Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Jan 1967, p. 20

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[NOW "THERE'S A CHIP OFF THE OLD BLOCK! HOW AAUCH INTEREST, LOUIE ,LEND AAE BUS FARE | ie I'VE FORG DONALD DUCK BUZ SAWYER OH, WE LOVE THE PAPER ANO THE SERVICE FIRST, WEO LIKE TO KNOW IF YOU'RE PLEASED WITH THE PAPER AND THE CELIVERY SERVICE HOWOY - DE- 000, MADAM>: I'M MAKING A SURVEY FOR b Your NEWSPAPER BLONDIE JANE ARDEN WHERE #6 CHAMACO? TO TALK TO HIM, HES OUT AGAIN.....CHECKING THE ROUTE THE SHIPM SHE CLOSE TO THE HIPEOUT/ I HAP TO BRING HER HERE / SAW ME.....AN' I WAS TOO OH,YO"'LL KETCH ME, AWRIGHT."--AH fr ve OF Wwars THE COURSE! IT WAS NICE. OF YOU sm POINT? TO INVITE ME TO CHANCE OF CATCHING ] ME, THE ONE.| WANT oO' LI'L ABNER SECRET AGENT X9 10 CHANNELS Oshawa "CEH --=fo% Limited *PERFECT RECEPTION ENJOY THE BEST IN TV INSTALL -3-C}>OG--it? FOR NO ANTENNA "67 There's More To See With Cable TV 600 KING ST.E. (EAST MALL), .723-5278 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, January 21, 1967 BRIDGE By B. JAY BECKER (Top Record-Holder in Masters' Individual! Championship Play) South dealer. Both sides vulnerable NORTH 987 962 o 8653 5652 3105 1053 ROLLS The bidding: South West 26@ Pass 39 Pass 46@ Opening lead--four of spades Many contracts stand or fal depending upon the opening lead. The player saddled with the lead has only the bidding he hears and the 13 cards he is looking at to guide him to the |best way to attack. Acting under this handicap, the leader often fails to initiate the most effective method of defence, but later, having the advantage of seeing dummy's 13 cards also, he can at least jsometimes overcome the dam- |age caused by his initial effort. Despite the difficulties asso- ciated with what is called a blind fead, the problem fs not an insuperable one. Conrclu- sions are sometimes reached which, though they cannot be accepted as gospel, can never- theless be treated as reason- North East 2NT Pass - 34 Pass able. The strongest indication of what to lead usually comes \from information gathered dur- ing the bidding. The declarer and his partner, in the process of reaching the final contract, are normally forced to reveal vital details about their re- spective holdings, Thus, in the deal shown, South's bidding clearly -- de. scribed a two-suited hand with Channel 11--Hamiltea Channel 9--Toronto Channei &--Rochester Channei 7--Buftalo Channel 6--Toronte Channel 4--Buftalo Channel 3--Barrie Channe! 2--Buttale SATURDAY V8, 00 P.M, Vi-Little People 4--Beat the Champ "0 P.M, 11--Flipper 3-6-12--Bugs Bunny 6:00 P.M, 11--Littlest Hobo 9--Thunderbirds 7--Bing Crosby Golf Tournament 12--This Land of Ours 3--Lost In Space o:38 P.M, 12--Love on a Rooftop WHAT A FOOL UFE 1s Foo.isH, 7 ;| ato x BELIEVED 2 AM. WHAT DEAR EVE... THAT Ie a i YOU.» WHY # WHAT MADE 4 8i¢ DUMB but ted HE ORY | | ME THINK I ACTUALLY ' NUT | WN LOVE... ' i CA anne "" TWh e4 ; ie [zt } e Ht A \¥ e = | le Wig ct 2 =} NS AY i e i 3 fd \§ B ; 4 \j-20 Bi : d \e 1--Hockey 9--F ii 6--Sounds '47 7:00 PLM, 9--Jackie Gleason 4--Round Table 34-12--Beverly Hill- billies 2--News, Weather, 7:38 P.M, 12--1 Spy 8--Gadabout Gaddis 6--Tarzan 4--Jackie Gleason 3--Tarzan 2--Flipper 8:00 P.M. 9--Academy Performance 8--Flipper 2--Please Don't Eat the Daisies 4 730 P.M, li--Little Theatre 7--Lawrence Welk 2-8--Get Smart 4--Mission: Impossible 3-6-12--Hockey 9:00 P.M, N--Great Music 2-8--Movie 9:38 P.M, 7--Hollywood Palace 4--Pistols 'n' Petticoats 10:08 P.M, MICKEY MOUSE -- GRANDMA Ohne Farwe Spats any TT Weed cae I LEFT MY AWM IN THAT SHOOTING GALLERY LAST "i TI GUESS I'M LIKE THE FIGHTER WHO LEFT HIS FIGHT IN THE GYM. i : MUGGS AND SKEETER li--Let's Sing Out 4-9--Gunsmoke 10:15 P.M, 3-6-12--In Person 7--Movie 10:45 P.M, 4-6-12--Sports Profile 3-6-12--News | 2---News, Weather, | Sports | 11.20 P.M, | &Movie | 11.25 P.M, 4--Skling with Stein 11:30 P.M, 7--News, Weather, Sports 4--Movie 2--Movie 1:35 6--Movie 3--Novie 1:4 Pm 12--Movil 9--Answering Service SUNDAY 7:3 A.M, 7--Herald ot Truth 2--Agriculture, U.S.A, 8:00 A.M, 1]--Sacred Heart &--SHHH! Children 7--Christopher 4--Word of. Life 2--This Is the Life 8.30 A.M, 11--Oral Roberts 7--Linus : 4--Comedy Capers 2--Funny Company 3-6-12--Frankenstein, Jr. 4--News; weather sports 4--News, Weather, Sports | Program | | 2--Insight | 3-Hymn Book | 11:00 A.M, N--Jr, Hockey 9--Educational TV 8--Christopher Program 7--Bullwinkle Show 6--Concert Populaire 4--Church Service 3--Spectrum | 2--Faith ter Today \ 1:30 A.M. 7--Wide World of Sports; 9-Wish You were Here 8--Social Security 3--Profile 2--Youth Searches | 12:08 NOON | 11--Funny Company 12--God Is the Answer 9--Italian Album 8--Adventures In Para- dise | 7--Discovery '67 | | | 6--Cote de Quebec 3-4--News, Weather 7--Dialogue | 2--Sum and Substance | 12:18 P.M. | 4--Let's Look at Congres | 3Living Word 12:% P.M. 1i--Father Meehan 7--ABC Scope 6--Extension 4--Face the Nation 2--Movie 1:00 PLM, 12--Calvary Calls 1i--Continental Minia- ture 9--Spectrum 8--Meet the Press 7--Challenge 6--F.D.R, 4--Film Feature 3--Herald of Truth | 1:38 P.M, 1--Teach-In 7--Issues and Answers 9--Platform 8&--Movie 4--Bishop Visits 3-6-12--Country 2:00 PLM, 7--Newlywed Game 4--Fun and Games 34-12--Chorus Gentle- men Calendar 9--Hockey 2:30 P.M, 7--Movie 4--Sports Spectacular 3-6-12--Intertel 2--Catholic Hour 3:00 P.M. | 8--March of Time 3-6-12--Nature of Things | 2--World of Golf | 3:38 P.M, | 11--Horst Koehler | 3-6-12--Joey | 3.45 P.M. | 4--NFL--Pro Bow! | 4:00 P.M. N--Dennis the Menace 8--Bowling | 7--American | Sportsman 3-6-12--Heritage 2--Race for the Moon 4:3 P.M, '1+Tiny Telent Tyne 9-Daniel Boone 3-6-12--Eyes of Tomorrow 5.08 P.M, 1}--Tarzan 7--Crosby Golf 3-6-12---Nature of Things 2-8--Wild Kingdom 5.3 P.M, %~--Brand New Scene 612--Hymn Sing 3--Flipper 28--G 6:00 PLM, N--Lost in Space 9--Voyage 2--Bishop Sheen 3-6-12--Walt Disney 8--Tom Decker 6.30 P.M, 2-8--Thoroughbred 7:00 P.M, '1--Walt Disney | 9--Monkees | 7--Voyage | 4--News 3-6-12--Hey, Landiord! 3--Mademoiseile de Paris! E. College Bo) 9:00 A.M. ii--Cathedral Chimes 9--Cartoons 7--King Kong | 2--Porky Pig 9:30 A.M. 11--Iatian Journal 7--Beany and Cecil s-Uncie Jerry's Civ 2--Church Invitation 10:08 A.M, | @--Stinoray | 4--Lamp Unto My Feet &--Faith For to-Day | ?--Rocketship 7 2--The Answer 10:30 A.M | %--Cartoon Playhouse @--This Is The Lite | | | 41's About Time ) 3-6-12--F lashback | 28--Walt Disney 8:0 P.M, 11--Movie 7--FBI 3-4-6-12---Ed Sullivan Show Landlord 9:00 P.M, t--Peyton Place | + ot | 28-Hey, | 4--Candid Camera 1 3-6.12--Sunday ¥4--Andy Williams TELEVISION LOG Channel 12--Peterborough; 4~-Look up and Live 10:30 P.M, 4--What's My Line 1:00 PLM 2-3-4-6-7-8-9-11-12---News, Weather, Sports | 1:15 P.M, 7--Movie 11:20 PLM. 4--Skiing with Stein 'l--News, Weather, Sports | 11:98 PAM, | 11--Open Mind 4--Movie 3--Movie 2-6--Johnny Carson 1.38 P.M, 4--Movie 11.40 P.M, 12--Alfred Hitchock 9--Insight MONDAY 8.00 A.M. 4--Captain Kangaroo 8.30 A.M, 11--Albert J, Steed 9--Romper Room 9.00 A.M, | (1--Little People S|} 9--Uncle Bobby 8--Smile Time 4--Bonnie Prudden 12-3--Ed Allen Time 2--Pick A Show 9. AM, | 8--Gloria 4--Love of Life 3-6-11-12--Ontarie Schools &--Jack La Lanne 10.00 A.M, 11--Ed Allen Time 9--Fractured Phrases $-2--Reach for the Stars 4--Candid Camera 10.3% A.M, '--Morning Time 9--TV Bingo 8-2---Concentration 7--Donna Reed 4--Beverly Hillbillies 3-6-12--Friendly Giant 11,00 A.M, 12--Romper Room 11--Mike Douglas 9--Mr. and Mrs. 7--Supermarket Sweep 4--Andy Griffith 3-6--Butternut Squere 8--Pat Boone 2--Matches and Mates 14:25 A.M, 3-6--Emergency Wara 10 WW: AM, 9--Magistrate's Court 8-2--Hollywood Squares 4--Dick Van Dyke 7--Dating Game 12.00 NOON | 12--Cartoons 9--Toronto Today 8-2--Jeopardy 7--Movie 6--Luncheon Date 4--News, Weather, Sports 3--Popeye and Pals 12.9 P.M, 12--Movie 1i--It's A Match &--Eye Guess 2--Merv Griftin 12.45 P.M, 46--Guiding Light 1.00 PLM, Theatre 9--Movie 8--Dialing for Dollars Girl Talk 7--Ben Casey | 6--Luncheon Date | 4--Meet the Millers 3--Movie 1.90 PLM. 8--Let's Make @ Deal 2.00 P.M, 7--Newlywed Game \-4--Password 24--Days of Our Lives 2.30 P.M. 12--Calendar 9--People in Conflict 7--Dream Girl é--Coronation Street 4--Linkletter's Party 2-8--Doctors 3.00 P.M. Il~Marriage Confidential 9--Words and Music 7--General Hospital . 4--To Tell The Truth 3-6-12--Take 30 2-8--Another World 3.25 PLM, 4--News. | 3.30 P.M. | 11--Farmer's Daughter --Ht's Your Move --Superman Show 4-6-12---Edge of Night 8--You Don't Say 4:08 PLM, | J--Super Comics | 9 |) 2 3-6-12--Communicate 2--Mike Douglas | 8--Match Game | 4--Secret Storm 4:30 PLM. } 1--Fireball XLS 9--Movie 3-6-12p-King's. Outlaw 3--News, weather, sports 4--Search for Tomorrow 44--As the World Turns CROSSWORD 43, Shattered 44. Pert. toa bad group of ancient Roman ENN 33 riests id 46, Stadium 47. Animal i 48. Endures WN 1, Apart 2. Canadian Pp I-28 YOUR HEALTH By JOSEPH G. MOLNE Dear Dr. Molner: Putting away some old newspapers | saw your column about dish- washing. Mrs. S. wrote about the way a friend did dishes in a dirty sink with soapy rinse water. % You said grease and food particles can decay and provide a breeding place for germs, and also said it was best to use hot running water to rinse dishes and let them drain dry. I showed the article to my mother. She said if sinks were clean and dish towels clean and dry, it would be all right. I dis- agreed. She said write to you and find out. I am 13 and usually do the dishes and I have to dry them and put them away. I hate to dry them and put them away. I hate washing dishes and dry- ing is worse.--D. B. A sink, if it is truly clean, is as good as any other form of "dishpan," but sinks aren't al- ways clean. If they have a film of grease, they aren't clean. No argument there. Now about drying: This has been tested repeatedly in scien- tific experiments, and dishes that. drain dry after rinsing in very hot water have fewer bac- teria than disies dried wiin a towel. Into each life some rain--and dishwashing -- must fall. Get used to the idea. Dear Dr. Molner: | am 18 and shave under my arms. Then I Hot Water Kills Germs On Dishes sufficient high cards to insist upon a game. North's bidding was nega- tive throughout and merely | showed a preference for spades }over hearts. LU RI BIOs) | 1 Pooeng ? snag ang a REI aie | West, on lead, has _ heart 6. City in "heraldry sure: |strength which may be neu- Mass. 5. Girl's name abbr, tralized if declarer can ruff 11, Intertwined 6-Samarium: 26. Cal- ISICIUITMETIAIME] jheart losers in dummy. 12, Fragrance abbr. cium: ee ee | To protect his heart holding, 13. Ancient 7. Come up sym, Ban fa |West should lead a trump. A people of 8. Lake: Scot. 27, Jap- a good case can be made for south- 9, Ostrich-like anese opening the ace rather than a central bird mea- low trump, but the important Italy 10. Spar sure point is that no other suit 15. Frosts 14, Crackle 29. Pro- Yesterday's Answer | should be led. 16. Easily 17, Lees noun ' decided: 21. Like 32, Slav 38, Ireland ar ade Ga Caen comp, 22, Custom 33. Book of 39. Sea lettuce trump continuation, as soon as nee 7 ieoee rte dered West is on lead again, settles 19. Part of again, asthe 35, Catkin 40. Spoken d , eth h H t lose & "to be" furnace 36.Talking" 41, Girl'sname | C°c/arer's hash. beets se 20.Mole-color 24, Indefinite birds 45. Army rank; |SPade and three hearts. 23. Knock article 87. Colorless abbr, But if West leads any other 26. A salad suit, declarer can ruff at* least green T Lj 3 rT. one heart in dummy and easily 28. Well-known make ten tricks. treaty city Ht [ of Dec. 24, s a Mongolia Rocked 30. Succor Vi 31, Beasts of ie 7 By Strong Quake uve f V/A) ZY Y MOSCOW (AP)--The second 33. Grow old MOS J _ sec 34, Scotchman's YG ZG y G YG strong earthquake in 15 days cap rocked a_ sparsely populated 37. O. T. book MLL area of Mongolia early today, 42, Tiny stream [2 [¢/ Y/ Soviet seismic stations reported. The quake, recorded at 9:57 a.m, Mongolian time (8:57 p.m. EST Thursday), centred 168 miles west of Ulan Bator, the Mongolian capital, in a region of cattle and wheat farms. It had a force of between 8 and 9 on a 12 - point scale, which means it could have caused severe damage. There was na immediate report of casualties. Perfect Vaccine Study Underway OTTAWA (CP)--Health Min- ister MacEachen said Thurs- day in the Commons studies are being made to perfect anti-rab- ies vaccine. In a reply to Reynold Rapp (PC--Humboldt - Melfort - Tis- R, MD | side of the skin. I can "'lift"| them with my finger. They) seem to come whether I shave, or not. I also changed deodor- ant but that doesn't help. Could it be my lymph glands are in- fected or cancerous or what?-- E. C.-H. The condition\doesn't resem- ble either infected lymph glands or cancer, but the description does suggest infection of small hair follicles, which act much like a pimple and can be sore. Shaving and deodorants can be factors, but my suggestion would be to try using an anti- septic soap. The skin in that jarea as well as others harbors jgerms which in some people more readily take root around the hair follicles, Dear Dr. Molner: [ am a girl, 15, who studies late at night. I usually get so sleepy I have to go to bed before I finish my homework. Would it be all right to take stay-awake pills? Would five times a week be too much?--L, K. What you suggest is an invi- tation to chronic "nerves,"' jit- ters, insomnia and sometimes a nervous crackup. . These stay- awake pills don't give vou added energy. They. just turn loose some of your reserve. When the reserve is gone, you reap trouble. Your solution is to \do your homework earlier in the evening. Dear Dr. Molner: | am a boy noticed little lumps on the iny 16 who finds signs of blood dale), the minister said there are unusual cases when the present vaccine is not effective, SALLY'S SALLIES "You can't expect me to cook, We haven't got a cook book." | on toilet paper. Occasionally 1 have stomach cramps. that have anything to do with the bleeding? Is the bleeding serious?--N. J. Could I doubt that the bleeding is serious; it could be a fissure, or crack in the membrane or skin. I would by all means tell my doctor about it, because it prob- ably can be corrected rather easily now, If it enlarges, or be- comes infected, you might have a stubborn problem. The .stomach cramps prob- ably have nothing to do with it, Bleeding in the stomach or any- jwhere high in the intestinal tract would not result in red blood. The blood would turn black by the time it appeared, G. UE By The ve casionall; and becc many Pp methods which cz the pla themselv Many around f insects ¢ that hop plants d are quite plants sil cayed mi presence good org: should p that are serious | insects 1 however, habit of making obnoxiou: drench tl one level wettable one quar Other are the : insects k which als ter. Thes face of t! contained These toc chlordane by malat 50 per ce trate in 6 The fe serious | Mealy bi covered material most inse immobile mealy | armor at they are spray at! black, re mites, 5: that wea' sides of flourish i > ditions, : they will A grou its own seems troubleso! } cyclamen )/) mite, the > cyclamen 'may nee Be care you bring at stores pests, bu from you summer untold nt eggs. ' Watch | wy signs of them a { bathroom they shou bugs. Wa: leaves wi ad equipmen most hou: is a buck ticide mi whole pli When dip sure you! ball insid whole pla pot and b ping is liable the whole pla the insec

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