Oshawa Times (1958-), 21 Jan 1967, p. 13

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for Sele orm, two-storey } room,= large plece and two and oven, car- , 6% per | fine homes. » fine family. fers. Cail 26--Apartments for Rent |26--Apartments for Rent Sd ----- for Rent |26--Apertments For Rent |27--Rooms for. Rent |30--Automobiles For Sale 32--Trucks for Sale | AVE $ $ { FURNISHED APARTMENTS & | CAVALIER } } | VISCO | | Lo | UNT DIPLOMAT SELF - CONTAINED one-bedroom apart- ment, furnished or unfurnished, bath. 723-5490 SUBLET two - to wall broadioom, stove, aundry facilities, drapes. refrigerator, Electric hy included In rent, Telephone 728-2387 after 5 p.m. private} bedroom apartinent, wall LARGE 3-bedroom spartment tripiex by shopping centre, refrigerator. tld drapes, broadloom included. Avall- in quiet ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOM Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m 82 PARK.RD. N. 728-867 | FURNISHED, large bedsitting room with | | j B Days 668-8101 CONVERTIBLE TOPS Nylon $89.00 up Repairs to all makes of cars. Antique upholstery ond re- storation. ILL'S CUSTOM AUTO TRIM 409 Brock St. S., Whitby Eve:_ 655-4575) TRUCKS UNLIMITED 1966 GMC D19600 DIESE!. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturdey, Jonuory 21, 1967 13- |36---Legel 38--Coming Events NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of JEAN HUTCHISON YUILL, deceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of BINGO | U.A.W.A, BALL H j ble immediately. Telephone 723-4932 i * = \ x (ed iad , AR 1 and 2 Bedroom | AMBASSADOR RGRNGRED two-room apariment, RR ee rasieball Waves Meese TRUE car Watraily, ascas toe Horgailyl a ay nin abl the above-named deceased, SATURDAY, Jan. 21st rev, five room . i pa = King area, $45. monthly, sia seat reer | Licence H92619. Wellman's Motors. 728- cod P Engine 5 speed traris. late of the City of Oshawa, ae 'a ye ae HIS YE Suites | heat jand hydro. Available February}. phe che pa gg tl ty feel ee ee a Speed 38000 No. bogie | in the voli ar Dated, :30 P fie possession. 1 cad > Gens 'i one 725-9385 between S-7 p.m. | mediate possession. $10 weekly. Apply 136|PRIVATE -- 1966 Chevelle, two-door, six} 1000 x 20 tires mew condition | wig he died on the 28th |.20 GAMES A GAME ; y New Furnit bd and 2 bedrooms @ THREE - ROOM furnished basement|Elgin East. _- leylinder automatic, radio, 'rear spesker.| throughout. Full tractor equip- | og sea el ms 1 Pe ve ius i lew Furniture stove @ refrigerator @ apartment, with private bath. Close 10] siNGLE ROOM and boerd for one girl In|oiner extras. Less than 10,000 miles. Still abate a sida) | day of October, A.D., 1966, 4 GAME SOF 3 tact Moving To in | in halls @ 1 General Motors. Suitable for. Work: |orivate home on Burk Street. Telephone under warranty, 668-8993. ment are hereby notified to furnish 0 low down pey- stds FM. @ Bol ing couple. Available February 6. 725-| 799 5999 |MUST SELL -- "6s Ford Galaxie 500) 1964 GMC -- DLW 7010 -- proof thereof to the under North. R. Mar New Building 'is © immatiote. le a _____ | EURNISHED "bedsliting Toom end bed. | 'Wo-door, hardtop, 390 cubic Inch. Apply ESEL TRACTOR signed before the 28th day of ne 5761200 of : sg "IONS |TWO-ROOM basement apartment, COUM-| room, hot and et, in room, gentle- Laie COONS RONG: SDR een re, DIESE c | February, A.D. 1967.: After | Including sg nae Gee cine Veena ee mind' |man, five minutes to Oshawa Shopping| MUST SELL -- 1966 Chevelle speed spicer Trans. -- een A date the Adminis: ' 9 Centre. will | ee K 9 centre and eee Wat; convenient Rig pore, Centre. 460 King W. i vertible, options too numerous to m Ib. bogey. 6V71 engine new | tiles sok rl aes bh eee sched houses. SQUARE | |}@ HEALTHCLUB | | ail schools ll OS a cauraal" WINTAN oan Wi Rome |tlon. Telephone 728.2914 after 5 p.m S00 «80 tle ce Fa trator, wi Egan the s- | SOGIAL, sino . } | arto oo peers privileges, sult young gentleman | 1964 CHEV, sed > automatic, radio, Low oO } t cellent 'ate vi regar niy ¢ F m8 hood = Brothers 7 . MODERN THREE-ROOM apariment, pogo ey toara Parking, TV. mileage, Licence No, 360696. Call be r equipment. excellen one Sader notices Have |#anunry 728 2 3 th o +4 bh hout claims o ich notices ROOM 3-428: Inreeiee,,bath, ncusog RNAI phone aura ween a1. evenings 14363 fon throughout Seon 'hed four-room bur heat. A ply $23 Of he fter ROOMS FOR RENT, $12. weekly. Apply |194 VAUXHALL sedan, Perfect condi 64 GM DBL 7000 me ndsor Avenue. N : | Apt. 111 pay Oe ener So aeaene Hoel at sinew i, ad Ieee ge be we ey OBL _ 7000 Deted at Oshowa, Ontaric, BIRTHS down payment. j °o @ SWIMMING | 110 evenings. 942-5492 DIESEL TRACTOR 6V71 En- | 'his 19th dey of January nings 723-3398. i | POOL j 340 | Marland | |SUBLET. One bedroom epariment. $122/ROOM AND KITCHEN, fully fursished,| ape | gine -- 5 speed trans, -- 2 | y of January, 4. | Reasonable CA aan ad, Fak eos oe _____|monthly, heat and hydro Included, Close | refrigerator, stove, hot water, parking 195 PONTIAC two-door hardtop, fully) 9S - A.D. 1967. | hree - bedroom Appli ; to South Generali Motors. Telephone 723-' space. Apply 410 King Street E jequipped with snow tires. Terms avall-| speed, 22000 rear oxle -- : | orm, Hollywood pplication @ PARKING LUSANNE VILLA (19 \camGe rovsekesping-room with Torge|@De,, Rassonable offer sceepted. Tele] 7000 x 20 Tires full troctor | LEONARD GORDON YUILL th ig room, alum Refused scien ER 30 GIBB STREET THUNDERBIRD "TERRACE -- One- and] front window. Storage space, Completely se ~. - equipment Administrator Oshawa Geners Finished laun- 34 F say ltwo-bedrosm apartments, laundry facil-|private, Wilson and Crerar sree. Tele-| 1958 FORD six-cylinder, two-door herd i cas aie Ora Pie: nih A little sister fo O room. Asking it and lockers sg each fi lo0r.. Large | phone 728-4439 after 3 p.m oy $200 or best offer. Telephone 28} 1964 GMC 98203 TRACTOR by his solicitor, Dr. Stocks and h floor LC Mueder,: ae retica ee foc tes with utilities and drapes. Thermo: | Rooms FOR RENT. Apply if4 Farewell | |. --~409-V8 Engine -- 5 speed | ene 725-5281. FROM $ Centrally cally pakdltey iy contol tn each gs thay Ave. or telephone 723-4712 i 7:30 p.m. laa "PONTIAC Laurentian station ; one e cued neat ak } Z. T. SALMERS, B.A., eS ees nd Diane {nee Storie) ' of i Hable. 0) ---- ---- y ' > ae . arage, asphalt peciee ne rm tmOok | Road or telephone 728-9726 ELEAN, quiet room, light housekeeping Peerage diet Hla decd nave | 1000 x 20 Tires. Full |son, ittark Douglas, on 7 aris a n kitchen our i s) > e Oshawa 4on- ly landscaped. FREE mabe als court |THREE-ROOM upstairs apartment, pri fce® 'Telephone nf 788 StOP Bt | voy, 728-1892. |. tractor. equipment very good , Shi a Grhar tar reine , Earle Allen, Weekly or Monthly Rates and barbeque vate bath only $85 monthly. For more |195 PONTIAC hardtop, no rust, Al me-| conditior ss EALTH CLUB Brie ; "|particulars telephone 728-5040. BASEMENT furnished, kitchen, bedroom|chanically, new tires, brakes and @x- orienta |30--Coming | _ Events @ouH NEW en DING - |WHITBY -- Two - room self - contained, |2nd Deth. peer we share, ogy havst. Telephone 668-5 1963 INTERNATIONAL l@ SAUNASTEAM eae 5] ] ] newly erty apartment, heat, hot sete ne sireche 79-3288 or apply 3) 7545 PONTIAC Parisienne, four new tires,| TANDEM DUMP -- 345-V8 | MONDAY DEATHS water, ciricity rovide 75 mon -- -- Tal | + j ' @ | Sood Buldinpe, ROOM Dundas Street West, 668-5091 or 942-4573.| LARGE double room for two, newly Ser Rl conation, fourapetd Tere] Engine 5 speed Trons, -- 3 | : - . s ° | > 0 h of Marmora TWO-SRDROOM. apariment: two Secor: [niet fornahed. Ener Rortn td Wrest | C62 208% i ine Aux. 30000 Coney | 00 P.N siittorn' atthe: Oshawe Genera! Hosp 3957. SWIMMING For Prestige Living les, stove, refrigerator, private entrance. General Motors, downtown. 128 Willlam|@RILLS, radiator car parts ~~ 900 x 20 Ties 7x14 box | aL on denoary tl thay, Mark Breat, Be - . decor: 9 o r 1 ut ith telescop hoist } joved + so! 'onaid and Valier Centratiy io POOL ment, large windows, nice lay | Street East : 3 se a SR ecoceta cn rape cai leg tbl Pe = le ri furnished bedroom, 1945 cat AQ8802 HN sah " ere (IN SEASON dry priviles g LIENS PAID OFF. We trade up, dowr 65 GMC M9880 i e 1300 full ries, clean LA CONTESSA = 1 HED po A Sar walcune haose from over 60 cars. No down pay- | TANDEM CAB & C age : cuKoko Wvan Lioyé * bungalow, In stove, refrigerator, television. | A¥® sid Bre abtinccics ni 409-V6 Engine -- 5 speec a Bro linushnpgirtsdgged wa on Thurs division, $2,800 aint. ' RE GEN 'ARMS South General Motors, bus stop. 728- 23 ELGIN STREET EAST -- Furnished | 44 PONTIAC Parisienne, two, door fh hard-| Trans. 4 speed aux. 30000 | Si GERTRUDE'S é 5 19, 1967, t arges nmedic Occur c for tleman, housekeeping priv-|top, power s Wr jor Cc SES TN vi 4 Ation . 6 ® ruhit . 9 | APARTMENTS One eis saat wag i DRY. ONE-BEDROOM basement spart- \Tleges Close to downtown, Please. epply | (62514) ve Piifcinhe gay radto| Beogey very good condtion. | c and tw ' t 1 rapt i aker, 1 shap 1798. ran erie on +, i P | Bocas bane ove ey aise, anes one furnished room for two "te phone 723 ore ees Site E rier ck AUDITORIUM orth of K- @ French Provincia | i antenna, Child cere avaliable. 723 |share, private entrance and bath, TV and |1966 RAMBLER 550, 6 cyil auto} TON SINGLE wheel cab 690 King St. East ot Farewe en Kitchens \ @ & trolled Lali es a single beds, $10 #2) "Per week mais W elie re Mourn 735 cops Vv Y ches hycpeuiey : ve xf | ntrance controlled by | 20. {$ Veliman's Motors. 728-7351 Jery chean Nee ae a H ne TWO-BEDROOM apartments for rent.) Bohr tigre en smelter Near Oe ~ meme wager Pred | . _ ~ Wanted @ Indoor Parking WO cevehotaae clung ove retgerair, raps, ond| FURNISHED" Rawekeaping Tamm, wit |LIENS, PAID, OFZ, ne oemcP Gay! 1961 GMC --_C9B503 -- FREE P | ; broadioom in living room, sal cony, loor able for one or io n 0 in " r. Available | @ " hydro ond electric rea, Telephone 728-2256 'he tr centre, Apply, 102 Westmount terms. Gus_Brown "Motors Ltd., 728-7375.| CAB & CHASSIS -- 348 en-* | ADMISSION ) eat. ONE-BEDROOA Ixpiex, | Street. ____]194 CHEVY wagon, V-8, automatic ine: 5S sceed trons, -- 2 | ST @ Outdoor Guest B Availa ret P u 40" King | SINGLE ROOMS $12, to shere $10, semi- lradio, Like new. Licence X9605, Well-| Arce 18500 rear oxie -- | ie FREE aig With Parking @ Saune Bath Street East o st 285 Montrave | private $10, Whitby 668-5201 man's 728-7351 soe no | CAO i 30. tres, Excellant | pond Avenue a -- a jin ires. | j 2 ts H Swimming Poo , Z _|EURNISHED room, sult two gentlemen, [1961 CHEVROLET, cne owner, 6 cylln-| LET gg Saba | 20 Reg. Games--Total $300. |° REALTOR | Bec! |ONE, TWO. AND THREE - bedroom|close to North GM and downtown, 64)der, autcmatic, radio, No downpayment,) cond tion throughout. 9. Jack and 2 | @ Rec Room spartments, heated. Available now. $80-|Brock street east or call 728-6319 from | $28 month, Licence J1718, Wellman's 728- 1961 GMC 97303 FUR- | SNOWBALL--$100. In 56 Nos. | Resting Bicce $125, Telephone 668-4812. |8 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. evenings. After 4, A aa Sea ¥ , he 1 tin peda hg art Hr-sold Bedrooms. Alsa | @ Fabric Draperies LANDLORD'S ASSOCIATION _ | THREE-ROOM apartment, private bath; | 72-205. |i SRAIS; fadin new tires; Immecs- | 'NITURE & MOVING VAN -- |, Plus $10. each horizontor tine, | itiey et of 15 days a iid Apciinents | % Cio to thing, school 55 Bruce St 428-1076 to buses and schools, Telephone}FURNISHED SEDROCH {itor poughout ese nonth Licence] 348 V& Engine -- 5 speed Regular Jockpot $100, | iomes sold urnishe: par' n | choo! wave 1528. 4817 |leges. Middle-aged woman on 21 veilman's. | Trans. -- 2 speed reor axle in 53 Nos. $20, Con | fF --_--_---- | 5 a P . Kindness to buyers.) : : | and churches. TWO - BEDROOM apariment, ground (nome. Central. Telephone 72 |\1964 FALCON, one owner. Ledy"s car. LI} 900 x 20 Tires ---7x7x | ; d Frice : For Rental Information | GOVERNOR floor, Available February 15. Tel ephone | FURNISHED ROOMS, single and | double, |cence 42732E. Wellman's 728-7351 | 20 Van Body | SHARE THE WEALTH | within reach of 6 MICHA Please Phone | VISIT 668-8018 for gentlemen, Telephone 723-6542 or 562'i9:3-oLosMOBILE, Super 88, fourdoor| ~~ ' | GERROW ~ et | MANSIONS BROOKLIN -- Two - bedroom self con-|Ritson Road South. |hardtop, power steering and brakes, new) 1960 Chev. T7303 TILT | Good Parking v ., Reai- tained apartment, refrigerator _and|FURNISHED ROOM, centrally loceted.| Telephone 723-0746. CAB. Furniture & Moving Von | ; F JINERAL CHAPEL mmediate- = " | |stove, adults only, Immediate possession. | Telephone 668-2466 ___|i96@ WILLMAN, Ideal second cor. $5 per] 348.VB Engi fb J Tickets Avallable ot 2 LA CONTESSA aBNISHE vil ~axn|ADELAID EAST, two furnished Base-| week. Licence H94296, Welimen's 726-7381. 5AS-VS, "aging ----. © spec 'The Door 390 KING STREET WEST -- | ED three-room spartment, four-|rnent rooms, private bath. Suitable for one owner, 6 cyil ¥ , + pied gb re $ 3 380-385 GIBB STREET | piece bath, suitable for business couple,|one person, $15 weekly, Includes utllites 1963 RAMBLER, one wae er! 6 cylinder, x 18 VonBody. } Extra Bus Service Road radio, Above average. Licence 190179. y 140 Nonquon Roa | no children. Apply 310 Richmond East or |Abstainer. Telephone 723-7797 Wellthen's 728-735) | 1966 GMC colss42 % | No Children Please ~~ [PERE SERS CE | telephone 728-8792 reo Pa pone sick aatane é 4 y } i | che ROSES _|COMFORTABLE rooms to rent, reason- fine é : NANTED OSHAWA S 725-1481 | ROYALE* THREE-ROOM sparime ; 900d location, able weekly rates, maid service. Restau- body ae on driven 6 evil! TON PICK-UP with tong | IN MEMORIAM r BF md avy duty stove and refrigerator, rant on premises. Ca' lames aher, v r % ; { 6 | | 2 antenna Located af 240 Ritson Rd. South. | Central Hote, 9 'King Street West, Osh: |cence 94324, Wellman's Motors. 728-7351.} wideside box like new con- | IOODVIEW | sea APARTMENTS Apply 214 Arthur Street |awa. 723-9121 1963 CHEVROLET Bel-Air stationwagon,| dition throughout MMUNITY CENTRE P KINSMAN se | ; \ f ' io 2 a. - ~- In vi nor ol APARTMENTS | GET MORE i | TWO ROOM, compiete ely furnished | epert:| MARY STREET, northend, turn Vea tnotory Sees agi la Seay Pl 1964 Forno Ve TON PICK | co. j Kiniman: who. pated Sey i | 1 and 2 bedroom rtments ment, on third floor. Close to hespital, |reation room-bedroom, private ne eae: conditlon. Telephone 725-4555 affer 4 p.n oo Va CK- | Sins x north General Motors, and downtown. |tric heat, dehumidifier, parking. For|SAVE DOLLARS! Several good used UP short stepside box -- New ki "Too. eearly loved ever to be forgotten Ltd iNDOOR YO R | Available o me. To view All conveniences p 728-7283. entleman In quiet superlor home. -Tele-jcars, '55's and up. it ec accepted. point job -- excellent con- j--Lovingly remembered by wite Bertte So HEATED FOR U | please tele 728-5282, |$95 MONTHLY. One bedroom apartment | Phone 725-0145, are aren, eer Sales; $09] Gition throughout and family POOL | in modern building, 'refrigerator, stove, |NEWLY FURNISHED two room Bloor etna : ae i MESHER -- jn loving memory of Rod RENTAL DOLLAR cio Centrally located. Available! ment with all kitchen convenlen Tn} 1966" MUSTANG, | atic, 6 months} 1961 GMC % TON PICK- | jert W. Mesher who passed away Janus ; | | - ppbssseldtd 1, 88 |quiet home. Close to downtoy Ingold, hardtop, 9,000 miles. Best offer. Tele} Up with long wideside box | EVERY MONDAY ary 21, 1965 obama [ | Available February Ist. jae Room, downsieira_ epariment. | space, Single person" only. Telephone | phone 668-2 Beutaht critica eee ham ticker gives you | £VEh temembered by Jessie Hod ties, city | COMFORT | ON c BE DROC M [Private bath and entrance. Close to bus | 728-9632. ___--_ | MUST SELL -- -- "1963 Voivo, $44 sedan, ed conditlo rough- | mission gives" |ifan Sargent and families sungalows, ; CONDITIONED | ART bs and shopping. Telephone 723-0406, | FURNISHED housekeeping room, ¢lose|excelient condition. Telephone 723-4918 o | free chonce on door prize, MOON -- tn toving mer 1¢_ homes, } : : | APS v THREE-BEDROOM upstairs epartment, |10 Shopping Centre. Apply 102 Westmount | sy"CHEVROLET §.S, convertible, po TWO JACKPOTS 53 ond 55 |nusband and father, Roy For free | Double windows for noise | Close to Oshawa opping {modern heated in new duplex, close to| Street. jer steering, brakes, automatic. Telepho jet Se Haney 21 Ee acoaretrahea.® i ; dul r |Oshawa Shopping Centre, Avaliable Janu-| 7 | | e's grestes § gitl--- Nerv ran ng Sak = snag gpa es ee A T ENTS | Centre. Adults only \ary 22. Apply 574 Cartier Avenve. 28--Room and Board ss SCSI TAGIGGD BOA RUTOIATIC: PON. | tN 52 NOS. OR LESS --Sadiy missed by wile Violet and. tam a M 723-6455--723-6944 WHITBY, furnished two-bedroom er brakes, steering, tape recorder, 383 } | MOON -- In loving memory of @ dear $$$ $$ AP R 9 % plex, $150 monthly, children Arties cu. Inch, Private, Best offer. Telephone . {father and grandfather Roy ¢ math wishing te OPEN 2-9 P.M. DAILY CEs 6 -- 9:30 P.M. ____\Telephone 725-3107 before noon. SINGLE ROO bese oe | ie. ane ead Nee | Alweye remembered by,s0n 8 . No-storey home i FURNISHED, self - contained _two-ro %S PONTIAC Custom Sport two door| | i een; Waves end "esl 7a8-s10n, SAT. end SUN. 1] a.m. to 7 P.M.) 4 lovely place to live. Modern BONUS apartment, two-piece bath, suitable i and BOARD |hard top. V-8 automatic, radio, IIc. -| $50. Conapionicn ee [Date Cherieeriy Wayne sna Bay! iceland Osh t tment and convenient, with electric | We Pay Moving Expenses \two. For further Information telephone! | 243466, Clean, tow mileage, estate car.| $10. Oe IAcKrOe | POTTERY -- In loving mer , ee shawa's larges' apartmen us 5 ai | 723- 2013 after 6 p.m i - |Ted | Campin M Motors, a" jdear mother end grandmother, Laure orey houses In building offers the best fec- heating. The features of this land 2 bedroom, large eport- | siipee-noom apartment, slove, refi | Apply: liga PONTIAC 'Parl r| $20, A HORIZONTAL LIN © [Pottery o passed away January 2% ll for free ep- g beautiful building must be ments, fully equipped lerator, washin aching private : lhardtop, V-8 @ r equ | 1963. : F ars srecomeman een | Natl mortar | ee eg tua w'mes| 25 Division St._ [Stax kgeeostneeteme| (Belleville) LTD. | sot ty st hx woe | Hee" $ca he . . JUO $65. Te lephone Tie 445; | In tors, awe. ° be bination Living and Dining FREE TAXI SERVICE BY | 728-9726 |EURNISHED bedroom and Kitchen, ell| WANTED -- Pensioner or older working|74 CHEVROLET Impala, two door hard- PECIAL GAMES AT $30. | aitnouph we smile end seem caretres. Rooms, 4 quick elevators, APPOINTMENT - |conveniences, Suitable. for couple. 'Cen-| woman to share home In north Oshawa,|top, V-8, automatic, power equipped. Lic. 3s in 17 Nos. or less | Nobox nore th es, Storage Olde English Decor. Lobbies. ------------|trally located. Apply 141 Church Street.|close to grocery store and Simcoe bus.) 434256. All_offers considered. Inventory None 62-4584 20 GAMES AT $20 } A ecgranaauieed Bus stop at door, Model suite CALL |TWo BEDROOM aparim nt_in new bulld- |7wo 7 BEDROOM, $1119 monthiy, Bact |For phalet telephone 72 <2 -- reduction, Ted Campin Motors, one Regular games pay double in | Fe in you tathe-eemne loom 'o " elor apartment, $80. monthly. Heat, hyd- SINGLE large room, gi meais, lun 1962 CORVAIR Monze, four-speed s' . : Broad! ra eg yo g era re refrigerator, stove, broadioom. 723-/packed. Parking. Close to bus stoP-inew white walls, radio, Needs shit 366 North Front Street Nos. or less | bh d hn P soppesteed -n { ; open by WI 728-4283 | | 5395 after 4 p.m. Gentlemen. Apply 708 Carnegie Aye work, $400 or best offer. 723-0894 after BELLEVILLE, O EARLY ly Ang LUE Ween Hee Ril eS aa Bec dbcin betas WR dyn ° ° | Two- BEDROOM TaRAREAL| - 4 p.m. $100 r Prize | , @ message ie y [ONE SINGLE ROOM 6nd four-room|CLEAN HOME for ng nt. ; | Dear God, take # message | In person to 77 Celina Street until tment with bath, refrigerator and|home-cooked meals, TV. 43 Gerrard. Re, PRIVATE SALE -- 1961 Corveir euto f a EXTRA BUSES | To our mother In heaven above 6 "pam. dally. [stove Apely 44 Brock Street, 728-6319. |by K-Mart. : atic, excellent condition. Terms, ae | (HI 14 lh | Tell her how much we miss her, sais PRINCESS for appointment NEAR CREDIT UNION b dingy gi unfur-|8 a.m. « 2.30 p.m. After 4 Putri 723-205). noo AND BOARD for young lady, or trade accepted, Telephone 728-7375. _ oe at Go | RED BARN gen hy Srairiersd: ad: vedip nlaed "a ANNE [Suite tain 4 iy. Srintne. Apoly. 4 te large bedroom. Good location. Telephone|'¢¢~ IMPALA sedan, V-8, _automatic,) -- , NORTH OSHAWA by son Den, daughter in-law Nan yond amily 430 & tained. pply 584 ontgomery | 723-9938. power steering and power brakes, radio, * . ; Sas pg Pep ar gE hehts or see Henry at |Apply 330 Bu Oe oF call 726-6319. seeetintee re ----s Fe 6334. 34--Automobile Repair Children Under 16 Not Admitted| granddaughters Barbara Ann end Susan. sas ay YOUNG MEN, sbstainers, home cooked |$2,450 or best offer. No trades. 725-6334, _ |" ---- ; APARTMENTS 340 Marland Ave. TWO-BED! ARGE BASEMENT apart ent, private meals, lunches packed, laundry done.|}957 CHEVROLET, 263 automatic, SMITH -- tn loving memory of 8 des jase A 111 jnone' 703 ntrance and bath. nutes from |725-8 tires, radio, mechanically sound, Ey AUTOMATIC husband and father, Wilbert L. id a2) Simeon Sty ee pt. ribcage sere Diced South plant. Telephone 728-2427 Taner y decorated room, in quiet |falr. Telephone 728-1306, TRANSMISSION K | N S M E N |"Wohderful memories of one' ao. deer, eran |GENTLEMAN with fully ned we CENTRAL jwo bedroom apartment, all home fo sihg lady call after 8:30, 723 |i9g4PONTI SOMeNe Sour a Beers ! | bs BO ain Rove ainearas ; err asc lingo Shae |eomenaret Vacnt aprons Ree nage Ye MS? Ie ann Sen Getto CENTRE | eg ey OO haan Peon ONLY ONE Wate Box "S418, O: nawar | sonatle, Telephone_72 a eer "ingle room end board for one 25. | 1038 Simcoe St. N. 728-7339 B | N G @) We loved hirn too dearly to forget WENTW! R H |APARTMENT with @ v a this ¢ THREE and two bedroom ) epartments, gentleman. Apply 3 38 Brock ne: i ee ma ies pet dv a Legkedlaa deh wite eng T with @ y e this 0p | |heated. Fifteen minute drive from Osh- ~ 31--Compect ct Cars for Sale | Transmissions ore Our Only |daughter Rose end family ee \floor, two-bedroo BP-| awa, Immediate possession. Children] ROOM 'AND BOARD for Hi 1 Busi R A Adjust " or SON {pointment. C 723. ja, Spacious background, 'Tele-|share, single beds, centre location. 57 | usiness ---- Repairs, just- 2 -- $200 JACKPOTS A LASTING TRI MANOR i" |phone 623-2488. Colborne East. VOLVO and PEUGOT | Mbit Exchanges. All Work 5] 54 For Permanance and nity | \T i ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen, Guaranteed. i - we supoest ee 3 Bedroom apartment [eee neidime nest shopping. centre, [parking facies. Near, south GM. Tele-| ir MERCEDES BENZ BO co ain et East with extra 2-piece bath _____|retrigerator, stove, drapes supplied. | Phone 723-8364. 863 Ritson Road South. | General Repair and | FRED STONE -- MEMORIAL PARK 3474 : Fechner Mvp yi Ae Avaliable Merch _ isi. Telepnne Ee nee NE LIT eae in pre Auto- Electric Service Brooklin Phone 655-3653 | ONE MUST GO | BRONZE MEMORIALS ic ocat on, ! fo Bit roi lu! s i, : i parr . FEATURES Available at RCUSERIA PN eee alalla Pease | TWO , Raaeerateh Telephone aE 3756." vate home. Telephone 668-3419. Jake and cag 4 el ; @ Motor papulaine ' For courteous advice p! phone 128-5282 a SPE Eee 449 Ritson Rd. Sout! @ Cylinder Reborin: visit the Park Offices T. 9,000 are "i a ad kit Taundry |ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen, very HINGE je] rie 8 dock, office. « SPACIOUS suites AND SUBLET, two - bedroom apartment, self ~(abbe a ROOMS | ond kitchen, | laundry | central, good hearty meals. uot of park-| Qshawe 728-0921 @ Pinfitting @ Resleeving PLUS 723.2633 ence en BP borg Grenfell S Uare | la fs beseaarebid i uy ar Palrnaten, Siete ee @ Automotic Transmission $10. per line LOCKE'S FLORIST professional of ELL EQUIPPED come. Apply bd cadet id @ Crankshoft end Valve | ' , mien. Pere id KATCHENS u sie 723-5111 EE:BEOROOM apariment, private| ajax: -- Large one- and two-bedraom 29--Wanted to Rent -- ie blac s Service | Both Gomes Funeral arrangements ond = rola Aled OE Ba apartments, In apartment buliding, close Your. Authorize: latsun ba | floral errangements for o q children welcome. |> HOUSE, barn and lle Faerie or | I rrang e fo Rent Sey, EACH FLOOR [Waatiagrs tne Sronring., Telephone AS [house nd bern, or, fou small and Fiat Deoler 35--Lost and Found $150. Jackpot Game occasions. setup R TWO-BEDROOM upstairs epariment, Pr: |EuR:ROOM, twobedroom unfurnished |e Oshawa, Call 2658404 Specializing in Volkswagen an 2 EGULAR OSHAWA SHOPPING va 1% b 7 two-l '00! u -- A ba laund E Generel Motors ot ae The best value in apartment {air enirance, anc beth. Telephone 72% |yoper apartment, self-contained, seP8r-|3Q__ Automobiles for Sale Repolc ond. sau highway, 'Tueseay, between Oshawa" and OR CENTRE aereral Nitere. @ SEPARATE FURNITURE living can be seen at 2 OU Ie ate entrance, newly decorated. Immedi- 160 Simcoe South Bowmanville, 6-7 p.m. Contalns children's GAMES AT $20 24 Hour Phone Service Telephone 723 |APARTMENT FOR RENT. "Apply 221 |ate possession. Taunton Rd. East, near clothes and bedding. 725-4275 a i x 7 c alte Arthur | 5 points, Telephone 723-7539. '; pes 728-0051 Geuerd ding. S efter 4 p.m | 728-6555 @; $00 month @ FENCED IN PLAYGROUND @ REGENCY lONE > BEDROOM spariment, children|TWO-BEDROOM apariment end garage Rebuilt Sent dieters ga MOB, low mileage, radio, wire wheels, {LOST -- at Oshawa Shopping Centre on Last 5 Games After hours 725-7928 9 'tnd summer. pene resis nee TOWERS e lyse : hone 6s. 3820, Creer ela Cubert Street ater 4 pam. TAIT OF GUARANTEED VW se two tops, pales sell, Boe best offer. vin pnts sate watt, Sentl- $30. Per Game @ CLOSE TO CHUR sy ree ' phor 5 aos 4 OF aa A ees tee e accepted. Telephone 723-0523. mental value, Please phone 728-1656 even- : . ¢ LS and SHOPPING 349 MARLAND AVENUE ltWo . BEDROOM apartment, refriger-|ONE, two, three-bedroom apartments, 576-2610 i963 COMET sixcylinder standard shift, | mos 576-3006. Ce Early Bird 7:45 Sia q f ted, Int vn y ngalow, BUS SERVICE ct YOUR PH. 725-2227 ator, stove, heat and hydro. New build: |modern building, centrally located. Inler-| Ochawa Transmission | four-door, white, red, black Interior, fully HOMES NEEDED for stray kittens founa : v, all convent ® DOOR ing. Children welcome. Telephone 723-|com. No ¢l er 12, 725-6 Service Jequipped, A-1_condit! $1,095, 723-8636. aay Maple sas: ons all start fotd Guaranteed $5. a line PALMER -- The family of the iste 5 Howard St. AND aaa: J -- Foe Rl gc i snd We one. \1988 CHEV! Fe eee eee erin Al hoes $25. full card Hector Palmer, would like to thank thelr oom house. $118 @ WITHIN EASY WALKING |UNFURNISHED thre 5m basement {bedroom 2p. pis t photore, Tele: 1175 Nelson Street nder, automatic, radio. One owner.| Drover 723-4251 . lfriends and relatives for flowers, cards referred. Stove DISTANCE to GENERAL e PREMIER e japartment, shared Dundas Street |utes from ae Generel Moto! --------_--_--__----_------------ | Forced sale, no reasonable offer refused. ed . land sympathy received during thelr re red. relbohone MOTORS East, Whitby, Te 6226. phone 97-4777. 2 se 1965 Call evenings, 728-5810, 36 I TUESDAY cent bereavement. We would also like to weekends, 321 MARLAND AVENUE FOUR-ROOM artment. r | EULALIE-LASALLE. Fhree-room _apari- <SWA' aa eigen rer tent: hed thank Dr. M. Jennings, the wond of kitchen cup- 728-6722 | Fittings, heat "9 ns Reason-| jment, all conveniences in saat AY CHEVY Il 1060 ). VOLKSWAGEN Deluxe, leather nursing staff on 2D, Oshawa General He * ent. 2: et dults, $85 monthly, evallable i = jcc]. 50c pital, Rev. John Smith for his consolir , oll heat, cen- j |2ble ie eS : Pee Sore ; monthly. Private, 725-8640. Admission { me ear |Pebruary Telephone | 215. words end the W. Cc, T Funer thly. Telephone RENT INCLUDES ' ONE-BEDROOM basement ~ apartment. | lwo SDROOM walkout basement} automatic, radio, white walls, *. True fer On NOTICE Chapel for thelr kind end effict eceneral @ MODERN 1 AND 2 Done Joke. te eee ee apartment. Large living - dining room,| 2,500 miles. Light blue. In 32--Trucks for Sale | : ROWE TOURS Ices. x : ak ge @ HEAT BEDROOM SUITES Wee FLOOR Pc, SRE th fireplace, picture windows. Stover r®| perfect condition. 195) @.MA.C. hel? ton. Good condition RE: OSHAWA ALUMINUM Gladys Palmer and far t @ HYDRO @ NEWLY DECORATED UE Nc bs sa ge ator, Sunn Tow ass Fayats: Eats 8.8705 jEvenings 5 to 7 p.m., 1056 Ravine Roed, SALES AND SERVICE, (escorted) | . nae x autitul ti i | Apt. 1. 728-9374. 5 : A ie > > storey hore, @ DRAPES @ STOVE & FRIDGE TWO = BEDROOM unfurnished epart-| DROOM ---- s Tent, | 66 = lr 58 NASSAU ST., OSHAW: LORIDA -- Jonuary 8 - 27 A d living room, @ STOVE ond @ BALCONIES ment, Private entrance. One or two chil- phy monthly, heat. and. light. Included, | jJRRP, four teal drive, fully eculpped: AND -- 20 days $235 $135, -monthly. on @ CLOTH DRAPES dren welcome. Apply 310 Chestnut Stréet | caif-contained, Dundas East, Whitby. 728 RAMBLER jwith plow, Satan eo i Ltd 4 ba OSHAWA ALUMINUM CALIFORNIA -- Feb: 6 Rr cellent condition, will consider trade car ebruary Telephone 723 REFRIGERATO! East, Whitby. @ LAUNDRY FACILITIES phate ___|7480 after six. _ SALES--SERVICE lor small truck with cash difference, 723- PRODUCTS, March 11 34 days $385. IVAN L. CR AWFORD -- @ PARKING @ FREE HYDRO 3u ASH STREET, WHITBY -- Three-|QNE- AND TWO-BEDROOM apartments, 5387, 137 BROCK STREET, WHITBY 1 Nlovd Crawfor vonthe children BROADLOOM IN HALLS | Sectmer apartment with fridge, stove, 1 junfurnished, Cefrigerator and, stave and PAINT |760 GME oneston pick-up, heavy duty sus- MEXICO |---- March | 20 diel ai ie ment pete penne eee . ELEVATOR hcg Fad va chen, living roo. |agults only; $85. and $95. monthly, Tele lew and used cars, | pansion: four-speed transmission. $995 or| Take Notice that I, Andre April 12 24 days $365, |Haig St., died sudden 21 ERE NES THAT'S NOT ALL e pha lee m7. bial gia Rhone 725-3788. am ie best offer. on arrange financing. Pri-| Van de Valk, have been en- F awa General - Hospi for rent, cen- @ LOCKERS plied, Telephone 6¢ ___|FwWo-BEDROOM ~~ epartm Easy to finance ot vate. 668-3834. cued' in business under the Also tours to Expo 67. Gad Jan: 18. Hew are ln Ni ay, 9. bath, modern @ CONTROLLED ENTRANCE |THREE BEDROOM spariment, 'mod-| oor, private bath and NICOLS MOTORS LTD. [ae ee ee] 9 a 2 eecirsadl No Night Travel ee eas hiy. Call Mrs, AM a ee icereisr. "DeNaonnc Tet stove | oor heat and hydro Included. Tele-| trade name and style of ' : 1. A resident 9: 18 e PLE PARKING and. refrigerator. Downtown. Telephone | shone 72 723-5618 after 12 noon. WHITBY -- 668-3331 dition, asking $400. Telephone 723-3635. | = /Ochowe Aluminum Sales ond For information phone or jie the late Mr a " i hanes ate ? , SS as i; la f som kitchen, CALL 723-8701 LOSE TO SHOPPING CENTRE FoRnSHED "So BBA GFT | SN er ae dine lec apartments | DOWN-----$30 MO Soe een tnd winch and plons| service" in Oshawa since alae married the former swith one child CLOSE TO floor, suitable for w rking couple or two [in orend. new: bullding, secre "5 te Cares * ling contracts, two-way radio system.| April 19th, 1956 with my R T LA Lamb, Sept. 29, 195! FOR SPECIAL N men of gi ntrance and bath. Taunton, Rosd East 7259320 on Nz ay. oiled Also towing business. 728-7711. present business address at Owe lravel /\gency | employed at Industrial a MONEY - SAVING BONUS] APPEXSOVE NUMBERS | CHREE Roowc arabe ssarasay nur |OMESEROOM, aarinat, st, ar 1 aetccte yr |33--Automobiles Wanted | 22 Nossau Street, Oshowe. | Port, Hope 885-2527 _|als, Whitby, for five and one: . rnished apartment su' d : frigerator, balcony. Heat and hydro} 1 he bi s ted half years and was manager of cing. couple, heat and hyare|feriger or vent. 'Telephone 725-6155 days| MOTORS | have never been associates alf year: E central, avall- WENTWORTH G, private entrance. Tele-!or 795-4389 evenings. lh Ww CARS WANTED i any manner with the busi- FLORIDA TOUR General T Osh- ipartment, $118, ------|THREE ROOMS with bath in privete AS ness operated under the awa. Strat West: oF MANOR | APARTMENTS SMALL _apern . Picash home. Heat and hydro included. 37 723-0371 Buying A New Car ? |. trade meme ond style of PERSONALLY ESCORTED Mr. Crz | rospital y monthly. 88 Oshawa B sy south. | d to "Ted? | "Oshawa Aluminum Pro- his wife ven-room 27 TW | ih oht hi m. __|phone 725-2480 after 5 p ------| Sell your used car to i : : us wile & rated, Centrally 275 WEN - ORTH STREET | ONE BEDROOM sper tment, furnished or| wiLSON-KING | Saran econ Talk 'Cash' to the New ducts' of the Town of Whit- March 25 to April 16 ary. 1. Refers OFF PARK ROAD SOUTH : Peper aes pe eects ali erring WicsouaING. ARBA Bright tee MORE CASH oo tusie end Osa, by operating 'since on oF wg wv rooms, refrigerator, stove, |space, bus service at door. For imme: [SPRIMOnY 'Rarrigerefor' end stove, $90 TED CAMPIN MOTORS about the Ath day of April, For information Contoct diate possessio cor Street East. 7 ror atic rg0. backyard. laundry facilities, $85 month- |725767, PicaM Eee. acze| Paid for Good Clean Cars. 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 A. D. 1966, | : air = EAUTIFUL residential eres, three fs i pecoe. 5e SHELDIAN ! ONE - BEDROOM, second ft : lg abe ane Mosted rooms, plus} Trade up or down, Liens paid. isHaw AUTO WRECKING CO. Cars Thi is Notice is published by COLMER ession, 723-1458. ly. Apply ED DISNEY, | ment, Simeo North Olthree-piece bath and natural fireplace. jought, parts for sale. Iron and metals of th rent sim- H gas REMUS i b jor. Telephone iy T OTOR SALES : treet East. 725-2311 the apparent s' MANSIONS | ining phor immediately. Telephone 623-| DODD Mi Bposh 89 Bloor Street East. 725-2311. senite Of the Wie BiOVe trade TRAVEL SERVICE ; rene : fe: a sivespatincine PARK RD. NTED cars for wrecking. No charge ; t % i of B d Leo ' j}ONE - BEDROOM, oround floor apart-|;WO-BEDROOM apartment, ft, electrical 314 RK for fowing. Telephone 728-4549. Rodert momes and to enable my | 14: Orchord View Blvd lof Bowman iL ' 1, 2 ond 3 bedroom suites. e, chad odie Me Haag Close to) heated, refrigerator, stove, drapes. _Cen-| 723-9421 Nichols. customers and prospective | BOWMANVILLE | Oshawa. 4 Swimming pool, opposite 82 Simcoe St. SS ees ae jitally jocayed. Gaby. Wercone, eg. WANTED -- cars, trucks, farm tractors| customers to determine the | Funeral service for the sour come. February 1. Apply 25 Mill Street, fe for wrecking. Parr Auto Wreckers,| identity of which of the two | \Mr. Crawford will ! 2, Soren We | 723-3295. Enniskillen, 263-2508 4 i 623-3265 Cm ; Two baths in all twe end | $ PER MONTH = Gye - BEDROOM epartment for _Im- A - : above ge companies they i : r wish to favour with -- their job three bedroom sultes. 723-2333 The cost of ite mente, Tel wean oe ie availer Apert. clean local cors for W } A D 4 business | "ASH FA S 2 ' i oT 1aWO e _ BEDROOM partment, private| - ds n CASH ST fod "4 ' P z x - apartment, private} if mATED at Och " § Bein V/A eh) i 728 7942 Advertise Your Vacancy s f c Lait ts a an ° [@) { DATED at Osh b s lot WITH TIMES ote jin the Times Classified Section . . .| 8 cee 2 or 218 Celina Stree Cost They Pay! | day of January, 196 ACTION CLASSIZIED > SIMPLE THINGS TALK: Ciessified Ads) Watch roomers Come running! \ r it [LOSE SOMETHING? Place & lost ad aly j 2" Lite f +e | ANDRE VAN DE VALK | wee tesla Ry ca dah % I. peta 5 you don't need for apet cash. { your . : lclassified to reach the finder. 5 | NURS ced ssze! | D ~ t ADS fer en Agariter Gow. Phone 723-3492 | * ied ter en ed-writer Sodav. *\743. an 723-6322

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