Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Jan 1967, p. 14

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NEWS |[Maiority Oppose Taxes [Church Marks | Choir Officers [~ HARMONY On Church Propartios Anniversary |eZacmvaracs jum caurcn| ff Pe % 14 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdéy, Jenvery 21, 1967 | Simcoe Street Church Westminster United Church re- Rev, N. T. Hy jadieced B.A., B.D., cently elected the following slate Actes Phe congregation of King) of officers for the ear; RCT. | , y (60 per cent) than Roman Cath-| Street United Church, at its . dita bedusiled ag ie AF Halech Rh 3 bd . | THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE) olics (58 per cent) are against|service this Sunday in the Col-| President, Sheila Kerr; vice} organist end Choirmaster eG u ure | OF PUBLIC OPINION municipalities taking their tax|lege Park Seventh-day Adven-|president, Ethel Scott; secre] | (World Copyright Reserved) |bite from churches. tist Church, will celebrate its/tary-treasurer, Irene Burton; li-| 9:45 @.m.--Sunday School : ys ee ee ae are suggestions that churen|opiaions on thls subject is te-|will alee mark the fest anwi-(Srariem® Shells Lessard and 11:00 om--Kindergorton --- spear Gb ¢ Expressing the forward look|Alan Stacey an nail an ee bla A he saomteadad properties in miunicipalities,|duced to 57 per cent because ajversary of the holding by the/ ers yea, Allan and Margaret : tian and } of a congregation that is well Ker Be gs oan ior wallice Gas telaurel 16 tie offi! should be taxed. A substantial|/majority of those from other|/congregation of its first serv-| \sofrat- recording secretary 11:00 a.m.--Morning Worship Church, The into its second century of wit- rebuilt a grey consuls in-lcial board with power to act. | majority of both Protestants/faiths, Jewish, for instance, are/ice in College Park Church. | Ray Hatter. Freida Barassin is| A Hearty Welcome to All raid on Pea ness and service to the commu- | ge ih ay ais a ye gl all churches.) The congregation had its| the organist and choir director. Sat nity, the minister, Rev. John . | About six-in-ten persons from "At the present time church iret pnrch which wes a and humble K. Moffat ssaid at the annual} ew 1cers a. e ver both these faiths say church|properties are exempt from|'* brig Thi sitlat pe ' tures and meeting of Simcoe Street properties should be exempt|taxation. Some people think|!" eh is _ aod "hy C H R I S T I A N S C I E N C E Christian fai United Church: | ROBERT A. WATS from taxation, Just less thanjthat church property should be in fe i Matsa On 4 Ae hie "The past history of this con-| At Kend alwood Church rf ON four-in-ten would approve such/taxed, others isagree. What is a be sig neh ai B iei "The : FIRST CHURCH -- 64 COLBOURNE ST, EAST ick Coane gregation is glorious enough to| S$ d Sch ] taxes. Slightly more Protestants|your opinion? church entered the United sages Mil atid yrs Nashua' sl aaa asec was forme point unerringly a Activities at the Kendalwood;Missionary Volunteers, are| un ay 00. TOTAL Protestant Paseo Othe Church of Canada in 1925. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00AM. ° with nyt we must £0. |Seventh-day Adventist Church,|Lorraine Adams, Linda Hop-| , : The special speaker at Sun- ad labled : several hym beckons irresistibly to all with) Condaiwond Road lit Ww. J « . Should be taxed .... 37% 33% 38% 51% Pe pea SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 A.M ji in God to turn present located on Kendalwoo oad,/kins, and Wayne Jerome, Jean Unit Or d Should sat 57 60 58 0 day's service will be Rev. N. : aM, 4 . faith in 0G lo practical ex-|#re off to a solid start with the/Robinson is secretary, with ganize N i 6 7 4 9 Bruce McLeod, MA, BD, ThD.| a" " Meeti eae of ils will, The years|"e™ Officers for the year hav-| June Robinson her assistant, Worn thin § : 0 OPES tte minister of Westdale United} TRUTH esere Piaghoces : ling taken over their respective'and Olga McKoy the 'pianist. ore than Pastors an grain Church, Hamilton. The minis-| ; The gene! a before siresponsibilities. [The Junior Pathfinders organiza-|Sunday School euperintendents|______--=--=--=-- 100% «100% 100%) 100% | GT will ie cee ee ay " Lord's Day chireh nae ee known if we| Heading the slate as chair- tion is directed by the Pastor. | recently formed an Oshawa and | conduct the service. Pastor! rd -- ip NER ne lead iD eo Rev. A. 5. each awaken to our personal ring hag of Bh nna Mh Pheer w se area committee of the Ontario Pra er Week To Show Film Sonor oe bys | yt hae craw 'Teeating Molden) oe = | sco iter adly | yers, O©r., W '-|direction of Mrs. W, E. . sa | rf /Park- Church w rea e i ' ' fe us cae eg jae 0. A. Botimer, Herman Mc-las press, radio, and TV corre- Sunday School Association, y | The movie "Nobody Waved| scripture. | Listen to: The Bible Speaks To You CKLB 9 A.M, Every Sunday tien at St. ee Without us God will not." Koy, Rev. A. E. Millner, and|spondent. Dr. Charles Morgan|Rev. es. Klassen, executive Goodbye" will be shown in Har- Church next a rhe business -meeting, pre-|Dr. Charles Morgan acting asidirects the temperance depart-|secretary of the OSSA, chaired Pl ned mony Road Baptist Church Sun- The assoc! ua be a "pot luck supper|2dditional elders. ment, and the pastor the relig-|the meeting. an. |day evening. The movie is being WESTMOUNT h h . fi, ] Grath will served by the UCW and the) Chairman of the board of/ious liberty department, | The executive comprises:| ,, Pay nee Hes 4 Shows in conjunction with the d 0 ment towar CGIT, was conducted by Fred|deacons iis Clyde Dickson, with) Monte Myers, Sr., is super-|Robert A, Watson, chairman; The Ministerial Association Of) church's emphasis on youth dur- UNITED CHURCH H os i Sunday" in Britten. A memorial service|seven assistants, and chairlady |intendent of the senior Sabbath|Rev. Fred Spring, vice-chair-|Oshawa {is holding prayer meet-jing January. Two groups -- one} ! Missionary Alliance was held in the.chapel for thejof the board of deaconesses,/school department, with Mrs.|man and Mrs. Larry Gray,|ings in "St. Andrew's United|for youth and the other for] pong Street West at Rosehill Bivd. || 5g 97 persons connected with the|Mrs. Dickson, with six assis-/Ivan Fraser and Owen Munroe|secretary-treasurer. [Church during the Week of adults -- will hold discussions (Just north of the Oshawe 459 Bond Street East Oshawa oror church who died in 1966. tants. jas associates. Jean Dickson is} The committee is planning a|prayer for Christian Unity wee the film. a mrennine - Sarre) : w The session report noted 38] (7, ; |secretary, with Brenda Hopkinsjone-day seminar for Sunday pee See CH AULA EEL ee eee Mex G. J. Miniely, BA., DD. Rev. Richard J. Barker, Minister Mayor nse papers joined -the/ono nee Coner assisting her, and Linda Hop-|School teachers and workers in|, {8¢S® meetings will ed ig Aiport by the National Film| Oiseniacohe mlanee. Toronto, a. church, 35 infants were bap-| Clerk of the church is Mrs.|kins is pianist, with Olga McKoy |Oshawa April 15, Workshops will|?, 2: Jan. 23,_ and eh be| Board of Canada which depicts | Mr, p. Thompson AR.C.T., L-T.CL. Oshawa, wi tized and 27 couples united in/Monte Myers, Sr., and the/assistant. Lawrence Jerome is|be conducted covering all conducted by Rev.. George)a number of the pr faced | SUNDAY the Oshawa sndage itreasurer is Mrs. 0. A./the. chorister. phases of Sunday Schoo! work |Smith of Simcoe St. Pentecostal | by youth in Canada today. Be-| 9:45 AM, ship this. Ss ' Botimer, with Mrs. A. E.| | Churches wishing further in.{cUreh- |ing an open-end film time must) SINE eer 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE SCHOOL will be "M $35,603 RAISED |Millner assisting her. Secre-|SABBATH SCHOOL [formation should write to the| A Service of worship to mark| be spent at the end to discuss) 11:00 A.M. } 11:00 A 1D api a salt Past'. The congregation raiseditary - treasurer of the building) Dr, Charles Morgan heads|local chairman in care of Box|the Week of Prayer wil] be/the feelings which are evident "UNBELIEF AND ITS | : .M.-- "Purity at Infinite Price $23,860 for world' missions,|fund is Monte Myers, Sr.,/the youth Sabbath School divi-/353, Oshawa. |he}d Wednesday evening, Jan.|in the movie. This will be done. RESULTS" (from 1. Peter) ' Closin church extension and causes|with Mrs. Myers assisting him ision with Mrs. C. Adams his} The Ontario Sunday School|22» at Centre Street United) _ as | PRIMARY, KINDERGARTEN and {| 7:00 P.M.--"Delivered Through The Fire'"' outside the local church. The| Herman McKoy is leader ofjassistant. Mrs. Herman McKoy|Association is an inter-denom.|c/urchs and the public are a | NURSERY (from Daniel) The closi total raised for all purposes by|the church missionary depart-lis leader of the junior division, |inational association, with ob.\°¢ '® come: jminster United Church willl] 4 warm WELCOME TO ALL Bible Confe the church and its organ-|ment, with Kris Johnson assist-/with Ivan Fraser assisting.|jectives to foster and promote|. The service will be led by|participate. A Nursery !s Avoilable For All Services this Sunday izations was $85,603. The build-|ing him and Mrs. Ivan Fraser|Leader of the primary division|Sunday Sch oo1.Conventions;/R&Y A- W._Magee, andthe! [a | WEEE Riksta CRI SERTCE latggee ing fund "debt was completelyjacting as secretary. Dorcas is Mrs. Lawrence Jerome, with| Christian Education Confer. |Preacher will be Rev. Dr. G. J.| z Lincoln, of paid off. welfare leader is Mrs. George|/Mrs. G. Nugent and Jeanlences, Teacher Training|Minielly of Westmount United ALBERT STREET UNITED CHURCH ee Jersey, a9 | Under the presidency of Mrs.| Nugent. : iRobinson assisting, and Mrs. P.|Courses and Church Leader.|Church. The choir of West-| S. Lailey the 12 units of the; Director of the music depart-|wilson the pianist. ship Training Programs. It fur-|--CS«7S 7 7}FSCSCSNS=SC*P (Corner of Albert St. and Olive Ave.) Christi United" Churel Woen Tie eee een Gtaes,, Morean, leads|ther endeavors to revitalie| | TREES WERE HAIRY | OMONTERCASikatasTeR HARES tis Fin | members, raise 020.) Mrs. p Sithe kindergarten division with|Sunday Schools and to encour- ea J ee: ienbars of these units werejchurch organist, with Gary|Mrs, T. Hopkins assisting, andlage study of the Bible. Tt is| The Cartoons wines of Ber King Street Pentecostal Church Mae ew a ay On Tene oer en need of ee Mts-Eumer Turpin is the pian-|affiliated with the lone ee ee SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL 611 KING ST. W. peony activities. The Sunday School|tor of the church is head of thelist. Mrs. I. Colleran is leader/Sunday School Association|ones" by Spanish explorers for} 9:45 A.M.--4Junior, Intermediates and Seniors One Block West of Oshawa Shopping Centre oO ple , reported an enrolment of 320 music committee, of the cradle roll division, with|which has its headquarters in|the bearded fig trees along the, 10:45 A.M.--Baginners, Kindergarten and Primary REV. S. D. FELTMATE -- Pastor AO ut inlq plus 111 - the ce ges Peden YOUTH WORK cg he grt per ieaae siti Chicago. sho 11:00 A.M.--Morning Worship Phones: Church 728-5371 Parsonage 728-6662 ie He." fre teachers an . ov. RK. A. ' 8 Peseaeenennennransereseen eaters sneer tees REST REOT RSET Sn aniceienenniemese. | = ' ag director of Christian) Youth activities of the church|of the church, is chairman of "PASSPORT TO FAITH' po Seat Education, Miss Beatrice Mc-jare sponsored by Mrs. Charles|the church executive board, | ] -- SUNDAY -- sermon af Lean, told of the organization/Adams, with Mrs. Ralph Burns|with 13 members. Mrs, Law-| . AN Nursery for Infants and Toddlers ; Christ Scien of many new groups. A new|the co-ordinator. Leaders of|rence Jerome is chairlady of hace ANS CNR rs A CORDIAL WELCOME TO ALL 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School with Adult Classes CGIT group has been reacti-\the youth organization, the!the social committee. | The R dc F MA R Youth vated, an enthusiastic Hi-C @ Reveren anon F,. G, Ongley. M.A.--Rector = 11:00AM group' started and an adult OSHAWA SPI The Reverend R. G, Brooks S.Th.--Assistont --o Rev. ROBERT ARGUE The we tudy and discussion S # & Free tet pce will commence meeting is RITUAL ST CHURCH CENTRE TREET UNITED H R H 7:00 P.M. Executive Director of Home Missions ; Free Metho Feb. 6. The Sunday School con- STORIE PARK HALL -- MILL STREET Sunday, January 22nd -- Septuagesima Corner King and Centre St. and Bible Colleges ie enjoying ch tributed $321 to World Mis- tele ot Perse Seen Poet LSA. | REV. ARTHUR W. MAGEE--MINISTER i bignews tiie . ry le e"The 80-50 Couples Club, under| nile iain eomaases 9:00 a.m.--Holy Communion ce ON 5 te as BOOM nd McLead, Robert Moorncroft, ; : | Churen Sehoo! 9:45 a.m, sd the leadership of John and Mer | 2:30 P.M.--HEALING and MESSAGE 11:00 a.m.--Morning Prayer Classes for pupils 4 to 16 years ef age, @ Forceful Preaching ae lene Moffat, reported a year of] 7:00 beeninn D 11:00 A.M @ Warm Welcome fine | fellowship | with, $1723] 7:00 P.M.--DIVINE SERVICE '00 p.m.--Evening Prayer ae HARK ni 5 onate oO : i 1 J alg on. | Mediums For Both Services Nursery Facilities availoble at the 11 @.m. Service God s Care of 5 COMING FEBRUARY 5th to 19th Fd BAPTI OFFICERS ELECTED REV. E. E. OJA eek tenes Sh sey Co -- eon. Those Who Trust Him GREAT GOSPEL CRUSADE with 226 REV. E. McGRATH Core for small children provided during the Service of Worship, REV. & MRS GEORGE TUNKS _Poster ¥ Lloyd Moody presented the MRS HARDAKER ! | The Friendly Family Church at the Centre of the City. = oe report of the nominating ond . | Evangelists --- Musicians -- Singers 9:45 A.M 'mittee. Eleven new elders ani | Thursday 8:00 P.M. Mid-Week Service Rev. E. E. Oja } WW four new stewards were elect- HE S Q) RECI oa. EVERYONE WELCOME T ALVATI N ARMY } ST ANDREW'S UNITED CHURCH Paved Parking -- Nursery -- Tiny Tots Chureh ; Elders elected to the ion} 133 Simcoe Street South | ' 7:00 p.m : y, Ernest } ds fo 1 ed ee oe dads Cle Major and Mrs, John Wood Page oi og ~~ OUCH STARTS | -- ¥ jerce, Murdoch inister: ve Re Gy , B.A., S.T.M. , Wed el Sam bate, tak: ERIE STREET FREE METHODIST i Organist and Choirmaster; MR, KELVIN JAMES, A.T.C.M, piscoven ley Taylor, Roy Weatherbee Off Simcoe St. (next after Bloor) ) 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School CL 0. AY hs and Albert Wilson. 1 Minister Rev. C. M. Bri i ! : i 6 ---- : _ Pep ofa 5 Me ight 725-3872 si 9:30 A.M.--Junior and Intermediate Departments tees cet yee 11:00 A.M.-MORNING WORSHIP (Chilean 9-18 wen! | | Junior Church Up To 11 Years Provided : he Pre-Confirmation Class -- Grade 9 d CH URCH G ROSSLAND ROAD 10:00 A.M, -- FAMILY SUNDAY SCHOOL 7:00 P.M.-EVENING SERVICE Senior Discussion Group -- Teens | ] : ne ' 11:00 A.M.--Nursery, Kindergarten and Prima irtments | LUT FREE METHODIST 11:00 A.M.--Fomily Worship Service Tues. 2:30 P.M.--Ladles' Home League my 9 ry Depo "REMEMBRANCE" Wed. 8:00 P.M.--Prayer Meeting 11:00 .A.M.--"Growing Older In The Koinonia" 4 Lutheran Poster: Rev. R. H. James 725-1280 S | The Canaanaires Trio PARK seh 7:00 8. M--Homiily Gospel Hour A Welcome Awaits You At The Army How To Become Beautiful As You Grow Older ! SCCM ENE Rev. Ph ee at = Pits Piha "IN THE VALLEY OF DECISION" : Babes and toddlers are cared for during service, THE PASTOR SPEAKS Phillip 11:00 o.m--""The Flow of Spiritual Tuesday 7:30 p.m.--Prayer Meeting and Bible Study | | "CONSCIENC F--§ 0 D" SUND 5:45 sa V earth Neticiibig Thurs, 7:30 p.m, F.M.Y. REMEMBER 7:00 p.m--Reverend Nelson' "A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU" S CO S E U F C U ¢ sree sae 9 reg oo Binal se mo IMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH 10:00 A.M. SUNI ae ee ee) === PEARL HARBOR he Church in SMOOE ST. S, AT. BAGOT STREET GARB UAN EDUCATION HOUR : Monday 620 om OVC nee e Church In the heart of the city with the World on its heart. ° Wal Sake fesse Gs table hes . MINISTER: REV. JOHN K. MOFFAT, B.A. | 11:00 A.M. M( COME TO OUR HEAR the Joponest Pilot-who led the roid! Director of Music: Mr. R. G, Geen, L.T.C.M, PHILLIPIANS 4:19 W Captain Mituso Fuchida will speok. 11:00 AM } This Week -- Visit The Church HEAR Mr. Jock Conner, outstanding Marimbist, . Home of LIFE-LINE ond ---- H EA R h | formerly on entertainer with Xavier Cugot. | "OUR CENTENNIAL NEEDS" Meet Your Telephone Postor , 'nai | Anthem: "Sheep f /" The U a q Y C O O Pt 6 pees) roy. in: Sole: "sing Veh Jovial So Mrs. $.°Ash 'odoy Call: Ww Bock to the Bible THE CHRISTIAN & 6:45 P.M..-- THE "HI-C" GROUP WILL MEET LIFE-LINE 576-211 Hh Broadcast A L 7:00 P.M. -- CHAPEL SERVICE DAILY MISSION RY A LIANCE Members of the Hi-C Group will take part. | 83 BYNG AVE. WEST OF SIMCOE ST. N. ( Mon. to Sot. 459 Bond Street East |] Sole _ "Alone with God" - Abbott | FRED C. SPRING PASTOR arom 9:30 - 10:00 a.m. REV. RICHARD J, BARKER, MINISTER PILM: "EPISTLE FROM THE KOREANS" ion ks Saturday, January 21 -- 7:30 p.m. 8:00 P.M. -- "LET'S DISCUSS IT" | | Group Discussion of the Film i S | M C 0 E 5 T R E E T 9:45 om. | SUNDAY SCHOOL ; Clo |] 9:45 A.M.--Youth Deportment i" PENTECOSTAL CHURCH VW 1350 RADIO 11:00 A.M.--Children's Department, Boby Care. Morn ° ° | 245 SIMCOE ST. $ Rev. GEORGE C. SMITH, Pastor Are you a Unitarian | PORN iad be ncit? 7 Ki St. Wuited Church EVANGELISTIC CRUSADE og wi ou nowing | ° mg o nt e ure , WITH ae Topic oe 129 KING STREET EAST EUGENE and JOYCE KRAFT ) Do you believe the Bible to be an inspiring human docu- REV. L, WESLEY HERBERT, B.A, Minister from British Columbia ment, rather than the literal "word of God"? Mr. Rhyddid Williams, Choir Director and Organist © Christ-centred Messages UNITED Do you believe that man is not condemned by the doc- @ Playing and Singing Gospel Music Tomorrow?! 2) trine of "original sin," but is inherently capable of ime Church School and Morning Worship @ One Week Only CHURCI veols tt fi ignl- ? H vrata ted ellis oe x baba ial at Seventh Day Adventist Church, 10:00 A.M--Sundoy School and Adult Bible Classes Oran . with PROPHECIES next | o Do you believe the development of character to be more 1164 King St. E, 11:00 A.M--Worship Service -- Rev. Kraft speaks Bruce 20 years! gay important than the accepting of religious creeds? | H (l Monday to Saturday | WHEN - This Sunday at 10 A.M, Do you believe the purpose of religion is to help uslive | 9:45 a.m, --Adult Bible Study ~~ 7PM. ~ 9:05 = 9135 P.M. | this life nobly and constructively, rather than to empha- 11:00 a.m. -- Morning Worship | EVANGELISTIC RALLY SUNDAY, eens | WHERE Th S | A - size the preparation for an after-existence? 2 8 : or i wl vation ey. The Unitarian answers are affirmative. Join with other 110th ANNIVERSARY @ REV. EUGENE KRAFT SPEAKS HEAL vs . \, . ; - J Z 10:30 - 11:00 P.M: Auditorium religious liberals who insist upon individual freedom "THE CHURCH'S FOUR FOUNDATIONS" : Bio BRATS SING 7 1350 RADIO of belief and the use of reason in religion. (Iscioh_SB° Mott. 9: | OIR AND ORCHESTRA DIVI ' ' ; wa Dr. N, Bruce McLeod of Hamilton, Guest Preache JOIN THE FRIENDLY CROWD T | King S Crescent North, Ajax re cxgngee Or -poil 22nd : Solo jute Smiled on Me ; r O'ore HIS SUNDAY NIGHT Rev. | : Speaker MR. WILLIAM DENNISON Anthem "Lift Up. Your Hearts". Thimen f 1 Block East of Ajax Plaza ifasce oF 'Torcrte ea : ue SERVICES CONTINUE bis | "MEXICO --- ITS AZTEC PAST" : Ma partments of the Church School et the Seventh Day TUES. THROUGH FRI aa 7:30 ) M | UNITARIA LLOWSHIP . Adventist Church, Please enter by side door. Beby care with mother, ® ° AAD SEC PRR BUTE anil at eel CCA TI JIRES: Live}, ' sinaing friendh NORTH OSHAW 'COM NAL NITY-CENTRE in mothers' room, eritering by front door. On Hockey Nights the Woo 7 owe me Nonquon Rd, Cars will leave ot 10:40 am, sh King & Chorles Ste Listen to "SONGS IN THE NIGHT" Sund: aun Warid Tonorrow will be U 1 r I vi a.m, sharp, corner King orles s | " un . E | disard panadiately, after | atmosphere, classes for all ages. ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHURCH |] cane 13 CHLB-1350 | the hockey garne. i .

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