose heve your Representative call et: DONALD TRAVEL Oshawa Shopping AE et T 102 Breck $+. $--Wwhitby Centre NAME «+s saeccccccccencsescsencccacssersesecoucosesacsessese POORIEE cnc larioleecs vesuwiviestentsucos Cicer e eusets eis ry Deily -- 9 te 5 pw. SAT. 9 to 12 P.M. || Phone .725-4563 | | DATE PHONE * ; * | ee