Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Jan 1967, p. 17

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OE a EN Rg IWS TORLD BANKERS CONFER|Spain, Switzerland, Norway, " ms technological industries of Eu-,Americanism. He sald it is not THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, January 20, 1967 17 Some 60 bankers and comp-/Sweden and Japan. Recom- [ J S E e) E S rope should be overrun andjin the long-term interests of the] ---- ny chairmen from Europe, ty ecg will be announced s . con mic x an 10n dominated by American firms."/U.S. itself to see Europe de-|with the United States. might|North Atlantic free trade area, es eure asd orth America and Japan be-| ee : ; MANAGEMENT FAILED Helps Rags the major science-;mean absorption. He criticized|linking Britain with the U.S., 414 (235); Isobel ( : ased industries. pan a four-day. conference in RAILS MELT SNOW | Att k I E In the case of the Rootes| in particular the idea of ajCanada and other countries. 1 The trouble lay not with the|-- mst Aa ges 2% annes, France, Thursday to| MONCTON, N.B. (CP) -- Al n er ac n urope company there was no questionlwiguroan expaneian ide of By ts 3, Dumb-Bells tudy ways of improving money|new method of clearing snow) ° of selling a technological in-|t) § companies but rather with| : Bh Alay kote i markets in the national and in-/from railway tracks is being) ;oNDON (CP) -- The trend|tained voting control of Rootes, jattitude, he might find his re-|dustry. This was a case of ala Jack of adequate policies on| 1s 13, Misfits V1, ernational fields. The confer-|tested by the CNR here. Pro- toward United States domina-|the British car firm, ception in Paris Tuesday more breakdown in Rootes manage-|this side of the Atlantic. | 44 v9 is 7, ays hg ence is attended by 14 countries|pane heats the rails which melt|"° ee dly th is: oth e ex: British partnership with Eu-; ty and Injuns 3, the United States, Britain,!the snow as it falls. The equip-|tion of British and European|CONTROL AUTOMAKERS __ {friendly than is otherwis | Chambers specifically re-jrope would help to restore the OR LEAGUE anada, France, West Germ-|ment is switched on automatic-|industry took a drubbing along] Three giant U.S. companies, |pected. liected any thought of Boda otto while any partnership (Girls) -- Patsy ny, Italy,. Belgium, Greece,lally when it starts snowing. the whole political spectrum|General Motors, Ford and Chry-| wilson, whose trips to Paris\-- SL ARS \sler, now' will control about|and Rome afe all part of his| half Britain's car production. |testing European Common gods cLean 599 (220) this week. Tae aS 281) "Count nde | Sir Paul Chambers, regarded) Chairman of Imperial Chemi-|ket feelings toward British en- 4 Nigel Alian 696 TY Style as Britain's top industrialist.|.a1 Industries, Britain's largest|try, let no hint of anti-Ameri- Tish Goode : : THIS WEEK ¥ Wayne conur SQUARE DANCE re te ak py industrial concern, Chambers/canism color his remarks. : . px 605 (200, 225)3 Ries ade y of French Presi- > s| : ee B T B oD eto Bh speech Thursday night U.S. eco-| Sent de Gaulle's aciiabats Sisittaae Ulan coer Is In Town bos ig own oys 'nomic expansion is a menace to!,.., in relation to the U.S. Saturday, January 21, 1967 -- 9 P.M. [ithe whole economy of Western| and Phillip Me- Thursday Wilson expanded on his Rome remarks, saying : ; Admission: 75¢ Non-Members . . . 50¢ Members He said his views were not|"loyal membership of NATO} Stor of "Stage - Radio end TV" . (Girls) -- Lou- Reverly Hodason vid Gale: Kee Paes aurave. a ' necessarily those of the British|does not mean, for our part, | ' r 0.C.V.I. AUDITORIUM »W.C.A, 199 Centre St., Oshawa Prime Minister Wilson tue " ranean : ef stressed in Rome Tuesday his|Z0vernment. But if Wilson is|that we thought it right that vi- | Enjoy Her Songs ¢ herland 330 (187) LIVE MUSIC : \Labor government's loyalty to|Prepared to endorse Sir Paul's|tal sectors, particularly in the) Saat ood Pleas niin SAT., JAN. 2ist -- at 8:30 p.m. jthe North Atlantic charter.| AAA a a ue one F aen bear ae ADMISSION -- $1.25 PER PERSON 'Then he added: | NIGHTLY : : Dress:-- Shirt & Tie -- No Blue Jeans jim Estabrooks Your Hosts --.Frona ond Earl Brown "We don't believe that any- . ; NEXT WEEK -- THE QUIET JUNGLE 397 (205); Wayne Sponsored by the Oshewa Recreation Department thing in it requires us to ac- AT THE 9 TO 1 A.M. a racey a (ay cept the domination of Eu- industrialist and . Sully tecat'nie? ~NEW LEGION HALL GEORGIAN cin. Linley 337 =; TEENAGERS --.-- trial interests." | 471 Simeoe South 278 (147) John ; or ert age Pet pub- re MOTOR HOTEL ) ers Th Bl D ] hi |lished side by side in newspa- 'eaturing: -- | bsamea ipers here with i AND * aig e Diue Dolphin teat that "Chrysierhes 0b TED KOSS 'is CAVALIERS = 3 The Oshawa 7) eg Meee ; . \" oo A Dance Hall and A Coffee House "HOW TO STEAL} S@turday, January 2Ist 3 _ Little. Theatre ay Iman 282, Kaye For The New Breed of '67 | A MILLION" Dancing 9 p.m, to 12 $3.00 per couple ¢ DRIVE-IN rg, ah He FRIDAY, JAN. 27th ey parton J TE PEE THEATRE | Martin Rhodes 5 . ee eee eee -- PRESENTS -- with the Fantastic Orfans "DOCTOR IN CLOVER" eaeateeaaataaametmmtcerieeimecreae meas oS Greene NONQUON ROAD -- NORTH OSHAWA en. | ALL COLOR SHOW | ce " co | Mon. to Fri. Show Storts 7:30 | | am" a ' gle . . . $2.00 Couples ee ond Sun. Show Starts 6:30 | Ouilla HOTEL ! | fa Yeo edad CHILDREN UNDER 32 FREE i RODS TERY 1 with 27, Roses A Comic Drama By Arnold Wesker Peas 17, Pansy's hoe 741 (259, 254, JTALIA Presents The E:. ; | eS an Se MOL sore | RES | "TINY HARRIS SHOW HIFY --xtuunmutaier" Qty] THURS, RL, SAT, 46, Ev Snow 241, | hy se 'crawiord 218, 668.2692 -- 282-3969 |g Direct from Nashville, Tenn. 2ND BIG HIT ee tay ee SSSSSS= |] COUNTRY & WESTERN MUSIC HY el JAN. 19, 20 & 21 ney'#1 and Bee: ee ee ee | + FRIDAY * | ; Laie dss aa Ya 'alain ~ HT 8:30 P.M. at the : fi And Introducing George's Special | HH Starting Monday, Jan. 23... ! ° | ee Pasta AlForno © Cabbage Rolls | The Big Fun Dance "n R ine R " |= a . | Eastdale Cvl Theatre lriters i Now Under New Management i The Sounds of the Big Beat oug omaine evue all as iC voy i HARMONY ROAD NORTH The Town and Country | "The Place to Meet @ DOUG ROMAINE -- Comedian, Vocalist, M.C. Jo 0 L Body L 13 Bond StF. eo LAR @ EXOTIC DANCER--'THE PANTHER" 4 5 ols Sina fbn 7 Tickets 1.50 Available at... ; BIG TOWN @ SWINGING BAND rl : ot ak la NENDERSON'SHARLETGW'S LTD. 4 2 daa th Boys Entertainment Nightly -- i eerie | wee) Bas eee ee Star game, } mee gia | Saturday Matinee 4 to 6 P.M. Children Under 12 Free | | SR OF garda apt igegie 8 ew! Aes: arr FRENCH BUFFET -- DAILY Last Times Tonight -- 2 Features of Berformonce a 6 12 - 2:30 and 5 - 9 p.m. -- SUNDAY 5 to 8 p.m. f the Boston ; CF J Banquets --- Weddings -- Parties -- For | gees ol BE Phone Whitby 668-3386 HELD OVER - THIRD WEEK f Mont- if 4 dent. secre: 4 : Latent ntsc cranial The Groon Door 12 KING St. East Jac - is sor Star . | satin eres : WATCH YOUR GIRL! GUARD YOUR GOLD! HOLD YOUR JEWELS! |) GareNDAR of EVENTS ed Damata, and Barney Le ra ~ York World < gsm , Friday, » DANCE 9 P.M. to 3 A.M. oes q 7 Ss x me Ye AX ae : ] Jan. 20 | To The Soul Sound e the CHANCELLORS Jrioles S : 3% US Vege [Vag Ss DT Sisuiter, | MATINEE: 2 P.M. to 3 PLM. Team' ; . te Be pS na 2 | EVENING DANCE 9 P.M. prea jens & Gear ; ; ; CU (em | WITH THE CHANCELLORS tale en oe ade Ss ced Tos 'An- yoneoneiy, Vela ern awe Jan. 22 AL LALONDE and PAT DOHERTY : : oi nO an HOTEL LANCASTER comin 7 outstanding a , Tuesday, LUNCHEONS 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. eee : Jon. 24 |DISCOTHEQUE 8:30 P.M. to 1 a.m. (My 22% GEORGE PEPPARD - AMES TAI IA TOES inte lent Ma: ~~ 'tuk Ey STHE BUUE WAY" seem cm noua occ org T% : : & S es ' |] CHRISTIAN FERRY EUNO MI RESERVED SEATS NOW ON SALE a : Wednesday, || LUNCHEON 10 A.M. to 4 P.M. |i Cee er ana en i AT BOXOFFICE OR BY MAIL! '; § , Sighs < etGs : Jan. 25 |DISCOTHEQUE 8:30 P.M. to 1 A.M. rere suroricr une naw on nase nes «CINEMASCOPE Color by Dull © 000080 O08 2008S 0 06 © 00860000080 CH OS SS2908H SESS O08 ' : ~< 'Say 3 4 | i The Happiest People In Our Town : ' wy Wiese eae pee Bre | Thursday, | LUNCHEON 10 AM. to 4 P.M. nt Seen pp ine These Wan (ij Bus re Sp a a - j | Jan. 26 |DISCOTHEQUE 8:30 P.M. to 1 A.M. Weekdays ot 7 & 9:35 -- Sat. from 1:00, Sun. from 1:30 i i I The Groen Doon | ODEON THEATRE | En 212 KING ST. E, -- 723-4217 = DOCTOR ZHIVAGO STARTS ITS EXCLUSIVE OSHAWA ENGAGEMENT FEB. 1- FEB. 28 FOR RESERVATIONS CALL 725-5833 or 725-5562 = © 02266 44228864042 ilar wee | Bidiuno noocens | Gin iasmucasem n | ise BRITT EKLAND o-snig WICTOR MATURE LEHMAN | , 099008 OO 880220000008 28S O98 06S OOKOCCE . WITH A GUITAR IN HIS HAND...A GAL ON HIS ARM FREE LIST SUSPENDED ia " - -- pl -- vas AT 1:30 - 3:30 - 5:30-7:30 - 9:35 ; AND A TALENT F OR TROUBLE IN HIS FISTS... : MATINEES 2:00 p.m. (Wednesdey) 1.25 Lhe? COMING SOON ! : Sam He battled his way from the MATINEES 2:00 p.m. (Set. & Sun.) 1.50 ALL PRICES TAX INCLUDED " ' " fi backwoods to the bigtime © C0 oC ccwee Cree 00000 8 OS 00008 MURDERER s ROW : ; 3 MAN ' if - oo BOB MERCER * SATURDAY * I FOI IOI I eA HH II II IH HII III III II IIIA IIA SIA CSA AACS CS SACSDCACACOK DOD Oe Sd -- COMEDY -- : é -- MUSIC -- = ACTION -- & @ Entertainment Nightly ct 9 P.M. Metinee Saturday 4 P.M. to 6 P.M. SHOW BAND e@ FULLY LICENSED 6 LOOKS : 725-1548 ; ¢ OSH lor to li ie nen 6 wae * * Embroid : Y-} 1 F 2 bs coder "ha TO THE EXCITING ROCK SOUND 0 : transfer of (8 to 1% x2 tg SATURDAY DINO & THE JAGUARS & an Added Attraction Mod Dancing Girl Presented by FOI S II IH HAI ISIS ISS AA AAAS ACS KK KK PEO OL OOOO OOK S. 60c, DT heh ARR IAI IA IIA II IIA IIA IA AISASISSASISSAIS SSIS SSS AIS 8 Se hee hep * Lee a ne Oshawa NIGHT "TecuNcoLOn ; ept., BE sips 8 : : P oh) PORTER WAGONER | TECHNISCOPE® sidents 'our Favourite % NAME, ADO ie Cows fee | T ~~ AS au fe YOUNGMAN sEAUTIFUL LARRY THOMPSON RICKY --_ JENNINGS ESIGNS in q WAVON ft Coat MAND THe "RIDAY, JANUARY 20 - DANCE 9-1 A.M. : FRANGIS J} ¢ ADDED HiT "tov, sit j BO cre nel ae é Back by Popular Demand (A "Salts Ul Site e's 1 PICCADILLY ROOM GENOSHA HOTEL peer RAVE rloom quilts ; REFRESHMENTS Admission $2 00 Membershi $i 00 FULLY LICENSED PAIL FORD - RSD ns in color a p a PRON NDE - (EVAR - emi me saci RED BARN Bar Facilities Tickets at the Door Dress -- Jacket and Tie DUNDAS ST. ff ry" it Book 1 --~ Bl vem.to 12 $1.50 WHITBY. MA i] ye) T 0 D A Y !

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