sy Associa- a coaching nor Hockey ised to re- ownship as will not ac- , but does inicipalities ax, Whitby Pickering n Board at- yme Hockey - Township erable cost es away in issed each children to ided a pro- ears many d a keen ip in these anxious to ver centres ain the On- Association ntries from and many Pickering denied the in Canada's e been told ior Hockey y may play ities (Ajax, se centres id they will campete in ie amateur he game is adults and PLAY not Ys enue, ckering. UNITY f Jan. 17 Opposition Democratic to conceive ysedly con- nporary af- h an editor- an a tongue e with any ent events, al science, usé an ex- f a century a So-Opera- party and Democratic article be- e when an- nted to give ty. thought was | the New eceives ne- mn the other her conser- itive, Surely la are poli- th to know orial writer } in Canada Is of demo- en the sam¢ e owner olf rd Thomson r. McIntyre a country cratic Gow 100se, 2 the newly ves of the ave proved rth a nickel, is even be- ated voted 0 increase, at hope re- pressed tax- F. M. Dafoe IT r City buses at a deficit, or paid for is a shame ple walking just the odd - walk a lot, iat the fare annot afford to be cut in more riders id not be so lated entire- nd space in above. Pos- oil will take 8. Yours truly, ordon Sloan JP he enclosed 1 confusing a follow-up arians Pro- a Laugh." Doolitle ser- 1 Lofling of is have re- 'd, although read about ed out (by - from the S. n't have to Yours truly, Anne Briggs SELLS co. ton ry uver it Britain 28-7527 Sis WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY -- Mayor Newman Urges United Appeal Support WHITBY (Staff) -- Desmond Newman fs _ sending out about 300 letters in a final) effort to boost the Whitby United|bodies -- stands | not Appeal, which now around the $24,000 mark. This is about $10,000 short of the) target. | | Mayes The letters will go both to} | corporate} | individuals and anyone who might! have donated yet. Nine agencies will share the pro- | ceeds of the appeal. | | Auto Fatality Inquest Date Set An inquest will be held at Whitby OPP building Jan. into the death of Delbert Mr: Watson's car was west-| 31,,bound on Taunton Road West| when it was in collision with) another going north on Thick-| Thomas Watson, 62, of Utter- | te Road. son, Ont., who was killed in a two-car collision Dec. 26. II The coroner will be Dr. R. S. Irwin. Unit Meeting Leaders Appointed "The New Year" a poem read by Mrs. T. Akey opened the January meeting of St. Mark's United Church Women Unit 9 held at the home of Mrs. 0. Jewell. The neiine leaders will be in charge of meetings during 1967: January and February, Mrs. T. Akey and Mrs. 0. Jewell; March, Mrs. J. Good- let and Mrs. E. Clark; April, Miss M. Beech and Mrs. S. Osborne; May and June, Mrs. K. Lee and Mrs. H. Myers; September and October, Mrs. W. Scott and Mrs. K. Lunney; November and December, Mrs. T. Van Deuren and Mrs. A. S. McLean; Unit contact, Mrs. O. Jewell. The speaker, Mrs. L. F. Richardson, gave a_ thought- provoking talk on the first two chapters of the study book "The Church and the World". The first chapter, 'Living in two Communifies, caused much ter "The World as the Bible views it' proved very inter- esting. Mrs, T. Akey thanked! the speaker. | The members reminded the) next monthly meeting will be "Membership Night" to be held at the home of Mrs. T. Akey, Feb. 20. The 'Lucky Luncheon' is planned for Jan. 26 .Three mem- bers of Unit 9 will assist. It) was reported that three hospi- tal visits were made and four home visits during the month. All persons are asked to call at the church to pick up dishes left from time to time. Dishes remaining by Feb. 7 will be auctioned. ~ It was announced that Rew M. Young, the new director of "Five Oakes', will be the guest speaker Feb. 19 at the United Church Hall. Dr. Mc- Clure's colored film on India will be shown April 19. Tea hostesses were Mrs. O. discussion and the second chap-! Jewell and Mrs. T. Akey. Scout Tells Of Trip To England The invited guest at 5th Whitby Scouts and Cubs Moth- Auxillary mecting, ~ con- ducted by Mrs. Thomas Spel- len, was venturer Scout Ted McGee who illustrated his talk with colored slides of his trip in England last summer. Mrs. Vincent Mallon presented . Ted with a gift in appreciation of his talk. The Sixers group was re- organized. Each captain will be assisted by seven mem- bers. Mrs. Spellen asked each Auxiliary Members Make Many Articles |. The Women's Auxiliary for Catholic Church Extension Members heard annual reports given by Mrs. Frances Spellen at its January meeting held at the home of Mrs. A. Vallee. Twenty - five children's aweaters, 12 pairs socks, 12 pairs mitts, 15 knitted baby articles, 10 junior quilts, three large quilts, 50 Christmas stock- ings, 25 sets booties, five pairs of pyjamas and seven scarfs member to bring a friend to the Feb. 14 meeting. It .was announced that the "Father and Son'? banquet will be held in February and the annual card paryt in March. Dates for these events will be announced. Mrs. Dan O'Hagan and Mrs. Robert Gagnon will attend the All Saints Anglican Church Cubs meeting as delegates. Lunch was served by Mrs. Harold Forbes, assisted by Mrs. Raymond Bibeau and Mrs. Vincent Mallon. were forwarded to _head- quarters. The 1967 work has now started. Mrs. Harold Augustus asked for donations of old bracelets, rings, watches, compacts, med- als, spectacles, all very valu- able for Missions. These articles could be left at her home, 227 Palace Street. The president, Mrs. A. C. Smith, invited members to meet at her home for the Feb. 8 meeting. WHITBY PERSONALS Mrs. H. P. Doner, president of Whitby General Hospital Women's Auxiliary, chaired an executive meeting at the home of Mrs. John Davies when ar- _ rangements were made for the Jan. 23 general meeting at Kathleen Rowe School. An item of great interest to be discussed at this meeting will be the "Teen Age Coffee House' of Mar. 3. St. Mark's United Church 4 W's Couples Club held a social evening conducted by Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Mifflin. Fifteen couples enjoyed playing games and contests. Members of the executive for 1967 are: Presidents, Gordon and Verna Mifflin; vice-presi- dents, Lorne and Jean Pen- found; secretaries, William (Bill) and Marion Irwin; trea- surers, Stan and Ruth Parkin- son; membership conveners, Charles (Chuck) and Lorna Mesher. All Saints Evening Guild held| a successful 'Games Night." Mrs. Horace Hiscox welcomed the guests. Lucky draw win- ners were: Mrs. I: Allard, -- E. Barnes, A. Bradley, Mrs. Brandon, R. Burtinsky, J. Bur- tinsky, Mrs. S. Correll, Mrs. B. Crofton, Mrs. J. Elliott, Mrs. E, Fairman, Mrs. J. Ferguson, Mrs. B. Foote, Mrs. F. Foster, A. Gouldburn, Mrs. W, Jenkins, Miss §. Jones, Mrs. C. MacKay, Mrs. F. McQuay, P. Neal, L. Pogue, C. Rycroft, Mrs. C. Ry- croft, Sr., Mrs. C. Spellen, Mrs. H. Willoughby and Mrs. G. | White. A bouquet of flowers was given to Mrs. Richardson, whose birthday was closest to Dominion Day. A tasty lunch was served. Blair Park Vista Ratepayers Association executive meeting will be held at the home of Alex Pollock, Rosedale Drive, Mon- day evening. Miss Joan Kershaw, consul- tant in special education with the Toronto Board of Education, will be guest speaker at the Ontario County Association for children with learning dis- ability, at its Jan. 24 meeting at St. Gregory's Auditorium. Miss Kershaw has: chosen as her topic 'Teaching the excep- tional and perceptually handi- capped child. This is an open meeting and new members are solicited. Teachers, pro- fessionals, parents, all in- terested in these children's wel- fare are invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Pla- |zek and family were recent! visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Plazek, Renfrew. | Paul, three-year-old son of | Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Porter, is in the Oshawa General Hos- Bs pital where he underwent sur- gery. Mrs. FE. Quantrill, 1125 Green| Street, opened her home to St. Mark's United Church Women} Unit 8. Mrs. John Bowes was) in charge, assisted by Mrs.) Ronald Ward and Mrs. Craig. Murkar who conducted the dis-| cussion period. Two members, | Mrs. E. Fells and Mrs. Jack' Bowes, volunteered to assist at 109 Byron St. S., Whitby Guida of... | GUIDA and DINO'S INSTITUTE OF BEAUTY... Would like to inform his many eus- tomers thet he Is now beck te work after @ short iliness, Guide looks forward to serving his customers end friends egain, GUIDA& DINO | INSTITUTE OF BEAUTY 668-3621 or 668-6031 The 1967 Ontario County Warden, Reeve Charles Healy of Mara Township, was in attendance with his AJAX (Staff) -- Students} from Ajax, Whitby, Pickering| Village and Pickering Town-| ship, who took part in the Peace | Essay Contest, held to mark the | golden anniversary of Lions In- ternational, will be honered next Monday night at the Pick- ering District High School. The Ajax, Whitby and a Hills - Pickering Lions Clubs| are uniting in the project for| jarea winners in the competi-| of the contestants are expected to attend. Forty - five district! contestants submitted essays. TO PRESENT AWARDS Ajax, | will present the essay awards. The presidents of Clubs, Dr. G. N. dette Separate School, veen, Beauty Clinic AJAX (Staff) -- Plans were finalized for a "Beauty Clinic" to be held Feb. 15, at Ajax Holy Trinity Women's Church Year meeting. The president, Mrs. W. B. tratton, said that demonstra- tors from Toronto will, with the assistance of Ajax members, demonstrate the art in make- family on inaugural day. Only his eldest son, John, 23, at work at GM, was missing _from the family picture. The children from Diane, 12; Rita, 15; Marg- left to right are: Gerald, aret, 19; Bernard, 22 and 17, Darcy, 12; Paul, 15; Terry, 18. That's right, the _ Kathleen, 2 20; Theresa, _18; _Centennial Warden' 5 family Lions Clubs To Honor Essay Contest Winners. |Percy E. Hoben and Donald J.| Brear, will present golden an- jniversary medallions to the es- |say contestants. | The guest speaker will be| Montague Larkin of the United] Nations Association and Al Bo-| | jliska, well known radio and tele- vision personality, will be the master of ceremonies. Lion Harry A. Newman, past| international Lions President, the presentation of awards to| will make a presentation to thejeach division winner will re- guest speaker and Lion John} tion, Many friends and parents|Goss will present a gift to the! medal, an award plaque and a }master of ceremonies. The Centennial Choir of St. Andrew's Secondary School,| | Ajax, will sing 'Emblem of Sister Claudette of St. Berna-|Canada"' , dedicated to Canada's|world) will receive $25,000. It is| Group Plans Ajax Catholic Women's League Hears Talks On Vocations AJAX (Staff) -- The highlight of the meeting of St. Berna- dette's CWL, Ajax, was when Mrs. W. Watson, program con- venor, introduced Paul Graham and Frank Daniel of the Serra Club; Toronto, who gave talks on 'Vocations'. A question and answer period followed and a film, taken at St. Agustine's Seminary was shown. up for the 1967 trend. This is an open meeting, all Ajax and district ladies inter- ested in learning how to appear and maybe feel ten years younger cordially invited to attend this particular meeting Starting at 8 p.m. A letter of thanks was re. ceived from the Ontario County (Mental Health for the numerous gifts forwarded to Whitby On- tario Hospital at Christmas. Program convenor, Mrs. Jack Milburn, conducted competitive games and contests. The orange team was declared winner. PRINTER WORKED HARD Benjamin Franklin printed the first American novel and founded fire insurance com- panies, hospitals and the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania. the Jan. 26 Lucky Luncheon. The hostess served refresh- ments. Mrs. Clinton Pasco, 410 Dun- das Street West, received word that her brother, William Ed- ward Fallon, Buffalo, N.Y., sud- denly passed away. Mr, Fallon was born and reared in Whitby Mrs. M. Coffin thanked the speakers and presented them with a cheque in appreciation for their most enjoyable visit. PACKED CANDY The president, Mrs. K. Ire- land, thanked the ladies who helped pack the 636 bags of candy donated to the school for the children's Christmas party. This project was shared by the CWL and the Holy Name Soci- ety. Plans were discussed for a four week leadership course to be given to a number of ladies later on in the spring. Mrs. V. Hickey reminded | members of a retreat being held! Feb, 3-5 and 17-19 at Manresa retreat house, Liverpooy Road: Ladies of the parish interested are asked to contact Mrs. V. Hickey, spiritual convenor at 942-6334, Mrs. V. Shannon, social ac-! tion convenor, is the CWL re- presentative on the Ajax cen- tennial committee. She brought the members up-to-date on the | tentative activities being plan- | ned by the town. She asked for | and was promised full co-opera- tion from the ladies when call- and has many friends in the district. | Almonds United Church held} its annual congregational meet- ing following the morning serv- ice. Lunch was served by the| ladies. Rev. R. H. Wylie called| the meeting to order and the work of the year was reviewed. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Powell | and children, James and Debo- ed on to do their part. A number of canvassers vol- FREE 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE By Our Local Service Contractors SAWDON'S FUELS jrah, were guests of Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Ewen at Mount Albert. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Herget, 1710 Charles Street, Port Whit- by, Friday celebrated their uel wedding - anniversary, FURNACE OIL -- STOVE OIL AND COAL 244 Brock St. S., Whitby 668-3524 |district award. Three Kinette Clubs Meeting AJAX (Staff) --The Ajax and Stouffville Kinette Club members were the« guests of Agincourt Kinette Club for its January dinner meeting. The president of Ajax Kinettes, Marnie Richards, pre-| sented the president of Stouff- Refreshments will be served in the school cafeteria by the Rebekah Lodges of Whitby, '| Ajax, Pickering and Brougham. ville Kinettes, Maris Anderson, WORLD-WIDE TEST with the. "Fellowship Banner" This contest started at the lo-| |The speaker was James Perrin | cal club level. The winners ot who spoke on "The Centennial each club were judged on a dis- \Yea trict level. There is a multiple | =e the meeting| a |/Kinettes enjoyed a white! The world was divided into | elephant auction sale. geographical eight divisions and |- wey JACK OF ALL TRADES Benjamin Franklin, a father jof U.S. confederation, invented |bifocal spectacles and medical | jinstruments and introduced min- eral fektilizers to America. ceive $1,000 cash prize, a gold| |travel all expenses paid to at- tend Chicago International Con- vention in.1967. One grand winner (for the} centennial; "Land of the Silverjan educational grant or a career | Birch', an Ontario song of In-|assistants' grant, to be control- the ions {dian origin and the ny "Now|ied by Association of Interna- Whitby Centenn: ial £ entre Roard Thank we all our God" itional Lions Club. Inaugural unteered for the March of Dimes, being held Jan. 30. PLAN SCHOLARSHIP The president reminded the ladies of the scholarship of $1, 500. to cover a two-year post graduate course in social ser- vice being available to their children. This being donated by the national council of the Father Johnson said that for everyone's benefit' in the parish, 416 Centre St. MMM MMT sain $10.00 Per Couple 7 WARDEN CHARLES HEALY OF ONTARIO COUNTY AND HIS FAMILY includes three sets of twins. Seated with the warden is Mrs, Healy. Warden, Healy, 63, has-sat on Mara Council for the past 10 years. --Oshawa Times Photo THE OSHAWA OMe, Saturday, vidalatsid 21,1967 § tango were: Lynn Lowery, Lin- |da McLaren, Marjorie Lowery, Diane Boyd, Bonnie Barlow and Orono Skaters Complete Tests «ier tern Skaters ue ateined achieve- ORONO -- The following, ment in the swing dance were: skaters were successful in the| G tlenda Tennant, Jacqueline Oroné Figure Skating Club!' Snelders and Marjorie Lowery. teat In the: junior bronze dances vincosnds the following were successful: In preliminary figures, suc- fiesta tango, Craig Tennant and cessful skaters were: Sally |Sally Staples; Ten Fox, Linda Staples, Kathy Gustar and Bar- Barrabell, Ronda Tennant, barab Gustar. Lynn Lowery,,|Nancy Forrester, Caroline Linda McLaren and Marjoric|Johnson and Kay Gustar. I Dutch waltz. Tests will be held again Feb. 19. The club carnival is slated _canasta| for March 24 and 2 sowery were successful in the Succeeding in the Plumbing and Heating Service @ Esso Heating Equipment © Kitchens COMPLETE DINNER & DANCE Saturday, February 18th, 1967 At The Centennial Building 6:00 P.M.-7:00 P.M.--Sundown Hour 7:00 P.M.--Banquet -- Dance ickets may be obtained from:-- MR. F. N. McEWEN, Secretary 405 Dundas Street West, Whitby, Ontario. TUHAAVUUUMAUAAAAUAUAA AAAS © Bathrooms COMPLETE A Complete | | CU iares y ij | WHITBY 4 ' ~ ae Ls Se MEETING AT R. A. HUTCHISON PUBLIC SCHOOL (4 blocks south of Blair Park Plaza) SUNDAY 11:00 A.M.--Family Bible Hour and Sunday School For Information re Other Services, Phone 668-4576 PH. 668-2991 ~. Rae ( &E SONS LIMITEC S., -- Whitby Dress Optional iin sina SAVE $ $ ON AUTO INSURANCE If you are an Abstainer you save up to $22.00 on your auto insurance. See... JOHN RIEGER 597 KING ST. E., OSHAWA DIAL "= 728-7567 BROCK Evening Programs at 7 & 9 P.M. WHITEY Saturday Matinee Starts 1:30 PETER SELLERS is in -and it couldn't ___be funnier! there will now be four Masses on Sunday, 8, 9:30, 11 and 12:30. | Another reminder: The win- | ter meeting of the CWL Ontario} County South region will be held Jan. 29 at St. Francis de Sales, Pickering, commencing with benediction at 2:30 p.m. FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 Brock Street N. Rev. DeLOSS M. SCOTT, minister SUNDAY SERVICES Ci T (ROR) <r: 70 AGES Requirements PASTOR'S SERMON STAFFORD BROS. LTD. | MONUMENTS 668-3552 318 DUNDAS EAST 9:15 AM.--"FAITH TIDINGS" Radio Broadacts 1350 on your dial, 9:45 A.M.--WELCOME TO OUR BIBLE. SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP SERVICE "THE SIN WE'RE AFRAID TO MENTION" 7:00 P.M.--Gospel Fellowship Hour THE PASTOR WILL PREACH WEDNESDAY 'EVE, 8: 00 PM. PRAYER, PRAISE & PASTOR'S BIBLE CLASS "There's Always a Welcome at Faith' 1962 CHEVROLET Biscayne V-8 Sedan 6:30 "Automatic Transmission, Radio. Lic. No, H80400. January Clearance $1295, Il Special Guest Speaker CHEV. Nurse 'ouos. 300 Dundes st. «©. WHITBY w. J. || purns' supPER & CONCERT FRI., JAN. 27 St. Andrew's Church Hall--Byron St. S. WHITBY -- W. SCOTT DUNCAN, B.A. Songs and Dances of Scotland by well known artists, Admission by ticket: On Sale at... Mowat's Office -- Dundas St. W. -- Whitby, or Fletcher's Meat Market -- Brock St. S$. -- Whitby P.M. | or ANDREW'S Whitby Pentecostal Church MEA ACTS 2 :12 THIS ? 307 BROCK ST. N. -- WHITBY PRESBYTERIAN Corner aig Hl St. John Hi} Rev. W. J. yi MMeClure, BA, Mr. B. G, Devereux, Organist NETH 9:45 AM, CHURCH SCHOOL CLASSES 11:00 A.M.-- 11:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. ~"/PRAYER PARTNERS" : dedication service of prayer partners) -- Tiny tots supervision during service -- --"PASTOR R. SAUVE" Guest Soloist -- Miss Anne Willman of Brooklin "Don't Lose Heart' Nursery Kindergarten and Junior Congregation during Divine Worship EVERYBODY WELCOME ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH} Centre & Colborne Sts. Rev. J, M. Smith, B.A, B.D, Miss lla Newton, Deaconess | Mr. Gordon Harle, B.A., Organist 11:00 A.M. "NO GREATER CRIME" SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 A.M. & 11:00 A.M, WHITBY 9:55 A.M. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION HOUR BUS SERVICE -- Town or Country -- 668-6772 Classes for ages 2 to adult. BAPTIST (Colborne Street West ot Centre) Minister; Rev. John McLeod Organist Mrs. W, E. Summers, A.T.C.M. OUR CENTENNIAL PROJECT -- PENTECOSTAL REVIVAL Daily Fervent Prayer for an outpouring of God's blessing upon our community resulting in soul conversion, miracles of physical healing, believers baptized in the Holy Spirit for power accompanied by speaking with other tongues, living. OUR COUNTRY NEEDS GOD'S BLESSING -~ LET US contentment and joy in christian PRAY FOR IT TOGETHER 1} em, -- "I Never Made a Mistake" 7 p.m. -- "He Didn't Moke It" 9:45 A.M.--Bible School Bible Study and Prayer Wed. at 7:30 P.M | ul EMMANUEL REFORMED 403 Rossland Road West Rey. Harold Hesselink 10:30 A.M. English Service and Sunday School 7 P.M. ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED iT ALSO TRAVELOGUE -- SPORTS -- CARTOON ALL COLOR PROGRAM METRO | JUNIOR bal: Syd HOCKEY SUNDAY, JAN. 22nd 7:30 P.M. DON O"DONOGHUE Whithy Lasco Steelers --VS.-- Toronto York Steelers Whithy Community Arena ADMISSION ADULTS $1.00 STUDENTS WITH CARDS 50¢ TILDEN RENT-A-CAR SERVICE Now Available in WHITBY At DONALD Travel Service 102 Brock St. South 668-8931 Rent a car for your next out-of-town trip-- New Models--Free gasoline--QneMillion No Red Tape. Dollars Liability Insurance